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The Voice Of VIEW
The VIEW resolution process enables VIEW Club members to identify issues on which they agree action should be taken and then gives them the means of making their voices heard.
Resolutions are also important for enabling women to use their voice on national matters that are important for the future of Australia. Resolutions and their debate are a major component of ‘The Voice of VIEW’ with the goal of bringing them to the attention of government bodies.
To make a difference and understand how your voice can be heard email Helen, the President of the Brendale Evening VIEW Club on hlhdwh@bigpond.com or visit www.VIEW. org.au.
We host dinner meetings on the third Tuesday evening of the month at Aspley Hornets Football Club, 6.30pm for 7pm start. The guest speaker on the 15th August will be Sue-Ellen Kusher talking about ASIO agents living in The Gap. Pop along for an informative night and some fun. RSVP’s can be sent to brendale.view@gmail.com. Unable to join the ladies at the dinner meeting? There is a Coffee and Chat morning held on the first Saturday of the month, 10am onwards at White’s Coffee Co in the Bracken Ridge Tavern.The club are hosting a sausage sizzle on the 19th August at Bunnings Brendale, Corner Old North Rd & Kremzow Rd, Brendale. The community is invited to attend and help the club raise much-needed funds for The Smith Family children. VIEW is the largest community sponsor of students within The Smith Family’s Learning for Life program and Brendale Evening VIEW Club will be represented at the Dickson Senior Expo South Pine Sporting Complex, South Pine Rd., Brendale from 9am to 2pm on 22nd August 2023.