15 minute read

The Incest Spirit From The Beginning

falcon heads. The principal gods and goddess on the councils under Satan they are actually fallen angels their offspring between each other like Hecate sit on lower councils ruling on thrones.

“The four living creatures are found in Revelation 4:6–9; 5:6–14; 6:1–8; 14:3; 15:7; and 19:4. The texts that describe these creatures do not indicate that they are figurative—they are real, actual beings. The four living creatures (literally “beings”) are a special, exalted order of angelic being or cherubim (Ezekiel 10:2, 14, 20). This is clear by their close proximity to the throne of God. Ezekiel 1:12–20 suggests that they are in constant motion around the throne.” 3. [Cited 23/08/15]


“And the likeness of their faces; the face of a man, and the face of a lion, and on the right side to the four of them; and the face of an ox on the left side to the four of them; and the face of an eagle to the four of them;” Ezekiel 1:10

“And four faces were to each, the first face was the face of a cherub; and the second face the face of a man and the third the face of a lion; and the fourth the face of an eagle. 15. And the cherubs rose up. This is the living creature that I saw by the river Chebar.” Ezekiel 10:14-15

“In the year that king Uzziah died, then I say the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up. And His train filled the temple. 2. Above it stood the seraphs. Each one had six wings; with two he covered his face; and with two he covered his feet; and with two he flew.” Isaiah 6:1-2” 4. [Malligan, 30:2015]

1.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_demigodshttp://www.theoi.com/Olympios/ZeusLoves 3.html 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_who_have_been_considered_deities 3. http://www.gotquestions.org/four-living-creatures.html 4. Malligan K. M. The Homosexual Spirit [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350, 2015]


We have all thought about Adam and Eve being the first humans and their offspring a product of incest down many generations. Yet have you ever considered if He made the first two from the dust, what makes you think He did not make many many more from the dust? I believe Yahweh created more mortals and I also believe there would have been incestuous marriages and incestuous relationships from Adams and Eves linage. However, given they were governed by Yahweh as creator they were not born defective.

Further, the Adamic Covenant (Genesis 1:26-30; 2:16-17) brought their blood lines their DNA and RNA under a Spiritual Realm. Adam was technically a king and priest and taught by Yahweh in the garden; thus, he was born into an order, a priestly order.

Melchizedek is an order of Christ Jesus also for King David, also and order in Abrams day, it is a title. When we are truly born again, we too are under this ancient order, Christ our High Priest, we are knowingly kings and priests, so we are in a realm a spiritual order. When we have renounced our rights our bloodlines our linage, we inherit the genetically flawless bloodline of our High Priest the Lord Jesus Christ. (For greater explanation follow

the link below and read book six in the overcoming series, it will blow your mind!) https://issuu.com/kathleenmalligan/docs/u_ohomosexualitymelchizedek_priesthood

We know Abraham married his half-sister Sarah (Genesis 20:12) was it their rebellion? He was chose prior, thus having married his half-sister he had destiny to fulfil. As a firstborn Abraham was from Noah’s linage, was to be chosen by Yahweh. Therefore, He opened the womb of Sarah who was barren. Not sure why she was barren, but she was prevented from having children (Genesis 16:2). Possibly because he married his halfsister (Genesis 12:10-20, 20:12). Barrenness is a judgment; it was given later on to the household of Abimelech because he took Sarah (Genesis 20:17-18).

It is only in The Mosaic law in Leviticus a curse (Leviticus 20:17) for taking his sister, his father’s or his mother’s daughter, yet does not say barrenness. Isaac is birthed from a half-brother half-sister relationship a same bloodline in the natural, but not held against Sara and Abraham. See map of family tree from Noah. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham%27s_family_tree

Isaac was childless for years before Yahweh opened up Rebecca’s womb. Abrahams grandson Jacob also may have inherited barrenness (Genesis 30:1), was a great grandson of Terah. Rebecca’s brother was Laban the Aramean, daughter of Milcah and Nahor the brother of Abraham. To add Jacob married two sisters, first cousins (Genesis 29:16-35), which is also forbidden by law. Bloodlines are mixed as the linage goes back to Noah so they could bring forth many nations. Why barrenness do not have the revelation if there is an inherited curse from transgressions down the family line or Yahweh’s sovereign will to birth children in His appointed time for Divine reasons.

Yahweh had entered into a Covenant with Abraham to promise him descendants naturally and spiritually – us that are grafted in. Thus, Abraham a firstborn is in the Priesthood by Covenant and is a king and priest, his bloodlines are brought under a spiritual order and for the purpose of fulfilling Covenant promise of descendants; and for the seed to come forth His Firstborn Yeshua Isaac is not affected or cursed.

There has to be mysteries and allegories here as we all are the Bride of Christ, He is our Melchizedek, who will always be our High Priest and King. He marries Israel His sons and daughters, His Church his brothers and sisters. Thus, as His Spiritual Israel under His Perfect Blood and His Blood Covenant, all in His Melchizedek order intermarriage is negated in a Spiritual Realm.

The Melchizedek is a title like Pastor, its meaning is King of Righteous who was Shem (Noah’s son) the High Priest of Yahweh that Abraham met after the battle of the kings to bring a tithe (Genesis 17:1, 18:1). Therefore, Abraham knowing law(s), having been taught as a priest needs to be taught. Having been taught prior to his calling when he lived in Ur of the Chaldees, they lived for hundreds of years and were all connected to Noah who was a Priest of Yahweh, tithes were understood as law; this is why Abraham brings Shem a tithe of the spoils.

“To back this up again “It is interesting that in each case the blessing of the father is intended for the “firstborn” son to carry the authority of the father. According to Genesis 9:28, Noah blessed Shem when Noah was 600 years old, and then Noah lived for another 350 years. Shem‘s first son was born two years after the flood when Noah was 602 years old, and Abram was born when Noah was 897 years old. Genesis 9:29 records: The whole lifetime of Noah was 950 years, which means Noah would live another 53 years after Abraham’s birth. One wonders if Noah had just died and in giving his blessing to Abraham if Shem-Melchizedek was giving the blessing of the “firstborn” to Abraham as his designated heir? Jewish oral tradition supports this interpretation. Rabbinic tradition records that Abraham succeeded Melchizedek as priest-king [Rabbinic text: Leviticus Rabbah 25:6], fulfilling his role as the designated heir of Melchizedek as priest-king who

was Shem, Noah’s righteous firstborn son. The first century Targums and rabbinic writings regularly identify Melchizedek with Noah’s son Shem… 5. [M. Hunt:2008; Online, accessed 11th December 2013]

Here is another truth, Abram was not some heathen man Yahweh plucked out of Ur of Chaldeans (Genesis 15:7) for he was descendant from the line of Noah knowing righteous instruction having heard righteousness instruction obviously not fully obeying it, yet He did know laws as God Almighty told him to “walk before me and be blameless” (Genesis 17:1) and he was a firstborn son. If you want, please sight this chart on the link below you will be amazed and so much will fall into place for you. 6. [Online accessed, 19th January 2014]

http://members.psyber.com/macgoats/AGE%20CHART%20ADAM%20TO%20PRO MISED%20LAND.htm

3. ‘Citing Electronic Resources’. http://www.agapebiblestudy.com/hebrews/hebrews_lesson_8.htm [Jewish Wars 6.438; M. Hunt:2008; Online, accessed 11th December 2013]

6. ‘Citing Electronic Resources’. http://members.psyber.com/macgoats/AGE%20CHART%20ADAM%20TO%20PROMISED %20LAND.htm [Online Accessed 19th December, 2013]

Moses’ father Amram married his aunt Jochebed (Exodus 6:20). Then we have David’s son Amnon who intentionally raped his half-sister Tamar (2 Samuel 13) knowingly knowing it was against the law as David knew the Law, Psalms 119 reveals this, thus his children would have been taught The Law and the laws within the Law.

Lot had children to his daughters, however it was via deceit as the daughters instigated it by getting Lot drunk (Genesis 19). Drunkenness is no excuse and how many times did they have to do this before they fell pregnant, and, as if Lot did not remember being raped by his daughters? Given the daughters thought it was necessary to continue the name, the act was still incest and the three transgressed the laws of Yahweh and it brought forth consequences down the generations.

The linage from Lot were the Moabites. The following is noteworthy “The daughters of Lot produced seed by incest. The names of their two sons are very meaningful. The first, Moab, means “from father” (19:37). When the first sister named her boy “from father,” she was saying, “I have a child from my father.” She even gave her child a name to remind her of this. The second daughter gave birth to a boy named Ben-ammi, which means “son of my kin” (19:38).

The seed produced by incest became a great damage to the people of God through fornication (Num. 25:1-5). As God’s people were wandering in the wilderness, the Moabites came in. Firstly, they hired the Gentile prophet Balaam to curse God’s people (Num. 22:2-7), but God turned that curse into blessing (Num. 23:11; 24:10). Secondly, Balaam counseled the Moabites to seduce the children of Israel to worship idols and commit fornication (Num. 31:16). Idolatry always brings in fornication, for these two evil “sisters” go together. In Christianity today there are the teachings of Balaam mentioned in Revelation 2:14. The Lord told the church in Pergamos, a degraded, worldly church, that some among them held the teachings of Balaam, the teachings which damaged God’s people through idolatry and fornication.” 1. [cited 27/06/20] https://www.ministrysamples.org/excerpts/THE-SEED-BY-INCEST.HTML

Then we come to the time after the flood when there is Noah and his wife their children Shem, Ham and Japheth and their wives (Genesis 7:6-7, 8:18). Yahweh blesses Noah

and his sons and tells them the same command as Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth (Genesis 9:1). Therefore, to repopulate the earth there would have been incest to get sets of parents, however it was again approved by Yahweh, bringing the RNA and DNA under a spiritual realm.

In Genesis 9:18-27 Ham sees the nakedness of his father, some versions say he uncovered the nakedness of his father. In the laws of Moses to uncover means sexual encounter. So, it can be said whilst Noah was drunk Ham has committed incest with his father, to which his father judges him severely with the curse of Canaan. Even looking at his father’s nakedness was a transgression of law.

Some writers say Ham had sex with his mother, thus the meaning of uncovering the nakedness of his father. Sex with either his mother or father was said to be a conscious act of usurping the head of the house, parental authority to take dominance. I believe moreover Ham only saw his Father naked, as he told his two brothers and they came in backwards and put a garment over Noah (Genesis 9:22) Noah was Priest of Yahweh, the sons were also taught righteous living. He may have deceived his brothers after he had raped his father to make himself look innocent, thus they walked in backwards to cover him up.

Yahweh and Yeshua from the beginning were teaching humans His ways and will, not only them both (Exodus chapters 19 to 34) but by angels (Acts 7:51-54; Galatians 3:19; Hebrews 2:1-3). It was not until the time of the giving of two tablets of testimony to Moses, did they stop (Exodus 32:15-16). Of course, Yeshua The Word made flesh taught as a Rabbi on the earth, angels were messengers but no longer teachers as we have been sealed with The Spirit of Christ Jesus, He is our Teacher.

Therefore, laws of Yahweh have been taught from the beginning. Incest and pedophilia laws were given and recorded at the time of Moses. So, there was acceptance for Noah and his sons and their wives children to inter-marry with siblings/relations to replenish the human race. Governed under a spiritual order, only until the Law and the laws within the Law became known by being passed on by written parchments for the peoples of the Earth. Law stating it was transgression and or sin to have sexual relations and to marry or conceive children with same bloodlines, and as it still is today.

Given the laws of incest were defined when given to Moses, and are in this Eternal Blood Covenant we are not to marry or have sex with father, step-father, father-in-law, mother, step-mother, mother-in-law, or any half brothers or sisters on either the mothers or the fathers side, sister, half-sister, brother, half-brother, brother-in-law, daughter, stepdaughter, son, step-son, aunt, uncle, nephew, nephew-in-law, niece, niece-in-law, cousins/near kin, fathers brothers wife, the sister of a living wife or husband, daughter in law, granddaughter, step granddaughter, no one descended from our blood lines.

“None of you shall approach any blood relative of his to uncover nakedness; I am the LORD. ‘You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father, that is, the nakedness of your mother. She is your mother; you are not to uncover her nakedness. ‘You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father’s wife; it is your father’s nakedness. The nakedness of your sister, either your father’s daughter or your mother’s daughter, whether born at home or born outside, their nakedness you shall not uncover. ‘The nakedness of your son’s daughter or your daughter’s daughter, their nakedness you shall not uncover; for their nakedness is yours. ‘The nakedness of your father’s wife’s daughter, born to your father, she is your sister, you shall not uncover her nakedness. ‘You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father’s sister; she is your father’s blood relative. ‘You shall not uncover the nakedness of your mother’s sister, for she is your mother’s blood relative. ‘You shall

not uncover the nakedness of your father’s brother; you shall not approach his wife, she is your aunt. ‘You shall not uncover the nakedness of your daughter-in-law; she is your son’s wife, you shall not uncover her nakedness. ‘You shall not uncover the nakedness of your brother’s wife; it is your brother’s nakedness. ‘You shall not uncover the nakedness of a woman and of her daughter, nor shall you take her son’s daughter or her daughter’s daughter, to uncover her nakedness; they are blood relatives. It is lewdness. ‘You shall not marry a woman in addition to her sister as a rival while she is alive, to uncover her nakedness.” Leviticus 18:6-18

“If there is a man who lies with his father’s wife, he has uncovered his father’s nakedness; both of them shall surely be put to death, their bloodguiltiness is upon them. ‘If there is a man who lies with his daughterin-law, both of them shall surely be put to death; they have committed incest, their bloodguiltiness is upon them.” Leviticus 20:11-12

As written in Leviticus 20:11-12 it is a transgression of the law to have sex between sons and the wives of their fathers. Ruben had sexual relations with Jacob’s secondary wife Bilhah (Genesis 35:22, 49:3-4). Absalom had public sexual relations with his father David’s concubines in a tent on the roof in the sight of all Israel (2 Samuel 16:20-23), He likewise knew laws, having been taught his Father David who wanted to build a House for God (1 Samuel 13:14; 2 Samuel 7:1-28), rebellion to law always has consequences.

When Jesus said “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. This is why a man leaves his father and mother and bonds with his wife, and they become one flesh. This is the reason that a man leaves his father and mother and embraces his wife, and they become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24) (See also Matthew 19:5 and Ephesians 5:31) The command is to leave the parental bloodline and unite with another bloodline. The identity comes out from the parental not the oneself or the one soul of a same bloodline. So, it is a joint selfhood with a relative through either sexual intimacy and or marriage. Then what is brought forth from the incest couple(s) is unity and or unified and inseparable “one flesh” the spiritual union with selfhood and self-identity happens, one soul one spirit.

Thus, we see the connection to narcissism in the parent and child sexual abuse of incest. Incest perpetrators cannot express empathy, or love unconditionally. They are limited to see their child as a boundary they were not supposed to cross for their needs are more important than the child’s. They see the rainbow but are color blind to see the colors, no excuse, however narcissism has its roots in a spiritual stronghold, once the soul intertwines in this personality, it will function and have a life of its own to become that person.

It always burdened me to think the incest perpetrator did not consider the life long devastating effect on their daughter or son. The sexuality struggle that would come forth, the shame, the “it must be my fault” , the copious burdens, the trauma they carried. The unclean spiritual infestation and the struggle to get free over their whole lifetime filled me so much anger and distain.

Then the fact that they too may become an incest perpetrator or a pedophile or a sex offender having an entitlement to their own children like their father or mother did to them. Not caring about the needs of others only their own, then knowing the cycle may be never ending and if so, I knew the spirits would keep strategizing to bring it back down the generations. All because their sexual gratification had to be met at the daughters or sons expense, the child had to be their object to get off.

Little did I know a large piece of wood on the fire was narcissism. A disorder, a bondage, a mental illness, a spiritual stronghold driving them coercing them, a power they had no

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