Mayor Peter Flannery and GoGo the mascot are checking out the 116,000 Green Organics bins that will be distributed across the Moreton Bay region. Read the full story and Q&A’s on page 3.

Mayor Peter Flannery and GoGo the mascot are checking out the 116,000 Green Organics bins that will be distributed across the Moreton Bay region. Read the full story and Q&A’s on page 3.
Mark your calendars for the 27th October and head down to the South Pine Indoor Sports Centre in Brendale for a free Pickleball open day from 12:30pm -4:30pm.
This event offers the perfect opportunity to learn more about Pickleball, the sport that’s rapidly gaining popularity across Australia and worldwide. Whether you‘re new to the game or a seasoned player, this day has something for everyone! What is Pickleball?
Pickleball is a dynamic paddle sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis. Played on a smaller court, it’s perfect for all ages and skill levels. The game’s quick pace and simple rules make it easy to pick up but hard to put down, which explains why it’s become a global sensation.
Why You Should Try It?
Pickleball offers numerous benefits, from improving cardiovascular fitness and agility to fostering social connections. The game’s moderate intensity makes it an accessible option for players of all fitness levels, and it’s known for being a fantastic way to build community. Plus, its blend of strategy and fun ensures that you get a great workout without even realising it!
Event Highlights:
•Exhibition Matches: Watch experienced players in action and get a taste of the excitement.
• Free Coaching: New to Pickleball? No problem! Our friendly volunteers will guide you through the basics, making
Come down and meet the Pickleball community!
sure you feel confident on the court.
• Open Play: Want to give it a go yourself? Just come in your appropriate attire and footwear, and you’ll be ready to hit the court.
Participants must be 16 years or older for the event to run smoothly and efficiently. But don’t worry if you’ve never heard of Pickleball before—everyone’s welcome, whether you want to play or simply watch the action unfold.
Come along and experience the thrill of Pickleball—it’s free, fun, and open to everyone! Whether you‘re looking for a new way to stay active or just curious to see what the sport is all about, this is your chance to get involved.
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Director/Editor, Katie Maclean
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The Eatons Echo is also a proud member of
By Shane Steele
So extreme was the theft of copper and other metals from locations across Queensland, the State Governmentreferredittoundergo aParliamentaryInquiryinAugust 2023.
Over 12 months later, and especially within the Moreton Bay region, this issue has only escalated, with thieves undeterred by any reforms proposed by the Queensland Government.
In July 2024, Echo News reported SamfordRangersFChadbeenthevictim of thieves stealing copper from electrical pitsconnectedtofield lighting, rendering the fields inoperable for night games and training for an extended period. It is a situation that is widespread and only worsening.
Energy Queensland (EQ) reported since 2017-18, there has been over 500 incidentsofcoppertheftonQueensland’s electricity networks. The number of copper theft incidents increased from 40 in 2017-18, to a total of 170 incidents in 2022-23 – an increase of over 325 per cent.
Currently,thereisonaverage,onecopper theft incident every two days across Queensland’s electricity networks.
Queensland Government identified copper, along with aluminium and galvanised steel, was being stolen at sport and recreation facilities also from typical items such as air-conditioning compressor lines, water lines and treads. Consequentially, the lives and safety of the public can be at risk from being inadvertently exposed to live electricity from thieves damaging cables and equipment.
Hardly conspicuous, the Queensland Police Service flagged thieves occasionally dress in hi-vis clothing to give the appearance of being a tradie. They may even set out orange traffic cones to stage it as a worksite. This growing criminal activity has been heavily concentrated in the Moreton Bay region over the past several years, wherebylocalsportingclubsaretargeted by thieves illegally harvesting copper and other metals. It is then resold into the local scrap metal market or exported. The City of Moreton Bay reported a ‘spike in copper thefts at project sites, like sporting field upgrades and street lighting projects.’ Examples of this included over 320 metres of copper
Page 6 - October 2024, The Eatons Echo
stolen from
in April
The Narangba Eagles FC had copper cabling stolen from its fields three times within the span of six months in 2022.
Mr Jamie Bowman, Vice President of Mitchelton FC, reported an astounding three kilometres of copper wiring was stolen from their sporting fields in 2023. The cost of its replacement was estimated at over $100,000.
The grounds of Northside Christian FC – located at Darien Street Park in Bridgeman Downs – was targeted four times in one month. In total, five kilometres of copper wiring was taken from these fields, costing approximately $80,000.
‘It’s really disappointing,’ said Northside Christian FC President, Mr Sergio Giavon. ‘I just don’t know what goes through these people’s heads. They’re just criminals. It’s organised crime. They just go from [electrical] pit to pit, snap-snip, take it out, roll it up and go.’
EQ conservatively estimates copper theft costs them more than $4.5 million per year. This is only the immediate repair cost. This excludes the cost to business customers, delays to their program of work, delays to new customer connections, as well as the inconvenience to residential customers impacted by electricity supply disruptions and blackouts.
Similarly, this does not include costs incurred by sporting and community associations when copper is stolen “behind the meter.”
Costs that are ultimately passed on to the customer.
Not only are the cost of these robberies reflected in rising energy bills for everyone; for members of impacted sporting clubs, especially the parents of junior members, they also face increasing registration fees to cover additional expenses for insurances, repairs to infrastructure and preventative measures including installation of security cameras.
Mr Bowman said that registration fees at Mitchelton FC had increased this past year by approximately 12 per cent.
‘Fees went up by $65, from last year to this year. It’s a burden on parents. If you have three kids, and parents want them all at the same club, it’s a lot of money.’
In a time when individuals and families are struggling with increasing cost of living pressures, more severe cuts are being considered to find savings.
A recent report by UNICEF Austraila highlighted more than half of Australian families are making sacrifices in their household budgets, including parents occasionally going without meals, or simply taking their children out of sports, due to rising costs.
Continued from page 6.
Mr Bowman agreed, highlighting club membership had been impacted.
‘It is the kids, mums, and dads that this affects the most when these types of things happen.’
In his submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry, Cr Peter Flannery, Mayor for the City of Moreton Bay, acknowledged the financial pressures on local sporting clubs, as well as schools and other community organisations, victimised by copper theft.
He went on to say, ‘Evidence suggests the growth of copper theft is driven primarily by the limited regulatory requirements for scrap metal industry recycling (i.e. use of cash for transactions), the relative ease in theft due to copper accessibility (e.g. sports field lighting) and escalating metal prices.
‘A legislative response is required to limit this form of criminal activity, which can be achieved through similar approaches undertaken in other jurisdictions.’
Mayor Flannery highlighted that in New South Wales, they experienced declining copper thefts resulting from changes to their laws. Amendments included requiring scrap metal traders to be registered, prohibiting cash payments for scrap metal, forcing traders to record all transactions and recording the details of the person selling the scrap metal so police can track them if necessary.
At the time of the Inquiry, Mayor Flannery said, ‘Queensland is the only state on the eastern seaboard that does not have these measures in place.’
His submission recommended the State Government be called on to update all relevant legislation, including the Second-hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Act 2003, to mitigate the rise of copper theft in Queensland.
The Parliamentary Committee agreed, with this recommendation included in their final report that was published November 2023. This report also recommended the Queensland Government investigate and determine the most effective approach to strengthening laws, citing the model adopted by New South Wales.
With the Queensland Government handing down their response to the Committee’s report on 24 May 2024, they noted their in-principle support, confirming their commitment to further explore this.
When the Queensland Government was asked by Echo News to report on the status of these efforts in August 2024, they reported this work was progressing and would, ‘require detailed consideration and may include stakeholder consultation. The timing of any future legislative reforms will be subject to the outcomes of our investigation into legislative frameworks and the government’s decision on a preferred approach.’
In the interim, club officials could only repeat the sentiments expressed by the Queensland Attorney-General back in May, when she said, ‘I strongly encourage anyone with information about criminals stealing copper or other metals to contact Queensland Police.’
Mr Bowman acknowledged the responsive and professional service Mitchelton FC received from the Queensland Police, including their surveillance.
‘We have a really good rapport with the local police service at Ferny Grove. They are always driving through the carpark, making their presence known, which has been bolstered since this has happened.’
Despite the combined efforts of the State and Local Governments, the Queensland Police, EQ and the community, copper theft remains rife.
The City of Moreton Bay already has in place extensive grant and funding programs to help sporting and community organisations upgrade their facilities, including for improvements to security and surveillance systems. However, they do not believe this is enough, with Mayor Flannery stating, ‘In the lead up to the State election in October, we will be prosecuting our case loud and clear for our fair share.’
A commitment he is calling on from any elected government is more safety in Moreton Bay through further investment in technologies, such as Licence Plate Recognition and CCTV, to help reduce crime and improve confidence across the community.
Mayor Flannery said, ‘City of Moreton Bay has led the “no cash for scrap” law related to copper theft which is increasing at an alarming rate, placing a strain on local sporting clubs and organisations for repair costs.
‘We are calling for a frank discussion with all political parties to ensure City of Moreton Bay matters and the voices of our community are heard.’
For more information on the Parliamentary Inquiry into Scrap Metal Theft, visit www.parliament.qld.gov.au
A Cent Auction fundraiser will be held on Sunday, 27th October 2024, with all proceeds going towards vital cancer research at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute.
The event promises a fun-filled day for a great cause, offering over 150 prizes to be won.
Doors will open at 11am, with the auction commencing at 1pm. Admission is just $3, which includes a lucky door ticket, and every door ticket will win a prize! Cent Auction tickets will be available at 50c per sheet, and raffle tickets can also be purchased for 50c each.
Guests will be able to enjoy refreshments throughout the day, and it's a fantastic opportunity to support an important cause while having fun and connecting with the community. For more information or to preorder your tickets, please contact Lorraine on 3263 1337 or via email at lorraineduckwitz@gmail.com.
Come along, bring your friends, and help make a difference!
Date: Sunday, 27th October 2024
Location: OES Hall, Cnr Kitchener Road & Bohland Street, Kedron
Brisbane’s north is now home to new state-of-theart robotic technology, with North West Private Hospital unveiling a surgical robot for use during knee replacement surgery.
Michelle Hogan, a 56-year-old hairdresser was the first to benefit from the device, undergoing a knee replacement after suffering from pain for more than three years. Ms Hogan had been forced to reduce her work hours and stop exercising due to constant pain, which had not responded to conservative measures such as anti-inflammatories, physiotherapy and injections.
Dr Mark Dekkers performed Ms Hogan’s knee replacement utilising the new Velys device.
‘The addition of robotics is a game changer in total knee replacement surgery,’ Dr Dekkers said.
‘The Velys robot is designed to allow surgeons to precisely preform a total knee replacement and accurately balance soft tissue which can enhance a more pain free and quicker recovery and can also reduce operating time.’
Equipped with advanced cameras and optical trackers, the new robot assists surgeons by gathering patient anatomy data in real time. The robot is designed to aid the surgeon as they plan for and execute precise procedures tailored to a patient’s specific anatomy.
North West Private Hospital CEO, Kelly Grant, said ‘We’re excited to introduce this new surgical robot to North West Private Hospital. We’re committed to offering patients leading surgical technology that’s designed to improve patient experience and outcomes.’
Guide Dogs Queensland has paid tribute to long-serving and passionate supporters, Ray and Coral Trestrail, by naming a building in their honour at the Guide Dogs Queensland campus in Bald Hills this month.
Trestrail House has been named in honour of Ray Trestrail and his late wife Coral, who both made significant financial contributions to Guide Dogs Queensland amounting to $600,000 over nearly two decades. Guide Dogs Queensland CEO, Jock Beveridge said through their generous and unwavering support, Ray and Coral have helped hundreds of people living with vision loss or blindness.
In 2008 Ray and Coral sponsored their first dog – ‘Winsome’ – and have continued sponsoring a litter every year since. Their generous support has resulted in the sponsorship of over 70 puppies and, thanks to an additional donation, enabled the completion of the on-site Veterinary Clinic at Bald Hills in 2019. Ray said neither he nor Coral made donations for the credit of it, but he was truly humbled to see their name live on at Guide Dogs Queensland.
‘We never did this for any recognition, but we are extremely proud that we have been able to help so many puppies become Guide Dogs and to help make a difference to so many people’s lives,’ Ray said.
Ray had the honour of officially ‘opening’ the newly named Trestrail House at the Bald Hills campus on 27 August, surrounded by his friends at Guide Dogs Queensland and the many puppies and Guide Dogs he and Coral have supported over the years. To find out more about the various ways you can get involved at Guide Dogs Queensland, visit our website: https://qld. guidedogs.com.au/get-involved/
Residents across the City of Moreton Bay may have noticed a new addition to theirkerbside – a 240-litre bin with a distinctive lime-green lid.
These GO Bins (green organics bins) are part of a major sustainability initiative aimed at reducing landfill waste and promoting environmentally responsible disposal of garden organics.
The rollout, which began in early September, will see approximately 116,000 households receive a GO Bin, making it one of the largest bin distribution efforts in Australia. The rollout is expected to be completed by the end of November, with collection services officially starting on 2 December 2024.
Under the new scheme, households with land sizes between 300 and 2,000 square metres will automatically receive a GO Bin. Properties outside of this range will have the option to opt-in for the service starting 1 March 2025.
The initiative is set to divert 15,000 tonnes of organic material from landfill each year, a significant step toward the region’s goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2039. It is also expected to contribute to a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
What Can and Cannot Go in the GO Bin?
Residents can use their GO Bin to dispose of:
•Tree, shrub, and plant branches (cut to fit)
•Leaves and garden trimmings
•Grass clippings, weeds, plants, and flowers
All garden waste must be placed directly in the bin, without bags, boxes, or containers. Certain items are prohibited, including:
•Plastic or plastic bags
•General waste or food scraps
•Soil, potting mix, gravel, bricks, or rocks
•Potted plants and treated timber
•Animal waste, asbestos, and garden tools
Collection Schedule and Opt-Out Information
The GO Bin will be collected fortnightly, starting 2 December 2024. It will be emptied on the same day as general waste bins but on alternating weeks to recycling collections.
Property owners or real estate agents can apply to opt out of the service if they meet specific criteria, such as using a professional gardening service or composting on-site. Tenants wishing to opt out must contact their property owner or agent to submit an application.
Although bins are already being delivered, properties that successfully opt out are still required to store the bin until further instructions are provided for collection.
For more information, or to apply to opt-in or opt-out of the service, visit the Moreton Bay Regional Council website www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/Services/Waste-Recycling/ Collections/Garden-Organics
Construction of a new dog off-leash area at Brendale Street Park, Brendale is set to begin very soon. The project, expected to take six weeks to complete (weather permitting), will create a dedicated space for dogs to run free.
The upgrades will include fencing, pedestrian and vehicle gates, concrete pathways, seating, a rubbish bin, a water bubbler, and landscaping. While construction is underway, parts of the park may be closed temporarily, but the council will work to minimise noise and disruption.
Construction will occur between 7 am and 6 pm, Monday to Friday. Residents will be notified in advance of any changes to the schedule.
For more information, contact Project Development and Delivery on (07) 3205 0555 or email council@moretonbay. qld.gov.au, quoting reference 112779.Set To Delight in New Park
Have you noticed these cameras on your hike? With recent events at Mt Coot-tha, you might think they’re there to monitor hiker safety. However, they’re actually part of the Wongam Koala Gully Project, led by the Pine Rivers Catchment Association with funding from the Australian Government’s Saving Koalas Fund.
This project aims to clear weeds and plant over 17,000 feed trees in the Wongam Koala Gully—a vital corridor connecting koala populations between Bunyaville and Samford Conservation Parks. The initiative also plans to collaborate with Traditional Owners to create a Koala Totem and educate residents on how to reduce threats to koalas. Plus, innovative AI technology will be used to analyze the data collected.
There are some fascinating special events happening at the Albany Creek Library in the upcoming few months. To make a booking visit mbrc.qld.gov.au/libraries/events, or contact the library on 5433 2638.
Seniors Month: Brain Training Tuesday 22nd October. 2pm - 3pm
Keep your mind active and have fun! Enjoy a range of brain training games to help your memory-building abilities. For Seniors. Bookings required.
Baby Rhyme Time Tuesdays at 9.30am, Wednesdays at 10.30am and Saturdays at 10.30am
Baby Rhyme Time helps develop the skills needed to communicate and to learn to read. In a friendly and relaxed environment you and your baby can learn rhymes, action songs and finger plays to share together. For parents and children, babies to 2 years. No bookings required.
Next Chapter Book Club First and third Wednesday of the month, 3.30pm - 4.30pm
A great opportunity for people with developmental disabilities to read and learn, make new friends, and enjoy a fun community.Book clubs, led by friendly library staff, will meet in libraries across Moreton Bay.
LEGO Engineers Club First and third Friday of the month, 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Develop design thinking and engineering skills as you build and create with LEGO ® bricks. Meet other brick fans and complete challenges, group builds and more! Ideal for ages 4-12. Bookings required.
Bridge Club Every Monday, 9.30am - 11.30am
Do you enjoy card games, but find solitaire is getting dull and
lonely? Join the monthly adult Bridge Club to learn contract bridge, meet new people and enjoy a chat in a comfortable, stress-free environment. No bookings required.
Craft Group 2nd and 4th Monday of the month, 10am -noon
Feeling crafty? Do you enjoy making and creating, are you a needlepointer, beading artist or a scrapbooker?
Join other adult crafters and share your tips and tricks, solve your craft problems and chat while indulging in your craft activity. BYO project, supplies, and sense of fun. No bookings required.
Storytime Every Tuesday and Friday, 10.30am
Here is a great way to develop a love of reading and introduce your child to books.
Playtime Every Wednesday and Friday, 9.15am
Have fun playing with your child, making up stories together and sharing in their delight as they make new discoveries. Playtime is a fully resourced opportunity for parents and children 0 - 5 years to play, pick up early literacy tips, network with other parents and make new friends. No bookings required.
JP’s in the Community: Weekly on Wednesday 3.30pm - 5pm, Thursday 5.30pm - 7pm and Saturday 9.30am - 11am
Art Hallway and Display Cabinet: Would you like to display your creations? Contact the Albany Creek Library for more information on 5433 2638
Welcome to the new quarterly ‘Top Tradies Showcase’ proudly sponsored by the Australian Trade College North Brisbane. In this segment we celebrate just a few of our local tradesmen and women we are lucky enough to have access to in our region, and discover their fascinating stories. If you have a home improvement project on the horizon, whether big or small, consider utilising our local tradies and SHOP LOCAL. We would like to extend our thanks to The Australian Trade College North Brisbane for sponsoring this page. For more information, check out their below. Enjoy reading.
James, owner of 2Brothers Plumbing & Gas, has built a thriving small business that’s making a big impact in Brisbane. With over 14 years of experience, he founded the company in 2016 to bring a new standard of quality to the plumbing industry. Specialising in emergency works, maintenance, and renovations for both residential and commercial clients, 2Brothers Plumbing & Gas is known for its quality workmanship and strong customer service.
James’ commitment to his craft and his customers has earned him a loyal client base and a growing reputation across Brisbane. With a focus on technical proficiency and teamwork, his team delivers reliable service that clients return to year after year. James takes pride in mentoring apprentices and fostering a positive work environment.
Beyond the tools, James supports local teams like PHFC and RHCS, donates to charities, and competing in multiple sports events and obstacle courses throughout Queensland. His efforts have not gone unnoticed; he’s been recognised with numerous awards, including Business and Tradesperson of the Year and Project of the Year in 2024, as well as being featured on the cover of the MPAQ Magazine. James continues to lead by example, making a lasting mark on his community and industry.
P: 0431 956 447 W: www.2bpg.com.au
Rod is a licensed and highly respected Building Inspector with over seven years of experience inspecting residential and commercial properties. With more than 30 years in the construction industry, Rod has an expert eye for detail.
On average, Rod Took Inspections conducts over 250 pre-purchase and construction inspections annually, delivering fast report turnaround times, usually within two days. He is fully licensed with the Queensland Building & Construction Commission (QBCC), License No: 721615, and adheres to Australian Standards (AS 4349-2007 & AS 4349.1-2007).
Rod can assist you in all manner of Building Inspections including old and new houses, renovated homes, architectural contemporary homes, pole homes, units, apartments, one bed units, luxury penthouse apartments, two storey townhouses, low set, high set, brick, block, timber, multi storey residential homes. He also offers Progress Inspections during various construction stages and Final Handover/Defects Inspections.
Providing services throughout Greater Brisbane, Rod makes your inspection his top priority so give him a call today, or visit the website.
P: 0423 029 171 W. www.rodtook.com.au
Year 11 student at the Australian Trade College North Brisbane, Emily McLucas is proving that passion and hard work can open doors early in life. Currently studying Construction at The Australian Trade College North Brisbane, Emily’s vibrant and driven nature caught the attention of Aussie Fitouts during her work experience. After discovering her passion for shopfitting, she was offered a school-based apprenticeship with the company.
Thanks to the flexible timetable at the college, Emily is able to balance her apprenticeship while completing her senior schooling and earning her Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). On top of that, she will also complete a Certificate III in Business, setting her up for long-term success.
Aussie Fitouts, known for its top-tier work in commercial fitouts across restaurants, cafés, retail spaces, and more, saw Emily’s potential and is helping her take the first steps toward a promising career. With their focus on quality craftsmanship and personalised service, Aussie Fitouts is dedicated to fostering talent like Emily’s, ensuring she has the tools to excel in the shopfitting industry.
P: 07 3881 1770 W. www.aussiefitouts.com.au
Jacob Marsh
Jacob Marsh, the director of Marsh Air Conditioning, began his journey into the air conditioning industry while still attending Northside Christian College.
During his Grade 10 and 11 years, Jacob started an apprenticeship, gaining hands-on experience early on in his career.
In 2011, at the age of 22, Jacob returned to Australia after time abroad and launched Marsh Air Conditioning as a sole trader. Over the years, he has carefully built a skilled team, prioritising high standards of workmanship and service for his clients.
Thirteen years later, Jacob continues to grow his business with the same enthusiasm, dedication, and commitment that he started with.
Based in Everton Hills, Marsh Air Conditioning services all of Brisbane, offering residential and commercial air conditioning installations, repairs, and maintenance. The company also provides opportunities for apprentices to join the team and train under experienced tradespeople, ensuring the next generation of professionals is wellprepared for the industry.
If you are interested in receiving a quote or would like to get in touch with Jacob, give him a call today.
P: 07 3075 7314 W: www.marshair.com
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On Saturday, 19th October, the International Repair Café movement will mark its 15th anniversary, celebrating a global initiative that promotes sustainability, community, and the art of repair.
With over 3,000 Repair Cafés worldwide, these grassroots hubs help people save money, reduce waste, and foster community connections by sharing repair knowledge and skills.
To commemorate the milestone, Repair Cafés across the globe have been invited to create a bunting flag representing their local café. These flags will be combined into a large display of bunting, which will be hung around The Hague in Amsterdam, symbolising the impact of this growing global movement.
Australia is home to more than 110 Repair Cafés, with 14 operating in the Brisbane region alone. In celebration of International Repair Day, Repair Cafe The Grove will move the October Repair Cafe event from the usual 4th Saturday to the 3rd Saturday to coincide with International Repair Day. Members of the Australian Repair Network will also be joining Repair Café The Grove on this special day.
Repair Cafe The Grove pops up each month (except December) at the Grovely Mitchelton Scout Den at 170 Blaker Road, Keperra and welcomes residents of suburbs of Ferny Grove, Upper Kedron, Ferny Hills, Arana Hills, Keperra, Everton Hills, Everton Park, Mitchelton, Gaythorne and Enoggera.
You can book your repair here https://transitionthegrove. org.au/repair-cafe/book-your-repair/ Bookings open one week before each workshop and you can request an email notification to remind you so you don't miss out.
For those unable to attend, a map of Australia’s Repair Cafés is available on the Australian Repair Network website.
A bedside lamp is lovingly restored by a volunteer at Repair Cafe The Grove
Celebrate Grandparents Day at Jazz and Shiraz Albany Creek. Dive into great tunes and tasty vino. With live local music and a licenced bar, the event is going to be one you are not going to want to miss. Sunday 27th October, 1pm - 5pm, Lemke Park, Albany Creek
Not long to go now before the endearing and eccentric characters of ‘The Miss Magnolia Senior Citizens Beauty Pageant’ grace the stage to entertain and delight in the next Hill Players production. The cast have had an absolute hoot at rehearsals, which is easy when the script is hilarious and the characters each have their special kind of kookiness. Playwright Leslie Kimbell beautifully blends warmth, humour and mischievous fun to bring you a play that will have you laughing from start to finish. It’s not too late to get involved, if you would love to be a part of this Hills Players Group production, get in touch via email; hillplayers@gmail.com, there’s always something to do leading up to and on the night of performances.
Performance dates for ‘The Miss Magnolia Senior Citizens Beauty Pageant’ are the 1st and 2nd and 8th and 9th November at St Matthew Church Hall, Church Road, Mitchelton at 7.30pm.
Don’t miss out on what promises to be a fun night, book your seats by phoning 3351 4496 or 3355 7319 or send an email to hillsplayers@gmail.com.
Discover the monthly thrifting event at Gaythorne Bowls Club, held on the last Sunday of every month. It‘s conveniently located near public transportation and has ample onsite parking. With 45 stalls filled with quality second-hand fashion, you‘ll be spoilt for choice with unique finds, including plants, art, crafts, and Bric-a-brac.
Date : Sunday 27th October
Time: 8am - noon
Location: Gaythorne Bowls Club
New to running? No worries...no one gets left behind!
Reviewing your goals? Looking for a group of inspiring, motivating and energetic individuals? Come join the Run With Rob running group at Eatons Hill, Ferny Hills or Warner. We guarantee it will be life changing and just the motivation you need.
Suitable for ALL ability levels. Our no cost sessions will change your life.
The Picabeen Community Centre, located at 22 Hoben Street, Mitchelton continues to be a hub of support and activity for the local community, offering a range of services, events, and opportunities for connection. Read more about what is going on at the centre below.
TAX HELP : Call 3354 2555 to check eligibility and for appointment times. Appointments take place every other Thursday and are free.
Mondays: Yoga and Wellbeing: 9.30am, Playgroup: 9.30am
English Language Class: 9.30am, Community BBQ: noon, Social Connection Session (12 – 18 years olds) 12.30pm –2.30pm
No Interest Loans (NILS), Safe Space for LGBTQI+ community (12 – 18 year olds): 3pm – 5pm
Please see the website https://picabeen.org.au to check your eligibility for the NILS loans and to start an online application.
Youth Drop In (12 – 18 year olds): 3pm – 4.30pm
English Conversation Class: 9.30am, Playgroup: 9.30am.
FOOD DONATIONS: As always, Picabeen are very grateful for donations of non-perishable food for their pantry. Food parcels are offered to vulnerable members of the community.
We are proud to announce that Clara has been awarded the prestigious Positive or Pointless award for 2024, sponsored by Echo News. This annual award recognizes a junior competitive player who embodies the ‘Positive or it’s Pointless’ values and has made a significant contribution to the Arana Netball Club.
Clara’s commitment has been outstanding. In addition to playing for Arana 14, she took on a leadership role, assisting her mum in coaching younger players. Clara also boosted the club’s fundraising efforts by requesting extra raffle booklets and selling tickets doorto-door.
with her Positive or Pointless Award
Her passion for the game extends to umpiring, where she has already begun practicing her skills during team training sessions. Clara is so committed to her future as an umpire that she purchased her own whistle, eagerly preparing for the day she turns 13 and can take on this official role.
Clara’s tireless dedication and proactive spirit make her a shining example for younger players, and we’re thrilled to see her recognized as the Positive to Pointless award recipient for 2024.
An update from the Hills Organic Garden
Autumn, winter and spring have provided the HOG community with an abundance of delicious fruit and vegetables.
In the vegetable department, some vegetables include; cabbages, beans, snow peas, baby spinach, silverbeet, kale, carrots, leeks, lettuce. As for the fruits, the strawberry garden has been producing some very nice berries and the mulberry tree (although very young) has been producing some nice mulberries. Furthermore, there are quite a few tomato plants which will be producing some fruit soon.
However, with the warmer months approaching, planting will slow down and the gardens will have a well earned rest. As plants die back, they will be chopped and placed in the compost bays to break down and create some fantastic compost for the gardens next autumn.
The HOG community have a wonderful group of members who turn up every Sunday to carry out chores as well as having the added bonus of social interaction.
The Hills Organic Garden is a great place for “green thumbs” and lovers of organic vegetables to come and enjoy the company of like minded people as well as being able to grow, harvest and eat healthy vegetables.
The garden is a community venture where volunteers work together to grow a chemical-free harvest which they can all share. So why not come along on a Sunday afternoon to have a look around and have a chat with us. With the hot weather approaching, our time at the garden will now be from 3pm5pm You will find the group at 416 Bunya Road, Bunya next to the Off Leash Dog Park. Membership Fees per year are $20 for adults, $30 for a family and $10 for Juniors.
Visit www.hog.org.au, search The Hills Organic Garden on Facebook or phone 0415 856 532 for information.
The next meeting of the Ferny Grove Garden Club will be on Friday, 25th October, at 1pm. The club meets in St Matthew’s Church Hall, Church Road, Mitchelton.
The guest speaker for the month will be Rod Nicholls, who will speak about some of the beautiful varieties of foliage plants.
New members are welcome. For more information please telephone Elizabeth: 07 3851 0568
An update from the Mitchelton & Districts Garden Club
The Queensland Herb Society joined us in September with an enlightening talk on how to use herbs in the kitchen and around the home. Society Treasurer, Elspeth Davies, highlighted the versatility of herbs, offering tips on how to incorporate them into everyday life beyond culinary uses. Our members learned how to use a vast range of herbs in scrumptious and interesting ways. Among her many intriguing suggestions, Elspeth explained how elderflower can be used to flavour champagne, cordial or muffins, while the leaves of scented geraniums make an instant potpourri for the home.
Elspeth’s engaging talk was a reminder of the incredible versatility of herbs. From enhancing meals to creating a more natural and fragrant home environment, herbs offer a wealth of possibilities. The Queensland Herb Society continues to inspire herb enthusiasts with their practical knowledge and passion for all things herbal and we greatly appreciated their visit to our club meeting.
Members and invited guests will celebrate the club’s 60th Anniversary in October. If you would like to visit us, please join us on the first Thursday in November at The Enoggera Memorial Hall (entrance via Trundle St) at 9:30am for a 10am start. Entry is $5 and morning tea is provided. You will be warmly welcomed. Feel free to contact us via email at mitcheltongc@gmail.com for further information.
‘Weeding it out’ with the Stafford
Did you know that BCC spends more than $5 million each year on weed management?
Garden ornamentals account for 66% of environmental weeds and about 10 new exotic species are established each year. Brisbane is host to more than 400 invasive weed species. You can help by using the ‘Online Weed Identification Tool for Brisbane’ to find weed plants in your garden. When you remove them, it is a good idea to replace them with a native alternative.
The club’s speaker for October is Phil Adams who will talk will centre around ‘History of the Botanic Gardens and Early Brisbane.
The Stafford Garden Club members meet at the OES Hall cnr Kitchener Rd and Bohland St, Kedron. We meet on the 19th of September at 9.30am for Morning Tea, to buy from the plant stall and to admire the exhibits on the bench. The meeting starts at 10am. Visitors and new members are very welcome. Find us on Facebook at Stafford Garden Club Brisbane or email staffordgardenclub@gmail.com
Aspley Eye & Retina Centre
Affordable Medical Eye Care with no referral required
Medical Optometrists available to see the following conditions:
•Acute Vision Problems
•Diabetic Eye Disease
•Age Related Macular Degeneration Consultation only Gap Fee $63.70. Extra fees pending triage assessment advice.
Serious eye issues will be reviewed by our Private Ophthalmologist or referred to Public Emergency Care.
Conveniently located at Level 1 825 Zillmere Rd Aspley . P: 07 3832 1700 for appointments
The Northern Suburbs Country Music Club, holds
The Northern Suburbs Country Music Club, holds music socials each month at the Bald Hills Memorial Hall, 2126 Gympie Road, Bald Hills, starting at noon. The socials are held monthly on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Admission is $8 and afternoon tea is included.
The club is essentially a country music performing club, however, many of the artists perform songs by Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Eva Cassidy, Simon and Garfunkel, The Seekers, Bette Midler, The Shadows and many other well known entertainers. Music is provided by the very professional five piece band comprising lead, bass, rhythm, pedal steel and a drummer. There are often have up to 25 artists who perform well for the audience on the day. Members of the public are most welcome to join the club for a wonderful four plus hours of entertainment in a very friendly atmosphere. Visitors are also welcome to perform on stage.
The next music social will be held on 20 July. For more information, or details on how you canbecome involved, please phone Brian, the President, on 0408 751 636, or Jim, the Secretary, on 0401 178 087.
Spring has kicked off with a flurry of activity for the Brendale Evening VIEW Club, starting with their participation in thePeterDutton SeniorExpo in
The event allowed the club to connect with local women interested in making a difference while fostering new
The momentum continued with a fun-filled Fashion Parade at the Aspley Hornets, where attendees enjoyed a day of laughter,
As members look ahead, the focus shifts to supporting The Smith Family during Anti-Poverty Week, held from 13th-19th October. The Brendale VIEW Club sponsors eight children through The Smith Family’s Learning for Life program, which provides long-term educational, financial, and personal support to disadvantaged children. Members are encouraging the community to join their efforts to end child poverty in
The Probus Club of Albany Creek invites visitors to join their friendly and progressive meetings, held at the Hornets Club, Graham Road, Carseldine. Meetings take place on the first Thursday of each month at 10:00 am. Prospective members are encouraged to attend and consider joining. For more information, contact Secretary Greg Early at 0407 960 588 or via email at early.gregory1@gmail.com.
For those looking to get involved, the club holds monthly dinner meetings at the Aspley Hornets Football Club. The next meeting is on 15th October at 7pm, with guest speaker Bronwyn Sheehan, CEO of The Pyjama Foundation. A Bunnings Sausage Sizzle fundraiser is also scheduled for
The Albany Creek Scouts have been named the largest Scout Group in Queensland, a testament to the dedication and hard work of their leaders and volunteers.
The group attributes its success to the engaging and exciting
The Probus Club of Albany Creek invites visitors to join their friendly and progressive meetings, held at the Hornets Club, Graham Road, Carseldine. Meetings take place on the first Thursday of each month at 10:00 am. Prospective members are encouraged to attend and consider joining. For more information, contact Secretary Greg Early at 0407 960 588 or via email at
The Albany Creek Scouts have been named the largest Scout Group in Queensland, a testament to the dedication and hard work of their leaders and volunteers.
The group attributes its success to the engaging and exciting programs offered, which have garnered enthusiastic word-ofmouth among the youth. This vibrant community spirit has attracted more members, eager to join in the fun. A heartfelt ‘Bravo’is extended to every adult member who selflessly dedicates their time to making a positive impact on the youth. Their commitment is invaluable and deeply appreciated.
For those interested in learning more about the Albany Creek Scouts, please email au. The group welcomes new members across all age groups, from Joey Scouts starting at 5 years old to Rover Scouts aged 18-26. Adults are also encouraged to join, with opportunities for accredited training in various skills.
If a dinner meeting isn't convenient, join the ladies for a ‘Coffee and Chat’ on the first Saturday of the month at White’s
Nominations are now open for my annual Dickson Community Awards, to be presented on Australia Day, Sunday, 26 January 2025. These awards celebrate the achievements, talents, and dedication of individuals, businesses, and organisations that have made extraordinary contributions during another challenging year.
If you know someone, a business, or an organisation that has gone above and beyond this year, please visit my website at www.peterdutton.com.au to nominate them for an award.
Nominations for the 2025 Dickson Community Awards close at 5pm on Friday, 22 November 2024.
1.Citizen of the Year
2.Small Business of the Year
3.Local Legend of the Year
4.Sports Person of the Year
5.Young Sports Person of the Year
6.Community Group of the Year
7.Ian ‘Watto’ Watson Great Mate Award
8. Inspirational Youth Award
9. Dickson Youth Achievement Award
10. Dickson Volunteer Award
Christmas Card Competition
I’m pleased to announce my annual Christmas card competition is underway for Prep to Year Three students who attend local schools. This year's theme is ‘Australian Christmas Traditions.’ I look forward to seeing all the imaginative and creative entries!
Good luck to all the Dickson finalists at this year’s Moreton Bay Business & Innovation Awards: Arrowes Roading Safety, Elexon Electronics, Elexon Mining, Technobake, Brand Hero, Promotion Products, Yard Empire, Hip Hops Brewers, Springers Solar, Voltora Industries Pty Ltd, Aussie Tree Solutions, Ibis Brewing Company, Yajambee Farms, Woodland Shopfitting, Encircle Community Services, Meals on Wheels Moreton Bay Region Inc., Maiala Park Lodge, Trevena Glen Farm.
Day for Daniel, Australia’s largest child safety awareness event, will take place on Friday, 25 October 2024. Since the tragic loss of their son Daniel in 2003, Denise and Bruce Morcombe have made remarkable efforts to highlight the importance of child protection.
I encourage you to visit www.danielmorcombe.com.au to learn more about the Foundation’s work and discover how you can get involved to help keep our children safe.
Anthony Albanese promised life would be easier under his government. But in just two years:
•Food is up 12%
•Rents up 16%
•Electricity up 14% (even after taxpayer funded rebates)
•Gas up 33%
•Health up 11%
•Education up 11%
•Financial and insurance up 17%
Under a Coalition Government I lead; we’ll get our country ‘Back on Track.’
Please get in touch with me at peter.dutton.mp@aph.gov. au or on 3205 9977. You can also stop by one of my mobile office caravan visits or drop into my office in Strathpine to share your priorities for our community.
Queensland needs a fresh start and the LNP has The Right Plan for Queensland’s Future. If the LNP forms government, we will implement our "Making our Community Safer" plan, which includes:
The Adult Crime, Adult time policy will ensure:
• Youth offenders committing serious crimes will receive adult sentences
• Enshrining in legislation the rights of victims ahead of offenders’ rights
• Clear message to offenders that they will serve adult time for serious crime, ensuring consequences for actions
• Abolishing detention as a last resort to unshackle the courts and deliver sentences in line with community expectations
Daniels Law
Establishment of a new Public Child Sex Offender Register to be known as “Daniels Law” in memory of young Daniel Morcombe.
This Register will protect children and put the rights of children, victims and parents ahead of the rights of dangerous predators.
A Public Child Sex Offender Register will protect the state’s children and create a stronger system to restore safety in the community.
• Reform Residential Care system to break the cycle of youth crime with focus on discipline and education
• 20% boost to Child Safety officer numbers to aid early intervention
• 24hour dual carer supervision to provide safety, restore behavioral consequences for children and ensure they are attending school
• New Secure Care facility for young people with mental health needs as well as a new professional foster care program for kids with complex needs
• Two Youth Justice schools for the LNP’s early intervention plan
• School programs to be based on crime diversion, keeping at risk teen offenders off the streets, and out of crime
• Provides discipline, support, education and structure to divert young lives away from crime and stop them from becoming serious repeat offenders
Only by changing the government will we get Queensland heading in the right direction.
Recently I had the pleasure of refereeing the Everton Park State School, Teacher’s vs Students touch match! There were some impressive skills on display, but it was the students who took home the trophy. I’m happy to report that no one was sent to the sin bin, and I didn't have to call upon the bunker at any stage!
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