There has been much unrest within the Mitchelton community regarding the proposed development of one of Mitchelton's last remaining farmlands, Hungerford Farm. The community now has the opportunity to have their say until close of business on the 14th July.
A development application (D.A) was lodged earlier in the year to Brisbane City Council by the Uniting Church to put 92 housing lots on the 25-hectare property located at 76 Kooya Road, Mitchelton.
Since the D.A. has been lodged, there has been much concern among residents about this development, including both potential ethical and practical concerns.
The Hungerford family has owned this farm since the early 1900’s. However, in 2020, following the death of Greg Hungerford, the Uniting Church acquired the land for $3.5 million. Greg Hungerford expressed that this land should be left to the community for recreational purposes only. If approved, local residents also have concerns regarding potential flooding to new and existing properties, lack of usable parking space for the community, and destruction of native species in the area. The community has formed a group named ‘Friends of Hungerford Farm’ which aims to stop or minimise the development so that the space can be put to better use for the whole community. Submissions to express your view are now open until close of business on the 14th July.
To review the application and planning documents, search 76 Kooya Road at https://developmenti.brisbane.qld. gov.au/ If you would like to contact Friends of Hungerford Farm or require more information, email 76kooyaroad@gmail.com
The Everton Echo is a FREE monthly publication delivering 14,500 copies per month of what matters to Everton Park and Surrounds. Our paper is 100% locally owned and operated, which means we don’t just talk about being local, WE ARE LOCAL; we live it everyday.
Distribution is carried out via direct letterbox delivery to homes and businesses in the suburbs of; Gaythorne, Enoggera, Everton Park, Mitchelton, Stafford and McDowall. Copies can also be picked up from a variety of magazine stands within the above suburbs.
Copyright: The Everton Echo is produced by Echo Media Group Pty Ltd (The Publisher). All rights are reserved and the contents are copyright and may not be reproduced without permission from The Publisher. All care is taken by The Publisher, however responsibility is not accepted for errors or omissions and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of The Publisher.
COVID-19: At the time of going to press (27th June 2023), information contained within this issue is correct. As the situation with the COVID health crisis is ever changing, we urge you to contact organisers of any events listed within our publication if you are doubtful about times and dates. For more information, visit www.echo-news.com.au or email admin@echo-news.com.au
Your local community newspaper
Your local community newspaper
Serves 4 | Prep time: 5 mins | Cook time: 30 mins
• 1 large onion, diced
• 100g bacon, fat trimmed and diced
• 2 teaspoons classic pesto
• 1 teaspoon Korma curry paste, mild
• 400g can chickpeas, reduced salt, drained & rinsed
• 400g can diced tomatoes, salt reduced
• 1 cup cornflakes, crushed
• 1 cup cheese, reduced fat, grated
PREHEAT oven to 160°C.
HEAT a frying pan with a drizzle of olive oil and fry onion and bacon for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and transfer to a large bowl.
DISSOLVE pesto and curry paste in 1 teaspoon of hot water.
ADD chickpeas, tomatoes, and pesto mix to the bowl with the onion and bacon in it. Mix well.
PLACE mixture into 4 large ramekins (with about a 1 cup capacity).
15,000 copies monthly
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Rates above are on a per month basis and include GST Casual Rate = One Off Advert, Regular Rate = 6months
= 6months
Distribution Method: Direct letterbox delivery around the
Distribution Method: Direct letterbox delivery around the North West suburbs of Brisbane. Copies also available for pick up from local magazine stands. Distribution
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Contact us at admin@echo-news.com.au visit www.echo-news.com.au/advertising
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Advertising Rates Contact us at admin@echo-news.com.au visit www.echo-news.com.au/advertising
COMBINE corn flakes with grated cheese and top each ramekin with a quarter of the mixture.
BAKE for 30 minutes.
Recipe courtesy of Marjorie Shannen, Springsure Branch
This recipe is brought to you by The Queensland Country Women’s Association’s (QCWA) Country Kitchens program. The program is empowering women through education and health is a priority for the Queensland Country Women’s Association (QCWA). The QCWA Country Kitchens program, funded by the Queensland Government through Health and Wellbeing Queensland, supports Queenslanders to adopt healthier lifestyles.
To find out more about the program visit https:// qcwacountrykitchens.com. au/.
A race report from the North Brisbane Mountain Bike Club
This month saw a number of North Brisbane racers head north to the trails at First Turkey Mountain Bike (MTB) Park.
Rockhampton Regional Council should be congratulated for the fantastic MTB facilities it has developed and maintained with the help of a large number of trailcare volunteers. There is a wide range of trails with differing technical difficulty, styles, features and varied terrain and challenges. To see such a range of diversity in one network was a pleasure and it should definitely be classed as a destination network, with enough to keep a rider busy for more than a few days.
North Brisbane MTB club had several members racing. Some were able to attend for the full two day event and others only able to stay for one day or head home early on the second day. All were able to put down solid times despite the number of tyres claimed by the rough terrain. Each member raced well given the bump up in technical difficulty and not being familiar with the trails. Connor Ditchburn fought hard to claim 4th in the u15 category with Lincoln Ditchburn chewing through a number of tyres on his way to 11th in u17. In the 40+ category, Quentin Hill and Greg Ditchburn put in a great effort and finished 10th and 13th respectively. Craig Collins put in the hard yards to finish 7th in a very competitive 50+ category. In hardtail, Dean Wilson came back from injury claiming 4th nipping at Ben Malatzky’s heels, who managed to appear on the podium in 3rd position.
Only a week later, Craig Collins showed some form at round two of the Scenic Rim gravity Enduro at Kooralbyn MTB Park that was full of thrills and spills! Sometimes unexpected things
happen. Three heavy crashes in the seniors category opened up the top spots. It’s not nice to see but Craig was pretty stoked to be in a position to take 3rd spot. It was good to see everyone out chasing after it and pushing their limits. Beer was 2nd in the 50-59 division with Svic Walter taking out 2nd in 60+. To get involved with the North Brisbane MTB Club, visit Facebook at www.facebook.com/NorthBrisbaneDirtDogsMTB Happy Trails!
store posted a call out for beanies or scarves on social media and was astounded by the reponse she received.
‘My store is very much about supporting the community and we are always trying to help out in a way or another. After posting the call out for donations onto social media, customers started dropping the items to the shop. Customers were very happy to be help and had a lot of pride that they just made the items to donate them,’ explains Leilani.
Donations continue to pour into the store, so if you would like more information about receiving a donation of winter woolies, contact samfordvariety@gmail.com
Johanna from Picabeen Community Centre was thrilled to take delivery of the donated winter woolies
The Picabeen Community Centre was thrilled to receive a donation of cosy winter woolies last month. Lovingly hand-knitted by members of the Samford community, these items will go a long way in helping those within our community doing it tough stay warm this winter. The team at Picabeen handed out the donations at their recent community BBQ and visitors were overjoyed to receive the donations. The drive was organised by the Samford Variety Store as many of their customers are keen knitters and were eager to help out in anyway they could. Leilani, owner of Samford Variety
The luncheon meeting for Arana VIEW Club will be held at 10.30am for 11am on the first Wednesday of the month at Arana Leagues Club, Dawson Parade, Keperra. A two course lunch for $30 including tea and coffee will be provided. There will be lucky door prize and raffles and a guest speaker. For bookings phone Carol 3355 5349 by 11am on the Thursday before the meeting if you are attending.
VIEW welcomes new members and visitors to our meeting and other social activities organised each month so members have a chance to make new friends. All funds raised are donated to The Smith Family and its Learning for Life programs that provide education scholarships and personal support for students. www.thesmithfamily.com.au/view
As Keperra Country Golf Club moves into the third year of its program to partner with local businesses, it has welcomed added support from northern suburbs real estate specialists Whitehead & Crump from Harcourts Solutions.
Drew Crump said he and partner Simon Whitehead and their team were looking forward to furthering their relationship with the Club over the next 12 months, joining fellow Major Sponsors LawnPride Australia, Height 4 Hire and Bank of Queensland (Aspley).
‘We’ve really enjoyed the activations we have done with the Club so far, getting to know members and meeting new people,’ he said. ‘We’ve been made to feel very welcome and we’re pleased to step up our involvement.’
‘What’s also been positive is the growth of the game we’ve seen in the past two years with the junior holiday clinics we sponsor. The numbers of kids taking part has doubled. Golf really is a sport for everyone, for all ages and genders and for people with different levels of disability, so it’s a great sporting community to be part of.’ It comes as no surprise Keperra Country Golf Club was awarded Junior Development Program in QLD for 2023.
Continuing as the Club’s Principal Sponsor is Tangalooma Island Resort which has seen great traction through the membership, while rounding out the complement of 2023-24 partners are a further eight Supporting Sponsors from the immediate community.
Club General Manger Gavin Lawrence said the drive to partner with and support local enterprises, begun in 2021, had been
so successful that a new opportunity was created to sponsor Keperra in the Brisbane District Golf Association inter-club Pennants competition. This was taken up by Phil Wuersching, owner of Jim’s Test & Tag at Enoggera.
A keen golfer himself, Phil said local club sponsorship was a particularly good opportunity for small business. ‘We are a franchise, a small northside family business, so being involved is a way for us to connect with people in our local community, let them know about us, and also to connect us with likeminded businesses,’ he said.
Mr Lawrence thanked all sponsors and partners for their commitment to the Club, particularly in an environment of businesses experiencing rising costs.
‘Our goal with our program when we began was to provide opportunities to businesses for mutual benefit and support,’ he said. ‘That continues to be the main driver and we’re looking forward to working with all our sponsors on initiatives and activations in the year ahead.’
One of our regions premier golfing destinations Keperra Country Golf Club (KCGC), has recently extended their golf offerings with the unveiling of a new pristine Short Course on the 9th June.
Since opening, the Club that is known for its unique course layout first class conditioning all year round, has been receiving great feedback about the new addition. The Short Course comprises of 6 holes ranging from 30m to 65m, making it a great opportunity for emerging and junior golfers to experience golf without the pressures of being on the main course.
Originally used as a warm up driving range for members, the team at KCGC were keen to make use of the land that would benefit the variety of golfers that now frequent the club, and accommodate the rise of junior golfers they have seen at their golf clinics since being awarded Queensland’s Best Junior Development Program at the Golf Industry Awards. When the opportunity arose through the State Government’s Game Day Grant Program to implement the innovative new development, the club grasped it with both hands and construction began in November 2022 only taking 5 weeks to complete prior to a 6 month ‘grow in’ stage.
‘Designed by David Burrup in conjunction with the Club itself, the Short Course has a multitude of benefits, but is not just ascertained to the juniors amongst us as Membership,’ Partnership & Hospitality Manager for KCGC explains.
‘The practice facility which will double as a short course will be a great asset for the Club, and especially for those learning the game via our many Clinics,’ said Mr Dash.
‘The ability to provide an exclusive and safe designated golfing area means people of all skill levels can develop their confidence and when ready, take to our course proper and enjoy the game of golf with friends and family.’
Furthermore, one of the holes (28th) on the Short Course has been made larger than the rest. As some of the locals amongst us may remember, in March of 2022, one of the holes on the course experienced major flood damage. It is anticipated that if an event like this does arise again, the course will now be able to incorporate the 28th hole from the Short Course into the Course proper so golfers can still experience a full 18 holes. Short Courses have become increasingly popular in recent times with the great range of benefits they offer to the golfing community and this course will be the third of its kind in Brisbane to come to the fore.
For more information about Keperra Golf Club, their Junior and Ladies clinics, please contact www.keperragolf.com.au
NOW Business Network are busy again organizing an epic fundraiser for 2023.
NOW is a non-for-profit organisation dedicated to forging relationships with local businesses whilst giving back to the community.
activities event, For more them a - 3pm with our 11am your own Acting 2pm - 3pm antics of month, 2pm a lively Fine your 10.30am friendly games. Drop friendly library of the thinking and bricks. Meet builds and
interest in faced french boston bulldogs) lives
This year, they are raising funds for RizeUp, a communitydriven organisation of passionate men and women, dedicated to supporting the many families affected by domestic and family violence. The fundraising event in the works is BOGAN BINGO, an entertainment show comprising everything Bogan. There will be a food truck, bar, great raffles, silent auctions, and a Rockin Good Time! So, get your family and friends together and join NOW for a great night all for a great cause that is recommended for age 15+. The event will be held on the 12th August at 5.30pm at Everton Park State High School Hall so find your flannies, the uggs and grow out that mullet. NOW look forward to seeing you all on the 12th August. If your business would like to donate a prize to the event, or to find out more, please get in contact via email to events@
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To buy tickets, or for more information about the event scan the QR Code or go to: https://events.humanitix.com/ bogan-bingo-b83j5v71
A on 32 Main ST, Samford (next to Farmers Hall)
When a Milton family gathered for their routine weekday breakfast, they probably didn’t expect a runaway tram to gate-crash their picturesque cottage. But that’s exactly what happened to the Price family one November morning in 1911.
The unfortunate accident happened on Milton Road when tram driver Arthur Greaves lost control of his Toowongbound tram. Fortunately, no passengers were onboard at the time, which is just as well because the large and heavy Dreadnought was licensed to carry 90 passengers.
The Price family were understandably shaken by the incident, in more ways than one, but no physical injuries were sustained. Contemporary press reports noted that some items of furniture were rearranged by the deranged Dreadnought and the family clock also went on strike.
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The Dreadnought also delivered a lasting impact on one young child that day. Fred Price can be seen on the veranda in the accompanying photograph. He became a regular visitor to the Brisbane Tramway Museum in his later years, often accompanied by his daughter.
You can ride a restored Dreadnought tram at Ferny Grove most Sunday afternoons. The museum also has a ‘Baby Dreadnought’ - tram No. 99 - and you can ride her too. Both are guaranteed to deliver a moving experience in more ways than one, but for those wondering how a tram behaves off the rails - the drivers will do their very best not to oblige....
kitten checks , Microchipping, Puppy
An update from the Brisbane North Cake Decorators Club
The next meeting of the Brisbane North Cake Decorators Club is on Saturday 15th July at Arana Hills Community Hall commencing at 1pm. This meeting will be a short business meeting followed by a surprise demonstration by a branch member. There is always a delicious afternoon tea to look forward to provided by members.
The June meeting was down on numbers but not short of creativity and enjoyment. Members created many varied articles for the upcoming Cake Show display in September. If you are interested in cake decorating but not able to find the time to attend meetings, the Cake Show in September is offering some courses by well known decorators for a reasonable fee. There are figurine, royal icing and buttercream courses available, and all are posted on the Facebook page. One of the club’s members is teaching a very cute Santa figurine, so be sure not to miss it!
The team love to see new members and can be contacted on their Facebook page, Brisbane North Cake Decorators Association QCDA or via email brisbanenorthcakedecorators@gmail. com
The Everton Echo delivers 14,500 copies per month of what matters to The Hills District and surrounds. Our paper is 100% locally owned and operated, which means we don’t just talk about being local, WE ARE LOCAL; we live it everyday.
Did you know Everton Park has its very own Probus Club?
Probus is an association of active retirees who join together in clubs, the basic purpose of which is to provide regular opportunities to keep their minds active, expand their interests and enjoy the fellowship of new friends.
The Probus have many activities and groups within their club that include;
• 5 Crowns card group combines fun, food and friendly competition.
• The Theatre Group has enjoyed drama, film and murder mystery.
• The Nifty Knitters have been busily producing beanies for the homeless
• Mahjong always offers a challenge too!
• Avid book readers enjoy the Book Group over lunch. The club also meet for Morning Teas at local cafés and enjoy outings throughout the year. Past outings have included trips to the Granite Belt, Historical Houses, Back to the Tivoli, Murder Mystery Night, Christmas in July, RAAF Amberley and Esk Bush Bashers.
Monthly meetings include a variety of guest speakers and new members are regularly inducted into the club. Meetings take place at 7 Gearside Street, Everton Park For more information, call 3855 1518 or email probus. everton@gmail.com. They love to welcome new members to the fold!
to pick up under any circumstances. If they are legitimately wanting to talk to me and I don’t answer, they’ll leave a message. Based on the advice from my bank I have realised that the only information scammers have is what I give them,’ explains Rebecca.
‘So next time, and we all know there will be a next time, I’m going to ask for name and staff number and then say that if I have an account or file with them to please put a note about the call in my file and then hang up. I’ll do my own Google search for the best number to call back on and when I speak to someone I will check that there is a note about the call and go from there.’
Australians loose hundreds of millions of dollars every year to scammers, and that amount is only around 40 percent of the total that scammers get away with.
‘I like to think of myself as scam aware, but they almost had me,’ said Rebecca Hainsworth, talking about her recent near miss with a scam phone call. The scammers went away empty handed from this call but they are getting better and more believable all the time.
In a funny twist, Rebecca, who works for The Community Place neighbourhood centres, was getting ready to publicise a workshop for seniors focusing on scam awareness. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, July 18 at The Community Place, Stafford (33 Teevan Street).
It will be an informative hour covering current scams, the tricks scammers use to make us believe them, the things they do to get your information and what they can do with it once they have it.
‘Next time, if I don’t recognise the number I am not going
If you are interested in the Seniors Scam Awareness Workshop, to find out more, or if you would like to book a place, contact the centre on 3857 1152.
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The Gaythorne Bowls Club are rejoicing with the opening of their new number two green that took place last month!
Since opening, the green has received great feedback from members, who have been playing the green slowly since its opening to allow it to settle down. There will also be another minor renovation in early September to ensure the greens stay in tip-top shape for players to enjoy.
This month will see the club participate in the Brisbane ‘District Champion Of Champions’ knockout events that take place in the northern suburbs. Gaythorne will be represented by their Club Champions; Daryl Toye, Kevin Tuite, John Hay and Les Dawes. Pairs will include Mitch Koroloff and Mardy Foster that will be played at Everton Park on 9th and 16th July. Lastly Graham Hodges will head up the Singles at Windsor on 23rd and 30th July.
The club would like to extend a huge congratulations to all players and wish them all the best contesting their events. If you would like to watch some great District Bowls and give support to fellow members, it would be greatly appreciated.
In the past few months, the Gaythorne Bowls Club hasreceived a lot of success with ‘The Four Amigos’ namely, Les Dawes, John Hay, Kevin Tuite and Daryl Toye winning the 2023 Fours Championship after a good battle against their opponents, Les Penhaligan, Brian Morgan, Ian Foster and Pat Maguire. After trailing 7 - 1 in the game, Les Dawes’ team was able to fight back, taking out the title 16- 14.
The club would like to acknowledge the great contributions made by Life Members (and their wives and families; it doesn't just happen without their support!) to the Gaythorne Bowls Club over the years. Life Members include;
• George Machen inducted 2007
• Colin Morris inducted 2014
• John Langworthy inducted 2016
• Graham Hodges inducted 2017
Congratulations goes out to Brian Morgan and his team of Club members who run the Gold Program so professionally and make the visitors to the Club feel so welcome at Gaythorne. The happy photo below says it all!
Are you looking for a rewarding volunteer role where you can meet new people and learn great new skills in the process?
If so, why not have a think about volunteering in the Wesley Mission Queensland’s Community Transport Service (CTS)? The organisation have been providing a high level of transport services to the community for over 10 years and they could really use your help in meeting their increasing clients’ needs. CTS Volunteer Drivers utilise fleet vehicles that include Mercedes Sprinter Vans and Toyota Camry sedans to transport clients on designated routes throughout the community. Requirements/further information:
An Open C Class Queensland licence is required for this position.
All Volunteer Drivers follow a COVID-19 safe work plan and provide proof they are up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations before they are registered in their role. Security check applications including an NDIS Workers Screening Check can be supplied and paid for by Wesley Mission Queensland.
The Community Transport Service is also Centrelink participant friendly, so the team encourage you to apply. CTS is a welcoming and rewarding place to volunteer where they will meet many wonderful people from various backgrounds and learn great new skills that may assist them both personally and professionally.
For more information, email dbewley@wmq.org.au, call 07 3204 3999 or visit www.wmq.org.au
An update from the Hills Organic Garden
What a difference the cooler weather makes. Over the last few weeks we have been very busy planting vegetables for our spring harvest and with the cooler weather, our little seedlings are now starting to flourish.
We have Bok Choy, Leeks, Shallots, Baby Spinach, Beetroot, Lettuce, Silverbeet, Tomatoes, Cabbages, Cauliflowers, Beans, Snow peas, Eggplant, Carrots and Strawberries all doing very well.
The baby spinach and lettuce are now ready to pick along with the silverbeet. It is so nice to be taking home some produce already.
Our members are all enjoying their time at the garden as it is so pleasant to be out in the sunshine watering and weeding and maintaining our beautiful community garden. We have a wonderful bunch of keen gardeners who are all willing to lend a hand and each Sunday afternoon we gather at the garden to tend to the plants and keep the surrounds neat and tidy. At the moment our herb garden has flowering basil which is attracting the bees, society garlic (which has beautiful edible lavender flowers), thyme, tarragon, mother of herbs, and garlic chives.
The HOG community is a friendly group who offer people in the Hills District the opportunity to grow vegetables using organic principles. Age is no barrier so feel free to come along one Sunday afternoon to have a chat and a look around our beautiful garden.
As the days are getting shorter and cooler, we have decided to change our working bee time on a Sunday afternoon. The new time will be from 2.00 p.m. to 4.00p.m. As well, our members attend the garden through the week to water and do general maintenance.
You will find us at 416 Bunya Road, Bunya next to the Off Leash Dog Park. Membership Fees per year are $20 for adults, $30 for family and $10 for Juniors. Visit hog.org.au, search “The Hills Organic Garden” on Facebook or phone 0415 856 532 for information. We look forward to meeting you.
An update from the Mitchelton and Districts Garden Club
Wow! Already we are in the second half year of 2023. How time flies!
During the last few weeks, the executive members of the Mitchelton and Districts Garden Club Inc. have been very busy with an EXPO at Arana Hills. The June General Meeting also took place which included a farewell function for Pat Killoran, a long serving president who retired towards the end of last year. Unfortunately Pat was ill and unable to attend. The members who took part in preparing for this function are to be congratulated for their splendid efforts. A card and gifts from the club were delivered to Pat’s home the next week.
Remember to hose your garden between the hours of 9am and 4pm in winter. This allows the foliage to dry before nightfall. Dampness encourages attack by disease and mildew, especially powdery mildew, so try to avoid it. Check citrus trees for gall wasp and citrus leaf miner. Prune off offending pieces. Tie them up in a plastic bag to go in the rubbish bin. Spring flowering annuals and vegetable plants would benefit from a liquid fertilizer at this time. If lots of little weeds are showing in your lawn, in dry weather give the areas a sprinkle of sulphate of ammonia. The next morning’s dew will melt the sulphate of ammonia which will burn and kill the weeds. The grass will be burnt too, but the chemical will also provide nourishment and it will not be long before the lawn is green again.
The next meeting of this club is at the Enoggera Memorial Hall (entrance at 36 Trundle Street) on Thursday morning, 3rd August. The topic of the guest speaker, Rose Graham, is Herbal Teas. Herbs have always played an important role in the well being of humans and animals, but they must be used according to directions. Visitors and new members are most welcome to attend. Morning tea is served from 9.45am and the meeting commences about 10am
For more information please email mitcheltongc@ gmail.com or check out their Facebook page @ mitcheltongardenclub
Saturday 29th July 8.30am - 4pm
Sunday 30th July 9am to 3pm
Auditorium Botanic Gardens Mount Coot-tha
Admission $4.00 Children Free
Displays of hybrid, species, and native orchids. Perfect opportunity for photographers. Plants and growing accessories or sale. Potting demonstrations both days at approximately 10am and 1pm. Brisbane City Council runs a bus service to the gardens. There is off street parking, with disabled parking at the front door.
From the Ferny Grove Garden Club
The July meeting of the Ferny Grove Garden Club will be on Friday, 28 July, at 1 pm. The club meets in St Matthew’s Church Hall, Church Road, Mitchelton. Helen Rattenbury will be speaking about the popular geranium plant. While pelargoniums and geraniums are certainly tough and very easy to grow, they still require tending to maintain their health and keep them looking their best for the next season. With Helen’s advice we will be looking forward to a bright spring. For more information please telephone Elizabeth 07 3851 0568.
You may have noticed the trademark Evermore Plumbing & Gas vehicles darting around north west Brisbane in recent times. This local business has gained quite the reputation for providing quality and timely plumbing services to the local community. The company is headed by tradesman Damian Connor, who he brings vast experience to the table and holds great pride in the services Evermore Plumbing & Gas has to offer.
Growing up in McDowall, Damian was raised by two hairdressers, although his passion always lay in the construction industry. He tried a few trades, however plumbing is where his heart lay so in 2006, fresh out of high school, he embarked on his journey into the industry through an apprenticeship program with All Trades Queensland. From early on in his training, Damian experienced a variety of different aspects of plumbing ranging from general maintenance plumbing, construction plumbing, commercial maintenance plumbing and medical gas to name a few. Upon finishing his apprenticeship, Damian worked primarily in the field of maintenance plumbing with the occasional period working in medical gas on large projects.
With a plethora of knowledge and experience under his belt, he was keen to set out on his own and founded Evermore Plumbing & Gas in 2017, operating from home with the help of his wife, Hannah.
Over the last 6 years, the company has seen exponential growth and has expanded to include a team of nine, with their headquarters located at a commercial premises in Arana Hills.
Damian is dedicated to changing the perception and breaking stereotypes about the trade industry as a whole. He always strives to provide exceptional plumbing services by prioritizing promptness, reliability and quality craftsmanship. It is then of no surprise to hear that Evermore Plumbing & Gas were the 2022 winners of the MPAQ Service Excellence Award for all of Queensland.
P: 3335 5067
E: admin@evermoreplumbing.com.au
Farmer Brown’s Pizzas, has earnt its title as one of the area’s most popular mobile catering services in The Hills District, but how did it all begin?
The answer is Warwick Brown, a man who spent his childhood living the farm life on the outskirts of Dayboro. From chasing cows to getting chased by cows, to stacking motorbikes and learning how to gracefully fall off horses, Warwick sure made the most of it. The food especially. In the Brown household, meals were always fresh and jam-packed with flavour due to the numerous veggie patches and fruit trees on their doorstep. However, once childhood was over and Warwick had gained experience working in management, he set out to chase his dream of operating his own small business. Pizza was his passion, and Warwick wanted to share it with our community. December 2015 marked the official launch of his fully licensed, mobile wood-fired pizza set up, Farmer Brown’s Pizzas. All the ingredients are fresh as day, some home grown and some sourced locally. With Warwick’s dedication and young driven team, the business has thrived over the past 6 years, now consisting of 22 capable staff and the addition of 7 trailers to the Farmer Browns fleet. This has also enabled the business to launch a permanent brick and mortar pizza store in Ferny Hills- the Farm Shack.
Warwick and his pride-filled staff are renowned for their catering skills, their customer service, their personal interactions with patrons, and their ability to deliver molto bene meals to all. The team usually caters for events such as parties, festivals, special occasions, weddings, and fetes.
Clearly, Warwick and his dream have come a long way. Farmer Browns Pizzas is now fortunate enough to be booked out most Saturday nights for a few months in advance and The Farm Shack is thriving. Best yet, with all his success in the suburbs, Warwick never abandoned his roots; still at home in Dayboro.
P: 0449 944 406
Brisbane City Sounds women’s barbershop chorus would like to grow their sound! Can you help?!
Ladies, if you can sing in tune, and would enjoy the company of some friendly, fun women who LOVE to sing, this might be for you!
Collection point registrations are now OPEN for the August Dignity Drive for Share the Dignity charity. Share the Dignity works to make a real, on-the-ground difference in the lives of women and girls experiencing homelessness, fleeing domestic violence or doing it tough. The charity distribute sanitary items to those in need and work to end period poverty here in Australia. When a woman is doing it tough, the last thing on her mind should be dealing with her period. Your business can make an impact by collecting period products for those in need. Even if you have participated before, please register for the August Drive. You can register here https://www.sharethedignity.org.au/dignity-drives
Brisbane City Sounds is holding Open Rehearsals of their chorus in the months of July & August for any women singers who might like to go along, listen, and perhaps join in. They are an auditioned chorus and have been singing in four part, a cappella, or unaccompanied, harmony since 2002. Though Brisbane City Sounds is primarily a barbershop chorus and belongs to Sweet Adelines Australia and Sweet Adelines International, they also sing a range of modern songs, all in four part, unaccompanied harmony.
In addition to competing in an Australia-wide Sweet Adelines annual competition, they perform in concerts, movie afternoon & fashion show fund raisers, contracted performances, such as at Christmas time and for charity.
The practice nights, on Thursday evenings, start at 7pm at the Lavalla Centre, 58 Fernberg Rd. Paddington. They invite you to come along! Stay till 9.30pm or leave when you need to. Your visit requires no charge and no commitment!! Check out the website and Facebook page www.brisbanecitysounds. com.au
To many people budgets can be dry and boring, but to me, a budget is the substance of any government’s promises. This year’s Queensland Budget shows exactly what this Palaszczuk Government believes in. There are record investments for better roads; better schools; better healthcare; stronger deterrents and diversions to tackle youth crime; a transformational investment in clean energy; and an historic repayment of public debt through a $12 billion surplus. This budget also provides cost of living relief for every Queenslander. It provides a minimum $550 cost of living relief for every household - with $1,072 for all pensioner households. This budget addresses the needs of Queensland today and invests in our growing state for tomorrow. It is not only balanced, but it also pays down government debt to save on interest repayments. All of this is possible because of Queensland’s progressive royalty scheme.
I have listed some of the highlights below.
$10.418 million out of $26.413 million on local schools this year. This brings the figure the Palaszczuk Government has invested in local education infrastructure to over $65 million since 2015.
• New specialty classrooms and admin facilities for Mitchie Special School
• New Amenities Block for Ferny Hills State School (starting in term 4)
• Major renovation of F Block at Mitchie State School
• New Hall for Oakleigh State School
• Training Infrastructure for Grovely TAFE
Other Capital Works
• Completion of multi-level-carpark at Ferny Grove Railway Station
• $8 million for upgrades on Samford Road
• Hills District Community Hub Planning Grant to MBRC
Statewide Highlights
• $19 billion over 4 years to support new wind, solar, storage and transmission including $5.465 billion capital investment in 2023-24 for Queensland energy entities.
• $17.8 billion education budget – including Free Kindy for all Queensland Families
• $24.2 billion health budget including record budgets for Hospital expansions and Ambulance Services to address increased demand.
• $1.34 billion for skills, training, employment, and small business support.
• $446.4 million in whole of government funding over five years to support community safety, tackle the complex causes of youth crime and help boost police resources, including an extra $189.5 million over five years for Youth Justice.
• $571 million (500 home) expansion to Queensland’s social housing construction program and to retain and upgrade existing stock.
Drop in to one of my regular coffee catch ups and have a chat about the things which matter to you. My shout!
• 8 July 8:30am, Priorities, 2/95 Samford Rd, Alderley.
• 1 September 8:00am, Hobby Lane 4/43 Blackwood Street, Mitchelton.
Have you visited The Little Echo yet? It’s a website that showcases our youngest citizens creative talents, check it out at www.littleecho.com.au
This year’s State budget was a major disappointment for the electorate of Everton. Despite constant lobbying, the State Government has once again not allocated any funding for the upgrade of the South Pine/ Stafford Road intersection. Without an upgrade this bottleneck will continue to cause delays for motorists. I’m also aghast that the much-promised upgrade of the Linkfield Road overpass will not even commence before the 2024 election. Everyone travelling east from Albany Creek/ Eatons Hill know what a nightmare this choke point causes.
This month I was proud to facilitate the inaugural meeting of the Everton Youth Advisory Council, which gave me the chance to hear the perspectives of young people in the Everton electorate. I was encouraged by the bright ideas that were raised on a number of important topics including youth crime and diversionary programs, vaping regulation, and phones in schools. Discussions like this are vital towards having greater representation of young people, and I look forward to further meetings with the group.
Sorry Day has grown into a significant community event in recent years. The morning of May 26th this year saw a great gathering of people coming together at the Teralba Park Stolen Generations Support Group Sorry Day Commemoration at Teralba Park. This day gives people the chance to come together and share the steps towards healing for the Stolen Generations, their families and communities.
An update from Cr Andrew
Wines, Enoggera WardTo find out more about the projects funded in your area, scan the QR code, or visit bit.ly/crwinesbudget2023-24
Having a modern transport system that gets people home sooner and safer is fundamental to the Schrinner Council. That is why the 2023-24 Budget includes $1.9 billion for better transport across Brisbane with new projects for roads, public transport and pedestrian and cycleways.
This year there is a planning focus on the main Council roads for the inner north. There will be the launch of the Bowen Bridge Road Corridor Improvement Planning Study, more work to improve Kelvin Grove Road, and new planning for works in Newmarket Road. A $226,000 Major Traffic Improvement upgrade has been funded for Kelvin Grove Road at the intersection of Lower Clifton Terrace. The 202324 Budget has also funded significant upgrades to Bowen Bridge Road. This includes $362,000 at Campbell Street and O’Connell Terrace, and half a million dollars near Herston Road and Gilchrist Avenue. This $870,000 investment in key transport corridors will make trips to and from our community even better.
This year will see a focus on Wilston Road, Newmarket; Osborne Road, Mitchelton; and Shand Street, Enoggera. Wilston Road has been a focus for some time. It is complicated
as the road intersects with the State Government owned open level crossing, which continues to cause safety concerns. Further north, Wilston Road residents have raised concerns about the volume and speed of traffic on their streets. To address this, I have secured a $119,000 Suburban Corridor Modernisation project for Wilston Road. This project includes investigation and design works to inform improvements, corridor enhancements, and traffic calming projects to moderate vehicle speeds and enhance safety.
Osborne Road and Sussex Street will also see improvements, with consultation ongoing, and Shand Street will have a review and an operational upgrade to the Shand Street intersection. Investing
I have always been committed to upgrading drainage infrastructure, and have delivered extensive new drainage in our area, but there’s always more to do. Following the devastating floods in 2022, I have advocated for more funding to address how waterways in Enoggera Ward impact flood outcomes.
The 2023-24 Budget includes $500,000 for an Enoggera Creek Drainage Plan. This will fund design work to inform investment and drainage projects that improve flood immunity for residential properties around Enoggera Creek.
I also secured funding to complete two large drainage projects for our community. This includes $723,000 to complete the final stage of drainage works on Grays Road, Gaythorne. These crucial works will reduce flooding for properties in the overland flow path.
The Venus Street, Ashgrove drainage project has also been funded. $1,578,000 of new works will continue the project started last financial year to improve drainage outcomes for residences from Venus Street, down through Frasers Road, and around Dorrington Park.
Mitchelton’s FQPL (Football Qld. Premier League) mens team faced off against Albany Creek Excelsior ( ACE ) at their home ground of Teralba Park on Friday 2nd June.
Mitchelton was able to overcome the much higher placed ACE, 1 - 0, in an intense game. The win lifts Mitchelton out of the relegation zone. The team, captained by Rhys Raymond, has played without much luck this year narrowly missing out on
An update from Mitchelton Football Club points from several matches. The game was evenly matched with both sides having scoring chances. ACE was then reduced to 10 men in an off the ball incident. With Jack Cutmore making incisive runs into ACE territory Mitchelton had the better of possession and scoring opportunities. Ryuga Fukuda was able to capitalise on this beating two defenders on his way to scoring the winning goal for Mitchelton. Tom Sullivan kept a clean sheet in goals with his spectacular saves and Steven Chester played his usual enthusiastic game. Fixtures and more information can be found on their website www.mitchiefc.org.au
Umpiring can be a tough gig, but Arana Netball Club members Georgia and Lana have taken it in their stride and have recently acquired their Downey Park Netball Association Junior Umpiring badge.
The Arana Netball Club is incredibly proud of the duo and club representatives tell us how wonderful it has been to witness their progress as they achieve their goals.
‘Georgia has umpired for Arana Netball for over three years, she is calm and professional in her approach and holds good control of the game. It is wonderful to see her recognised for her dedication and to witness her progress as she takes on higher division level umpiring,’ explains the club spokesperson.
‘Lana brings many years of netball experience with her, Lana's knowledge of the game certainly shines through in her confidence umpiring. Lana was assessed by C Badge umpires from Stuartholme and Raiders who were encouraging and quickly saw Lana's potential in umpiring higher level divisions.’
The club would like to extend a special thank you to Jason and Bri and all of their mentors that help develop the umpires. The club often receive positive comments from other umpires, coaches and spectators about the performance of their umpires.
The Australian Junior Open was held at Redlands Bocce Club on 20/21st May. The participating States. QLD NSW, VIC and ACT, competed under three categories; Under 15, Under 18 and Under 23. I was privileged to be a referee. It involved long hours but I had the best view. These young athletes are amazing. They are up and coming champions in this sport, so watch this space. QLD did not take top honours, but did extremely well. Parents, coaches and spectators should be very proud. Under 15 QLD representative Samuel was runner up in the Singles. The Double winners Under 18 were Nina and Chiara and runner ups in the rapid throw were again Nina and Chiara. Samuel from QLD had a special acknowledgement for exemplary on-court behaviour and sportsmanship.
Just an ordinary person achieving extraordinary feats, local running enthusiast Donna Saunders has taken on the impossible Simpson Desert Ultra Marathon—and completed it!
Being a resident of Bunya Riverside, most of Donna’s extensive training took place right on her doorstep, on the trails of the Bunyaville Conservation Park. With the support of local running group Run with Rob, she also trained alongside her coach Cath Wallis, a Canberra-based coach, adventurer, and ultra-athlete who has experience herself with Simpson Desert Ultra. Having worked to hone the skills of athletes all over Australia, Donna knew she was in capable hands with Cath. Their program commenced in January of this year, and incorporated strength training, increased distances, hiking and running with a pack full of mandatory gear, as well as speed work, hills, and stairs. At the end of all their hard work, alongside 23 of Cath’s other trainees, Donna took on the Simpson Desert Ultra.
Of course, not one second of Donna’s training was easy. How could it be? In her words, the challenge was ‘big and scary’ and an ambitious goal to say the least. However, in her two years of building up to the moment she knew she had it in her to conquer Simpson Desert Ultra, Donna discovered how rewarding training can be. She tells Echo News, ‘It is giving me a strong body so I can keep doing the things I love and exploring the world. It means I make time for myself, and it is so good for my head and my confidence.’
Sometimes, it can be good to do the things that scare us. To be frank, the insane 50km length of Simpson Desert Ultra is nothing short of terrifying!
Each year, it takes place just outside Birdsville on Adria Downs Station, the land of the Wangkangurru-Yarluyandi people. There is a 2pm Welcome to Country ceremony on the day, as well as an official send off for the first of the 100km participants. Remaining competitors, including Donna thought it best to set up their tents and sleeping gear. It wasn’t until 2am, after only 3 hours of rest, that Donna took off for her first 25km loop at 2am, hoping to arrive back by 7am. She shares that ‘it was beautiful walking at night under the full moon. The course is a combination of sand dunes, gibber plain, and clay pan full of holes.’ Competitors were forced to navigate via headlamps and the reflective tape on course markers. ‘Headlamps lit up tiny insects in the sand like glow worms,’ Donna says.
Underestimating the terrain’s difficulty, Donna returned to camp at 7:30am, and off again by 7:50am after refreshing, eating, and hydrating. Despite an altercation with a lukewarm Coca Cola and the course’s final aid station, Donna completed the rest of the track with strength and grace. The last few kilometres were the toughest of all, Donna recalls, with the final dune feeling ‘like a punch in the face.’ However, she crossed the finish line at 2pm with a smile and unwavering pride.
‘I realised during this whole endeavour that, when the situation calls for it, I am my very own hype woman. As I was mostly alone on the course, I talked out loud, telling myself how strong I was, how I was doing so well, how awesome my body is to carry me through the desert.’
With Simpson Desert Ultra awarding no winners or place getters, it truly was all about the journey and comradery for all participants. Upon finishing her final leg of the (non) race, Donna was cheered on by friends and strangers alike, welcoming her back as if it were a homecoming.
Though nothing is set in stone, Donna is considering the Lonely Mountain Ultra in Orange later this year, as well as Ultra Trail Australia in the Blue Mountains next year. Kudos to her for making the impossible seem all the more possible. Echo News wishes her good luck for all future endeavours!
Reviewing your goals for 2023? Looking for a group of inspiring, motivating and energetic individuals? Come join the Run With Rob running group at Eatons Hill, Ferny Hills or Warner. We guarantee it will be life changing and just the motivation you need to kick start 2023.
Suitable for ALL ability levels. Our no cost sessions will change your life.
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