The Eatons Echo - January 2024

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SIGN ON FOR SPORT The Albany Creek Brumbies Junior Rugby Union boys in action! Discover more about the sports on offer around the region in our ‘Sign On For Sports’ guide on pages 15-24

Albany Creek | Eatons Hill | Cashmere | Warner Property Connections

Supporting Our Local Community for Over 30 Years!

North Brisbane’s #1 Award Winning Team For All Your Real Estate Needs

Simone Dombrowski Office Manager

Sophie Benett

Hunt Business SystemsKynan Operator Sales Consultant



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Meet the Team Meet the Team Meet the Team Meet the Team Meet the Team Meet the Team Meet the Team 30+ Years Experience 30+Years YearsExperience Experience 30+ 30+ Experience Years Experience 30+ Years Experience 30+ Years Experience 30+ Years

Simone Dombrowski Office Manager

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Leah Tronc Asset Manager Asset Manager

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30+ Years Experience Supporting our local community

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Shop 5, 25 Ferguson Street, Albany Creek | | 07 3264 9000

Meet the Team

Leah Tronc

Asset Manager

Tapping into Community and Diversity for 36 Years

Clogging, an often overlooked dance style, has entrenched itself within Brisbane’s vibrant cultural tapestry for the past three decades.

Originating as a folk dance in the Appalachian Mountains of the US, clogging bears striking resemblances to tap dancing, sharing a common lineage. Brisbane, as a hub for this rhythmic art, hosts numerous clogging clubs spread across various suburbs, including Brisbane City Hall, Kenmore, Runcorn, Lutwyche, Chermside, and Caboolture. These clubs serve as community centres where individuals of diverse backgrounds and ages, spanning from 6 to over 80 years old, converge to celebrate this percussive feet danceform. ‘At its core, clogging is not just about dance; it’s a way of connecting people, creating bonds, and celebrating diversity,’ mentions one of the club members. The dance form, once rooted in fiddle and bluegrass music, has evolved dynamically, embracing a wide spectrum of musical genres from country to pop and hip-hop. Confidance Cloggers, a Brisbane clogging clubs, stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of this art form. The club has been a source of joy and connection for its members, fostering qualities like teamwork, leadership skills, and self-confidence. ‘More than just dance steps, clogging has provided us with mental wellness benefits, especially during challenging times,’ added another enthusiast. With a membership that transcends cultural and generational barriers, Confidance Cloggers exemplifies the power of dance

Fonzie Abbott Coffee

in promoting social cohesion and well-being. Their website ( showcases their dedication to this unique dance style, serving as a testament to their commitment to fostering a welcoming community. ‘As we mark our 36th year in Brisbane, we invite everyone to discover the joy of clogging. It‘s more than a dance; it’s a celebration of life and unity,’ expressed a club representative, extending an open invitation to all interested individuals to join their community-driven dance program. For further inquiries and to get involved, interested individuals can visit their website at or directly reach out to the Confidance Cloggers’ community by emailing or calling 0434 195 885

All Day Breakfast and Lunch

07 3264 5321 1/10 Dawn Road, Albany Creek

Gabrielle Barnier from Sunstate Cloggers and Amanda Lim Confidance Cloggers

Fully Licenced

CAFE FUNCTIONS CATERING The Eatons Echo, January 2024 - Page 3

Recipe of the month The Eatons Echo is a FREE monthly publication delivering 14,500 copies per month of what matters to the Eatons Hill and surrounding areas. Our paper is 100% locally owned and operated, which means we don’t just talk about being local, WE ARE LOCAL; we live it everyday. Distribution is carried out via direct letterbox delivery to homes and businesses in the suburbs of; Albany Creek, Eatons Hill, Warner and Cashmere. Copies can also be picked up from a variety of magazine stands within the above suburbs. ..................................... Copyright: The Eatons Echo is produced by Echo Media Group Pty Ltd (The Publisher). All rights are reserved and the contents are copyright and may not be reproduced without permission from The Publisher. All care is taken by The Publisher, however responsibility is not accepted for errors or omissions and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of The Publisher. COVID-19: At the time of going to press (21st December 2023), information contained within this issue is correct. As the situation with the COVID health crisis is ever changing, we urge you to contact organisers of any events listed within our publication if you are doubtful about times and dates. For more information, visit or email

Grilled Peach Salad Makes 15 | Prep time: 15 mins | Cook time: 5 mins

Ingredients Dressing:

⅓ cup extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar ½ teaspoon crushed black pepper Salad: 2 teaspoons honey 3 ripe peaches, halved, de-seeded 4 cups rocket ¼ of red onion, finely sliced ⅓ cup pecans, roughly chopped or crumbled 60g goat’s cheese or feta


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Rates above are on a per month basis and include GST. Casual Rate = One Off Advert, Regular Rate = 6months Distribution Method: Direct letterbox delivery around the North West suburbs of Brisbane. Copies also available for pick up from local magazine stands.

Distribution areas: Warner, Albany Creek, Eatons Hill

Contact us at or scan QR code to book your advert online Page 4 - January 2024, The Eatons Echo

PLACE the oil, vinegar, and pepper in a jar and shake until combined. Combine 2 tablespoons of the dressing mixture with the honey and brush over the cut surfaces of the peaches. HEAT a non-stick grill pan (or BBQ) to high. Place peaches cut side down, on the hot grill. GRILL peaches for 2 minutes or until golden brown the remove and allow to cool. Slice thickly. PLACE rocket, sliced grilled peaches, red onion, pecans, and fresh goat cheese in a large salad bowl. Drizzle with the remaining salad dressing. Gently toss and serve immediately. This recipe is brought to you by The Queensland Country Women’s Association’s (QCWA) Country Kitchens program. The program is empowering women through education and health is a priority for the Queensland Country Women’s Association (QCWA). The QCWA Country Kitchens program, funded by the Queensland Government through Health and Wellbeing Queensland, supports Queenslanders to adopt healthier lifestyles. To find out more about the program visit https:// au/.







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The Eatons Echo, January 2024 - Page 5



Page 6 - January 2024, The Eatons Echo

Feel-Good Mexican Flavours Come to Albany Creek

Albany Creek Village shopping centre is abuzz with excitement as Zambrero, the renowned destination for Feel Good Mex, opened its doors on Monday 18th December.

Adding a vibrant and flavoursome dimension to the culinary landscape, this exciting addition will be nestled next to Baskin Robbins within the shopping precinct located at 700-710 Albany Creek Road, Albany Creek. Zambrero's distinctiveness lies in its innovative approach to serving Mexican cuisine. Promising a fresh interpretation of traditional favorites, the menu boasts a tantalizing array of flavors crafted with utmost freshness and culinary boldness. The Zambrero’s franchise pride themselves on The exterior of the new working towards solving Zambrero’s Albany Creek world hunger through their Plate 4 Plate Initiative, where they have donated more than 68 million meals to those in need. Belinda Hammett, the Centre Manager of Albany Creek Village, expressed her enthusiasm at the arrival of Zambrero, affirming, ‘I believe locals will be captivated by Zambrero's

The stylish interior of the new Zambrero’s Albany Creek Feel Good Mex Menu – offering a fantastic selection of freshly prepared burritos, quesadillas, bowls, nachos, and tacos catering to the whole family.’ Albany Creek Village extends a warm invitation to the community to partake in the delightful cuisine of Zambrero Albany Creek. The restaurant aspires to carve a niche as the go-to destination for those in search of a revitalizing and wholesome Mexican dining experience. For further details, please visit

The Eatons Echo, January 2024 - Page 7

Discover Knowledge and Joy at the Library

Welcome to the enchanting world of knowledge and discovery at the Albany Creek Library!

Nestled in the heart of our community, this vibrant hub offers a plethora of wonderful events that cater to diverse interests and ages. From crafting groups and interactive storytelling sessions for the little ones to engaging workshops, and technologydriven activities for adults, the Albany Creek Library is a haven for lifelong learners. Immerse yourself in the joy of literature, expand your horizons through educational discussions, or simply enjoy the camaraderie of fellow book enthusiasts. Join us on a journey of exploration and inspiration as we celebrate the magic of words and ideas at the Albany Creek Library. Messy Play - Tuesday 16th January, 11am - 11.30am

Bridge Club - 2nd & 4th Monday of the month, 10am 11.30am

Join our monthly adult Bridge Club to learn contract bridge, meet new people and enjoy a chat in a comfortable, stressfree environment. No bookings required. Craft Group- 2nd & 4th Monday of the month, 10am - noon

Join other adult crafters and share your tips and tricks, solve your craft problems and chat while indulging in your craft activity. BYO project, supplies, and sense of fun.

LEGO Engineers Club, 1st & 3rd Friday of the month, 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Develop design thinking and engineering skills as you build and create with LEGO ® bricks. Meet other brick fans and complete challenges, group builds and more! Ideal for ages 4-12. Bookings required. JP’s in the Community

JPs available weekly. No bookings required. • Wednesday: 3.30pm - 5.30pm • Thursday: 5.30pm - 7pm • Saturday: 9.30am - 11.30am Drop in and play with play dough, paint, craft and more. Dress for getting messy! For under 5s. No bookings required. Build Your Wellbeing At Work - Thursday 22nd January, 6pm - 7.30pm

Is 2024 the year you’ll develop a better relationship with work? Discover five things you can do to prevent burnout and work overwhelm with Shannon Swales from Burnout Psychology Support. Bookings required.

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Storytime - Every Friday at 10am

Storytime is a great way to develop a love of reading and introduce your child to books. Experience the magic of stories, action rhymes and songs with your child at the library. For parents and children, 2-5 years. No bookings required. Art Hallway Display Cabinet: Would you like to display your creations? Contact the Library for more information. To make a booking, visit events, or call the library on 5433 2638

Australia Day at the Samford Museum

‘Many hands make light work.’ With this motto echoing through the air, the dedicated volunteers at Samford Museum are leaving no stone unturned as they gear up for the grand Australia Day celebration on the 26th of January, 2024. Feather dusters, buckets of warm soapy water, and clean rags are at the ready, wielded by enthusiastic volunteers eager to bring a shine to every nook and cranny of the museum, ensuring that the venue is in pristine condition for the upcoming festivities. Australia Day, commemorating the arrival of Captain Arthur Phillip at Sydney Cove on the 26th of January, 1788, holds a special place in the hearts of Australians. This significant date has been a cause for nationwide celebration, and this year, the Samford Museum is ready to join in the festivities. As millions across the country mark the occasion in their unique ways, the museum opens its doors to the public, inviting them to be a part of the celebration. Here’s a glimpse of the exciting agenda planned for the day at Samford Museum: • All museum displays open for exploration • Indulge in traditional Billy Tea and Damper • Witness the artistry of a Medieval Blacksmith • Delve into family history exhibits • Gain insights into WW1 and WW2 through informative displays • Engage your little ones with specially curated children’s activities • Unleash your creativity with craftwork in the Slab Kitchen

• Savor the flavors of an Aussie classic with a sausage sizzle • Enjoy light refreshments throughout the day • Take a trip down memory lane with exhibits on ‘Back to School Days’ • Experience the power of restored machinery engines through live demonstrations • Explore reminiscence books and more And the excitement doesn’t end there! Visitors can participate in a Multi Draw Raffle for a chance to win exciting prizes. Access to the museum is via John Scott Park. Entry fee is $5 for adults and $1 for children. The event takes place from 9am - 2pm on Friday 26th January, 2024, at 21 Station Street, Samford Village. For details, call 07 3289 2743.

The Eatons Echo, January 2024 - Page 9

A Beacon of Humanitarianism and Inspiration

In a momentous event held on November 27th at Government House Sydney, Rose Ness Wilson, a Year 6 student from St William’s Primary School in Keperra, was unveiled as the Queensland Junior Ambassador to The Fred Hollows Foundation. This prestigious accolade was awarded to Rose in recognition of her exceptional demonstration of humanitarian values and unwavering commitment to serving others. The Humanity Award, a nationally acclaimed initiative by The Fred Hollows Foundation, honors students who, akin to the legendary ophthalmologist Professor Fred Hollows, exhibit remarkable humanitarianism towards their peers and communities. Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC, Governor of New South Wales, alongside Mr. Dennis Wilson, served as joint Patrons for The Foundation's award ceremony, gracing the occasion with their presence and support. Rose’s nomination for the Humanity Award, alongside her fellow student Alana Fagan, was submitted by her teacher, Nikki Saunders, representing St William's Grovely. Ms. Saunders lauded Rose’s exceptional community spirit, stating, ‘Rose goes above and beyond to help people in need, not just within our school but also in the wider community.’ Rose’s philanthropic endeavors include assembling Christmas hampers for the St Vincent de Paul Society, where she crafted unique handwritten messages for each pack, and brightening the lives of aged care facility residents with her visits. Her

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Gabi Hollows with Rose at Government House fundraising efforts, particularly for medical research and charities benefiting premature babies, reflect her personal journey as a premature baby herself. Moreover, Rose’s leadership shone through as she initiated and managed the school newsletter, SWP (St Williams Press), involving students in its creation. Inspired by a workshop from Echo New’s Journalist Georgia Wright last year, this school newsletter was written by the students, for the students. This initiative persisted throughout her final two years in primary school, affirming her commitment to community engagement and communication. As one of six Junior Ambassadors to The Fred Hollows Foundation, Rose has received a $5,000 grant from Specsavers, the award's charity partner, dedicated to supporting The Foundation’s mission to eradicate avoidable blindness worldwide. An additional $10,000, also donated by Specsavers, will bolster The Foundation’s programs globally. Rose has chosen to allocate her $10,000 funding towards The Foundation's Indigenous Australia Program, highlighting her commitment to supporting eye care services within Indigenous communities. Rose Ness Wilson’s commitment to humanitarianism and her dedication to serving others serve as an inspiration to her peers and the wider community, showcasing the impact that young individuals can have on creating positive change in society.

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Call now 1300 112 112 Pick up address: 46/2 15 Brisbane Road, Labrador QLD 4215. Monday to Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm

Page 10 - January 2024, The Eatons Echo

Rose at Government House

Discover Your Singing Passion

The friendly Blue Sky Harmony crew Everton Park-based vocal ensemble Blue Sky Harmony is opening their rehearsal on Wednesday 31 January from 7pm to connect with locals who love to sing. This is the perfect opportunity to see what they do and find out if they're the singing ensemble you've been searching for! The night will involve warm-ups, which you're welcome to participate in, and then you will have the opportunity to see how the choir rehearses, hear some of their repertoire, and pick up some great tips on vocal production along the way! This free open rehearsal will take place at the Everton Park Bowls and Community Club. More details via www. and www.facebook. com/events/1913026655807791



The Eatons Echo, January 2024 - Page 11

An Echo of Creativity Across Padua College

After establishing a partnership with Padua College in 2022, our journalist Georgia Wright adopted a mentor’s role for the school’s Eagles’ Quill Writing Club. Two years later, both Echo News and the Eagles’ Quill have flourished from the mutual support. During a worthwhile, grant-funded investment in local schools, Georgia began attending Eagle’s Quill meetings to pass on her knowledge of writing and journalism. Having strived to become an author herself—and achieving that goal at age 16—her mentorship was deeply appreciated by the students. So much so, she was made a permanent source of expertise at the college. As well as Georgia’s mentorship, Echo News has also sponsored two consecutive annual writing competitions at Padua College, donating $150 worth of prizemoney to the cause. As a result, Padua’s young achievers are now more interested in storytelling than ever. Especially, one student by the likes of Ethan Messer, whom Georgia affectionately refers to as her intern. An aspiring journalist himself, Ethan wrote six articles for The Little Echo during its time and now collaborates with Georgia on pieces for Echo News. He shares, ‘Throughout the year, with Georgia’s help, I have been able report on many important topics and help inform people about aspects that are improving or affecting nature, along with many other real-world problems. Georgia’s time at Padua has also seen the beginning and the growth of Padua’s Eagles Quill Writing Club, introducing more kids to creative writing and journalism. My writing skills have grown, and I have been able to learn the ins and out of journalism and reporting. Sharing topics that impact the daily life of people and organisms is something that I will be continuing long into the future.’ Recently, Ethan repurposed the confidence he’s gained and took his creativity to all new heights. He scored the challenging role of The Riddler in a Padua College short film Batman: The Fall of Gotham. Georgia attended the film’s premiere on behalf of Echo News to show her support. Ethan explains, ‘The Batman movie was a parody of the normal Batman movies that are known by everyone. This project started with the class creating a small Batman skit before term four, which was then turned into our assessment. The whole class had a tremendous influence on the story and

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Ethan and Echo News Journalist Georgia at the Premiere of Padua College’s short film Batman: The Fall of Gotham

design of the movie. Led by our director and other leaders in the class, we were able to create a 40-minute-long Batman film with all the same villains, but a completely original story and script. I was one of the assistant directors and script writers in the movie, while also playing the classic Batman villain, the Riddler. Creative abilities and many other students’ strengths were easily emphasised throughout the filming of this movie. Many challenges were accounted for along the way. With the guidance of many experienced teachers and a strong cast, Batman: The Fall of Gotham became real and taught many people lessons on leadership along the way.’ Georgia found it to be a wholesome, encouraging experience watching Ethan, amongst all the other students involved in the project, showcase such remarkable storytelling skills. As Joanne O’Bryan, the organiser of the writing club, shared after the premiere, ‘I will never forget this night. These kids are so special, I feel so lucky to have witnessed their abilities grow.’ Feeling the same sense of pride, Georgia looks forward to a continued partnership with Padua College—and continued internship with Ethan—in the new year.

The Way It Was...

A few pictures from around the local area. If you have an old picture you would like to submit from days gone by, please email

Eatons Hill Water Tower c.1970 Hasn't the landscape changed in Eatons Hill since 1970? Predominately a farming area back then. Image courtesy of Moreton Bay Regional Council, Image ID LHR123

Australian Paper Mill, Petrie c.1968 For more than 50 years, the Petrie Paper Mill was known for its ‘Petrie spirit’ and sense of community. From its construction to closure, it employed about 5000 people. At that time, just about everyone that lived in Pine Rivers had a relative or member of the family that worked at the mill. Image courtesy of Moreton Bay Regional Council Libraries. Reference Number MBPS-0001.

Intersection of Old Northern Road & Keong Road, Albany Creek c.1982 Trees everywhere only 41 years ago. Image courtesy of Moreton Bay Regional Council, Image ID PRLPC-P1652

Old Northern Road, just south of Albany Creek Leisure Centre. 1991 Just 32 years ago!!! Beside Janice St, Albany Creek. This picture shows the realignment roadworks on Old Northern Road Albany Creek. This photograph shows the location of the previous Old Northern Road on the left of the photograph with the new realigned section of road in the centre of the photograph. These roadworks are near where Janice Street Albany Creek is now located. Image courtesy of Moreton Bay Regional Council. PRLPC-P1124/8

Brookside Shopping Centre. 1970 Just check out all that vacant land over at Mitchelton! Image courtesy of Brookside Shopping Centre

Old Bridge at Cash’s Crossing c. 1928 View of the bridge and a picturesque reach of the South Pine River taken from the south bank. This old bridge was destroyed in the 1931 floods. Image courtesy of Moreton Bay Regional Council, reference number PRLPC-P0638

Albany Creek c. 1971 Aerial photograph looking northeast over the South Pine River at Albany Creek downstream from Cash's Crossing. Readymix's extensive sand and gravel operations can be seen on the south bank of the South Pine River. Old Northern Road leads to Cash's Crossing and Albany Creek Road, Greensill Road and Leitchs Road can be seen at the right hand side of the photograph. Image courtesy of the MBRC Libraries Ref PRLPC-P014 Strathpine Airstrip c. 1945 Strathpine Airstrip during WW2. Today this area is Spitfire Avenue and now heavily urbanised. This was one of three main fighter fields for the Brisbane area defence during the war. Airstrips were A1 and A2 in Strathpine and A3 in Petrie. Pictured is A2. Spitfire Avenue was also part of a racetrack in 1950! Images courtesy of ozwar. com and State library of QLD.

A VIEW to 2024

An update from the Brendale VIEW Club Brendale View Club welcomes you to come along to see if VIEW is for you?

The Brendale Evening View Club Ladies are eager to start the New Year off in January with the annual AGM. The New Year dinner meeting will be held on Tuesday the 16th of January at the Aspley Hornets Football Club Carseldine. The members finished the year of 2023 with a very jolly dinner meeting. The ladies were entertained with Ian Maurice and Natalie Mead. There were lots of sing-a-longs and laughter. It was a great night with many of the ladies winning one or two of the Christmas hampers. This night was just one of the many dinner meetings that have been held by the Brendale View Club. The members have enjoyed the yearly fashion parade, many social activities and also a number of informed guest speakers. The guest speakers came along to entertain and educate us all. The Smith Family have also had a very successful Christmas Appeal. This is a very big part of the fundraising calendar. Ladies if this year you have decided to make a difference in your community, why not come along to the next dinner meeting. You will be most welcomed. V.I.E.W stands for the Voice, Interests & Education of Women. It is a leading women’s volunteer organisation and support network that empowers women to have their voices heard on issues of importance for the future wellbeing of Australian society. VIEW provides women with the opportunity to meet regularly with other women from all walks of life, establish lasting friendships and help disadvantaged Australian children through

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supporting the work of children’s charity The Smith Family. The Brendale VIEW Club are proud to sponsor eight Learning for Life students through the Smith Family Learning for Life Program. Upcoming events: First dinner meeting in 2024 will be on the 16th of January. February the 20th 2024: please save the date for the Brendale VIEW Clubs’ 25th Anniversary. This will be a big celebration with a guest speaker, raffles and lots of fun and laughs and last but not least a birthday cake to share. If you are unable to come to this dinner meeting, please join us for a ‘Coffee and Chat’ on the first Saturday of the month. (next one is on 6th January 2024). We start at 10am at White’s Coffee Co., Bracken Ridge Tavern, 153 Barrett St, Bracken Ridge. If you would like to more information about the club, please contact the President Helen on 0407 003 229. We meet on the third Tuesday of each month at Aspley Hornets Football Club, Carseldine, 6.30pm for a 7pm start. It is important to book.

SignOn for local sports We are fortunate to have so many community-minded sports clubs in our region. In this feature we showcase some of our local clubs and provide information regarding their upcoming Sign On days, events or classes.

Fostering Community Spirit, Player Development, and Affordable Netball Access

In recent years, the over arching focus of Arana Netball has been rebuilding the club in the heart of the community – exemplifying the pinnacle of a supportive grass-roots netball club with families in mind. This effort has been led by the Presidential team, Jenna Hodgekiss and Kym Streeter, along with the help of volunteers. Thanks to all their hard work, the club has seen the community spirit soar within the club, along with the achievements of its members. The coaching team at Arana Netball have seen immense improvement in players over the years. This is highly noted by the increasing amount of Arana Netball players (within representative playing pools) going into the 2024 season with selection in both representative programs and teams through QCNA and DPNA. The club would like to recognise these players, who have thrived in the club’s supportive environment and coaching programs. Players can look forward to improving their skills in the 2024 season starting

with a shooting clinic run by Spirit Netball in February. The Arana Umpiring Team has also been improving in leaps and bounds in recent years, through the umpire development program. This program is led by Brianna Streeter, who encourages boys, girls, siblings, and parents to develop their skills in umpiring. Furthermore, Arana Netball have been continuously posting the most affordable fees within the Downey Park Netball Association. Although there will be an increase this coming year, the club are working to make netball accessible to all in the community in a time of financial strain. Arana Netball Club are excited to invite everyone to their Sign On Day on January 28th from 4pm – 6pm at the Netball Courts off Olearia St West for the 2024 season of netball. Here, they will celebrate the love of netball with the Arana Sports team and Mayor Flannery will be present. Activities for all children and a free sausage sizzle sponsored by the Arana Leagues Club will also be on offer!

The Eatons Echo, January 2024 - Page 15

SignOn for sports

Celebrating 28 Years: Embracing Growth, Development, and Family Values in Rugby

Albany Creek Brumbies Junior Rugby Union Club turns 28 in 2024 and continues to grow and mature as a family club that supports both boys’ and girls’ rugby from ages 5 – 16 years.

For the past two years, the club have been running a girls rugby academy, and they are delighted to have seen this side of the club grow exponentially. What started with just five girls in 2021, has now grown to a massive 60 girls participating in both 15 aside and 7’s rugby. Exciting additions will be welcomed at the club in 2024, including a brand new gym that will provide more support to players. Furthermore, a new 7 aside competition will be added to the program and Under 6-9 carnivals will take place as the club partners with other Northside clubs. All these additions will provide more opportunities for players to develop their skills further. The club are delighted to have support from the City of Moreton Bay Council in the provision of some of the best facilities across Brisbane - both in clubrooms and the rugby fields themselves. Due to these great facilities, the club often hosts events for both the Queensland Rugby Union and the Brisbane Junior Rugby Union. They are also the host club for the Pacific Youth Rugby Festival – arguably the largest youth rugby festival in the Southern Hemisphere and growing! Cath Tonks is the club Patron and Division 9 Councillor for the City of Moreton Bay. She knows the club

The Albany Creek Brumbies Junior Rugby Union girls in action

very well and can often be seen helping out in the canteen during these larger events. With the golden years of rugby in Australia about to start – the Rugby World Cup for both men and women and the 2032 Olympics also on its way, now is the time to get involved, learn the game and even dream the dream of Olympic glory! The Brumbies would love to have your family come and join them – no previous rugby experience is necessary as the friendly and qualified coaches, managers and staff will give you all the support that your family needs to enjoy the rugby experience as a family. Skills nights start in early February, so get in touch via email at au and the club will talk you through the process of getting enrolled and on the field!

For more information, contact Mel: 0404 012 751

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The Eatons Echo, January 2024 - Page 17

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Page 18 - January 2024, The Eatons Echo

SignOn for sports

Every Player and Skill Level Counts at Pine Hills Hockey

Pine Hills Hockey Club is a club for all the family, from your youngest member to your oldest, our club caters to all skill levels and abilities. Focusing on an enjoyment of the game and the social aspects of team sport we encourage all to come and give the game of Hockey a try.

Why choose Pine Hills? Over the past year Pine Hills has focused on improving the player experience through development of the network of support around our teams and the game. We have focused on developing a positive culture, especially within our coaching staff to support a positive experience. From mastering stickwork to refining your strategic thinking, our programs are designed to make you a better player. Whether you‘re a beginner looking to master the basics or an experienced player aiming to refine your skills, our coaching staff is dedicated to helping you achieve your personal best. Pine Hills Hockey prides itself on being an inclusive and diverse community. Make lifelong friendships with teammates who share your passion for field hockey. Experience the joy of playing in a team that values unity and support. Forge lasting friendships, build connections, and enjoy the sense of belonging that comes with being part of our tight-knit community. Stay active, healthy, and have a blast while doing it! Field hockey is not just a sport; it‘s a fantastic way to stay fit

and enjoy the thrill of the game. Join us for exhilarating practices, engaging drills, and the joy of scoring goals with your teammates. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to play hockey, which is why we offer affordable fees for members. Enjoy the benefits of being part of Pine Hills Hockey without breaking the bank. Upcoming Events and Tryouts Ready to embark on this exciting journey? Mark your calendars for our upcoming Sign On! Join us on 3rd February 2024 at Sticks and Stones Pavilion, James Drysdale Reserve, Sports Lane, Bunya, and showcase your skills. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer, we welcome everyone with open arms. Connect With Us! Visit the website to learn more about Pine Hills Hockey or connect on social media @ pinehillshockeyclub and stay updated on upcoming events, news, and player spotlights. Don’t miss the chance to be part of this great club. Together, let’s enjoy the game, celebrate achievements, and forge memories that will last a lifetime. Join us for a season of camaraderie, skill development, and unforgettable moments on the field. More information and contact details can be found on the advertisement below.

The Eatons Echo, January 2024 - Page 19

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Calling All Junior Football Enthusiasts for the 2024 Season!

Aspley Hornets proudly announces the commencement of registrations for the upcoming Junior and Youth Football season, slated to kick off in April 2024. This revered club boasts an impressive participation of over 600 Junior and Youth Players across 43 diverse teams spanning all age groups. Notably, the Hornets also champion girls-only teams in the Under 9s, 11s, 13s, 15s, and Under 17s categories. A cornerstone of the football community, the Aspley Hornets mark their 60th anniversary in 2024. The club‘s Football Program continues to expand, witnessing an impressive roster of over 1000 players across Junior, Youth, and Senior programs. The club prides itself on providing a direct pathway for aspiring players into state league football, offering youngsters a chance to follow in the footsteps of renowned homegrown heroes like Harris Andrews and Tayla Harris in the AFL. With a strong emphasis on development, the Hornets‘ facilities comprise three well-equipped ovals situated at Zupps Aspley Oval and Southpine Sports Complex in Brendale. The multiple teams in each age group ensure a tailored approach to your child‘s football journey, nurturing their skills and progress. For those eager to embark on their football journey, Aspley Hornets encourages you to explore their Football website. Dive into the world of football and discover how you can be a part of this vibrant community at Aspley Hornets. Visit for more details and to kickstart your football journey with the Aspley Hornets today!

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Everton Physical Culture Club Shines Bright in 2023 Season

Everton Physical Culture Club is reveling in a triumphant celebration after a spectacular 2023 season filled with commendable achievements across various age groups within the club. The last few months have seen seniors and ladies showcasing their incredible skills and dedication in individual champion girl competitions, resulting in four members earning a coveted spot in the Zone final, securing places within the top 15 for their respective age groups. Notably, Mikayla (15 years) and Veronica (open ladies) clinched 5th place in their age groups, a testament to their outstanding talent and hard work. The club's participation in the Queensland teams competition was equally impressive, with eight teams entering and three of them claiming the prestigious B Grade Team Champions title in the 7-8 years, 9-10 years, and 11-12 year age categories. Additionally, the 13-14 year age group secured 2nd place, while the Intermediate ladies excelled, securing 4th place in a dazzling display of talent and teamwork. Six junior members journeyed to Sydney to compete in the Repechage competition, showcasing remarkable performances. Keirra stood out by making it to the final in the 9 years section, reflecting the depth of talent nurtured at Everton. In the highly competitive Junior National competition, six talented competitors ranging from 7 to 12 years old showcased their skills, with Emily (11 years) and Claudia (10

Dance classes for girls & ladies ages 3 and up Classes held at Arana Hills 2 free trial lessons for all new members during term 1 Classes resume Monday 12th February

For more information visit EvertonPhysie

Proud Everton Physie teachers Zara and Erin with their certificates years) making it to the final 18 in Australia. Emily (12 years) achieved an outstanding National 3rd place, marking the first time in several years that the club has secured a place in the Juniors category. Furthermore, Hayley, a first-year senior, earned a place in the National Final held at the Opera House, solidifying her position among the top 15 in her age group. Erin, Zara, and Peta, the dedicated teachers at Everton, expressed immense pride in the achievements of their students, emphasizing the personal bests achieved by many and the relentless effort displayed throughout the year to accomplish the goals set early in the Physie year. This outstanding season of accomplishments emphasizes the club's commitment to nurturing talent, promoting teamwork, and fostering individual growth. Everton Physical Culture Club stands tall as a beacon of success and empowerment for young girls pursuing excellence through physical culture. For more information about the sport and how to get involved, visit Everton Physical Culture Club's website www. or reach out to their dedicated team of instructors.

What is Physie? Physie, short for Physical Culture, is a combination of dance, exercise, and movement to music, aimed at enhancing physical fitness, flexibility, and coordination. It combines various dance styles and techniques, providing an all-encompassing exercise and performing art form. Additionally, Physie fosters discipline, self-confidence, and teamwork among its practitioners, nurturing not just physical but also mental wellbeing. The Eatons Echo, January 2024 - Page 21

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Trailblazing 2024 with Pioneering Programs and Community Spirit

In the heart of The Gap, a tight-knit community-driven with elite-level players. Beyond this groundbreaking sports club is making waves with its big-hearted program, the club is committed to advancing the skills of approach to netball. coaches, umpires, and players. Substantial investments Positioning itself as a family-friendly hub, The Gap Netball in additional sessions, activities, and training sessions are Club stands out for its dedication to promoting inclusivity and earmarked for the coming year. diversity in netball, making it a sport accessible to everyone, Hilder Rd State School regardless of race, gender, or age. in The Gap serves as Fueling their aspirations, the club secured a grant from the training ground Woolworths this year, enabling the launch of the 'All Play during the week, with Inclusion Program' slated for 2024. Committed to three key game days unfolding projects, the club is spearheading the groundbreaking Boys a t D o w n e y P a r k in Netball Pilot. Teaming up with The Queensland Suns Men’s Netball Association in Netball Association, this initiative introduces a pioneering Windsor on Saturdays. mentoring program designed to boost boys' participation in As anticipation builds netball and establish sustainable pathways within the sport. for the 2024 season, Boys aged 7-12 registering for the 2024 season will enjoy online registrations exclusive benefits, including half-price registration fees, a will open on January complimentary uniform (singlet, shorts, and socks), a ticket to 8, 2024. Prospective Cooper Garrity, a previous a Netball Queensland School Holiday Boys Clinic in 2024, and members and curious netballer from The Gap Netball Club, now enjoys coaching the a Queensland Suns Mentor/Buddy. The mentorship program onlookers can explore team too! promises a meet-and-greet, monthly Zoom catch-ups, the club's offerings at attendance at a QLD Suns team training, and an experience a Club Open Day on Saturday, January 20, from 8 am to at a Nationals game at Nissan Arena in April 2024. 11 am. For further information, visit the club's website at The Boys in Netball initiative operates on the principle of "You, reach out to President Jodie at can't be what you can't see," striving not only to encourage, or stay updated by following boys to embrace netball but also to establish connections their journey on Facebook and Instagram.

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Samford Rangers Football Club: Your Gateway to Football Excellence

Samford Rangers Football Club (SRFC) stands tall as one of Brisbane’s largest football clubs on the northside, boasting a vast community of over 850 players across 60+ teams. Nestled near Samford Village, our serene home ground accommodates players from age 3 to 60+, catering to diverse skill levels. Beyond trophies and league ranks, SRFC prides itself on making a positive impact within the community. The club focuses on providing top-tier playing and training facilities, FFA-aligned coaching programs, and comprehensive player development pathways. Their commitment to inclusivity is evident in the diverse football offerings, backed by dedicated support from their Academy, Women’s, and Community Football Directors. The club’s senior men's and women's teams shine in the FQPL2 league, while the Junior Boys excel in both the FQ Academy league and Metro competition. The ever-growing Junior Girls division proudly features multiple teams in the Metro Junior competition. At SRFC, the Under 8 to Under 12 teams embrace the FFA Skills Acquisition Program (SAP), guided by their skilled Technical Directors. Meanwhile, the Under 6 and 7 teams engage in exciting matches against local rivals and fellow Samford squads. For seasoned players or those new to the game, the

northside Masters Competition teams (Men O35, O45, O50, and Women’s O30) welcome fresh talent. Masters football caters to varied preferences, offering competitive or social play regardless of prior experience. Want to know more? Why not join the club for Sign-on day on Sunday, February 4th, and be a part of their vibrant football community at Samford Parklands! For further details, visit or email info@

BENEFITS OF SOCCER FOR KIDS • Physical Fitness: Soccer involves running, kicking, and constant movement, promoting cardiovascular health, agility, and overall physical fitness. • Teamwork: Playing soccer encourages teamwork and cooperation, helping kids learn to collaborate, communicate, and work together toward a common goal. • Motor Skills: Dribbling, passing, and shooting the ball improve coordination and fine motor skills in young players. • Social Interaction: Soccer fosters social connections, allowing kids to make friends, build relationships, and develop important social skills both on and off the field. • Discipline and Focus: Learning the rules of the game and adhering to them promotes discipline and helps kids develop focus and concentration.

The Eatons Echo, January 2024 - Page 23

SignOn for sports

Run With Rob: Champions of the Team

By Shane Steele Every Step Makes a Difference is the mission statement of local running club, Run With Rob. Although, in 2023 it took giant leaps in terms of community reach, including raising $61,928 – its greatest annual total since commencing in 2014 – with 100 per cent going to charities like Small Steps 4 Hannah.

RWR’s reputation is built on going further together by not letting anyone fall behind. As a club, it moves as a tribe. However, in 2023, some runners moved beyond what even they imagined. As such, several club members were awarded the prestigious RWR Runner of the Month. This accolade, awarded via anonymous nominations by club members, may recognise a significant running achievement or milestone, but really acknowledges members embodying the spirit of RWR. In July, Renee West won for leading the Warner afternoon group sessions and demonstrating motivation and inclusiveness towards all participants. Renee said it meant, “Everything.” A self-proclaimed ‘slow runner’, winning it changed her entire outlook on running. Renee’s husband, Gary, was awarded the June RWR Runner of the Month. As one of RWR’s loudest supporters trackside, Gary was recognised for his efforts in providing logistical support and helping with the coordination of race sites by setting up RWR gazebos and resources for the comfort of racers and supporters. “Not being a ‘runner’, it was a great feeling knowing others appreciated my efforts. Although, it’s not really an effort when you enjoy being around quality people,” said Gary. Melissa Murray, May RWR Runner of the Month, was similarly awarded for being the club’s ‘biggest cheerleader.’ “Being celebrated simply for celebrating the achievements of the members of this amazing community makes me really proud,” said Mel. “I will never be the fastest runner in the group and won’t ever win the award for the most attendances, but to be able to be there to celebrate and encourage each other is what being a part of RWR is all about for me.” Julia Lind was the January recipient in recognition of her positivity, enthusiasm and encouragement of RWR runners to be the best version of themselves. When not volunteering with the Pine Rivers Koala Care to provide an ambulance service for the furry natives, Julia remains an active runner within RWR that loves, “seeing what our existing and new RWR members achieve, whether it be improving their running pace or distance, or even developing more confidence in themselves.” Demonstrating commitment and being the best version of themself was behind Bridgette Breddin’s win of the RWR Runner of the Month in February. This followed months of solo trail runs in the lead-up to her completing the 50-kilometre Noosa Ultra Marathon in March 2023, for the second year in a row. Bridgette was humble in receiving the award. “I am just me. What you see is what you get, but I was chuffed that people recognised my commitment.” Bridgette acknowledges the support and friendship from RWR has been integral to her accomplishments, including those within her personal and professional life. In fact, RWR has planted seeds for its runners to embrace challenges away from trails and roads. This includes the broadcast of the Talking Tempo podcast (available on Spotify) by Sacha Carney and Katie Short, who were joint RWR Runners Page 24 - January 2024, The Eatons Echo

January’s RWR Runner of the Month Julia Lind with Rob Hopkinson, Founder of the Run With Rob community of the Month at the start of 2023 for their program. Sacha and Katie’s insightful and humorous discussion of running is aimed at everyday runners of all abilities as they talk about the highs, lows and everything in between relating to running. This included their personal journeys in training for the Gold Coast Marathon, which was Sacha’s debut event for this distance and saw Katie achieve her goal of going under 4 hours for the first time. Reaching, or running, for the impossible is what RWR is all about. Just ask Susie Clowes, winner of the August RWR Runner of the Month, who thought traversing the distance of the half-marathon was just that. Impossible. “This group has shown me anything is possible if you put your mind to it and are surrounded by like-minded, positive people.” Susie went on to say training for her goal with others was a ‘privilege.’ “RWR is so much more than a group of runners. It is a true community of people supporting each other and showing genuine care. To find so many new friends has been a real joy.” Katie Flaherty is one such runner that has shown anything is possible. Over Easter weekend, Katie competed in the Dead Cow Gully Big Backyard Ultra, managing to place 6th female overall after running 105 kiliometres. Katie would return only three months later to run the Australian Backyard Masters at the same course, located just outside Nanango, to shatter her own expectations and run over 143 kilometres. In recognition of her incredible efforts, Katie was awarded the April RWR Runner of the Month for being the ‘quiet achiever’ in the club. Katie’s win reflected her consistency, dedication and no-fuss approach to her training. “The recognition and supportive words from fellow group members were extremely touching,” said Katie. “It was a moment to pause, reflect and appreciate the progress and accomplishments I had made throughout the year.” So, if you have made it your resolution in 2024 to start or resume running, RWR will be there for you. A sentiment echoed by Mel. “This community is about so much more than running and welcomes people of all abilities, so being recognised for something that really has nothing to do with running, makes me proud to be a part of a community where everyone is celebrated for their achievements and the wonderful and unique humans that they are.” For more information, email

25 Years of Empowerment and Community Unity

In the heart of our community, the Mitchelton Branch of the Older Women's Network Queensland (OWNQ) has reached a remarkable milestone, commemorating its 25th anniversary.

From its humble beginnings with a modest gathering of 10 attendees at the inaugural meeting on May 13, 1998, the branch has burgeoned into a thriving community boasting an impressive membership of 80 women. This growth stands as a testament to the enduring bonds of camaraderie and support shared among older women in our area. Over the course of the last quarter-century, the Mitchelton Branch has evolved into a vital cornerstone for social connection and empowerment among its members. What initially commenced as a formal monthly meeting has transformed into a dynamic nexus of activities, knowledge exchange, and educational pursuits tailored to the interests of this vibrant group of women. A particularly commendable facet of the Mitchelton Branch is its commitment to adapt and expand in alignment with the changing needs and preferences of its members. Presently, the branch not only serves as a platform for social interaction but has broadened its scope to encompass member-organized activities. These encompass a diverse array of pursuits, from the camaraderie of ten-pin bowling to the enchantment of amateur theatre and the simple joy of shared movie outings. In an endeavor to explore the city and its surroundings, members embark on invigorating day trips utilizing Brisbane's public transport system, fostering a sense of adventure and discovery. Additionally, the branch has initiated opportunities for short holidays, offering members a chance to create enduring memories in a relaxed and supportive setting. The celebration of this remarkable 25-year journey saw 44 women congregating at the Stafford Tavern on November 28th. Amidst an atmosphere filled with laughter and shared stories, the event encapsulated a deep sense of appreciation for the enduring bonds forged over the years. This silver anniversary celebration served not only as a moment for reflection but also


Some members enjoying a delightful lunch at the Stafford Tavern

as an occasion to look forward to the future with renewed optimism and enthusiasm. As we commend the Mitchelton Branch of OWNQ for its unwavering commitment to the well-being of older women in our community, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the women whose contributions have fueled the growth and success of this branch over the years. Their dedication to fostering a supportive and empowering environment for older women is profoundly inspiring. Here's to 25 years of friendship, resilience, and empowerment – and to many more years ahead for the Mitchelton Branch of OWNQ, continuing its invaluable work in enriching the lives of older women in our community.

Janaury 2024

An update from the Arana Hills & Districts Senior Citizens Club Inc The festive season is behind us and we hope everyone will had a good start to the New Year. Most of us would have had spent plenty time with the family recently, however as we get on through the years, is also very important to stay in touch with the wider community - it will help our grey matter to stay in good shape! If you are looking for a bit of socialisation have a think about joining us. We meet The Hills Community Hall, 291 Dawson Parade, Arana Hills. Yearly membership is only $7, admission on activity day is only $5, which includes coffee tea and biscuits, so give it some thought. Our 2024 activities start Wednesday the 31st of January with bowling from 1pm to 3pm. Bingo and cards commence Friday 2nd February at 9am, indoor bowling will take place in the afternoon 1pm to 3pm. For more information ring Marcia on 0438 786 871.

The Eatons Echo, January 2024 - Page 25

‘All the Best, from Martin Edge’: A Vibrant and Inclusive Art Exhibition

Step into the colourful and inclusive world of celebrated artist Martin Edge at Pine Rivers Art Gallery which is now open until Saturday 16 March 2024. All the best, from Martin Edge is a playful, sensory exhibition that encourages everyone to experience the world through the eyes of local Moreton Bay painter and proud ambassador for Autism Queensland, Martin Edge. The exhibition of 22 paintings and associated activities. is a retrospective of Martin’s works during his 15 years as an award-winning artist, with many borrowed from private collections across Australia and two works commissioned specifically for this exhibition. Martin Edge said the exhibition was not just for art lovers. ‘It’s for the whole family and everybody is welcome,’ Martin said. ‘My exhibition is about the wondrous world according to me, Martin. It’s a celebration of my art, looking back at my journey as an artist and my everyday life and adventures in Moreton Bay. ‘It’s my first large-scale exhibition - from my very first painting that I ever completed which won the Moreton Bay Region Art Prize back in 2008 which is quite special, through to more recent paintings. Some of these are coming from all around Australia and I haven’t seen them since I painted them!’ Besides his art practice, Martin is a proud ambassador for Autism Queensland and his generosity as a volunteer, mentor

and artist has positively impacted the local community. ‘People often ask me why I started painting and I guess I didn’t really go looking to become an artist, the art found me. I like bright colours and the world around me and when I paint it makes me happy and brings a sense of joy. If I’m having a bad day, when I start painting, I start to feel well and happy again,’ Martin said. All the best, from Martin Edge is held at the Pine Rivers Art Gallery located at 130-134 Gympie Rd, Strathpine. The exhibition is open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10am - 4pm. For more information, visit Galleries-Museums/Events


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Learn the Art of Bridge

For those who enjoy the thrill of card games, there's an exciting opportunity to explore the world of bridge!

The Hills District is now home to its very own bridge club, situated at 20 Tramway Street, Ferny Grove, in a modern, airconditioned building. This vibrant club is actively welcoming newcomers and offers free lessons for those eager to venture into the fascinating realm of bridge, making it an ideal introduction to this captivating game. Under the guidance of a skilled instructor, participants will delve into the intricacies of bridge in a friendly and welcoming environment. This experience not only provides a gateway to learning the game but also serves as an excellent opportunity to forge new friendships along the way. The beginner's lessons are scheduled to commence on Saturday 3rd February from 10am to noon, and will be held at the Arana Bridge Club. The course spans over nine weeks, and post-completion, there will be opportunities for assistance with play sessions. While the lessons themselves are free, it is highly recommended to purchase the accompanying textbook, available for $30. To secure your spot, be sure to make a reservation as bookings are essential. Please reach out to Jim Taylor at 3289 0033. The Arana Bridge Club is dedicated to providing the local community with an engaging platform to enjoy the game of bridge. This low-cost activity is perfect for individuals seeking mental stimulation, a rewarding challenge, and the chance to socialize with like-minded individuals. It's an opportunity you won't want to miss. For further inquiries or to register for the upcoming lessons, please contact Phil Chappel at Arana Bridge Club via 0421 737 620. KEDRON ARTS GROUP PRESENTS


Taigum Shopping Centre, 217 Beams Road, Taigum, QLD 29th January 2024 - 11th February 2024 All items are for sale and there will be a raffle box! Kedron Arts Group (KAG) consists of local artists and crafts people, and provides the opportunity for members to showcase and sell their work to the public. KAG donates a % of all sales to nominated local charities, such as Karuna Hospice, Drought Angels, A Brave Life and Qld Rural Fire Brigade. For more details email

The Eatons Echo, January 2024 - Page 27




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699 Albany Creek Road, Albany Creek | | 07 3264 9000

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