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Keeping it in the Family
Arana Netball Club prides themselves on being a family friendly club and this year though is proving to be their strongest year of family representation for the club.

I have spoken about sponsors many times. They are important to all sports. They not only showcase the sponsor but the club benefits as well, in many ways. On the 25th June, the Newmarket and Redlands bocce clubs played off for the Tony Rosa cup in honour of Tony who has been a larger-than-life sponsor of bocce for well over 30 years. The Newmarket club put on the usual great show, morning tea, lunch, actually superb lunch and raffle. To top it all off, one of our members Fausto Ceccato played the accordion during lunch and what a show it was! It’s great to say Newmarket took out 1st and 2nd place with Redlands in 3rd and 4th. The winning team Tony D, Tony S and Vittorio and in a close second was Mario, Bill and Gabrielle. Remember, there are no losers in bocce, we are all winners. You know who to call by now, so come on down and have a peek and maybe play some bocce.

All 18 teams have a family member playing in another teamnot only sisters, cousins, mums and aunties playing alongside each other, but mums coaching, parents managing and also brothers, dads and mums umpiring. In the Opens division, just under half of the players are mums of younger players and in one team, aunties and nieces get to play alongside each other. What a great representation of a family friendly club! In May, the club gathered as many mums and daughters together as they could for this wonderful photo below. This is just a small representation of the Arana Netball family in 2023.

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