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Renovations Rife at the Gaythorne Bowls Club
2023 is well under way and so are the renovations taking place on Green No.2 at Gaythorne Bowls Club. For some time, the Green has been suffering from various sections of the grass dying back and not regrowing. An investigation found the cause to be compaction and an infestation of Ground Perl. To rectify this problem, Advanced Turf Management was commissioned at a cost of approximately $38,000 to undertake works to remove the affected surface material, etc., to treat the exposed soil area and to then reinstate the green surface. All going well, it is anticipated that the renovation should be completed towards the end of May and play recommencing on the green hopefully in early June - an actual date being dependent upon completion of the work and final inspection of the Green’s surface. For several times now, one of the club members, Stuart Gorton, has been competing in the Special Olympics. Stuart and his family are members of the club and love playing lawn bowls, but Stuart is also particularly good at playing Bocce. So much so, that later this year, Stuart will again be competing in Bocce in the Special Olympics to be held in Germany. In previous Olympics events, Stuart has honoured Australia, by returning home with Gold and other medals. The club wish Stuart all the best in his events and again look forward to seeing more gold hanging around his neck when he returns home. If anyone in the community would like to help Stuart fund his trip to Germany, donations for Stuart may be forwarded directly to “Go Aust” BSB 032078 A/C No. 253530 REF- WG 104283. Please ensure you use the reference number so that your donation goes to Stuart’s funding account.
In addition, every Tuesday evening in March, Learn to Bowl introductory sessions will again be held at Gaythorne Bowls Club, 18 Prospect Road, Gaythorne. The sessions are FREE and run from 6pm to 8pm. Footwear is to be enclosed and flat soled. So pop along, bring a smile, and have a pleasant evening on the green and meet other locals and make new friends. Please call 3355 2048 if you would like to attend the sessions. Gaythorne Bowls Club also has a new chef / caterer offering Friday night meals at very reasonable prices. Head along and sit inside in the dining area or outside to enjoy the cool summer evening breezes coming across the greens.
Get Social at the Day Club
Our area is lucky enough to have a non-profit social club tailored for veterans and local seniors called The Mitche Day Club (Mitchelton)
The friendly team of volunteers take great pleasure in enriching the lives of its members. Each week members and volunteers come together for fun and stimulating activities. Age-related exercises take place each week by a qualified exercise psychologist. The program varies from week to week and can include live entertainment, guest speakers, hoy, fashion parades and games. The cost is $12 per week and includes activities, morning tea and lunch. The Mitchie Day Club is on each Wednesday from 9A.M. to 2.00 P.M. at the Seventh Day Adventist Hall, corner of Blackwood Street and Ruby Street Mitchelton. The club is proudly sponsored by Gaythorne RSL Club. For more information, please contact Bev Bell on 3821 2180 or 0423 176 504