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A History Lesson on the Move
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It is great to see more and more community groups creating walking groups within their organisations, and Newmarket Probus Club is just one of them. The club’s walking group enjoyed a historical srtoll around the Mitchelton area in June. The walk was led by their President who has vast knowledge from within the area and pointed out interesting facts about this district. Who would have thought Mitchelton once had eight vineyards? The group started the walk at Brookside Shopping Centre and finished at Saint Matthew’s Church in Church Street - the oldest continuously operating church in Brisbane. The walk culminated with the group enjoying a well earned morning tea at a coffee shop in Blackwood Street.
If you would like more information about joining the club, please call 3353 1234 . The walking group meets second Wednesday of each month from 10am to noon at the Red Hill Community Sports Club, 22 Fulcher Rd, Red Hill.
Local Art Shows
Taigum Shopping Centre
7 - 13 August
All items are for sale and there will be a raffle box!
Kedron Arts Group (KAG) consists of local artists and crafts people, and provides the opportunity for members to showcase and sell their work to the public. KAG donates a % of all sales to nominated local charities, such as Karuna Hospice, Drought Angels, A Brave Life and Qld Rural Fire Brigade.

For more details email kedronartsgroup@gmail.com