Beyond 2015 Toolkit on Vision, Purpose, Values and Criteria for the Post 2015 Framework

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Toolkit on Vision, Purpose, Values and Criteria for the Post 2015 Framework



Introduction....................................................................................... 1 About the Toolkit............................................................................... 2 Understanding the Vision, Purpose, Values, and Criteria................. 3 Understanding the Values and Targets............................................. 6 Table 1: Beyond 2015 Proposed Targets Vis-a-Vis the Beyond 2015 Foundation Values...................................................... 7 Table 2: Beyond 2015 Proposed Targets Vis-a-Vis the SDG’S Developed by the UN OWG............................................... 10 Annex : Sample Letter for Advocacy ............................................. 20


“ The post 2015 framework must aim at eradication

and not simply reduction of extreme poverty. Poverty eradication must be embedded in all goals and targets and aim to get to zero, and the framework must foster an understanding of poverty as multidimensional encompassing a shortage of resources, capabilities, choices, security and power.



Introduction Beyond 2015, a diverse global civil society campaign comprising more than 1000 civil society organizations (CSO’s) from more than 130 countries works to advance the adoption of a strengthened, inclusive and legitimate post 2015 framework in line with the vision, purpose, values, and criteria outlined by the campaign, and in line with the aspirations of those affected by poverty and injustice that the campaign represents. Whilst Beyond 2015 participating organizations have a range of views regarding the content of a post-2015 framework, the campaign is united in working to bring about the following outcomes: •

global overarching cross-thematic framework A succeeds the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s), reflecting Beyond 2015’s policy positions

he process of developing this framework is particT ipatory, inclusive and responsive to voices of those directly affected by poverty and injustice

Toward this end, and since 2012, Beyond 2015 has focused our collective advocacy on the conceptual foundations of the post 2015 framework, which is reflected in four key components: the vision, the purpose, the values and the criteria. We believe these components should underpin the framework, provide clarity on what the framework should be trying to achieve, and map how the framework will deliver real change. The result has been a shared vision by the 1000 organizations of Beyond 2015, an articulation of the purpose of the post 2015 framework, an elaboration of a set of values that should underline the framework, and the development of criteria by which to evaluate specific proposals for goals. Building on these conceptual foundations Beyond 2015 recently focused on developing proposed targets and a narrative, which illustrate how the future post 2015 framework is underpinned by the values that Beyond 2015 has identified as crucial. Accordingly, this toolkit will provide an understanding of the vision, purpose, values and criteria. It will demonstrate how the Beyond 2015 ‘foundation values’ have been meaningfully translated into targets for the post-2015 framework, and demonstrate how the campaign’s ‘implementing values’ should be used to guide the implementation phase of the post 2015 framework.


About the Toolkit The toolkit has been produced on behalf of the Beyond 2015 Vision, Purpose, Values and Criteria (VPVC) Working Group. It is based on documents produced by the VPVC Working Group articulating the vision, purpose, values and criteria, and on their paper entitled, Vision and Targets of the Post 2015 Agenda. The aim of the toolkit is to: • P rovide an understanding of the vision, purpose, values and criteria, which Beyond 2015 deems crucial to the basis of any framework. • H ighlight the importance of using the vision, purpose, values and criteria at the national level to influence the decisions and processes related to the post 2015 framework. • D emonstrate how the Beyond 2015 ‘foundation values’ have been meaningfully translated into targets for the post-


It is an easy reference document to support national level advocacy and a resource for quickly determining what Beyond 2015 proposed targets are, how they stack up against the campaign’s ‘foundation values’, and how they stack up against the proposed targets of the UN Open Working Group (OWG).

2015 framework and demonstrate how the campaign’s ‘implementing values’ should be used to guide the implementation phase of the post 2015 framework. • S upport national level advocacy by being an easy reference document for participating organizations of the campaign when advocating for the inclusion of the campaign’s proposed targets (based on the vision, purpose, values and criteria) in the post 2015 framework. Given the focus on national level advocacy and the importance of using the vision, purpose, values and criteria at the national level to influence decisions and processes related to the post 2015 framework, the toolkit includes a sample letter as an annex, which can be contextualized and used by participating organizations while undertaking such advocacy.


The toolkit has four main elements: • To provide an understanding of what are the vision, purpose, values and criteria of the campaign and the importance of using these to influence the post 2015 processes. • To provide an understanding of the elements that make up the ‘foundation values’ and the ‘implementing values’


as they are the essential values on which the post 2015

The toolkit is applicable for all levels of Beyond 2015 as a

framework must be founded, and inform the way in which

resource for building a structured approach for sustained

it must be developed, implemented and evaluated.

advocacy. It is particularly relevant for those participating organizations who undertake national level advocacy, but its content is also valuable to any participating organizations of the campaign who want to expand their understanding of how the Beyond 2015 processes relate to the UN processes. HOW CAN YOU MAKE THE MOST OF THE TOOLKIT?

The toolkit has been designed with national level advocacy in mind. Hence studying the two charts outlined in the section on Values and Targets and using the sample letter attached to the toolkit, will allow for optimal use.


• To demonstrate how the Beyond 2015 ‘foundation values’ have been translated into proposed targets for the post2015 framework. This is highlighted in two important tables in the section on Values and Targets (1) Beyond 2015 proposed targets vis-a-vis the Beyond 2015 foundation values and (2) Beyond 2015 proposed targets vis-a-vis the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’S) focus areas developed by the UN OWG. • A sample letter to be used to advocate for the inclusion of the proposed targets in the post 2015 framework.

Understanding the Vision, Purpose, Values, and Criteria


The Beyond 2015 vision, purpose, values and criteria have been developed through a consulSHOULD BE SEEN AS A WHOLE, tative, collaborative, open, inclusive, and particLIKE PIECES OF A ipatory process involving the different structures JIGSAW PUZZLE. of the campaign. The process began by using materials from civil society and other sources, including the UN Millennium Declaration, Civicus World Assembly Declarations, UN High Level Panel on post 2015 outcomes, inputs from human rights organizations and several other aspects of the campaign. This culminated into workshops, which were held in Geneva (January 2013), Nairobi (June 2013) London (November 2013) and Pretoria (March 2014) as well as gathering of online comments from participating organizations, and taking into account the outcomes of national deliberations. It should be noted that the lead authors was one north one south, and that the drafting group consisted of many constituent parts of the campaign, including regional coordinators, academics, and the consultant who coordinated our input into the UN thematic consultations.

What is the Vision? The vision of Beyond 2015 is of “an equitable and sustainable world where every person is safe, resilient, lives well, and enjoys their human rights, and where political and economic systems deliver well-being for all people within the limits of our planet’s resources.” Consequently, it is a world where human rights are realized, poverty has been eradicated, the environment is safeguarded, there is social justice, and peace and security are a reality for all.

What is the Purpose? Beyond 2015 believes that the purpose of the post-2015 framework is “to enable coherence and prioritization of action; to secure commitment to coordinated action by actors in all countries at all levels; and to ensure accountability for that action.”

This is the broader state that we want the world to be in, and that we want the post-2015 framework to be working towards. The framework should contribute to the vision, but it does not have sole responsibility for bringing it about.

THE ‘PURPOSE’ This is the particular role that we believe the framework has – describing exactly how the framework is going to contribute towards the changes necessary to achieve the vision. The framework should be designed in such a way so it can fully achieve this purpose.

THE ‘VALUES’ These are characteristics that should underpin the whole framework and be reflected throughout its whole structure. The values should support the design of the framework so it will achieve its purpose.

THE ‘CRITERIA’ The criteria are the means by which we can evaluate specific proposals for goals. These should facilitate a basic but systematic assessment of whether a proposed goal is a strong option for a post-2015 framework.

Consequently, we believe the purpose is the role that the international community ascribes to the post 2015 framework and that it should be held accountable to. The purpose must direct political, economic and social resources at the issues that matter most to people living in acute poverty. Accordingly, the framework should not aim to address every issue but needs to tackle underlying problems rather than symptoms in order to be communicable and effective.

What are the Values? Beyond 2015 has articulated seven values on which the post 2015 development framework must be founded. 3

• Environmental sustainability


• Human rights

The post 2015 framework must move beyond an income based notion of poverty and in defining well-being it must consider the material, relational and subjective dimensions, which may include examining indicators such as life expectancy at birth, access to services, living standards, decent work, income security, safety, clean environment, cultural life, social cohesion, empowerment and dignity.

• Poverty eradication • Well-being • Peace and security • Equity • Global responsibility These seven values are called the ‘foundation values’ and have been the basis for the development of the Beyond 2015 proposed targets, which will be discussed in the next section.

Environmental Sustainability

Peace and Security

The post 2015 framework must recognize global resource constraints and aim at a more equitable distribution of natural resources, it must set out how it meets the rights and needs of future and present generations, it must incorporate the precautionary principle that an action or policy is not harmful to the public or the environment, it must promote an enabling environment conducive to people living in harmony with nature, and it must recognize planetary boundaries.

The post 2015 framework must address the interlinked multiple factors that drive conflict and prevent resilience against natural disasters and slow-onset environmental change, it must acknowledge the role of the environment and natural resource governance both as a source of conflict and a means of funding armed violence and corruption, it must recognize the critical relationship between people and their governments for peacebuilding and conflict resolution and the importance of developing local and national institutions to manage conflict, provide security and build resilience to disaster, and finally, it must promote action to ensure protection from violence, particularly gender-based violence and violence against children, and address the power imbalance which contributes to the violence.

Human Rights The post 2015 framework must reinforce international human rights commitments, laws and standards, address injustice and address how its goals will allow for a progressive realization of rights, it must embrace a rights-based approach to development based on equality, equity and non-discrimination, and it must ensure the rights of people to participate fully in society and in decision-making.

Poverty Eradication The post 2015 framework must aim at eradication and not simply reduction of extreme poverty. Poverty eradication must be embedded in all goals and targets and aim to get to zero, and the framework must foster an understanding of poverty as multidimensional encompassing a shortage of resources, capabilities, choices, security and power. 4

Equity The post 2015 framework must promote reductions in inequality within and between nations, it must be aimed at entire populations, not percentage improvements, ensuring that all are included and not only those easy to reach, it must promote non-discrimination and address the barriers that exclude groups from participating and accessing services, it must require the disaggregation of data across goals, targets and indicators to track inclusion, and it must report progress against each goal and target in absolute and relative terms so as to better show equity.

Global Responsibility The post 2015 framework must recognize shared global challenges and include obligations, ownership and accountability of every country to respond to the needs of all, it must acknowledge that contextualized national targets are needed for countries, reflecting their different challenges and strengths based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibility, and it must promote coherency and contribute to a holistic collective approach by ensuring goals and targets promote synergies between sectors. In addition to the seven ‘foundation values’ outlined above, there are four ‘implementing values’. These ‘implementing values’ are critical because they speak to the implementation of the framework. Beyond 2015 believes that for the full and effective implementation of the framework and for overall impact, implementation must be based on our implementing values. The implementing values is an extension of the foundation values, like two sides of the same coin. • Accountability

lines, it must clearly reflect the responsibilities of different actors, including governments, civil society, multilaterals and private sector, and it must promote a holistic view of development, sustainability and justice, avoid reducing the post 2015 framework to simplistic measures, and ensure that implementation and monitoring promotes good governance and tackles corruption.

Evidence The post 2015 framework must be based upon the experiences of people living in poverty and marginalization through their direct input into the processes and outcomes, it must be based on lessons learned from the MDG’s, and it must be open to monitoring feedback loops which suggest changes in emphasis or refocusing.

Effectiveness The post 2015 framework must represent a set of goals, targets and indicators to holistically tackle structural causes, not just symptoms of poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation, it must be ambitious and achievable and deliver sustainable progress within the agreed time, it must be clearly communicated to foster a common understanding of all actors, it must indicate the mechanisms, processes and resources required for effective implementation by actors at different levels, it must include robust mechanisms to address disparities in progress, and it must ensure that no policy in any area negatively impacts the achievement of the international development goals.

• Evidence


• Effectiveness

The post 2015 framework must reflect participation of all people, and it must be based on meaningful participation involving all stakeholders, particularly those living in extreme poverty and marginalization, in its development, monitoring, re-planning and implementation phases.

• Participation

Accountability The post 2015 framework must establish accountability and transparency mechanisms, including national oversight and independent review mechanisms at the international level with multi-stakeholder participation, it must include monitoring mechanisms with reliable, comparable and disaggregated data and base-

For further detailed information on the elements identified by Beyond 2015 that comprises the seven ‘foundation values’ and the four ‘implementing values’ see: http://www.beyond2015. org/document/values 5

What are the Criteria? Beyond 2015 developed a set of criteria “to evaluate potential goals, targets and indicators in order to enable us to achieve our purpose and secure progress toward our vision”. To this end, we developed a criteria matrix, which represents a filter through which proposals for different elements of the post-2015 framework can be assessed and scored, particularly as they relates to our seven ‘foundation values’ and four ‘implementing’ values. The conceptual basis for developing the criteria matrix is that the values underpinning the framework are interdependent and mutually reinforcing and represents a holistic approach. Accordingly, within the matrix any element of the proposed 2015 framework (goal, target, indicator and the framework itself) can be considered in terms of whether it is coherent with each and every value, while at the same time recognizing that some proposed elements may relate more directly to certain categories than others. Detailed information on the criteria matrix, how it works, and how it should be used can be found here: document/criteria

Understanding the Values and Targets The Beyond 2015 values and targets were developed through a consultative, collaborative, open, inclusive, and participatory process involving the different structures of the campaign. The process began with discussions taking place within Task Forces for each foundational value. In March 2014, representatives of these Task Forces came together in Pretoria, alongside members of the Executive Committee, Regional Coordinators, national lead agencies and key partners (Participate, IFP and CAN I) to discuss and streamline the targets. Results were posted on the Beyond 2015 website, and dozens of online comments were received from participating organizations throughout the world, and subsequently considered and discussed by the Task Forces for the relevant values, and by the VPVC Working Group. Thereafter a redraft of the values and targets was undertaken, which was coordinated by the VPVC Working Group, led by International Youth Council (Kenya), MESA (Chile), Sightsavers (UK), VSO (Belgium), WWF. The proposed targets have been set out in the VPVC Working Group paper entitled, Vision and Targets of the Post 2015 Agenda. It should be noted that work on the proposed targets is work in progress and have not yet been signed off by the Beyond 2015 Executive Committee as an official policy position.



The seven ‘foundation values’ and four ‘implementing

The focus on proposed targets is to align the Beyond

values’ represent elements that are integral to the Beyond

2015 processes with UN processes, particularly to

2015 vision – a world where these values are embodied –

the process being led by the UN OWG tasked with

and are the means by which we will achieve our purpose,

the development of a set of SDG’s accompanied by

and they guide the creation of a coherent framework by

targets. The articulation of proposed targets provides

framing the criteria through which we select goals, targets

participating organizations of the campaign with more

and indicators, which are relevant, transformational, evidence

substantial guidance when it comes to concrete

based and effective. They comprise the essential values on

action on the ground, and allows the campaign to

which the post 2015 framework must be founded (foundation

more directly relate to the processes underway at the

values) and inform the way in which it must be developed,

United Nations.

implemented and evaluated (implementing values).


There are thirty-nine proposed targets, which are not exhaustive but rather are suggestions for how our values can translate into targets for the post 2015 framework. In developing these thirty-nine proposed targets, the campaign followed the definition of goals, targets and indicators but also gave cognizance to the fact that the campaign supports the notion of qualitative targets as long as they can be measured in a quantitative way. For example, it is important to not only measure the number of female politicians but also the extent to which they feel they have influence. This could be made a measurable target in the following way: Increase the number of female politicians

who report that they have a real influence in the decision making processes which they are involved in.” Beyond 2015 has illustrated these targets in two different ways: • H ow the Beyond 2015 proposed targets, relate to our seven ‘foundation values’. • H ow the Beyond 2015 proposed targets could be allocated under the suggested goals of the UN OWG. These illustrations are articulated in the two tables below:

T1: Full implementation of existing international commitments and multilateral agreements, for example related to biodiversity, land and oceans management, natural resources and climate change, and others.


T2: All countries have developed and implemented action plans for disaster risk reduction that enable communities to respond effectively to climate change impacts and strengthen resilience, specifically focusing on those most affected by climate change


T3: All countries have developed and implemented low carbon development strategies that put the world on track to not exceed global warming of 1.5 degree Celsius.


T4: Ensure transparency, accountability and meaningful participation in the governance and equitable sharing of natural resources that supports people’s rights to a healthy, clean environment, sustainable livelihoods, adequate nutritious food and livable habitats.


T5: Universal access to clean, reliable, renewable, safe and affordable energy services and technologies is achieved in all countries and implemented with social and environmental safeguards.


T6. Marine ecosystems, including marine biodiversity, deep sea mineral and resources, fish stocks, coastal marine areas and high seas are protected, maintained, rebuilt and/or restored to healthy and sustainable levels for the long term sustainability and security of all.


T7: Developed nations significantly reduce their water, carbon, cropland and raw material footprints per unit of GDP, and developing nations receive the financial and technology transfers required to achieve a good quality of life for all their citizens.


T8: Governments implementation of a favourable environment for an informed, open, active and free civil society by guaranteeing the freedoms of association, expression, peaceful protest and meaningful political participation of all social groups, and supporting human rights and environmental defenders against threat or hindrance


T9: Enable all people, in particular poor and marginalized communities, to obtain timely, quality, accessible, reliable, understandable and disaggregated information at all levels, in particular, about what financial resources are available, how they are raised and spent, and what they result in



Peace and Security

Well being

Poverty Eradication

Human Rights

Env. Sustainability

Beyond 2015 Proposed Targets

Global Responsibility

Table 1: Beyond 2015 Proposed Targets Vis-a-Vis the Beyond 2015 Foundation Values


T10: Guarantee and enable active and meaningful participation of all people without fear, especially people in poverty and marginalization and civil society in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies and programs from local to national to global levels, especially over the generation and use of public resources and the delivery of essential services


T11: Achieve secure employment for all, with a focus on youth and the most disadvantaged; and including fulfilment of all fundamental worker’s rights in both formal and informal sectors.


T12: Achieve by 2030 women’s equal access to and control over land, property, inheritance, and productive resources


T12b: Progressively redistribute the burden of women’s unpaid domestic and care work T13: Guarantee the right of indigenous peoples to free, prior and informed consent and overall decision-making over natural resource extraction in their lands and territories T14a: By 2030 ensure universal, free, equitable access to and completion of quality primary and secondary education, leading to effective learning outcomes



T14b: People from all social groups, particularly those with no formal education, have opportunities for decent literacy and numeracy learning and skills development opportunities T15: Increase the share of young people, people with disabilities, older people and other marginalised groups with access to and control over land, property, inheritance, and productive resources that support their wellbeing and livelihoods


T16: By 2030, ensure that no one lives with less than 2 dollars per day, and every country to reduce relative poverty according to national poverty lines, including ensuring 0% of the population live below the national poverty line.


T17: Economic development is inclusive, pro-poor and sustainable through the reduction of income inequalities between the top and bottom quintiles.


T18: Ensure that by 2030, areas of high importance for biodiversity and ecosystems, such as forests and oceans, are managed sustainably, effectively, equitably and with respect for the right of the local communities, as well as the rights of nature.


T19: Guarantee by 2030 universal social protection floors for every category of the population. Indicators to measure decent unemployment benefits and decent pensions


T20: Ensure by 2030 universal standards of good basic quality living conditions are met for 100% of the world’s population: including 100% access to and use of sanitation, safe drinking water and basic hygiene and sanitation products; secure housing, and a safe and healthy environment.


T21: Ensure by 2030, that every country has implemented a new internationally-agreed standard measuring multi-dimensional progress towards sustainable development, beyond GDP and income-based focus on economic growth.


T22a: Ensure food sovereignty, end hunger and guarantee the right to universal, year-round access to sustainable adequate, affordable, nutritious food that meets food-based dietary recommendations


T22b: End malnutrition in all its forms, including reducing stunting to less than 5% and ending childhood deaths from wasting. T23: Reduce by x% the number of violent deaths per 100,000 and reduce the number of people from all social groups affected by all forms of violence, with a particular focus on children, people with disabilities, people with mental health issues and older people


T24: People from all social groups feel safe and have confidence in security provision


T25: Guarantee that people from all social groups have effective remedies to injustice, and access to and confidence in effective, accountable and impartial justice provision



Global Responsibility


Peace and Security

Well being

Poverty Eradication

Human Rights

Env. Sustainability

Beyond 2015 Proposed Targets

T26: A greater proportion of tensions, grievances and disputes in the world in general and within each state are being resolved peacefully, inclusively and constructively, showing tolerance for all people involved


T27: Significantly reduce international stresses that drive conflict, violence and insecurity, including global inequalities in wealth, land and resource ownership; irresponsible trade in arms and conflict commodities; and the illicit drugs trade


T28: Prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls, and hold perpetrators to account / end impunity for gender based violence


T29: Reduce by X% bribery and corruption and ensure that all those involved are held accountable


T30: Ensure full, equal and meaningful participation and influence of women in all decision making bodies at international, regional, national, community and household levels.


T31: Reduce economic inequality within countries [by x%], and between countries [by y%], including through progressive tax systems and distributive mechanisms at national and international level. Potential indicators include the gini-coefficient and the palma ratio


T32: Increase the recognition and fulfillment of cultural, and political, economic, social and environmental rights for specific political, social and cultural minorities, and eliminate every legal and socio-cultural base for discrimination.


T33: Ensure universal access, for all social groups, to quality health services in the context of an adequately resourced and supported health care system, including sexual and reproductive health and rights, and covering both communicable and non-communicable diseases.


T34: Ensure everybody has health care coverage to protect them from financial risk, so that no one is pushed into poverty or kept in poverty because of expenditure on health services.


Global Responsibility


Peace and Security

Well being

Poverty Eradication

Human Rights

Env. Sustainability

Beyond 2015 Proposed Targets

T35: IFIs, governments and the private sector respect human rights and sustainable development, and are responsive and accountable to citizens (Proposed indicator: Number of IFIs, governments and large companies which conduct public ex-ante independent, rigorous and periodic impact assessments of the social, environmental and human rights impacts of their policies/activities, within and beyond borders, including tax, trade, investment and financial regulation.)


T36: All direct and indirect subsidies for fossil fuel consumption and production are completely phased out by 2030, while protecting low income and vulnerable populations from negative impacts and prioritizing their access to clean, safe, affordable and sustainable energy sources.


T37: Eliminate illicit financial flows, including money laundering, trade mispricing, transnational corruption and bribery, and eradicate cross-border tax evasion, improve and standardize financial reporting standards to increase transparency, including full transparency of global financial transactions, bank holdings and deposits, and beneficial ownership, and increase stolen asset recovery.


T38: Reform trade systems to promote equality among trade partners, recognising the need for special and differential treatment of developing countries, and more equal distribution of profits along the value chain, by x% over y number of years.


T39: Ensure adequate financing for development, fulfillment of human rights obligations and protection of global goods, building on the Monterrey Consensus, with a special focus on the needs of LDCs and LICs.


Note 1: The table above indicates, via a color-coding system, which targets are connected to which values. Note 2: Many of these targets relate to more than one of the seven values, and could fit well under more than one potential goal area.


Table 2: Beyond 2015 Proposed Targets Vis-a-Vis the SDG’S Developed by the UN OWG OWG Focus Area

Focus Area 1 End poverty in all its forms and everywhere

Beyond 2015 Related Targets T4: Ensure transparency, accountability and meaningful participation in the governance and equitable sharing of natural resources that supports people’s rights to a healthy, clean environment, sustainable livelihoods, adequate nutritious food and livable habitats T9: Enable all people, in particular poor and marginalized communities, to obtain timely, quality, accessible, reliable, understandable and disaggregated information at all levels, in particular, about what financial resources are available, how they are raised and spent, and what they result in T10: Guarantee and enable active and meaningful participation of all people without fear, especially people in poverty and marginalization and civil society in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies and programs from local to national to global levels, especially over the generation and use of public resources and the delivery of essential services T11: Achieve secure employment for all, with a focus on youth and the most disadvantaged; and including fulfilment of all fundamental worker's rights in both formal and informal sectors. T14a By 2030 ensure universal, free, equitable access to and completion of quality primary and secondary education, leading to effective learning outcomes T14b People from all social groups, particularly those with no formal education, have opportunities for decent literacy and numeracy learning and skills development opportunities T15: Increase the share of young people, people with disabilities, older people and other marginalised groups with access to an control over land, property, inheritance, and productive resources that support their wellbeing and livelihoods T16: By 2030, ensure that no one lives with less than 2 dollars per day, and every country to reduce relative poverty according to national poverty lines, including ensuring 0% of the population live below the national poverty line. T17: Economic development is inclusive, pro-poor and sustainable through the reduction of income inequalities between the top and bottom quintiles. T19: Guarantee by 2030 universal social protection floors for every category of the population. Indicators to measure decent unemployment benefits and decent pensions T21: Ensure by 2030, that every country has implemented a new internationally-agreed standard measuring multi-dimensional progress towards sustainable development, beyond GDP and income-based focus on economic growth. T31: Reduce economic inequality within countries [by x%], and between countries [by y%], including through progressive tax systems and distributive mechanisms at national and international level. Potential indicators include the gini-coefficient and the palma ratio T32: Increase the recognition and fulfillment of cultural, political, economic, social and environmental rights for specific political, social and cultural minorities, and eliminate every legal and socio-cultural base for discrimination. T9 T10 T11 T14 T15 T16 T17 T19 T21 31 32


OWG Focus Area

Focus Area 2 End hunger, achieve food security and adequate nutrition for all, and promote sustainable agriculture

Beyond 2015 Related Targets T1: Full implementation of existing international commitments and multilateral agreements, for example related to biodiversity, land and oceans management, natural resources and climate change, and others. T9: Enable all people, in particular poor and marginalized communities, to obtain timely, quality, accessible, reliable, understandable and disaggregated information at all levels, in particular, about what financial resources are available, how they are raised and spent, and what they result in T10: Guarantee and enable active and meaningful participation of all people without fear, especially people in poverty and marginalization and civil society in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies and programs from local to national to global levels, especially over the generation and use of public resources and the delivery of essential services T22a: Ensure food sovereignty, end hunger and guarantee the right to universal, year-round access to sustainable adequate, affordable, nutritious food that meets food-based dietary recommendations T22b. End malnutrition in all its forms, including reducing stunting to less than 5% and ending childhood deaths from wasting. T1 T9 T10 T22

Focus Area 3 Attain a healthy life for all at all ages

T9: Enable all people, in particular poor and marginalized communities, to obtain timely, quality, accessible, reliable, understandable and disaggregated information at all levels, in particular, about what financial resources are available, how they are raised and spent, and what they result in T10: Guarantee and enable active and meaningful participation of all people without fear, especially people in poverty and marginalization and civil society in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies and programs from local to national to global levels, especially over the generation and use of public resources and the delivery of essential services T33: Ensure universal access, for all social groups, to quality health services in the context of an adequately resourced and supported health care system, including sexual and reproductive health and rights, and covering both communicable and non-communicable diseases. T34: Ensure everybody has health care coverage to protect them from financial risk, so that no one is pushed into poverty or kept in poverty because of expenditure on health services. T9 T10 T33 T34

Focus Area 4 Provide equitable and inclusive quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all

T1: Full implementation of existing international commitments and multilateral agreements, for example related to biodiversity, land and oceans management, natural resources and climate change, and others. T9: Enable all people, in particular poor and marginalized communities, to obtain timely, quality, accessible, reliable, understandable and disaggregated information at all levels, in particular, about what financial resources are available, how they are raised and spent, and what they result in T10: Guarantee and enable active and meaningful participation of all people without fear, especially people in poverty and marginalization and civil society in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies and programs from local to national to global levels, especially over the generation and use of public resources and the delivery of essential services T14a By 2030 ensure universal, free, equitable access to and completion of quality primary and secondary education , leading to effective learning outcomes T14b People from all social groups, particularly those with no formal education, have opportunities for decent literacy and numeracy learning and skills development opportunities T1 T9 T10 T14


OWG Focus Area

Focus Area 5 Attain gender equality, empower women and girls everywhere

Beyond 2015 Related Targets T1: Full implementation of existing international commitments and multilateral agreements, for example related to biodiversity, land and oceans management, natural resources and climate change, and others. T9: Enable all people, in particular poor and marginalized communities, to obtain timely, quality, accessible, reliable, understandable and disaggregated information at all levels, in particular, about what financial resources are available, how they are raised and spent, and what they result in T10: Guarantee and enable active and meaningful participation of all people without fear, especially people in poverty and marginalization and civil society in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies and programs from local to national to global levels, especially over the generation and use of public resources and the delivery of essential services T12a: Achieve by 2030 women’s equal access to and control over land, property, inheritance, and productive resources T12b. Progressively redistribute the burden of women’s unpaid domestic and care work T25: Guarantee that people from all social groups have effective remedies to injustice, and access to and confidence in effective, accountable and impartial justice provision T28: Prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls, and hold perpetrators to account / end impunity for gender based violence T30: Ensure full, equal and meaningful participation and influence of women in all decision making bodies at international, regional, national, community and household levels. T33: Ensure universal access, for all social groups, to quality health services in the context of an adequately resourced and supported health care system, including sexual and reproductive health and rights, and covering both communicable and non-communicable diseases. T1 T9 T10 T12 T25 T28 T30 T33

Focus Area 6 Secure water and sanitation for all for a sustainable world

T4: Ensure transparency, accountability and meaningful participation in the governance and equitable sharing of natural resources that supports people’s rights to a healthy, clean environment, sustainable livelihoods, adequate nutritious food and livable habitats T9: Enable all people, in particular poor and marginalized communities, to obtain timely, quality, accessible, reliable, understandable and disaggregated information at all levels, in particular, about what financial resources are available, how they are raised and spent, and what they result in T10: Guarantee and enable active and meaningful participation of all people without fear, especially people in poverty and marginalization and civil society in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies and programs from local to national to global levels, especially over the generation and use of public resources and the delivery of essential services T20: Ensure by 2030 universal standards of good basic quality living conditions are met for 100% of the world’s population: including 100% access to and use of sanitation, safe drinking water and basic hygiene and sanitation products; secure housing, and a safe and healthy environment T22a: Ensure food sovereignty, end hunger and guarantee the right to universal, year-round access to sustainable adequate, affordable, nutritious food that meets food-based dietary recommendations T22b. End malnutrition in all its forms, including reducing stunting to less than 5% and ending childhood deaths from wasting. T4 T9 T10 T20 T22


OWG Focus Area

Beyond 2015 Related Targets

Focus Area 7

T4: Ensure transparency, accountability and meaningful participation in the governance and equitable sharing of natural resources that supports people’s rights to a healthy, clean environment, sustainable livelihoods, adequate nutritious food and livable habitats

Ensure access to affordable, sustainable, and reliable modern energy services for all

T5: Universal access to clean, reliable, renewable, safe and affordable energy services and technologies is achieved in all countries and implemented with social and environmental safeguards. T9: Enable all people, in particular poor and marginalized communities, to obtain timely, quality, accessible, reliable, understandable and disaggregated information at all levels, in particular, about what financial resources are available, how they are raised and spent, and what they result in T10: Guarantee and enable active and meaningful participation of all people without fear, especially people in poverty and marginalization and civil society in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies and programs from local to national to global levels, especially over the generation and use of public resources and the delivery of essential services. T4 T5 T9 T10

Focus Area 8 Promote strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth and decent work for all

T3: All countries have developed and implemented low carbon development strategies that put the world on track to not exceed global warming of 1.5 degree Celsius. T9: Enable all people, in particular poor and marginalized communities, to obtain timely, quality, accessible, reliable, understandable and disaggregated information at all levels, in particular, about what financial resources are available, how they are raised and spent, and what they result in T10: Guarantee and enable active and meaningful participation of all people without fear, especially people in poverty and marginalization and civil society in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies and programs from local to national to global levels, especially over the generation and use of public resources and the delivery of essential services T17: Economic development is inclusive, pro-poor and sustainable through the reduction of income inequalities between the top and bottom quintiles. T21: Ensure by 2030, that every country has implemented a new internationally-agreed standard measuring multi-dimensional progress towards sustainable development, beyond GDP and income-based focus on economic growth. T30: Ensure full, equal and meaningful participation and influence of women in all decision making bodies at international, regional, national, and community and household levels. T36: All direct and indirect subsidies for fossil fuel consumption and production are completely phased out by 2030, while protecting low income and vulnerable populations from negative impacts and prioritizing their access to clean, safe, affordable and sustainable energy sources. T3 T9 T10 T17 T21 T30 T36

Focus Area 9 Promote sustainable industrialization

T3: All countries have developed and implemented low carbon development strategies that put the world on track to not exceed global warming of 1.5 degree Celsius. T9: Enable all people, in particular poor and marginalized communities, to obtain timely, quality, accessible, reliable, understandable and disaggregated information at all levels, in particular, about what financial resources are available, how they are raised and spent, and what they result in T10: Guarantee and enable active and meaningful participation of all people without fear, especially people in poverty and marginalization and civil society in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies and programs from local to national to global levels, especially over the generation and use of public resources and the delivery of essential services T36: All direct and indirect subsidies for fossil fuel consumption and production are completely phased out by 13

2030, while protecting low income and vulnerable populations from negative impacts and prioritizing their access to clean, safe, affordable and sustainable energy sources. T29: Reduce by X% bribery and corruption and ensure that all those involved are held accountable T31: Reduce economic inequality within countries [by x%], and between countries [by y%], including through progressive tax systems and distributive mechanisms at national and international level. Potential indicators include the gini-coefficient and the palma ratioT34: Ensure everybody has health care coverage to protect them from financial risk, so that no one is pushed into poverty or kept in poverty because of expenditure on health services. T35: IFIs, governments and the private sector respect human rights and sustainable development, and are responsive and accountable to citizens (Proposed indicator: Number of IFIs, governments and large companies which conduct public ex-ante independent, rigorous and periodic impact assessments of the social, environmental and human rights impacts of their policies/activities, within and beyond borders, including tax, trade, investment and financial regulation.) T38: Reform trade systems to promote equality among trade partners, recognising the need for special and differential treatment of developing countries, and more equal distribution of profits along the value chain, by x% over y number of years T3 T9 T10 T29 T31 T35 T38

OWG Focus Area

Focus Area 10 Reduce inequality between and among countries

Beyond 2015 Related Targets T4: Ensure transparency, accountability and meaningful participation in the governance and equitable sharing of natural resources that supports people’s rights to a healthy, clean environment, sustainable livelihoods, adequate nutritious food and livable habitats. T8: Governments implementation of a favourable environment for an informed, open, active and free civil society by guaranteeing the freedoms of association, expression, peaceful protest and meaningful political participation of all social groups, and supporting human rights and environmental defenders against threat or hindrance T9: Enable all people, in particular poor and marginalized communities, to obtain timely, quality, accessible, reliable, understandable and disaggregated information at all levels, in particular, about what financial resources are available, how they are raised and spent, and what they result in T10: Guarantee and enable active and meaningful participation of all people without fear, especially people in poverty and marginalization and civil society in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies and programs from local to national to global levels, especially over the generation and use of public resources and the delivery of essential services T11: Achieve secure employment for all, with a focus on youth and the most disadvantaged; and including fulfilment of all fundamental worker’s rights in both formal and informal sectors. T12: Achieve by 2030 women’s equal access to and control over land, property, inheritance, and productive resources T12b. Progressively redistribute the burden of women’s unpaid domestic and care work T13: Guarantee the right of indigenous peoples to free, prior and informed consent and overall decision-making over natural resource extraction in their lands and territories T14a By 2030 ensure universal, free, equitable access to and completion of quality primary and secondary education , leading to effective learning outcomes T14b People from all social groups, particularly those with no formal education, have opportunities for decent literacy and numeracy learning and skills development opportunities T15: Increase the share of young people, people with disabilities, older people and other marginalised groups with access to an control over land, property, inheritance, and productive resources that support their wellbeing and livelihoods


T17: Economic development is inclusive, pro-poor and sustainable through the reduction of income inequalities between the top and bottom quintiles. T18: Ensure that by 2030, areas of high importance for biodiversity and ecosystems, such as forests and oceans, are managed sustainably, effectively, equitably and with respect for the right of the local communities, as well as the rights of nature. T24: People from all social groups feel safe and have confidence in security provision T25: Guarantee that people from all social groups have effective remedies to injustice, and access to and confidence in effective, accountable and impartial justice provision T26: A greater proportion of tensions, grievances and disputes in the world in general and within each state are being resolved peacefully, inclusively and constructively, showing tolerance for all people involved T27: Significantly reduce international stresses that drive conflict, violence and insecurity, including global inequalities in wealth, land and resource ownership; irresponsible trade in arms and conflict commodities; and the illicit drugs trade T28: Prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls, and hold perpetrators to account / end impunity for gender based violence T30: Ensure full, equal and meaningful participation and influence of women in all decision making bodies at international, regional, national, community and household levels. T31: Reduce economic inequality within countries [by x%], and between countries [by y%], including through progressive tax systems and distributive mechanisms at national and international level. Potential indicators include the gini-coefficient and the palma ratio T32: Increase the recognition and fulfillment of cultural, political, economic, social and environmental rights for specific political, social and cultural minorities, and eliminate every legal and socio-cultural base for discrimination. T33: Ensure universal access, for all social groups, to quality health services in the context of an adequately resourced and supported health care system, including sexual and reproductive health and rights, and covering both communicable and non-communicable diseases. T34: Ensure everybody has health care coverage to protect them from financial risk, so that no one is pushed into poverty or kept in poverty because of expenditure on health services. T38: Reform trade systems to promote equality among trade partners, recognising the need for special and differential treatment of developing countries, and more equal distribution of profits along the value chain, by x% over y number of years. T4, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T17, T18, T24, T25, T26, T27, T28, T30, T31, T32, T33, T34, T38

OWG Focus Area

Focus Area 11 Build inclusive, safe and sustainable cities and human settlements

Beyond 2015 Related Targets T4: Ensure transparency, accountability and meaningful participation in the governance and equitable sharing of natural resources that supports people’s rights to a healthy, clean environment, sustainable livelihoods, adequate nutritious food and livable habitats T9: Enable all people, in particular poor and marginalized communities, to obtain timely, quality, accessible, reliable, understandable and disaggregated information at all levels, in particular, about what financial resources are available, how they are raised and spent, and what they result in T10: Guarantee and enable active and meaningful participation of all people without fear, especially people in poverty and marginalization and civil society in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies and programs from local to national to global levels, especially over the generation and use of public resources and the delivery of essential services T20: Ensure by 2030 universal standards of good basic quality living conditions are met for 100% of the world’s population: including 100% access to and use of sanitation, safe drinking water and basic hygiene and sanitation


products; secure housing, and a safe and healthy environment. T24: People from all social groups feel safe and have confidence in security provision T36: All direct and indirect subsidies for fossil fuel consumption and production are completely phased out by 2030, while protecting low income and vulnerable populations from negative impacts and prioritizing their access to clean, safe, affordable and sustainable energy sources. T4 T9 T10 T20 T24 T36

OWG Focus Area

Focus Area 12 Promote sustainable consumption and production patterns

Beyond 2015 Related Targets T7: Developed nations significantly reduce their water, carbon, cropland and raw material footprints per unit of GDP, and developing nations receive the financial and technology transfers required to achieve a good quality of life for all their citizens. T9: Enable all people, in particular poor and marginalized communities, to obtain timely, quality, accessible, reliable, understandable and disaggregated information at all levels, in particular, about what financial resources are available, how they are raised and spent, and what they result in T10: Guarantee and enable active and meaningful participation of all people without fear, especially people in poverty and marginalization and civil society in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies and programs from local to national to global levels, especially over the generation and use of public resources and the delivery of essential services T36: All direct and indirect subsidies for fossil fuel consumption and production are completely phased out by 2030, while protecting low income and vulnerable populations from negative impacts and prioritizing their access to clean, safe, affordable and sustainable energy sources. T7 T9 T10 T36

Focus Area 13 Promote actions at all levels to promote climate change

T1: Full implementation of existing international commitments and multilateral agreements, for example related to biodiversity, land and oceans management, natural resources and climate change, and others. T2: All countries have developed and implemented action plans for disaster risk reduction that enable communities to respond effectively to climate change impacts and strengthen resilience, specifically focusing on those most affected by climate change T3: All countries have developed and implemented low carbon development strategies that put the world on track to not exceed global warming of 1.5 degree Celsius. T9: Enable all people, in particular poor and marginalized communities, to obtain timely, quality, accessible, reliable, understandable and disaggregated information at all levels, in particular, about what financial resources are available, how they are raised and spent, and what they result in T10: Guarantee and enable active and meaningful participation of all people without fear, especially people in poverty and marginalization and civil society in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies and programs from local to national to global levels, especially over the generation and use of public resources and the delivery of essential services T22a: Ensure food sovereignty, end hunger and guarantee the right to universal, year-round access to sustainable adequate, affordable, nutritious food that meets food-based dietary recommendations T22b. End malnutrition in all its forms, including reducing stunting to less than 5% and ending childhood deaths from wasting. T36: All direct and indirect subsidies for fossil fuel consumption and production are completely phased out by 2030, while protecting low income and vulnerable populations from negative impacts and prioritizing their access to clean, safe, affordable and sustainable energy sources. T1 T2 T3 T9 T10 T22 T36


OWG Focus Area

Focus Area 14 Attain conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans and seas

Beyond 2015 Related Targets T1: Full implementation of existing international commitments and multilateral agreements, for example related to biodiversity, land and oceans management, natural resources and climate change, and others. T4: Ensure transparency, accountability and meaningful participation in the governance and equitable sharing of natural resources that supports people’s rights to a healthy, clean environment, sustainable livelihoods, adequate nutritious food and livable habitats T6. Marine ecosystems, including marine biodiversity, deep sea mineral and resources, fish stocks, coastal marine areas and high seas are protected, maintained, rebuilt and/or restored to healthy and sustainable levels for the long term sustainability and security of all. T9: Enable all people, in particular poor and marginalized communities, to obtain timely, quality, accessible, reliable, understandable and disaggregated information at all levels, in particular, about what financial resources are available, how they are raised and spent, and what they result in T10: Guarantee and enable active and meaningful participation of all people without fear, especially people in poverty and marginalization and civil society in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies and programs from local to national to global levels, especially over the generation and use of public resources and the delivery of essential services T18: Ensure that by 2030, areas of high importance for biodiversity and ecosystems, such as forests and oceans, are managed sustainably, effectively, equitably and with respect for the right of the local communities, as well as the rights of nature. T35: IFIs, governments and the private sector respect human rights and sustainable development, and are responsive and accountable to citizens (Proposed indicator: Number of IFIs, governments and large companies which conduct public ex-ante independent, rigorous and periodic impact assessments of the social, environmental and human rights impacts of their policies/activities, within and beyond borders, including tax, trade, investment and financial regulation.) T1 T4 T6 T9 T10 T18 T35

Focus Area 15 Protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems and halt all biodiversity loss

T1: Full implementation of existing international commitments and multilateral agreements, for example related to biodiversity, land and oceans management, natural resources and climate change, and others. T4: Ensure transparency, accountability and meaningful participation in the governance and equitable sharing of natural resources that supports people’s rights to a healthy, clean environment, sustainable livelihoods, adequate nutritious food and livable habitats T9: Enable all people, in particular poor and marginalized communities, to obtain timely, quality, accessible, reliable, understandable and disaggregated information at all levels, in particular, about what financial resources are available, how they are raised and spent, and what they result in T10: Guarantee and enable active and meaningful participation of all people without fear, especially people in poverty and marginalization and civil society in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies and programs from local to national to global levels, especially over the generation and use of public resources and the delivery of essential services T13: Guarantee the right of indigenous peoples to free, prior and informed consent and overall decision-making over natural resource extraction in their lands and territories T18: Ensure that by 2030, areas of high importance for biodiversity and ecosystems, such as forests and oceans, are managed sustainably, effectively, equitably and with respect for the right of the local communities, as well as the rights of nature. T1 T4 T9 T10 T13 T18


OWG Focus Area

Focus Area 16 Achieve peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law, effective and capable institutions

Beyond 2015 Related Targets T1: Full implementation of existing international commitments and multilateral agreements, for example related to biodiversity, land and oceans management, natural resources and climate change, and others. T8: Governments implementation of a favourable environment for an informed, open, active and free civil society by guaranteeing the freedoms of association, expression, peaceful protest and meaningful political participation of all social groups, and supporting human rights and environmental defenders against threat or hindrance T9: Enable all people, in particular poor and marginalized communities, to obtain timely, quality, accessible, reliable, understandable and disaggregated information at all levels, in particular, about what financial resources are available, how they are raised and spent, and what they result in T10: Guarantee and enable active and meaningful participation of all people without fear, especially people in poverty and marginalization and civil society in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies and programs from local to national to global levels, especially over the generation and use of public resources and the delivery of essential services T23: Reduce by x% the number of violent deaths per 100,000 and reduce the number of people from all social groups affected by all forms of violence, with a particular focus on children, people with disabilities, people with mental health issues and older people T24: People from all social groups feel safe and have confidence in security provision T25: Guarantee that people from all social groups have effective remedies to injustice, and access to and confidence in effective, accountable and impartial justice provision T26: A greater proportion of tensions, grievances and disputes in the world in general and within each state are being resolved peacefully, inclusively and constructively, showing tolerance for all people involved T27: Significantly reduce international stresses that drive conflict, violence and insecurity, including global inequalities in wealth, land and resource ownership; irresponsible trade in arms and conflict commodities; and the illicit drugs trade T28: Prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls, and hold perpetrators to account / end impunity for gender based violence T29: Reduce by X% bribery and corruption and ensure that all those involved are held accountable T30: Ensure full, equal and meaningful participation and influence of women in all decision making bodies at international, regional, national, community and household levels. T32: Increase the recognition and fulfillment of cultural, political, economic, social and environmental rights for specific political, social and cultural minorities, and eliminate every legal and socio-cultural base for discrimination. T1 T8 T9 T10 T23 T24 T25 T26 T27 T28 T29 T30 T32


OWG Focus Area

Focus Area 17 Strengthen and enhance the means of implementation and global partnership for sustainable development

Beyond 2015 Related Targets T1: Full implementation of existing international commitments and multilateral agreements, for example related to biodiversity, land and oceans management, natural resources and climate change, and others. T7: Developed nations significantly reduce their water, carbon, cropland and raw material footprints per unit of GDP, and developing nations receive the financial and technology transfers required to achieve a good quality of life for all their citizens. T8: Governments implementation of a favourable environment for an informed, open, active and free civil society by guaranteeing the freedoms of association, expression, peaceful protest and meaningful political participation of all social groups, and supporting human rights and environmental defenders against threat or hindrance T9: Enable all people, in particular poor and marginalized communities, to obtain timely, quality, accessible, reliable, understandable and disaggregated information at all levels, in particular, about what financial resources are available, how they are raised and spent, and what they result in T10: Guarantee and enable active and meaningful participation of all people without fear, especially people in poverty and marginalization and civil society in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies and programs from local to national to global levels, especially over the generation and use of public resources and the delivery of essential services T21: Ensure by 2030, that every country has implemented a new internationally-agreed standard measuring multi-dimensional progress towards sustainable development, beyond GDP and income-based focus on economic growth. T29: Reduce by X% bribery and corruption and ensure that all those involved are held accountable T31: Reduce economic inequality within countries [by x%], and between countries [by y%], including through progressive tax systems and distributive mechanisms at national and international level. Potential indicators include the gini-coefficient and the palma ratio T35: IFIs, governments and the private sector respect human rights and sustainable development, and are responsive and accountable to citizens (Proposed indicator: Number of IFIs, governments and large companies which conduct public ex-ante independent, rigorous and periodic impact assessments of the social, environmental and human rights impacts of their policies/activities, within and beyond borders, including tax, trade, investment and financial regulation.) T37: Eliminate illicit financial flows, including money laundering, trade mispricing, transnational corruption and bribery, and eradicate cross-border tax evasion, improve and standardize financial reporting standards to increase transparency, including full transparency of global financial transactions, bank holdings and deposits, and beneficial ownership, and increase stolen asset recovery. T38: Reform trade systems to promote equality among trade partners, recognising the need for special and differential treatment of developing countries, and more equal distribution of profits along the value chain, by x% over y number of years T39: Ensure adequate financing for development, fulfillment of human rights obligations and protection of global goods, building on the Monterrey Consensus, with a special focus on the needs of LDCs and LICs. T1 T7 T8 T9 T10 T21 T29 T31 T35 T36 T37 T38 T39


Annex : Sample Letter for Advocacy

(Insert logo of the participating organization of Beyond 2015) (Name and Address) (Salutation: name, title, address)

(Date in full)

(Official name and correct salutation Example: Dear Minister / Excellency) On behalf of (Beyond 2015 or other relevant structure ie working group, regional hub or national hub) a global civil society campaign comprising more than 1000 civil society organizations from more than 130 countries working to advance the adoption of a strengthened, inclusive and legitimate post 2015 framework to success the Millennium Development Goals, we welcome the working document (insert date) of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals and the progress made to articulate goals and targets that integrate economic, social and environmental aspects and their inter-linkages in achieving sustainable development. As we move toward the 12th session of the Open Working Group in June 2014 and the 13th and final session in July 2014 we take this opportunity to encourage you and your Government to continue to work to produce a framework that is universal, ambitious, transformational, human rights based and responsive to the realities of those most affected by poverty and injustice. We would like to draw your attention to the values we believe should underpin the post 2015 framework and continue be strengthened in the framework:

Environmental Sustainability The framework must recognize the global resource constraints and aim at a more equitable distribution of natural resources, including how it meets the rights and needs of future and present generations. It must incorporate the precautionary principle that an action or policy is not harmful to the public or the environment, promote an enabling environment conducive to people living in harmony with nature, and it must recognize planetary boundaries.

Human Rights The framework must reinforce international human rights commitments, laws and standards, address injustice and address how its goals will allow for a progressive realization of rights. It must embrace a rights-based approach to development based on equality, equity and non-discrimination, and ensure the rights of people to participate fully in society and in decision-making.

Poverty Eradication The framework must aim at eradication and not simply reduction of extreme poverty ---its goals and targets should aim to get to zero. Poverty eradication it must be embedded in all goals and targets and aim to get to zero, and the framework must foster an understanding of poverty as multidimensional encompassing a shortage of resources, capabilities, choices, security and power. 20

Well-Being The framework must move beyond an income based notion of poverty and in defining well-being it consider the material, relational and subjective dimensions, which may include examining indicators such as life expectancy at birth, access to services, living standards, decent work, income security, safety, clean environment, cultural life, social cohesion, empowerment and dignity.

Peace and security The framework must address the interlinked multiple factors that drive conflict and prevent resilience against natural disasters and slow-onset environmental change. It must acknowledge the role of the environment and natural resource governance both as a source of conflict and a means of funding armed violence and corruption. It must recognize the critical relationship between people and their governments for peacebuilding and conflict resolution and the importance of developing local and national institutions to manage conflict, provide security and build resilience to disaster, and promote action to ensure protection from violence, particularly gender-based violence and violence against children.

Equity The framework must promote reductions in inequality within and between nations, aimed at entire populations, not percentage improvements, ensuring that all are included and not only those easy to reach. It must promote non-discrimination and address the barriers that exclude groups from participating and accessing services and require the disaggregation of data across goals, targets and indicators to track inclusion.

Global Responsibility The framework must recognize shared global challenges and include obligations, ownership and accountability of every country to respond to the needs of all. It must acknowledge that contextualized national targets are needed for countries, reflecting their different challenges and strengths based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibility, and promote coherency and contribute to a holistic collective approach. In addition to these, we also draw your attention to values we believe are critical for the full and effective implementation of the framework and for its overall impact.

Accountability The framework must establish accountability and transparency mechanisms, including national oversight and independent review mechanisms at the international level with multi-stakeholder participation. It must include monitoring mechanisms with reliable, comparable and disaggregated data and baselines and clearly reflect the responsibilities of different actors, including governments, civil society, multilaterals and private sector.

Evidence The framework must be based upon the experiences of people living in poverty and marginalization through their direct input into the processes and outcomes, and it must be based on lessons learned from the UN Millennium Development Goals.

Effectiveness The framework must represent a set of goals, targets and indicators to holistically tackle structural causes, not just symptoms of poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation. It must be ambitious and achievable and deliver sustainable progress within the agreed time and indicate the mechanisms, 21

processes and resources required for effective implementation by actors at different levels.

Participation The framework must reflect participation of all people, and be based on meaningful participation involving all stakeholders, particularly those living in extreme poverty and marginalization, in its development, monitoring, re-planning and implementation phases. And finally, in an effort to lend further value to the remaining sessions of the Open Working Group, we have developed a set of proposed targets that line-up with the suggested goals of the Open Working Group. Please see the attachment. We would greatly appreciate the consideration of the Government of (Insert name of Government) of these proposed targets, and we encourage your Government to bear these in mind as you move toward the final negotiations. We look forward to further supporting the processes under way at the United Nations and stand ready to provide practical suggestions related to the values we have outlined, as well as the targets we have proposed. Yours sincerely, (Insert the name of the participating organization)


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