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Local Athletes To Keep An Eye On
Members from the Cross Country team
A number of up-and-coming student athletes from St Paul’s School have risen to the top at the recent rose to the top at The Associated School’s premier co-educational inter-school sporting competition.
Year 12 students Lara Richards and Kate McComb were steady contributors to the Firsts Netball team, playing every quarter of each game and consistently performing against each team while Jayden Cutmore, also Year 12, has been recognised for his excellent player achievements in the Firsts Tennis team, winning every singles set throughout the entire season. Exemplary Year 12 St Paul’s students Kasey Camilleri, Tanner Baker and Mitchell Merritt were recently named as The Courier Mail’s picks for the TAS First XV Rugby team of the season after strong performances in each game. TAS Cross Country success also came for SPS with 9 students placing in the Top 5 for their year level as well as another 4 students making the Met North Cross Country team, who will compete at the QLD State Championships in July.
Arana Netball Club prides themselves on being a family-friendly club and this year especially is proving to be their strongest year of family representation for the club.

All 18 teams have a family member playing in another teamnot only sisters, cousins, mums and aunties playing alongside each other, but mums coaching, parents managing and also brothers, dads and mums umpiring. In the Opens division, just under half of the players are mums of younger players and in one team, aunties and nieces get to play alongside each other. What a great representation of a family friendly club!

In May, the club gathered as many mums and daughters together as they could for this wonderful photo above. This is just a small representation of the Arana Netball family in 2023.