Table of Contents:
3 Foreward by Professor Stacy Asher
13 Project 01: Thesis
21 Project 02: Thesis
4 Preface by Kathryn Pauley
14 Project 01: Final Documentation
22 Project 02: Final Documentation
5 Project 01: Mapping Quantitative and Qualitative Displays of Information
15 Project 02: Mapping Narrative—The Circle by Dave Eggers
24 Colophon
Foreword by Stacy Asher
Assistant Professor of Art Advanced Graphic Design Fall 2014
During the Fall Semester 2014 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, students of Advanced Graphic Design / GRPH 421 authored a collection of maps, charts and diagrams that centered around the concept of “well being or happiness.” Each designed artifact addressed aspects of individual design research and illustrates various methods of investigation. The Atlas publication is a compilation of works that document research and explain processes. Projects engaged students in the invention of unique graphic systems that visualize information about happiness and well being. The designs represent quantitative and qualitative narratives and illustrate individual perspectives and interests. These visual displays charting well being and system were compiled into an atlas—a book of maps, charts, illustrations or diagrams united by the interpretations of happiness and system that are found within a society. The atlas represents a coordinated body of methods, a scheme or plan of procedure that was used to organize data from design research. Various production methods were considered and students were encouraged to explore a wide variety of media and design strategies. These methods were evaluated on their effectiveness as generators of visual information with respect to their project goals and intended meanings.
“Design can be
Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated.” —Paul Rand
I look back at my work from three years ago as a freshman in the graphic design program and I’m appalled at their compositions. It wasn’t until fairly recently that I discovered that’s a good thing. As a designer, my work evolves. With each project a new facet of my artistry appears. It’s all releatively simplistic, but as Paul Ran put, sometimes designing simply can be incredibly complicated. I hope this body of work reflects my growth, and my desire to continue to grow no matter where my impending graduation takes me. Thanks for reading.
Project 01 Color Studies
Project 01 Type Studies
Are you too busy?
Project 01 Iterations
Leisure Education
8.4 3.4 travel
Eating/ drinking
Project 01 Iterations
Eating/ drinking
Eating/ drinking
Project 01 Iterations
1.1 Hours 1.5 Hours
8.4 Hours
3.4 Hours
2.2 Hours
0.8 Hour 3.6 Hours 3 Hours
1.1 Hours 1.5 Hours
3.4 Hours
8.4 Hours
2.2 Hours
0.8 Hour
3 Hours
3.6 Hours
Project 01 Thesis My subject I’ve chosen for our happiness project is the psychology of being busy. I believe this project can speak to anyone who has ever felt overwhelmed by the amount of commitments they’ve made. The ideas I’d like to communicate are as follows: we live in a world that praises being incredibly busy, and we get a strange satisfaction from the badge of importance that comes with having a schedule for every moment. In my own experience, however, I’m happiest when I’m focused on a few things (rather than spread thin), with time to relax and pursue hobbies. According to my research, while we value the idea of being busy, our brains are most open to creativity and inspiration when we are idle. Additionally, I found that busyness can be used as a numbing behavior in an effort to escape larger problems that are dominating our subconscious. I took the data breakdowns I found online and created a better visual system for my quantitative map. I used that same system to display my qualitative map—a record of my personal preferences of how I’d ideally spend twenty-four hours. Ultimately, if this project works as intended, it will inspire people to cut out the parts of the their lives that aren’t fulfilling (yet they’re still engaged in) and take a little more time relaxing and enjoying their lives. And if nothing else, it will force them to examine how they’re spending their time and perhaps cause them to reevaluate—even if in the slightest of ways.
Project 02 Sketches
Project 02 Photo Iterations
Project 02 Process
Project 02 Process
Project 02 Thesis The challenge of this project was to explore the major themes of Dave Eggers’s The Circle and develop a piece which creates an awareness of the underlying messages presented in the book. The most shocking aspect of this novel for me was the lack of privacy, a quality I’m highly protective of in my own life. So to begin, I wanted to first put a face to the main character, Mae. I found an image online which was a nearly perfect representation of how I imagine her to be, as well as fitting to her textual description found in the book (olive skin, black hair, wide mouth). I think finding a face to identify with allows viewers to feel more compassionate for Mae’s situation (and people who haven’t read the book can understand the presence of an element of human struggle). For the next component, I wanted to create a somewhat disturbing display of one of the main mantras of The Circle: “all that happens must be known”. A subtle juxtaposition of Mae’s old affection for simple things in nature and her newfound love of technology is created through use of the crude materials of nails and string on a modern looking, sleek woman and print. The gradual hue change in material suggests Mae’s transition from her least transparent phase early on in book one to her most transparent phases in book three (the lightest and least used color of string).
Bibliography: Project 01 Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics http://www.bls.gov/tus/charts/students.htm Zero Hedge http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-05- 13/how-average-american-adult-spends-24- hours-each-day Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/ opinions/why-being-too-busy-makes-us-feel- so-good/2014/03/14/c098f6c8-9e81-11e3- a050-dc3322a94fa7_story.html Psychology Today http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/ owning-pink/201404/are-you-addicted- being-busy Project 02 Sources: Original photo by Sharon Marway
Colophon: Open Sans is a humanist sans serif typeface designed by Steve Matteson, Type Director of Ascender Corp. Printed by UNL Printer Services Paper: 10 Point C2S Created by Kathryn Pauley, Fall Semester 2014