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2023 in Everton is off to a flying start!
Clean Up Australia Day – Sunday 5th March – Starting at Teralba Park 4pm-5:30pm
I am again calling for volunteers to come and participate in this great effort to keep our local community and environment clean. I hope to see many of you down at Teralba Park in the afternoon of the 5th to help keep this wonderful part of our community free of rubbish! You can register for the event here: https://www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au/fundraisers/timmandercomau/ teralba-park--everton-park--osbourne-road-side
Neighbour Day
I am so pleased to announce our Neighbour Day and Easter Egg Hunt with Hicks Real Estate is back on again on Sunday 2nd April at Teralba Park, Pullen Road, Everton Park from 9am-11:30am. There will be food stalls and a coffee van to keep adults happy while children hunt for Easter Eggs. Plenty of activities and games will keep the young ones occupied as well as information and activity stalls provided by our local community groups.

Australia Day – Citizenship Awards
This is one of my favourite events on our calendar, welcoming new Australian citizens and I am proud to be included in these important ceremonies.