November Newsletter 2018 | Division 25W

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In this issue... Letter from your Lt.G


Reminders and Updates


November Task and Article Prompts


Dues and MUC Information


Mascot Voting Round 2 Results


Ice Skating Social


The Kiwanis Family


3 Ways to Retain Members


DCON Theme


K-Dollar Challenge


Major Emphasis Projects


March of Dimes


Club Contact Information


District + Regional Contact Informations


Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


letter From Your ltg! Hello everyone! November is the month of Thanksgiving! I’m very thankful to be working with a wonderful group of officers and being a part of an organization that strives to serve our community and provide leadership opportunities. Once again, thank you to TSAS for hosting the RTC and to everyone who attended. There is a link to the RTC resources folder on page 4. Secretaries, please make sure to turn in the monthly report by December 5th. At the very least, turn in a blank report with general information about your club contact. Edison Key Club is hosting a social on December 15th at Winterfest. Everyone is invited to go and hang out with other Key Clubbers this holiday! Check out page 8 for more information. If you are interested in being a Lt.G, please let me know :) This will be my last year as a Lt.G (yayyy seniors) so I need a replacement for next year. I can give you more information and answer any questions you may have about what the position entails. There will be a Divisional Election Conference in the first week of January. Yours in Caring and Service, Kathryn Aung

Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Reminders & Updates Due Dates As usual, the reports and articles are due December 5th. The next page has more info about the article prompts. If you need help filling out the monthly report, below are some links that can answer some of your questions: CLICK HERE FOR ONLINE REPORT FORM LINK

RTC Resource I have attached the RTC Resources folder with all the powerpoints and additional resources for each officer position. I hope it was a fun and educational experience!

Club Officer Directory Here is the Club Contact Information Directory again for the 2018-2019 Key Club year! This directory contains all of the contact information for this year's club officers.

Tex-O-Key Check out the November and December Tex-O-Key created by our District Editor Kyra! Tex-O-Key is the official newsletter of our District. This is where your monthly articles may be featured.

Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


November Task And Article Prompts Task of the Month: The holidays are upon us! What is your club doing to help others (service project and volunteering wise) this winter? Article Prompts: 1.

If you went to DCON previously, what changes would you want DCON 2019 to reflect? If this will be your first time attending DCON, what are your expectations?


Now that the theme is released, what are some ideas you have for portraying 70s at DCON?


Are there any holiday-themed events/activities that your club is planning on participating in? Describe in detail.


Write about your experience at your FTC/RTC and how it has helped you as a Key clubber.


Submit a Humans of Texas Oklahoma! How was your Key Club Experience and what is Key Club to you? Submit with a picture of you

You are always free to write about any Key Club-related topic! The articles should each have at least 1 JPG photo and be sent as Microsoft Word documents. Have the author, school name, division, article title, and prompt/whatever topic you choose at the top of the document. Email November articles by December 5th to with the email subject: Division School November Articles. Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


muc and Dues Information The Membership Update Center (MUC) is now open, and Key Club International is accepting District and International Dues. Please make sure that you update the MUC and send in your dues as soon as possible to stay as an active club! How to use the MUC The MUC can be accessed by going to If you need help click here, or contact Important Deadlines for Dues Here are the deadlines for dues. Please note: this is when they are processed by International by (not postmarked by), so make sure to send in your dues well in advance! ●

December 1st, 2018: Regular Dues Deadline

February 1st, 2019: Clubs go Inactive

October 1st, 2019: Clubs get Suspended

Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Mascot Voting Round 2 Results We finally have our Top 2 mascot options: the Wolf and Otter. Initially, this voting round was to get the top 3 candidates, but since we had a low voter turnout, it was more accurate to finalize our Top 2. After looking at the results from both rounds, we decided to go ahead and get the Top 2 instead of the Top 3. Our Top 2 each had about 15 votes on average, while the others had a lot fewer votes in comparison. We will take these Top 2 mascot candidates to Winter Board Meeting where the District Board will have an open discussion on the wolf and otter and come up with names for each. Your respective LTG will have the responsibility to get with his/her clubs and gather names for both the mascot options. After our Winter Board Meeting, during the first week of January, we will do a final round of voting which will give us our top choice out of the wolf and otter. The final choice will then go to the House of Delegates at District Convention, and the voting delegates will have the option to either vote for the final option or vote for no mascot at all. We have to have a two-thirds majority vote to approve at the House of Delegates. This means that about 43 or more clubs would need to vote in favor for the mascot to pass it. Your club’s voice matters, so please vote! We have made it this far on our mascot plan, so join us at DCON to find out the end result! We are as thrilled as you are! Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Ice Skating Social Edison Preparatory Key Club is having a social at Winterfest on Saturday, December 15th from 7 to 9 PM. All the other clubs in Division 25W are invited so please feel free to join them! If your club attends, make sure to put it as interclub social on the monthly report. Attached is a graphic with information about the social.

Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


The Kiwanis Family KIWANIS “SERVING THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD” Kiwanis advocates their vision every day by providing opportunities to serve for every member of a community through Service Leadership Programs. Through these opportunities, youth and young adults around the world become competent, capable and compassionate leaders. AKTION CLUB “WHERE DEVELOPMENT HAS NO DISABILITY” Aktion Club allow adults living with disabilities to develop initiative and leadership skills through hands-on service. These adults return to the community the benefits, help, and caring they have received.

CIRCLE K “LIVE TO SERVE, LOVE TO SERVE” Circle K International (CKI) is the premiere university service organization in the world sponsored by Kiwanis International. With clubs on more than 550 campuses globally, programming is based upon the tenets of service, leadership, and fellowship.

KEY CLUB “CARING - OUR WAY OF LIFE” The oldest and largest service program for high school students, Key Club is a student-led organization which goal is to encourage leadership through helping others.

BUILDERS CLUB “BUILDING LEADERS” Builders Club gives members a way to contribute service to school and community while developing leadership and people skills. Builders Club members implement practical service-learning principals as they focus on supporting organizations that focus on the needs of K-KIDS “WE BUILD” K-Kids is a student-led community service club for elementary students that teaches members the value of helping others through participation in community service projects and club activities.

Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District

Kiwanis Family Month How to Get Involved with the K Family ❖ Reach out to the officers of the Kiwanis Club, Builders Club, Circle K, etc. ❖ Attend their meetings DCMs or invite them to your Key Club Meetings ❖ Collaborate with other Kiwanis Family branches to have interclub events, service projects, fundraisers ❖ Invite them to your club events, service projects, etc. ❖ Host an appreciation party for your Kiwanis Family Branches

Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


3 ways to retain members 1. CANDY. Sure, not everyone in the universe is into candy, but a decent amount of people are, which makes this a sweet way to keep members coming back to meetings and events. Want to recognize a member’s achievements on-the-spot? Give him or her a Hersey’s Kiss. Have a breakout “star” or MVP of the week? Surprise that person with a Starburst. Got someone who did a great job leading a fundraising project? Hand over a 100 Grand candy bar. Giving out a few cost-effective candy prizes at every meeting will keep members excited, interested and, most important, feeling appreciated.

2. FULL SCHEDULE. You should have enough activities on your calendar that when a member can’t make it to a project, they don’t have to wait a month for the next opportunity to volunteer and get involved. Be sure to include a healthy mix of service, socials and fundraisers, because too much of one activity can potentially bore your members or burn them out.

3. FUN MEETINGS. Regina Spektor sings a lyric, “Now we’re going to these meetings, but we’re not doing any meeting.” Maybe not every meeting needs to be interactive, but it’s great to mix things up once in awhile. Create a buddy system within your club. Do icebreakers during the meeting. Play a cute cat video before the meeting (the Internet is full of them). Make your meetings exciting, and your members will want to keep coming back.

Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Volume 2 | Issue 5 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District



Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Volume 1 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


Club Contact Information Christian Education Alliance President: Joshua Borger E: Edison Preparatory School President: Harper McIntyre E: Jenks High School President: Emily Turner E: Tulsa School of Arts and Sciences President: Elizabeth Craig E: Sapulpa High School President: Hannah Hamilton E: Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


District Contact Information Governor

Addi Duerksen


Bunsri Patel


Addie Flores


Kyra Burke

Tech Assistant

Aina Sebastian

Convention Liaison Nadia Rodriguez Texas-Oklahoma Key Club Website Key Club International Website

Regional Contact Information Regional Advisor

Angela Syverson

Lieutenant Governor 25N

Luke Baker

Lieutenant Governor 25S/31

Megan Hughes

Lieutenant Governor 25W

Kathryn Aung

Thank you so much for reading! Please answer to the question: What are you thankful for? :)) Volume 2 | Issue 8 | Region 3 | Division 25W | Texas-Oklahoma District


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