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Reuniting Over Pie n Peas
On the 23rd January the Mitchelton Senior Citizens Club welcomed back members with a delicious lunch to celebrate Australia Day.
Members tucked into ‘Pie and Peas’ for their main course and a delightful apple pie with custard to finish the meal off. All had an enjoyable time catching up with one another after the festive break. From the 1st February, memberships are due at the club. These remain at the low cost of $7 for the year. All members are welcome on a Monday for morning tea, a concert and lunch with the admission price set at $8. The committee are busily organising the bus trips for the year and further details will be announced over the next month. For further information about this friendly club, contact 3355 0358
The Picabeen Change Room
As we start to transition into Autumn, The Changeroom would like to thank all the community members who have donated wonderful warmer clothing to the Op Shop.
The team will be transitioning their stock to suit the cooler weather soon, so please drop in and check out the pre-loved clothing and accessories that are in store.
You can find the Picabeen Change Room at 8 Dallas Parade, Keperra. The shop is open from Monday to Friday from 9am to 4.30pm and Saturday 9am-1pm.