Understanding and Overcoming Homosexuality - Personal Workbook

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Understanding and Overcoming Homosexuality

Personal Workbook



Unless indicated all Scriptural quotations are from The Interlinear Bible Hebrew Greek English Version Sovereign Green Publishers Lafayette, Indiana 47903 U.S.A.

Depart To The Other Side - Personal Cleansing Workbook Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba Toowoomba Queensland, 4350 © Copyright 2014 by Kathleen Malligan

All rights Reserved. Apart from any fair dealings for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, reproduction of text in whole or in part without the express written consent by the author or permission by Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba is not permitted and is unlawful according to the Australian Copyright Act. © 2014 Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba All Rights Reserved on teaching material Kathleen Malligan

Cover Design by Lily-Fern Malligan – photo by PhotoZion.com AA4659

Enquiries and orders can be addressed to ministry email below or go to the ministry websites and fill out contact form. www.understandingandovercominghomosexuality.com www.overcomingandunderstandinghomosexuality.com triumphantministriestoowoomba@yahoo.com.au Printed and published by Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba PDF download transfer Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba EBook transfer by Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba

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Table of Contents Covering Prayer Ministry Statement Introduction Purpose of the Workbook How to use the Workbook Personal Bible Study Group Bible Study

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Sinners Prayer Prayer for Filling of The Holy Spirit Renunciation of Darkness Prayer for Casting out of spirits Prayer to Forgive God and Ancestors for Their Transgressions Prayer for Unforgiveness and Bitterness Prayer for Dishonour to Parents Prayer for Fear Prayer for Anger and Bitterness Prayer for Control Prayer for Grief Prayer for Guilt and Shame Prayer for Pride and Stubbornness Prayer for Restoring Your Boundaries Prayer for Healing from Abuse Prayer for Healing from Emotional Dependency Prayer for Hatred of Women Prayer for Sexual Sins Prayer for Healing from Rejection Prayer for Healing from Homosexuality Prophetic Word Prayer for Renunciation of Occult and Witchcraft Practices Prayer for Freemasonry New Age and False Religions Prayer for Renunciation of the Deck of Cards Prayer for Transgressions of Blood Prayer for Deliverance and Freedom from Drug Addiction Prayer to Break Poverty True Repentance Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 End Notes Bibliography and Acknowledgments Bibliography Internet Resources Cited 4

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Covering Prayer “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Luke 10:19 KJ

Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your Son thank You for the Blood Covenant, You are worthy to be praised and glorified there is none like You, Creator Redeemer Healer and Mighty One. Father, it is my prayer that You would open Your peoples mind greatly by the Power of Your anointing so The Spirit of Christ Jesus Your Son can reveal truth and revelation and bring conviction and counsel as they read and pray through this Cleansing Work Book. Father, as those who have decided to take this journey To The Other Side with You, enable them to have open hearts so that they may receive the truth so as to walk in Your paths of righteousness. Protect their minds from the enemy snatching away The Word that will be sown in their hearts and let Your Word accomplish the purpose for which it has been sent. Thank you for imparting to them Your Might in their inner man and Your Authority to cast out the unclean in Your Breath. Father let Your Holy Spirit take Lordship in every area the spirits of darkness have had ground and let these spirits be gathered and taken to their place appointed of them and let Your Waring and Ministering Spirits be released to do battle for Your children. All Honour all Glory and all Power belongs to You. In Jesus Name Amen Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 5

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba - MINISTRY STATEMENT

“Now when Jesus saw great multitudes about Him, He gave commandment to depart unto the other side.” Matthew 18:18

The Ministry and all books, teachings and CD’s of Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba are to Believers desiring to live their truths of The Holy Bible. To believers who want to move beyond the passion of lust in same sex attraction in line with The Inspired Words of God; His commandments, laws and instructions in righteousness for righteous living. The content within all books are to those who want to pray, not who are forced to pray. To those who heard the call to be a Disciple; to those who want to belong to a kingdom of spiritual kings and priests obeying Jesus Christ’s The Great High Priest believing in celibacy or renouncation. The title of DEPART TO THE OTHER SIDE INTENT IS NOT departing from homosexuality to HETEROSEXUALITY but departing from the flesh to the spirit to wholeheartedly take on His way of life; receiving His Bible identity; receiving healing of the inner-man and inner-woman; exchanging the old self for His ability for inward change; receiving the empowering ability of His Holy Spirit to cause us to live above passions of same sex sexual lust. As a bible believing woman I believe Jesus Christ’s Word that declares: “For you know what commandments we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honour, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God." 1 Thessalonians 4:2-4

It is only by exchange for His regeneration and His Empowering and Enabling for taking on His way of life that will enable us to take hold of the identity we have in Christ Jesus to become truly born again with a new heart of flesh that we want to serve Him in His Tabernacle.

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Introduction “Now when Jesus saw great multitudes about Him, He gave commandment to depart unto the other side.” Matthew 18:18

This cleansing Workbook is part of the Depart to The Other Side Series on CD; available at www.understandingandovercominghomosexuality.com Like most of my teachings with prayer strategies, I give keys that have come out of years of repentance restoration and deliverance. Years of being taught how to get beyond bondages and blockages so I could overcome and walk in the Spirit of Christ Jesus and live by the ways of The Kingdom of Heaven. No matter where you are in your journey of restoration you will be blessed refreshed, and anointed afresh to get into the boat or to remain in the boat going to the other side following your Great High Priest The Lord Jesus Christ. Maybe some of you reading this workbook have come to the other side having fully committed to an obedient life. Some of you may have been free from homosexual activity for many years but are wondering why your memory still delights or revisits these lusts of the flesh. Going through this workbook the CD’s and survival kit books you will know the truth and the truth you believe will set you free. You will receive a greater understanding of both your flesh and the works of temptation from the devil. We know that unless the Lord changes and builds we labour in vain, so I had been praying for confirmation and direction on putting together material for body ministry. So after sensing to do a teaching workbook with an accompanying CD series I was hesitant to embark on such a huge task. Hesitant to put a lot of time and energies that did not have enough confirmation or direction on it hence it not to bear fruit. Then the title to this teaching series came to me when I was listening to a faith teaching “God is still in control” and as I heard the scripture Matthew 8:18 “Now when Jesus saw great multitudes about Him, He gave 7

commandment to depart unto the other side.” I discerned The Spirit “this is the title of your teaching series, Depart to the Other Side.” I am a Teacher and Prophetic writer and in this Cleansing Work Book you will be anointed for understanding, revelation, repentance, renunciation, deliverance, and healing for your journey of restoration and transformation to go to the other side out from the passions of the flesh to the passions of The Spirit in holiness. I will be training and equipping you so that you may be set free from a fortified stronghold of homosexuality and all the survival kit books and Priesthood book will teach you how live above the residue of homosexual lust. Homosexual desire will remain, but it will weaken as you take His way of life and live as unto Him. Be at peace with your attraction for He understands as your High Priest your struggles your sin nature and every reason why your same sex attraction was and still is a part of you. Rest in it, many of you will die with this desire for the same sex intimacy it just won’t have the power over you as it does today. We are believers in Jesus way of life, so we are called to put off the flesh and the works of darkness. Called put on Christ and be faithful to His path His Truth, so we do not turn away from The Living God (Hebrews 3:12) and become hardened by sins deceitfulness (Hebrews 3:13). Jesus is at work to will and to do His will and for you to understand Him and His ways. With all the teaching you will understand and overcome to take on His way of life, you will know His ability to walk you in The Spirit of Christ Jesus. The books will bring understanding, and you will be able to rise above homosexual lust “If anyone desires to follow me he and she must deny himself and herself and take up their cross daily and follow me.” Luke 9:23-25 This is what it is all about; Jesus knows why we have same sex attraction, and He knows this takes years to outwork in the personality and He is Able to put reigns on it in the persona even till we stand before Him to hear “well done thy good and faithful servant, enter into everlasting life.” This is the true lifestyle departing from your old lifestyle in accordance with Holiness and Bible Truth; becoming truly born again for we know unless one is truly born again we cannot enter into the Way The Truth and The Life. Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 8

Purpose Of The Workbook “For if we confess our sin He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 KJ

The goal or purpose of this workbook is for cleansing from all unrighteousness. “For if we confess our sin He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9 KJ) Not only the unrighteousness of sin before our Father but the unrighteousness of the unclean spirits and all curse effects attached to sin. It is my desire that you get cleaned up from all unclean spirits so that HIS CALLING for your journey to depart to the other side is not hindered or halted. By exposing the spiritual power base to homosexuality and sins alike, this will put The Wind of The Spirit of Christ Jesus in your sail so that in your restoration, regeneration and transformation you can take the storms that will come upon you on your Sea of Galilee. I do not want you to turn in another direction or turn the boat around to go back to where you came from for I know restoration and regeneration are possible as we go with Him in this transformation journey to the other side. You can get to the place that your heart and mind sings “You are the love of my life, there is no love like Your love; You have changed my very soul, I don’t want to follow the ways of the world. Each moment I breathe every day that You give I want to love You Jesus. I know He will bring you to the place that will willingly abandon your will to His Love, where you know you cannot live without His Love and Grace.” 1. [Kathy Troccoli: 1995] “And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.” Luke 10:17 “Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” 2 Corinthians 7:1 “Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” Philippians 2:12 Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 9

How To Use Workbook “And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us.” 1 John 3:23

This personal Application Book is designed to accompany the CD series Depart to The Other Side – His Sermon on The Mount (Matthew 8:1). Then you can obtain the next audio series Depart to The Other Side - He Gave Commandment (Matthew 8:18). You should have these audio teaching series to listen to before you go through this workbook. This way you are grounded in a biblical view of homosexuality and - Can and do Christians have demons? Therefore, by faith, grace and truth you can receive the deliverance from these unclean spirits and this way they will have to loose and leave. Prayer is what gives Jesus the invitation to change our hearts our attitudes our situation and for Him to conform us to righteousness, holiness and purity - bringing us from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:18). The ministry also does cleansing sessions for additional prayers that are not on this site as they are other ministries teaching and prayer strategies. The prayers can cover Fear, Identity and Fatherlessness, Illegitimate and Fatherlessness, Destiny and Fatherlessness, Motherless and A Victim of Abuse. The link to these sessions is on the site Depart to the Other Side page on cleansing sessions. “Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” Romans 6:16 “Having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children: 15. Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness;” 2 Peter 2:14-15 Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 10

Personal Bible Study ”However when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth; for He shall not speak from Himself, but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak; and He will show you things to come.” 14. He shall glorify Me, for He shall receive of Mine, and shall show it unto you. 15. All things that the Father hath are Mine; therefore I said that He shall take of Mine, and shall show it unto you.” John 16:13-15 NKJ

Read the scriptures in brackets and look them up and search the important words in the original Hebrew or Greek using your Strong’s Concordance or other books of your choice. I prefer to use the Interlinear Hebrew Greek English Bible, and it has the Strong’s references for a deeper study. However, I do not venerate any version over another and I use various versions in Spiritual discernment. There are several, many versions of the bible I believe I have been led to use The Interlinear, and I know various versions alter words, delete words thus the meaning can be lost and the truth watered down and made confusing. So I suggest you use various versions for your study as The Spirit of Christ Jesus will witness to your spirit the most accurate verse and lead you to other scriptures to receive an application or meanings of these verses. I have left space for you to write revelation, understanding and teaching as well as there are additional blank pages at the end of this workbook. It is important to keep a journal to write down the area’s Jesus has pinpointed to you for healing, conviction and deliverance or whatever else you and He discern or will write. I looked at a workbook I did through Elijah House and I had written down a list of fear, feelings and shame that He brought to my heart to confess, repent and renounce. So express your feelings, your emotions and be not afraid to face your pain fear or sins before Him, there is nothing new under the sun that He does not know about or has not seen or heard. Give it all over to Jesus and allow His Counsel and Light to bring you forth in your transformation journey. Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 11

Group Bible Study “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; 32. And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” John 8:31-32 NIV

This workbook can be used in a group setting for small group prayer and discussion especially if some of you are in a group on face page or at your local church or house group. As a leader, you may want to take your home group through these prayers to address transgressions, sexual sin and to teach on can Christians have demons?

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Sinners Prayer “He gave orders to depart to the other side…” Matthew 8:23 NASB

Heavenly Father, I know I am a sinner, and I have been living my life without you as my God and I have even turned away from You being my God. I come to You now personally through Your only crucified Son Jesus Christ and ask for forgiveness and salvation for I have sinned against You and You alone. I believe Jesus Christ died on the cross and took the penalty for my sins, and I know I am a sinner. I believe He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven and now offers me power over my sinful nature. I want to recommit my life – I want to commit my life to you today to live as a Disciple of The True and Living God. I choose to turn form running my own life and ask you to help me live my life with You and for You. Help me with all the sinful ways, I’m caught up in as I obey the command to enter the boat and follow You Lord Jesus Christ to the other side that I may truly worship You in Spirit and Truth. Help me to go to a Church You know will suit me; help me to read my Bible, study my Bible; lead me to join an internet group and a Facebook group to fellowship receive support and prayers and to increase my knowledge about You, and how I am to live as one delivered form darkness and set apart for a plan and purpose You have for me. Help me to pray to You, help me to follow on in Baptism as You did in the river at Jordan and cause me to receive the Baptism of The Holy Spirit for power for the journey across to the other side. Thank You that now I have received Your Spirit of adoption The Holy Spirit, and I believe I am now a part of your family, I am now your child sealed by Your Promised Spirit of Christ Jesus. In Jesus Name I pray Amen.

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Prayer for The Filling of The Holy Spirit ”And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit, 19. Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; 20. always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father;…” Ephesians 5:18-20 NIV

Father, I ask for the Holy Spirit to take Lordship in me everywhere there has been ground occupied by unclean spirits no matter if it is grounds they just lost because of praying prayers in this cleansing manual or grounds I gave them in my past or present and no matter what their name title or rank is I invite You Lord Jesus by Your Holy Spirit to come into these areas. Father I also pray for the infilling of Your Spirit for I believe I am Your child and I believe in my heart that Jesus has been raised from the dead and I have confessed Him as my Lord and Saviour. Therefore, as Jesus said, "How much more shall your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those that ask Him." I ask You now in the Name of Jesus to fill me with the Holy Spirit for I believe and I expect to speak in tongues and I yield my vocal organs for the Spirit to give me His utterance. In the Jesus Name Amen

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Renunciation of Darkness “Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, rebuke and expose them.” Ephesians 5:11 NLT “For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” 2 Corinthians 6:14 NIV

Father, I humble myself before You and submit to You according to Your Word, “submit to God resist the Devil and he will flee” before praying and working through this Cleansing Work Book. Thank You and I agree there is no power other than the Power of Your Finished Works of Calvary The Blood of Jesus Christ and The Indwelling Power of The Spirit of Christ Jesus that can deliver me, heal me and cast out spirits of darkness and release me from judgments. Father according to Your statute and You have written this statute more than thirty times to confess the forefather’s transgressions and iniquity. I obey and I agree that my ancestors on both sides of my family line have transgressed your laws Your Ordinances Your statutes and commandments. According to Your statute I am to take accountability for my forefather’s sins and iniquity back over three four ten and I want to pray for a thousand generations for where they have transgressed and been iniquitous. Therefore, I agree and I acknowledge this before You and I repent for their guilt, their betrayal, their unfaithfulness, their adultery, their idolatry, their robbery, their extortion, their visiting the shrines of darkness, their oppression of others, their breaking covenant and they did not feed the poor or not clothe the naked. Father I repent for every law, statute and ordinance they broke and for all other unknown iniquity and transgression I ask forgiveness and I claim the promise of Your Word that I would now not share the guilt of my ancestors. Father since I has chosen to do what is just and right according to Ezekiel 18 and I have chosen to keep Your decrees Your Statutes Your commandments and because I chose to leave the life of my forefathers sins and iniquity to serve You to keep Your commandments decrees and statutes I can receive the children’s bread of freedom from the ancestors judgments and curses, So Father in Jesus Name, let every curse every judgment be 15

broken and let me be set free from these ancestral iniquities and transgressions. Father, before You and them I disown and renounce my ancestor’s transgressions their corrupted blood lines, their neuma-genetics, their curses their judgments and declare I am now a citizen of Heaven, I am not of this world I am a sojourner my home and my Kingdom is my Beloveds The Lord Jesus Christ, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords and I am becoming the king and the priest You have called me to become. I renounce the sins and iniquity of my blood lines my ancestors on both sides of the family so they can no longer have authority in and over my life for I am in Covenant with Him and I choose to keep Covenant and remain in Covenant. Father I now address these spirits: spirits I have acknowledged that many generations have transgressed and committed iniquity so today all you ancestral spirits, yes all of you ancestral spirits are moving out. I have turned from my ancestor’s iniquity and their transgressions The Cross, the promise of Ezekiel 18 frees me from each of you and where I believed I had to find every detail of your legal grounds, that is a lie. For I choose and have chosen righteous living in His Kingdom for I am delivered from the kingdom of darkness into The Kingdom of Light you lost I am Light and you cannot stay. Therefore you spirits from curses, from iniquity from sins of the generations back over a thousand generations on both sides of the family, I declare against you I am faithful, that I am baptized into His death, I am one with Him, washed in His Blood, bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh, He is the Father of my spirit, I am adopted into His family, I have an inheritance and I am a fellow heir and I am righteous and betrothed so I am His wife and now delivered from the iniquity the sins and curses of the ancestors. I declare I choose to remain a faithful wife and I choose Him and His Covenant and I choose to become all that He has for me, I choose the priesthood of Melchizedek, I resist you, I renounce you and I refuse your will in my life. Ancestral spirits all you familiar spirits you curse spirits from the ancestors on both sides of the family Jesus has delivered me from the curse and you spirits are now squatters you now no longer have rights to remain because of ancestral sin and iniquity or because of oaths for what He and His Blood has done for me you lose your grounds. You must now loose and leave this very moment and you will be plucked out of your dwelling places and taken to the place appointed of you “for now is the judgment of this world now shall the prince of this world be cast out.” Therefore, every one of you spirits you will loose and leave for you can no longer remain, you no longer have any legal grounds to remain for all that 16

I am in Him supersedes your legal grounds your oaths your curses your rights have been stripped from you no matter what degree my ancestors have gone to in Freemasonry you have lost your grounds to remain. I declare the blood on your doors on your gates on your oaths and I declare them open for you to leave. His blood line against the blood line of my ancestors, so I declare now those doors are sealed and closed because of His Blood Covenant with me; I am my Beloveds and my Beloved is mine you will loose and leave for I cast you out and Father let it be so in Jesus Name. Father I now want to address those in and over me because of my iniquity and my transgression so I submit to You. - I address all you spirits from the kingdom of darkness in and over my life from my iniquity and transgressions for I renounce you and refuse your will for my life any longer. I no longer want to be in agreement with your ways or your perverse ways. I denounce you and your ways and I hate you and declare you are my enemy and I come into agreement with Jesus Christ my deliverer that you will leave His Temple, my body this hour. Today is the day you are going to loose and leave me. I come out of agreement and fellowship with you and resist all of you; you will leave me and I declare and agree you will be taken to the place The Lord Jesus Christ has appointed for you along with the ancestral spirits from both sides of my family lines. I surrender all the area’s I have given over to you to The Lord Jesus Christ for I declare my salvation is of grace through faith and faith of the finished work of Calvary and His shed blood for the remission of sins. I reclaim where I have given ground to you in my body, soul and spirit because of deception, lies and my iniquities my sins and sexual transgressions and those that fortify your strongholds of perversion, of bisexuality, homosexuality and transgenderism. I resist you, renounce you and refuse your presence any longer in my life. The Lord Jesus Christ rebuke you and take you all to the place He has appointed of you as you have lost your grounds in and over my life for I confess and repent and renounce before my Father so you will lose your grounds. Father let this be so in Jesus Name, for I call upon the power of the Blood Covenant for deliverance, healing and restoration and I invite you into every area that has been occupied by unclean spirits from the kingdom of darkness and from Your judgments.


Father I now take accountability for my life and all the sin and iniquity that I have in my life and my life alone. I declare I shall overcome I shall come up higher I shall be purified and refined to be the king and priest you have called me to be in the Melchizedek Order, I declare I am being born again from above. “Father, have mercy upon me, according to Your loving kindness; according to the multitude of Your tender mercies, blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity and cleanse me from my sin, for I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before me. Against You and You only have I sinned and done evil in Your sight that You are justified when You judge me.” (Psalm 51:1-4) Thank You all Power all Glory belongs to You, In Jesus Christ Mighty Name, Amen.

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Prayer For Casting Out Spirits “And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18. they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.� Mark 16:17-18

Father, let the anointing flow for deliverance healing and freedom as I go through this workbook. Father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I break, cancel and annul any and all assignments, judgments, curses, psychic heredity, ungodly heredity, evil soul ties, demonic holds, oppression, illnesses, sickness, corrections, pain, infirmities, diseases, disabilities, plagues, death, physical and mental illnesses and disabilities, psychic intrusions and powers, and all family and marital curses, all legal rights for witchcraft and occult with accidents, injuries, deaths and premature deaths and all DNA and RNA defects and anomalies. Father, in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I declare the strongmen bound and their goods plundered in and by The Power and Authority of Jesus. I command all connected and related spirits from this cleansing workbook to loose and leave this very hour for they have lost their grounds. Father, ensure they leave peaceable with no force or noise or performance. Father let them be uprooted and plucked out of their dwelling places. Father, I command they be bound with chains and taken to the place The Lord Jesus Christ has assigned for them. Father in Jesus name, I loose your warring angels to carry out these commands. Father, thank You for deliverance and let no spirit manifest other than to leave gently and peaceably. Let those be pursued to be bound and chained now that will be cast out from the house the land the air above and every area of Your temple. My Father, thank You in Jesus Name Amen. 19


Father, where I cannot forsake anything within the cleansing manual

Medical reasons

Because of fear Unbelief, spiritual blindness or denial or deception

I just don’t believe that practice I practiced is a transgression

Because I believe you are the originator of such a practice

Because of my own choice to continue with that practice or

Until I am sanctified and have knowledge of self-deliverance


Lead me in the way everlasting and reveal all truth and remove all veils over my eyes and heart and change my heart. My Lord and my God do not let me be like those of Zechariah 7:11-12 who would not be teachable who chose stubbornness and who hardened their hearts and deafened their ears to Your commands. Cause my heart to search out for myself if that practice has its origins in witchcraft or the occult and if a practice is an abomination to You and most assuredly if I should no longer participate in that practice. Thank you for your mercy. I return unto you from where I have knowingly and unknowingly turned from Your Covenant ways and where I have ‘played in the devil’s playground’ I choose now to be in submission to You and Your Word. Lord reveal to me any other rebellion to You, the government, parents, husband/wife, employer or church leaders and bring all heart attitudes to death to change my heart. In Jesus Name my Father Amen. *** I am in agreement with this prayer therefore it carries the anointing for deliverance, so stand having done all stand and allow The Spirit of Christ Jesus to bring forth Covenant promise of deliverance. With the power of The Blood of The Cross to set you free from unclean spirits and the works and things of darkness and restore unto you what sin has done and the joy of your salvation. Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 20

The following is for revelation and knowledge and or please seek in prayer if He wills you to bless the ministry. Be humble and listen as one being taught. Therefore, continue to read the following scriptures and accompanying notes, if not to bless the ministry it will be for your edifying and knowledge. “Let the elders who take the lead well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those laboring in word and teaching. 18. For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox treading out grain”- and, “The laborer is worthy of his pay.” 1 Timothy 5:17-18 “My defence to those examining me is this: 4. Have we not authority to eat and to drink? 5. Have we not authority to lead about a sister, a wife, as the rest of the apostles also, and Cephas, and the Lord’s brothers do? 6. Or is it only Barnabas and I who have no authority to quit work? 7. Who serves as a soldier at his own wages at any time? Who plants a vineyard, and does not ear of its fruit? Or who shepherds a flock, and does not eat of the milk of the flock? 8. Do I speak these things according to man, or does not the Law say these things? 9. For it has been written in the Law of Moses. “You shall not muzzle an ox treading grain.” Is it that it matters to God as to oxen? (law is operative to obey - Paul points back to it and teaches its legality) 10. Or does He say it altogether because of us? It is written because of us, so that the one ploughing ought to plough in hope; and the one threshing in hope to partake of His hope. 11. If we have sowed spiritual things to you, is it a great thing if we shall reap of your fleshly things?” 1 Corinthians 9:3-11 IL As above we are ministers of the body of Christ Jesus called and set apart so we have been given the calling to earn our wages from the Gospel. I know many women who say we should not run our ministries like a business. Or who do not put a monetary value to ministry works, yet they are in so much lack not showing fruits of abundant living and they forsake the works of their hands for worldly secular working. How do the workers of the Gospel stay out of secular work to do the works of The Lord and fulfill the call? On the Kingdom assignment on their life and make ends meet if there is no cost to the years of study the years of segregation consecration and training? 21

Consider asking your local Coles grocery store for free food? If you did it is ridiculous and unreasonable. Asking a Doctor or Lawyer to do you a service for free is also ridiculous and unreasonable. Then why is it reasonable for me or other ministers who have sacrificed so much, endured much works of darkness, who have spent hours and hours and years and years in isolation and in the wilderness time to give our teaching and time away for free – we who have been called have been to Holy Ghost Harvard so to speak! Truth is it has cost us much in so many ways to bring forth what we are called to be and bring forth for you to eat at His table. We as workers are worth our hire as in Luke 10:7 we are to be supported by our fellow believer, that’s the truth of The Word. I recall once saying to The Lord “oh they are so expensive how I can afford her teachings?” His reply was “you could have afforded them if you had not of wasted so much monies or misspent your monies in places that were not necessary.” I then understood, yes He was correct I could have afforded her teachings many a times. Ask yourself how would you feel if you were asked to give away what you have earned that week for free leaving yourself in lack after years of study and sacrifice at your Harvard? I’m sure you know if you look within your heart and you see others in the body and can say there is such dishonor and take, especially when opportunity arises for the free in the church today! I pray you will overcome any selfishness and seek His will on this teaching of giving to the workers who are worthy of wages and not just written here within but the doctrine of giving to the saints for their expertise. Seek Him and ask Him to bring your heart to give love offerings and buying the teachings on this ministry site, even to pass on to others. His promises will come forth into your life and you will be blessed for being a blessing.

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 22

Prayer To Forgive God And Ancestors For Their Transgressions “For if you forgive others their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you because you love the Lord.� Matthew 6:14 ESV

Father I acknowledge I have been holding unforgiveness and I now choose to release all unforgiveness to You. I repent for not forgiving You and my ancestors, them for their transgressions that have brought affliction destruction and poverty to every aspect of my life and my children’s lives and to You for giving it and allowing this. Father I acknowledge forgiveness is not forgetting, not stuffing down my emotions, not acceptance of sinful behavior, not good manners, not giving someone what they deserve or not even being religious and spiritual. I do acknowledge Father that forgiveness is obedience to righteous living and a key to my release and eternal destiny. Father, I forgive as an act of my will and I release blessing to You and to __________. I bless You and ask you to bless __________ with peace and prosperity and the greatness of Your love and mercy and long life and good health and to deliver them from their destructions. Father I also choose to forgive myself and accept myself as Your son/daughter cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ my Savoir. Father, I ask you to release me from the judgment of unforgiveness. Cleanse me from all defilement where grounds were given to spirits of Satan because of my nurturing and unwillingness to forgive and the desire to run with my offenses and unforgiveness. I thank You for releasing me from the tormentors (Matthew 18:3435), let Your healing balm go into these areas that I may be renewed and refreshed and anointed once again with Your Spirit. Father where a root of bitterness (Hebrews 12:15) has entered in my soul I now renounce all bitterness and repent of all bitterness and the fruits of anger, rage, abuse, malice, resentment, gossip, retaliation, payback, feeling rejection and whatever other fruits You reveals to me that has come because my unforgiveness that has gone into a gall of bitterness.


Father I will not retain them but I will forgive them and all that they have done, and I even say as Jesus said “Father forgive them for they know not what they did.” I stand in the gap and repent for their offenses and their transgressions that I have held on with unforgiveness. Father you know them as I have mentioned them to You. I accept myself and declare I am no longer guilty of unforgiveness but forgiven, for as Your Word writes when we confess our sins You are just to forgive us and cleanse us from all defilement (1 John 1:9) especially the defilement of unclean spirits. Father I thank You that You understand that sometimes forgiveness has to out worked in the soul. Today I choose to continue to forgive until seventy times seventy until I have totally forgiven from my heart their offenses and transgression that have brought such devastation and pain into my life and my health and wellbeing. I choose not to retain their offenses (John 20:23) and I choose to cast off the works of darkness (Romans 13:12-13). I choose to walk in the light as He is in the light (1 John 1:7) to no longer walk in darkness with unforgiveness towards __________ (1 John 2:9-11). Father I recall Your Word that Jesus spoke “but I say to you, Love your enemies, bless those cursing you; do well to those hating you, and pray for those abusing and persecuting you; so that you may be sons of your Father in Heaven.” (Matthew 5:44-45) I choose to abide in Your Love and abide in Your Word as I choose to forgive them and specifically __________ his/her trespasses. I choose to take Your yoke upon myself as I accept Your teachings (Matthew 11:28-30) as the way I am to live as one set apart with an anointing from You The Holy One. Father, for those who have ever offended me and for myself I choose to receive the promise “But He was pierced for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was on Him; and with His wounds we ourselves are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5). I extend the same forgiveness You have given to me to __________ who has offended me and sinned against me. Father thank You for the power of forgiveness, thank You for Your kindness has led me to repentance in Jesus Name Amen.” 1. [Malligan, 2005:36] Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 24

Prayer For Unforgiveness And Bitterness “If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.� John 2:9 KJ

Discern The Spirit of Christ Jesus as you are in prayer for the prayers in this workbook. For they are not complete or fine tooth combed or gender directed. But they offer guidance and an open door for The Holy Spirit to bring further conviction and to bring to your remembrance what He would have you to repent and renounce and ask forgiveness for. Also invite Jesus to bring to death the fortified areas of darkness and your flesh and to change your heart where your habitual sins of the flesh are interwoven in your old self and or the old homosexual personality.

Heavenly Father, Thank You, You enable me to forgive. Jesus, I am willing to forgive and where I find it difficult, I am willing to be made willing to forgive. I am finding it difficult to release forgiveness at present but Jesus and or I choose to forgive, I want to be free so I am no longer bound in my heart and mind or to that person(s) or my past. Father I confess I have retained the memory of the event(s), harbored offense, regret, jealousy, stubbornness, hatred, vengeance, murder, harm, curses, rage, anger, bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness to those who have sinned against me those who have offended me, abused me, hurt me, rejected and abandoned me and who have not accepted me; those people and or pets (For example pets or other people’s pets bite you then there are events such as male dogs do mount in public or urinate on you or your child or your friend or sister in public, these memories bring shame uncomfortable memory recall.) Father, specifically these who have sinned against me and in the following: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________


Father, also how these people have sinned against those I love and where I have been sinned against in ……………………………. I choose to release my pain and these sins and the circumstances that have been written in my mind and on my heart to you and any other people place and even thing; or the what when where circumstances that You bring to my heart throughout this prayer and or over the coming weeks that I may be free of the toxic memories attached. Father erase them and their triggers with all chemical reactions in my body. Father I let go of all bitterness and all bitter root judgments reveal them to my heart today and the coming weeks what they are. I let go of all offense, regret, jealousy, stubbornness, hatred, rage, anger, bitterness, resentment and un-forgiveness and I acknowledge it is sin transgressions of Your laws. Father, I forgive them (name them here) for my sake, so I can be free of the turmoil it brings holding on to these offenses, and I leave that person(s) to You. Where my ancestors and those of my husband’s/boyfriends have been in a gall of bitterness because of regret, resentment, unforgiveness, hatred, anger, murder and put curses on people I stand in the gap and I repent for their transgressions on both sides of the families back over a thousand generations even back to Adam and Eve. Father release me from every judgment every curse attached to transgressions of my own and any and all illnesses, sicknesses, allergies and diseases that have come from my transgressions of my iniquities. Father, let the healing begin, let the oil of Your Spirit flow and let the finished work of Calvary be applied to my body soul and spirit for deliverance of the spirits that have grounds and let me healed of gall stones and a gall bladder disease for I refuse to walk in a gall of bitterness but in Love and in Your ways. Jesus I surrender all gall of bitterness all bitter root judgment that I don’t know about that are so hidden in my subconscious. Father, I forgive my ancestors and those who have sinned against me for my sake, so I can be free of the turmoil it brings holding on to these offenses, and I leave that person(s) to you. Jesus I know that bitterness, jealousy and unforgiveness and unfairness keeps me in rebellion, stubbornness, self-pity, vengeance, murder, malice, rage, anger and pain and the other fruits of sin, but with forgiveness comes freedom. Father, I acknowledge the hurt, and the pain, and the feelings of these painful memories and the memories of the location and the surrounding even the smell feel and taste of the circumstance. The painful cycle that just seems a part of my life that never goes away yet I believe in You to release me from 26

every aspect; so I surrender all this to You Jesus for healing, restoration and transformation and I chose to go back to trust in You with childlike faith and belief. Father, I acknowledge I have even stopped crying, I have stopped allowing myself to be hurt. I repent and renounce this and I give you my selfcontrol, I give you the walls, and I give you all my walls of protection. Jesus, bring the pain to the surface of how I feel so I can deal with it and find release. I willingly want to release all this to You and invite You to come into these areas’ and be Lord. Father, bring the pain to the surface of where I have been treated cruelly, treated shamefully, had cruel words said to me, even the cruel countenance that has glared at me let it be broken off my heart and Your Love released to me here. Father, I do confess my sins and repent and renounce them and allow You to continue to work in my heart until I am free from bondage, thank You for cleansing me by the blood of Jesus. I call upon the power of the Blood covenant for deliverance from every work of darkness, assignment, curse, words of darkness and every companion spirit to unforgiveness and the transgressions in this prayer, I am trusting in Your wisdom deliverance and healing power.

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Prayer For Dishonour To Parents “Honour your father and your mother, so that your days may be long on the land which Jehovah your God is giving to you.� Exodus 20:12

Father, I repent where I have dishonoured my parents, where I have held un-forgiveness for his/her actions of: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ I repent where I have judged them for their actions their sins their attitudes their behaviour against me. I repent where this has dishonored him/her, even where I have hit, hurt or abused them. Where this has caused me to act in the same way to my children, I repent and ask for forgiveness. Father, release me from the vows I made her say, I will never do what my father did what my mother did and said to me. I ask for the annulling of these judgments I have sowed. Father, I choose to forgive my father my mother for their way they spoke to me, shamed me, beat me, abused me, ________________, ______________, _____________, ____________, ________________. I repent where I have brought shame, embarrassment, dishonour to my parents in __________, and because of my backsliding, my behaviour, my contempt, my disrespect my ______________, _______________. I ask You to forgive me for distancing myself, avoiding them, hardening my heart and even getting vengeance and turning my children against them and my relatives. I invite You into this area of my life to bring my attitudes, behaviours and hidden sins to the light and then to death for I invite You as Lord and Saviour here. In Jesus Name Amen Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 28

Prayer For Fear “For God did not give a spirit of fearfulness to us, but of power and of love and of self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:7

Father, forgive me of all fear of demons, rejection, abandonment, nonapproval, people’s opinions, inadequacy, inability to cope, failure, sense of fear or terror or insecurity or torment and my fear of: (If you want to take the time to write your personal list of fears and all the fearful circumstances you have been through to date that have impacted your memory do so whatever your hearts desires.) ___spiders____________________________________________________ ____heights___________________________________________________ _____incest___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 29

Where generational fear has come because of my parents imparting fear and fearful messages and those of shame knowingly and unknowingly into my life [“my mother always said she was dying” “nobody is ever going to want you if your fat” “if you tell anyone I will kill you and your mother and your dog”] I renounce fear and these fears and these words and repent of them and I forgive these people and ask for deliverance and release of all curses of fear. Father where I have felt out of control, great terror, paranoia and it has caused me to act out and sin I repent. I ask that You build in Your character Your trust Your heart that fear no longer has a stronghold over my life and actions and attitudes. Father today I receive a fresh anointing of courage, boldness, faith, trust and confidence and self-control that I may overcome all fear. Let every off shoot of the root of fear in my life be severed that it is pulled up so I am free from fears for today I invite You to fully demolish all fear in my heart in my subconscious in my emotions and body and spirit. Father In Jesus Name Amen.

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Prayer For Anger And Bitterness “But now, you also put off all these things: wrath, anger, malice, evil speaking, and shameful words out of your mouth. Do not lie to one another, having put off the old man with his practices.� Colossians 3:8-9


I acknowledge my anger has hurt others myself and I have become self-destructive I renounce my self-destructive behaviour of ___________,______________, and I invite You in to pin point it and change my heart so these destructive behaviours are demolished. Show me everywhere I need to repent and of unmet desires, unrealistic thoughts goals opinions, unmet expectations and where I have been sinned against. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Father, I repent of all my bitterness with anger and I choose to release You and everyone who has sinned against me. I release my judgments towards You and hard heart and everyone and ask for forgiveness where I have done the same thing as what was done to me in other people’s lives and every other place in my life. Father, forgive me for judging and taking Your place. I forgive You, my mother, I forgive my father, I forgive _________, ________, _________.


I renounce these bitter root judgments so they no long sow seed in my life that I no longer receive the law of judgment against me doing exactly what was done to me. Teach me Your ways and build in my life and heart change to be able to practice righteousness, be responsive according to Your will and Your ways. Lord Jesus, bring all bitter root judgments to my heart: “All men are the same; I will never overcome, I’m a loser I’m useless; Women are gossipers; my husband will molest my daughters; my wife will be unfaithful just like my mother was.” (Allow Him to bring to your heart your bitter root judgments with anger.) _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

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Prayer For Control ”Herin is My Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be My disciples.” John 15:8 KJ

Father, where I have dominated, manipulated, controlled, cohered

people and circumstances for personal and ungodly gain I repent and ask forgiveness.

Father, bring to my heart everywhere I have done this that I may specifically repent, ask for forgiveness and renounce. Father I confess my seduction with sex, seduction with control of money, time, lying, stealing, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, incest and paedophilia. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Father, I receive healing for my subconscious that is blocked in memories. I invite You into all the fragmentation and the brokenness of my soul that has caused me to be controlling and manipulative. Father, I let go of all fear and all the reasons that led me to control, _________________, _________________, _______________. I release all control and ask You into these areas of my life to bring this to death in my personality and in every area of my life. I submit to Your Lordship to do a work in me as one who follows the way of a Rabbi and that is You Lord Jesus Christ my Teacher my Lord. Father, everywhere I am soul tied to others because of my controlling behaviour I ask for a breaking of these ties and deliverance from a controlling mind and Father, cut every cord to each person I have controlled and been controlled by. Thank You In Jesus Name Amen. Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 33

Prayer For Grief “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Father thank You that grief is a natural process and there is no condemnation in grieving. But I have gone beyond my season of grief and I will for this to be over so I will to turn my eyes towards You. You are my comfort in affliction and my Hope you bore my grief’s and sorrows and by Your stripes Jesus I am healed. I surrender all my losses, all my grief all my pain and I ask for a fresh anointing of love and comfort for I am bound to grief and trauma. Father release me from this continual sorrow and sadness of heart; release my eyes to see my ears to hear and my mouth to speak and where it has affected my body let it be brought back to health and a sound mind. Father cleanse me from all unrighteousness from all judgements and open doors of darkness let them be closed and my heart set free to return to You in love and acceptance. Where I do not understand my losses I am willing to trust You to make light and truth of it. Therefore I surrender this into Your hands for You will guide me to all truth and wisdom. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Thank You Father and - Father let it be so In Jesus Name Amen and Amen

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Prayer For Guilt And Shame “The LORD is close to the broken hearted; He rescues those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18 NLT

Father shame has been a part of my life since I can remember, but today I no longer receive shame or guilt as a part of my identity or life. Even where it has been unconscious I ask for Your power to remove it from me. Father where shame has come down the generational lines and been a way of life in my family and has come from shaming messages I repent and renounce this shame off my identity off my whole life “your fat and no one will want a fat girl” “you will never amount to anything.” Where shame and guilt has come on me because of fear, torment, sexual perversion, whoredom and all forms of abuse I renounce this and all inward silence and declare I am not guilty and I have You as my beauty my robe of righteousness. Father because of my transgressions and my families let the curses attached to shame, the shame of incest, illegitimacy, sodomy, and all perversion and that has come be broken and lifted off me this day and even the curse that keeps me out of the house of God for I declare it to be so in Jesus Mighty Name. Father, where shame has made me angry, resentful, bitter, a people pleaser, emotionally dependent, negative, work-alcoholic, super religious in works, striving to be successful and wealthy and for acceptance and love I repent and renounce these sins. Where shame mocks me, torments me, makes me hold my head down gives me depression and oppression I renounce these fruits of shame. Where shame brings oppression a spirit of heaviness and deep depression I invite You Lord Jesus to demolish any fortified stronghold. I declare I am a Prince/Princess of The Most High God and belong to my Lord and Redeemer The Lord Jesus Christ who has carried my guilt and shame at Calvary I am bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh. Father I specifically repent and renounce all shame and even self-hatred that I have ever felt and received of e.g. brought up in poverty; being told


there is something wrong with me; to be quiet; for being an incest victim; being homosexual for being transgender: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Father, where fear and mockery have been a part of shame even a hiding place for me I come out of the dark into Your Light. Father reveal where I sin because of trying to cover up shame and guilt. Reveal the caves I run into and start to demolish these out of my personality and character. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Father let it be so In Jesus Name Amen

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Prayer For Pride And Stubbornness “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18

Father I ask you to bring to death the sin structures of all my pride, stubbornness and rebellion and cause me to realize that I am to live a life of humility in agreement with You and to live crucified in this area of my life. Enable me to realize that the old man has to die and that I am to live in newness of life as You continue to do a work within my heart so I do not continue to be ensnared by a stronghold of pride, rebellious pride and stubbornness and rebellion. Father where I may have any of these specific spirits of pride: Leviathan, “Foot of Pride (Psalm 26:11); Rod of Pride (Proverbs 14:3); Crown of Pride (Isaiah 28:1, 3); Great Pride (Jeremiah 13:9); Pride of Life (1 John 2:16).” 1. [Worley: 1983:29] I claim the children’s bread of deliverance of demons. Father, I repent of my hardness of heart and my stony heart because of all my pride and arrogance. I repent where I have refused subjection and dependence upon You because of my rebellious pride. I repent where I have given honor and glory to myself instead of You because of my pride. I repent of all mockery and scorn and foolishness, my proud looks of contempt and haughtiness and proud heart. I repent of all disrespect, dishonor to parents and elders and disrespect for authority with arrogance and all lying. I repent of gossip, arrogance, wrath, rage, anger, revenge, jealousy, envy, competitiveness, shame, strife, blasphemy and arguing and self-justification and self-righteousness. I repent and renounce also of my pride of prosperity, my furniture, my belongings, my car, my income, my business, my career and even my calling and position in the church. Also the pride of my name and heritage, my ancestry, my parent’s lineage and achievements and even where they have instilled in me pride because of shame and because of all that I have made mention of and all pride of: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 37

Father, I acknowledge our great pride and our pride in all its forms. Father I repent of all my stiff-necked pride and stubbornness (Acts 7:51) with rebellion; I repent of all religious and denominational pride, all ambitious pride and the iniquity of a critical spirit with cutting words and actions and even wanting and seeking vengeance. I also repent where I cannot be told anything for I have thought that I knew it all and I repent of my haughtiness and loftiness. I ask where I am listening but never hearing to change my heart and open my ears to understand Your Word and Your ways for I repent for not being teachable and from being judgmental and haughty. I repent of my over exaggerated opinion of myself, my conceit, my haughty behavior, my arrogance and even where I am delighted in my own achievements and think very little of others or have no time for those who do not have my ‘stature’ and brilliance. Father, I repent where I have become intolerant of others because they lack my understanding, intelligence and capabilities and even where I have isolated myself because people are just not what I want them to be and they are just not like me. I repent where I have wanted to change others and even taken their roles because they are not as perfect as me. I repent of the fruits of suspicion and mistrust and self-deception and where I have become legalistic, reveal to me and bring to death this legalism. I even repent where I legally challenge people with scripture like being a lawyer knowingly and unknowingly for I know it all. Father, I repent where rejection has caused me to become a perfectionist and where I have become puffed up with pride and rebellion. I repent of myself self-righteousness and where I have rejected those in the church and not obeyed Your command of love of the brethren and acceptance of the beloved and not walking in love – help me Jesus. I also repent where I have justified my own rebellion and disobedience to church attendance and Your Word and ways because of the stronghold of a transgression of pride. Father, I repent of all greed, gluttony, slothfulness, idleness and all sexual sins of lust and those committed in drunkenness. I repent where I have compromised Your Word, Your instructions for righteous living and for where I have compromised Your Word to follow after the lusts of the flesh and the ways of the world. Father I repent and renounce all fascination with the forbidden and even the supernatural. I repent where I have unknowingly allowed this stronghold 38

of pride to counterfeit my life and the works and manifestations of Your Holy Spirit. I ask for a loosing of my ears and eyes and tongue so I can hear and see and speak to move in Your Holy Spirit. Father where I have opened myself up to false tongues because of pride and any other religious spirits or evil spirits from the laying on of hands because pride has not allowed me to hear or see or speak and has brought upon me slumber, Father, I ask for deliverance of all these spirits in and over me. Father where slumber has come on me because of self-righteousness religious pride and my pride; also because I refuse to listen to You and Your Word and or because I teach, preach heresy and error to have perverted Your Truth I repent, and I denounce and renounce this and agree I have become a transgressor of Your laws. I invite You into these areas of error and heresy and where I have refused to obey Your Truth knowing it to be the truth I repent for deafening my ear and hardened my heart to walk after the flesh than the Spirit and The Spirit of Your Word; I invite You to bring these iniquities to death and expose the error and heresy for I desire Truth anoint me with a love of Truth. Father, anoint my prayer with power and authority to cast out Leviathan and his connected and related spirits: I declare “the curse of Leviathan back to ten generations on both sides of the family destroyed all legal rights or ground which give evil spirits reason to operate… destroyed … in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.” 2. [Worley, 1996:4-5] Father where all pride has brought in infirmity, disease, illness and sickness I ask for healing and deliverance so I can be released from: any and all depression, weariness, loneliness, emotional pain, oppression, fatigue and fatigue unto death, excessive tiredness, exhaustion, slumber, death suicide, schizophrenia, defeatism, dejection, despair, hopelessness, insomnia, morbidity, despair, despondency, discouragement.” 3. [Worley, 1991:8] “Father, I bind Leviathan and the seven heads being little pride, arrogant pride, spiritual pride, rationalization, justification, logic, pride in knowing and using these things and I also bind Neptune, Dagon and Poseidon all associated Egyptian spirits and spirits of the world and worldliness. Father, in the power and authority of the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I bind this Orion the strongman and the seven bonds or stars Orion (Job 38:31) being “Betelgeuse, Rigel, Bellatrix, Saiph, Mintaka, Alnilam and Alnitak.” 4. [Online, accessed 30 August 2009] Father, I bind and separate this cluster of spiritual stars the Pleiades. 39

Father I also bind any and all connected and related spirits of prince charming, false gifts and revelation and tongues and Beelzebub in and over myself (or………… put name in here).” 5. [Worley, 1983:19] Father, I command these evil spirits to manifest to leave and command they do not manifest other than to leave peaceably and quietly. Father I command Leviathan not to twist or wind or take control in any way of my body or soul but to only manifest peaceably to leave. Father let a hook be put in Leviathans jaw (Job 41:1-2) and him drawn out and taken to his place appointed and all other spirits that have to leave in and over me. Father I verbally renounce all my pride and come out of an agreement with this iniquity and where I am in a bond of pride thank You for bringing to death this pride in my life so I can remain delivered from Pride, and all associated and related spirits of pride. Father, all honor all glory and all power belong to You, thank You for my deliverance of these spirits.”

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Prayer For Restoring Your Boundaries “Then they will rebuild the ancient ruins, they will raise up the former devastations; And they will repair the ruined cities, The desolations of many generations.� Isaiah 61:4 NASB

Heavenly Father, Proverbs say that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom I ask for this gift and the anointing the rest of the days of my life of fear of The Lord. Thank You this boundary, will keep me walking in Your ways and living for You than living for myself. Father I stand in the gap and acknowledge that my ancestors and I have broken down the hedges and caused the boar and the wild beasts of the field to come in and devour my life and my sexuality. Father they and I have broken many a hedge, and the serpent has bitten us because we have not obeyed Your Word and the laws of Your Word. Father I repent of theirs and my own lawlessness, I ask for forgiveness, where we have been lawless and broken down the hedges and opened the generations and my own life up to cause a twisting of my body soul and spirit into homosexuality I repent and ask for forgiveness. I surrender my body a fresh today for you to bring me back to my original design. Where homosexuality has taken my image over and distorted it to look like the opposite gender I invite Your healing transforming hand to bring me back to my true gender identity. Father I agree with Your Word that You are a God of blessing but with lawlessness there cannot be Your full blessing. I surrender afresh to learn to walk in Godly boundaries that I may be able to repair the broken hedges around my life and especially those that have come from the rebellious living of sexual sins. Father I repent and turn away and ask for a change of heart and ask for Your power to bring to death the sin structures that I am bound in that would keep my hedges down and my struggling with homosexual lust. The hidden 41

and known iniquities I am bonded in that keep my boundaries down and keep the serpent taking my fruits I surrender to You today that You would change my heart and even reveal the consequences of keeping these, so I choose not to nurture and keep them as delight. I declare with Your Word “Then they will rebuild the ancient ruins, they will raise up former devastations, and they will repair the ruined cities, the desolation’s of many generations.” Isaiah 61:4 (NASB) Father, I repent and ask for forgiveness, the breaking of all curses and judgments from You and the kingdom of darkness; the closing of all doors and the deliverance from all effects and spirits for having no boundaries and living in rebellion to Your Word. Father, I renounce the transgression of homosexuality, immorality, lust and all lawlessness in these areas. I choose to be an over comer and I ask for Your fresh oil of anointing on my life from this day onwards to be one of those who overcome the lusts of the flesh the ways of the world and the spirits of darkness. I commit my life to be a kingdom of priests in Your Kingdom, let Your Kingdom come let Your will be done from this day forth. Father where fear of spirits of darkness and fear of the supernatural and fear of Your gifts and Your supernatural life have hindered me from growing up and confronting change I renounce and confess this as sin and I pray for revelation, teaching and deliverance so I may know the truth that will set me free to become a man or woman of The Spirit walking in the spirit. Father reveal to me all the sins that fortify a power base of homosexuality in my life at present. I repent of my ancestor’s and my own involvement in homosexuality, sodomy and incest, and this in Freemasonry and other associated cults, religions and sects. Where the hedges have been down to bring in homosexuality because of these transgressions, I renounce the curse of sodomy and homosexuality and bestiality and all idolatry, adultery, secret affairs, divorce, seduction, perversion, immorality, lasciviousness, uncleanness, lewdness, lust, indecency and all other unknown sin from involvement and belonging to Freemasonry and associated cults, fraternities and other false religions and things alike. Father, I renounce every unclean spirit in my life and those from Freemasonry, and I denounce and repent for my ancestor’s involvement in these false religious institutions. Where they had done acts and spoken oaths 42

that have opened doors to bestiality, homosexuality and incest and adultery I acknowledge their sins and those of my own and call it for what it is a transgression of Your laws. Father because of all that Jesus has done at Calvary and all that I am in Him as His bride, flesh of His flesh and an heir close every door from my ancestors and deliver me from curses and judgments and spirits for I receive the finished work of my Great High Priest as my right of being set free from the ancestor’s guilt. Father I do not want anything in my life that would hinder my maturing in The Faith and a walk in Your Spirit and coming into the fullness of my true identity I commit myself to be a king and priest, and I choose life on this day that I may live. Father, where my relationship boundaries are down I believe You will restore me in these areas. I invite you into all rejection and abandonment in my life and all areas where my relationships with the opposite sex has been devastated because of the hedges being down due to so many ungodly boundaries. Father I ask for a spirit of repentance and that You would bring me forth into maturity from the milk of The Word to the meat of The Word. I ask You to breath a fresh on me so that I become truly born again, raise me from the death of my past for I agree I want a new life.

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 43

Prayer For Healing From Abuse “He heals the broken hearted and binds up their sorrows.” Psalms 147:3

Father, I call upon the power of The Blood Covenant that provides demonic deliverance and the provision of healing. For it is written “if we confess our sin You are Faithful and Just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9) and that includes cleansing of demonic infestation. Father, incest and pedophilia is “an act of satanic worship … an act of witchcraft consummation” 1. [Kitchen 17:2006] I ask for the breaking of this consummation and this covenant off my life. Where the act has put me on the satanic altar as an act of worship I declare a release because of the Blood of Redemption of Jesus Christ. Where the pneumo-genetics of my family line are incest and pedophilia Thank You this link be broken off me and my generation the doors are closed from both sides of the family. Father, break every controlling link up and spirit because of sexual abuses from each and or from the offender(s) and every soul tie with them and my sibling(s). Father, where I have been so fragmented because of molestation and incest and rape and sexual sins against me, thank You for restoring my soul. Where I hate me, blame myself and reject myself and or believe my body, my breast and my private parts are disgusting I repent and renounce and invite you into these areas to heal and change my heart. I invite you into my sexuality my feminine gender and as a male into my masculine gender to bring it back to Your original design. Father, I agree with You, it was not my fault and Father where my own father or my relative has not admitted to me he did sexually abuse me, I hear Your word in my heart “I’m sorry, yes I did abuse you, I admit I did sin against you.” Father where closure cannot come because he/she is dead or refuses to admit in fear of jail, I receive from You a Fathers voice in my heart, and I release them to You. Father, I renounce the deception of being considered as daddy’s favorite, as the pet, the lie of having a little secret and being considered his/her precious one or his little angel or ______________. I renounce the secret of do not tell if you tell you will be killed. Where I have sworn to secretary with the penalty of death, I renounce this oath and lie. 44

I agree it was not my fault; I did not provoke or ask for such betrayal of my childhood or youth, but I chose to forgive myself if I am blaming me. I agree, and declare I am not guilty, not guilty, and not guilty, and I renounce all guilt complexes and ask where I have anxiety or any form of anxiety neurosis from deep guilt and blaming myself I receive my healing. Father I release my imaginations to Your Lordship, and I renounce all guilt, condemnation and shame, feeling depressed and miserable because of these transgressions or my negative thoughts about self and my so-called failings. I agree with Your Word that when we confess our sin “You cast it as far as the east is to the west and remember it no more.” (Psalm 103:12) Jesus, I receive, “I am not guilty, not guilty, not guilty” and I forgive me for my involvement in any of these transgressions. Father I let go of all anger hatred, bitterness, revenge, un-forgiveness self-pity and the victim mentality. Father where verbal, mental emotional, physical and spiritual abuse has touched my life impacted my life I invite You into here. Father, bring to my heart these wounds for I willingly want to release them to You and invite You to come into these areas’ and be Lord. Father, bring the pain to the surface of where I have been treated cruelly, treated shamefully, had cruel words said to me, even the cruel countenance that has glared at me. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Father I receive that the abuse was not my fault, and I receive the words Not Guilty Not Guilty Not Guilty into my inner most being.


Father, let all agreements, lies, soul ties and covenants be broken between me and the perpetrator(s). Father, let every judgment and area where control has taken grounds, and silence has ground be annulled and broken. Father, where I have been abusive verbally physically emotionally sexually and spiritually I repent and ask for forgiveness and ask for the release of all judgments and grounds of darkness. I invite You into these areas to bring them to death (Romans 8:13) and to demolish every area that keeps these iniquities and sin structures fortified in my life. Father, I receive healing restoration and comfort of The Lord for a new heart, to trust You with all my heart, to trust others, for intimacy with others and You, for compassion for kindness and for self-control. Father, let every curse of abuse be released from my life, and every link to the perpetrators and the kingdom of darkness be broken. Let all control coming from those who abused me be severed and broken from me to them. Thank You, Father and - Father let it be so in Jesus Name Amen and Amen.

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 46

Prayer For Healing From Emotional Dependence

“Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:� Matthew 7:24 KJ

Father I repent of emotional dependency and ask You to demolish all that fortifies this stronghold in my life. Lord Jesus, bring all of the habits to death. Father I curse the very foundation and root structure that has brought forth in me to be an emotionally dependent person away from my real self and away from my real identity, so let the root wither and die in Jesus Name. Father where my flesh has chosen these pits I repent and renounce them and ask You to anoint me to bring me out to stay out; forgive me I have learnt to run into them. Work in me until I have become free of these habit cycles. Enable me to get off the merry-go-round I just cannot step off for I am so bonded to these habits they have become such a way of life. Father, bring me to a place where I can truly accept myself and people for who they are and where they are at. Where I am manipulative, possessive, obsessive and jealous and even judgmental with self-deception, I repent and invite You into these areas for change and healing. Father, where I take advantage of those who are weaker than my own self because of the false belief they need me or to emotionally support me I repent and renounce this with all known and unknown manipulation. Father forgive me for I repent, renounce and I choose to get out of the pit of a false identity, this false personality, out of all self-loathing, self-hatred, self-condemnation, self-destruction, self-delusion, self-deception, self-pity, fear of disapproval, self-rejection, self-righteousness, self-reward like spending or eating, self-will, depression, suspicion, fear, loneliness, attention seeking, flirtation, seduction, jealousy, possessiveness, control, antisubmissiveness, self-seduction, idolatry, inferiority, rejection, unfairness, fantasy, self-awareness, sensitivity, nervousness, timidity, chattering, inordinate affection for animals, emotional incest, self-rejection, selfaccusation, self-consciousness, self-awareness, being fixed on the sense realm on all spiritual sensitivity, envy, false compassion, fear of rejection, false responsibility, despondency, despair, discouragement, hopelessness, shame, perfection, vanity, pride, egotism, narcissism, selfishness, isolation, with depression, sleep with depression and a hard heart; also because I think I will always be emotionally dependent and because I fear disapproval, and I 47

am so over-concerned with what others think. Father anoint me to take my eyes off myself, to come up higher to take a hold of life in Christ Jesus that I remove myself from the throne and put You back in Your rightful place on the throne of my life. I agree with You that to die is to live, so I choose life and Your way out of Emotional Dependence. I repent and renounce these and as a way of life and ask You to come into these that I do knowingly and unknowingly to have them uprooted demolished out of my inner man/woman to be brought to death and cleansed that I no longer walk in these ways or are bonded to these sin structures and spirits. Father, help me to reconnect with people or to connect with people, for fear has held me back in case I stumble again. I am powerless to change my heart to free myself of fear and this stronghold. Jesus, change my heart of stone to a heart of flesh. Jesus, help me to connect with other people, with the people who will accept me as I grow. Help me to move on in maturity in this area and become the king and the priest You have called me to be. Help me to receive Your encouragement, grow me in love and Your ways to accept others for who they are and where they are and deliver me from being so needy. Father, bring people into my life with the gift of love of the brethren and acceptance of the beloved. Father, grow me that I become one of these people for Your will. Build me up and encourage me and grow me to stay out of these emotional deceptive lifestyles. Build me up to reach maturity, to come to the reality that I need not be an emotionally dependent person. Where I don’t know boundaries of me from the false me and what is mine as opposed to what is false or even theirs I ask for fresh anointing of discernment. I even take You Lord Jesus Christ as My Savior and Lord in this counterfeit personality of emotional dependency – I declare You to be Lord and I receive Covenant to surrender this portion of my soul and where it has affected even my appearance to Your Salvation and Lordship Your ownership. I fall out of agreement with my flesh and with spirits who have this area of my personality fortified; I declare Blood Covenant against this for freedom and liberty. Where I have little opinion of myself or self-worth and or a self-esteem stronghold, bring me forth into newness of life with the truth of my identity I have as a son/daughter of You Father.


Father where this stronghold comes from fear of rejection and rejection and abandonment enable me strengthen me and lead me to go through the prayer strategy on the Depart to the Other Side survival kit on Rejection. Lead me to be in touch with my needs that are truth and grow me to express them without hiding them and not expressing my real heart yes my real self. I recognize all the fruits I walk in that stem from the root, yet I do not know what is the root causations of my emotional dependence but You know and I will trust You to uproot this network and demolish this stronghold that is fortified that keeps me in captivity and unable to walk in my freedom and liberty of a child of God as a king and priest in the order of Melchizedek. Take my heart to these places so Your healing comes to my fragmented soul and enable me to be honest with myself with no denial. Bring to my heart what You want especially where I have pushed it out of my mind and kept the pain to myself. Where the memories are too painful, I receive Your Truth that The Spirit of Christ Jesus is my counselor and One who I can confide in, and pain is part of the healing process. Father where I have triggers that bring back ED I invite You into these, and when I am strong, allow those triggers to be revealed that I may see the superficial reality of these. Where it has its roots in my relationship with my Father/Mother bring it all to the light. Conditional love, buying love, acting out for love, has caused me to have a false identity and caused me to become emotionally dependent and especially out of fear, to become a people pleaser, an over achiever and even perfect or on the other side it has brought forth my overeating, me having an affair, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, taking prescription drugs and gambling and so on. I repent of these and renounce these behaviors and invite You Jesus in to bring these to death by Your Spirit for I fall out of the agreement with them. Where my mother/husband was preventing me from taking responsibility for behaviors emotions or conscious of making me dependent on her/him and out of her/his fear base or manipulation and control I forgive her/him and repent for her/his behaviors. Where I have been in an unhealthy emotional incest, I also repent and cut that in the spirit and declare the release from the curses attached to incest and sexual abuse and the unclean spirits attached. Father where her/his fear was that she/he needed to protect me and or carry my weaknesses instead of letting me grow emotionally I repent and break each soul tie and prophetically the umbilical cord still attached in the spirit for I declare I am growing up as a man/woman in my own right.


Father I repent of fear, terror and panic and I renounce the spirit of fear that has governed me I repent and renounce all silence and autism on my tongue, fear of man, fear and silence from my mother and father, having no rights or allowed no opinion as a child. I renounce grieving for where I had been sinned against and grieving that no one would believe me or help me. Father I take accountability for ED for my own feelings and needs and not make others responsible for them. Father where this stronghold is driven by the unclean and I come under a spell under a power greater than my own self I declare The Blood of Jesus is against this and it can no longer rule my heart my body my emotions or any part of my life anymore. Father where it is Your will to reveal to me the difference that I see the fog lift and I may discern the difference to my flesh and the spell with all its lies and deception and stronghold of these unclean spirits let it be so. Where I am under all deception and the deception that he/she loves me and needs me I bring this to Your Truth. Father I have seen that these relationships end in resentment, unhappiness and dissatisfaction, and I have become offensive to lash out at them to bite for no reason to be without manners so I repent. Father, these relationships do not allow me to grow or become independent but remain even more dependent and avoiding pain and suffering which is a part of life. Enable me to get set free for the truth is not facing problems they remain and become worse. Father, where this stronghold is fortified with lies and deception let each one of them be brought into the light. I renounce these lies and deception of: He/she is the answer to my unhappiness I need to be loved and accepted for who I am, warts and all I need someone’s time and attention I have to keep myself emotionally dependent If I help others I feel self-worth I am emotionally starved I get approval if I am lovable I believe my value hopes dreams are linked to them I have to be there for someone for my happiness This offers me peace instead of suffering emotionally It is the only way I feel safe They will have a bad opinion of me - they are more important than me All people will reject me sooner or later 50

I am a person who has to tend to the underdog I have to be the caretaker for them to make me strong I have to be the savior the protector My mother always said I had to be there for a friend If you can’t give your all to a friend you may as well not be a friend My mother said I would never keep a friend because of __________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Father where the wounded self has a life of its own let it be brought to death. I receive You Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior here into the wounded self. I even receive You Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in every other false personality that is fragmented, let me see them. I see it as a counterfeit to the true me for I renounce it I resist it and I come out of agreement with it and I declare every unclean spirit attached to this stronghold my enemy and an enemy of The Cross of Christ Jesus my Lord my Savior my Redeemer my Deliverer in Whom I can do all things. Where I have handed over portions of my soul to people to be responsible for my self-worth and welfare I repent and surrender this to You. Where I have been selfish to demand, they love me I repent and ask for a change in my heart that I learn to love in a Godly heart. Father where I take other people’s behavior personally I receive the truth that I have no control over other people’s feeling or behavior neither am I responsible for how they feel or behave or have their opinions of me. Father I pray where I have an iniquity of idolatry because of ED I repent and ask also for forgiveness for all those I have made idols of and where I have allowed myself to have evil soul ties and evil soul ties of control. Father let every soul tie in my mind; will and emotions be broken in Jesus Name, and I name every one of these I have made an idol of and soul tied myself to. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Father I forgive myself for my emotionally dependence persona, and I receive Your forgiveness. Where I have wanted those persons all to myself even obsessed even brought destruction to their other friends and family and even where I could not face the day without contact with them, I repent.


Father, where I have opened my heart to fantasy and sexual feeling I repent and ask for the demolishing of this lust stronghold that I no longer visit this cave of security. Father give me the wisdom and knowledge and peace as this will not go away overnight it will take much to be uprooted out of my heart, my memories and the sin structures brought to death and the curse structures seen and released and other structures in the habitual persona brought to light and demolished. But I choose life I choose to surrender to this for I desire wholeness and want to be all that You have for me not only in restoration from the old to the new self but as a minister of reconciliation and the ministry of king and priest in Your Kingdom serving before You at Your altar. Father where I have a network of spirits of schizophrenia, insanity, torment, fear and paranoia, double souled, personality disorders or multiple personalities with a stronghold of unclean spirits in a mental illness family uproot this out of my old man/woman my old self out of every false identity and the fragmented personality that I become the man/woman You have me to be, the real me, healed and made whole. I declare You Lord Jesus are my Redeemer and Savior in every aspect of my fragmented personality and my iniquitous character I declare I will be stable, of one mind and one accord with You for You restore all things and make whole to bring me to the real me. Let me be loosed from each and every spirit here, and that fortifies emotional dependency. I trust You, for I know You will do a work in me to renew me and transform me to the identity I was meant to have since the womb of my Mother and I allow You to do the work in me as this too will take time to outwork so the journey may be longer than I want, but You are with me in the boat You are there for me to bring forth You fruits of righteousness that enable me to bring forth the real me to bring forth fruits of righteousness. Father where I am to come away from unhealthy relationships I believe You will bring them to naught and or You will allow some and not others so I trust in You here, knowing that these friendships will fade away. Father where I consciously or unconsciously have an emotional dependent relationship with a woman as a substitute for a sexual lesbian relationship I repent, renounce the foundation stone and lie that blinds and deafens me to believe it is healthy and acceptable in You sight. Thank You that in other prayer strategies that cover fear, anxiety, shame, rejection and abandonment in this manual that are areas that fortify Emotional Dependence You will set me free therefore when I pray these so let my heart connect the dots.


Father, I receive healing restoration and the comfort of The Spirit of The Lord for a new heart, to trust You with all my heart, to trust others, for intimacy with You and others, for compassion for kindness and for self-control.

In Jesus Name Amen.�

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 53

Prayer For Hatred Of Women “If we confess our sin You are Faithful and Just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness� 1 John 1:9

Father, I call upon the power of The Blood Covenant that provides

demonic deliverance and the provision of inner healing. For it is written if we confess our sin, You are Faithful and Just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, and that includes cleansing of all demonic defilement all curses all judgments. Father, I forgive all transgressions of my ancestors for their hatred of men and hatred of women and the fruits of these transgressions, and I acknowledge and confess they have sinned in grievous ways. I repent of all my rebellion and disobedience to Your laws for my transgressions and iniquity for my hatred of women and hatred of men. Father I repent and renounce for all physical abuse, sexual abuse and treating women as objects and sexual objects and considering they are worthless and whores and just bitches. Where they have been considered as animals, as less than and without value worth and intelligence, I repent. Father I repent and renounce where my family lines have twisted the intent of scripture to value only firstborn males and consider women as less than and not as equal or important as the firstborn male or as the males. Father I repent of all violence all legal violence all cultural violence and where men have turned away or witnessed violence against women and done nothing I forgive them. I repent where I and they have devalued women and treated them cruelly. I repent where they have been given no rights, where they have been bought and sold, where they have been made prostitutes against their will. I repent for all financial gain and all financial abuse of women and where they have been used for slave labor and for slavery and incest. Father where genital mutilation has come down the generational line to subdue and control women I declare this mutilation will end here. Where this takes form in the spirit to subdue and control women that they cannot have places of leadership, positions of ministry, I declare this will end here. I


renounce and repent of this abuse and control and lie that they are the weaker sex that they cannot be involved in the decision-making. I repent where the ancestors who were owners of estates took the virginity of their slaves and workers on their wedding night. I repent where men have prized a woman on her virginity appearance and weight. I repent of the hatred of and the veneration of males, phallus and idolatry of the male. Father I repent of all infanticide, matricide and the rulership of women down the generational line because the males have abdicated or because of hatred of males or because of hatred of race and dominance of culture and race. Where this has taken place in the veneration of Mary worship and veneration of other female deities, I repent and declare the Lordship of The Father and Son over my household. Father, where mothers have put their daughters into institutions into boarding schools because of fear, hatred or because females are not valuable as the male raising the males at home and because of being bound themselves in a cycle of motherlessness I repent and renounce these loveless lies and this cycle. Father I repent where men have used a perverted view of biblical authority to subdue a wife and their daughters. I declare I will know truth and truth will set my marriage free of all false submission and no rights of a wife. I declare women are co-heirs with Christ they are not for abuse or to be controlled or humiliated in the name of Jesus and male headship. Father where this has caused us to go into care to be abandoned to be rejected to be outcast I declare I belong to You and the household of God a building of living stones. Where murder has come against the mothers to kill the relationship with the son and the daughters or vise versa, I declare no more shall this spirit bring murder and death. I repent of all murder of women all rape of women all neglect of women because of such hatred and disdain. Father where children have been taken off mothers where they have lost custody, property, share of the inheritance and been silenced I renounce the curses and ask for double honor and the sevenfold return from the thief who has stolen because of their works of hatred. Father where women have been forced to have abortions by their parents by their husbands I repent and renounce this transgression. I repent where the child has been birthed under occult circumstances and societal belief of the outlawing of forceps because women were to suffer during childbirth. 55

Father I repent and renounce where the doctor’s views were venerated or highly trusted that this ignored a woman’s need or the mother’s needs; where they gave them cesareans, episiotomies and any other procedure that treated pregnancy as an illness and a shame I break this in Jesus Name. I declare the deep roots of shame with pregnancy outside marriage be broken, and healing of the memories come forth. Father I repent where women of old have been administered scopolamine not to relieve pain, but to disorder a woman’s mind so that she would not remember giving birth and then take the baby forcibly while she was tied down in restraints. I repent of all ill practices from doctors and medical hospitals and institutions and who have held suspicious beliefs practiced erroneous laws and unbiblical laws. Father where children have been stolen from underage mothers or taken off them legally because of age and shame and hatred and fear because of their gender I renounce and repent. Father where I have been given the name of a relative that was hated, and this hatred has come at me I break all soul ties with the name and the relative and the gender discrimination. Where I have the looks of my grandmother or grandfather, and there is hatred because of this I declare release and forgiveness and breaking of the soul ties and the abuse at me in the spirit and the natural and I break the black sheep curse and the scapegoat curse in Jesus Name from the kingdom of darkness. Father where these transgressions have caused premature birth, miscarriage and hysterectomies without medical cause I declare thus far and no further will these go down my generational lines. Father, I repent and renounce the denial of access to women to be educated, to various trades, positions without consideration of equal rights. I repent for where others have put a financial value on the same labor as the male seeing her as less than equal. I repent for those who were violent against women during the days and marches demonstrated for the right to vote and for equal rights. Father I repent where I have seen menstruation as a curse when it is natural, and the way that my body is made to bring forth new life. Father I also repent where I believed menopause was a curse when it is part of the life cycle of aging.


Father I declare this generation will know Your Love for women Your love for them as part of Your Body with ministry and good works for their inheritance. Father where there has been unbelief that women cannot be in ministry and same positions in a calling from You I repent and declare they will fulfill the call and ministry You have on their lives, the plans and thoughts You have for their destiny. Father I declare that no spirit of the kingdom of darkness no principality spiritual wickedness or high place no dominion will take from the female generations and those to come their calling and ministry You have ordained for them even before they were in the womb of me their mother or their mothers to a thousand generations to be ministers of Your Word. Father, release me and my children from all misogyny, and I declare a blessing over the female lineage of my generations living and those to come that they will know their inheritance and be mighty women of God mighty women of The King. Father I accept the female gender those who are outside my family lineage and as a woman I accept myself, and my mother as a female. I renounce all women hating spirits and ask for the breaking of all curses and all effects because of hatred and the transgressions against the females in my lineage and the females in my nation and those all over the globe. Father let this be so In Jesus Name Amen. PLEASE NOTE: For hatred of men, you could go back over and prayer and change hatred of women to hatred of men where appropriate.

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 57

Prayer For Sexual Sins

“Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.” 1 Corinthians 6:18 ESV “For you know what instructions we gave you through the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honour, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God;” 1 Thessalonians 4:2-7 ESV

Father, firstly I address the spirits of the kingdom of darkness. Devils I resist you, I renounce you and refuse your will for my life. I no longer want to be in agreement with your perverse ways. I denounce you and your ways and I hate you and declare you are my enemy and I come into agreement with Jesus Christ my Deliver who redeemed me by His Blood and I belong to His Kingdom and it is finished at Calvary; you will leave His Temple, my body as you have lost your grounds you cannot remain. You no longer have any legal rights in my life in my body soul spirit or any aspect of my life body soul and spirit or by blood line. Today is the day you are going to loose and leave me under the command and direction of The Spirit of Christ Jesus. I come out of agreement and fellowship with you and resist all of you; you will leave me and I declare and agree you will be taken to the place The Lord Jesus Christ has appointed for you. I surrender all the area’s I have given you I declare it now comes under Blood Covenant of The Son of God The Lord Jesus Christ and His Kingdom rule and reign over you. I reclaim all the ground I have ever given to you in my body, soul and spirit because of sexual transgressions. I resist you, renounce you and refuse your presence and will any longer in my life.



I ask for the Spirit of conviction so I may repent and acknowledge my transgressions before You. I now renounce, repent and confess every sexual transgression that I have done I confess my iniquity my trespass where I have trespassed against You (Leviticus 26:40). I repent and renounce of each and every transgression I am committing, involved in and those I have practiced and participated in. I now forsake and turn from darkness to light from the flesh to The Spirit so as to overcome the sexual transgressions I have been doing and what I am now bonded to and I ask You Jesus to demolish these from my heart that they no longer bind me in a stronghold. I ask for release of all evil soul ties to the following people I have been in every way sexually intimate with inside and outside the legal covenant of marriage ___________,______________,____________,______________. Father because of my weaknesses and sexual struggles and where I need to overcome lusts of the flesh I ask where I still have close or friendships with those who are fornicators, homosexuals or those who are sexually perverse either a brother or a sister in Christ or those of the world, change my heart to come away from them so as to obey Your command “not to associate intimately with fornicators” and so they may know their sin and return to You (2 Corinthians 6:14; Ephesians 5:1-8) and also that which is also written in 1 Corinthians 5:9-13. Father I come into agreement with Your Word old things are passed away, and I am a new creature in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). I ask that you would release me from all soul-ties and affections so that I may break away from these friendships so as to spiritually mature and overcome the iniquity that caused me to have things in common with them. Father I choose to obey the command “come out from among them, and be separated, says the Lord, and do not touch the unclean thing” (2 Corinthians 6:17) “since I must go out of the world.” (1 Corinthians 5:10) Father, I also repent of all unscriptural divorce and the remarrying that may of made my spouse commit adultery or myself to commit adultery (Mark 10:11-12). I repent of all spiritual whoredom, harlotry, fornication, adultery and idolatry in these areas. I repent where I have been disobedient to all your commandments and laws and decrees by my sexual transgressions. I repent, renounce and denounce where I have been involved in these transgressions out of; deceit, deception, lies, fear, fear of man, people pleasing, loneliness, stress, pain, rejection, self-protection, inferiority, pride, 59

shame, ambition, money, control, perversion, seduction, power, prestige, rank, title, greed, hatred, revenge, to hurt and harm others, for gain, for money, for taking forbidden fruit, adrenalin rush, pleasure, feelings, to escape reality, false securities as my circumstances were too much for me to handle, to have a sense of being loved, to be approved, to be seen as desirable, for ego, for conceit, self-esteem and for whatever reason You will to bring to my heart ________________. Father, I repent with the worship, agreement and fellowship with darkness and the worship of man and or woman or child/ren. I repent of all unrighteousness, fornication, iniquity, covetousness, malice, full of envy, murder, quarrels, deceit, evil habits; becoming a whisperer, slanderer, Godhatter, insolent, proud, braggart, pleasing others, devising evil things, disobedient to parents, without discernment, perfidious, without natural affection, unforgiving unmerciful and approving and applauding those practicing such (Romans 1:29-32). Father, I repent for being a lover of self, lover of money, love of the world, idolatry reveal all idolatry to me as I walk with You as I surrender to sanctification; I repent of being a braggart, arrogant, a blasphemer, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural feeling, unyielding, slanderer, without self-control, savage, hater of good, betrayer, reckless, puffed up, lover of pleasure rather than lover of God, having a form of godliness but denying Your power and all my foolishness, being hypocritical being insincere pretending to be someone that I am not (2 Timothy 3:2-5). Father, I repent and renounce sexual relations with incubus and succubus and demons and the demon mare mara, all spirits all fallen angels and creatures and I renounce these from my ancestry lineage and declare I am adopted into the family of God for I renounce the kingdom and darkness and their way and declare I am no longer theirs but a citizen of heaven. Father, I repent of all sexual relations with these fallen sons of God and any fallen angels of God or Nephilim and their offspring. Father I renounce all allegiance all oaths and all ties to the Queen of Heaven, and I repent for my worship, offerings and sacrifice and sexual relations with her and her lesser goddess in any her fertility rites and rituals. I repent for myself for tolerating Jezebel, committing adultery with her, holding her teachings, embracing Satan’s deep secrets and eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Father remove all veils off my heart and give me a heart of flesh to seek to know and understand Your Word, for I decree and declare I serve You and 60

I have received my adoption as Your child. I pray a cleansing of the bloodlines of all Nephilim bloods and sons of God bloods if any. Bring all genetic coding to health and all instructions in coordinating every part of my body soul and spirit in the blood back to my original design. I renounce all night husbands I renounce all night wives, and I declare that no longer can these who assigned to my house and bloodlines continue to remain I renounce them and Father let them be gathered and taken to the place The Lord Jesus Christ has assigned of them. I repent where I have knowingly and unknowingly had sexual relations with the night wives and the night husbands. I repent where I have visited witches, spiritualists, sangomas or warlocks for love witchcraft and spells and potions and things alike. I renounce all love witchcraft, all love potions, love charms, love rituals, all love baths and washes and perfumes and all psychic prayers. Father where I have opened portals or doorways or gateways to the underworld, the spirits of the nether world and any other ungodly dwelling of Your universe let them be closed off and all links broken and uprooted and loosed from me in and over my household. Father, I repent and renounce polygamy and all blood covenants and cut every spiritual soul tie to foul spirits and all these sexual spirits and demons because of transgressions. I declare The Blood of Jesus and all that His Blood has provided for my deliverance and healing and restoration wholeness and prosperity. Father where my transgressions have brought fantasy, false love and cravings and homosexuality and unisex I repent and ask You to break off me all spiritual ties and legal grounds. Father, I renounce the worship and idolatry of all these transgressions, and I take back my body, spirit, mind will and emotions and surrender all to You Lord Jesus Christ. I renounce all ungodly sexual relations in the natural and the spiritual and declare I am a new generation and a faithful priest and king of The Lord Jesus Christ my Great High Priest. Father I repent for putting on my body, Your temple cursed lotions, cursed incense, cursed perfumes, cursed aromatherapy, cursed ceremonial liquids and those used by masseuses with aromatherapy and things alike that are occultism, new age and evil in Your sight. Father, restore unto this generation the fear of The Lord the love of Truth and a heart of faithfulness to Your Marriage Covenant. 61

Father I renounce these foul spirits spirit of Incubus, Succubus, Incubi, Succubi, Eldonna and Mare I resist them and refuse their will in my life and declare the Blood Covenant of Jesus Christ has preeminence over and in my life and my body soul and spirit I speak off these sins renounce their wicked ways. Father I repent where sins have been placed on others and chased them away making them scapegoats. Where others or I have been considered the black sheep, the one who is not worthy of any inheritance, I forgive them and renounce this lie and the lie of scapegoat. Father, remove this as far as the east is from the west from myself and my children and their children and thank You for blessings of a thousand generations. Father, I ask you to release myself, my child/children who are living at home under my Parental authority from all; judgments, from where You have given us up to a reprobate mind and uncleanness, where our eyes, ears and heart are veiled that we might not perceive. From everything, You have sent on us, from all reproach, from oppression from all wraths. From everywhere we are seared in our conscious and from judgments unknown, strongholds, plagues, any hexes, jinx or spells, oaths and vows, mind control, control, witchcraft control, blood covenants, promises and all binding allegiances. Father for myself I repent and renounce all wishing on stars, making decisions by the stars, trying to read the times and seasons by the stars, trying to find wisdom and answers in the stars, worshipping the stars, going to the astrologers and their writing to know what star sign I am and who is compatible as a lover or husband or wife. Father I repent of all agreement with darkness I repent for tolerating profanity, sexual overtones, movies that reveal transgression of Your laws, burn the desire of this out of my heart that I may no longer agree with the fruits of darkness. Father, I ask for the release from bonds of iniquity, I ask that the bonds of iniquity be revealed. I trust You can bring them to death so I no longer walk after these ways or give unclean spirits grounds to come back seven times making me worse. If they do come back for me backsliding, Father, teach me self-deliverance in the power of The Holy Ghost. And the knowledge that after I have received deliverance of unclean spirits I may transgress again in powerlessness or deceit to need that one and the seven plus to be cast out. [Grace is available in this Covenant, however if we continue to abuse grace by thinking “Oh He will cast out the demons when I confess or repent,� He will bring chastisement and 62

correction upon us. He knows the difference between willfully abusing grace and His forgiveness to powerlessness because of hidden unhealed areas in our lives.] Father, I also ask for release from all demonic bands bonds holds and powers, spiritual and evil soul ties unknown, destruction, death, infirmities, diseases, sicknesses, plagues, disabilities, genetic coding, gene pool, DNA and RNA anomalies and mutations and receptors, physical and mental illnesses and disabilities and depression because of the sexual transgressions. Also, any other effects for every aspect of my life because of the transgression known and not known. Father, release the components of my DNA that were trapped by the enemy because of instant gratification and all other transgressions of Your laws. Father, reestablish my DNA, RNA my gene pools my genetic coding to health and gender correctness to Your original plan and creation. Father I lay claim to every jubilee in my family lineage that has been missed because the enemy has stolen it from me and because transgression and lack of knowledge have hindered me from knowing this truth. I receive the jubilee blessing that whatever I owe whatever is debt whatever is owed to others is now released from me because Your Jubilee releases me from owing others a debt or making restitution for what I have stolen. I choose no longer to steal but to obey Your Word to give and give generously. I also ask for release and cleansing of my land, and any or all physical material items that have become defiled because of my sexual transgressions. Jesus, let each and every spirit be cast out and taken to their place appointed of them. Father, I now surrender my body as an instrument of righteousness, living and holy sacrifice, to You. I totally renounce Satan and his kingdom and their ways. I give myself to You Lord Jesus Christ to be Your follower, Your disciple and to now commit myself to live as one who belongs to the Kingdom of God. I return to you from where I have knowingly and unknowingly turned from Your Covenant ways. Now Father, before You and My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I repent, renounce and denounce and stand in the gap for all sexual transgressions of: Chat rooms and Internet Sex and Internet Porn Masturbation 63

Prostitution Public Toilet Sex Sodomy ______________ ______________ Father where I have come addicted to lust in all its forms, I ask for freedom. Just like you deliver those from drugs deliver me from the lusts my body and soul has come addicted to. Jesus, I call upon You and I bring these habitual lusts into the light and surrender them to You to change my heart and to bring them to death (Romans 8:13). Father, where I am going to forsake these lusts or transgressions, strengthen me to put away the magazines, the internet, the video’s the DVD’s. Create dissatisfaction in my behaviors where I am struggling to forsake these lusts. Give me the courage to become accountable to someone I may confide in where I will receive acceptance counsel and understanding and no gossip. Help me to connect again in the way You will for me. Father every treasure that has been stolen from me or lost because of my transgressions I claim now by faith and as my rightful inheritance. Father I command every curse keeper every guardian over all aspects in my life to be removed and plucked out of their dwelling places and taken to the place appointed of them because of my transgressions and iniquity. Father, annul, break, cancel, lift every cord, link up, bondage and legal right of spirits and demons and every judgment, correction and chastisement. Close all doors release me. Set me free from where I have been handed over, from everywhere You have given me up and sent on me a work of darkness with deception. Set me free from every whoredom, ungodly inheritance, ungodly heredity and genetic heredity and all legal rights of passage of the spirits and the demonic. Father, I call upon the power of The Blood Covenant that provides deliverance and the provision of healing. For it is written “if we confess our sin You are Faithful and Just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9) and that includes cleansing of spirits and demonic infestation and the healing flow to even my conscious and subconscious mind. Father, In Jesus Name Amen

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Prayer For Healing From Rejection “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 ESV

Father, I forgive those who have rejected, abandoned, betrayed, not accepted me and even shamed me, shunned me, ignored me and left me out of the family out of the inner circles and their lives because; At birth, I was a girl and not a boy I was a boy and not a girl I was an unwanted pregnancy I came from another family from another marriage I was adopted At birth, my father said, “not a girl” / “not a boy.” I was unpopular; socially unaccepted; teased for my looks; I had red hair; I had alcoholic parents; I had two dads; I had two mums; I was soft; I was boyish; I was coloured; I was ethnic; I was quiet; I was sick; I was an only child; I was fat; I was so short/tall; I had bucked teeth; I had ‘wingnut ears’; I had a long nose; I had a red birthmark on my face; I had acne and or lots of pimples; I was skinny and freckly; I did drugs and was sexually active; they knew my father was sexually abusing me; I had a hair lip and or speech impediment and or lisp; I had Attention Deficit Disorder; I was physically disabled, mentally disabled, I looked disabled, I was developmentally delayed; I was ‘dumb’; I had asthma/sickness and could not play sports so I felt inferior to others and rejected myself [Allow Jesus to bring to your heart whatever is your pain, whatever reason it was real to you with rejection.] _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 65

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Father, I will be able to totally forgive with your help those who have rejected me and abandoned me, and not accepted me for who I was and who I am or where I am at in You. I forgive those who have caused me to become motherless, fatherless, widowed, divorced, single or homeless and the outcast. I ask that you would do continuous work in me until I have totally forgiven them, for I shall find release and victory over rejection. I pray that you would bless them. Father I will be honest about my feelings as this is where healing takes place, and I am willing to let go of my feeling to You. Father, I confess the sins I have towards you. I repent and ask your forgiveness. I renounce any false expectations and blame towards you and others. Where I believe lies about you because my heart is wounded by rejection reveal those lies to me. Father, renew my mind that I may replace those lies with truth. Help me to receive the truth and cause it to go to my heart that I may walk in those truths. Father, I release my expectations of You to find me a friend, but thank you that You are willing and can help me find a friend(s), but I need to help myself as well. Father I ask You to do the work in me to be a friend. I ask You to set me free of the pain of rejection and see myself transformed. I release all my anger to You and anger against You and against others and the church who have rejected me and who continue to reject me. I release my harden heart against You and others because of the wounds of rejection. Father those who have not accepted me for the totality of who I am today, who I was yesterday, I choose to forgive them. Father I even forgive every person, group of people who have not invited me out for coffee, functions, parties, cell groups, outings and celebrations because of my past homosexuality and because of ___________________________. Father I ask you to keep me from the nets the enemy will try to set before me in the future to ensnare me and to continue to live out of a heart 66

of rejection; and their works that bring the wounds of rejection and nonacceptance or even abandonment. Father I ask if it is your will to lead me in this wilderness to heal me, reveal or to test so I may see how far I have overcome, I am willing. For I know, whosoever shall call upon the Name of The Lord shall be delivered, and you are for me not against me. And I know when I ask you into the pain of rejection the enemy has to flee. Father you have plans for healing for my good, not for evil, neither for me to stay living out of the heart of rejection and being friendless. Father I give you my pain: Why don’t people like me? Why did my father have to be a truck driver and be away from home all the time? Why was I born in that family? Why did she/they have to give me away? Why did he/she have to leave me for someone else? I am a really nice person. I ’ve got a lot to give. I’d be a great friend. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Father I renounce all these beliefs; I speak them off my life, out of my mind, out of my heart. I choose to write over this list that applies to me, NO LONGER ACCEPTABLE TRUTH. I ask you to renew my mind, counsel me every time I recall these lies, so Truth takes a deep root. Change my heart to flesh to stand steadfast in who I am as your daughter /as your son/ as the woman / man you created me as / as the woman I am becoming. Father, annul every power of these words of darkness off my life; every legal right of passage the enemy has against me and even my household. 67

Father, allow not this strategy to come upon my children or my children’s children. Father, help me to see and walk out of where I have bitter roots and anger and where I have judged them. Father, reveal to me all judgments. Reveal to me where I have dishonored my father and mother and You – She/he is not loving She is cruel He is a drunk He walked out on me He left me fatherless She never celebrated Christmas Where anger and bitterness has taken root in the heart because of these judgments, Father, reveal to me how these judgments bring destruction in my life? Jesus, I ask You to forgive me for judging these people and dishonoring my parents. I renounce these judgments, so they no longer seed their fruit in my life. Father, where I have walls up to defend myself and protect myself from being hurt I give the walls to You, to bring down. Bring them down by Your power and love and by however in your care and wisdom You will to do so. Father, I cannot change myself, Lord Jesus, enable me to change. I cannot change my circumstances; I cannot stop my anger, my bitterness and resentment. I give you my walls, my heart of stone and ask for the promise of the heart of flesh. Jesus, I ask for forgiveness for hardening my heart out of preservation and protection and self-defence against You and others. I take you today as Love, Compassion and as a God who cares. A God who has a heart to bless me, nurture me and take care of my welfare, both spiritual and physical. Father, I take You as my defense, protector, shield and truth from the works of the enemy that keep me rejected. I call on the power of the Blood Covenant to set me free from the enemy’s fortified cycle of rejection and 68

where rejection has a life of its own in my mind and heart. Father, I take Your Covenant Word of healing, deliverance, wholeness and beauty for ashes from all my rejection with its fruits and roots I receive the healing for the broken hearted and the deliverance out of captivity. Father, I ask You to forgive me for keeping You and people out of my life, for isolating myself and hurting myself and everyone by doing so. I ask You to forgive me where I have chosen not to fellowship with You, and not visit my mother/father, relations, church family; and other people as I have felt rejected and not accepted for who I am for the totality of who I am today. Enable me to connect again, break all disconnectedness in my heart and every legal doorway close. I ask you to anoint me with fresh oil of love, love of the brethren and acceptance in the beloved and to receive Your love and the love of others. Anoint me with an understanding heart with wisdom and discernment for all circumstances, with counsel, might and skill to rule now and all the days of my life so I will come out, and do not go back into a lifestyle of a cycle of rejection. I ask you to anoint me to risk friendship again and fellowship with You and others, I ask for The Spirit of understanding and wisdom with regards to friendships and I realize my free will in choosing friends. Father, I ask you to forgive me where I have kept You out of my heart, resisted your love and blamed you. Your love is the very love I need; I turn to You now and not away from you, help me to stay near you. Father, You are going to have to help me lots for my mind is not yet renewed about these truths. Especially of Your love and goodness, and that you are for me and not against me, and that you have a hope and future for me and your plan for me is not to be or remain a rejected person. Father release your love, Your liquid love into my inner most being, I come to You and choose to allow Your love to flow through me, help me not to resist. Help me to come out of all my habits to ignore You, to block out Your love and serving You out of duty, self-preservation and I want to get to heaven because I view you out of my rejected mindset. Father, I receive Your love, Your comfort, Your will is for my welfare of happiness, joy and peace. Your will is for friendships and for me to be a friend. Father I receive You to see myself accepted by others and accepted as the beloved and loved as the brethren, as a pearl of great prize, as someone who 69

is truly loved. I choose to get out of the pit of self-loathing, out of self-pity, out of isolation, depression, sleep and a hard heart that has become a way of life for me. I repent, bring these habits to death; enable me to get off these merrygo-rounds I just cannot step off I’m bonded to these habits, they have become such a way of life, I have learned to run into them, break me free of these habit cycles. Father also where my flesh has chosen these pits, I repent and renounce them and ask You to anoint me to bring me out to stay out. Father break, cancel and annul every demonic curse, strategy and assignments of rejection, non-acceptance and abandonment, betrayal against me. I call on Your Blood Covenant to set me free and keep me free from generational and current assignments and my children and spouse. Father where my life has been isolation and loneliness as a lifestyle and because of the entire root of rejection and because of circumstances beyond my control, my previous lifestyles and because of my choices, I want out of every pit of bondage. Father I want a new life, I choose to break free out of this cycle of rejection, isolation, loneliness and depression and sleep and anger and bitterness into acceptance and friendships and even to understand the meaning of friendship and to be a friend. I choose life; I choose to see with Your heart and eyes, anoint them from this day forward that I go never back into these lifestyles. Father, I even ask You to make known this truth that people do reject one another’s friendships, and even friendships move on and they come in all different forms. Father, help me realize everyone does not ‘click’ with everyone, with each other or even desire friendship with each other. Help me recall people’s choices are not reflections on me. Father, help me see this reality and see I don’t even ‘click’ or even want friendships because the chemistry or preference is not there. Father, help me to reconnect with people; to connect with people, I am powerless to change my heart. Jesus, change my heart of stone to a heart of flesh. Jesus, help me to connect with other people, with the people who will accept me. Help me to move on where people and I don’t ‘click’ and not take it personally. Help me to receive encouragement, grow me in love and Your ways to accept others for who they are and where they are. Father, bring people into my life with the gift of love of the brethren and 70

acceptance of the beloved. Father, grow me that I become one of these people for your will. Build me up and encourage me and grow me to stay out of these lifestyles. Build me up to reach maturity, to come to the reality people will reject people and friendships will vary. Father, where I made inner vows, open my eyes. I renounce these inner vows so they no longer seed fruit in my life, and I do exactly what I did not like in my parents, family or friends or partner doing. “I’ll never be like my father or mother,” “I’ll never do that to my children,” “I won’t treat people like that,” “I’ll never fall in love.” “I’ll die before I ever do …” “I’ll never bring children into the world.” “I’ll never marry a man I’ll be gay - I don’t like them as a species.” “I’ll never fall in love again.” Father, I choose today and if needed bring me to a place where I will bear the burden of their offenses of rejection by not using that information against them. Just as you did Jesus you took the consequence of sin upon Yourself and You were not guilty, and it was not your fault. I declare I am not guilty; it’s not my fault why people in the church have shunned and rejected me because I was once a lesbian. I refuse any longer to take the blame. I’m not guilty I am forgiven. It’s not my fault I’m not ugly or distasteful or a pervert or full of lust or a womanizer, or camping it up at all. It’s not my fault they shun me and reject me and don’t except me for the totality of who I am today in Christ. Just because they misunderstand the bondage of the homosexual or fear 71

that lifestyle and or are repulsed thinking oh what a wicked disgusting sinful lifestyle because they have been taught wrongly or they have not separated the who from the do, or the born-again person from the previous sin structure or the person who is on the pathway of healing. I am no longer taking it on board as my fault or personally. I stop the car and kick this mindset out; I curse this root and seed and declare this to wither and die let it be so Father in Jesus name. Therefore, the gap lies in the education within the church concerning those who once were these types of people. And there is an element of sinful flesh of those who willingly will not walk in the instructions of righteousness or Christian etiquette or walk out of the heart of God towards those who once were. So these people can take it up with Jesus or Jesus will take it up with them someday some time somewhere and I move on because it is not my fault, I am not guilty, I have been redeemed by the blood of The Lamb, I am on a pathway of total healing and I walk circumspect before The Lord God, my heart does not condemn me at all I am a woman of integrity. Jesus, even where my woundedness has made me feel rejected and not accepted when it was not others intention to reject me or not accept me and I thought it was, Lord, forgive me for feeling rejected and not accepted. Lord, help me to accept that life is full of broken people, sinful people, people who go their own way. Help me realize rejection and non-acceptance are sins that will always be within people and an act they will choose to do. So help me to accept this and take no personal offense. For I am truly accepted in You the beloved for who I am, and my value, security significance and worth is found in you. I am a pearl of great prize. Lord, make this become revelation to me, to keep me from falling into a cycle of rejection and nonacceptance. Lord Jesus, I am Yours, loved, cherished adored and beautiful in your sight and You accept me and will never forsake me or reject me, or cast me away. Lord God You love me where I am at and who I am today. Not even my sin structures can stop You from loving me, or cause You to reject me, what can separate me from Your love, nothing as it is written. Lord Jesus help me not to build up a defense mechanism in my flesh against You and when someone chooses to reject me and not show me acceptance; and even when they are not rejecting and accepting me and I think they are. Help me to overcome the reaction of rejection and surrender my defense mechanisms to You at that point so You can come in and covenant me. As you restore, I can gain understanding and revelation on rejection, 72

thank You. Lord Jesus, help me not to be someone I’m not or behave in a way that would compromise your Word, my personality or cause me to sin or cause someone else to stumble. Lord Jesus, help me not to be someone I’m not by acting in a way to keep a friend for this will rob myself of my true self. Where I have done this I renounce all false personalities all masks I give to you take them off for me and I invite You into all brokenness that has caused my personality to fragment and be dual or multiple. Help me to be myself and stay myself, stay true to my real self. Help me to stay in the work you have done in me thus far. Lord Jesus, cause all rejection in me to die. Jesus I pray You would break the behavior patterns in the Holy Spirit so healing and restoration can come and remain. I give all these personalities and behavior patterns to you. Jesus, help me to come out of all my comfort zones and insecurities and false securities. Lord Jesus, help me, so my flesh is willing for break through into victory where rejection has me bound and its fruits. Help me to run to You instead of my old habit patterns of behavior and my false securities. Jesus, help me to die to and turn from rejection and rebellion and the fruit of these. Jesus, build in new structures, as I am powerless to stop the fruits of rejection and even rebellion and anger because of rejection. Jesus I choose with an act of my will to allow your Holy Spirit to refine me to bring a change of heart in the fruits of rejection and where I rebel because of the pain. Where the fruits of rejection have seeded deep within me, I ask for Your Holy Spirit to change my heart and cause me to stay dead to these sins, these ways of life. I ask that I remain in the fruit of Your Spirit. I ask that You even bring me to maturity that I do no longer act out with rejection and non-acceptance. Jesus, bring to the light and lead me into repentance of their fruits and actions. So I can go totally free and stay dead to sin and yield no more. Jesus, strengthen me in these areas of temptation, so I am an overcomer and gain the victory. Jesus let your healing balm flow to my woundedness and brokenness, so restoration, deliverance and victory can come and remain. Jesus, help me to run to you instead of the fruit of sin and false securities of the enemy. Help me not to run to old thought patterns or confront that person. Help me to stay in forgiveness, bearing that burden upon myself as you did by no longer holding that offense or that information or action against them, and to give you that burden for total release. Jesus, then I can walk in your ways and not in the flesh. Jesus, enable me to replace the fruit of the 73

flesh with the fruit of The Holy Spirit, help me to yield. Enable me to do the opposite in your strength. Help me not to change myself by carnal modification but by your Spirit. Anoint me today with fresh oil for a change. Jesus, my sufficiency is in You, You change me in my spirit, not by worldly carnal techniques but by the deep work of Your Spirit. Jesus, lead me to receive ministry where necessary and anoint me to put off old practices of the flesh. Cause me to plunder the goods of the enemy and take their booty so I can walk free and stay free. A conqueror and a victor of unforgivness, rejection, rebellion, shame, guilt, anger, frustration, intolerance, introspection, defiance, inferiority, perfectionism, lust, selfabuse, addictions, blame, blaming self and others and You, re-living memories of they said this they did that, fear of rejection, paranoia, fear, self-pity, being unclean, indecision, nervousness, panic attacks, anxiety. Father I ask for discernment for other fruits of sin I need to be set free from. Secure me Father in Your Love. Lord Jesus I forgive everyone who has ever abandoned rejected and not accepted me. Lord Jesus I choose to forgive myself also. Lord Jesus I choose to forgive you where I have blamed you. Lord Jesus I renounce all false expectations of people and places, Churches and you, I repent, forgive me. Lord Jesus I renounce all bitterroot judgments, I repent, forgive me. Lord Jesus I renounce all hardness of heart, self- protection, self-control, I repent, forgive me. Lord Jesus I renounce all inner vows, and I ask you what they are so I can repent and be forgiven. Lord Jesus I release these people to you, I ask you to forgive me for all my actions, my sins associated to rejection, abandonment and non-acceptance. Lord Jesus, I renounce all unforgiveness, offense, rejection and abandonment. Father I release all shame and guilt to You and I receive the power of the blood that cleanses me from all unrighteousness of shame and guilt. For if I confess, you are faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me and not hold any charge against me. Father I receive, the Blood shall much more cleanse my conscience from all guilt. I hear the words, NOT GUILTY, NOT GUILTY, NOT GUILTY, FORGIVEN, FORGIVEN, FORGIVEN, 74

I receive this forgiveness, and I FORGIVE MYSELF, I FORGIVE MYSELF, AND I FORGIVE MYSELF. I acknowledge to myself, I am human I make mistakes. I’ve made good choices and bad choices it all part and part of my human nature. I am not perfect only you are my Lord and God. I FORGIVE MYSELF yes I FORGIVE MYSELF. From my ashes comes Your beauty, from my defeats and loss comes Your victories, from pain, comes growth, and every beginning has got to have an end just like with every hello there’s goodbye again – nothing stays the same forever except for You my God, I embrace change, I embrace you today as the One Who Changes me. Lord Jesus where rejection has passed down the family line with alcoholism, shame, abortion, adoption, illegitimacy, fatherlessness, motherlessness, death of mother, death of father, bankruptcy, divorce or for the other transgressions down the family line back over three and four and even as far back as forty generations and transgressions and sins of my own I have already confessed and what is on the following list or for whatever other reason I repent and ask for release. I ask that these things no longer seed their fruit in my life or my children’s lives. Father, bring to my mind any of these fruits or causations of rejection. Father I repent for all my fruit of rejection, abandonment and nonacceptance and for rejecting myself. I give you these sin structures, habits of iniquity and all transgressions. Father, deliver me from myself and from evil spirits. Father, forgive me of my trespass as I forgive those who trespass against me and deliver me from evil – spirits. Father if now is not the time to deliver me from particular spirits because you need to bring the sin structures to death let it be so. Change me so I may walk in the freedom, so they do not bring back seven more powerful than themselves. Father, let a binding come upon them that I may walk out from under their influence so I can change more easily with your help. Father, also reveal them where they are hidden and woven within my personality so I may see them for a change. Father, I now confess and renounce all my sin structures, habits and bonds of iniquity, transgressions of my own and stand in the gap for those that have passed down the family line. Thank you for bringing to death all sin structures, transgressions, habits and iniquities I cannot as yet be set free from like: Afraid to do the wrong thing in case I’m criticized, not loved, alcoholism, addictions, Avoidance; church, school, workforce, outings, shopping any functions or gatherings, people and then blaming them for the 75

avoidance; Becoming engrossed in study, my hobby, choosing a hobby that is a lonely one; Being a hermit, living in a faraway area that takes a long time to visit me and _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Father, I ask You to bring to death all sinful fruits, all sinful fruits of false securities in every aspect of my life. Father every cycle and that has come down the generation I ask you to stop it at this generation, and every cycle I am bound in loose me and bring these cycles to death that I may be free indeed and not be ensnared again in a yoke of bondage. Father, where I am on the cycle of rejection and abandonment running to these fruits, I ask that You loose my life for the purpose of living in the Kingdom so I come out of the kingdom of self. Father where I am held with the cords of my own iniquity and sin let them be loosed and broken off. (Proverbs 5:22, Isaiah 58:6) Father where I am tormented with rejection and abandonment that keep the feelings of rejection alive, and the assignments of rejection at work against me loose me free. Father, where I wanted to overcome rejection so bad and strived to win love, I repent and renounce this striving and drive to overcome rejection. Father where deception and lies are at work, and self-deception and denial release your light to expose every lie and deception every work that keeps rejection and abandonment fortified. Father I break free from the lies and deceptions of darkness; I resist them I renounce them. Let every power of these cursed words of darkness and lies be broken from me. If I was somebody, a Pastor, if I was a Pastor’s wife, a leader If I was somebody people would like me if I was an important person If only I was not an introvert, an extrovert If only I was not so intense 76

If only I did not live so far out of town If only I had the personality and image of so and so If I had a great house an amazing car If only God did not make me to be the personality/gender, I am If only I was the life of the party ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Father even where I have taken on nervousness, false personalities, dissociated, humor, had breakdowns, burnout and even where I have been certified by Mental Health; and even where schizophrenia has seeded and taken root I ask for freedom from all the fruits of mental illness from the root of rejection and abandonment and non-acceptance. Father, release me, deliver me, break any and all curses, bonds and bands. Father, withdraw me from medication when you know I am ready. Father do not allow me to just stop medication or to slowly withdraw until I know that I know that I know I should, because mental illnesses can have their roots in other transgressions and curses, not just from a root of rejection. Also is this reality, people are being born with different genetic makeup’s and different illnesses so Father, I realize my mind and personality would need 77

to be renewed and progressively healed from all fragmentation and it is not just as simple as withdrawing off medication. Enable me to continue to seek professional guidance and counsel and follow their counsel especially those in the Church you have me seeing. Father where I am blind to this at work in my life, please anoint my eyes to discern these works. Father where I am aware of these fruits I ask for restoration, stability and total healing because I am in Covenant, for “by His stripes I am healed” and “liberty to captives” and “complete opening to the bound ones” I take You at Your Word, I receive my inheritance of healing, I receive salvation’s provision of restoration. I shall build old ruins and shall raise up former desolations, and I shall restore the waste cities, ruins of generations and generations. (Isaiah 61:1-11) Father set me free from any psychosomatic condition and diseases. And if there is any sickness that came into the body through rejection and abandonment and their fruits I ask for Covenant release, Covenant healing. Even where I have reached out to be punished, self-punished, hurt for attention and attention by lawlessness and any other form of attention I repent and renounce and ask for forgiveness. Father, where I have a habit cycle of self-pity, please break this cycle by your power that I am set free. Where I have sought affection, and affection in ungodly ways through this or any other pattern of behavior set me free. I ask you where this is at work subtly in my life; I repent and renounce this as a way of life, bring me out and break everything by Your Holy Spirit. Father, close any and all doors to all sickness and disease, continued sickness and all afflictions, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Any and all doors where access through rejection and abandonment and nonacceptance and shame has opened doors to terminal illness, infirmity or disease, close the doors, covenant me with healing and deliverance. Father help me, to put into practice the knowledge and keys of this prayer. Help me to cross the bridge from head knowledge to heart knowledge. Help me to work through this workbook by application. Help me to go to these resources for Your counsel and continued healing, enable my heart to take hold of this information. Soften my heart of stone to a heart of flesh. I surrender all my brokenness; I ask you to manage me by overruling every aspect of my life with regard to rejection. Father, enable me to get past the pain when it resurfaces. Especially for continued healing or when you want to uncover the pain for the next stage of healing because of the pain layers that have gone deep in my mental physic. 78

I surrender today to walk with You by Your grace. Thank you for the covenant of binding up the broken hearted and giving me beauty for ashes. Thank you for raising former desolations and restoring waste places, I shall eat the riches of the nations, and I shall revel in their glory. Father I praise you and thank you, through Jesus Christ, Amen� 1. [Malligan, 12:2009]

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 79

Prayer For Healing From Homosexuality

“Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.� 1 Corinthians 6:11

Father I pray this prayer because I want to, not because Daddy or Mummy said I have to, or Pastor or Elder said I had to, but because I have unwanted same-sex attraction and or unwanted gender confusion. I have decided to walk away from the homosexual and or gay scene and seek the restoration change and healing from You. Therefore, I repent and renounce homosexuality and declare the spiritual stronghold and all sin structures are coming down out of my true personality out of my actions out of my body and soul and out of my spirit totally out of my lifestyle. I declare I will come totally out of the agreement and in agreement with Your attitude on the act of homosexuality. I declare even though this is real to me and my emotions and feeling, reveal where this it is a counterfeit love a counterfeit to heterosexuality having formed a counterfeit false personality because of sins against me perceived against others and the works and grounds of spirits of darkness. I take You Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour here in the homosexual personality and where I have been begging you to take this away I trust You, and cause me to rest here. I receive and acknowledge You love me and know all of me, regardless of my same sex attraction. I decree and declare I will be restored and freed up to serve You The Living God in the original design you had for me since birth, even since the foundation of the earth. I declare my inner voice the real me will find his/her way out his/her way to be set free through the greatness of Your Power at work within me restoring me transforming me and sanctifying me and I do not care how long this takes for You will cause me to trust You and walk this out. Father where the very foundations of homosexuality are in my ancestry line to allow this network of spirits to bring forth a twisted spirit and a fragmented personality a homosexual personality, I thank You that these are 80

under Your dominion under Your Lordship and none can remain in or over me once they have lost their grounds because “it is finished.” Father, You have heard my prayers to renounce the darkness the demonic attached to homosexuality. They are attached because of my ancestor’s sins, because of sins against me, my own sins and where they take opportunity to build a fortress a mind set by these sins. And have lied over and over and over again to my mind to cause me to fear and hate the opposite sex and be attracted to the same sex I declare they will be uncovered and all lies and deception with come into the light that caused me to believe it was me thinking when many a time they were thinking for me pretending to be me to cause same sex attraction and or I am a woman in a man’s body. This mutilation will stop here, thus far and no further. Father I acknowledge my ancestors have transgressed Your L/laws Your Commandments, Your Precepts, Your Statutes but I choose not to walk after their ways I choose righteousness, I choose life in Christ Jesus. Father I have renounced my ancestors ways on both sides of the family and I have repented and ask for forgiveness for all ancestral iniquity and transgressions as far back as the beginning of Baal and Astoreth and any and all other gods and goddess worship especially with the temple prostitution, ritual prostitution, child prostitution, sacrificial prostitution, ritual sacrifices with sodomy, sexual intercourse and sodomy rape; all sexual sins committed in service and worship to these deities and in this modern day. (Numbers 25:1-18; Deuteronomy 7:2-3, 23:17-18; 1 Kings 14:22:24) Father I acknowledged the sins and iniquity of my forefathers those of us who willing and unwillingly gave themselves and their babies, children and others for such brutality such abominations and death sacrifices in these temples and the altar of Molech (Leviticus 18:21, 20:1-5) and today's Freemason temples for service, sex slave, sodomy slave, prostitution and idolatrous worship to these false gods; also in cults and every false religion and belief system of these deities and others throughout the world and its systems and thank You for forgiveness. Father, I renounce the god Dagon, Ashtoreth, sprinkling of holy waters, drinking holy water, all purification rites with water, all washing hands and body with water and infant baptism and water births. Where promises have been given because of oaths to the water kingdom of being beautiful, rich, many men I renounce and repent of the oaths and let the promises be lifted 81

of my life and my family, especially our wombs that we may bear children without miscarriage. Every fountain connected to water spirits from wishing wells to Catholic fountains in Cathedrals I repent of and renounce with all water divination and water witching connected to these fountains. Father, all sacrificing to the water spirits, all offerings to water gods and goddesses. Where there has been the dedication to water spirits to the Queen of the sea to goddesses, to mermaids, I repent and renounce these transgressions. Where there has been the dedication to the gods of babies given to the sea, washed in the rain for cleansing, their umbilical cords put into the waters or at the foot of a totem pole to tie the baby to water spirits and their gods and goddesses I repent. Father I refuse to follow in my ancestors footsteps or after any of their transgressions; I refuse to follow Daygon, Queen of Heaven, Baal or any of the Baalim or Astoreth or any of the Ashtoroths by following after Incest Paedophilia Molestation Lust Fornication Adultery Sodomy Homosexuality Prostitution all Immoral indulgences, orgies or as religious rites as done in the presence of these gods and goddesses; please show me them in this modern day and where I may still be guilty of these transgressions. Father I renounce the goddess Lilith the Strongman Bondage, Whoredom and Perversion I renounce “Asmodeus Ruler of lust, Ashtaroth a controller of lust, Androinoda lust for men and Tamotha a lust spirit also Katarina and Cervello over lesbianism and homosexuality. I renounce Diana and Venus all their witchcraft sexual false counterfeit love.� 1. [Worley 1991:16] I renounce every modern day fertility god of Baal and queen of heaven (Jeremiah 7:18, 44:17; Judges 2:13, 10:6; 1 Kings 14:24) I repent and renounce Molech (Leviticus 18:21-22) the Jebusite spirit, the Canaanite spirit (Genesis 10:19, 13:12-13), the Amorite spirit (Amos 2:10-16), the Girgashite spirit, the Hittite spirit, the Perizzite spirit, the Hivites spirit and where and if they are established in my heart I declare they are exposed and uprooted and brought to naught and let them be plucked out of their dwelling places and uprooted from the land of the living. Break these off my life that I may see my high calling that I may become the king and priest and Disciple of Christ Jesus; for You Jesus Christ are Emmanuel God with us Son of The Most High God whom I will and choose to worship and serve.


Father, I repent and renounce all my perverse ways, I even repent and renounce of all self-exaltation, striving in the flesh for position power and authority. I ask for everywhere I am bound in legalism bring me forth into a walk of The Spirit of Christ Jesus, teach me train me in Your ways that I may cast out the bond woman and that I may walk in spiritual man/womanhood. Father, I choose to call sin as sin, I choose to cease my explicit acts of sin and I yield all covert sin of the imagination for You to bring forth holiness and purity, so I choose to tear down the Asherah pole in the natural in my body soul and spirit (Judges 6:25-26) and in the supernatural. Today I renounce the god of Baal and the goddess of Baalim, those of my father’s even those of my mothers and her side of the family and especially where they have sinned against me under these idols powers; I break every linkup to my father and mother, and every soul tie and their idol god’s Baal and goddess Baalims I will no longer walk as my forefathers did, I will walk in righteousness and holiness the rest of the days of my life. Father I also refuse to follow after Drunkenness Gluttony Abortion Superstition Gambling and all idolatry linked to these deities and other deities of this world. I will no longer bow my knee to these deities or offer my body as a sacrifice for their will that is against Your laws and ways of life and service and worship You ask of me. I repent for forsaking Your laws knowingly and unknowingly, I choose to return to You and follow after You and Your instructions in righteousness, I choose to pursue to be holy as You Are Holy. (1 Kings 18:18, 14:24; Judges 2:13; Jeremiah 19:5, 23:14; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10) Father I take accountability and repent and renounce where I have gone into pagan temples taken my shoes off to enter them, and also all connected and related and global orders of Freemasonry and where I have committed heterosexual and homosexual sodomy. All forms of homosexuality, incest, sodomy in incest and sodomy in all types of rape and paedophilia, molestation, adultery, forgive me. I repent and renounce all sexual exploits and perversions, voyeurism, prostitution, harlotry, bestiality, sadism and masochism and bondage and discipline and with incest sodomy/homosexuality and within these orders that opened the door to a network of spirits under a homosexual strongman, I renounce all these spirits and agree these are transgressions. 83

Father uproot all Freemasonry and connected religious spirits for I renounce and repent of their religions and all Freemasonry rituals and oaths down the generations and all connected and related orders and where temple prostitution, paedophilia and sodomy has taken place with all acts and oaths and rituals and actions related to this that have opened the doorway for that spirit to take opportunity to bring forth the lying over the mind of same sex attraction. Also, what is linked to and that which is of the Babylonian religions and the Christian denominations mixing heresy error and perversion of the pagan Greek and Roman gods and goddesses for worship, teachings, doctrines religious rites and other ways unknown to serve and worship You reveal these to me where I am guilty of transgressions and change my heart (Check out sight: www.toolong.com ). I repent, and renounce of all religious rites all ritual male and female prostitution and all fornication, homosexuality, whoredom, idolatry, harlotry, adultery, bestiality and all spiritual fornication, homosexuality, adultery harlotry idolatry and whoredom bestiality from all transgressions and from these orders, religions, sects, denominations and also within the new age and occult and I call it sin, I call it what You call it a transgression of Your laws. (Jeremiah 13:27, 23:10-14, 29:23; Malachi 3:5; Revelation 2:20-23; Leviticus 20:10, 13-14; Deuteronomy 23:17; Genesis 13:13, 18:20-21; Proverbs 6:32; Romans 1:18-32; Deuteronomy 27:22-23; Leviticus 18:22-25, 20:12, 19:29; 1 Corinthians 6:18; 2 Peter 2:4-6) Father let every curse of whoredom be rendered null and void and of no effect – broken and lifted and every shawl and veil of these over my eyes, over my personality, over my mind, over my identity, over my understanding my obedience and my walk with You be burnt in Your fire and their roots dug up and destroyed. Father, where I have willed not to obey or where I would not frame my doing to turn unto You I repent and renounce this and ask You into this area in my heart and life so I may be able to choose the right path choose life choose Your way choose light instead of darkness and deception. Free me; release my life from all delusion and deception that has come to me from whoredom and harlotry (Hosea 4:12; 5:45; Leviticus 26:40; John 1:9).


Where my parents have sinned against me or others have in paedophilia and related transgressions, in incest, physical and emotional abuse and rape, neglect, abandonment, rejection, secrecy and silence. In abandonment, conditional love, no nurture no bonding, no relationship from the same gender, ignoring me, not bonding in my infant toddler and young adolescent years. Also Father, my perception of the way they lived their lifestyle in sin, in my perception of my mother/father being weak and not being able to protect me. Where they have dressed me in male clothes instead of female clothes or dressing me in female clothes instead of male clothes or affirming me as the opposite sex I forgive them and ask You into all the broken places and I forgive them. Father, where this has caused a deficit I ask you to fill this deficit. I thank You that knowledge also sets me free and I forgive my parent/s for their sins their lack their inability to be the parent I unconsciously and consciously wanted her/him to be. Father I agree they did the best they could, they too had their own demons and their circumstances rendered them powerless to be any different. Even where they knew better I forgive them. Where those of my family and peers throughout my life have excluded me for my masculinity when I was female or vice versa I forgive them. Also, where my mother has not related to me that caused me to seek this out in another woman or where my father has, I renounce that deception and lack, and I forgive her and him and ask You into these unmet innate needs. Also where I have detached from the opposite sex because my father/mother was abusive cruel and mean I acknowledge he is not what all men are like and I forgive him and all men for their downfall their flaws their sins against women daughters wives and sisters. Father where rape, molestation and incest has put a spirit of control on my life and linked me to perpetrator (s). Where it has silenced me to never tell and has soul tied me to those and soul tied me in sodomy and homosexuality I renounce the perpetrator(s) and soul ties and declare a breaking of the links and the chains broken and declare myself set free from every evil soul tie and their effects. Father where rape, incest, molestation and other sexual abuses has caused me to desire masculinity for protection and strength and an identifying with the opposite sex also to make myself less attractive to the opposite sex I repent and invite You to bring me back to my original design of a woman/man. 85

Father where rape paedophilia, sodomy and incest has brought homosexuality, transgender, an insatiable drive to cross dress, where this has brought confusion of gender giving me a false identity other than my biological identity I renounce the false personality of being like a male and becoming as a male. Where it has caused me to dress in masculine or vice versa for selfprotection bringing homosexuality also where these acts have brought isolation, rejection, homelessness, alienation, separation the outcast, going into a cult, false religion and or a subculture or gang or prison or belonging to a group of sexually immoral persons in all areas I repent and renounce this and I ask for You to bring me out and restore what the destroyer of sodomy and homosexuality has done to me for I renounce the black mother spirit over my sexuality over my genitals over my identity I cast out the bond woman and the task master who enslaves me in the wrong sexual identity. Father, where I have plotted revenge, wanted to harm injure or murder those who have defiled me sexually I repent and ask for freedom from all murder with sodomy all destruction with sodomy and all disease with sodomy and all sickness illness infirmity disability. With not only sodomy but with all homosexuality and sexual sins against me and those sexual sins I have committed myself. Father, incest and paedophilia is an act of satanic worship ‌ it is an act of witchcraft consummation� 2. [Kitchen 2006:17] I ask for the breaking of this consummation and covenant off my life. Where the act has put me on the satanic alter as an act of worship I declare a release because of the Blood of Redemption of Jesus Christ. Where the blood lines and pneuma- genetics of my family line are incest and pedophilia let the links be broken off this generation and cleansed by The Blood of Jesus and His Finished Works. Father where the curse of sodomy brings death and destruction and depression, fear and anxiety and sodomy has damaged me internally, mutilated my body, my appearance I ask for healing and a miracle to restore back to me what the destroyer has done. Where I have "scoliosis and back pain and back trouble because of the destroyer of sodomy,� I ask for healing and deliverance 3. [Kitchen, 2010:45]. Father, where "sodomy has caused cancer and brought forth cancer in my wife and or my husband" I declare that spirit is vile and I renounce it and its works and come fully out of agreement with this sexual transgression and spiritual 86

stronghold that I may be healed and let those spirits be loosed plucked out and me set free. 4. [Kitchen, 2010:45] Father You have heard my prayers in the sexual sin list in this book and those things I have identified within this book that have been causations for same sex attraction and where these grounds have allowed spirits to fortify a stronghold of homosexuality, a false persona of homosexuality I ask for deliverance and claim the promise of Your Word of freedom from spirits of darkness, restoration healing and newness of life. I realize I have memory and my pleasure centres have been wired so I have to be born again and yes I am born again in my spirit but my soul and body now have to come into alignment with Your ways and be born again out of the flesh or carnal life into the spiritual life and I declare I will become the king and priest You have called me to become. Father, I repent of receiving the lies and deceptions of the doctrines of man their empty philosophy and the lies from religion and the spirits of darkness that I am a homosexual and born that way and will always be that way and that I can live this way as an active married homosexual, You have not given us a Moses to change the laws in the Old Testament or the New Testament, Moses allowed divorce but there is no Moses to allow homosexual marriage, Jesus Christ is The Great Prophet, our Moses Lord over heaven and earth. I renounce the lie that I can only get satisfaction from sodomy or sodomise acts and or homosexuality or lesbianism. I renounce all this as a lie and deception and self-deception and I now surrender all fragments and remnants of homosexual lust to You to bring totally to death. I SEE IT NOW for what it is - homosexual lust; and I thank You that You take me to the foundation of the formation of a homosexual identity for total healing and restoration that I may be brought to the place from You, where I can from my heart declare I am not a homosexual anymore and really believe it and let me remain in peace and to know You are at peace with me as I take this journey of restoration and healing. Father I ask you to release my sexuality with all of those I have bonded with in sexual union even parental incest and other incestuous acts against me for I repent. Father where these sexual acts have been outside marriage I repent and ask that You cause Your bonding that was intended by design 87

between myself and my marriage partner be restored. Where homosexuality has left an imprinting in the pleasure centres of my brain and also in my blood and also on my heart and is attached to the magnetic pulse of my blood and heart I declare and ask for a change and let all imprinting be erased. Father I ask that You wake up my oppressed spirit awaken my spirit from sleep to take her/his rightful place as the design You had for me before the homosexual false personality took over; awaken me to the design You had for Your creation when You first brought forth Adam and Eve. Father I ask where there are abnormalities in my brain, where neurodevelopment has been dwarf and damaged me, I pray that You would bring my frontal and central regions of my brain back to normalcy. Where the neurotransmission of dopamine has been thwarted, damaged and has caused my brain to send false signals to my body to gratify sexual urges desires affections and changed my sexual orientation I ask for restoration healing virtue and miracle power to come forth. Where circumstances beyond my control from parental and environment, womb development, sin/curses and even lack of and or excessive testosterone, hormones, imbalances of chemicals have rewired the brains normal function, halted heterosexuality and altered my sexual development I ask for Your miracle power to bring all things to normality. Father there is so many contributing factors that change sexual orientation, we do not have the fullness or total understanding and still research is looking for accurate explanations. But I surrender all this into Your hands and let Your Sovereign Grace and Healing Power, Creative Power and Covenant Promises restore my sexuality, restore my orientation, restore my being, restore my identity, and bring me forth to be the woman or man You designed for me. Father I renounce all evil soul ties with all those I have been emotionally and sexually intimate with and I renounce all evil soul ties put on me from witchcraft powers to cause me and another to be attracted because of flirting or not setting boundaries that I am choosing Christ and His life and set apart for Your Lordship. Also in my mind where I have yielded to fantasy lust and perversion and a filthy mind, I renounce these sexual fantasies and soul ties bring me out and cause me to overcome that I do not get ensnared again in


such a yoke of bondage, make me see the snare of darkness the snare of my soul. Father I repent of my obsessive ownership of my partner(s), my control, my insane jealousy, my suspicious mind, my guilt tripping, my insecurity, my depression, my self-pity, attention acts and ask You into my fear and insecurity the depressed self to bring me out into strength into full restoration and to see the very foundation of my fear and insecurity and depression. Father where my insecurity and fear has driven me to protect what was mine as in my partner I repent and ask for forgiveness. Even where I have possessed her/him by manipulation and or abuse I repent and ask for forgiveness and I take You as my Saviour into this emotional twistedness, into this deep emotional need that You meet me here and bring me forth as a secure and stable woman/man. Father even where I have isolated my partner(s) and excluded her/his family and made her/him friendless I repent and ask for forgiveness. I realise these actions are all driven by fear and insecurity and protecting what I perceived as loss in my childhood and I repent for not allowing for her/his individuality. The truth is a woman to woman relationship can never take the place of a mother daughter relationship, so I relinquish this drive this need this desire this deception to Your Love, Your Heart and surrender this for Your Lordship. I relinquish looking for my mother in another woman; I relinquish also my lack in myself that causes me to want to devour that from another woman. Fill this deficit with Yourself Your Truth Your Understanding and Counsel. I surrender all co-dependency, all emotionally dependence in my personality for You to bring this fragmentation healing and restoration. I surrender the servile persona or the controlling persona that I may be restored. I repent where I have never seen my partner as an equal or an individual and have dominated her/him to rule her so as to keep her possess her and own her; I release all the women/men that I have done this too and ask that You break every soul-tie to my heart to my emotions and to my mind to these women/men. Father where I have wanted to fill the empty space that yearning for mother/father or that yearning for a best friend best buddy in my attraction to the same sex I also repent and ask for forgiveness. I ask You Lord Jesus 89

Christ, Emmanuel God with us into that hole into that yearning that I may be set free and to know the truth and to be healed for I acknowledge a woman to woman relationship has never meet that emptiness and has never filled that void and no relationship that is not endorsed or blessed by You or in alignment to Your Word Your Scriptures will be complete, balanced, healthy or bring oneness as Your ordained defined one male one female relationship (Romans 1:26; Genesis 1:27-28). Where this empty hole this emptiness has been because of unmet needs in my childhood or where I have been trying to fill or fix the mother-daughter brokenness the father son brokenness, I invite You into here and I surrender to a personal intimate relationship with You Jesus The Shepard of my soul. I surrender my lesbian identity, my same-sex attraction to Your intentional design of heterosexuality to do a deep work in my persona a deep work to the brokenness of my inner spirit being. Father I repent of all involvement with all pornography and the spirit behind pornography and homosexual pornography. I confess all lust, lust of the eyes lust of perversion, promiscuity, adultery fornication masturbation sexual fantasies impure thoughts flirting seduction and forcing or requiring homosexual sodomy and perversion whilst being intimate with a partner or my wife/husband. I choose to be obedient to Your Word and to flee from all sexual immorality and I invite You and Your Lordship into these areas. Father I agree my body is the temple of The Holy Spirit and I now surrender it to be a clean temple for a Holy and Righteous God to dwell in. I will no longer defile Your body or sin against my own body with Sodomy and homosexuality and its perversions. I agree all will be burned out of me by Your refiner’s fire and redemption the forgiveness of sins. Father, I agree and confess that these and all forms of homosexual acts are an abomination in as much as hands that shed innocent blood are (Go to site and read the list http://richardwaynegarganta.com/abomination.htm ) I acknowledge this is a transgression of Your laws, yet I also receive Your Love and Understanding as to other reasons of the heart as to why I am same sex attracted and I invite You into the brokenness of my heart; for You came to restore the broken hearted and set at liberty those who are bound (Isaiah 61).


Father where the trauma of sexual abuse rape violence or those things that happened to me or because of what I have seen have caused an identification in these acts of lust and a splitting in my personality to bring forth a homosexual personality and or multiple personalities, borderline personality disorder and disorders alike I invite You into these areas. I receive You Jesus as my Saviour in the person of ______, in the person of ______, in the person of ________ I _______ take You as my Lord and Saviour, I ________ who was born on ‌. /‌./‌. take you a fresh as my Lord and Saviour. (I have sat in the school of The Holy Ghost for many, many years but I am not an expert or learned or schooled or qualified or taught by Him at all in this area of Multiple Personalities neither is this my arena/calling. However, where He revealed to me I had an area I was fragmented in and it can be said another personality due to trauma because of my father hitting my mother and I unknowingly went and triggered to this safe place. I realized I hid behind this mask and manifested this personality as my healing progressed so I asked Jesus as my Lord and Saviour here and I had to and I also wanted to let her go so I could grow up and be the mature intelligent woman that I am. For example, silly Cyril was a name given to me by my family and this was my safe place; a place of being childish/silly and even a place I acted out in to push people away to repel them. In this place I was so happy and no one or nothing could hurt me or nothing could disturb me for everything was a joke a mock and to be laughed at for I was such a happy funny/silly playful person a place to be in denial of the reality of my pain(s). http://www.lmci.org/articles.cfm?Article=12 5. [Cited, 2013] This link is somewhat informative and teaches deliverance, however multiple personality disorder and dissociative identity disorder or schizophrenia are not for lay ministers as myself to make assumptions or give healing keys or deliverance keys. As these disorders need professional therapy professional counselling professional skilled therapist, professional ministers of the Gospel who deal with the root causes and have the professional knowledge how to bring forth integration and healing. However, repentance and confession of sin is imperative, it is fully necessary and the lining up all other sin cords attached to homosexuality so as to bring reconciliation to our true self. Jesus brings us through the process of repentance gives us the power to repent and to change that this stronghold gets demolished as He brings us to maturity and wholeness. Then 91

we truly find our freedom no longer swaying back and forward from holiness to homosexual lust and or gender confusion. It is important to understand the network or the cobweb that gives grounds of darkness/the unclean to the tap root of homosexuality as unclean spirits are attached to the fragmentation the brokenness the gay/homosexual personality the sin structures the root causes. And some cannot leave until restoration and newness have taken root and a Christian lifestyle adhered to; the new identity has to come part of the heart and this is why homosexual lust lingers for years. We have to make the transition into being kings and priest unto Him, we have to be conformed to righteousness. Many people in the body and those who minister in deliverance or cleansing ministries and healing ministries who have never been homosexual or transgender or who have never been bonded deeply to sexual perverse transgressions can do more harm than good; and they can say you are healed and delivered but you are not! No you are far from it, thus leaving you vulnerable confused and open for more destruction and the lie “if you repress who you really are you will never be happy and anyway you will never be set free for there is no true healing for homosexuality.� There is healing and change His Blood will cleanse your bloodline literally and spiritually to heal all mutation all sins of the ancestors and your own, it will not be a driving force in you however you will have to guard your mind against homosexual lust for this is what it will amount to just but you are not that, you are not homosexual but your mind carries the memory of the love and lust attached so here you will need Him to guard your heart and you are to make the righteous choice in saying no to sin no to lust no to the dead and buried old persona. So being free from the unclean is only part of the restoration; dealing with the personality and it can be said the homosexual personality and the psychological aspect and the memories and the causations are other parts and these have to be out worked in the heart, as does maturing to pick up your cross and follow Him. Growing in a lifestyle of walking in The Spirit so that it is no longer I that lives but Christ lives in me is the process of sanctification for the soul life and it has to be done or your restoration will not take deep roots and around and around the mountain you will go to not enter the promised land. We have to be brought to a heart of a Disciple, have to be brought to a heart that becomes a bond slave, a heart that wants to be a king and a priest, a heart that desires to become an overcomer, a heart that desires to 92

be at the marriage supper of The Lamb. A heart that desires to become the true bride who is truly being born again from above; a heart who knows Him and is learning His Kingdom ways, His Kingdoms instructions in righteous living, who then desires to obey His commandments. To overcome not just the homosexual lust but the soul life we will be brought to a heart of being sold out for Him and His way of life His Biblical way of life and the truth is this is as much a part of healing and transition as casting out the unclean and the healing of our fragmentation (hurts/memories/and what sin has done to us and genetic mutation and or other anomalies in our biochemistry/biology). We have such an advantage we have to submit to His lifestyle and all the body of Christ is to come to maturity is to become kings and priests picking up their crosses to where it is no longer I that live but Christ that lives in me. This is being truly born again to become a true servant for recall, straight is the gate, and there are five wise and five foolish virgins and all had The Spirit and or the oil. Five had worked out their salvation; and or possessed the land; and or laid hold of eternal life; and or wanted to partake of eternal life; and or became partakers of His divine nature; and or were being made in His image; and or likened to The Son of God; and or became manifested sons of God, and the other five were only wedding guests not brides.)

Father I continue to pray for where I have not wanted to be like my mother/father even where I have hated my mother/father I repent and ask for forgiveness. Where I have hated her/his weakness her/his weight and personality and even the lifestyle she/he lived to make an inner vow that I will never be like my mother/father and I will never love the opposite sex, I repent and ask for forgiveness and release of those inner vows…………… I renounce verbally “I will never be like my mother fat, weak, downtrodden, powerless and under the control of a husband or ……………………………. Father, where my conscience has been seared, defiled and handed over to a reprobate and debauched mind I repent and ask for forgiveness, healing deliverance and an un-searing of my conscious. I repent of all guilt all false guilt and surrender all other guilt to Your cleansing blood and the finished work of the cross. I ask where I have been handed over to a defiled debased reprobate mind and to wander as a vagabond because of the many sins of the ancestors and my own sexual and perverted unclean sins, I ask for deliverance and release and freedom from all these judgments in every aspect of my life, Thank You for Calvary and the blood that cleanse and delivers and heals. 93

Father where sodomy and homosexuality and all sexual and perverted and unclean transgressions have caused me to be rebellious, stubborn and disobedient and hard hearted and justifying these transgressions I repent. And I ask for a Spirit of Holiness to reveal the truth of these sins and that I may see Your heart of holiness and have a heart of holiness; I also ask for revelation, knowledge of where all unclean spirits have grounds in my life [e.g. unclean in housework / appearance / bed linen / inside cupboards etc.]. Father I ask for the anointing of Fear of The Lord for the rest of the days of my life, and if You have to bring me to a wilderness to see You and find You as A Holy God I am willing to go where You lead me to save my soul and show me just how much an abomination and lie homosexuality is. I agree with Your Word "straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life everlasting." (Matthew 7:14) Father, there are 10 virgins and only five who become the Bride the other are wedding guests (Matthew 25:1-7) that means it is only half the body of Christ who will truly commit to the highway of holiness or who abide in Your Word obeying the truth therein. Bring me to the place where I am one of the five as one of Your pure, spotless Brides who are the Overcomers. Set a seal on my heart to run after You and Your ways no matter what that I may follow after You in times of valleys, mountaintops or in any weather condition. Father I surrender that I may not be as those You speak of in 1 Timothy 3:1-5, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God (4) and having a form of godliness, but denying its power (v5). Change my heart and bring to death all these iniquities that would hinder my coming to maturity. Father where I have never been able to find satisfaction because of such burning passions because of the truth written in Romans 1:24-32 I repent and ask that You release me from the curse of burning passion. Father I repent for the worship of the creature and where these passions have caused me to be so out of control with so many partners looking for gratification and satisfaction I ask for forgiveness and release of these curses here and afflictions off my spirit, mind, body and central nervous system. Father also where lack of love, rejection, abandonment, no sense of identity or gender, un-affirmed gender, curse words, lack of parental love and bonding, narcissism, dread and fear has driven me to seek release with lust and sexual gratification I repent, and I renounce all these and ask You Jesus 94

to come to these places in my heart, mind, body and feelings. I ask for the release of all ancestral fear and invite You to uproot all fear in my life, and I ask You to take me to the place of Love and total dependence and trust and faith in You and I receive these gifts and anointing that I be an Overcomer. Father I thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ Your Son and my Lord and Saviour to cleanse my body soul spirit from all associated transgressions and spirits attached to sodomy and homosexuality. I confess sodomy and homosexuality is a sin and call it what Your Word declares sin to be – a transgression of Your laws (1 John 3:4). Father where my soul has been in arrested development, my personality has been arrested and twisted and my intellect and intelligence unable to operate in its full capacity, I declare release to my intelligence my mental and emotional being and to my personality. Where my appearance has been twisted and taken over by the opposite sex I declare release and declare I will be restored to the feminine. I surrender my appearance my clothing style my hair and invite You to demolish every area where I am suppressed, deceived even self-deceived that I may be restored to the beauty of a feminine woman / the masculinity of a man. I pray the veil of sodomy and homosexuality and even lesbianism transgender will be taken off my eyes my mind my emotions my body and my spirit, off my clothing off my appearance even my interior design of my household furnishings that I may be fully released; and so I may see the fullness of the lie and deception of homosexuality so as to walk in total restoration. Father, let every curse of mutilation be broken and my mind and body freed up under Your Lordship. Let restoration come that I may bring forth change from the masculine back to the feminine and where my heart desires to wear dresses, lipstick and wear finger nail polish let that birthed in Jesus Name. Father I repent of the idolatry of sodomy and homosexuality and the idol worship of sodomy and homosexuality and the idolatry of sex itself and the idolatry of lover of self or narcissism, the worship of the body, the idolatry of the feminine and the idolatry of the masculine. Where I have been bond slaved to sodomy and homosexuality I repent. I renounce being a slave to sin a slave to genital worship and a slave to self and self-love, sodomy and slave to homosexuality and homosexual lust and lust and all slavery to


masturbation, pornography and other related sexual transgressions (name them). I also repent of all sodomite and homosexual swearing and cursing and filthy talking and flirting teasing and seduction with all sodomy and homosexuality in thought word and deed. Father, bring me to the place where I no longer walk in a witchcraft atmosphere of sodomy and homosexuality but one of Holiness and Love and let me see and know this truth. Father I pray for deliverance from being a slave and release of all curses of slavery and slavery to sodomy and homosexuality and sexual sins mentioned in this prayer. Keep me from being a slave again to sin and anoint me to study Your Word that I may know the truth and know Your ways and will for my life. Father I repent of all sexual union in homosexuality, I agree with Your Word that homosexuality and all sexual activity outside of marriage union of one man and one woman are condemned in Scripture (Exodus 20:14; Lev 18:22, 20:10-16; Romans 1:18-32; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Galatians 5:16-21; Colossians 3:5-6; 1 Timothy 1:9-10; Revelation 21:8) Father I repent and renounce all Mardi Gras and all attendance to such festivals and marches and dens of iniquity of gay bars and baths and even seeding money into gay bars and Mardi Gras with drugs and alcohol. I renounce all drunkenness and drug taking in these times; release me from all soul ties, curses, and spirits of wine drunkenness and debauchery and any others unknown. Father I repent where I have pleased others than obeying Your laws Your ways in righteousness. I ask for the demolishing of this stronghold where I have become a people's pleaser where I have danced to the desires of others where I have become subservient to men / women and worried about what people might think than obeying that which is moral or in agreement with Your Truth. I surrender myself; I symbolically lay me on the altar for You to do whatever You want to bring me forth out of homosexuality, so Your purpose and plan for my life is fulfilled. I surrender all my focus on earthly things on temporal things and the worship of these things set up in my heart as idols, bring them down change my heart. Where I have compromised and become addicted to the lusts of the flesh because I have laid aside my conscience I 96

ask for a change in my heart so I can have Your victory for the total destruction of these lusts in my life. I renounce the Strongman of Sodomy and Sodomy over male homosexuality with its link up to the gods and goddesses of this age. I renounce Lust, lust for men and Father I repent of all false love and the false love of sodomy and homosexuality. I see it for what it is counterfeit false love a counterfeit of heterosexuality a fruit of darkness the ways of the lawless abominable gods of this world. Father, let every linkup be broken and bound to these destroyers so I may be set totally free from the very foundations of homosexuality in and over me and that which fortifies this network of idolatry, lust, sodomy and homosexuality and lesbianism. Father I renounce the anarchy of these gods of nature and fertility, the worship in all forms of the genitals, all phallus worship and to these gods and goddesses the worshipping of male sexuality and female sexuality and idolatry of both. I ask for the release of all curses and judgments I ask where else doors are open and or gates as they are figurative in You Word of judgments against me from either my own transgressions. Father, I agree with Your Word that the highest call to any person is a relationship with You and Your Son, my Lord Jesus Christ and as I am called to be a Disciple of Christ Jesus I am called to holiness. I agree with You that You are able to redeem me restore me and sanctify me and change my heart to live a life of holiness and in celibacy and even enter into marriage. I ask for Spirit of longsuffering to be able to continue to stand and stay standing. I agree You Are Able to cause me to live in freedom from all sexual sin whether that be masturbation or heterosexual sin or homosexual sins that are against You Word. Father since I have these promises and am the beloved anoint me to cleanse me from every defilement of the body and spirit bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God (2 Corinthians 7:1). I offer myself as a living sacrifice to live in holiness for I desire to walk in the manifestation of The Presence of You The Living God, bring me into a Holy Spirit led life as one who fears God and shuns evil (Job 2:3). Father where homosexual roots began from psychological trauma in as a baby or as a child or as a young adult or all of these I ask that the doors be closed to this and the Blood of Jesus applied and the spirits of darkness loosed 97

and cast out and with all insanity, schizophrenia and these connected to sexual transgressions, rejection and abandonment and those inherited down the family line be uncovered loosed and cast out. I believe all strongholds will be demolished, and where I need to heal in my inner being I invite Your presence there and the blood of Jesus for You to bring me to restoration, revelation and healing that I may be totally transformed. Father I confess I was powerless over homosexual attraction, and it was not my fault or a conscious choice of my own; it was worked out from a very young age due to a fashioning of my identity because of situations, sins, sins against me, various other circumstances, environment, parental factors, many works of spiritual darkness, curses and all the reasons and causations that only You know why. But Father I come out of the agreement with sodomy, homosexuality and all other sexual transgressions and I believe You for the fullness of revelation and total transformation and restoration. Father today I accept responsibility for my sodomy for homosexuality and invite You into every area that caused me to have same sex attraction. Expose it uproot it demolish it to the very foundation and cause me to live and live the life that You intended for me before these things caused fragmentation and deception of identity. Father I fully submit and surrender today a new and a fresh to grow in the likeness of Christ through spiritual disciplines the renewing of my mind with the empowering of Your Holy Spirit. Lead me that I may receive personal ministry for continued restoration, and I realize same sex attraction will not just disappear because I have prayed a prayer strategy or by having a nest of spirits around homosexuality cast out. I receive Your refiner's fire to sanctify me and cause me to become a true Disciple a pure, spotless Bride who seeks Your face and who abides in You who studies to show herself/himself approved, for there is no power other than Your power to enable me to be and do all this. Father I ask you to continually minister to my spirit and by Your Word and those of the fivefold ministries and my own studies that I will have to pick up my cross, I will suffer and learn obedience through suffering and I will need to endure hardships and I will have many times of loneliness living in the discomfort of the desert eating locusts especially where I am living celibate and if I am set apart with a ministry calling. (Hebrews 5:8; Matthew 3:16; 2 Timothy 2:3-7; John 21:18-19; Joel 2:1-11) 98

Father I choose to agree with Your Word and pursue sexual healing and choose to take Your pathway in healing and restoration, sanctification and a life of purity; if that takes years for me coming to the realization I am not a homosexual than I ask for perseverance and a Spirit of wisdom, knowledge and understanding and Your anointing from Your Spirit to remain faithful to Your Truth and Your ways of life regardless of the level of restoration I have and have come into. I commit to a lifestyle of sexual purity and abstinence from all forms of sexual sin and I believe for Your help and anointing and counsel and teaching to enable me to stay committed and faithful to Your truth and laws. Father do not allow me to be taken back to Egypt because of deception or self-deception with the want to justify, keep all veils off my eyes. Father, I surrender to allow You to work in my heart to change me to cause me to be restored and living for You. I take a hold of Your will for my life and to live a life in The Spirit and to learn how to walk in The Spirit and to learn to live above the carnal man/woman. I surrender my body as an instrument of righteousness (Romans 12:1), I choose to renew my mind to prove Your will (Romans 12:2) I put off my old self with its evil practices and surrender to put on the new self (Colossians 3:9) to agree that You can cause me to be at peace with the fragments of same sex attraction. I put no confidence in the flesh (Philippians 3:3) for the weapons of warfare are not flesh but Your Divine power to demolish strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4). I declare my complete dependence on You and agree walking in the Light is the only way of life, therefore, I stand against the enemies lies and deception of sodomy, homosexuality as a way of life or as my identity; I fall out of agreement with darkness and agree with You the Healer and Restorer that You Jesus Christ will restore paths to dwell in and raise up former desolations. Father, I acknowledge healing and restoration can take years so help me to stay at peace with same sex attraction until I am renewed and restored to a place that it no longer phases me or disturbs me. Father where this depresses me and I have bouts of depression because of my powerlessness and confusion or where I have anxiety or guilt or self-hatred even suicidal thoughts and go into isolation I ask You into these areas or places to keep me in victory. Father where my heart screams out I’ll never change cause me to lighten up and to understand the intrinsic web of same sex attraction and to 99

keep my trust in You as You know the mysteries and causations of my same sex desires. I surrender all desire of love and loving someone and being loved by someone other than Yourself and all emotional dependency deep within my psychic. I surrender all self-pity, the depressed personality the homosexual personality and declare wholeness and integration will come forth into sunpsuche or one soul (Philippians 2:2, Matthew 14:36). I yield and stand and continue to believe for all old habits and thoughts to be renewed and demolished and for newness of life to come forth that I may live from the new man/woman. Father, I repent where I have taken the identity that curses have given me and I repent from receiving my identity from man and what others think of me instead of who You ordained be to be from the womb. Father, I choose righteousness I choose not to walk in these transgressions or those of my ancestors on both sides of my natural family. I am taking accountability and have taken accountability for my sins that is my transgressions of Your laws, commandments and statutes now I can receive the promise of being cleansed from all unrighteousness and the inheritance I have as a child of God in your family of freedom from judgments deliverance of spirits and prosperity and healing and restoration and reconciliation and transformation and so much more. I declare because I am in Christ, bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh, His betrothed and one with Him I no longer have to receive these judgments, curses, fruit of oaths, diseases, illnesses, sickness’s imperfections in my body or soul or my DNA or my RNA my genetic coding that the curses have put upon me especially from the sins and iniquity of the forefathers. Thank you Father, that every spirit of every judgment every curse every abnormality illness sickness disease attached can no longer hold legal rights for I declare the children’s bread I declare freedom deliverance and healing from all destruction into wholeness and health and prosperity because of the shed Blood of Jesus Christ my Great High Priest my King of Righteousness my


Redeemer. Father, let every spirit be plucked out of their dwelling places and uprooted out of the land of the living and taken to their place appointed of them in Jesus Name, and Your Healing Virtue flow and let it be so in Jesus Name. Father in Jesus Christ’s Name I pray, amen and amen (Isaiah 7:14). Father breath on this prayer with You breath my Lord and my God; Let it be so My Father, in Jesus Christ’s Mighty Name Amen and amen.”

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts


This is a prophetic word I posted on 23/06/2012 www.overcomingandunderstandinghomosexuality.com “Today, He is calling you to live a life separated unto Him. He says do not despise the truth for My Words are life and My Words Are Truth. He says He knows your heart if it is for Him or half-hearted for Him and if you are willing He can change it for Him. He says your excuses to play in the lusts of your mind your body reveal you do not agree with Him or His way of life because you have given yourself to diver’s lusts and perverse sins and will to remain mesmerized by the spirits attached to these perversions. He says you are living in times of great doctrinal deception and spiritual wickedness and these liars pervert the truth of His Kingdom and if you continue to agree with them you will not overcome the lie. He says He has called you to walk soberly in the truth and walk separated and holy unto Him and to keep standing strong against sins that will wage warfare against your soul and deceive you. He says that in Him The Living God is the way of Truth, the way of Life and who will be ever present to up lift you and out and pour mercy to you. He says you are to embrace Him for who He is The Living God, Holy; declaring what He is able to do in guiding you and bringing you forth out of a crooked way out of the old man and the corruptness of your soul. He says you are to take a hold of hope and restoration that is found in Him and keep yourself unspotted from the world and all lusts and do not agree with the doctrines of man or demons that you will always be homosexual but with the truth of His Word. He says He has called you to walk uprightly and to walk in thankfulness and to walk soberly not in agreement with or in any excuse or with any perverse or unclean person who lives in filthiness of their flesh or who has turned aside to unrighteousness to believe the lie of homosexuality. He says He has called you to come out of agreement with the old you no longer to agree with your memories of a perverse and wicked life or your fickle feelings, you are to refute them and refuse them not sometimes but all the time then you will be renewed in the spirit of your mind then you will know the truth from the lie.


He says you are to take on what His Word declares you to be and have no more fellowship with the beliefs and whispers of darkness. He says allow His Spirit to bring you through the painful transformation to live within Godly boundaries in a Kingdom that is not built on flesh or corruption but on Righteousness and Holiness then you shall enter through life’s gates not only in the here and now but in the tomorrow of eternity.” 2. [Malligan, 2012] [Taken from blog site www.overcomingandunderstandinghomosexuality.com a ministry of Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba]

I don’t know where you are at in your walk but: Have you ever tried really reaching out for the other side, you may be dancing on old rainbows, but you know, life is for us to keep, Life and Love is for us to reap. Marriage can work. Word! 19/04/14

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts


Prayer for Renunciation Of Occult And Witchcraft Practices

“In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace; Ephesians 1:7 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous that He may forgive us the sins, and may cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 “And many of those who had believed came confessing, and declaring their deeds. 19. And many of the ones practicing the curious arts, bringing together the books, burned them before all…” Acts 19:18-19

PLEASE NOTE: The following prayer is from my book “The Abominations of Occult Practices” I have only taken the list of transgressions as it is too lengthy to keep explanations of each on the A to Z list. If you want to do a further study the book is comprehensive with teachings and explanations of each practice in line with Biblical passages. Teaching why certain practices like magnetic healing, herbal medicine nutrition under occult and new age teachings or holistic health and healing and homoeopathy are not biblical but have their origins in occult healings and traditions. The book contains six chapters to biblically prove what it means about law verses grace under His Blood Covenant or our marriage contract and why Christians can do have unclean spirits. “But they refused to hearken, and turned a stubborn shoulder, and stopped their ears that they might not hear. 12. They made their 104

hearts like adamant lest they should hear the law and the words which the Lord of hosts had sent by his Spirit through the former prophets.� Zechariah 7:11-12

Prayer __________________________________________________ Father, through The Lord Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, I now renounce, repent and confess every occult, witchcraft, false religion, commune, sect, gang, cult and new age practice and contact that I know about and those I did not know were abominations and transgressions on the occult list. Father I repent and renounce each and every oath, pledge, vow, covenant, agreement, pact, promise, binding allegiance, belief and false teaching of these abominations. Father especially those I have been committed to, been involved in, in every form and those I have practiced or participated in, I now forsake and renounce and in the presence of my enemy I renounce him and their ways to come out of all agreements in all ways with them. Father I agree with Your Word in Leviticus 26:40: “If they shall confess their iniquity, and the iniquity of their fathers, with their trespass which they trespassed against me, and that also they have walked contrary unto me;� You will forgive us. Father you have heard my prayer in Renouncation of Darkness for my ancestors iniquity and transgressions. Now I declare before you I have transgressed and my iniquity is ever before me. I surrender myself as a servant of The Lord Jesus Christ no longer a servant of the ways of darkness or participating in his false ways or going to his false ways for healings or experience. Against You and You have I sinned so I repent and ask for forgiveness for my practices and involvements in any and all occult, in witchcraft, false religions, communes, orders, groups, sects, and new age and other practices on this list. Father all my involvements in Freemasonry and associated male and female and children orders, associated clubs, groups and religions of Mormonism, Judaism, Cabbalism, the illuminati, Celtic practices and all other false religions and philosophies. I renounce all rebellion and disobedience to 105

Your Word and I also ask that You release me from every evil soul tie and every evil soul tie connected and related to these abominations and people. Father, I renounce the lie that we are evolving into a higher consciousness and will one day become gods and goddesses achieving immortality. I repent and renounce Pantheism, pride and the dragon force and law of karma and that morality is irrelevant. Father I renounce the Luciferian doctrine and all attached belief systems and declare The Bible is the only Truth that governs this earth and the universe as we know it. I renounce the new order of the ages I renounce the lie that Adam and Eve were held prisoner in the Garden of Eden by a cruel God until Lucifer and his agent Satan set them free and gave them their intellect. That through intellect mankind will conquer the earth and nature and intellect and will themselves become gods and goddesses as taught in every mystic temple in every masonic temple secret brotherhoods Shriners religions and occult organization. Father I renounce an enlightened democracy among the nations of the world and a one world order and government, I renounce the age of deception of the doctrines from the fallen angels and Nephilim and the new world order. Father where I have been the scapegoat unknowingly and knowingly to have the sins of my ancestors placed upon me I renounce and repent. Father, I ask for these sins and judgments and associated spirits that have been placed on me to be removed. I receive the healing and deliverance because of The Blood and Finished work of Calvary and declare Jesus Christ was my scapegoat He was the Perfect Spotless Lamb the sacrifice for our transgressions this is not my place or should it ever have been put on me the righteousness of Christ Jesus. I repent for all spiritual and natural harlotry, adultery, idolatry and fornication and confess it as disobedience and rebellion. I repent where I have been in Babylon and I obey the command to come out of her. I repent where I have been disobedient to all your commandments and gone after other gods and harlotry and idolatry; I repent where I have taught others to rebel against you Lord. Father, I repent where I have been slack in serving You and have not served you joyfully and gladly for the abundance of all things and also in unbelief and denying Your power. I have gone to the other gods for them to heal me and meet my needs. I repent for my idolatry and also for keeping and owning cursed objects.


I repent for me regarding them that have familiar spirits and for going a whoring after them; for seeking after them, consulting them, hearing their prophecies, teachings and receiving their counsel and false healings; for sacrificing unto them and worshipping them. I repent for where I have sworn falsely by the Lord’s name in these involvements and also blasphemed your name. Where I have learned after the abominations of nations and their ways and the ways of the false gods, I repent. I repent where I have made graven images and even bowed down to them. And where I have caused my children to pass through fire caused the unborn to die and had abortions and even agreed or caused someone to have an abortion, I repent. I repent, renounce and denounce where I have been involved in these abominations out of fascination, lies, deception, fear, fear of man, people pleasing, rejection, self-protection, jealousy, inferiority, anger, bitterness, pride, shame, ambition, money, lust, control, honor and glory, recognition, power, prestige, rank, title, revenge, hatred, greed, to hurt and harm others, for financial gain and for every other reason. Convict my heart where you would have me be more specific. I repent of all pride, pride of achievement, conceit, covetousness, arrogance, and conceited self-esteem in all ranks and positions of these abominations. Father, anoint me to keep with the fruits of my repentance. I repent for the worship and fellowship with darkness and the worship of man and Satan, where I have eaten at the table of demons. I repent of all idolatry from these abominations. I repent where I have worn the opposite’s genders clothing and every other type of clothing and regalia associated to these abominations. Also where I have surrendered my body to and in the different positions and the different acts that symbolize submission, power, and authority I repent. I repent where I have sinned against others here in abominable ways. I now surrender my body as an instrument of righteousness a living and holy sacrifice to You, the only True and Living God, I submit myself totally to The Lord Jesus Christ and His Rulership. I totally denounce and renounce Satan and his kingdom, all the ways and especially on this occult list, I give myself entirely to the Lord Jesus Christ to live as one who belongs to the Kingdom of God. Father, I now go through the following list and confess, repent, renounce and denounce to speak these abominations off my life and my children’s lives for they are under my authority because they are under age. 107

Father where I cannot forsake any of the following list for •

Medical reasons

Because of fear

Unbelief, spiritual blindness or denial

I just don’t believe that practice I practiced is occultism

I believe you are the originator of such a practice

Because of my own choice to continue with that practice or

• Lead me in the way everlasting and reveal all truth and remove all veils over my eyes and heart. My Lord and my God do not let me be like those of Zechariah 7:11-12 who would not be teachable who chose stubbornness and who hardened their hearts and deafen their ears to your commands. Cause my heart to search out for myself if that practice has its origins in witchcraft or the occult and if a practice is an abomination to You and most assuredly if I should no longer participate in that practice. Thank you for your mercy, I return unto you from where I have knowingly and unknowingly turned from Your Covenant ways and where I have ‘played in the devil’s playground’ I choose now to be in submission to You and Your Word. Lord reveal to me any other rebellion to You, the government, parents, husband/wife, employer or church leaders and bring all heart attitudes to death to change my heart. (PLEASE NOTE THE LISTS ARE EXTENSIVE FOR TEACHING AND KNOWLEDGE PURPOSES in addressing a wide audience.) Father I repent, I renounce and ask for forgiveness for my transgressions of:  Aboriginal culture beliefs: participation in rites, owning commercial or original paintings/artwork, objects, musical instruments, and artifacts and where I have been drawing their art and engaging in these practices.  Abstract art under hallucinogenic stimulus


 Acupuncture and acupressure  Addictions  Adorning the forehead where the Third eye is located  Age of Aquarius  Akashic Records  Allergy elimination  Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Adult Children Of Alcoholics, sex addiction and other programs alike that require membership either written or financial.  Apparitions  Aquarian Gospel  Arbah  Aromatherapy  Art under therapy  Ascended Masters, Masters of Wisdom, Guru’s  Astral travel, astral projection, cosmic flights, soul travel, Eckankar soul travel  Astrology including Chinese astrology  Augury  Aura  Automatic writing  Awakening the third eye; awakening the inner self  Ayurveda courses, maharishi ayurveda pulse reading ayurvedic approach to menstruation and menopause


 Banishing  Belly dancing, Indian dancing, and all other occult and god and goddess dancing  Bike gang/outlaw biker gang/brotherhoods/gangs  Birth stones – modern/America, mystical/Tibetan, ayervedic/India; birth signs, birth flowers  Biorhythm and feedback  Black arts  Black magic  Black mass  Blood pacts  Body Jewelry to the body or face for worship, rituals, religion, cults, invoking Demons, magic, spells witchcraft acts  Body piercing and ear piercing by tattooists or occult practitioners new age shops, or for occult practices or for the initiation of young girls into a coven.

 Cartomancy  Carved chests or furniture with temples associations with pagan gods  Ceremonies for babies’ adolescents of origins of false gods - native cultures; with special birth dates, birth names, cult membership; ritual initiation and dedication of baby’s toddlers and adolescents, family and unborn future generations into secret organizations, lodges, fraternity’s false religions and other religions  Celtic beliefs and generational involvement  Chain letters and those that ask to send money  Chakras; working with, finding, awakening, awakening for sexual 110

pleasures, charka clearing, and balancing  Channeling  Chanting, toning  Charm Bracelets  Charming/enchanting  Children’s books: Goosebumps; how to teach your children Wicca; Metamorphous; all Occult fiction books; Harry Potter and books alike  Chinese herbalist  Chiropractic work where they have used occult methods and opened any of the seven chakra’s and awakened Kundalini power and used other occult methods of healing  Christian Science  Christmas tree; decorations and Santa Clause his elves and reindeers  Church or denomination that is legalistic; controlling pastors and teachings  Church of Wicca  Clairaudience  Clairsentience  Clairvoyance  Cloud - lore  Color therapy for healing and relaxation  Communication, fellowship with Satan, gods, goddesses, all deities and demons on all levels including spirit guides, the dead, angels, telepathic techniques, summoning demons, going through techniques or steps or process to talk or see demon’s spirits or Satan, Ouija witch and spirit boards


 Conjuration  Contracts with demons, deities, gods and goddesses and any by this nation’s government, by any tribe or army and all forms of sacred rites and oaths for whatever reason or form past generations for this generation and those to come.  Control coming from a church denomination, from former or current church Pastor, Reverend, Minister, Priest, group or the leadership, Husband, Wife, Child/ren, partner, person. Father, reveal to me whose control I am under, and have come under and I pray to set me free from every evil soul tie to these people and teach me and enable me to no longer yield to their control. If and where I am controlling, I repent and I ask that you demolish this fortress and lead me into more repentance. By Your power change my heart, dismantle the sin structures and reveal their root causes.  Course in Miracles  Council of 13  Counseling on all levels from occultist masseurs, a holistic source, spiritual sources, angels, spirit guides, ascended masters and any other avenue mentioned on this occult list.  Counterfeit Christian meetings of: false revivals; false trances, false visits and visions of heaven, false dancing with angels and the four living creatures who have come down from heaven and enter into your presence where you are worshiping; false signs and wonders of receiving diamonds, or gold fillings or gold dust or anointing oil coming out of the hands or on the feet or seen running down the wall. Father where the sirens in the spirit realms are calling me to participate in the counterfeit and the false giving me the delusion these are true, awaken me, wake me up where I am mesmerized and enchanted to these meetings; still me and anoint me to know and desire Truth.


Father please deafen my ears to their songs of seduction and open my mind greatly to Truth that expels their hypnotic luring with deception and delusion. Anoint me that I may obey 2 Corinthians 13:5 “examine yourselves whether you be in the faith; prove your own selves.” Father, I continue to go through this list repenting renouncing and asking forgiveness for mine and my ancestors transgressions of:  Covens  Crests, coat of arms, badges of a clan i.e. Scottish  Crystal ball gazing  Crystals, crystal helpers, and stones,  Crystal healing, using layouts grids wands pendulums  Cult involvement in Mormons, Jehovah’s witnesses, Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Christian Science, Seven Day Adventists, Theosophy, Scientology, Christadelphians, Herbert W. Armstrong, The Church of New Jerusalem; Children of God/The Family of Love, Egyptology and Pyramid Mysticism, Spiritualist, Magnificent Meal Movement and other Catholic movements/groups, Outlaw Bikie Gangs, Brotherhoods, Mafia; Eastern and Mystic Religions, Hinduism, Hari Krishna, Ananda Marga, Divine Light, Islam, Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, Baha’ism, Bahai Faith, Unity, Freemasonry, Clu Clux Clan, Communism, Orthodox: - Greeks - Russians - Jews – Eastern and Hippy Communes, Martial Arts groups.  Cursing and root cutting  Cursing for evil against someone something and somewhere so as to bring evil, injury, mischief, lust, calamity and fear or anything else  Curse Lifting  Cutting self in a destructive way

 Dance under; sexual sensual reasons, sacredness, for health and 113

harmony, holistic healing, and for meditation and yoga, under drugs for healing enlightenment contact with spirits for ritualism relaxation and other things alike dance using occult symbols with fingers hands and feet; positions of mundra or occult signs for sacred dance  Death magic  Dedication of child or children or generations to Satan or into cults, sects, Fraternities, lodges false religions, Christian religions, nations, tribe’s, astrology and to gods and goddesses  Deja vu experiences  Demon worship  Detoxifying the bloodstream, body / patches under Occult/New Age methods  Discovering truth interpretation, Edger Cayce books







 Disembodied spirits  Divination and in the following practices “Abacomancy divination by dust Acultomancy divination using needles Aeromancy divination by means of the weather Ailuromancy divination by watching cat’s movements Alectormancy divination by sacrificing a rooster Alectryomancy divination by watching a rooster gather corn kernel Aleuromancy divination using flour or meal Alomancy divination using loaves of barley Alveromancy divination using sounds Ambulomancy divination by taking a walk Amniomancy divination by examining afterbirth Anthomancy divination using flowers Anthracomancy divination using burning coals Anthropomancy divination using human entrails Apantomancy divination using objects at hand Arithmancy divination using numbers Armomancy divination by examining one’s shoulders Aspidomancy divination by sitting and chanting within a 114

Astragalomancy Astromancy Austromancy Axinomancy

circle divination divination divination divination

using using using using

Belomancy Bibliomancy Botanomancy Brontomancy

divination divination divination divination

by means of arrows by opening a book at random by using burning branches or plants using thunder

Capnomancy Cartomancy Catoptromancy Causimancy Ceneromancy Cephalonmancy Ceraunomancy Ceraunoscopy Ceraunoscopy Ceromancy Ceroscopy Chaomancy Chirognomy Chiromancy Chromomancy Cleidomancy Cleromancy Conchomancy Coscinomancy Crithomancy Critomancy Cromnyomancy Crystallomancy Crystalomancy Cubomancy

divination by means of smoke telling fortunes using playing cards divination by examining mirror placed underwater divination by means of fire divination using ashes divination by boiling an ass head divination using thunderbolts divination using thunderbolts divination using lightening divination by means of wax dripping divination using wax divination by examining phenomena of the air divination by studying the hands divination by means of palmistry divination by means of time divination using keys divination using dice divination using shells divination using a sieve and a pair of shears divination by strewing meal over sacrifices divination using viands and cakes divination using onions divination by means of clear objects divination using a crystal globe divination by throwing dice

Dactyliomancy Dactylomancy Daphnomancy Demonomancy Dririmancy

divination divination divination divination divination


dice or knucklebones stars wind an axe or hatchet

by means of a finger using rings using laurel using demons by observing dripping blood

Emonomancy Enoptromancy Eromancy Extispicy

divination divination divination divination


belief that flowers have feelings

Gastromancy Geloscopy Geomancy Grafology Graptomancy Gyromancy

divination by sounds from the belly fortune telling by means of laughter divination by casting earth onto a surface divination by studying writing divination by studying handwriting divination by falling from dizziness

Halomancy Haruspication Hematomancy Hepatoscopy Hieromancy

using salt by inspecting animal entrails using blood by studying animal livers by studying objects offered in

Hieroscopy Hippomancy Hydromancy Hypnomancy

divination divination divination divination divination sacrifice divination divination divination divination

Ichnomancy Ichthyomancy Iconomancy Idolomancy

divination divination divination divination

using footprints by inspecting fish entrails using icons using idols

Kephalonomancy Keraunoscopia Knissomancy

divination using a baked ass’s head divination using thunder divination using burning incense

Labiomancy Lampadomancy Lecanomancy Libanomancy Lithomancy Logarithmancy Logomancy Macromancy Maculomancy Margaritomancy

lip reading divination by flame divination using water in a basin or pool divination by watching incense smoke divination by stones or meteorites divination by means of algorithms divination using words divination using large objects divination using spots divination using pearls 116

using using using using

using using using using

demons mirrors water vessels entrails

entrails horses water sleep

Mathemancy Meconomancy Meteoromancy Metopomancy Metoposcopy Micromancy Myomancy

divination by counting divination using sleep divination by studying meteors divination using the forehead or face fortune-telling or judgment of character by the lines of the forehead divination using small objects divination from the movements of mice

Narcomancy Necyomancy Nomancy

divination using sleep divination by summoning Satan divination by examining letters of name

Odontomancy Oenomancy Oinomancy Ololygmancy Omoplatoscopy

divination using teeth divination by studying appearance of wine divination using wine fortune-telling by the howling of dogs divination by observing cracks in burning scapulae divination from the knots in the umbilical cord divination by dreams divination using a donkey or ass divination using proper names divination by the fingernails divination by the fingernails divination using eggs divination using snakes divination by watching snakes divination by observing flight of birds divination using excavated objects divination using bones divination using bones divination using the heavens

Omphalomancy Oneiromancy Onomancy Onomancy Onychomancy Onymancy Oomancy Ophidiomancy Ophiomancy Ornithomancy Oryctomancy Ossomancy Osteomancy Oouanomancy Pedomancy Pegomancy Pessomancy Phyllomancy Physiognomancy Psephomancy Psychomancy Pyromancy

divination divination divination divination divination divination random divination divination


by examining the soles of the feet by springs or fountains using pebbles using leaves or tea leaves by studying the face by drawing lots or markers at by means of spirits using fire

Retromancy Rhabdomancy Rhapsodomancy

divination by looking over one’s shoulder divination using a rod or stick divination by opening works of poetry at random

Scapulomancy Scatomancy Scatoscopy Schematomancy Sciomancy Scyphomancy Selenomancy Sideromancy


divination by examining burnt shoulder blade divination by studying excrement divination by studying excrement; scatomancy divination using the human form divination using ghosts divination by means of a cup divination by studying the moon divination using the stars; divination by burning straws divination by drawing lots divination by twitching or convulsion of the body divination by means of feces divination using a crystal ball divination by means of ashes fortune telling by studying seeds in dung divination by picking passages from books at random divination by observing how one dresses oneself divination using fig leaves

Tephromancy Theomancy Thrioboly Thumomancy Tiromancy Topomancy Trochomancy Tyromancy

divination divination divination divination divination divination divination divination

by ashes by means of oracles using pebbles by means of one’s own soul by using cheese using landforms by studying wheel tracks using cheese

Uranomancy Urimancy Xenomancy Xylomancy

divination divination divination divination path

by studying the heavens by observing urine using strangers by examining wood found in one’s


divination by observing animals” 2. [On line sourced 2009]

Sortilege Spasmatomancy Spatilomancy Spheromancy Spodomancy Stercomancy Stichomancy Stolisomancy


Father, all other works of divination like counterfeit Christian doctrines teachings and prophecies (Jeremiah 14:14); I ask that You expose these in my life and bring the revelation and light that I need to be able to see this in my life, all other false religions and their beliefs, Philosophers and Psychologists like Jung and Freud and others, birthday readings, oracles, omens, tarot, wisdom cards, playing cards, love cards and angel readings, dream interpretation, witchcraft, spells, spiritists, gaining secret or hidden information, fengshui, color interpretation, telekinesis, folk tradition, by faith. Father also the different nations occult practices throughout the world that I myself have unknowingly practiced, reading the twitching of the eyelids, necromancy, sacrifice to idols, fortune telling, astrology, geomancy or the poking of holes in a box of earth and combining the result into a set of symbols, palmistry, runes, I Ching and astral projective investigation and any other works of divination not mentioned on this occult list that I may have practiced. (For scriptures please read at the back of this book: Genesis 3:5; Leviticus 19:31; Deuteronomy 18:9-11, 14-15, 13:1-3, 29:29; 1 Samuel 15:23; 1 Kings 17:1718; Isaiah 8:19-20, 19:3; Ezekiel 21:21; Jeremiah 23:26-28; 1 Timothy 4:1)  Divining rod, twig or pendulum or ring; dowsing or witching for water, minerals, underground cables or finding out the sex or illness of an unborn child or animal using divining rod, pendulum, twig or planchette or ring and the use of divining rod or use of dowsing techniques for future predictions or for answers to questions.  Dolphin Deva and universal intelligence  DNA and RNA– restructuring through occult and new age practices  Dream nets  Dungeons and dragons and any other role-play and fantasy books that evoke demon representatives

 Eagle Scouts and all other scout groups  Easter egg hunts 119

 Eastern and world religions  Ectoplasm  Eckankar  Electronic devices to relieve pain, accelerate healing, reduce inflammation, unlock muscle spasm, and find hidden and referred treatment points  Electro-magnetic protection using rings, jewelry  Enchanting  Energy healing, energy release techniques, energy field therapy & D.N.A., energy clearing-house property, transforming home, house area environment workplace with light and positive energy  Esoteric teachings  EFT  ESP  EST

 Face painting for god worship, makeup by usage of color for spells, drawing energy, strengthening self-esteem, for reflecting light and sending out light to others  Fairy Tale books, images  Falling in love again retreats under new age religious beliefs and sexuality courses and sex enhancement courses that are pagan or new age  False cups of communion and those of the Catholic Eucharist, religiosity traditionalism and formalism and those not allowing the partaking because of not belonging to their denomination. Just a point Passover is the true cup and if you have never partaken of a Passover service you have never partaken truly of Jesus Christ. 120

 False Revivals, Lord Jesus, where I am bewitched take the scales away from my eyes. Bind and break these powers and spirits and lead me into all truth. Open my heart and mind greatly to all deception, lies and falseness of the counterfeit and false in my life. I ask that You would give me the way out, the truth, the revelation the keys the necessary anointing and the heart to come out into the light. Father if there is anything that hinders me from seeing the false the counterfeit. please bring this into Your light so it is revealed. Father bind still the connected and related spirits and hindering demons for Your sovereign time until this is totally discerned and uprooted out of my life.  Fetishism, pagan fetishes  Feng Shui  Floating trumpets  Foot spas – those that have reflexology or therapeutic or acupressure massage or healing methods to usage  Formalism  Fortune telling by direct knowledge of the unseen realm and or by interpretation of things visible; omens, events, palm reading, animal entrails, cards, crystal ball, dream interpretation, astrology, horoscopes, runes, automatic writing clairvoyance while in a trance, ouija board, pendulum, planchette, tea leaves, handwriting analysis  Freemasonry: Father, all secret organizations, all fraternities, Shriners, temples, secret orders, secret clubs of: Illuminist’s, Bonesmen, Bilderbergers, Bohemians and Masons and: “The Buffalo Lodge, the Orange Club, Rainbow Girls, Jobs Daughters, Order of the Eastern Star, Order of Amaranth, White Shrine of Jerusalem, The Daughters of Mokanna, Daughters of the Nile, White Shrine, The Red-Ochre, The Shriners, Independent Order of Rechabites, Independent Order of Oddfellows, Ancient Order of Foresters, Independent Order of Foresters, The Druids, Loyal Order of Moose, Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, The Mystic Order of the Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm, Acacia Fraternity, The Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine, Royal Order of Jesters, 121

Fraternal Order of Eagles, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Pythias, Knights of the Rose Croix, Order of Red Men, Royal Arch Mariners, Grotto, Tall Cedars of Lebanon, Order of the Golden Chain, Order of the Golden Key Woodsmen of the World, Order of De Molay, Order of the Builders, Socitas Rosicruciana, Scouts and Girl Guides” 2. [Kitchen, 1997] And any others not mentioned on this list.  Furniture by using and owning alters, meditation chairs, yoga mats and any other cursed furniture with false gods and goddesses and religious representatives attached

 Gambling, all forms of gambling even Lotto, tickets for prizes from charity organizations  Gang membership  God/goddess walks and tours to places around the world, tours of Egypt, Ireland, Asian temples and so on  Good luck charms - charm bracelets - even in the form of jewelry representing Christian beliefs like a group of jewelry of the star of David - fish - cross – menorah in the representation of a charm bracelet; elephants with their trunk up, the monkeys that see no evil, speak no evil hear no evil, four leaf clovers, breaking a wish bone, lucky bamboo, Chinese luck things hanging or sitting, horse shoes and those over door or for a wedding, candles to make a wish, wishing on a star, crossing your fingers, touching wood, rabbits foot or whatever good luck charm I have known of and practiced and my ancestors on both sides of the family.  Gothic rock music  Gypsy curses or involvement

 Handwriting analysis and signature analysis  Hard rock music Acid, Punk all immoral and destructive music and groups – being a bandy or groupie or a member of such bands. 122

 Harry Potter; books, tapes, CD’S, DVD’S toys and their paraphernalia  Health using secret ancient dream techniques  Hepatoscopy  Hex spells, signs and jinxes, hoodoo, voodoo on people places or things and Hexagrams to own to use to channel, to curse, to do magic, to bring forth demons, for protection, to bring good or bad luck, prosperity and whatever else the different hexagrams have been used for by ancestors or myself  Herbal medicine teachings/doctrines







 Hippocratic Oath – Physicians Oath  Holistic health and healing  Holistic shoes/sandals those for the use of reflexology points  Holistic therapies of physiotherapy, inferred sauna, use of color, aroma, and sound and sunlight  Holotropic breath work  Homoeopathy  Hydromancy  Hypnosis and self-hypnosis, hypnotherapy; for past life regression, stress, weight control, stop smoking behavioral problems and …  Idols worshipped including infant of Prague and Mary, Saint Teresa, Saint Paul and all the jewelry like Saint Christopher and Rosemary Beads  I Ching  Illuminati, Father I ask for all known and unknown specific oaths, beliefs, doctrines, initiations, practices, curses and all demonic powers, ties, principalities, link ups, bands, bonds, spirits and legal grounds from 123

this network of Illuminati to be cursed at its root and every off shoot from this root to wither and die and to be plucked out of their dwelling places in and over my life and children(s) life by Your Power and Sovereignty as I believe in Your all sufficiency, the finished work of Calvary and Your grace and mercy and authority to save and deliver. I agree that this secret society has its association with the gross darkness of Hitler and its symbolism, also Freemasonry degrees especially the 33rd and is an abomination to You, also its membership, beliefs, and practices. Father, I also repent of all agreement in and membership of Neo-Nazism that has been an open door because of the Illuminati over my life. I also repent of all separatism, racism, and elitism. Therefore, I repent, renounce, resist and refuse to agree with such gross darkness and such vile oaths taken and ask for deliverance from all control, every link, influence, spirit, power, curse, oath and all effects of these; not only in and over my own life but to all global associations, attachments and connections to destroy all legal rights so I will not be affected in this end time dispensation, thus Satan and his cohorts cannot use this door way.  Imaginary playmates in childhood  Incense burning to other gods, and the purchase and use of those that are made for that purpose and or by people of those religions  Incantations  Incubi and succubae  Increase learning skills, concentration, subconscious to conscious ways of learning



 Indian American Indians beliefs, pictures artifacts, lore, and commandments; Indian sweat lodge, cleansing ceremonies and any other Indian rituals  Infrared sauna therapy  Internet love match, name match, compatibility match and all astrology match  Iridology


 Jehovah Witnesses, Mormonism and I declare I or anyone can establish their own righteousness and that salvation is by grace yet without works faith is dead. Father, break all bases and receivers to mind control and loose me from every member and leader with soul ties.  Jiap - acupuncture without needles – fingertip pressure  Jonathan Livingstone Seagull  Juices for healing by occult practitioners

 Kabala kabbalah  Karma  Kinesiology-AK and behavioral kinesiology -bk, eav  Kirilan photography, aura photos/photography

 Land Signs  Levitation  Longer life courses; to help you slow pace of degeneration, change life cells of the body, live longer using trace minerals, minerals, and herbs any natural strategy to enjoy health and longevity and to prevent cancer and disease, increase love vibrations, to stop conflict, sickness or bad luck disappear from your life  Luck charms  Magic tricks and white and black magic and books on how to cast spells, do Magic and used in Biblical teachings  Magnetic healing, putting magnets in insoles shoes, on body, as a bracelet or anklet or necklace, in bed bedspreads, doona covers, 125

house, on pet collars and beds, bio magnetic/electromagnetic therapy, copper bracelets for healing and release of pain and symptoms  Mandrake  Mariolatry, Mariology  Martial arts of Aidido, Aikido, Archery, Ata-Wasa, Boxing, Ch’i kung, Cong-fu, Fa-qua, Fencing, Gigong, Gung Fu, Haikido, Hunggar, Jin Shindo, Jin Shin, Judo, Jung-fu, Jujitsu, Karate, Kenpo, Kick Boxing, Kun Fu, Kung Fu-Wu-Su, Okinawaa-le, Pa Kua, Sauate, Shem, Tae Kwon Do, Tai Chi Chaun, Tai Giquaan, Tai Kwan Do, Taoism, We, Wong Ching, Wu Shu, Wu-Wei, Yawara. All and any other organization, club or group with Martial Arts and philosophies, teachings, books, exercises, diets, beliefs including suicide and ritual suicide, codes and also Martial Arts movies, video and arcade games.  Mascots  Masks; owning any masks from Japan, Jamaica, Fiji, Bali the Islands, Orient, India, Himalayas, Mexico, Guatemala, Caribbean, Europe, Native America, South America, Carnival, Halloween masks ECT.  Massage; kahuna bodywork, ka huna, Hawaiian-lomi lomi, Balinese, oriental, shiatsu or finger pressure massage, aromatherapy and therapeutic techniques using candles rocks and relaxation for healing and stress relief also owning and using a stress ball.  Matthew Manning healing  Magic mushrooms and all forms of LSD for healing and awareness of the heart  Medicine men  Meditation and transcendental meditation - tapes, video’s using breathing Techniques sonic meditation sonic alchemy & attunement, all meditation Techniques  Mediums  Memory increase aids as in tapes or exercises in books; Mental suggestions; Mental therapy; Mind control use of own mind to control others; Mind dynamics; reclaiming the mind; Mind mediumship; Mind 126

reading  Mesmerism  Metaphysics  Moon-mancy - guru moon cult  Moon Pathways  Motorskopua  Moxibustion  Mysticism  Mythology

 Nakedness - around the house - even just the towel around you coming from the shower in front of children or family or visitors and going to nude beaches, nudist getaways or retreats  Nationalism, Fascism, Nazism, Communism, prejudice, antiSemitism, anti-Americanism, hatred of blacks/whites Asians, nation pride, bigoted  Nature spirits of occult lore: Father I renounce for myself the beliefs in and the owning of any or all objects of: ▪ ▪

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Wind chimes as their origin is for the keeping away of spirits All hanging crystals from new age shop or gift shops that sell Buddha’s or any other new age and occult objects in my house and any and all of the following: “Harpy - evil and vengeful creature Elf - small mischievous creature with magical powers Fairy tiny - human form possessing magical powers Jinnee jinns - visible or invisible superhuman magic powers Goblin - mischievous nature spirit Banshee - nature spirit Hatif - nature spirit Hobgoblin - cheerful mischievous nature spirit 127

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Gnome - creature that lives underground to guard treasure hoards Ifrit - malignant spirit Satyr - Greek roman mythology Triton - Greek mythology Troll - evil earth demon has origins for use of sexual pleasure Wizards – smurfs have their origins in wizardry Gargoyles - protective spirits of evil to defend house from evil Harpy - evil rapacious vengeful creature Seiktha - tree spirit Pisky - nature spirit Troll - evil earth demon Pixie – evil spirit Leprechaun - nature spirit” 3. [Burns, 1998:73-77]

Where I have any of these I chose to smash them and or destroy them and I choose not sell them or give them away or put them away.  Naturopathy, certain communication








 Necromancy  New age medicines  Numerology, Numerical symbolism

 Objects that are directly from another gospel other religions; Mary, Infant Of Prague and other venerated saints, the eastern religions dressed Elephants, new age unicorns and dolphins and eagles and frogs; dragons, Japanese/Chinese/Thailand temples, snakes, skulls and deified cows, cross and skull bones, witchcraft goats.  Occult games - in arcade games, playstation, ps1, ps2, Nintendo, Atari like Masters of the universe, magic eight ball, kun-fu and boxing fighting games, and those that are obvious that looks and is demonic.  Occult letters of protection & financial prosperity & giving blood in covenant for protection & financial prosperity  Occult literature - like the 6th 7th book of Moses, book of Venus, The Other Side, The Greater World; Works by Jacob Lorber, Edgar Cayce, 128

Dennis Wheatley, Jeane Dixon, Peter Hurkos, Gerard Croiset, Estelle Roberts, Arthur Ford, Eckhart, Hohann Greber, Shirley MacLaine philosophies and any and or all occult programmes visits and beliefs from these or other mediums, psychics, clairvoyants, and psychometrics.  Omens  Orthodoxy  Ouija boards  Owning then selling: cursed objects, selling anything of my own that transfers demons, selling cursed objects that are not obviously idols of false religions

 Pagan rites; voodoo, sing sings, corroborees, fire walking, playing their instruments for fun or under instruction in a learning capacity about the culture  Palmistry  PK - Parakineses  PSI - parapsychology  Pendulum diagnosis, radiesthesia – medical diagnosis  Philosophy  Phrenology  Pillow healing  Pledging allegiance to anything other than you my Father God and our Lord Jesus Christ  Positive confession, positive or possibility thinking and affirmations – even those in Christian teachings, believing that all words are governed by spiritual law that become spiritual forces working for you and against you.


 Possession of and use of playing cards; on the Computer games  Possession of satanic and occult weapons and those of the sacrifice knives and swords and warrior swords and knives and martial arts swords and knives and weapons  Possession of and or collections of wizards and crystal balls and Frogs and owls  Planchette  Precognition  Prophets; books by Nostradamus and others false prophets  Prosperity doctrine  Psychic fairs, meetings, parties, readings, psychic use of power to get a partner, money, gambling win, place or things wanted; Psychic healing, sight, hooks, and prayer  Psychography  Psychology and psychiatry; and shock treatment and all other treatments associated to these doctrines of devils, including questionnaires on personality types, teachings, and books  Psychometry  Punk rock and hate rock, rock music, all worldly music  Pyramidlogy

 Qi gong  Radiesthesia  Radionics  Rebirthing, reincarnation; living in heaven and being sent by The 130

Father and The Lord Jesus Christ to fulfill destinies redemptive purpose  Reiki, Seichim  Reflexology  Relaxation and with the use of tapes videos and with the use of new age music and nature’s sound music  Religious cults and Christian denominations Father especially those that have “Deceptive Christology; Extra biblical revelations; Translocal totalitarian authority in leadership; Babylonian pyramiding control of the followers; Semi-secret sessions for teaching followers; Exclusivism or cronyism; Semantic juggling or a text out of context used to “prove” false teachings/doctrines and concepts; Punishment and reward motivation or control of behavior and attitudes through ruthless use of fear; Denunciation of others, particularly of those who question or deny the cults; Separation and isolation of followers from their families and friends and the formation of communal living cells to facilitate centralized control and enforce obedience.” 4. [Worley, 1996:25] Father religious groups that believe they are the elect, the only chosen to be preachers of truth and all other Christ based doctrines have it wrong. They are the elect and the true church the true elect and all other will perish in their deception. Father cut and break all “Bases and Receivers” between the cult and the person(s) and the tentacles of mind control be severed for loosing off my mind for the casting out of mind control spirits. 5. [Worley, 1996:...]  Rhabdomancy  Religious objects  Ritualism, all forms of rituals, Ritual sex  Roman Catholicism, Father, I renounce all curses from the Roman Catholic Church. I repent of all idolatry and the reverence and adoration of priests and 131

nuns and the orders and the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church. Further from all prayers or the rite of excommunication from the Roman Catholic Church. I renounce all heretical beliefs all good works and returning evil for good. I renounce all curses put on me from the church for denying all idolatrous and witchcraft practices let them be broken. Also all curses for turning to Christ by coming out of the Babylonian system of the Roman Catholic Church. I renounce all oaths as a member of the Roman Catholic Church and I denounce all membership all association all law and authority and legislation and codes of this Institution and its councils from their beginnings. I repent and renounce the new name given to me and my child/ren. I ask for the breaking of all ungodly soul ties with all Roman Catholics families, friends and clergy and priests and nuns. Father let all curses put on us from curses against protestants and the council of Trent and those against all heretics and schematics be rendered null and void of no effect. I repent renounce all the curses put against Protestants from Roman Catholicism. I renounce the fourth degree of the Knights of Columbus and each oath spoken. Where I have signed and declared in blood the oaths of this degree and sworn by their blessed trinity and the blessed sacrament of the Eucharist and witness with their name written with the point of the dagger dipped in their blood and sealed in the face of the holy sacrament I repent, and renounce such abominations of this fourth degree and ask they be rendered null and void of no effect in Jesus name. Father, release us from all curses of murder connected with the killing of heretics, Christians, and the inquisition. Father, I renounce all ‘due punishment’ of burning and imprisonment for life by this church. Father, I specifically repent and renounce all their religious deception and Babylonian deception and all heresy error and perversion of the Gospel.


I specifically renounce and repent of the following I have participated and believed to be Your will and ways: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

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false doorway to salvation of infant baptism and this false anointing and Roman Catholic confirmation dedication to the Virgin Mary and dedication to saints canonization of dead saints - the doctrine of sainthood being named after Mary and or other dead saints hearing confession and going to the priest the doctrine of priesthood and papacy fear of the priest, ordination to the priesthood and all ministering and receiving of each sacrament for each priestly function belief of the only holy priesthood all idolatry of kissing the ring of the popes and bishops, kissing of the pope’s feet, all consecrating and adoring the host, the postures, the movements the kneeling the bowing the kissing the sign of the cross the change in liturgical vestments of the priesthood all monkhoods the belief that nuns are brides of Christ, the wedding ring the marriage ceremony, the nunnery the sisterhood, the convents and all soul ties to nun’s mothers and sisters and borders the correlations of sacrament system with magic “the word sacrament comes from the Greek word mystery. This ultimately traces its origins back to the Babylonian mysteries” 6. [Worley, 1996:25] prayer to saints who are “masquerading demons,” 7. [Worley, 1996:14] penance purgatory works gives you less days in purgatory indulgences paying finance or gifts or donations for salvation or forgiveness, the sale of indulgences giving tithes and offerings or donations to this false religion and any or all associated groups organizations, sects, monasteries and orders and so on guilt for being a traitor to the ‘my mother church’ false guilt for lying in confessional box false guilt and condemnation, shame, disobedience, rebellion all origins to and false visions and dreams and false apparitions false laying on of hands, false teaching and preaching, false celibacy, false tongues, false doctrines, false logic, false ordination, false religious authority, false consecrations, false 133

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fear and fears the false baptism in the Holy Spirit false and the first communion false obedience, false confession, false vows, false religious authority, false religion, false orders, false devotions, false forgiveness, false belief of suffering and selfinfliction or by other monks or priests and all false discipline for a holy walk, flagellation days to subdue carnality and rebellion mediatrix of all graces the rosary and its rituals the doctrines and exaltation of Mary, Mary devotion, the hail Mary full of grace, Mariolatry (worship of Mary); Mariology (the study of Mary), all titles of Mary such as Mother of God, Queen of heaven and so on when in fact in this institution she is the great harlot under the system of Babylon the harlot religious system consecration of life to Mary slave of Mary, prayers to Mary the immaculate conception doctrine and veneration the holy mother church, the one true church, Catholicism is the head religion, only one church the veneration and idolatry of statues and the bowing down the kissing and incensing and praying to relics and statues the cults of relics and statues the medals, the miraculous medals the sacred heart the veneration of Popes Bishops Priest’s relics tabernacle and chalice; crawling on knees from back of church to kiss a relic from Rome blessed by the Pope and kissing relics, medals, and statues blessed by the pope blind obedience to superiors the belief to use the Bible but not fully believe in it as Catholic tradition and doctrines are to be placed above the Word of God and the zealous and dedication to Catholicism rather than the Word of God the worship of the host the assumption the pagan Christmas doctrines novenas the Easter sacraments such as lent and no meat on good Friday, ash Wednesday fasting on Friday and any others around Easter doctrines and any other wind of false doctrine not mentioned on this list and all other feast days 134

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celebration of mass Friday devotions and seven consecutive Fridays would save and any other superstition candles and lighting of candles, vigil lights candles for the dead and all other rituals and beliefs of candles holidays and seasons of devotions Candlemas - purification of the blessed virgin Mary 8. [Burns, 1998:259] the seven sacraments instituted the heresy that their traditions have equal authority with the Bible and papal infallibility and approval of the church that the Pope is Jesus Christ on earth the apocryphal books added by the Council of Trent the necromancy of praying to the dead the dead saints and for the dead the glory be ejaculations the veneration of crucifix the sign of the cross and on the body the way of the cross masochism, male chauvinist, males only priesthood the for-bidding of marriage of priests – celibacy, making of vows of obedience and chastity and poverty and accepting the penalties for breaking them all the ‘Our Ladies’ of the different nations i.e. Fatima and Lourdes all witchcraft magic and that of the seven sacraments the beliefs that certain words plus materials bring automatic communication of grace “ex opera operato” 9. [Worley, 1996:19] all works to obtain salvation and penance and to obtain grace catholic matrimony and a catholic can only marry a catholic if not they have to become a catholic also for infant baptism parents have to become catholic and baby is hence baptized into the catholic church extreme unction pedophilia, sodomy, homosexuality holy water and all its rituals and sacramental attachments holy water mixed with a pinch of salt and blessed by the priest incense the burning of in all rituals and ceremonies missals baptism of bells benediction services plenary and partial indulgences catechisms 135

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all their rules and constitutions and of all societies attached and affiliated with Roman Catholic church and beliefs the Jesuits priesthood all anthropology and philosophy and scholastic philosophy all humanistic philosophy within and attached to the Catholicism Catholic theology, dogmatic theology, moral theology All hidden astrology and occult lore teachings and rituals All symbolism and symbols within and associated to the Roman Catholic Church and its beliefs worldwide and its associations to world orders and the unseen orders and its church in the supernatural realm Catholic Bible and versions by catholic theologians and the veneration that these bibles hold more accuracy and weight than other version Latin services Roman Catholic church is the true church and only church The doctrine of transubstantiation where the bread and wine at consecration is turned literally and physical in the body and blood of Jesus, I renounce this witchcraft and magic and false covenant for Christ died once and once for sin (Hebrew 7:27, 10:12, 10:18) the sacrifice of mass, mass obedience to priesthood Sacrament of extreme unction at death Veneration of angels Adoration of the wafer and not to be touched other than the hands of the priest Signing over the inheritance to the Catholic Church when joining the Convent to become a Nun I renounce that Salvation is to the family because of a family female member being a Nun I renounce the red funeral shroud to be put into a casket to lay there for nine hours for the burial and death of the old life I renounce the lies of the Catholic Church of seduction to become a Nun, poverty chastity, and obedience; I renounce every vow made in the blood from the ear and repent of this blood vow. I renounce being the Bride of Christ and break the seal from the vows and the wedding band. I renounce and break the control from the convent from the church from the sisters and other nuns of authority. I renounce giving all rights over to Rome. I renounce the balding of my hair the dehumanizing of humanity and morality through oaths and acts I renounce standing in good favor with Mother Superior and with God 136

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I repent for selling the soul I renounce the deception of becoming a nun I renounce giving the Priest the body and believing he is the holy ghost and having sexual relations with him is sanctified and to bear his children is God’s will I renounce belonging to The Pope belonging to Rome I renounce penitence and the initiation of a becoming a nun I renounce signing away human rights and especially in blood I renounce the terror and the horror of initiation and standing over the dead body of children I renounce fear that has come down from the Roman Catholic church I renounce the dungeon and the punishment of sin I renounce all the lying wonders of Satan in the convent in the nunnery I renounce the abuse of the wooden cross I renounce the flagellation whip that spilled blood at the foot of a wooden cross I renounce the degradation of no food no water I renounce the hanging from the thumbs and renounce the silence over the tongue the autism off the heart from fear and silence and the hardening of the heart I renounce all the prostrating of the body for every reason, the crawling and licking of the crosses on the floor I renounce the keeping of the nuns blind and deaf to the truth of The Word I renounce the birthing of babies from the rape of priests the murder and the deformity caused by depravation of starvation, I renounce the murder from the mother superior of the killing of these babies I renounce the burning and ripping of the body to spend less days in purgatory. I renounce putting penance on the body of spilling blood and burning self to get others out of purgatory I renounce confession and the beast of drunkenness that comes in the confessional box to hear the sins of the nun and the rape and sodomy from this beast this priest man I declare and prophesy that these churches will become uncloaked in this day and time, their corruption will be exposed and they will be closed. I declare these orders these nuns these priests will come before the justice system of our day they will be exposed and judicial system will bring forth judgment so Justice will rule. Father, I declare that these acts from these orders will cease that they will come under the government and Truth and authority of The Truth of The Lord Jesus Christ’s Lordship and Rulership; Father let it be so In Jesus Mighty 137

Name and in the office and authority I stand in I decree and declare it will be so. Father, release me from all and any other unknown curses and all effects of these curses mentioned above and I choose to come into agreement with Revelation 18:4 “come out of her, my people, that you may not take part in her sins, nor receive a share in her plagues…” Father, I continue to pray through this list:  Rosicrucian’s  Santeria  Satanism  Séances; spirit knocking or rapping, table tapping  Sect and commune membership or involvement  Self-healing; journey process of healing & wholeness, pranic healing, enlightenment, healing using the five senses to align the body, mind, and spirit, vision healing, intuitive healing, core belief restructuring healing  Self-empowerment, self-esteem courses, tapes or videos  Shamanism – mind body healing – Shaman/SHAH-maan; Shamanic State of Consciousness SSC  Shiatsu  Significant pagan days, Easter with the Easter Bunny, Christmas with Santa Clause, May Day, Halloween, Candlemas  Silva mind control SMC psychorientology  Sleep therapy, to relieve pain and depression  Snake handling to prove you are a Christian  Solitens


 Somatic psycholtherapy  Sorcery  Soul mates, soul dancing and or for contact with ancestors; finding family Constellations, perfect partner, mother or father or relative, future, purpose in life, soul travel  Spells and that of Abracadabra and Hocus-pocus  Spirit guides, used as counselors, as friends, aids for knowledge, revelation, protection or for help.  Spiritualist; having been to and or been a spiritualist and or belonged to a spiritualist church  Spiritual travel/tours  Spiritually based courses for radical forgiveness, for love, to get set free from guilt, to be freed from learning difficulties, for weight loss, for empowerment, for self-acceptance, and for money and to get out of debt  Spiritualist churches  Star Signs and Star Patterns  Stichomancy  Stigmata  Stress intervention techniques  Sun Sign  Superstitions, all belief Father in superstition all bad and good luck associated to superstition every superstition I have ever believed in and I even renounce the belief in luck and using the word lucky. I also renounce and repent all superstitions and beliefs from all different nations also of the world’s horse beliefs, especially all the beliefs I’ve read about.  Symbols, like the hexagram, yin, and yang, triskele, the pyramid, 139

the humanist, nature, evolution, upside down cross, winged disk, winged globe, world egg, and goose with blue ribbon around its neck.... Father all other symbols of the female / male symbols, star signs, swastika, 666, 999, Chinese good fortune, peace, trisula, tau cross, third eye, St. Andrew’s cross, Italian horn, oroboros, phoenix, rainbow bridge, seven pointed star, five pointed star, evil eye, fig gesture, eight pointed star, devil’s triad, caduceus, aquarian star, baphomet, cornucipia, crusader’s cross, double-headed axe, ankh, all-seeing eye, dream catchers web/net, aboriginal artifacts paintings and many others. If I do not recognize any of these I ask You to reveal where they are in my household.  Taboos  Tapes with occult and new age and holistic teachings to help you increase peace of mind; improve mental clarity, increase energy and vitality; in addition to boosting metabolism, lowering blood pressure, flushing the lymph system, improving balance and fluidity of movement, and oxygenating tissues.  Tarot cards, oracle cards, and Father, I renounce every name and every representation and every symbol of each individual card and I agree they are vile things and an abomination  Tattooing for the dead for ancient magical practices with designs and talismans put on the skin for ceremonial rituals and to evoke the power they represent for rituals beliefs and purpose. Father for Your Word forbids tattooing for the beliefs and practices of the gods of this world and their doctrines. As Leviticus 19:28 writes, “And you shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, and you shall not put on yourself any writing or mark; I am Jehovah.”  Tealeaf reading  The book called “The Artist Way” by Julia Cameron  Theosophy  Therapy in sand play, symbols and art  Theta state - reaching state of; forgiveness healing in theta


 Thought transference, TFT - thought field therapy  TK - telekinesis  TM transcendental meditation -mind control  Toys owned such as Cabbage Patch dolls, “Care Bears, Gummie Bears, He Man, Masters Of The Universe, Transformers, Black Star, Princess of Power, Star Wars, Power Lords, Power Rangers, Dungeons & Dragons, E.T., Pegasus, Smurfs, Dolls representing gods and goddess’s, toys representing false religions, toys representing pagan and false gods beliefs, fairies, Rainbow Brite, My Little Pony, Gummie Bears, Trolls, Gremlins, Monsters” 9. [Phillips, 1986:7483]  Trances and speaking in a trance, trance mutation, speaking forth a mantra or words over and over again until entering in or transcend into a trance like state  Transmigration  Transpersonal psychology  Trantric  Trauma based mind control, Hitler Regime, Nazism  Travel of the soul

 UFO fixation and alien belief  Uri Geller  Urine on warts to make them go or buying someone’s wart(s)  Unconditional love healing, awakening your passionate feminine essence, body scanning

 Ventriloquism, puppetry 141

 Vibration healing and therapy - physically mentally emotionally spiritually  Vegetarian under false religions, sects and false religions [We have choice here if we want to abstain from eating clean animals]  Visualization and imagery/imagination  Voice dialogue, facilitation courses  Voodoo dolls and all dolls that are in the image of other gods/religions or those used in Magic or witchcraft practices. Also dolls that are given birth certificates and adoption certificates and representatives that they are living  Watched Internet, TV, Video and DVD programs promoting and for the secret knowledge occult and witchcraft of their teaching and their ways; also movies of Harry Potter, Star Wars, Kung Fu and movies alike, Medium, Bewitched, and Witches of Eastwick and so on and also how to put a spell on someone and how to read tarot cards and practice other occult practice.  White light, sending white light for protection and invoking bodiless spheres of light  Whoredoms: Father help me to consider will I frame my doing to turn unto You my God to walk in obedience instead or our spiritual fornication and whoredoms.  Witchcraft – and baptism into witchcraft and initiations into witchcraft; Wizardry, abracadabra, hocus-pocus, trickery, illusion, the wizard and witch oath  Worship of other gods, especially taking off shoes to enter the temple

 Ying and yang and associated beliefs  Yoga or any exercises or weight loss programmes using techniques of Yoga, Relaxation or Meditation or martial arts or Ti chi


 Zodiac charms, birth dates and Star signs and used for compatibility for partner or marriage or job or whatever reason. Father, Astrology is condemned in The Word and is an abomination (Deuteronomy 18:9-12). Seeking other gods for information is rebellion and disobedience to His Word. Even if you just glance at the star signs or horoscopes to look to them at the beginning of the year for a reading of a wonder if or what does it says, it is spiritual adultery. This will bring against your self judgment and the demons that are over those practices. As Your Word writes: “… thou shalt not learn to do after the abomination of those nations. There shall not be found with thee anyone…that useth divination (fortunetelling), or an observer of times (soothsayer), (horoscope and astrology readers - words here mine) or an enchanter (magician), or a witch (sorcerer, or sorceress), or a charmer (hypnotist), or a consulter with familiar spirits (medium possessed with a spirit “guide”), or a wizard (clairvoyant, or psychic), or a necromancer (medium who consults the dead). For all that do these things are an ABOMINATION unto the Lord.” Deut. 18:9-12” 2. [Freeman, 1974:161] Father, I give You praise for Yours is the Power and the Glory. I give You thanks for giving me healing, liberty, for building up the ancient ruins and raising up the former desolations and repairing the devastations of many generations. I thank You, Jesus, for becoming a curse for me and dying for me to give me freedom and life. Father, thank You again for giving us Your Son Jesus Christ. Father, I will not sell or give away but destroy even burn all certificates, letterheads, membership cards, badges, uniforms, mantles and cloaks, belts, insignias, symbols, emblems, aprons, collars, breastplates, every piece of regalia, bags, furniture, trophies, medals, chains, jewels, jewelry, posters, poetry, writings, teachings, novels, books, any or all Satanic Freemasons Mormon Jehovah Wittiness or others perverted bibles, pictures, daggers, swords, knives, munchukas, all weapons, music, movies, CD’s, DVD’s, all personal and inherited property pertaining and associated to these abominations. Father, I renounce all they stand for and I renounce every secret 143

password and code and all philosophies attached known and unknown to these abominations. I even renounce all rituals, all suicide and ritual suicide beliefs, and that suicide is honorable where associated to some of these abominable practices. I repent for where I have practiced and brought these things and every other graven images, idols, false gods, relics, symbols, statues, incense, all demonic paraphernalia and all such things that are demonic practices, representatives, and attachments, all things associated to these abominations into our homes, on the land and in our region. Father also where previous people, tenants, and owners have likewise done the same, I repent and stand in the gap and ask for forgiveness and a cleansing by deliverance of my house and land. Father, even where we have made these things, burned their incense for my own use and for worship to them I repent. I repent where I have defiled your temple, the home, the land and city we live in. For all these transgressions and for not keeping Your Covenant, forgive me; release me from our destructions and afflictions. Father, I ask that you would release me and my child/ren, and my children’s children and our land and every other aspect of our lives where necessary from all: Judgments; from where you have given us up to a reprobate mind and uncleanness; where our eyes, ears, and heart are veiled that we might not perceive; from everything you have sent on us; from all reproach; from all wrath; from everywhere we are seared in our conscious; from family and marital curses; curses; judgments unknown; strongholds; plagues; hexes; jinx; spells; oaths and vows; mind control; control; pacts; covenants; promises; all binding allegiances; bonds of iniquity where wise; ungodly and unholy inheritances; psychic heredity; demonic holds; bands; bonds; psychic intrusions and powers; spiritual and evil soul ties; financial devastation; destruction; death; bondages of pain; infirmities; diseases; sicknesses; plagues; disabilities; depression; oppression; physical and mental illnesses and disabilities; and any other effects for every aspect of our lives because of the practice of these abominations. Father, now that I have renounced repented and confessed thank You for You will annul, break, cancel, lift, break every cord, link, bondage and legal right. Close all doors, release me from each and every curse. Cast out and away every demon and power and spirit; heal every aspect of my life, family and land. I call on you Jesus and the power of Your Blood Covenant to deliver me and my child/ren and their children, so no more children to come will receive such ungodly inheritances.


Father set me/us free in every area of my/our lives. Deliver me from all fears, ungodly inheritances, ungodly heredity and genetic heredity, all demonic curses and rites of passage and all oppression. Set us free from all Godly curses, judgments, corrections, chastisements, everywhere we have been handed over, everywhere you have given us up and sent on us a working and poured out your wrath upon us. Father set us free from and every whoredom and every bond of iniquity and all sin structures. Father set us free everywhere my very own sins have caused anomalies in mine and my families lines in our DNA and RNA where this has given us allergies and where allergies are linked to schizophrenia where this has changed the chemical balance in our bodies also our hormonal endocrine and immunological systems to cause malfunction disease illness deformities premature aging and premature death, restore unto us health and wellbeing. Father, where sin has altered has affected has taken everything that gives us life health prosperity purpose to bring us out of Godly Order of creation I ask that You let Your healing virtue flow and the children’s bread of deliverance of spirits flow so we are restored to Your original intent for our body soul and spirit life that we may serve You with all our heart all our soul all our body all our spirit with long and healthy prosperous life. Father every link, soul tie, connection, element, door, every gate, portal and all unknown others be broken and closed to the kingdom of darkness and the earth and the universe. Father, I have turned from mine and my ancestor’s iniquity and their transgressions for I choose and have chosen righteousness, Your way of living. Thank You, Jesus, for Calvary for coming to this earth to redeem me from my ancestor’s iniquity and transgressions. Thank You that I will inherit the blessings and serve You in Your Kingdom here on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us for Thine is The Kingdom the Power and the Glory for ever and ever. Father all honour all power all glory belongs to You, thank You for redemption through The Blood Covenant of Jesus Christ the forgiveness of sins. In Jesus Name Amen

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Freemasonry New Age And False Religions “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.4. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.5. Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them, for I Jehovah thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, upon the third and upon the fourth generation of them that hate me.” Exodus 20:3-5 ASV

Father, through The Lord Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, I now renounce, repent and confess every “Cult involvement in Mormons, Jehovah’s witnesses, Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Christian Science, Seven Day Adventists, Theosophy, Scientology, Christadelphians, Herbert W. Armstrong, The Church of New Jerusalem; Children of God/The Family of Love, Egyptology and Pyramid Mysticism, Spiritualist, Magnificent Meal Movement and other Catholic movements/groups, Outlaw Bikie Gangs, Brotherhoods, Mafia; Eastern and Mystic Religions, Hinduism, Hari Krishna, Ananda Marga, Divine Light, Islam, Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, Baha’ism, Bahai Faith, Unity, Freemasonry Orders all men, women and child orders not only in my nation but those where my ancestors have been members from other nations, Clu Clux Clan, Communism, Orthodox: - Greeks - Russians - Jews – Eastern and Hippy Communes, Martial Arts groups, witchcraft groups, false religion, commune, sect, gang, cult and new age practice and contact that I know about and those I did not know were abominations and transgressions in this prayer strategy. I repent and renounce and speak off each and every oath, pledge, vow, covenant, agreement, pact, promise, binding allegiance, belief and false teaching of these abominations. Father especially those I have been committed to, been involved in, in every form and those I have practiced or participated in, I now forsake and renounce. Father, I declare before you and in the presence of my enemy that I renounce him and come out of all agreements in all their forms. I surrender 146

myself as a servant of The Lord Jesus Christ no longer a servant of the ways of darkness or participating in his false ways or going to his false ways for those mentioned here in this prayer. Father, cut and break every soul ties to each member and I name the cult the religion the practice as well as the Leader and other leaders and their influential members. Father let the power base be cut and destroyed so they are unable to receive power in the spirit to keep me wavering and powerless; every lie and deception and base and receiver I command to be loosed broken rendered null and void and of no longer of any effect. Father let my emotions receive healing and I invite You Jesus in for Lordship in every part of the fragmentation of my soul so I am not tossed to and fro with negative and confusing thoughts. Let Peace, Counsel Might and Skill to Rule be released that I may stand until I am built up strengthened and renewed and strong in You and grounded in the Truth of Your Word. Father, where I have received the false the counterfeit in my church life as true because darkness was able to blind my eyes, were deafen my ears I ask for a fresh anointing to now see and hear. Remove the veils that cover me in the spirit release the takeover and unsear the conscience and speak to me in my sleep so that I hunger after truth and to serve you not in the apostate church, take me out of Babylon. By faith now renounce all grounds given to the kingdom of darkness with their other Jesus’s their other doctrines and declare Your Lordship in these area for I will to serve You in Truth and in truth of doctrine and truth of signs and wonders. Father anoint me even in times of battle with discernment and wisdom to know deception and those who are ministering from the counterfeit and the false. I declare I do not want to follow the voice of a stranger, but I want to follow You the rest of my life for You are the True Shepherd over my soul. Where I have not had a love of the truth or a love to desire to know truth or to study truth I repent and ask forgiveness. Where my mind has been darkened and handed over to deception and where my conscious is seared Father I ask you release me that I may now see and discern truth from error and heresy and the false and counterfeits gifts mantles people operate in their ministries. Quicken me to know the false fruit and gifts appearing as truth and or the counterfeit and false masquerading as truth in the body of Christ in the nations today. In Jesus Name Amen. 147

[Evil soul ties from false religions, cults, sects, orders and things a like need to be broken to leaders and members and a need to dissociate with past members especially until grounded and strengthen in the faith and or the Scriptures as Mind Control spirits come in with these cults. There are spiritual bases and receivers associated to cults, for example, a radio station on a farm contacts its workers from a base and workers receive commands, information and so on. So in the spirit the mind control powers and ties need to be broken at the base and the cults name and the other soul ties at the receiver’s end and to the leaders and individuals and the person who has come out of the cult; this way the spirit has no connection and hold to remain. It is also necessary to cut and break soul ties to each member, name of the cult as well as the Leader and other leaders and influential members by name. If a person or you have just come away from a cult pray in the Spirit to bind all negative and confusing thoughts from other demons that want to take your thoughts into reasoning or longing for the cult, then loose The Holy Spirits power of peace, council might and skill to rule.]� 1.

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Prayer For Renunciation Of The Deck Of Playing Cards "You shall not bring an abomination into your house, and like it come under the ban; you shall utterly detest it and you shall utterly abhor it, for it is something banned.” Deuteronomy 7:26 NASB

The deck of cards was: “Originally created for Charles of France representing a mockery of the trinity. Also known as “The Devils Bible” and “The Devils Picture Book.” 1. [Burns, 1998:84] “The King = the enemy of God, the Devil. Queen = Virgin Mary called the mother of harlots. Jack = lustful libertine. Ten = the spirit of lawlessness. Joker = Lord Jesus Christ - fool who is the offspring of a lustful Jack, and the Queen Mother Mary. Not only are the origins of these cards demonic but also in other occultist practices they represent certain mysteries and beliefs. Every card is symbolic and symbols are not passive they invoke the spiritual power they represent because of the hidden meanings to symbols. Other meanings are the four suits represent four occult elements; cups of water are the hearts, swords for air is the spade, wands for fire is the clubs, pentacles for earth is the diamonds. The sexual connotations are the 2 colors as they represent the sexes, red = male, black = female. They represent a satanic trinity of king - father, queen mother and jack - child. The four suits also symbolize the male triad and female unit 149

forming the arba-el or four god. The thirteen cards in each suit represent Luna months or menstruation in a year. They also symbolize weeks and seasons and days per year.” 2. [Burns, 1998:84-86] I count 18 demons to one pack of cards and these have legal rights to be in your home causing it to be cursed and spiritually unclean. These are spirits that dwell in the air and have the ‘right of access’ to transfer in and out of the bodies of those in the household, especially when you play card games. They have the capacity, the authority, and right to come and go as they will into the members and or the Lord’s Temple your body. If your flesh loves card games and you find it difficult to hand over this habit (1 Corinthians 10:14) remember these demons will war against you, they are in reality ‘not worth keeping.’ Even if you are skilled with the weapons of righteousness, He will stop binding them for you have lost all authority against them, for you are in agreement with them bonding yourself to them and the iniquity, same with other cursed objects. Consider, He may allow them to bring you to your knees, so you will forsake them so as to stop your love of unrighteousness because you will to keep this bondage by not denouncing and renouncing it and them. Now, there are many other spirits in addition to these 18, those for possession and participation of usage of the deck and whatever form of idolatry you have birthed and for idolatry and for the cursed thing in you have brought into the house. Please see Deuteronomy 7:26; 1 John 2:15-17; Romans 12:1-2; 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22; 2 Timothy 2:15; 1 Corinthians 10:21; 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 Father, through The Lord Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, I repent and renounce the possession of and use of playing cards even those on the Computer and electronic games in clubs and pubs and on smart devices I played. Father, I repent for I played these cards and used these cards for amusement, evil, good fortune, good luck, readings, and transgressions alike and unknown. Father all other decks of cards alike like Tarot, money cards, 150

Chinese cards, even the game of mahjong I repent and renounce and speak off my life and I will burn or dispose in the garbage these decks of cards and games for obedience and to give You Glory and Honor. Forgive me Father and let release and deliverance come forth as I will destroy all decks and any and all of these items in my home. In Jesus Name Amen

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Prayer For Transgressions Of Blood “Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.” 1 Corinthians 15:34

Father, I specifically repent and renounce and denounce the following of my own transgressions and I acknowledge before You my ancestors have also transgressed in various ways on this list. Father forgive us for all blood transgressions all blood covenants and blood oaths for all communion and communication with spirits from the nether world and all spirits from the kingdoms of darkness. Father all agreements and transgressions of the family for our ancestry service and worship to the gods of Egypt, Rome, Greece, Babylon and all gods and goddesses of the sea and native countries and other gods and goddesses alike and unknown are an abomination and a breach of Your Commandments. I repent of all idolatry, all god and goddesses and mankind worship all dedication and worship to lessor gods and goddesses. I repent of all hardness of heart; all bitter gall, all bitterness with vengeance and payback. Father I repent of bringing into my home all pictures and idols and other forms of representatives of lessor gods/goddesses especially all native masks and images, those of Kali, Shiva, Buddha, Mary, Jesus, St Christopher, St Patrick, Saint ____ and Saint ______, and Saint _______ also Olympia, Aphrodite, Egyptian gods and goddesses and picture of these on the walls all those of the Pyramids and Tutu Karman and Nefertiti and Ramesses and Cleopatra, further Poseidon and Neptune, Cupid and Venus and those of the Native Indians gods and artifacts and any other gods and goddesses I have that are in my home; Father, reveal them to me. Father, I continue to repent renounce and ask for forgiveness for all:  Blood sacrifices, blood rites, blood rituals.  Writing covenants in blood.  Covenants with Satan or other gods and people(s) families. 152

Blood sisters/brothers.  Giving blood in service to Satan and drinking blood and/or eating flesh in worship to Satan or other gods,  Blood covenants with cults or gangs or sects or aboriginal beliefs or in freemasonry and related orders or fraternities, or family or friends or business or any ancestor or partner.  The blood covenant of losing virginity out of marriage.  Spiritual inheritance from a blood or organ or baby transfusion or stem cell donation.  Abortion and all sacrifices to Moloch and all child sacrifice.  In breeding and blood line marriages; children from fathers and brothers and uncles and grandfathers, and children from our relative’s blood lines – incest.  Tattooing by occultists; for the dead, to evoke the power of the dead and the spirits of darkness cutting the flesh of the dead, tattooing the flesh of the dead and in ritual or honor or to evoke their powers and all grave communication with the dead and all necromancy and all conjuring of the dead.  Ritual murder; murder and that of children babies and animals and murder of priests and priestesses in sacrifice offerings.  The co-mingling of blood and blood letting; and sprinkling of salt and sprinkling of blood and blood and salt; throwing salt over the shoulder for good luck and crossing your fingers and touching wood for good luck and protection.  Father even as far back as the flood with the co-mingling of bloodlines and bloods from the lines of the Nephilim to the Rephaim, the mighty ones, the Emins, the children of Anak and Anakim, Zuzims and Zamzummins; the mixing of bloods of animals and creatures of the earth with human blood and to produce offspring; cloning of both created being and creatures in the name of science. http://paradoxbrown.com/noninterchangeability-terms-rephaim-nephilim.htm/ 153

 Co-mingling of bloods from heart liver kidney skin blood transplants, pig intestines in transplants and all blood transfusions and giving of bloods and cleanse my DNA and my RNA and all imprinting from bloods and organs; Father where I have or my ancestors have done any of this for money I repent and ask forgiveness.  Scientific blood experiments, blood experiments between beast and man.




 Murder and harm by torture, crucifixion or burning of Jews for refusing to be baptized and converted to Christianity and or protestants who would not conform to Catholicism.  Writing and signing in bloods with the point of a dagger.  All murder with the spilling of blood and the drinking of blood all murder of innocent blood all violent death.  Suicide and suicide with cutting and with the spilling of blood.  Baptism in blood and urine and or just blood or just urine.  Freemasonry – reenactments, rites and oaths evoking blood and death.  Sacrifices of animal or human blood all ungodly sacrifices and dedications with oaths.  Vampire cults and all forms of tasting eating flesh and blood also drinking of bloods; Fascination with vampires and movies; Worship of bats and all superstition attached, all belief of long life, prosperity and abundance and reincarnation. I renounce the spirit of Lilith with all her death magic all her sex magic and all her ties to this generational line because of not only transgressions of blood but where she is worshiped because of idolatry in various transgressions of the ancestors on both sides of the family. Father, let them be plucked out of her dwelling places and up rooted out of the land of the living to go to their appointed place. Father let my sleep, my dreams my night hours be now Yours and be set free from spirits and watchers and witchcraft and dreams of terror and lust and no longer allow their visitations in the night hours. I declare Your authority and Lordship Jesus Christ in my sleep and 154

the night hours and in my relationships.  Satanic church communion.  Blood sprinkling.  Blood anointing’s.  Blood bathing.  Blood and wine drink offerings and rituals and oaths taken and sealed with blood and wine.  Christian church communion and catholic communion. (This is not the Biblical cup, however, to keep the unity of the saints we partake; if you truly study the Word you will see that the Word refers to Passover when we are commanded to do this in remembrance of Him. Communion every SUNday was instituted by the Romans and it was one strategic work of darkness to keep us from this eternal covenant and anything to do with the Judaizes and their laws, the real cup that is taken once a year only at Passover. See http://www.tomorrowsworld.org/magazines/2011/marapr/easter-or-passover-which-is-for-christians If you have never had Passover, you have never partaken of His life (John 5:55-57) then you have never eaten of His Body or drank of His Blood. This eating and drinking is not ever to carry the intent of the literal but is symbolism and by metaphor images just like the vine and the branches. We can have the benefits/promises because of His death; we need Him to sustain us, food that endures to everlasting life. This is the same as DNA of Jesus Christ it can never be invoked literally for we serve Him in spirit in a corrupt mortal body awaiting our resurrected bodies. Yet just as we drink His Blood and eat His Flesh we have His blood line genetic redemption for our transgression.)  Literally taking into self the blood stream and or the DNA of The Lord Jesus Christ, but thank You that because of confession of 155

transgressions my DNA and bloods can be redeemed and made whole but never will His be mine literally. Father, I acknowledge that I can never redirect my future or become a son of God like Jesus for He is the only begotten. I cannot become a son of God by exchanging my DNA to become trans-human with transcendent powers. I am created in Your image, but I am fallen and my form is not as Jesus Christ until I receive my resurrected body even then my Father I will be as the angels I will never have the perfection of Jesus Christ Your Only Begotten. Father, I continue to pray and repent renounce ad ask for forgiveness of these transgression of my own and those of my ancestors on both sides of the family for a thousand generations:  Any nation’s iniquity of any or all blood sacrifices; blood treaties with other tribes; especially in cutting the arm to shed blood leaving scars of proof of being in a blood covenant(s).  All rituals to prove manhood and where death has have occurred if they failed the ritual; or in ritual tattooing for ritual and the spilling of blood and of cursing of others.  All rituals of eating or offering and sacrifice of animal and human organs; offering the heart the liver the kidneys and or any internal organs or skin/flesh of mankind or the murder by affliction of eternal organs and eating of the flesh.  Where nurses or doctors or others have taken the blood from the new born baby’s umbilical cord or in other ways to offer it to Satanism, Druidism or other occult and witchcraft practices and or to control them when they get older or for whatever reason. All Eating of blood in foods strangled or blood from those companies who use stem cells from aborted babies for food flavor enhancing. Father, I repent for my ancestors have hated You so I renounce where my ancestors have built alters, Stonehenge’s, pyramids, temples, pinnacles, high places, groves, buildings, ziggurats, obsolesces even the tower of babel to be as God, for offering sacrifices, bloods, gifts, incense’s, offerings worship to their gods and goddesses their deities their idols of worship in whatever shape and form in the heavens/universe and in the earth, Father forgive the harlotry and adultery. Father because of these renounced and confessed transgressions I receive Your Healing Virtue for healing, power for deliverance and release of 156

all curses and judgments of all diseases, all sickness, all infirmities therefore all blood disorders, blood cancers, blood infirmities, organ failure, sicknesses, allergies, all DNA contamination and corruption and blood corruption all boils and eczema; all autism, arrested development and disorders alike, all the types of mental illness, insanity and mental torment and witchcraft control. Father, where we have been destroyed because of lack of knowledge for not seeking knowledge from You and asking for Your wisdom or to seek direction in our businesses, ministries, parenting, work life and every aspect of our lives and have made vows and contracts and covenants outside of truth outside Your will and ways to be unequally yoked I repent and ask for forgiveness and release. Where we have broken them to bring forth destruction I ask for the annulling of every contract, covenant, vow, word and agreement that they no longer affect any aspect of our lives. Thank You for Your Covenant promises for loosing me and my family generational line for I declare the totality of what The Blood of Jesus Christ Your Son has done for my salvation. In Jesus Name Amen

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Prayer For Deliverance And Freedom from Drug Addiction “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” Proverbs 28:13 KJ

Father I repent and renounce abusing alcohol and drugs and any and all prescription drugs of Valium, Sara-Pax, Librium, pain killers or antidepressants or ‘uppers’ for both myself and my ancestors on both sides of the family back over forty and even a hundred generations where we had become addicted to and the use and abuse and or are still abusing drugs. Also, cough medicines, coffee, coke, chocolate, sweets, food, foods, laughing gas, animal medicines, sleeping pills, all tranquillizers, all types of barbiturates any type of stimulants, slimming tablets, all types of depressants, sedatives and any others we have used in abusive ways. Also mine and my ancestors on both sides of the family of gambling with alcoholism and gambling with drug addiction. Also, those my ancestors and I have used for sexual pleasure and hypnotism, in ritual acts, in magic, sorcery and witchcraft practices, and incantations. Also all illegal drugs such as LSD, ecstasy, cocaine, opium, heroin, methadone, liquid and tablet morphine’s, speed, hash, marijuana, crack, meth and any other narcotic or drug that has altered our moods and behavior and has educed sleep and stupor and altered senses. I also repent where we have drugged others on purpose for gain and pleasure and deceit and manipulated for sexual pleasures. I also repent where my ancestors and I were selling and trafficking all types of drugs, both illegal or prescribed drugs and also tobacco, alcoholic drinks in the black market and on the streets and underground and as legally accepted by the laws of the Government. I repent where we have abused various doctors to obtain scripts for dependency and or to sell in illegal ways and stolen from an employer or Chemists in any and all types of drugs. 158

I repent where we have broken the laws of the government and Your laws to make others take or buy drugs and alcohol and to obtain drugs and alcohol like; stealing, theft, break and enter, robbery, murder, physical and sexual abuse, incest, pedophilia in all its forms, prostitution, manipulation, conning, lying, adultery and anything else. Father, I ask for the breaking of all soul ties to ancestors, family members and friends and associates, spouses or those from sexual activity outside marriage, companies, gangs, cults, sects, institutions, mental health and its institutions, hospitals, jails and so on from these transgressions and iniquities of drugs and alcohol and also this occult list and also tobacco. I ask for the generational cycle of addiction and abuse of alcohol and drugs that has come down many generations to be broken off my life. Father, where I am still unwilling to forsake dependency and addiction, bring to death all sin structures that keep me bound in drug addiction, drug desire, drug backsliding and also alcoholism and alcohol dependency. Father where possible let it be so that I am released from any or all spirits with curses that may have come upon us of: “control, manipulation, lying, deceit, sorcery, divination, witchcraft, addiction, craving, alcoholism, alcoholic abuse, wine drinking, strong drink, blind drunk, drinking to oblivion, stuttering, stupor, stupidity, mockery, torment, panic, anxiety, sleep, depressed personality, living on the edge, ridicule, derision, depression, rage, anger, cruelty, incessant talking, arguments, quarreling, fighting, mistrust, suspicion, violence, falseness, abuse and sexual physical verbal and emotional abuse and perversion, blasphemy, jealousy, bitterness, gall of bitterness, root of bitterness, unforgiveness, uncontrolled impulses, fornication, lewdness, harlotry, whordom, fantasy, divorce, division, disconnection, seduction and lust, broken covenant, broken vows, loneliness, rebellion, disobedience, stubbornness, heart of stone, no rights, silence, depravity, loss of dignity, miscarriage, confusion, guilt, failure, striving for approval, stamp of disapproval, perpetual pain and grief, fogging, not taking hold of the truth of the Word, spiritual blindness, despair, calamity, distress and loss, sudden loss, abandonment, illegitimate, isolation, rejection, outcast, street kid, homelessness, vagabond, fugitive, squalor, loss of self-control, selfprotection, dependency, backsliding, error, deception, perversion, exploitation, wounded spirit, victim, poverty, poverty speech, never having sufficient funds, money worries, sudden loss of finances, never being able to get ahead, poverty and rags, alcoholic and addict off my clothes off my wardrobe, debt, insufficiency, financial crisis calamity and collapse, chronic, misfortune, the bastard, for doing the Lord’s work and serving the Lord drunk and on drugs, having new wine/Holy Spirit cut off from the mouth, spiritual 159

disorder and blindness, destruction of family priesthood, workaholic, drug and alcoholic personality, alcoholic and addict stigma, alcoholic murder rape sexual abuse in all its forms, denial, poor vision, spewing, being uncovered, nakedness, shame and disgrace, incest, adultery, drunkenness, destruction and death off my sexuality, destruction, every death wish, Father I choose life. Father, death, premature death, accidents, accidental death, grief, loss of judgment, disability, paraplegic, paralysis, insanity, dumbness, blindness, deafness, Alzheimer, Hodgkin’s disease, dementia, loss of memory, plagues of the different types of cancer, sickness, infirmity, allergy, ailments, hypoglycemia, diabetes, liver and kidney disorders, blood disorders, bone disorders, heart disorders, arthritis, stress related diseases, mental illness, paranoid schizophrenia and schizophrenia, multiple personalities, religious personality and lifestyle, fragmentation, phobias, double mindedness, disfunctionalism, inferiority, classification, institutionalization, house of the wicked, idolatry, breakdown, psychosis, paranoia, fear, psychiatric treatment, sacrificial lamb, the abandoned lamb, the ritual lamb, the isolated lamb, being a curse and a reproach and among the nations, barrenness upon the land and any other curses for breach of Your laws.� 1. [Worley, 1996:35] Where I have taken drugs and alcohol because the walk with You is more than enough and drugs and alcohol to escape reality, to be numb null and void because of emotional pains I repent and receive Your grace to carry me through until such times Your Spirit wills to minister and bring forth healing in these areas. Where I have taken drugs and alcohol to lift me into high moods because of emotional and physical illness I repent and receive Your grace and the keys and the anointing to bring to death the old habits that drove me to abuse drugs and alcohol. Today I take You as the Shepard of my soul. I ask for a complete renewal of the mind to stop running and escaping into drugs and alcohol, food, TV, the counterfeit healing of my wounds. Today I am willing to take accountability, and where I am not, I am willing to be made willing for You are for me and not against me. I can be empowered to stand in Your anointing as I am willing to yield to You to bring forth the new me who can be restored and healed and have my wounds bound up and have all prison doors opened for my freedom from addiction. I want to choose, but I am finding it difficult to want the transforming power of the Holy Spirit to change my heart to adjust and adapt to a lifestyle 160

of Christianity a lifestyle of righteousness. But I choose to trust You to enable me to stop running to all false securities of addiction and alcohol and food and the false comfort these bring. Today I take You as my Comforter for You understand me and all my ways and You know why I had/have become an addict and alcoholic. I surrender my emotions to Your Lordship where they have been bound and have led me to run to drugs and alcohol and food, I ask for a fresh anointing of the gifts and fruit of Your Spirit and the peace that I need to continue to overcome the devastation addiction and alcoholism has imprinted on me and that keep me turning to its desire than your desire for my life. I thank You as from this day You will be bringing me out of all patterns and habits of the alcoholic and addictive person I have become and all the reasons I yield and have yielded to them. I receive a new heart of flesh, the filling of New Wine of Your Holy Spirit to walk forward in my healing and deliverance and the newness of life You offer me. Thank You for birthing me from embryo to maturity so I shall be able to walk in the fullness You have for me. To live in the thoughts and the plans, You have for me that will give me hope and a future and a destiny. Jesus, I receive the call You have for me on my life. Today I make a decision to turn away from the Kingdom of Darkness and their false fruits of securities that only bring devastation and destruction and that will most assuredly heap more pain on pain and bring my soul into such binding fragmentation, enable me to walk away and walk forward. I choose today to serve You in Your enabling Grace and Sufficiency, I choose today to allow You to bring me forth and change my heart for the plans and purposes You have for my destiny and for the advancing of Your Kingdom. “For your joy will balance my pain, Your power will lift my burdens, Your peace will calm my worries, Your all sufficiency will be more than adequate to meet my daily needs.� 2. [Lotz, 1973:137] I now make a decision to daily place my dependency upon you Jesus and you alone and receive you as my All Sufficient One.



PLEASE DO READ THIS PAGE ********* PLEASE NOTE ********* PLEASE NOTE ********* If you are on medication it is not wise to cease; especially if you are not free of the condition and healed of the root causes for taking prescription drugs. Therefore, it is necessary TO STAY ON prescribed medication; again KEEP ON taking your medication. You have to be able to discern Holy Spirit so until you know that you know, that you know, you are able to come off slowly of any addictive medication firstly get the counsel and support and approval of your doctor and if cannot get the witness of The Holy Spirit He is not requiring you to stop. You may be as some people do and will need to remain on certain medications all the days of their lives, therefore this may be you; this you need to know, that you know, that you know, The Holy Spirit is saying to come off slowly. Did you know that even psychologists, psychiatrists, and doctors take anti-depressants and other addictive medications? Conditions exist and chemical imbalances exist and some have low dopamine levels that require medication. Unless you know that you know you can discern your own thoughts from the demonic and discern the impression on your heart from The Holy Spirit continue taking your prescribed medication and continue learning how to discern His impressions on your spirit/heart.

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Prayer To Break Poverty “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.� Philippians 4:19 ______________________________________________________ Father, I acknowledge and confess I have transgressions and we have brought upon ourselves, our family lines, on our children curses of poverty. Father where we have transgressed and this has brought upon us the curses from Genesis 4:11-12 "And now thou art cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand; It shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and vagabond shalt thou be in the earth" I repent and ask for forgiveness. Let the curse of poverty with begging sorrow and grief be rendered null and void of no effect. Everywhere these curses cause me and my household to wander to move from church to church, house to house, city to city and job to job and career to career let it be broken off in Jesus Name. Father where murder of brother has brought a curse of poverty as in Genesis for Cain murdering Able I ask for this judgment to be annulled and the curse broken. Father, where the curse of The Lord is on the house of the wicked (Proverbs 3:33), let me and my household be free. Father where I and my ancestors have returned evil for good I repent and let the curse of wandering be broken off our lives. Father let every curse attached to Psalm 109:5-6, 9-10 "And they have rewarded me evil for good, and hatred for my love. Set thou a wicked man over him and let Satan stand at his right hand. Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. Let his children be vagabonds continually and beg; Let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places." Be rendered null and void and lifted off my life and my household my family lines. Father where Freemasonry does a ritual poor box and the spirit of poverty is invoked I renounce this oath and curse. Father where rebellion and disobedience to Your laws (Deuteronomy 28) of incest (Genesis 49:4; Leviticus 20:11-12, 20-21), vagabond, murder and laziness (Genesis 4:11, Psalm 109:9-10) resisting and refusing 163

correction (Proverbs 13:18), alcoholic spending (Proverbs 23:21) have bought curses and judgments of lack and poverty I repent and stand in the gap. Father where I have worldly soul ties to worldly music and the musicians like the Rolling Stones, Vagabonds, and Wanders because I have aligned my heart to their songs and to them I repent and renounce these ties and agreements. Father, I repent where I have and my ancestors have written letters to Oden and or Santa Claus to ask for gifts, father I repent for these letters for inviting the spirits to come over our finances and to put us in debt. Father, I repent for bowing to these pagan traditions for the worship of all the gods and heresy and tradition of Christmas. Father every spirit of poverty and financial distress let them be plucked out of their dwelling places and plucked out of the land of the living to be taken to the place The Lord Jesus Christ has appointed of them. Father I repent and I ask You to lift all judgments or curses that have come because of these transgressions and I ask that You deliver me from the spirits associated and attached to these curses, judgments, and soul ties. Father, your Word declares that Jesus took my infirmities and bare away my sicknesses and that by His stripes I was healed. I believe Your Word for You sent Your Word to heal us from our destructions and by His strips we are healed therefore it is Your will to heal me, and it is my covenant blessing to receive it. I accept and receive my healing and healing to those of my family line in my household and for those I stood in the gap for who are faithful to Your Covenant. Father, I ask for Your authority that You breath on my words for I declare authority over all sickness and disease in my body in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Thank You for You have heard my prayers and answered them and are continuing to deliver me. Thank You for You have heard every prayer I have prayed through in this cleansing manual. I can come boldly unto the throne of grace, and I take hold of your healing, delivering and miracle power and I agree with Your Word that sickness allergies illness and disease and infirmities and all deformities in and over any aspect of my life the totality of my humanity with attached demons and spirits and any living creatures and things unknown must leave my life must leave my body soul and wherever else they are in the Name of Jesus because of the shed blood of Calvary and Jesus 164

Christ’s finished works. Father at the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth all must bow all must obey and as Your Word declares if I call upon The Name of Jesus I will be delivered. I call on Your Name Lord Jesus Christ the Name above all names the Creator of Heaven and Earth to deliver me from evil and from all judgments and the effects thereof. I thank You that Your healing and miracle working power is flowing into my body, circumstances and finances healing me now and making me whole and complete lacking nothing from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. Thankyou Father, Thank You, Jesus Christ of Nazareth for freedom In Jesus Mighty Name Amen

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True Repentance “And entering into the boat, His Disciples followed Him.”

Matthew 8:23

My heart always fears to think how many in different denominations may be running the race in vain (Galatians 4:11) because they remain ignorant of doctrines and work iniquity. I know of many who say “they know Him and keep not his commandments” (1 John 2:4 KJ) also I see many who use grace as a licence to work iniquity (Matthew 7:21-23). “Strive to enter in at the strait gate …” (Luke 13:24-28) My understanding of Truth is “straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leads unto life and very few find it!” it has to be found and then obeyed. “Many are called but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14). “Many will say to Me in that day Lord, Lord have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? …. And I will profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity.” (Matthew 7:21-23) “If you love me you will obey my commandments.”

John 15:10

"YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.” Matthew 22:37 NASB I understand sin structures and I know the just shall live by faith and none of us can work our way to heaven with good works or obedience to His Truth or by keeping laws, yet faith without works is dead. I understand it is relationship with a Bride and a Bridegroom and Christ is to be formed in us (Galatians 4:19) we are to be bearing fruit unto eternal life and not to receive the Word of God in vain (2 Corinthians 6:1). We are to make sure our calling and election (2 Peter 1:10) is secure by committing to study, to be a brought forth as a vessel of holiness and to be brought forth so as to obey the commandments from both Testaments and to mention we cannot do any of this in our own strength. I understand it is no easy road without surrendering the hard yards and the sin that hinder us until we overcome them. 166

But we walk with Him He works on the heart to will and to do and to change yet that does not afford us to be as the one who looked in the mirror and forgot what we looked like (James 1:23-24). We are to strive to build our house on the rock (Matthew 7:24-27) and to not be a foolish virgin but a wise virgin having the extra oil (Matthew 25:1-12). The extra enables us to strive in His Power and to keep the commandments, the perfect laws of The Father - The Word. The Oil brings us into relationship for the Bridegroom wills to share His affection, and His Love, He desires for us to desire His presence, converse with Him, sit in His presence sit with The Beloved. Therefore, the Bride knows the rules of the house/kingdom for she lives with Him, she knows Him, she knows Him intimately, she is loved by Him, and she sings songs to Him and Him to her. We are to know what those rules/commandments are as citizens of His Kingdom what laws are eternal and will always be written as laws in His eternal covenants. Yes, these instructions in righteousness are to be kept even though they are written in the Old Testament books (Proverbs 19:16; 1 John 2:35, 3:24; Mathew 19:17; Luke 11:28; Psalm 103:17-18, 106:3, 25:10; John 14:15, 21-24; Revelation 14:12; Ecclesiastes 12:13) “Therefore don’t be unwise but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Ephesians 5:17 We are betrothed not as yet His Bride for The Servant and or The Oil has to get us ready for when He comes to get us for the wedding and the feast. You need to know that you know that you know if you are to keep Sabbath, the true Bible/Hebrew Sabbath if you are to celebrate Passover being grafted into the rich root as a spiritual Jew (Romans 11:16-17). You need to know these truths because of the beast, for is it man and his/her traditions. What is the mark of the beast? Is it a religious system and the keeping of these traditions of man/woman that are far removed from the true commandment the eternal true laws of God? Search these thing out. Are you to celebrate any other eternal feasts and the new moons? These all bring you into His Presence and He reveals Himself to you He reveals Himself that you get to know Him deeper, you get to know more about Him so this brings intimacy, therefore He brings protection, His provision, His shelter and gives us His promises, health, prosperity of your soul (healing the fragmentation. Study Song of Solomon, “kiss me with the kisses of your lips” this book is intimacy personified. He deeply kisses you that He gives you His equipping; His armour, His rulership, His promises; He has your back He equips you for war as He is going away to prepare a place for you. This book shows you what the relationship is between a Bride and Bridegroom and vice versa.


You are separated as unto Him to seek Him find Him to be prepared as His Bride to make it as the watchmen will seek you all the time to bring you undone for they know we can be unsealed and or be the unwise Bride that hears the words “depart from me I never knew you.” You need to know who is the Apostate church and are you unknowingly a member of it “For the leaders of this people cause them to err, and they that are led of them are destroyed.” (Isaiah 9:16) Are you the saints of the Apostate church who have oil (Holy Ghost) but are the foolish virgins as they did not walk in a love of the truth or prove what the Covenant is and what covenant laws we are under. It can be said that these foolish virgins did not prove teaching on law and grace; they did not prove who the bride of Christ is or did they prove if they truly are a Bride but were the Concubine. They thought they had on the white remnant even got to feast but were turned out “how did you come in here without wedding clothes?” (Matthew 22:12). And you know what the Bridegroom said “Bind him hand and foot and throw him into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are called, but few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:13-14) You need to know what is Babylon that we are commanded to come out of? Is Babylon the church system that teaches traditions of man/woman who teaches us a licence to sin under the name of grace, to keep Easter, to keep lent, and to keep Santa and forget the feasts and appointed times of Yahweh? You need to seek hidden wisdom, find hidden mysteries, spiritual types and shadows and symbolism and spiritually discern the various applications to scriptures even in types and shadows. Who is the great whore who is drunk with the blood of the saints (Revelation 17:6) and what does that mean? Is it that she will kill the saints who keep the commandments or is it that she is drunk because she is taking their souls to hell because of her heresy and error and perversion of the gospel that she traffics all over the globe through these deceived betrothed ones, thus she is guilty of murder? Be sure of your call and election; be sure as false doctrines and or heresies will rob you now and tomorrow and the world to come. Heresy is a lust of the flesh and because of this you will not inherit the Kingdom of God now and can apply to tomorrow (Galatians 5:19-21). And you could hear Him say I never knew you as you were serving another Jesus the beasts Jesus the false prophets Jesus the Whores Jesus. You followed the teachings that came from the husband beast and the wife whore, you who were deceived having your conscious seared to do the will of the husband and wife so you 168

would be the elect who were deceived to have your name taken out of the book of life/unsealed. YOU HAVE TO STUDY AND PROVE ALL THINGS and be willing to even be made willing to become the true Bride a lover and doer of The Word/The Truth especially that you not according to 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11. How much would you have lived your life in vain and to have gone through the pain of going to the other side to find out when you stood before Him you lost your eternal life because of the lust of the flesh of heresy and error the perversion of the Gospel of Truth (Matthew 22:2-14)? The seductions of darkness are in Christianity with their false doctrines, and you may be living by them thinking you have on the wedding garment and your oil is sufficient in your lamp. Yet you may be cast into outer darkness as much as a lifestyle of practicing homosexuality will cast you into the place appointed. Please know Truth of The Covenants and the laws of your Jesus and do you have the real Jesus the real Emanuel the real Saviour who was a Hebrew/Jew (Romans 9:3-4) and not the counterfeit Christian Jesus or the Jesus of Little Horn who had the right to change the commandments of God for a short time (Daniel 7:25)? There is a lot of anti-Christs out there and anti-Christ means another Jesus, carrying a different anointing a false anointing but still posing as a Christ, the wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15; 1 John 2:18; Revelation 16:14; Isaiah 9:16; 2 Thessalonians 2:812). Counterfeit signs are so far removed from truth, yet spiritually blinded and deaf you will not know truth from falseness. Ask Him to keep your heart to have a love of The Truth to search to test the doctrines to really know the doctrines that will cause you not to receive a working of error or to believe the lie so you may inherit eternal life. Otherwise, you will be weeping on the judgment day and thinking that “I may as well have stayed in the gay scene for my life was lived in vain” being deceived according to the teaching of the false prophets of 2 Peter 2:1 and 1 Timothy 4:1. These are deceived Christians with mixture of oil under the false anointing, these who the spirit of Anti-Christ, the false prophet and beast operates through. Truth is Christians have mixture they can and they do have demons/unclean spirits who preach and who teach and who operate in their counterfeit gifts and mantles. It is both doctrine and wilfully practicing the other lusts of the flesh in The Word and or not departing from iniquity and being without the law that


will cause you to have your name blotted out of the book of life (Psalm 65:25-28; Revelation 3:5-6). In John 6:66 many forsook Christ “from that time many of His disciples went back, and walked no more with Him.” These did not want to forsake the ways of the world or the lusts of the flesh or suffer to fight through the strongholds of darkness or have those stronghold of the flesh brought to death to enter into life or even be at war; the sin war and spiritual war (Ephesians 2-3) until the Bridegroom comes. Yet for us to receive the crown of life to keep our name written in the Book of Life we are to fight, enforce, overcome these things; we are to remain in the boat and surrender to be brought forth to bear fruit of faithfulness unto death - until we bodily die. We are to bear fruits of righteousness and fruits of good works anointed and appointed of Jesus by the talents given to us. (John 15:8). “If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him: if we deny Him, He also will deny us.” 2 Timothy 2:12 KJ “Whosoever shall deny me before men, Him will I also deny before my Father which is in Heaven.” Matthew 10:33 KJ When we sin or transgress His laws or become a backslider we can be restored and Jesus knows the heart, our brokenness and the strongholds and temptations still needed to be outworked in the soul and the strategies of darkness that come against us to cause us to backslide and or to nurture to continue in sin or to want to keep sinning certain sins. Therefore, if we are growing in grace being brought to the place of putting aside the ways of the world the lusts of the flesh and desire to be brought to a place of true repentance our sins are: Blotted out (Isaiah 44:22) Forgiven (1 John 1:9) Forgotten (Hebrews 8:12) Covered by The Blood (Psalm 32:1) Washed away (Revelation 1:5) Taken away (1 John 3:5) Cleansed from defilement of unclean spirits (1 John 1:7) Curses lifted off (Psalms 107:17-22) Become dead to sins (1 Peter 2:24) Saved from them (Matthew 1:21)


Sin structures are brought to death if they are a strong grip and or if we are bonded to them (Romans 8:13) and or they are besetting sins due to deep hurts, personality defects, habitual lifestyles and fortified by unclean spirits, hidden curses attached, so take no condemnation or don’t beat yourself up He has forgiven you when you asked and He is at work in your heart to bring you to the place that they no longer have a strong grip over you. Jesus calls us to be faithful, dedicated, not only to be a royal priesthood but to become a Disciple who follows Him as The Teacher so He can write His laws on our heart that we will obey them and not sin so the evil one cannot touch us for sin is of the devil (1 John 3:7-9). “Little children, make sure no one deceives you; the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous; the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil. No one who is born of God practices sin, because His seed abides in him; and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.” 1 John 3:7-9 We are called not to take advantage of His forgiveness or take advantage of His Love and Grace but to go on so as to be without spot wrinkle or blemish, perfecting the life of Christ. The book on site is called Secure in Christ, a book of over 1000 Bible verses to meditate upon that will cause you to take your journey to the other side serious and to know it is not just about departing from the lifestyle of homosexuality but to take on His Yoke [His teachings] and His burden [That is His ability to cause you to follow them] so that you become fully furnished ready for every good work becoming a true Disciple of Christ Jesus being truly born again from above. “Make sure no one deceives you” Be blessed and be a blessing Agape Kath

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Appendix 1 ______________________________________________________ “Computer games, PS1 or PS2 or PS3 or Xbox and so on that involve magic, spell casting, necromancy, warlocks, wizards, witches, invoking elements of witchcraft or any other occult practice written within this list “You shall have no other gods before me”

Exodus 20:3

“...you shall not learn to do after the abominations of those nations...” Deuteronomy 18:9-12 “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might…” Deuteronomy 6:4-7 “What fellowship has light with darkness”

2 Corinthians 6:14

These games are filled occult activity, methods, and techniques that are clearly associated with the kingdom of darkness. We cannot justify or Christianize any games with or without the mention of Christ and His army or that invoke the realms of darkness and their representatives and powers because it appears to be just a pretend game. Neither can you justify bringing their paraphernalia or toys into your home because you just love the game. “You shall not bring an abomination into your house, that you not be cursed thing like it. You shall utterly detest it, and you shall utterly hate it for it is a cursed thing.” Deuteronomy 7:26 The weapons of our warfare are not flesh, we are the vessels He fights through, His angels do battle for us. To go in His name is to be anointed with His Spirit who fights the battle through us by His breath and according to His Word. To associate the army of The Living God with these games is far from the truth of our warfare and the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven. “What partnership has righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness.” 2 Corinthians 6:14 Demonic spirits work in sons of disobedience (Ephesians 2:2); we cannot have one foot in the camp of devils and one foot in the camp of Jesus Christ our God. We cannot eat at the table of demons then partake in fellowship with The Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus when we commit spiritual adultery against Jesus.


“You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons.” 1 Corinthians 10:21 “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other…” Matthew 6:24 Our senses have to be trained to discern good and evil (Hebrews 5:14) and we have learned what is the walk of holiness. We are called to walk in the ways of His Kingdom’s righteous living and we are called to a life of walking in The Spirit not a life of rebellion to fulfill the lusts of the flesh. We are called to know The God we serve, the Father of our spirits whose character is Holy and whose character is written by His judgments and His laws and these teach us and train us how to live as His children who are citizens of His Kingdom. Therefore, He will not abrogate His Word His Covenant because of your youth or ignorance to His Word. Again, His judgments display His Holiness and His judgments reveal His Holiness and His character is Holy. The blood of the cross gave redemptive the forgiveness of sin not the liberty to sin and not the liberty to not receive the consequence of any transgressions and or sins. “Everyone practicing sin also practices lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness.” 1 John 3:4 “… the works of the flesh are clearly revealed, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lustfulness, 20. idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, fighting’s, jealousies, angers, rivalries, divisions, heresies, 21. envying’s, murders, drunkenness, wild parties, and things like thee; of which I tell you beforehand, as I also said before, that the ones practicing such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” Galatians 5:19-21 “… let no one deceive you with empty words, for thorough these the wrath of God comes on the sons of disobedience.” Ephesians 5:6 “but to those even disobeying the truth out of self-interest, and obeying unrighteousness, will be anger and wrath.” Romans 2:8 Consider your sin before the eyes of The Living God who dwells within you as you become and or imitate the evil of the necromancer the shaman 173

the warlock the druid the cabalist the sorcerer and so on. “having eyes full of an adulteress, and never ceasing from sin, alluring unsettled souls; having a heart busied with covetousness; cursed children;” 2 Peter 2:14 Ungodliness and unrighteousness and never ceasing from sin cause us to be cursed children, this includes these games. If all you can think of is your game or you are obsessed with these games for hours and hours and hours so that you do not take up the responsibilities for day to day living or to give quality love to your family or spouse or partner this reveals a demonic stronghold. Therefore, you are enslaved to whom you obey (Romans 6:16) yes the demonic spirits associated to the game(s) you are playing. “Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one to whom you obey?” Romans 6:16 NASB These games are not harmless, neither are they just made up by some person who created the idea, for recall if you do not belong to the Lord Jesus Christ you are of “The whole world is under the control of the evil one.” 1 John 5:19 The persons who designed/made/created/ put the characters in these games are under the persuasion and control of the powers of the kingdom of darkness, the ruler of this age who is “The god of this world who has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” 2 Corinthians 4:4 NASB They are ensnared to darkness to do the will of the god of this world. “and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will.” 2 Timothy 2:26 Unbelievers are “under the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2) the devil “the ruler of this world” (John 12:31) and he is “called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; (Revelation 12:9) his angels are with him and the world is under him 174

as he has principalities, powers, spiritual wickedness in high places and rulers of darkness (Ephesians 6:12). The truth is non-believers are under “the domain of darkness” (Colossians 1:13) “the dominion of Satan” (Acts 26:18) because of their many transgressions that gave the devil and his angels the right to indwell them and trap them in darkness. “to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.” Acts 26:18 NASB “Little children, let no one lead you astray; the one practicing righteousness is righteous, even as that One is righteous. 8. The one practicing sin is of the Devil, because the devil sins from the beginning, for this the Son of God was revealed, that He undo the works of the Devil.” 1 John 3:7-8 NASB This is what these games are the works of the devil and his angels to gain ground in the lives of mankind and especially Christians so they can be at work in the children of disobedience; so they can water down your power your authority, your knowledge of The Truth; give you illness, sickness, disease; bring in more of their kind to defile the temple of The Holy Spirit; to work against you in ministry; to take over your destiny; to cause you serve Him in mixture of the vile and the precious (Jeremiah 15:19); to divide your house so you cannot stand (Mark 3:22); cause you to worship them and not Him; cause you to walk in the flesh and not in The Spirit; allow them to freely manifest to outwork their function so they have a life whilst you play your games. They are no longer under your feet and have taken you off your high place seated with Christ to put you under their feet / control. Truth is they can transfer in and out of your members/body or remain in your body even when you are not playing these games. These particular spirits function on and over the mind and you know that the battle field is our mind. Spiritual law exists just like law in the natural, break it breach it and there is an effect, drop something from the air and the law of gravity is in effect regardless if you did it by accident or ignorance. We are destroying speculation and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience to Christ, and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete.” 2 Corinthians 10:5-6 175

Consider, if these games were harmless or just made up from human imagining why do you think they imitate evil and have so many parallels so many similarities to the ways of the occult, witchcraft and sorcery and or the kingdom of darkness’s doctrines and ways of life and or lifestyle? “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” Ephesians 5:11 Even if you know the difference from fiction to nonfiction and believe you are not practicing these acts for real because you are only simulating on a computer or television screen it does not stop spiritual law from taking place. You are in agreement with the ways of darkness and participating in forms of darkness and or imitating the ways of darkness and your heart is filled with evil desire. Therefore, it gives legal access to the spirits associated and the powers connected to the evil actions and the characters represented. Why? Because, there is so much written in The Word against partaking in these forms of unrighteousness. In other words, these forms of evil, for such dark “play acting.” Therefore, it is lawlessness (Matthew 7:23) breaking His laws and it brings with it the consequences of your actions (2 Corinthians 10:6; Ephesians 5:3-6; 1 Corinthians 11:31-32) for delighting in unrighteousness (Romans 1:18) and not loving His truth and His ways and His holiness and His righteous instructions as how to live as one set apart, set apart for a Righteous Kingdom lifestyle (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12). “What shall we say then? Is the Law sin? May it never be! On the contrary, I would not have come to know sin except through the Law; for I would not have known about coveting if the Law had not said, “YOU SHALL NOT COVET.” Romans 7:7 “Or do you not know, brethren (for I am speaking to those who know the law), that the law has jurisdiction over a person as long as he lives?” Romans 7:1 “We do not nullify the Law through faith? May it never be! On the contrary, we establish the Law.” Romans 3:31 “Let everyone naming the name of Christ depart from all unrighteousness and iniquity… flee youthful lusts and pursue righteousness…” 2 Timothy 2:19-21 You only have to Google and you will find correspondence to these 176

games (RIFT) to occult knowledge and practice (fire, air, water, earth, north, south, east, west, autumn, summer spring, winter, warlock, shaman, cabalist, necromancer, druid, forces, and spirit companions to mention just a few). To think that these games just came out of the imaginings of a person is to deny the totality of the Scriptures and to deny the workings of Satan, his names, his activities, his origin and the one third of the angels that followed him in his rebellion (1 Peter 3:19; Matthew 25:41; Revelation 9:11), Further how they have control and power over people and the systems of this world over the nations of this world – governments, religions, wars, brothels, drugs, crimes etc. Also this denies the basic foundation that people are carriers of demons and or evil spirits (Luke 7:21, 8:2; Acts 19:12) and or unclean spirits (Mark 7:25) and or familiar spirits (Deuteronomy 18:11) and or spirits of error (1 Timothy 4:1); and or spirits of infirmities (Matthew 8:16-17) and or spirits of divination (Acts 16:16). Then this would deny the ministry of Jesus of casting out spirits and the redemption of sin and reconciliation. Every idol in the Old Testament had a name and behind each one is one of the fallen angels with its network of spirits and or other fallen angels or living creatures of lesser rank and power. Molech (Jeremiah 32:35) Ashtoreth (1 Kings 11:5) Dagon (Judges 16:23) Baal (1 Kings 16:31) are all powerful high ranking fallen angels and have been given titles of god and goddess from their master Satan and are worshipped throughout different nations the world. They are mentioned as gods in The Word and these gods are not passive harmless entities who fly around in the air like butterflies, they are our adversary to whom is referenced in Ephesians 6:12 and whom God hates and detests and whose acts are an abomination in His sight. God is a jealous God (Deuteronomy 5:7-9) and He is serious about not even keeping gold or silver associated and connected to gods. “The graven images of their gods you are to burn with fire; you shall not covet the silver or the gold that is on them, nor take it for your selves, or you will be snared by it, for it is an abomination to the Lord your God.” Deuteronomy 7:25 NASB We are not called to partake in the system of this world: “Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why as though you still belonged it, to do you submit to its rules...?” 177

Colossians 2:20 NASB “We were in slavery under the basic principles of the world.” Galatians 4:3 NASB “For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.” Colossians 1:13 NASB The devil and his angels have schemes (Ephesians 6:11; 2 Corinthians 2:11) the devil has flaming arrows (Ephesians 6:16) and the devil and or his angels cause believers to lose the truth of the Word (Matthew 13:19). We can give place to the Devil (Ephesians 4:27; 1 John 3:8) and they can sear our conscience (1 Timothy 4:2) the devil temps us to sin (John 13:2; Acts 5:3), they can take us captive to do their will (2 Timothy 2:26), when given permission they can sift us like wheat (Luke 22:31) they are used to bring correction (1 Timothy 1:20; 1 Corinthians 11:30) they can oppress us (Acts 10:38), they can produce lying signs and wonders (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10) they can hinder us (1 Thessalonians 2:18) they bind with infirmities (Luke 13:16) they bewitch (Galatians 3:1) they work in us when we are disobedient (Ephesians 2:2) we can receive them in us because of false gospels (2 Corinthians 11:4; 1 Timothy 4:1-2) they enter into the members (John 13:27). We are “to consider the members of our body dead to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire which amounts to idolatry” Colossians 3:5 NASB There are many forms of idolatry attached to these games “flee from idolatry” (1 Corinthians 10:14) is to put it plain and simple in this contextual teaching - demonic worship of evil association. Demonic spirits are skilled at keeping themselves hidden and covering their activities by convincing you of their deception and lies. They say that these games are just out of the imagination of a human, however, scriptures prove this to be lies and the games are filled with evil and double meanings and occult acts symbols and imagery and messages. They have bewitched you (Galatians 3:1) and you choose to be and or are ignorant to their devices and you are carried away by their temptations because of your evil desires and the lusts in your own heart that refuses to walk a walk of holiness and godliness and righteousness for only the reason you and The Spirit of Christ Jesus within knows.


“But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. 15. Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.” James 1:14-15 Judgment is judgment and He will not abrogate His Covenant to pamper your immaturity or your ignorance or your boredom or your gender or your lawlessness or your disobedience or your unrighteous actions which amounts to acts of evil and the agreement with evil, detestable evil, abominable evil. “But when the righteous turns from his righteousness, and does injustice; according to all the abominations that the wicked do, he does; shall he live? All his righteousness that he has done shall not be remembered in his treason that he has betrayed, and in his sin that he has sinned in them he shall die.” Ezekiel 18:24 All spiritual unfaithfulness brings forth a form of death, and this death means curses (2 Peter 2:14) and curses cause pressures, afflictions, anguish, burdens, tribulations, trouble, mental, emotional physical harassing circumstances financial trouble and it is all fueled from this power base of your rebellion, your lawlessness, your disobedience to His Word and His ways. Your involvement in these games is a form of imitating the practices of darkness and it is forbidden to practice for a child of God. “When you enter the land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not learn to imitate the detestable things of those nations” Deuteronomy 18:9 When you consider the meaning of imitate: “copy the actions, appearance, mannerisms, or speech of; to copy or use the style of; to copy exactly, reproduce; to appear like, to resemble” 1. [Citing – dictionary, electronic resources. Lotus Smart Suite, 1988] you can see that game playing is imitating detestable things/works/ways/teachings. “you shall not learn to imitate the detestable things of those nations” He has expectations of us to walk in the light as He is in the light and to walk on the highway of holiness the way where the unclean thing is not to pass over (Isaiah 35:8) we are to walk the narrow way (Matthew 7:14). We are called to allow The Spirit to bring to death the old man, the carnal nature with all its desires and all sin habits. Not all sins lead to death, 179

but those that are an abomination to Him and those that play in the devil’s playground or imitate the devils unrighteous living will bring forth the consequences of sin/transgression. “If we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged; But when we are judged we are chastened of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the world.” 1 Corinthians 11:31-32 “Behold, I am throwing her into a bed, and those committing adultery with her into great affliction, unless they repent of their works.” Revelation 2:22 If you are rationalizing your games then the evil one has blinded your mind and put veils over it, seared your conscience or to be more direct is on your mind by an occult mind control spirit. The desolations of your generations also blind you to truth and any other practices you are involved in like occult rock and or Christian rock. Take the time to look at the deception and subtly of darkness against Christian music on this site. Those who believe they are being used of The Holy Spirit to evangelize and worship Yahweh and Jesus Christ in such mixture of belief systems with the incorporation of occult deception and methods and are greatly deceived. Truth is all these things are an abomination to His Holiness, His character and His perfect will for your life. Surrender them to Him and allow Him to change your heart, and if this takes 12 months till you have the revelation He is willing if you are willing to know truth. “For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry.” 1 Samuel 15:22-23 “Abhor that which is evil”

Romans 12:9

“Fear the Lord and shun evil”

Proverbs 3:7

“Be pure”

Philippians 4:8; 1 Timothy 5:22

“Have no agreement with darkness”

2 Corinthians 6:14

“Be sanctified”

1 Corinthians 6:11

“Do not partake of the table of demons”


1 Corinthians 10:21

“Walk in the light as He is in the light” “Depart from all unrighteousness” “Be holy”

1 John 1:7 2 Timothy 2:9 1 Peter 1:16

“Flee idolatry”

1 Corinthians 10:14

“Avoid every kind of evil”

1 Thessalonians 5:22

“Therefore come out from them and be separate says the Lord, Touch no unclean thing and I will receive you.” 2 Corinthians 6:17 “It is for your freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” Galatians 5:1” 2. [Malligan, 2009:85] “My people consult their wooden idol, and their diviner’s wand informs them; For a SPIRIT OF HARLOTRY HAS LED THEM ASTRAY, And they have played the harlot, departing from their God” Hosea 4:12 NASB

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Appendix 2

“Rebirthing, reincarnation; living in heaven and being sent by The Father and The Lord Jesus Christ to fulfill destinies redemptive purpose Reincarnation is the belief that the soul begins again in another human look. Some occult practices will take a person into numerology to see if they are an old soul and inform them of what are the lessons they have yet to learn. They also teach that a person has to redeem the mistakes they have made in a previous life in their next life by living many, many lives also that they can attain godhood or goddess-hood or become Ascended Masters (see notes on ascended masters). Scripture teaches that “it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). Prior to Calvary Luke 16:19-31 declares that, in death, there is a gulf fixed between the righteous and the wicked “In Hades he lifted up his eyes, being in torment, and saw Abraham far away and Lazarus in his bosom.” (Luke 16:23 NASB) Also when Jesus said to the thief at the cross “today you shall be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43; 2 Corinthians 4:8; Revelations 22:7, 11) does not infer that he would return to another life to undo his sin and poor choices under a demonic law of karma. Neither does it imply that under Yahweh’s authority he would ascend and descend to be put into this time and space or any other for Jesus Christ’s Kingdom plans and purposes. “Who has ascended into heaven and descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has wrapped the waters in His garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His name or His son’s name? Surely you know?” Proverbs 30:4 NASB Sinners do not atone for their past life by repeated incarnations; for the blood of Jesus has atoned for man and women’s sin once and for all. Recall “if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) His “sacrifice for sin was once and for all…” (Hebrews 10:12) and recall righteousness is imputed to us, it came from Christ (Galatians 2:21) it is not our own it is a gift by faith (Romans 3:21-26, 4:22; 2 Corinthians 5:21) because of His righteousness, His finished works, and Calvary.


We are born again only by the incorruptible Word of God (1 Peter 1:23) and by the sealing of The Holy Spirit as evidence into the adoption of the family of God as a child of God. Christians are not reborn again into this world or have they come from The Father having known Him before this life. (Proverbs 30:4) The Scriptures used to defend this heresy such as Matthew 17:12 “but I say to you that Elijah already came, and they did not recognize him, but did to him whatever they wished. So also the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands. 13. Then the disciples understood that He had spoken to them about John the Baptist.” Matthew 17:12-13 Does not infer that John the Baptist was Elijah because as written in Luke 1:17 “It is he who will go as a forerunner before Him in the Spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children, and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous, also as to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” Luke 1:17 John was to operate or manifest the same Spirit and Power that was on Elijah; he was to minister the same type of restoration and repentance and reconciliation ministry as Elijah. Consider, at the resurrection what body does John the Baptist choose his as John the Baptist’s or as his so called former life of Elijah? Cannot be possible and in scripture Jesus referred to these both being different people when He said “For the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John” (Matthew 11:13) Further when Elijah appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration with Moses he was seen as Elijah not John the Baptist and the Disciples there would have known John as Jesus cousin who had not long died at the hand of Herod. To add Elijah did not die but was raptured in a chariot of fire, alluding to the rapture of the saints at the return of Christ Jesus. We cannot take several words from one scripture and use them as a concrete truth; various scriptures with their interpretations have to bear witness. Another scripture used for Christian and occult reincarnation is John 9:1-3: “As He passed by, He saw a man blind from birth, 2. And His 183

disciples asked Him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he would be born blind? 3. Jesus answered, “It was neither that his man sinned, nor his parents; but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him.” John 9:1-3 The question was asked out of the knowledge the Jews knew that the curses from the sins of the father would come upon the children born up to the third and fourth generation (Numbers 14:18). This is not karma for past wrongs “for it is by grace that you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God” Ephesians 2:8 Further the words “that the works of God might be made manifest in him” does not allude to him having once lived in heaven but now is living to display the manifest power of God. Jesus was to display the healing power and might of God and fulfills the promise of coming with healing in His wings (Malachi 4:2). Further, the prophetic words of Isaiah 61 enabled this man to receive his sight. Consider we do not hear of this man ever again nor has he become a ‘giant’ in history. Was he one of the Disciples the Apostles or Prophets or a writer of the Gospel books or Epistles or the letters. No, it’s crazy to think Yahweh would send someone from heaven to be born blind just to get his sight back “Wake up oh sleeper and rise from the dead so Christ may shine on you.” You cannot take one scripture and make a doctrine out it, we have to look at the whole of the Biblical teachings and bring them all together in answering and discerning a teaching and doctrine whether it be true or false. We need to think Hebrew or have a Hebraic understanding; we need to see the culture and customs of that day and know the city, the government, and kings of that day and this is just to mention a few avenues in discerning and knowing a teaching and doctrine and for knowing the interpretation of a scripture or scriptures. Recall the parable of the righteous and the wicked in Luke 16:19-31 seeing “Abraham far away and Lazarus in his bosom” and saying that “they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.” If we were to believe in reincarnation how would we be raised from the dead at the second resurrection? “You will be repaid at the resurrection of the just” (Luke 14:1314) Reincarnation takes away the foundational doctrine of resurrection, we 184

are resurrected not reincarnated, reincarnation is an occult teaching and doctrine and a doctrine of Divination. In John 3:3 where Jesus told Nicodemus that he had to be born again this was the spiritual birth of adoption so as to be called a child of God the sealing of The Holy Spirit; not reborn again in another lifetime. For recall “For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.” (Matthew 22:30) The last enemy defeated is death and this is not yet defeated until the return of Christ Jesus and He will return as He was when He left in His same risen resurrected imperishable immortal body. If we were to be sent back to live fifteen life times or fifty-two life times or even one more what look or body would we choose for our imperishable immortal one “What is sown is perishable, what is raised is imperishable…it is sown a physical body; it is raised a spiritual body.” (1 Corinthians 15:42-44), we would have up to fifty-two faces to choose just one, not to mention what siblings, parents, husband or wife to choose? “It is appointed for man to die once and then to face the judgment.” Hebrews 9:27 Consider, Jesus’ sacrifice once and for all would be null and void as He is our pattern, He would have to die again after being raised from the dead to come again in another look (Hebrews 9:26). Jesus was not an angel or Joshua, Melchizedek or Elijah or any of the saints of old. Jesus said of Himself “For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. 39. This is the will of Him who sent Me, that of all that He has given Me I lose nothing, but raise it up on the last day. 40. For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on the last day.” John 6:38-40 It cannot be any clearer that He is the only One spoken of having been sent to date and He is the One who will raise us up on the last day; read again Proverbs 30:4. “Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.” John 8:58 “God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in 185

many portions and in many ways, 2. in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world.” Hebrews 1:1-2 “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus. 6. Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped.” Philippians 2:5-6 Jesus Christ is only ever known to us as God from the beginning “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” (John 1:1, 1:3) not an angel or a person, but the I AM, the Son. His human form is of the Son of man, the second Adam for the redemption of mankind. “For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.” John 3:17 It is plain studied negligence to think He has appeared or come before, as an angel or a person, He is God the Son, not an ascended master who has lived previous lifetimes and now is given the honor of being a God. “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.” (Colossians 1:15) He was never born of any woman other than the prophetic words of being born from a virgin and we know her to be Mary (Isaiah 7:14) and this prophetic word starts at Genesis. “Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, He was asking His disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” 14. And they said, “Some say John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; but still others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.” 15. He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” 16. Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 17. And Jesus said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 16:13-17 Flesh and blood interprets Jesus being someone else of old, but He is the I AM who Was and who Is and who Is to come. They twist Hebrews 7:23 and say Jesus was Melchizedek, but the scripture infers that Melchizedek was likened to Christ “made like unto the Son of God” not that Melchizedek was the Son of God. Melchizedek is a title “king of righteousness” “king of peace” “king of Salem” (Hebrews 7:2-3) and it is well known that this was Shem who was Noah’s first born son. That was Shem’s title he was a Melchi Zedek the Hebrew word for King of Righteousness. This verse is speaking symbolically and prophetically for our High Priest Jesus Christ. The no birth 186

death or family alludes to a priesthood that was not transferred to another like the Levities were. Please read Appendix 1 for greater understanding. “My people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6) your lack of knowledge will bring you spirits of deception. It is your responsibility to learn and approve all things for spirits of heresy and error and perversion of the gospel and divination get much ground in your teachings and doctrines when you do not know and search for truth. They will remain housed within you to contend against the biblical truth to rob you of victory, promises, and power against them. The scriptures in Jeremiah 1:4-5 (NASB) “Now the word of the LORD came to me saying, 5. Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.” This is Jeremiah’s call that was predestined beforehand, he was not known as a spirit being in heaven and then sent to earth, but his call and anointing was preordained for him “for such a time” as in the day he was born. God is Omniscience, He knows all things, and plans all things according to His will for the future. “Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things which have not been done, Saying, ‘My purpose will be established, And I will accomplish all My good pleasure’; 11. Calling a bird of prey from the east, The man of My purpose from a far country. Truly I have spoken; truly I will bring it to pass. I have planned it, surely I will do it.” Isaiah 46:10-11 Our call can be predestined before we are born of a specific destiny of service (Romans 8:29). We can be predestined two hundred, fifty, ten or two years or at birth, (Isaiah 45:1-2, 5; 1 Kings 13:2) but recall we have been given free choice; we can choose the prophetic call or pastoral call or whatever call or we can refuse it, free choice is ours. Just recall Saul and Solomon’s rebellion even Satan’s and the other angels who were created for a purpose but refused and rebelled. If predestination is true of all persons than how do you explain the Holocaust and how is it that Yahweh would appoint some for eternal death of such great misery and appoint some for eternal life of such bliss! Read Luke 13:1-4 for there is the devil, us and Yahweh that causes circumstances in our lives; man is depraved and the devil is alive and doing well because we give him legal 187

access by our sin. Truth is God has predestined ‘fallen man’ full stop for salvation, all human beings for the call to follow Him to become a disciple of Him. “Christ died once and for all for all men…that we may be sanctified…and conformed to His image” for every race every human being “wanting no one to perish” Ephesians 1:5 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son…” “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come. Matthew 24:14 Jesus was not given for some people and not for others, salvation is not just for some but not for others. Those whose name is not written in the book of life from the creation of the world as written in Revelation 17:8 “…whose name has not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, will wonder...” does not allude to some are predestined for salvation or they were foreknown to God in heaven and sent to earth. But as simple as God knew beforehand that there would be the ‘wicked’ and “the some of those” of the faith who would choose death than life; He also knew that Satan would take many to everlasting death by his false doctrines and his demonic powers to keep them ensnared in yokes of bondage and false religions. Just consider the mother of harlots who takes the saints to hell in Revelation 17:5-6 and by her sorceries in Revelation 18: 23-24 that keeps them bound to heresy and error and to idols, false gods, and goddesses. “For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren;” Romans 8:29 This has the same implication as Jeremiah of having an individual purpose and plan for His Kingdom purposes. Yahweh knew beforehand what needed to be done in the big and small scheme of running His Kingdom until Jesus returns and beyond. He makes some vessels unto honor and some not, some He calls to adopt children, raise children, foster children, love the unlovely and some He calls for the edifying of the body with His appointment and calling of Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Workers of Miracles, Pastors and some He calls as Administrators, Intercessors 188

and so on “and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.” (Romans 8:30) He is in control of our destiny, He is the Master of our destiny and over His Kingdom’s plans and purposes - not the god of this age as Satan and his kingdom have legal grounds because of the fall and fallen man and recall death has not yet been defeated to chain them up! It is heresy and error to believe that we were in heaven and sent to earth to fulfill His will and sent out with a specific ‘divine’ mission. A body He prepared for only His One Son (Hebrews 10:5) Jesus Christ, not a body for any other mortal man or heavenly man like us or that would make us as God The Father, The Son and The Spirit. The Bible has to be viewed from a whole, from basic foundational truths such as sanctification, salvation, resurrection of the dead, hell and even the gifts and works of The Holy Spirit to get this teaching into perspective. “He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will not go out from it anymore; and I will write on him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God, and My new name. Revelation 3:12 What a promise.” www.biblebb.com writes about this scripture sayings “this was a significant statement to the people who lived in Philadelphia. They spent their lives getting out of town: An earthquake would start and they would run out of the city; the earthquake would stop and they would come back. Afterwards they would rebuild, but another earthquake would come, and the cycle would repeat itself. So when Christ say that they would not have to go out anymore, they understood His message. They lived in constant insecurity and fear. But Christ says, “You’re secure; there is no need for fear. When you go into My house and My city, you don’t have to go out anymore.” 1. [online sourced 6th October 2009] Recall the New Jerusalem has no temple (Revelation 21:2), but the city itself is all temple, and our citizenship is this heaven and we will no longer be moved as a pillar cannot be moved out of His city. He is The Light of this city, we are stable, we are permanent and we will not be kicked out for any reason, the promise stands “you will not go out” this will be our eternal dwelling it is our permanent eternal security. We will not be like Satan who 189

“fell like lightening from heaven,” we will never be removed, never be removed out of God’s plan of salvation it’s a promise, He has given His Word. This lie that we existed before in heaven and were sent to the earth for His redemptive plans and individual purposes is another doctrine of Divination and this spirit will always remain in the body if they are attached to their false doctrines. You can go through an occult list of your own transgressions and those, but one spirit of divination has legal grounds to remain because this is their erroneous doctrine that ‘you are sent from heaven in this time and space.’ This spirit divination prophesies, teaches, operates in the gifts of the Spirit, it is a counterfeiter of The Holy Spirit. Remember we are commanded to search the scriptures to see whether these things are so and to see if we be in the faith (Acts 17:11; 2 Corinthians 13:5). “Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. 12. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. 13. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. 14. Then the death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. 15. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” Revelation 20:15“ 2. [Malligan, 166:2013]

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts 190

Appendix 3

“Toys owned such as Cabbage Patch dolls, “Care Bears, Gummie Bears, He Man, Masters Of The Universe, Transformers, Black Star, Princess of Power, Star Wars, Power Lords, Power Rangers, Dungeons & Dragons, E.T., Pegasus, Smurfs, Dolls representing gods and goddess’s, toys representing false religions, toys representing pagan and false gods beliefs, fairies, Rainbow Brite, My Little Pony, Gummie Bears, Trolls, Gremlins, Monsters” 1. [Phillips, 1986:74-83] “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. And these words which I command you this day shall be on your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” Deuteronomy 6:4-7 RSV Dolls that have adoption certificates, dolls that represent life or that are alive/given life like crying, wetting pants eating have familiar spirits attached to them. Any collection of toys where the heart comes into idolatry such as a collection of Barbie Dolls, all the Bratz dolls, all the got to have all every doll or toy of that series may become as an idol in the heart if so the idolatry can be to be brought to death by His Spirit (Romans 8:13) however that does not mean that one has to discard all the Barbie or Bratz dolls, just the idolatry in the heart changed by His Spirit. When toys become treasured in the heart to become life like in forming relationship with strong attachment to them, familiar spirits can come forming a soul tie because of the pretending and strong attachment with the doll or stuffed toy or teddy. Therefore, pray for the soul tie to be still and bound and for the child to lose interest in that particular bond of attachment, only then I believe is it wise to deal with any demonic after The Lord has done a work in their hearts and mind and this may not be for a season or seasons! Please note, this does not mean you should strip your children of their doll and stuffed toy if a soul tie is obvious, this will only bring devastation to their heart because for casting out one spirit you will open them up to five other spirits in the emotions that can take a big part of their adult life time to 191

uproot. Recall it is a ‘norm’ for children to pretend with their toys and I believe there is not always a demon attached to a doll or teddy or stuffed toy. Dolls and or toys that are obviously demonic and representatives of demons as listed above in the first paragraph, children do understand when explained. But again, put prayer into this area beforehand and bind the spirits associated so the child has time for the counsel of The Lord to speak into their heart; walk in wisdom as ripping any toy out of the hand of children can do more damage than good in the name of ‘religion’ or ‘The Lord’. Teddies, stuffed toys or simple dolls they do not understand and recall we live in the world, so we need to walk in wisdom and understanding so these toys are best allowed except the obvious demonic ones. I allowed my daughter dolls but not those that were life like – crying wetting eating - or those that had adoption certificates, or those stuffed toys that had fairy tale sorcery or witchcraft associated with them. We all grow up and have to shed our demons from our youth if they are attached to toys or behaviors of sin structures this is life as a human, imperfect in all our ways in a fallen world. To make mention I have an adult friend who loves to collect Teddy Bears and she gives them life by relating to them and placing them somewhere in her house to the point of “he is not happy being there, I can just sense it” so she moves him around until she is settled in her mind that he is content. This is obvious a work of the familiar spirit attached to her teddies and I have seen and discerned its manifestations working through her. The Holy Ghost will reveal to you what you ask and what He wills you to know, take up this area personally with Jesus, for what is for one child may not be what is for another child at any given time or place. Following is an example to make this clearer: a woman came out to a prayer line for deliverance of smoking cigarettes, but The Holy Spirit said no as He revealed this was her only comfort for her brokenness of child sexual abuse that had never been exposed or dealt with and deliverance would be best after healing was established from sexual abuse so her cigarettes stayed a part of her life for a season.” 2. [Malligan, 195:2013]


End Notes Purpose of Workbook 1. ‘Music Compact Disc Sounds of Heaven’ Kathy Troccoli [Reunion Label, Brentwood Tennessee USA, 1995]

Prayer for Pride and Stubbornness 1. Worley, W. Leviathan and Names of Other Spirits, Booklet 19 [Hegewisch Baptist Chruch, Highland Indiana, Box 626 Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1983] 2. Worley, W. Leviathan and Names of Other Spirits, Booklet 19 [Hegewisch Baptist Chruch, Highland Indiana, Box 626 Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1983] 3. Worley, W. Proper Names of Demons Booklet 28 [WRW, PO Box 626 Lansing Il.60438, www.hbcdelivers.org Email wrwmail@aol.com, 1983] 4. ‘Citing electronic resources’. The constellation cas.sdss.org/dr7/en/proj/kinds/constellation/orionstars.asp accessed 30 August 2009]

Game [Online,

5. Worley, W. Proper Names of Demons Booklet 28 [WRW, PO Box 626 Lansing Il.60438, www.hbcdelivers.org Email wrwmail@aol.com, 1983]

Prayer for Healing from Abuse 1. Kitchen, Yvonne. Merry Go Round of Death [Fruitful Vine Ministries PTY Ltd, Lot 27 Wellington Road Lysterfield Victoria Australia 3151, 2006]


Prayer for Sexual Sins 1. Malligan, K.M.D. Overcoming and Understanding Homosexuality with Prayer Strategy, [Triumphant Ministries, Toowoomba, 4350, 2009]

Prayer for Healing from Rejection 1. Malligan, K.M.D. Overcoming Rejection with [Triumphant Ministries, Toowoomba, 4350, 2009]



Prayer for Healing from Homosexuality 1. Kitchen, Y. Merry Go Round of Death [Fruitful Vine Ministries PTY Ltd, Lot 27 Wellington Road Lysterfield Victoria Australia 3151, 2006] 2. Kitchen, Y. Freemasonry Sodomy Affects Us [Fruitful Vine Ministries PTY Ltd, Lot 27 Wellington Road Lysterfield Victoria Australia 3151, 2006] 3. Kitchen, Y. Freemasonry Sodomy Affects Us [Fruitful Vine Ministries PTY Ltd, Lot 27 Wellington Road Lysterfield Victoria Australia 3151, 2006]

Prayer for Spiritual Fornication and Whoredom 1. Worley, W. Seducing Spirits Booklet 30 [H.B.C, Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1996] 2. ‘Citing Electronic resources’. Understand and Overcoming Homosexuality www.overcomingandunderstandinghomosecuality.com [Online Accessed 25th October, 2013]


Prayer Strategy for Renunciation of Occult and Witchcraft Practices

1. ‘Citing Electronic resources’. www.phrontistery.info.com [Online Accessed 25th August, 2009]

2. Kitchen, Yvonne. Freemasonry Death in the Family [Fruitful Vine Ministries PTY Ltd Lot 27 Wellington Road Lysterfield Victoria Australia 3151, 1997] 3. Burns, Dr. K., Masonic and occult Symbols Illustrated [Sharing 212 E. 7th St. (Y) Mt Carmel, PA 17815-2211, 1998]

4. Worley, W. Battling Witchcraft Booklet 2 [Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1996.]

5. Worley, W. Battling Witchcraft Booklet 2 [Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1996.]

6. Worley, W., Roman Catholicism Booklet 20 [Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1996.])

7. Worley, W. Leviathan and Names of Other Spirits, Booklet 19 [Hegewisch Baptist Chruch, Highland Indiana, Box 626 Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1983] 8. Burns, Dr. K., Masonic and occult Symbols Illustrated [Sharing 212 E. 7th St. (Y) Mt Carmel, PA 17815-2211, 1998] 9. Worley, W. Proper Names of Demons Booklet 28 [WRW, PO Box 626 Lansing Il.60438, www.hbcdelivers.org Email wrwmail@aol.com, 1983]

Prayer to forgive You and to Forgive Ancestors for their Transgressions 1. Malligan, K.M.D. Overcoming Rejection with [Triumphant Ministries, Toowoomba, 4350, 2009]




Prayer for Renunciation of the Deck of Cards 1. Burns, Dr. K., Masonic and occult Symbols Illustrated [Sharing 212 E. 7th St. (Y) Mt Carmel, PA 17815-2211, 1998]

Prayer for Transgressions of Blood 1. ‘Citing Electronic resources’. http://paradoxbrown.com/noninterchangeability-terms-rephaim-nephilim.htm/ [Online Accessed 5th January, 2014]

Prayer for Freedom of Drug Addiction 1. Worley, Win. Principles of Deliverance & Mass Deliverance Booklet 27 [WRW, P.O. Box 626 Lansing Il. 60438, www.hbcdelivers.org Internet E-Mail wrwmail@aol.com, 1996] 2. Worley, Win. Alcoholic Syndrome 1 Booklet 33 A [Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1991] 3. Worley, Win. Alcoholic Syndrome 2 Booklet 33 B [Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1996] 4. Worley, Win. Alcoholic Syndrome 3 Booklet 34 C [Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1996] 5. Graham Lotz, Anne. Just Give Me Jesus [Word Publishers Nashville, 1973]

Prayer to Break Poverty 1. Malligan, K.M.D. Set Your Finances Free, [Triumphant Ministries, Toowoomba, 4350, 2013] 196

Appendix 1 1. [Citing – dictionary, electronic resources. Lotus Smart Suite, 1988] 2. Malligan, K.M.D The Abomination of Occult Practices, [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba, Queensland, 4352]

Appendix 2 1. Malligan, K.M.D, The Abomination of Occult Practices [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba, Queensland, 4352] 2. ‘Citing Electronic resources’. www.biblebb.com [Online Accessed 5th January, 2014]

Appendix 3 1. Phillips, P. Turmoil In The Toybox, [Starburst Publishers, P.O. Box 4123, Lancaster, PA, 1986] 2. Malligan, K.M.D The Abomination of Occult Practices [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba, Queensland, 4352]


Bibliography and Acknowledgments

Anderson, Neil T. Living Free In Christ [Regal Books Ventura, CA 93006, 1993] Anderson, Neil T. The Bondage Breaker [SCB Publishers Cornelis Struik House, 80 McKenzie Street Cape Town 8001, South Africa, 1990] Burns, Dr Kathy. Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated [Sharing 212 E. 7th St. (Y) Mt. Carmel, PA 17851-2211, 1998] ‘Citing electronic resources’. The constellation Game cas.sdss.org/dr7/en/proj/kinds/constellation/orionstars.asp [Online, accessed 30 August, 2009] Freeman, Hobart E. Every Wind Of Doctrine [Faith Ministries & Publications P.O. Box 1156 Warsaw, Indiana 46580-1156, 1974] Gibson, Noel and Phyl. Evicting Demonic Intruders [New Wine Press P.O. Box 17 Chichester West Sussex PO20 6YB England, 1993] Graham Lotz, Anne. Just Give Me Jesus [Word Publishers Nashville, 1973] Haase, Joan. Babylon Is Falling The Queen Of Heaven Exposed [Panorama Printing 101-103 Neil Street, Toowoomba, Qld, 4350] Halverson, Dean. The Illustrated Guide To World Religions [Angus Hudson Ltd., Concorde House, Grenville Place, Mill Hill, London NW7 3SA, England, 2003] Hunt, Dave & McMahon T.A. The Seduction Of Christianity, Spiritual Discernment In The Last Days [Harvest House Publishers Eugene, Oregon 97402, 1985] Kitchen, Yvonne. Divination [Fruitful Vine Ministries PTY Ltd Lot 27 Wellington Road Lysterfield Victoria Australia 3151, 1997] Macgregor, Lorri. Coping With The Cults [Macgregor Ministries, Box 1215, Delta, B.C. Canada V4M3T3, 1983] Malligan, Kathleen M.D. A Handbook on Overcoming Offense [Triumphant 198

Ministries Toowoomba Queensland, 4350, 2005] Malligan, Kathleen M.D. False Signs and Wonders with Prayer Strategy [Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba Queensland, 4350, 2009] Part 42 Horse Magazine [Author and Publisher unknown, 1975] Phillips, Phil. Turmoil In The Toybox [Starburst Publishers, P.O. Box 4123, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17604, 1986] Reed, David A. Jehovah’s Witnesses Answered Verse by Verse [Baker Book House P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287, 1995] Worley, Win. Alcoholic Syndrome 1 Booklet 33 A [Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1991] Worley, Win. Alcoholic Syndrome 2 Booklet 33 B [Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1996] Worley, Win. Alcoholic Syndrome 3 Booklet 34 C [Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1996] Worley, Win. Battling Witchcraft Booklet 2 [Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1996] Worley, Win. Binding & Loosing Spirits Booklet 5 [Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1991] Worley, Win. Children and Deliverance Booklet 10 [Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1991] Worley, Win. Curses & Soul Ties Booklet 4 [Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1983, 1986] Worley, Win. Doctors Demons & Medicine Booklet 7 [Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1996] Worley, Win. Evil Spirits in the End Times Booklet 31 [Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1993] Worley, Win. Inviting Demonic Attack Booklet 8 [Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1991] Worley, Win. Leviathan and Names of Other Spirits Booklet 19 [Hegewisch 199

Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1983] Worley, Win. Mind Control Booklet 12 [Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1990] Worley, Win. Proper names of Demons Booklet 28 [WRW, P.O. Box 626 Lansing Il. 60438, www.hbcdelivers.org Internet E-Mail wrwmail@aol.com, 1983] Worley, Win. Roman Catholicism Booklet 20 [Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1996] Worley, Win. Seducing Spirits Booklet 30 [Hegewisch Baptist Church, Highland Indiana, Box 626, Lansing, Illinois 60438, 1996] Zondervan Reference Library [Expert Software Expert Reference Library 800 Douglas Road, Suite 750, Coral Gables, Fl 33134, 1995]


Bibliography Internet Resources Cited

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/margaret-paulphd/codependency_b_1624894.html http://www.codependencyfreedom.com/symptoms/emotionaldependency.html http://www.beingwellwithin.com/blog/emotional-dependency-or-emotionalresponsibility/ http://www.cornerstone.ag/pdf/PDFPrayers/PCLI/SoulTiesandEmotionalDepe ndency.pdf http://www.exodusglobalalliance.org/emotionaldependencyp1408.php https://www.gospelfreedom.com/emotional-wholeness/emotionaldependence.html http://www.lmci.org/articles.cfm?Article=12 http://www.agapebiblestudy.com/charts/Comparison%20between%20priestl y%20orders%20of%20Old%20Testament%20and%20New.htm http://paradoxbrown.com/non-interchangeability-terms-rephaimnephilim.htm/ http://www.av1611.org/crock/crockex2.html www.aboutcolortherapy.com www.acupuncturedoc.com www.allaboutspirituality.org www.answers.com www.answers.com/britannica www.answers.com/wikepedia http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/jesuits.htm www.concepttherapy.org www.empowerpoint.com.au/arbahaurpast www.encyclopedic.com 201

www.freedictionary.com www.glogaloneness.com www.greatdreams.com/masters/ascended www.healingabout.com/holistichealing www.homoepathy/allabout.com www.krishnascience.com www.massageden.com - lomi lomi massage, shiatsu massage, trantric massage www.occultresearch.org www.partriotland.com www.phrontistery.info.com www.ruthposci.com www.themystica.com/mystical www.theroleofhallucinogenicdrugsandsensorystimuli.com www.translationdirectory.com www.ukhypnosis.com www.vitalsaunas.com www.voicedialogue.com www.wikipedia.com.au www.wikipedia.org www.wikipedia.org/homeopath www.wikipedia.org/homeopathy www.wikipedia.org/omen www.wikipedia.org/wki/ascended_master.org www.wordnetweb.com www.xs4all-nl/~wichm/dirvoic3.html http://www.childrenofthepromises.org/Bible%20Study%20%20God's%20Law.htm



Depart to the Other Side Personal Cleansing Workbook

The purpose of this workbook is for cleansing of all unrighteousness, cleansing from the effects of sin, the judgments and spirits attached “For if we confess our sin He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” As we become aware of the fragmentation that fortifies the power base of homosexuality we will be able to take the identity as king and priest unto Him then freely serve Him in His Tabernacle. Dying to self and the surrendering of the flesh to carry our cross is difficult enough, let alone having legal grounds of sin that would draw us to turn the boat around. So as we get cleaned up from sins impact and the unclean spirits our journey to the other side will not hindered or halted or abandoned. The contents of this book will bring knowledge understanding and revelation and healing to the foundations of same sex attraction. The prayer strategies in this book will release you so that you may be able to be birthed to serve, minister and disciple others in the Body of Christ Jesus who have decided to follow Jesus.

Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba – Releasing Hearts


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