building hope. changing lives.
A heroin epidemic has overtaken the Dayton region. Day t o n is a hot bed for tr a ffi c k i ng, u si ng a nd ov e r d osi ng on h e r oi n.
w e have pat ient s in ou r r i c h e st ne i gh b or h ood s sta nd i ng i n l i ne for tr e atm e nt w it h pati e nts fr om ou r poor e st ne i gh b or h ood s
t h e i r s t o r y: b o r n h u r t i n g
When a pregnant woman uses drugs, her baby uses drugs. Every day in the Dayton region, babies are born dependent on the drugs their mothers take during pregnancy. When newborn babies begin to withdraw from powerful drugs, they shriek at a high, telltale pitch. Cut off from the substances they ingested through their mothers, they convulse, projectile vomit or writhe from skin-scorching diarrhea. Their tiny bodies shudder violently. They cannot be consoled. When a baby experiences withdrawal from illegal or prescription drugs mom used during pregnancy it is referred to as Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS). In 2012, one NAS baby was born every 5 minutes in the US. NAS has taken a heavy toll on Ohio’s healthcare system and on our communities. The nurses in our regional Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) have been pushed to their limits.
Our community is coming together to fight this battle. OUR GROWING LIST OF PARTNERS INCLU DES C ARESOURCE MEAD J OHNSON Wr igh t State Universit y Boonsho ft Sc ho ol of M e d i c i ne : C e nte r for I nte r v e nti ons, T r e atm e nt a nd Add i c ti ons R es e a r ch ( CITA R ) Wright Stat e Universit y Bo onsh oft S c h ool of M e d i c i ne : De pa r tm e nt of Fam i ly M e d i c i ne Wright Stat e U ni v e r si ty S c h ool of P r ofe ssi ona l P syc h ol ogy
our story
The urge to help is overwhelming. Brigid’s Path has found a way to take these innocent newborns out of NICUs and into a home-like setting, where we and our qualified health team can work directly with the families to help them all find recovery. The first facility of its kind in Ohio, Brigid’s Path will provide a comfortable, home-like setting where newborns can be compassionately withdrawn from their drug exposure. Babies will receive one-on-one specialized care through pharmacological and therapeutic treatment — administered by registered nurses, occupational therapists and trained volunteers — in a low-stimulation setting, while mothers and families will find a nonjudgmental, safe place to bond with their babies. Brigid’s Path is partnering with many community organizations to provide complete, wrap-around services to families on their path to recovery.
We are humbled and excited to be part of the team to build hope and restore lives. OUR m i ssi on Brigid’s Pat h p ro vide s i npati e nt m e d i c a l c a r e for d r u g- e x pose d ne w b or ns, no n- j u d gm e nta l su ppor t for m oth e r s, and educ ati on se r v i c e s to i m pr ov e fa m i ly ou tc om e s.
Introductions: Our Leadership
Deanna Murphy and Jill Kingston are the founders and executive directors for Brigid’s Path. A calling to help families, their love for children and the realization of a growing need in the Dayton area has led to the creation of Brigid’s Path. Through outreach, community collaboration and a fair amount of diligence, they have assembled a team of committed professionals, working together to create Ohio’s first newborn recovery center.
Dr. Marc Belcastro, D.O., is a neonatologist who has many years of experience working with drug-exposed babies. As the medical director of Brigid’s Path, he will create a protocol of care for our babies as well as a complete strategy for compassionate withdrawal.
B u i l d i n g P l a n s : 3 6 0 1 S o u t h D i x i e H i g h w ay
Every detail of our facility from the safety and bathing needs of our babies, to the spiritual needs of their families has been designed with thoughtful, specific intention.
our pods fu nd i ng ne e d s: $ 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 pe r pod , L e ga cy $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 pe r b ath i ng r o o m , S i lv e r
Brigid’s Path will have four charming, comfortable pods, each housing six private nurseries, a shared bathing room and a centralized gathering space where nurses and volunteers can care for all of baby’s needs while providing encouragement and guidance to mothers. Na m i ng oppor tu ni ti es a n d d o n o r r e co g n i t i o n w i l l b e ava i l a b l e for e a ch p o d a n d b at h i n g r oom a s w e l l a s for t h e e n t i r e cl i n i ca l a r e a of th e b u i l d i ng.
our nurseries fu nd i ng ne e d s: $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 pe r nu r se ry, g o l d
There will be a total of 24 private nurseries to provide a soothing and low-stimulation setting for each baby during his/her stay at Brigid’s Path. Each nursery will include a crib and Mamaroo for baby, as well as a glider and reclining chair for mom. A transitioning window or sky light in each room will allow our babies, as they become more comfortable with light, to be introduced to circadian rhythm. Each nursery will also have special dimming lights so the atmosphere can be adjusted for baby’s comfort during withdrawal. Na m i ng oppor tu ni ti es a n d d o n o r r e co g n i t i o n w i l l b e ava i l a b l e b y n ur s e ry.
additional areas
funding ne e d s: $ 6 1 0 , 0 0 0
fu nd i ng ne e d s: $ 5 7 2 , 5 0 0
As required by the City of Kettering, the exterior of our building — a building generously donated to Brigid’s Path by an anonymous benefactor — will receive a beautiful facelift. By creating impactful new curb appeal, 3601 South Dixie will become a welcoming, hope-filled destination for babies and their caretakers.
Other areas in the facility include: A family reception room with a play space for siblings, education rooms, offices, an in-kind donation room, storage room, laundry area, living room, chapel and an outside respite space.
Na m i ng oppor tu ni ti es a n d d o n o r r e co g n i t i o n w i l l b e ava i l a b l e b y ro o m o r a r e a w i t h i n t h e fa c i l i ty a s w e l l a s fo r e xt e r i o r a n D l a n d s ca p i n g .
s u p p o r t: A c o m m i t t m e n t t o b r i g i d ’ s pat h Please make all checks payable to: Brigid’s Path
Company/Individual name Contact person
mail to: PO Box 1741 Miamisburg, OH 45343
Address Contact Phone #
or payable to The Dayton Foundation with “Brigid’s Path” in the memo.
Contact email
level of support: Legacy Supporter
$250,000 & above
pledge committment: $
Platinum Supporter $100,000 – $249,999
Gold Supporter
$25,000 – $99,999
Silver Supporter
$10,000 – $24,999
Bronze Supporter
$5,000 – $9,999
Copper Supporter
$1,000 – $4,999
Check enclosed. Check # Payment will arrive later; by (date) Tax ID# 47-1200761
We are happy to discuss opportunities to support the mission of Brigid’s Path.
Please contact
Jill Kingston or Deanna Murphy, Executive Directors at 937-350-1785.
3601 South dixie highway kettering, ohio 45439 937-350-1785