December Newsletter 2018 | Division 25W

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In this issue... Letter from your Lt.G


Reminders and Updates


December Task and Article Prompts


Mid-Year Governor’s Report


Divisional Election Conference


Mascot Progress Update


DCON Theme


4 Reasons to go to DCON


UNICEF Submit and Travel to Japan


New Look for New Year Resolutions


K-Dollar Challenge


Thirsty Thirty Challenge


Major Emphasis Projects


Club Contact Information


District + Regional Contact Informations


Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


letter From Your ltg! Hello all! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! As you would already know, all the clubs in Division 25W are paid clubs in good standing with the District and Key Club International. The task of the month on the monthly report is about paying dues and it’s a really easy way to get points! I heard Edison’s interclub social was a successful one! Thank you everyone who attended. I hope you all had a good bonding time and getting to know each other. Please remember that the Divisional Election Conference is on January 10th at Edison Preparatory School at 6 PM. Please have 5 voting delegates from your club. This is a really important meeting and a great way to get to know your next Lt.G. We will have a Divisional Council Meeting right after the election so you don’t wanna miss it. Lastly, I will be attending the Winter Board Meeting this Friday. We will be discussing all things DCON and other District affairs like the name for the mascots. I will update you on all the business conducted at the DCM. Yours in Caring and Service, Kathryn Aung

Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Reminders & Updates Due Dates As usual, the reports and articles are due January 5th. The next page has more info about the article prompts. If you need help filling out the monthly report, below are some links that can answer some of your questions: CLICK HERE FOR ONLINE REPORT FORM LINK

RTC Resource I have attached the RTC Resources folder with all the powerpoints and additional resources for each officer position. I hope it was a fun and educational experience!

Club Officer Directory Here is the Club Contact Information Directory again for the 2018-2019 Key Club year! This directory contains all of the contact information for this year's club officers.

Tex-O-Key Check out the November and December Tex-O-Key created by our District Editor Kyra! Tex-O-Key is the official newsletter of our District. This is where your monthly articles may be featured.

Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


December Task And Article Prompts Task of the Month: Has your club paid your dues? If so, when did you submit them? Did you get early bird? If you have not paid yet, please explain your plans on getting them in and when you plan to do so. Article Prompts: 1.

What can your club improve on as we enter 2019?


How do you plan on incorporating the Christmas spirit into service?


Reflecting on your 2017 year, what were the highs and lows of your Key Club experience?


How have you or how do you plan to strengthen relations between the different levels of Kiwanis (Kiwanis, Circle K, Builders Club, etc.)?


Submit a Humans of Texas Oklahoma! How was your Key Club Experience and what is Key Club to you? Submit with a picture of you

You are always free to write about any Key Club-related topic! The articles should each have at least 1 JPG photo and be sent as Microsoft Word documents. Have the author, school name, division, article title, and prompt/whatever topic you choose at the top of the document. Email November articles by January 5th to with the email subject: Division School December Articles.

Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Mid-Year Governor’s Report Hey, T-O! It’s crazy to think that we’re halfway through our year together! If you remember, my platform was simple: activate, advise, attract. I want to give you all a quick update on how each of the goals are going. Activate the District Board. Immediately when I came into office, I let the District Board know that I had extremely high expectations. I am pleased to say that they have risen to the occasion. Each quarter, I give every Lt. Governor a report card of their performance for those months. Let me tell you, I am extremely hard in my grading, but despite this, overall the board’s average increased by 8%. I hope you have seen the difference in activity in your own Lt. Governor. Advise the members. Through our two District Committees on Public Relations and an increase in posts to the District website, we have increased visibility and transparency of the District Board to you, our members. I have also been open and willing to communicate with any member through social media and email. If you have a question, feel free to ask your Lt. Governor or even me directly! Attract new members and K-family. While our membership isn’t insanely high, we have increased K-family communication and involvement within our Key Clubs. Through monitoring responses in Lt. Governor reports, I have seen an increase in the involvement of Kiwanis, Circle K, and Builder’s Clubs collaborating with Key Clubs. While these aren’t the only branches of the K-family, there are few clubs of the other two branches, and their activity level is relatively constant.

Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Mid-Year Governor’s Report Additionally, I was able to go on the first ever Governor’s Tour. I attended some amazing events and service projects and visited some wonderfully exceptional clubs along the way. District Administrator Kenyon Black and I drove over a thousand miles over the course of the week. I’m so glad I had the chance to meet with some of you face-to-face, and I hope we can see each other soon! So far, it has been a wonderful, though busy, year. I am so thankful to be in this position, and I can’t wait to see you all again at District Convention in April. Convention Registration opens on January 7th. Take advantage of the discounted registration fee, and register during the Early Bird session for special benefits at Convention! See you there as we swing into service at our 70th annual District Convention. If you ever have any questions, concerns, or would like a further discussion on the workings of the District Board, feel free to contact me. Yours in Service,

Addi Duerksen, District Governor

Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District



Mascot Progress Update We finally have our Top 2 mascot options: the Wolf and Otter. Initially, this voting round was to get the top 3 candidates, but since we had a low voter turnout, it was more accurate to finalize our Top 2. After looking at the results from both rounds, we decided to go ahead and get the Top 2 instead of the Top 3. Our Top 2 each had about 15 votes on average, while the others had a lot fewer votes in comparison. We will take these Top 2 mascot candidates to Winter Board Meeting where the District Board will have an open discussion on the wolf and otter and come up with names for each. Your respective LTG will have the responsibility to get with his/her clubs and gather names for both the mascot options. After our Winter Board Meeting, during the first week of January, we will do a final round of voting which will give us our top choice out of the wolf and otter. The final choice will then go to the House of Delegates at District Convention, and the voting delegates will have the option to either vote for the final option or vote for no mascot at all. We have to have a two-thirds majority vote to approve at the House of Delegates. This means that about 43 or more clubs would need to vote in favor for the mascot to pass it. Your club’s voice matters, so please vote! We have made it this far on our mascot plan, so join us at DCON to find out the end result! We are as thrilled as you are! Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Volume 2 | Issue 5 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


4 Reasons to go to dcon If we’re being honest, we know #postDCONsyndrome is real. So before it sets in, make sure you get as much out of your district convention as you can. It’s the perfect time to highlight the amazing work you and your club have done throughout the year. And make sure we hear about it! Use the hashtag #DCON when you post Instagram photos or tweet about what’s going on. Here are the top four reasons to attend your district convention this spring: Workshops The best thing about Key Club workshops is there’s one for just about any topic. Whether you’re searching for new fundraising ideas or need tips about applying for scholarships, there’s going to be something for you. Dances Sure, high school dances can be fun, but a high school dance with only Key Club members is more exciting than front-row tickets to a Taylor Swift concert. New friends It’s common knowledge that some of the best friends you’ll make in high school will be Key Club members, and not necessarily ones only from your own school. The more you get involved in Key Club, the more friends you’ll make around the state, region, country and world. And the best part? Your new friends share the same servant-leadership mindset as you. Your district convention is one of the best places to start building those friendships. Big picture If you haven’t been to a Key Club event outside of the ones your club hosts, your district convention will be an eye-opening experience. Meeting other area high school students who enjoy community service and support Key Club’s mission is a chance you shouldn’t pass up. It’s hard to explain, but after attending a district convention, you just get it.

Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Unicef Annual Student Submit Want to win a trip to the UNICEF USA 2019 Annual Student Summit in Washington, D.C.? That’s right, you could win an awesome trip and the opportunity to speak in front of 500 fellow UNICEF supporters, but first… We need your BIG ideas to change the world! UNICEF USA and TED-Ed are inviting you to speak out, and use your unique life experiences and perspectives to create your own TED-style talk about children’s rights and issues faced by youth globally. Interested? Here’s the low-down: ● Open to anyone ages 10-18 ● Videos must be under 2 minutes and about one of the following topics: Migration, Sustainable Development Goals, or Values and Beliefs ● Follow all the instructions and see more details HERE ● Deadline: January 27, 2019

Travel to Japan with k Corps K Corps is Kiwanis International’s youth exchange program for Kiwanis-family teens. It’s a great opportunity for Key Clubbers to experience a unique culture, provide service, make lifelong friends and see spectacular sights half a world away! Through the program, clubs, families, and youth develop global Kiwanis friendships by doing just what members do—attending meetings, fostering fellowship, and volunteering their time and effort—in host communities half a world away. This summer, a group of Kiwanis teens from the U.S. will experience two-weeks in jaw-droppingly beautiful Japan — a country as charmingly traditional as it is mesmerizingly modern. Participants are hosted by Japanese families, and scholarship opportunities are available. Apply today at and take advantage of this life-changing opportunity! Application deadline is March 1.

Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


New Look For New Year Resolutions 2019 is coming, and it’s time to think about changes we want to make in our lives next year. Unfortunately, breaking your New Year’s resolution before February is almost as much a tradition as making a resolution in the first place. (Congrats to you if you’ve kept yours the entire year!) For those who have tried and failed, here are a few tips to help you stick with your resolution this year. 1. Write it down Print it, laminate it, frame it—whatever works for you. Put it where you will see it every day, like your locker or nightstand. Seeing your goal will help remind you of what you are shooting for and keep you on track to becoming the version of yourself you want to be. 2. Be honest with yourself Know what you are capable of doing and commit to doing what’s within reason. Don’t set yourself up by making a resolution that’s completely unattainable. 3. Keep going Real talk? You’re probably going to slip up. Don’t let that stop you. Keep going! Give yourself a little grace and know that a misstep does not mean you should just give up. 4. Get a buddy Keeping a resolution on your own is hard. Make it easier by having an accountability partner who helps keep you on track. Encourage everyone in your club to participate and support each other, or make resolutions as a club. What changes do you want to see in your club by the end of the year?

Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District



Thirsty Thirty The Thirst Project is an official partner of Key Club! To celebrate our collective agreement to end the global water crisis, we have decided to participate in Thirsty Thirty! So, what’s Thirsty Thirty? During the month of January 2019, clubs can participate in a local campaign advocating and raising money for clean water projects. Here’s how you start: 1. Identify how many people want to participate. (10, 50, 100 ect.) Decide if you want to include just Key Clubbers, or members of your community. 2. Have your members select a random envelope with a number ranging from $1 to $100. Vary the amounts in the envelops and record the quantity of money that should be raised. This amount will how much your participant has to raise! 3. After 30 days, your members can turn in the money they have raised to give to the Project Project. Donations to the Thirst Project can be made online via: Remember, all proceeds will go towards building water wells in Swaziland. A few tips: ask for donations, help your members and advocate for the Thirst Project cause all month-- happy thirstin’ Key Clubbers!

Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Volume 1 | Issue 9 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Club Contact Information Christian Education Alliance President: Joshua Borger E: Edison Preparatory School President: Harper McIntyre E: Jenks High School President: Emily Turner E: Tulsa School of Arts and Sciences President: Elizabeth Craig E: Sapulpa High School President: Hannah Hamilton E: Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


District Contact Information Governor

Addi Duerksen


Bunsri Patel


Addie Flores


Kyra Burke

Tech Assistant

Aina Sebastian

Convention Liaison Nadia Rodriguez Texas-Oklahoma Key Club Website Key Club International Website

Regional Contact Information Regional Advisor

Angela Syverson

Lieutenant Governor 25N

Luke Baker

Lieutenant Governor 25S/31

Megan Hughes

Lieutenant Governor 25W

Kathryn Aung

Thank you so much for reading!

Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


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