13 minute read

The Incest Spirit Is Married To Trauma And Fear

New Age techniques, mental health and their doctrines or occult ways cannot deal with the spiritual infestation of unclean spirits that perpetuate these unhealthy iniquitous cycles.

https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/trauma-is-not-a-life-sentence [Cited 23/07/2020]

Being traumatized because of sexual assault, rape, pedophilia, incest having happened to us or being a secondary victim cannot remain for we have out Great High Priest who has Power and Authority to set us free and uncover all things hidden. He alone is the only One who can truly set us free and cause a complete change in every aspect of our lives, even though it takes time, but it is possible.

Trauma is suffering, it is a tool used by darkness and Trauma is hidden in plain sight, and the spirits want to keep it hidden. It gets overlooked as fear, paranoia, phobia’s and anxiety and depression. Therefore, to label yourself and say “I’m in trauma” “I have PTSD” is a blessing. Like others and I we could not see or discern we were in trauma or experiencing PTSD.

Trauma always causes you to feel frightened, helpless and to not trust people. Trauma brings disturbing thoughts, the what if’s, the maybe, the reminders when you see the same event or when you see children or babies and anxiety levels escalate. Overcoming trauma and fear is no walk in the park neither is it a onetime event.

Labeling trauma is a blessing, it frees us from the stronghold and uproots the spirits behind it who bring the memory recall, the dreams, the dread, the lies, the scenarios the deception, the out of control running thoughts. For me hearing babies cry, hearing correction or seeing children get hit or knowing a child had been or is or maybe being sexually abused sent me into anxiety, dread, fear, panic, nervousness, upset/sick in the stomach.

I would get thoughts I did not think, imaginations I did not think, memories of my suspicion, memories of my childhood, memories of parental fights. I would struggle with depression with sleep and drinking to get happy. My muscles in my neck and shoulders or back ached. Always no appetite yet the desire to get drunk to knock the edge off.

I was unable to cope to make simple decisions without the feelings of constant anxiety. Then I would make rash decisions so that decision was out of the way, yet they were poor choices. I always socially distanced myself in these times to only speak to my customers I cleaned for. Sad thing was, I invited them in my circle of trauma and fears to damage their mindsets.

Trauma has dominated my life and kept me in captivity, even blinded me to not seeing I was in it and had a stronghold of trauma. I overcame fear of demons and this took seven years.

I have had trauma in the womb, trauma from hospitalization as a baby having died three times, and they left babies in those days to cry it out in a room full of other crying babies away from the mothers.

Trauma from tormenting spirits “we are going to molest all your children” “men molest their daughters.” Trauma from seeing my father bash my mother up, seeing his violence after he came home from the pub throwing his meals through the window or at the wall or at Mum.

Trauma from being taken in the car with my other siblings by our father who would drive so fast on dirt roads and say he is going to kill us all; even parking at the edge of a river and saying he was going to drive in and drown us all, we would be screaming. We were so afraid of him that we feared his violence so we would get in the car. I saw him once throw my one-year old brother from one end of the room to the other and he landed on my other little brother.

Trauma from knowing my school friends and neighbors were being sexually abused by their fathers. Trauma seeing a schoolteacher molest girls in the class in front of us all and them come behind you and you would wonder if you would be the next victim, he ran his hand down over your breasts. Trauma from seeing where a man had run down two elderly persons on a pedestrian crossing, he drove off dragging a body for a kilometer or more leaving a wide trail of blood on the road.

Trauma from being brutalized by a man thinking I was a gay man coming onto him as I accidently went into the wrong toilet; I was black on one side of my face for weeks. Traumatized from a man who held a knife at me as I parked in his car park.

Trauma from infidelity in a lesbian relationships, her gaslighting and possessiveness. Trauma from having my daughter molested by a girlfriend who herself had incest from her father. Trauma from having perceived my grandson was being groomed maybe molested. Trauma of my daughter living with me and correcting her son to me unfairly and the yelling and the crying and the hitting him for what I believed to be not needed; myself sticking up for him and her anger at me for interfering in her parenting.

No wonder I did not cope with ordinary or simple things when she and her son were living with me. I was in throws of trauma, unknowingly acting in a traumatized personality. I never saw it in myself that’s what was happening to me was trauma rooted, PTSD. So I just numbed my emotions with drinking before I came home from work to deal with the triggers that would arise just being around her, just looking at her.

I had the trauma of rejection for once being a lesbian by church members and leaders, unable to keep or make friendships. Trauma from being disregarded for the core beliefs of this ministry exposing the spirits of darkness attached homosexuality and sexual transgressions. The darkness still use family and people to dislike me, to shun me, to disregard and ignore me, to not talk to me anymore. I am not concerned anymore, but absolutely honored.

They can say I am to mental, to Christian, too lesbian for after all once a lesbian always a lesbian, even Christians think this! No Jesus heals, especially the desire for same sex relationships, it lessons, you become born again. Truth is, it is far more valiant to be His soldier, His servant than live from your base nature; we have to move on to the upward call. The fight is real, and these things need to be imprisoned, away from our blood lines and away from our humanity.

Regardless of what people say that I’m to demon minded, to obsessive with child sexual abuse, not right in the head, too much into conspiracy to much whatever they can use to keep me friendless, family-less, unliked, disregarded or isolated, daughterless and grandson-less, Jesus will vindicate. Besides it becomes training for reigning and I’m in the fight. I’m not here to and we are not here to descend to the whims of our humanity or base emotions. I ascend to be the spiritual person I am to become and be the warrior I am invited to become.

I’ve had more trauma, when I became a Christian the trauma from unseen entities/spirits of physically moving me under the lie of intercession and their groaning and weight upon me, bouncing me on my bed, this brought forth fear of demons when I discerned it was

not Holy Ghost. So ticked that I was allowed to be deceived as I was ignorant of scriptural truths, thought this was unfair for Holy Spirit to allow such deception.

Witchcraft said, “we have had your family for generations, and we are not going to let you go.” They have put up a real fight, so I fought back. Regardless of the effects I have milked as much as I can to set others free and myself free.

Trauma from their emotional abuses of constant voices “we are praying for you we are thinking for you” and the torment of saying “well f..k you, well f..k you, well f..k you”. Because of this tormenting of my mind I went into passivity, the mental pain when I did think inside my head had to be overcome. That took me years and years to overcome and the fear of demons to conquer and find my authority over them in Christ.

Trauma was the major causation for homosexuality to be outlived in me. Held hostage by trauma and fear, it was not until the age of forty-one that I was free from fear. However, trauma was hidden as I thought trauma was fear and anxiety. It only surfaced to name it when I went for ministry on a prayer line a few years ago.

The Prophetess said I had a principality who has hindered me and stopped me moving in ministry and more healing. The Holy Spirit revealed it was Hell and Death with their tentacles of trauma and their inroads. I never knew, I just kept on receiving wounds after wounds from anyone they could use. Overall my Christian walk they worked relentlessly to keep me unwanted, friendless, isolated, and out of platform ministry. Bringing trauma everywhere they could from anyone they could work through.

Little did I realize I had not overcome trauma or seen the extent of it in my life, or pulled it down in the heavenlies over my life, thus they had inroads to bring forth warfare and give me more trauma that cycled around.

I continue to work through trauma and in regards to her treatment of me, her abuse, rudeness, her void of empathy remorse and compassion, her disrespect, disloyalty and hidden immorality I am sifting this also. I wonder what she is not telling me of past events, or did not see the forest for the trees as I believe I did not do that bad as a Mother or in bringing her up.

As for spirits, I think they are cheats, it is no real fight when demons and spirits of darkness capture a soul to do their will. It is easy for them to capture. To illustrate: of course a child is going to take a bag of lollies from an adult or pat their dog, there is no battle here.

If it interests you, the following link is my testimony out of fear of demons and homosexuality: https://issuu.com/kathleenmalligan/docs/jesus_set_me_free_from_lies_to_truth_from_hate_t

o_ https://books.noisetrade.com/kathleenmalligan/jesus-set-me-free-from-fear-an

Death and Hell is one principality, the others are Jezebel and Antichrist mentioned in The Bible. Death is not just an event and hell is not just a place for the dammed. In Revelation 1:18 Death rides the pale horse and is the 4th seal of Revelation and Hades is following with him and they are given power over a fourth of the earth. Revelation 20:14 reveals there are evil spirits by the names of Death and Hell. Revelation 20:13 infers they have the spirits of dammed people as prisoners, and they hold them until the day of judgment; Revelation 21:4-8 reveals who are in hell. This is same when these spirits enter our bodies for transgressions done against us or our transgressions, they operate in the area they possess or where they have inroads to manifest.

Sin allows them to manifest yet stay in faith as all spirits that indwell us are as dogs on chains. They are limited and they are used to correct us and used to keep us on the narrow path and to train and teach us His will and ways. Fear not, we have authority against them

to bind them, to put judgment on them whilst their grounds are outworked in our souls when they manifest unrulily. Once cast out if they come back, we can confess the transgression and they must leave as “when we confess our sins, He is just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

This means the unclean spirits are unrighteous, not just the sin by Him forgetting it, both are cleansed. We can ask for any curse to be broken and any spirit attached to be plucked out, so we may be cleansed from all unrighteousness when we transgress. He is Lord and it is only Him by His Spirit who can cast them out so we can be cleansed. He can use them as an irritant like sandpaper if we abuse His grace or if it is a sin that leads to death eternal, so do not get to excited, He will not leave us in our sin but bring us to repentance.

Trauma builds a house, a fortress, brick by brick, wall by wall. Freezes our mobility, deafens our judgment, numbs our feelings, yet underneath hidden is them a ball of flames. Trauma roots itself in the wounding, its cohorts cause and freezes us at each event to put more ice more cold more alignment to jail us in destruction. Numb, me numb, me numb, me it cry’s out that way it will stay hidden.

Shattering us psychologically, emotionally damaging us that we never feel secure. It is a strong emotion presenting itself as fear, shame, guilt and anxiety, panic, hiding behind these emotions. Shock is its offsider which also lodges in the psychic and goes into the body like trauma to cause illness, sickness and disease. If they have the brain, they have the body, so they bring forth incest, rape, pedophilia, children dressed as adults, pornography, voyeurism, sexual abuse, sex slavery and trafficking.

PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder down the family line is a power base to continue to bring the cycle of destruction. From the womb we experience trauma as it has inroads. I know I was tormented in the womb, “you are a girl, and they want a boy” “we are going to get you” “we are going to molest your children.” Hearing the arguments, the physical abuse from my father to my mother would also have given me trauma in the womb. Going home and being mothered moreover by the elder sisters than my mother kept the ice blocks of trauma building their house for future occupation so as to takeover for destruction and loss at my expense.

I did not realize trauma will revisits us in many ways and being a Christian does not exempt us or our children from being traumatized again and again, or becoming incest victims or perpetrators or pedophiles. Neither did I realize trauma runs so deep in the psychic the mind the emotions the will and the body and the spirit of us as humans that it can take years and years of ministry, counselling and self-help and prayer to uproot.

If we believe we have dealt with trauma do not be surprised it will show its face again. We have to learn ways to process and discern it as life happens. To add invite Jesus in when you experience a traumatic event. If you are mature you will process the event and no spirits will be able to attach to the event. Remember trauma is as natural as sweating, trauma response is part of the human makeup. We do not get spirits for sweating or laughing or crying or at that going to the toilet. So stand in your deliverance knowing Jesus is Lord and Lord over the traumatic event, it is a finished work at Calvary, you are redeemed from the hands of the enemy.

I have written about trauma in a book Understanding And Overcoming Homosexuality By Healing All Trauma and Shock. You can find it as the following site or put in search bar Kathleen Malligan Issuu, and it will bring up all the ministry books I have written.

I have also mentioned and have prayer strategies in the teaching of being a secondary victim of pedophilia if you are a secondary victim. It has strategies on how not to let trauma take root again. https://issuu.com/kathleenmalligan/docs/understandingandovercomingbyhealingalltrauma

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