The Well Approach Research Portfolio

Page 1

search Journal

Visual Practice 2 Re Katie Hopkins 17073870

Contents Rationale


Formative Assessment


Defining Wellness


Why is there an epidemic?


Wellness Consumer


Idea Generation


Consumer Survey


Consumer Journey




Segment Profile


Pen Portrait


Project Planning


Creative Direction




Sustainable Fashion


Wellness Products


Wellness Brands



Wellness Websites












Consumer Input


Copy Writing


Web Design & App Deliberation




WGSN 2020 Trends


Professional Development


Critical Path Reflection


Producing Deliverables


Audience Testing


Final Reflection & LO Feedback


Project Plan & Critical Path





Rationale The Well Approach (TWA) is an online platform catering for a confused young consumer that is trying to navigate the wellness market. The purpose of this online platform is to guide, advise and group together these individuals in order to co-create this online community, an important tool in digital marketing to provide trust (see page 34). The wellness market at present, where products are concerned, is a crowded space and one which needs guidance. Websites like Goop, SELF and Liz Earle Wellbeing try to manage this space but do not appeal to a Gen Z consumer, which AdAge (2018) reports is the latest wellness consumer attempting to re-define the market. 75% of millennials and 79% of Gen Z like it when ‘brands embrace wellness as part of their mission’ (Cassandra cited by Rees, 2017:online) and so as ‘the wellness conversation gets louder’ we become a key ‘content community’ that begins to form ‘synergistic relationships between brands, advertisers and consumers’ (Rees, 2017:online). In the larger wellness realm, our key competitors do not only target different generations, but their price points are unattainable to a money smart Gen Z consumer. One that saves digitally through sites like Monzo and care about the quality of produce they buy (Williams-Grut, 2019). The Well Approach needs to earn the loyalty of this consumer that currently does not have a place to go – until then, staying authentic and true to the brand is key to forming a relationship (see SWOT and PEST on page 32/33).


Figure 1: Money Wellness

Wellness is becoming a key term used in society; from beauty brands, wellness at work to wellness being using for advertising banking (see figure 1). It seems companies know the worth of wellness and have found it drives consumers to their brand also (Rees, 2017). This is where TWA comes in, separating fad and beneficial product/ritual or service.

Wellness has started to mirror the use of sustainability when it comes to branding and with the government declaring a climate emergency this is only set to increase. Sustainability and wellness can align in holistic ways where being mindful to the environment provides internal satisfaction community (O’Brian, 2013), therefore it is crucial to involve ethical living practices in our community as ‘45 percent of Gen Z consumers choose [to connect with] brands that are eco-friendly and socially responsible’ (Adgen, 2017). The Well Approach is first and foremost a brand that can be found multi-channel with a main web page and social presence. The website is the home of the community, a place to read articles on the latest trends, listen to the podcast, shop our endorsed products 5

(using affiliate links) and engage with The Well Club. The Well Club is the members area of the site that allows consumers to post reviews, ask questions, leave comments and join the discussion. The Well Approach and The Well Club are equally as important – where some viewers will want to visit the site and only view, it also caters for the consumer that needs help and wants to join a community of likeminded females. In some ways TWA tackles both habits of a range of wellness consumers well – ready with open arms for the co-creators but on hand for advice and light-hearted content for the casual reader. Recognisably, the website needed an existence on mobile, and so the site is optimized for smartphone performance as 25% of our target generation say they spend five or more hours every day on one (IBM, 2017). Not only are they an intelligent individual, from a Generation that yes, consumes lots of product and content, but they are ‘financially savvy’ and take life seriously. Unlike other brands TWA understands the importance of opinions being heard and valued and can relate where our older competitors can’t. We appreciate ‘Gen Z shoppers are young and tied to their devices, but they don’t want to have their hand held’ – our winning unique selling point (Adgen, 2017). Wellness is an essential part of daily life and The Well Approach can make the wellness journey an exciting personal ambition. Bringing taboo subjects into mainstream media and running a safe space to chat to peers, it can flourish and evolve alongside the industry and as The Well Club grows. To continue growing the platform, I will be posting on the blog once a week and on socials daily after hand in. Therefore when marking, please take the date of the posts into consideration as per the deadline; 7th February 2020. 6

Formative Assessment We started the unit completing a formative assessment, pitching ideas to our peers to gain valid feedback and a great platform to start from. I enjoyed putting my pitch together, consisting of my rationale, awareness of the market, segment, consumer and design ideas. Read through my pitch below to discover my initial ideas.

Click Me

From my pitch I discovered all my peers agreed there is a gap in the market waiting to be filled. My USP was that Generation Z and a younger wellness consumer had not been targeted before in this kind of way. With back up evidence from Mintel and competitor analysis, my peers also liked the idea of incorporating colour theory into my design choices an having options to change web colours based on what appealed to the individual. Ideas to push my project were to look at the reasons behind why wellness is becoming so popular and if this linked to an increase in mental health issues in the UK. Others wanted to see how I would build brand trust and I argued this would be by listening to real people, engaging in a community where we share reviews and tackling fads and trends that come into the market, discussing them on a wider scale. I also mentioned a podcast would be part of my platform and so this brings a personal element to the site. 7

Primary Survey: See Appedix A

During my formative presentation I asked for peers to complete a survey surrounding my ideas, here were the results.

The survey shows my idea is clear and I am heading in the right direction, but need to focus on buiding brand trust. 8

Defining Wellness After my formative I was told to try and define what wellness means for my brand. ‘The Global Wellness Institute (no date:online) defines wellness as the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health’ and where some values align this was the process in finding what wellness means to The Well Approach, experimenting with our tone of voice.

1. Here at The Well Approach, we believe wellness means

something different to every one of us. Living well, looking after your mind and body and encouraging the utmost happiness, is what means the most to us. Let us know wellness means to you and let us guide you on the journey to giving life the well approach.

2. Here at The Well Approach, we believe wellness means

something different to us all. Living well, taking the time to care for yourself and encouraging utmost happiness, is what it means to us. Let us know what wellness means to you and join a community of likeminded women.

3. Hi, we’re The Well Approach, around here we believe

wellness means something different to us all. Taking time out for self-care and valuing happiness utmost, is how we live well. Let us know what wellness means to you and join The Well Approach.



$4.5 Trillion Market Traditional & Complementary Medicine $360b

Preventive & Personalized Medicine and Public Health $575b

Wellness Real Estate $134b

Healthy Eating, Nutrition & Weight Loss $702b

Personal Care, Beauty & Anti-Aging $1,083b

Wellness Tourism $639b

Workplace Wellness $48b


Thermal /Mineral Springs $56b

Physical Activity $828b

Spa Economy $119b

The Global Wellness Institute now reports wellness as a 4.5 Trillion pound market (see figure 2), influenced by personal development and mental health issues rising (see figure 3). Note: Numbers do not add due to overlap in segments. Dark colored bubbles are the sectors Note: Numbers not addin-depth, due to overlap in segments. Dark colored for which GWIdo conducts country-level primary research. Light colored bubbles are bubbles are sectors which GWI conducts in-depth, country-from secondary sources. sectors forthe which GWIfor aggregates global estimates only, drawing level primary research. Light colored bubbles are sectors for which GWI Source: Global Wellness Institute, Global Wellness Economy Monitor, October 2018 aggregates global estimates only, drawing from secondary sources.

Source: Global Wellness Institute

A year where being the best version of yourself and taking control is the new cool. Feminine care, sizing and diversity were in the top trends for 2019 (Well and Good, 2019), the market for Personal Care is focused on females. Further backing my proposal to target a young woman.

Figure 3: Mental disorder by sex

In order to scope this ever-growing market, there needs to be a platform in which will manage the growth. I will complete a survey to see where consumers are at, and if they feel an online platform would be beneficial to combat spiraling issues and new developments in the market. Wellness Epidemic


Figure 4: Bee Stinging Therapy

After Gwyneth Paltrow, owner of the wellness platform Goop, endorced bee-stinging therapy, a woman died from the same procedure (see figure 4). It seems the industry is flooded with fads that don’t work, in a world where wellness is hitting 23,600,000 results on Google News (see figure 5).

Figure 5: Wellness Google News Search


Wellness Consumer Wellness is now more than a way to stay healthy and well, in both a holistic way and medicial. Wellness has been seen ‘as a means of self-branding’ and transferred into part of consumers idenity, personality to be percieved as well to others (Grenman et al. 2019). I want to target a new group of wellness consumer where living well is ot just a part of how they live life but a part of who they are. A group of people who ‘view it as a lifestyle, not individual choices’ (AdAge, 2018).



Idea Generation Here are my initial plans for the web design and community profile feature. When begining the design process, I prefer to sketch an outline as a template to go from when web designing. I want to make the website more interactive than others, to be more manageable on mobile or ipad devices. Figure 7: Idea Sketch 1

Here is the login page for members of the online platform, using copy to be colloquial and engage, displaying all relevant info. Figure 8: Idea Sketch 2

When looking into web design I will think back to these outlines and edit accordingly. 13

Consumer Survey

Primary Survey: See Appendix B

As stated previously, I needed to produce a survey to find out what the consumer really thinks. Using Survey Monkey, I collated the results, these are as follows.


And so, I found out that my target audience believe wellness is a growing trend, and as 76% of those consume wellness products, there is a clear market ahead. Even though 35% didn’t think the market is confusing, these people can be the ones to help and guide others through their journey on the platform too. 15

Confused consumer, stuck in a world of too many products, fads and trends and aspiring towards more

Consumer Journey

Directed to our online platform, discovering reviews, products and more.


Find us via promotional channels, see project plan for part B (page 78)

Join the conversation, get Try techniques at home or Enlightened consumer, chatting to other wellness

input ideas into everyday

making online

advocates, share ideas


relationships, tackling living well, together.

and views.

Figure 9: Consumer Journey


Segmentation Looking at the Acorn Report and Experian Female Segment Guide, I can define my main consumer as a Socialising young renter (see Figure 10), this fits with my demographic of Millennials and Generation Z, Type 1 or Type 12 (see figures 11 or 12) in the female classification, I have chosen two segments to look into, as target market is not based upon wealth.This guide can help me establish the VALS for my consumer.

Figure 10: Socialising Young Renters

Type 17 Type 17


UK Average

Socialising young renters

Socialising young renters High

Internet enabled phones New technology purchasers

Median house price Senior managerial/professional Benefits Proportion with high BMI 0

Perhaps half will be buying flats while the remainder are renting flats, privately or sometimes from a social housing provider. A particularly high proportion of flats have been converted from houses, and there will be significantly higher than average level of rented property on the register of Houses in Multiple Occupation. Because of the urban setting the owner occupied flats will cost more than the price of an average house. While having degrees and executive jobs, possibly directorships, their incomes will not generally be a corresponding amount above the average income. Most do not have a car.

Twice as likely as average to own tablet PCs and smartphones, most will also own a laptop. They are more likely to have downloaded free and paid for apps to their phone, which they might use to access financial information, lifestyle, entertainment, maps and travel content.

Group D

Type 12 Annabel: Best Dressed Fashionistas




They are more likely than average to use their phone to locate shops and restaurants, access content with a QR scanner, use GPS, download music, and watch video. Some will regularly vote in celebrity TV competitions using their phone. Their sociability extends to the internet. They will share content, read blogs, and visit online dating sites.

These young singles and sharers are at the early stages of their careers, living active urban social lifestyles in cities and towns.

These people are more likely than most to consider switching financial products. A good number may have taken out a new credit card in the past year. Spending on cards is not typically high but a number will only pay the minimum balance each month. Some will be using the overdraft facility on their current accounts and some will be having difficulties with debt repayments.


“Converted flats… young singles and sharers… early stages of careers… switching financial products… share content, read blogs… out with friends... cinema or a club... living a young social lifestyle...” It is extremely unlikely any of these young people will not have gone online in the past week. They will manage their finances online, plan their travel online, access current affairs and read newspapers and magazines online, and order pizza online. Social networking sites are used to establish business contacts more than to follow celebrities and while some might become a fan of a brand most tend to use social media less than average. Instead, these people will be out with their friends, having a meal, going to the cinema or a club, generally living a young social lifestyle.

Young women with a high spending capacity who dress in the best labels 2.45%


Overview Age 18-25 Often living with parents Wealthy homes High disposable income


Shopping behaviour




Age Spend Spend per item Spend on children


Casual boots Fitted tops Coats Scarves



3/20 6/20 1/20 7/20

5/35 6/35 6/35 7/35


Key demographics Age 18-35 Sharers and cohabitees Urban flats Upmarket areas

2 3

Shopping behaviour Buy for self only Pay full price Pay using debit card Buy to express personality



Kingston upon Thames Tunbridge Wells London West End Bromley



Gap Hennes (H&M) Next Directory Other multiples

“I look for individuality in the clothes I buy.”

Favourite purchases






1 4





Low spend



16 Practical

18 Conservative




Dominic Type C12

Shirts Belts Shoes Dresses

Total Adults

Total Females



4/20 10/20 4/20 11/20

7/35 10/35 18/35 11/35

Top Shopping Centres Kingston upon Thames Guildford Croydon Tunbridge Wells


14 19

Low price


Closest Male

High price

High spend



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fashion Segments

Age Spend Spend per item Spend on children





1 4









Fashion Segments

16 Practical

Simon Type C10


14 19

Low price


High price




18 Conservative



Closest Male

Age 1 = youngest, Spend 1 = highest


High spend

Overview Description Demographics & Expenditure Purchases Typical Shops Attitudes Supporting notes


Favourite shops


Top Shopping Centres

Age 1 = youngest, Spend 1 = highest



Gap John Lewis Independent shops River Island

Total Adults

Total Females



Favourite purchases




Favourite shops “I like classic looks but only if they are updated to reflect current fashion trends.”


Young, urban women with confident style and mid-range spending habits




Group A

Type 1 Ana: Individual Urban Trend

Low spend


Very high spend per purchase Designer labels Focus on quality and style Use sales to buy even more expensive items



Key demographics



Overview Description Demographics & Expenditure Purchases Typical Shops Attitudes Supporting notes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

V In the VALS framework, my consumer is classified as a Believer, this means they value reviews (backed up by my survey on page 14) and are influenced by other consumers and would hence benefit from a community style platform. ‘Believers are more social in nature and hence also believe other consumers. They are characterized by lower resources and are less likely to accept innovation on their own. They are the best class of word of mouth consumers’ (Bhasin, 2017:Online)





Gen Z - Young Millennial University/Renting Female Low income/Student loan British

Will research product before purchase Like brands with personality Social Media Reading



Lives in the UK Near a university town or city Access to shops but buys online

Buys more personal care products Buys garments for particular occasions Buying for personal growth Digital Banking (Beck, 2017)


My Segment

Looking at the wider wellness market for Gen Z/Millennials based on product selection at retailers such as Urban Outfitters, Free People and Oliver Bonas, the sections of product relate to these people in my segment. Sustainablity Focused

Fitness Enthusiast




Value Self-Care



Even so, all of these wellness interests will be noted, valuing self-care utmost will be my main goal. As being sustainable and human flourishing has a clear relationship (O’Brian, 2013) - looking at sustainable fashion (as demanded by woke Gen Z consumers) this will guide the line in which I can discuss fashion in a wellness context (Amed et al. 2019). 19

As a part of a younger group of wellness consumers, my target customer is female, strong minded and interested in living well. Living in the UK where the wellness trend is uprising, she cares for herself in a mindful way, trialing the new trends in wellness with her like-minded friends. A student or graduate, under 30; who values happiness utmost, she needs a platform that can advise, educate and entertain using issues surrounding wellness. Her spending habits are sensible, looking at reviews before buying and uses clever budgeting to fuel her lifestyle whilst saving for the future. Figure 17: Pen Portait


Project Planning VP2A

• Research Journal • Brand Guide • Online Platform

Looking at my research so far, the online platform (website) will be my main output for VP2A. Creating a brand guide to discuss our misson, and how the website works will explain the reasoning and the detail of the site.


• Research Journal • Social Campaign • Magazine

VP2B’s research journal will define which promotional strategies I will create. But the main thoughts at the moment are a bi-annual magazine and a social media campaign to bring The Well Approach more exposure.


Figure 18: Creative Direction Moodboard

Mood board to show the creative direction for my online platform.


Communities MumsNet



Things to take from MumsNet 1. Open Conversation 2. Login Area 3. What’s Trending Now

Liz Earle Wellbeing

A popular community online is MumsNet. Mumsnet offers the public an area to give each other advice and chat about products and mum life. Where this site lacks in creativity and style, it holds a successful following that can talk freely. MumsNet, also have a feminist and political stance that puts them in the limelight and gives them extra credibilty. Mums can talk openly without major constraits, allowing crude, but relatebale stories to be shared (Beckett, 2013).

Such like MumsNet, Liz Earle Wellbeing, a competitor of mine for an older market has a community where people can discuss their ideas in wellbeing. This comes with a set of rules, which even looks unattractive and probably isn’t read. For my own community the rules will be open, playful and displayed creatively. 21


Sustainable Fashion Researchers at LCF have looked into how beauty and fashion helps to increase well-being and happiness. Where we care so much about our appearance, LCF has found that adorning your body can have direct link to positive emotions, therefore individualism, personality and fashion must be a part of The Well Approach (Cifre, 2019). The Global Wellness Summit recognised Well Fashion as a 2019 Global Wellness trend (McGroaty, 2018). Using figure 22 I can create fashion content on the 6 key elements of the cycle. Topics to discuss • How to reuse your clothes • Sustainable • Designers • Transparent • Retailers • Self-Expression • Caring for your clothes • Fitness gear • Cruelty Free Fashion

Figure 22: Fashion's Future





Crystal Elixir Water Bottle

Magnesium Body Butter

Polishing Body Brush




Free People


Aromatherapy Associates




Brain Dust

Sustainable Face Cloth





Moon Juice







Washable Silk Pjamas

Sleep Pillow Mist






Holland & Barratt


Female Wellness Produc

These are a range of products on the market at the moment. From different price points and brands, it is clear the selection is vast and needs some direction. 25


Wellness Brands


Taking a look at wellness brands of the moment, there is a clear gap in the price range. Because of this The Well Approach will discuss product and see whether more attainable, affordable brands are better, see comparison below.





Traffic: + 15.33% Category Rank: 199 Top Social Channel: FB

Traffic: - 6.15% Category Rank: 11 Top Social Channel: FB



Traffic: + 96.17% Category Rank: N/A Top Social Channel: Youtube

Traffic: + 50.13% Category Rank: 1311 Top Social Channel: FB


Holland & Barratt

Traffic: + 47.83% Category Rank: N/A Top Social Channel: FB

Traffic: - 6.82% Category Rank: 93 Top Social Channel: Youtube

Figure 36: Brand Rank Table


Brand Positioning Looking at where my brand would sit in the wellness website market and how it is different from the rest, see research as follows.

Ageing Consumer



Gen Z Figure 37: Brand Positioning Map


Figure 38: Liz Earle Wellbeing

Liz Earle Wellbeing Evaluating wellness sites to see where there product differs from the direction of my own. Both seem more sofisticated and plain, suited to an ageing wellness consumer.

Figure 39: Goop



Figure 40: Blume

Blume These sites are both fit for a younger consumer, where colour and synbols start being used. SELF magazine is for an American consumer and based more on fitness, but living well is certainly in their values.

Figure 41: Self



Figure 42: The Chalk Board

The Chalk Board These two sites are closer to my brand, focusing on wellness and producing articles. However MBG’s content is mainly about supplements that they sell and The Chalk Board seems based in the US, so even now I do not have a exact competitor in the UK.


Figure 43: MBG



Brands such as Liz Earle Wellbeing, Goop and SELF are already valued platforms which are trusted and so have majority of the market. They are backed by big names; Liz Earle, Gwenyth Paltrow and Vogue, so are invested heavily.





Opportunities to curate new platforms or evolve their own could be a possibility in order to target a different price point, however this is unlikely due to stock they already have in the market as brands for older consumers.

They do not target Gen Z and so there is a gap in the market. Not only do they not target this group of people but these platforms would not even appeal to Gen Z due to unattainable price points of products and dull design. Sites such as SELF, Goop and The Chalk Board are for mainly a US consumer.

The market is becoming crowded and so they will all need to fight for some online space when new brands emerge.


The Well Approach

The strengths of my platform, are that it is a community, where others can Even though my platform communicate and advise others on will be well targeted, it their wellness journey. It is targeted at takes a while to earn mainly Generation Z which hasn’t been consumer trust and catered for in this therefore the growth of the market before. platform will be gradual until The Well Approach earns a presence in the market.



O There is opportunities when new trends arise to report first on these and call out the fads in the market. There would be countless opportunites of monterary growth where ads and an online store are concered.


Wellness is a growing trend in 2020 therefore other businesses may arise similar to my own. It is vital The Well Approach becomes the first online platform in which trust and loyalty can increase. 32

There are less political issues impacting my brand. However as global warming, environmental and sustainable practice is taking a forefront, the online platform will obviously address this.


Impacting on spending due to the economic climate may effect affiliate links when discussing and advocating wellness products.




As trends in wellness change, we will have to be ready to report and adapt. When major events or trends take place, the content will need to be ready to go live and someone ready to start the conversation between the club.

Keeping the site running smoothly and improving performance so that viewers have a good experience. Keep updated with the forum to make sure all discussions are safe and no trolls have been posting.


Co-Creation Co-Creation is an important tool for digital marketing in 2020, over 3/4 of people say they trust others opinions most above brands, therefore my plan for an online community is more important than ever (Johnsen, 2017. Lafreniere, 2020. Tuten, 2008). Figure 44: Co-Creation

DAART Not only does Co-Creation sit in the DAART model; Dialogue, Access, Risk/ Benefit/Transparency/Technology, The Well Approach targets all areas. From discussion being the main theme, inclusivity for anyone that wishes to join, benefitting from like minded individuals and being completely open with our views online.

Figure 45: Discussion

The 4 E’s Experiencing new trends, opinions and the ideal of fitting in a communitiy.

Exchanging views with other consumers, The Well Approach provides a platform for people to engage with the brand.





Online, accessible from any desktop, mobile or browser.

Unlike nothing else available.



As the website needs to be able to be profiable, there are a few ways of going about this, but it is key that The Well Approach stays authentic for my target consumer (Laue, 2018).


Figure 46: AD

Whether this is creating AD’s for ourselves or hosting them on our site, including real people and being picky with which brands we would choose is important. To launch the site I think it’s best to have no AD’s and when our ‘Well Club’ endorses a product we will accept AD’s from that brand.

Affiliate Links

Figure 47: Affiliate Links

Figure 48: Magazine

Using affliliate links to sell products we have rated could be an organic way of making money, it’s also the most popular with fashion channels, with wellness in 3rd (Prussakov, 2015). In this way the consumers know what their buying works and can help build their platform and stay afloat.

Merchandise The most authentic use of finance would be to sell merchandise in order to pay for the running of the site. MBG, mentioned previously, now sell their own supplements, financing the brand. This could link to my magazine output in Part B, which would be a creative and experiential way of making money that consumers would want to buy into. 35

Self-Determination Theory

Figure 49: Self-Determination Theory

Using Self-Determination Theory to connect with my consumer that strives for these three key themes in life. Making sure my platform is relatable, helpful in advising life in our environment and an element of self control and motivation stay on track (see figure 49).

Motivation Need Theory


Figure 50: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to target each motivation the consumer needs/strives towards. Thinking out personal development, self esteem, relationships, health and clothing (see figure 50).

Colour Theory In order to create the branding for The Well Approach I wanted to look into colour theory. Using meanings of colours (see figure 51) I can develop logos and web design based on our values. BLUE fits with our intelligent consumer, similar to PINK being feminine and intuitive. However, as different people may need different attitribues it could be wise to let the viewer choose their colours for what they need to feel at any given time (see page 40).


Figure 51: Colour Theory

Branding I needed to experiment with logos first and foremost so my branding would evolve alongside. Here are a few samples using bold and modern type, made using Adobe Spark. 52

These aren’t eye catching enough, although I like the type and layout of figure 54.

I want to take the banner idea forward.





2 with different colourway

Figures 56 and 57 were the inspirations for my own designs.


Development 58




The first is my favourite as it is bold and clear, the acronym could be used also separately. However I like the edition of the blue as it appears to stand out from the monochrome.


Consumer Insight The best idea is to listen to the consumer so using Instagram stories I asked which logo they preferred. As numbers 1 and 3 got the most votes I decided to merge the two.

Figure 62: Consumer Insight

I have used inspiration from banners as well as colour theory and Pantones colour of the year. The logo is bold modern and youthful and will look in line with my platforms creative direction - which is a different approach to other competitors.

Figure 63: The Well Approach Logo



What the Consumer Nee


Purple 65


For those who need confidence, passion and energy.

For those who need to connect spiritually and find purpose.





For those channeling love and determination.

For those who need balance and restorative power.



Design Inspiration 69

Using inspiration from Urban Outfitters concept store in Brooklyn and the use of graphic design to promote events, I created my own style with the youthful sketch-like aesthetic - that clearly works with their target market having 14k followers (see figure).




I really like my logo in a sketch format, it looks less bold and has more personality. 73

I think my acronym stands out also, and works particularly well in this style font. In my web design creation I will experiment with illustration further.



Logo Changes After doubts on my logo I decided to trial another, using more sketch type techniques and a more modern, clean, minimal design - hoping to be more calming and less bold to the eye.




Changing the name of the platform into The Well Club, to focus on my community platform as a collective and more youthful wording than approach. As Gen Z values sincerity and authenticity, a club seems like an authentic group of people all collected for the same reason (Burke, 2019, Cambridge Dictionary, no date).

Digital THE






Changing spacing of font above.









Figure 78: The Well Club Development

Using the same idea of colour changes in relation to colour theory, that the consumer can choose themselves when the website is growing financially.




Figure 79: Final Logos

After deciding to trial 2 logos and since deliberation with my tutor, I have decided ‘The Well Club’ is the community that sits on ‘The Well Approach’ site. This way an audience can view the site and those who co-create the site are then members of the club. In this way I can create the community section a really tight-knit group in a passionate collective.


Content & Copy Writing The Well Approach needs copy that is punchy and relateable to Generation Z. The content needs be educational but still entertaining (Austin, no date). Whereas the copy should be snappy and make the reader want to learn more.

Well Hello

Follow my Insta

Hey Girl

Glow Up


It’s Lit

Wanna Feature? Fancy seeing you here




Gal Join the Club Yasss

Spill the Tea

Slide in our DM’s

We can’t even

Rate Me

WGSN (Kilikita, 2019:online) notes, to make the topic more approachable and convenient ‘use a friendly tone of voice and a clear, intutituve user experience’. 44

Web Design

This mockup for the Glossier site appeals to me and also my target audience. Fun, youthful imagery and text that 'keeps content accessible and relevant' has clearly been thought through (Willard, 2010:92). 82

Figure 80: Glossier Web Design 81

The text overlay style is effective especially with a mobile app design. Making the layout clear for mobile is needed to keep it user friendly.

Making the web design accessible on more than one device is key to creating a multi-channel platform for a technology savvy consumer as 91% of Gen Z own a smartphone (Mintel, 2019). Making an app or the website mobile friendly would be an idea. 45

Figure 83: Design Inspiration 1

I like the way they include a short bio of text on the main banner to describe the site to the viewer on entry. Including a call to action immedietly below works with the design and allows viewers to sign up to the newsletter easily.

I love this design as it has clear split elements of the site and a colour scheme that works alongside each other and is seen in the photography also. Figure 84: Design Inspiration 2



Figure 85: Digital Activities

Kilikita (2019:online) states ‘Apps help users to manage their mental health in a convienent and approachable way’ making small tasks easier to fit into their everyday life. Making it personal, allows the community to gain support where needed, see figure 86 where Tangerine app allows small goals to be set and mood tracking. Figure 86: Fitness App

With this research considered, the website needs to be well equipped for use on mobile or have an app prescence as it is cruicial the 70% of Gen Z that use social media apps, would need The Well Approach available on mobile (see figure 85). 47

Photography & Illustration Styles 87

Chilled, unforced photography with an everyday charm. Not trying too hard, or to be something it’s not.



89 92

Forced, glamourised wellness photography, too commercial and selling a fake lifestyle. 91



Inclusive body images, simple product illustrations that are easily readable and a calm neutral palette.

94 96


Less focus on an ideal image or the need for fitness. No un-natural beauty images. 49



98: Podcast Stats

As over third of my target audience listen to podcasts weekly or more (see figure 98), it seems crucial The Well Approach addresses this, as podcast popularity will only increase.

As 73% are happy with podcasts promoting products, it makes it easier to chat about wellness products and reviews (see figure 99).

99: Podcast Stats 2

There are many wellness podcasts on the market, mostly made up with people already in the industry or celebrities like Fearne Cotton or Frankie Bridge (see figures 100, 101). The Goop Podcast seems the most all-round wellness related but as Gen Z isn’t their target consumer, there is a gap for The Well Approach. 100






WGSN 2020 Trends Looking at 2020 trends to help inform my content, podcasts and calendar.


Figure 105: Intimacy

As technology advances and we spend more time on our phones, the ability to connect with each other gets harder. Intimacy and advice will only increase as we learn to adapt (Varga, 2020).


Powering Down

Figure 107: Powering Down

Taking the stress away and switching off becomes a big part of our daily life. Powering down offers the relaxation to improve overall wellness (Varga, 2020).


Figure 106: Niksen

Niksen is the Danish art, allowing you to do absolutely nothing. This provides recharge and less pressure, giving the mind, body and soul a break (Varga, 2020).

Figure 109: Supplements

Figure 108: Home Fitness

Moving fitness indoors and taking control of wellbeing at home becomes popular. With new technology from Nintendo that allows you to workout at home (Kilikita, 2019).

Wellbeing in the Home

Taking supplements is not new, but with more being brought out the market is dense. Trialing these and letting consumers know what actually makes a difference could be an opportunity.

Wellness Bath Supplements The Wellness Bath was a trend for 2019, with research showing bathing twice a week could help those with depression as much as exercise. Make this a wellness ritual by using fragrance to create an aromatherapy experience (Kilikita, 2019). Figure 110: Wellness Bath

The WGSN Wellness reports aren’t starting til March the above are the latest trends.

Figure 111: Wellness Calendar


Professional Development I chose to focus on wellness for this project as I am fully interested and immersed in the wellness world. Looking deeper into wellness, I now know this is a huge industry and one that I would love to work in. I could try and pursue The Well Approach alongside a role, or just let it help me gain access into the industry as I have a subject specialism. 112


Example of brands I could apply for.


Critical Path Update

Figure 114: Critical Path Update

I have used my critical path to stay on track and make sure all actions are completed before others can start. I gave myself enough time for extensive research, so now is time to focus on creating my deliverables.


s Producing my Deliverable


Content Planning Ideas for articles for The Well Approach.

Figure 115: Content Planning

Most of the articles will be made when new trends arise, therefore these are only suggestions based on key dates and trends predicted. 56

Key Dates 2020 January 1st - New Years Day 20th - Blue Monday Dry January

February 1-8th - Storytelling Week 4th - World Cancer Day 14th- Valentines Day 15th - Singles Awareness Day 22nd - World Thinking Day 25th - Strove Tuesday

April 7th - World Health Day 22nd - Earth Day


March 8th - International Womens Day 20th - International Day of Happiness 22nd - Mothers Day


13th - World Cocktail 13th - Global Day Wellness Day 22nd - World Wellbeing Week 24th - Glastonbury 30th - Social Media Day Pride Month

Figure 116: Key Dates Calendar



Testimonials could work well to encourage others to join The Well Club. 118

I want my community to have a forum and be able to discuss trends openly.


Using colour cleverly to still create a minimal design but add character. 121

I like the idea of a journal to house the articles on my site as it seems more personal and authentic.



The Website 122

Making sure the content writing is on brand, relateable to Gen Z and the colours fit in with the logo and using fonts similar. 123

Using the homepage to chat about who we are and what you can find on our platform - including a recent article feed. 124


Section bios with links on website to direct viewers to correct page. 59


Creating the forum base on my website first, allowing members to interact.

Easy to access log in /sign


up drop down menu to log into the site and become a member of The Well Club.


Creating the main page for the forum, sticking with our brand colours, and introducing a conversation. Plain minimal background keeping it a clean headspace for our stressed consumer. 60

Figure 129: Instagram Feed

Adding an instagram feed to send customers to our socials - so important for Generation Z viewers.

Figure 130: Podcast Development

Creating pages on the site for our content, starting with our ‘Listen’ page - the home of our podcast, using on brand illustrations to give it personality. Including a search bar so viewers can navigate the site easily and search for individual issues.

Figure 131: Search Bar



The forum is capable of creating posts for both questions and discussions, catering for all areas of advice. Figure 132: Create New Post

Making a feed instead of just an Instagram feed, to include up to date posts and tweets. Update: This did not end up refreshing, so I reverted back to the IG feed.

Figure 134: Testimonials

Adding testimonials from members of the website to provide more authenticity and trust (Gen Z needs) with future members of the well club. 62

Adding fun copy to the footer - colloquial for my consumer.


Adding an email link on the blog so readers can contact us if they would like to write their own article and feature on The Well Approach. Fun text instead of standard ‘Log Off’ 137


Editing the forum to add a reviews page so the member can stay on the same page easy navigation.



Changing the homepage so it is has a more collage/DIY aesthetic, including some of our Instagram posts and a call to action. 63

Figure 140: Shop Development

Adding recommended products to the shop online with direct links to the website. When business picks up these will be affiliate links and the shop will grow when more reviews are made my the club.

Putting star illustrations over images to add personality and a star review connotation.




Changing the header font to italic to mirror the blue logo font.

Changing the homepage strip font to be similar to The Well Club logo - making it more bold and less lost on the main page. 64


Planning blog posts so each section of the blog i.e. fashion, beauty, life etc. has a post in it. The blog posts will be short and easily consumable for our consumer as our readers won't have a long attention span, which is between 8 and 12 seconds (Patel, 2017). 145


Blog posts on our key topics listed below. With imagery taken from the brands sites using a specific aesthetic and written in brand voice.



Editing the ‘Join the club’ page to include short copy and illustrations. Using call to action buttons to direct viewers to sign up or log into the site. Figure 148: Join the club

Figure 149: Podcast Screenshot

Creating the first pilot podcast episode to let our listeners know what to expect and who we are. Using iMovie to add a backing track and to control volume level.

Figure 150: Podcast Creation


Mobile Site As my consumer spends lots of time on mobile devices and apps, it was clear a mobile version of the site had to be made to optimise usage from the target audience. 152






Members Area

Podcast Page


Home Page




Instagram Creating an Instagram page was vital as I needed some prescence on social media, so the feed can go live on the website.


Educating followers on new products, brands or tips to stay well but in a colloquial way and in brand voice. 160

Having a colourful theme but still trying to stick to brand colours, using highlights to save stories. 159




Figure 161: Connection Instagram

Example Instagram Post


Using new product launches to link with trends to educate and inform followers, eg. one on a new wellness product, linking to the WGSN trend of intimacy for the next decade (see page 51). Using polls as a method to engage followers with our content linking stories to our posts.

Looking closer at the branding for the highlights, based on the same styles of the logo and website. 69


Twitter Similar to Instagram, the community needed a prescense on the key social channels, Twitter included. Posting relevant updates and retweets from brands in the industry, we act as a daily news page highlighting key topics. Figure 166: Twitter Profile

The same graphics as the Instagram Highlights. Clear Logo. Our slogan included, as well as a direct link to the site, whether this be on desktop or mobile. Figure 167: Retweets


Example retweets from our live Twitter account, focusing on the same topics as all of our channels. Not forgetting to add a bit of humour in for colloquial and relateable language. 70

Multi-Channel Platform See below an example of a content on all our platforms. The Book Club was an idea I had for a blog post but using social media to get the word out there and the shop to buy the book, this simple blog post becomes a 'The Well Club' community event. 169


Book Club Blog

Book in the shop online


Book Club Twitter Post

Book Club Instagram

Once readers have engaged and February is up, TWA can post a review in the forum for others to comment on what they thought and the announce March's book. 71 172

Brand Guide The making of the brand guide, bringing all my ideas and final website together. Making the branding, colours and font alligned with logo. FONT: Antonio Bold & Kollektif

COLOURS: Blue #1647fb Pink #fae3eb

Figure 173: Brand Guide Cover


Making the reader clear who we are and what The Well Approach consists of.

Adapting our pen portrait to landscape and editing the consumer journey so it is circular and the consumer stays involved.




Including brand positioning to see where we fit in the market and discuss our USP.


Links to our multi-channel platform.



Specific social channel pages to house Instagram and Twitter. Including graphics from both sites and copy alike that on the website.


All links lead to the correct sites to optimise navigation and ease of direction. 73


QR code to be directed to all sites including social channels.

A graph included to show the future of TWA and what it could grow into.


Including a video on the brand guide for the testing presentation to show the navigation to the viewer.


Finishing the brand book with a content calendar, displaying all the topics that could be covered in the next six months. 184


Final Deliverables Images are clickable links


Brand Guide








Audience Testing I asked 3 females in my target consumer group to create an account on the site and navigate through the content and socials to gather final feedback.


'The Well Approach website is great to ask questions to others regarding product before buying myself. However I do prefer the shorter content on Instagram, therefore I will keep up to date daily with the brand on socials.' Consumer 1, Aged 23


'I really like how you can follow other people and see what they're liking on the page and their reviews. Visuals are really on-trend and fun and feels like a really organised community and brand that I will trust and appreciate the opinions of.'

Consumer 2, Aged 21

'Joining The Well Approach was a quick and effortless process which only required a few details - the website is easy to navigate around the forum to the shop with a simple and clean layout. Articles are concise and give genuine advice and opinions on topics which are relevant to me'


Consumer 3, Aged 22 76

Learning Objectives Feedback & Reflection During peer to peer feedback support I created a powerpoint to run through my concept and how I met the objectives (see below). Looking at both objectives I feel I have taken both into account and created a professional platform that is shown across multiple channels.

Click Me

Looking back at my reflection powerpoint the feedback I recieved was helpful in solidifying my idea and recieving postitve notes from our discussion. Peers were fond on the co-creation element of the site and acknowledged it was important for a Gen Z consumer, as well as praising the content and design. Creating short-snappy content was important for my target customer as their attention span is not the best (see page 65). An area that was questioned was the logo and if it fit with the wellness journey. I had to argue my reasons these are as follows. 1. The logo needs to be bold and modern for a younger consumer 2. It was voted for by this generation (see page 39) 3. The colours were developed through colour theory (see page 37) 4. I wanted it to be different to other wellness sites which don't work for our target consumer 5. The branding on the site links with the logo, so the design is coherent multi-channel 77

Project Plan

Portfolio B will promote my online platforms for The Well Approach, targeting my consumer in a different way – focusing on nostalgia and influencer marketing. The mission of Portfolio B is to expand the TWA community, firstly using print. As even though print has been in decline, the connotations that come with a publication; quality, reliability, and the means ‘to disconnect from digital noise’ are key values of our young consumer segment (Samir, 2019:online). Additionally, where Generation Z shifts trust from celebrities to influencers, 46% following 10 or more – this marketing technique is powerful for engagement, but also connecting them to relatable peers to act as role models, increasing brand loyalty. (Marketing Weekly News, 2018).


My target audience as a younger wellness consumer fits into the Gen Z category, a generation that ‘buy into nostalgia marketing’ (Mathew, 2020:online, Pankowski, 2019). An idea of a physical copy of a magazine whether that be in traditional form or newspaper style would appeal to this group of people. Then, merging online with off, an Instagram campaign surrounding this magazine will persuade people to connect with TWA, hence promoting the community in itself. Choosing Instagram as the best output due to these key factors; this demographic driving wellness trends (Rider 2019), the wellness economy growing on social media driven by visuals (Chan, 2019) and Instagram being a popular network of choice for influencers and Gen Z (Mintel, 2019, Bailis, no date). 78

WHAT The key deliverable of this promotional campaign will be the magazine, which may take on the form of a newspaper to increase nostalgia points. The content will be similar to the website, tackling reviews, new products, trends in wellness and community conversation but with added summary, photography and visuals. Alongside a PR Package including the magazine to send to key influencers on Instagram that engage with wellness topics, and brands which may be of interest. Executing all these elements with a final social campaign running on the TWA Instagram, showcasing the magazine and the online platform and incorporating animated gifs. These will be used on our profile and as ad’s to reach a wider audience of wellness consumers. Emails could also be used to update members on a weekly basis, catching them up with any content missed.


The magazine will have its own page on the website where members can subscribe or buy a copy. It could also sit in stores that we have aligned values with or have reviewed and rated their products. There is no wellness publication based on my topics and with an aesthetic that would entice my consumer, so my print could sit alongside other independent publications in specialist bookshops across the country, Magma for example. As the campaign is online this will sit on our Instagram profile, and consequently on our feed on the site. Similarly, UK based influencers will be sent PR packages that are coherent with our values and those which have an engaged following and a community of their own. 79

WHEN As hand in is May 2020, the magazine will be based around summer 2020 content, taking on a fresh and realistic, bright aesthetic. WGSN and Mintel will be used to predict trends for this time so content can be up to date and inspired by these predictions. PR Packages will be sent out prior to magazine launch to give the content creators time to read and involve themselves with TWA. It will include a press release stating the date of magazine launch so they can inform friends and followers interested in purchase and other branded content including products from brands we have relationships with.

WHY A magazine feels like the most authentic way to create a summary of the wellness industry, whether that be every month or quarterly. Tapping into the nostalgic trend and DIY culture as mentioned previously, allowing the brand to feel more physical and real using the magazine including stickers and/or pull-out posters. The PR campaign for influencers and brands, branches TWA into the industry and influencer world. Establishing mindful connections to open opportunities of partnerships in the future and to be clever with their following, allowing them to bring in more likeminded members to the community. An accompanying campaign on Instagram will promote the magazine and hopefully direct people to our profile and consequently the website, increasing engagement and credibility. 80

HOW Using money earned through affiliate links on the current website shop, the magazine and PR packages would be realised through this money stream. Where the magazine can be made into a subscription service, with its own page on the site, members of the club can sign up or buy a singular copy which would pay for itself. An incentive of your first publication free could run through Instagram/email marketing to persuade customers to sign up to the subscription service could be a clever way of gaining custom. A digital presence is vital in this day and age and for our customer, so a sponsored post is needed to boost viewers of our content and profile. The money spent on Instagram ad’s would hopefully be worth the amount of coverage and followers gained by this process and is an investment into the future of the brand. Facebook (2020) makes it easy to stay on budget either for a day or the lifetime of the ad, so it would be strategic and manageable.

MEDIA Looking at the owned, earned and paid media from this promotional campaign, we will own the magazine, emails and content posted on our Instagram profile. Influencer marketing is our area of paid media which will translate into earned media with new followers and engagement on our content and with our brand. To conclude my project plan, I am excited to keep pursing TWA and stretch my ideas to the limits. On completiton of Portfolio B, I hope to continue with this brand and keep posting on the online platforms to make my vision a reality. 81

Critical Path Up to date critical path showing skills of time management and organisation. Portfolio B has been planned, see excel spreadsheet linked below.

Click Me


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38.Hopkins, K. (2020) Liz Earle Wellbeing. -Image from: Liz Earle Wellbeing. (2020) Homepage. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] 39.Hopkins, K. (2020) Goop. -Image from: Goop. (2020) Homepage. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] www.goop. com 40.Hopkins, K. (2020) Blume. -Image from: Blume. (2020) Homepage. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] www.blume. com 41.Hopkins, K. (2020) Self. -Image from: Self. (2020) Homepage. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] 42.Hopkins, K. (2020) The Chalk Board. -Image from: The Chalk Board. (2020) Homepage. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020]


43.Hopkins, K. (2020) MBG. -Image from: MBG. (2020) Homepage. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] 44.Vaquero, B. (2019) Co-Creation. Behance. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] https:// 45.Gerner, J. (2012) Discussion. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] 46.Gucci Beauty. (2019) AD. Marie Claire. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] https://www. 47.Pinterest. (2020) Affiliate Links. [Online] [Accessed on 6th February 2020][]=affiliate%7Ctyped&term_ meta[]=links%7Ctyped 48.In the Pool. (2015) Magazine. Behance. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] https:// 49.Positive Psychology. (2019) Self Determination Theory. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] 50.Plateresca. (no date) Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Thoughtco. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] 51.Meldere, G. (2017) Colour Theory. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] 52-57. Hopkins, K. (2020) Logo Ideas. -Made using: Adobe Spark. (2020) Logo Maker. [Online] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] https:// 58-61. Hopkins, K. (2020) Logo Development. 62. Hopkins, K. (2020) Consumer Insight. -Completed using. Kateh_. (2020) Logo Development. Instagram. [Online] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] 63. Hopkins, K. (2020) The Well Approach Logo. 64-67. Hopkins, K. (2020) Consumer Needs Logo Changes. 68-72. Space Ninety 8. (2020) Instagram Profile. Instagram. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020]


73. Hopkins, K. (2020) Logo Sketch. 74. Hopkins, K. (2020) Acronym Sketch. 75. Antheia. (2019) Lily House Co. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] 76. Pinterest. (no date) Just as she is. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] https://www. 77. Saffron Avenue. (no date) Volume One. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] https:// 78. Hopkins, K. (2020) The Well Club Development. 79. Hopkins, K. (2020) Final Logos. 80. Gauge. (2019) Glossier Website Design Concept. Dribble. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] 81. Rose, M. (2018) Sign up. Dribble. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] https://dribbble. com/shots/4946090-Sign-Up 82. Studio Standard. (no date) Auburn 24 Brand Sheets. Creative Market. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] 83. The Blog Stop. (no date) Design Inspiration 1. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] 84. Cold Pressed Juice. (2016) Design Inspiration 2. Behance. [Online Image] [Accessed 6th February 2020] 85. Mintel. (2019) Technology Habits of Generation Z – UK – September 2019. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] 86. Kilikita, H. (2019) Convenient Wellness. WGSN. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February] https:// 87. Dakota & Co. (no date) Brand Photography. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] 88. Pinterest. (no date) Face mask and Lemon Water. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020]


89. Narbrook, E. (no date) Yoga. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] jos-smith-yoga-photoshoot-in-london-home-studio/ 90. Creative Maxx Ideas. (no date) Yoga Photography. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] 91. Kaylchip. (2018) Petal Bath. Instagram. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] https:// 92. Choosing Chia. (no date) Blog. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] 93. Tapage. (2019) Girls. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] https://www.tapage-mag. com/gaming/les-fonds-decran-de-celeste-wallaert 94. Holly Illustrates. (2018) Herbivore Botanicals. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] 95. NicolaJaneCreative. (no date) News Print. Etsy. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] 96. Kumtong, M. (2017) Self-Care. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] why-self-care-is-a-political-tool/? 97. Kit8net. (no date) Running girls’ illustration. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] 98-99. Y Pulse. (2019) Podcast Stats. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www. 100. Apple Podcasts. (2020) Open Mind. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] 101. Apple Podcasts. (2020) Happy Place. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] 102. Apple Podcasts. (2020) Deliciously Ella. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] https:// 103. Apple Podcasts. (2020) The Health Code. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] https:// 104. Apple Podcasts. (2020) Goop. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] https://podcasts.


105-107. Varga, C. (2020) 20 Trends for the 2020s. WGSN. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] 108-110. Kilikita, H. (2019) Convenient Wellness. WGSN. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February] 111. Wgsn. (2020) Report Calendar. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] 112. See Figure 33 113. Space NK. (2020) Logo. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] 114. Hopkins, K. (2020) Critical Path Update. 115. Hopkins, K. (2020) Content Planning. 116. Hopkins, K. (2020) Key Dates Calendar. 117-121. Wix. (2020) Wix Website Creator. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] www.wix. com 122-128. Hopkins, K. (2020) Website Creation. 129. Hopkins, K. (2020) Instagram Feed. -Images from The Well Approach. (2020) Profile. Instagram. [Online] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] www.instagram/thewellapproach 130. Hopkins, K. (2020) Podcast Development. 131. Hopkins, K. (2020) Search Bar. 132. Hopkins, K. (2020) Create new post. 133. Hopkins, K. (2020) Feed updates. 134. Hopkins, K. (2020) Testimonials Screenshot. (see website figures for images included) 135-139. Hopkins, K. (2020) Website Development. 140. Hopkins, K. (2020) Shop Development. (see website figures for images included) 141-147. Hopkins, K. (2020) Website Creation. 148. Hopkins, K. (2020) Join the club. (see website figures for images included) 149. Hopkins, K. (2020) Podcast Screenshot.


150. Hopkins, K. (2020) Podcast Creation. 151-156. Hopkins, K. (2020) Mobile Site Creation. 157-160. Hopkins, K. (2020) Instagram Creation. 161. The Well Approach. (2020) No Connection. Instagram. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] 162-164. The Well Approach. (2020) Stories. Instagram. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] 165. Hopkins, K. (2020) Highlight branding. 166. The Well Approach. (2020) Twitter Profile. Twitter. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] 167-168. The Well Approach. (2020) Retweets. Twitter. [Online Image] [Accessed on 6th February 2020] 169-172. Hopkins, K. (2020) Book Club. (see website figures for images included) 173. Hopkins, K. (2020) Brand Guide Cover. 174-184. Hopkins, K. (2020) Brand Guide Creation. 185-188. Hopkins, K. (2020) Final Deliverables. (see website and brand guide figures for images included)


Formative Assessment References Apparel Online. (2018) World Wrap: A growing need for wellness is evolving fashion globally. How big is the market? Apparel Online. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] doc/A565496819/ITOF?u=mmucal5&sid=ITOF&xid=e7df6ee8. AdAge. (2018) Gen Z: A Generation Redefining Health and Wellness. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Mintel. (2018) Global Consumer Trends. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www.mintel. com/press-centre/social-and-lifestyle/mintel-announces-six-new-trends-shaping-the-global-consumerlandscape

Figures AdAge. (2018) Gen Z: A Generation Redefining Health and Wellness. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Blume. (no date) Holding Hands. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www.blume. com/ Burrill, A. (2018) Poster. The Guardian. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www. Deliciously Ella. (no date) About. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Gauge. (2019) Glossier Website Design Concept. Dribble. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] medium=Social_Share Glossier. (no date) Collage. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Glow Bar. (2019) Screenshot. Instagram. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www. Happy Go Lucky. (no date) No time for bullshit club. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020]


KÜvecses, A. (2017) Illustrations. It’s Nice That. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https:// Llanos, C. (2019) Women supporting Women. Instagram. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Meldere, G. (2017) Colour Meaning. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Pantone. (2020) Colour of the year. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Pinterest (no date) Hand Movements. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www. Pinterest. (no date) Small Student Room. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www. Re:Centre. (2019) Yoga. Instagram. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Roussard, A. (2015) Diptyque Pop-up Store. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https:// The Covet Co. (2019) Skincare Bag. Instagram. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] The Recovery Village. (2019) 8 Dimensions of Wellness. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020]


Learning Objectives Feedback Figures Hopkins, K. (2020) QR Code. Created using QR Code Generator. (2020) QR Code Maker. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Hopkins, K. (2020) Blog Post Screenshot. Hopkins, K. (2020) Brand Guide. Hopkins, K. (2020) Brand Positioning Map. Hopkins, K. (2020) Consumer Survey Screenshot. Hopkins, K. (2020) Instagram Highlights Screenshot. Instagram. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Hopkins, K. (2020) Instagram Phone Mockup. Hopkins, K. (2020) Instagram Post Screenshot. Instagram. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Hopkins, K. (2020) Members Screenshot. Hopkins, K. (2020) Mobile Site Mockup. Hopkins, K. (2020) Product Price Screenshot. Hopkins, K. (2020) Professional Development Screenshot. Hopkins, K. (2020) The Well Approach Logo. Hopkins, K. (2020) Tweets Mockup. Hopkins, K. (2020) Twitter Phone Mockup. Hopkins, K. (2020) Website Copy. Hopkins, K. (2020) Website Homepage. Y Pulse. (2019) Podcast Stats. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020]


Deliverables Website References Amazon. (2020) Sarah Wilson First we make the beast beautiful. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Asos. (2020) Quai Chill Pills. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] ouai/ouai-chill-pills-bath-bomb-pot/prd/14682252?clr=&colourWayId=16636017&SearchQuery=&cid=14312 Beauty Bay. (2020) Satin Sleep Set. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www.beautybay. com/p/kitsch/satin-sleep-set/blush/ Beauty Bay. (2020) Kitsch Satin Pillowcase. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Callaly. (2020) Callaly. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Cult Beauty. (2020) Moon Juice Dream Dust. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www. Cult Beauty. (2020) Therapie Himalayan Detox Salts. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https:// Gymshark. (2020) Studio Leggings. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://uk.gymshark. com/collections/bottoms/products/gymshark-studio-leggings-berry-red Holland & Barrett. (2020) Valerian. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Holland and Barrett. (2020) Toothpaste. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Loccitane. (2020) Relaxing Pillow Mist. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://uk.loccitane. com/relaxing-pillow-mist,83,1,96540,1417448.htm Lush. (2020) Lush. {Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Mooncup. (2020) Mooncup. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Muji. (2020) Diffuser Oils. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] asp?Sec=20&Sub=13


Net a Porter. (2020) Aromatherapy Associates Brush. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https:// mmc=LinkshareUK-_-25ZRSXYPVYg-_-Custom-_-LinkBuilder&siteID=25ZRSXYPVYg-eyEMNurQGMAADGAacNEaqg&Who+What+Wear=Who+What+Wear&dclid=COOKv4jl5-YCFbAS0wodxOACJA Ohne. (2020) Ohne. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Oliver Bonas. (2020) Clean Sleeping. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www. Oliver Bonas. (2020) Self-care for the real world. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www. Oliver Bonas. (2020) Vagina: A Re-Education. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www. Space NK. (2020) Aesop Post-Poo Drops. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www. html Tala. (2020) Tala. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Thinx. (2020) Thinx. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] This Works. (2020) Deep Sleep Pillow Spray. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www. Weekday. (2020) Tom Zip Hoodie. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] & Other Stories. (2020) V-10 Extra White Black. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www.

Figures Homepage: Hopkins, K. (2019) Katie Testimonial. Hopkins, K. (2020) Instagram Feed. Instagram. [Online Images] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Hopkins, K. (2020) Get to know me picture.


Hopkins, K. (2020) The Well Club Logo. Hopkins, K. (2020) TWA Logo. Jordan, S. (2019) Sinead Testimonial. Instagram. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Makeup Fridge. (2020) Open Fridge. Instagram. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Motley, O. (2019) Liv Testimonial. Instagram. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https:// Pinterest. (2020) Face mask and dog. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www. The Tonik. (2020) Supplements. Instagram. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https:// Wix. (2020) Yoga Image. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020]

Read: Asos. (2020) Quai Chill Pills. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Beauty Bay. (2020) Satin Sleep Set. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Beauty Bay. (2020) Kitsch Satin Pillowcase. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https:// Callaly. (2020) Callaly Tampliner. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] gb/home Cult Beauty. (2020) Moon Juice Dream Dust. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https:// Cult Beauty. (2020) Therapie Himalayan Detox Salts. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Holland & Barrett. (2020) Valerian. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020]


Hopkins, K. (2020) Book Club Gif. -Image used Amazon. (2020) Sarah Wilson First we make the beast beautiful. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] B0749C47GM Loccitane. (2020) Relaxing Pillow Mist. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020],83,1,96540,1417448.htm Lush. (2020) Catastrophic Cosmetic. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://uk.lush. com/product/face-masks/catastrophe-cosmetic Lush. (2020) Celestial. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] all-vegan-cosmetics/celestial Lush. (2020) Peachy. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] bath-bombs/peachy Lush. (2020) Sleepy Body Lotion. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] products/lavender/sleepy Lush. (2020) Ultrabland. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] cleansers/ultrabland Mooncup. (2020) Mooncup. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www.mooncup. Ohne. (2020) Ohne Organic Tampons. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://ohne. co/ Oliver Bonas. (2020) Clean Sleeping. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www. Oliver Bonas. (2020) Vagina: A Re-Education. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https:// Paradox. (2020) How to Improve your sleep. Pinterest. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Space NK. (2020) Aesop Post-Poo Drops. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www. html Tala. (2020) Core Colours. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Thinx. (2020) Thinx Pants. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020]


Shop: Amazon. (2020) Sarah Wilson First we make the beast beautiful. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Cult Beauty. (2020) Therapie Himalayan Detox Salts. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Gymshark. (2020) Studio Leggings. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Holland and Barrett. (2020) Toothpaste. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www. Lush. (2020) Sleepy Body Lotion. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] products/lavender/sleepy Mooncup. (2020) Mooncup. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www.mooncup. Muji. (2020) Diffuser Oils. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] online.asp?Sec=20&Sub=13 Net a Porter. (2020) Aromatherapy Associates Brush. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Ohne. (2020) Ohne Organic Tampons. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://ohne. co/ Oliver Bonas. (2020) Self-care for the real world. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] This Works. (2020) Deep Sleep Pillow Spray. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https:// Weekday. (2020) Tom Zip Hoodie. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] & Other Stories. (2020) V-10 Extra White Black. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020]


Forum: Lush. (2020) Sleepy Body Lotion. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] products/lavender/sleepy

Members: Hopkins, K. (2020) Katie Profile Picture. Hopkins, K. (2020) The Well Approach Logo MMU Fashion Promotion. (2020) Fashion Promotion Logo. Issuu. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] All other profile pictures are members own.

The Well Club: Hopkins, K. (2020) Help Illustration. Hopkins, K. (2020) Book Illustration. Hopkins, K. (2020) Heart Illustration. Wix. (2020) Best Value Illustration. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www.wix. com/

Listen: Wix. (2020) Meditating Illustration. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www.wix. com/


Brand Guide References AdAge. (2018) Gen Z: A Generation Redefining Health and Wellness. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020]

Figures Hopkins, K. (2020) Brand Positioning Map. Made up using these images: -Goop. (2020) Logo. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] -Hopkins, K. (2020) The Well Approach Logo -Liz Earle Wellbeing. (2020) Logo. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] -MBG. (2020) Logo. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] -Self. (2020) Logo. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] -The Chalk Board. (2020) Logo. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020]

Hopkins, K. (2020) Consumer Journey. Hopkins, K. (2020) Content Calendar. Hopkins, K. (2020) Forum. Hopkins, K. (2020) Forum Mobile Mockup. Hopkins, K. (2020) Future of TWA Graph. Hopkins, K. (2020) Homepage Mobile Mockup. Hopkins, K. (2020) Instagram Feed Mobile Mockup. Hopkins, K. (2020) Instagram Phone Mockup. Image in mockup: Instagram. (2020) The Well Approach Profile. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020]


Hopkins, K. (2020) Instagram Post Mockup. -Image in mockup: Instagram. (2020) SuperGoop Repost. The Well Approach [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February] Hopkins, K. (2020) Instagram Post Mockup 2. -Image in mockup: Instagram. (2020) Tonik Supplements. The Well Approach [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February] Hopkins, K. (2020) Instagram Story Mockup. -Image in mockup: Instagram. (2020) Beauty Bay Story Repost. The Well Approach. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020]

Hopkins, K. (2020) Our Gal Pen Portrait. Made up using these images: -Blume. (no date) Holding Hands. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www.blume. com/ -Burrill, A. (2018) Poster. The Guardian. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www. -Glow Bar. (2019) Screenshot. Instagram. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https://www. -Happy Go Lucky. (no date) No time for bullshit club. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] -KÜvecses, A. (2017) Illustrations. It’s Nice That. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] -Pinterest. (no date) Small Student Room. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] https:// -Re:Centre. (2019) Yoga. Instagram. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020]

Hopkins, K. (2020) Podcast Mobile Mockup. Hopkins, K. (2020) QR Code. -Created using QR Code Generator. (2020) QR Code Maker. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Hopkins, K. (2020) Questions.


Hopkins, K. (2020) Shop Mobile Mockup. Hopkins, K. (2020) Testimonial Mobile Mockup. Hopkins, K. (2020) The Well Approach Logo. Hopkins, K. (2020) The Well Club Logo. Hopkins, K. (2020) TWA Homepage. Hopkins, K. (2020) Twitter Mobile Mockup. -Image in mockup: Twitter. (2020) The Well Approach Profile. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February] Hopkins, K. (2020) Twitter Mobile Mockup2. -Image in mockup: Twitter. (2020) The Well Approach Profile. [Online] [Accessed on 5th February] Hopkins, K. (2020) Twitter Phone Mockup. -Image used in mockup: Twitter. (2020) The Well Approach Profile. [Online Image] [Accessed on 5th February 2020] Hopkins, K. (2020) Website Laptop Mockup.

Instagram Hopkins, K. (2020) Instagram Profile Picture. Hopkins, K. (2020) Highlight Cover Photo. Instagram Posts my own images unless stated otherwise in the captions or repost to stories.

Twitter Hopkins, K. (2020) Twitter Profile Picture. Hopkins, K. (2020) Cover Photo. Tweets my own unless retweeted from other accounts.


Appendix Appendix A Primary survey created using Survey Monkey to gather feedback on my formative assessment. Created 13/12/2019 4 Responses 75% Completion Rate


Appendix B Primary survey created using Survey Monkey to gather research on consumers opinions to wellness. Created 28/12/2019 25 Responses 80% Completion Rate



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