1 minute read
Primary Producers and the Past
An update from the Samford Museum
August is traditionally one of our colder winter months with frosty mornings and strong, cold, westerly winds. It is also when the ‘Ekka’ is held.
We all have childhood memories of our visits there. So much to see without going to sideshow alley; that was another visit in itself! Beef and dairy cattle, sheep, pigs, birds, decorated cakes and flowers were some must see sections. Then there were the District and Junior Farmers, later known as Rural Youth, with exhibits combining all the primary products from the district into a picture. Local clubs were in Upper Kedron, Samsonvale and Dayboro during the 1950’s and 60’s.
Others will have memories of leading prize winning cattle in the Grand Parade. Anna Edwards (nee Burne) is no exception. Her brother-in-law John Edwards and his wife Eunice née Scott called their farm on the other side of Upper Camp Mt Road to the Scott family, ‘Auchen Flower’. Both the Scott and Edwards families exhibited their cattle in the RNA Brisbane Exhibition. Anna led Ayrshire cows exhibited by both the Scott and Edwards families.
Anna’s father Len Burne, a shared owner of Kinetone Productions, always photographed the Grand Parade so it could be shown in their newsreels at cinemas all over the countryside.
The only way to watch the news back in the fifties was at the cinema before the main movie.
Samford Museum is open Wednesdays and Sundays from 10am to 4pm. Wednesday is working bee day when members working throughout the museum complex will happily stop work to chat about the role they play in preserving and presenting Samford’s history. They will also explain how you too can become an active member.
A small admission is charged as The Samford District Historical Museum Society Inc. is self- funded except for successful grant applications for specific projects. Call 3289 2743, Email info@samfordmuseum.com.au or visit our website and Facebook page also.

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