Christmas is a time of celebration through gifts and food, unfortunately for some families providing a Christmas dinner, is a struggle.
Each year, Picabeen Community Centre gives Christmas hampers to members of our community who are in need. The team are now busy collecting for this years hampers and anyone is welcome to donate non-perishable food items that will be distributed to people in need. A list of items requested can be found on the right. This year, Picabeen has a huge undertaking with a goal of packing 110 Christmas hampers! As you can imagine this is no easy task so if you have a couple of hours to spare, your help would be greatly appreciated. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the team on 3354 2555
The AGM and 30th Anniversary event saw staff, students and volunteers all come together and reflect on the people, services and opportunities Picabeen has provided. A 30th Anniversary book has been produced. If you are interested, pop down to the Centre at 22 Hoben Street, Mitchelton and have a read. Picabeen Changeroom It has been a busy time for the team at the Picabeen Changeroom. Business continues to grow, helping their clients with formal outfits, costumes for parties, everyday wear and of course that ‘something special’ to wear for an occasion. The shop receives so much support from the local community in the shape of donations, purchasing and just dropping in for a chat with the friendly, helpful volunteers. The clothing and accessories are constantly updated with wonderful donations received daily. Visit the friendly team at 8 Dallas Parade, Keperra and find your next op-shop hidden treasure.
The Everton Echo is a FREE monthly publication delivering 14,500 copies per month of what matters to Everton Park and Surrounds. Our paper is 100% locally owned and operated, which means we don’t just talk about being local, WE ARE LOCAL; we live it everyday. Distribution is carried out via direct letterbox delivery to homes and businesses in the suburbs of; Gaythorne, Enoggera, Everton Park, Mitchelton, Stafford and McDowall. Copies can also be picked up from a variety of magazine stands within the above suburbs.
Copyright: The Everton Echo is produced by Echo Media Group Pty Ltd (The Publisher). All rights are reserved and the contents are copyright and may not be reproduced without permission from The Publisher. All care is taken by The Publisher, however responsibility is not accepted for errors or omissions and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of The Publisher.
COVID-19: At the time of going to press (25th October 2022), information contained within this issue is correct. As the situation with the COVID health crisis is ever changing, we urge you to contact organisers of any events listed within our publication if you are doubtful about times and dates. For more information, visit www.echo-news.com.au or email admin@echo-news.com.au
2 | Prep time: Overnight |
• 1 cup rolled oats
• ½ cup yoghurt, natural, low fat
• ½ cup water
• 1 small green apple, grated
• ⅔ cup mixed berries
• Cinnamon to taste
• Small handful nuts and seeds (eg. almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds) finely chopped (plus extra to serve – optional)
• Yoghurt to serve (optional)
• Extra fruit to serve (optional)
MIX everything together in a container with a lid and refrigerate overnight.
SCOOP half of the mixture into a bowl, top with yoghurt, extra fruit and sprinkle of cinnamon (optional). What’s Great About It?
This bircher muesli makes a great base to experiment different toppings with. Add in any other fruits or vegetables including grated carrot for an additional veggie boost!
Recipe courtesy of Isabella Maugeri, Brisbane City Night Branch
This recipe is brought to you by The Queensland Country Women’s Association’s (QCWA) Country Kitchens program. The program Empowering women through education and health is a priority for the Queensland Country Women’s Association (QCWA). The QCWA Country Kitchens program, funded by the Queensland Government through Health and Wellbeing Queensland, supports Queenslanders to adopt healthier lifestyles. To find out more about the program visit https:// qcwacountrykitchens.com. au/.
2022, The Everton Echo www.echo-news.com.au
Welcome to our latest column, Random Acts of Kindness.
We all know our community rocks and it’s spirit is oozing with kindness, so to showcase this we are publishing ‘Random Act of Kindness’, a new column with submissions from our community. Have a read of Nerida’s submission below:
‘My new neighbour in Albany Creek, was watching my young son and I moving big rocks to try and make the front of the house look better. They were super heavy and we were doing our best but struggling! I hadn’t met him before but he brought over a trolley to help and two pairs of different sized gardening gloves to spare our hands. It was so touching and a huge help - it was a lovely lesson for the kids too.’ - Nerida S, Albany Creek
If someone in the community has offered a random act of kindness to cheer you up, it can be something simple or a big favour, we would love to hear from you. It’s all about the thought that counts, please get in touch as we would love to share it with our readers, admin@echo-news.com.au
Newmarket VIEW Club helps seven children Roudwan (15), Jesse (14), Abbee (19), Tony (13), Mitchell (9), Abigail (8) and Amy (10) through The Smith Family’s Learning for Life education support program. The program provides families with long term educational, financial and personal assistance so that children have all the essentials needed to fully participate in their school’s activities.
Members of the Newmarket VIEW Club are calling on the community to give generously and sponsor a child through this leading children’s education charity.
If you wish to know more about the Newmarket VIEW Club, email us on newmarketview@gmail.com
The Brisbane Bunya Lions Club is hosting their annual ‘Carols in the Park’ event on Saturday 10 December 2022 from 4.00pm – 8.00pm.
The much-loved community show will return after three years and will be held at Mitchelton Park on the grounds of Wests Mitchelton Junior Rugby League Football Club and everyone in the local community is invited to attend.
With free entry, parking, entertainment, face painting and rides, this event is perfect for all ages and has been attended by thousands since it began in 2015.
There will be a huge stage with sound and lighting, a fantastic lineup of entertainers including Babushka Cabaret, The Fabulous Lemon Drops (for the kids!), Second Wind Concert Band, the Numb Bum's Ukulele Band, AMMA School of Dance performers and Mt Maria College, Mitchelton’s award-winning band, The Royals, who emerged from 'The Battle of Rock Bands' competition this month with Most Outstanding Band, Best Guitarist and Best Drummer awards.
And for the young ones, and the young at heart, Santa will visit to meet and greet with the children and to sit for family photos. All this followed by a spectacular fireworks display will end the evening.
With easy access to rides, activities for the kids, dinner, drinks and dessert vendors, all visitors are invited to bring along picnic rugs and festival chairs to sit on and enjoy the evening in comfort.
There’s a fantastic new addition to the event of Christmas Market Stalls in support of local artisans in jewellery, fashion, candles, toys, collectibles, art, plants, other quality items and children’s activities.
Lions Club Christmas Cakes and Puddings will also be available for sale.
This event is generously supported each year by Brisbane City Council’s Lord Mayor’s Community Fund and The Suburban Community and Multicultural Festivals Funding Program, Wests Mitchelton Junior Rugby League Football Club, Tim Mander MP, Cr Andrew Wines, Echo News and Fleetcrew.
Can you believe it is only a few weeks until Christmas! I think you will all agree, that it is just not Christmas, without a delicious Lions Christmas Cake or Pudding. So where can you find one of our terrific cakes you may ask? Well, you will find the Lions out and about selling these decadent treats on the listed dates and locations below.
Kakowan Koffee Shop, James Drysdale Reserve, Jinker Track, Bunya: 7am - noon, 7 days a week
Osborne Road Mitchelton Cake and Pudding StallTeralba Park: 9am - 3pm
Saturday, 26 November, Saturday, 3 December, Saturday, 10 December, Sunday, 10 December, Saturday, 17 December, Sunday, 18 December.
Fresh Christmas Trees available on Saturday 10th December and Sunday 11th December. First in first served.
Brookside Shopping Centre - Opposite Terry White Chemmart Pharmacy : 9am - 3pm
Friday 21st October, Saturday 22nd October, Friday 28th October, Saturday 29th October, Saturday 5th November, Sunday 6th November, Thursday 10th November, Friday 11th November, Saturday 12th November, Monday 28th November, Tuesday 29th November, Wednesday 30th November, Tuesday 6th December, Wednesday 7th December, Saturday 10th December, Sunday 11th December, Monday 12th December, Tuesday 13th December, Wednesday 14th December, Thursday 15th December, Friday 16th December, Saturday 17th December, Wednesday 21st December, Thursday 22nd December, Friday 23rd December
Bunnings Brendale, Cnr Old North Rd &, Kremzow Rd, Brendale
Fridays 18th & 25th November, 3rd and 4th December, Thursday 8th December, 10th & 11th December, 17th & 18th December Coles Albany Creek, Albany Creek Village, Albany Creek Rd, Albany Creek
Prices have gone up slightly this year, however you still get an exceptional product. Both cakes and puddings are rich, fruit filled and moist and we are sure the whole family will thoroughly enjoy them. It is still one of the top shelf, value for money traditions that you can purchase and you are also helping the Lions to help others, at this very special time of year and when there are many folks doing it tough.
Pricing: 1.5kg Cake is $19.00 : 1.0kg Cake is $15.00 : 900gm Pudding is $15.00 and our Mini 80gm is $2.00 each.
get help if needed. There is also a pair of lovely old gentlemen at Mitchelton who wait at the turn around point every week! What’s more, each parkrun is recorded, as are volunteer roles, which go toward your profile. There are Milestone shirts, such as after 25, 50, 100 and 250 runs or volunteers. Karen Kirk nee More, a most-beloved, long time Parkrun volunteer, shares, ‘I love volunteering as it gives me a chance to meet and chat to members of the community, practice my photography, and give back to a great initiative.’
Indeed, a great initiative the Parkwalk Month event has been this October. Now heading into November, why don’t you and the family put on your best running—or walking—shoes and hit a local track sometime? Hope to see you sweatin’!
For this October, fitness gurus of the region have spent each Saturday morning celebrating Parkwalk Month. That’s right—Parkwalk, not Parkrun.
This localised event served to encourage our community to get involved with Parkrun for the first time, without feeling pressured to sprint, run, or even jog the track. As always, there were plenty of Parkruns taking place across Brisbane in October, including one at Teralba Park, Mitchelton, a challenging one at Bunyaville, and others at Kedron and Southbank, for example. Some people travelled to different Parkruns as visitors, with one local having joined an ‘alphabet club’, through which they endeavour to run a Parkrun beginning with each letter of the alphabet! You can find your local Parkruns by heading to the website: https://www. parkrun.com.au/
Stretching 5km in total, each Saturday morning track takes top athletes around 15 minutes to run, whilst walkers might take up to an hour to reach the finish line. Whatever your level of fitness, this is entirely achievable; how fast you go doesn’t matter, its just getting involved that’s important. Many families join the fun as an excuse to get the kids out in the fresh air and off devices. Babies can be brought in prams, with fur babies regularly joining in on leashes. It is wonderful seeing all walks of the community—from young kids to people in their eighties—enjoying the track. Remember, it’s never too late to start—or too early.
Kids and teenagers have come to be some of the most enthusiastic runners on the tracks each weekend. So much so, that a Junior Parkrun has started up on Sunday mornings at 8am. It is a 2km track, held at Des Conner Park in Ashgrove, specifically for children who are daunted by the 5km run. They also do a fun warm up and the tail walker has been known to wear unicorn horns and a tail! Again, this is a free event run wholly by volunteers! Details can be found on the Junior Parkrun website: https://www.parkrun.com.au/ desconnorpark-juniors/aboutus/
The physical benefits of participating are obvious, with studies showing that regular exercise reduces risk of heart diseases, diabetes, and stroke. Similarly, just getting out amongst the community can reduce risk of depression and aging diseases. There is a member at the Mitchelton Parkrun, Peter, who survived a stroke a few years ago but lost his ability to walk and talk. He now runs the Parkrun most weeks and is one of our pacers, setting times so runners and walkers can set goals. Plentiful other volunteer roles also exist, including Run Director, who leads the experience, course marshals, timers, token-providers, barcode scanners, photographers, and tail walkers. Tail walkers walk at the end of the run and, together with the marshals, ensure everyone on the run is safe and can
Last month Our Lady, Queen of Apostles Parish, Stafford was recognised with three prestigious environmental awards for their commitment to climate and environmental action.
Five Leaf Eco-Awards Founder and Director Jessica Morthorpe awarded the parish the Five Leaf Eco-Awards Basic Certificate, Eco-Worship Award and Climate Activism Award. These awards acknowledge the many actions the church has taken, including the establishment of their contemplation garden, the actions of their Parish Care for Creation Group, their reduce, reuse and recycle programs, environment-themed discussion groups and liturgies, letter writing for climate action, their work to support
other parishes in taking action and their Care for Creation website.
Fr. Denis Scanlan, Priest of the parish, said: ‘The Care for Creation Group is a wonderful catalyst for our fellow parishioners. With their expertise and energy, I and so many of our wonderful parishioners have been challenged and informed as to how we can more effectively undertake actions for the good of our planet. From the beginning, God’s plan is for all God’s children - human and otherwise, to live in an interdependent relationship. Thanks to our Care for Creation Group, we are better able to do this at Our Lady, Queen of Apostles.’
Ms Morthorpe says she is encouraged to see so many churches taking action for the environment, with a record number of Five Leaf Eco-Award applications being received this year.
‘It’s wonderful to hear about everything that is being done, and to know that the church is playing an increasingly important role in caring for the creation God loves,’ she said.
According to Ms Morthorpe other churches interested in earning awards should feel encouraged, ‘Many churches have already done enough to earn Five Leaf Eco-Awards, they just don’t realize it,’ she says, ‘If your community is doing something to be proud of, even if you think you have only done a little, please let us know. We can’t give you an award if we don’t know what you’ve done!’
Churches can enter the awards by filling out the survey here: www.fiveleafecoawards.org
Have you visited The Little Echo yet? It’s a website that showcases our youngest citizens creative talents, check it out at www.littleecho.com.au
Where has this year gone? It’s the second last month, and Christmas plans are underway.
The December meeting of the Mitchelton and Districts Garden Club will occur at the Enoggera Memorial Hall on Thursday, 1st December. Attendance at this meeting is for club members and invited guests only. It will consist of end of year activities and presentation of prizes to successful 2022 exhibitors. Despite all the adversities during the past ten months the entries on the show bench each month have been a delight and the exhibitors are congratulated for their efforts.
It looks like there’s going to be plenty of wet weather, but if there isn’t make sure your lawn receives a deep soak once a week. This will encourage the grass roots to penetrate deeper into the earth and increase the area to mow. Don’t hesitate to plant grass seed or pieces of turf in bare spots, You may need to use a ‘weed and feed’ spray to control unwanted material in the lawn. If not, give your lawn some nutrition each month. Citrus trees have been in blossom and tiny fruit is forming. Watch out for citrus leaf miner and gall wasp which may be pruned away to keep these problems controlled. Azaleas and spring flowering shrubs need attention too. If they are not very old, tip prune them to develop their shape. Old shrubs may have lots or woody parts removed to encourage new growth. After pruning, apply a fertilizer and make sure there’s plenty of mulch on the soil to conserve moisture. Vegetable growers may still plant lettuce, sweet potatoes and sweet corn.
Meetings commence at 9.45am. Entrance to the hall is at 36 Trundle Street, Enoggera. The hall is close to public transport and accessible by wheel chair. Visitors and new members are welcome. For more information please phone the president on 3356 1256
Hark! The angels will be singing at The Hills Community Carols on Saturday 3rd December at George Willmore Park, Ferny Hills. This free family event kicks off at 4pm with a huge variety of performers, food, rides, face painting, glow products, fireworks and of course, a visit from Santa himself! This annual festive gathering is known as one of the most community oriented on the calendar, and as such, there will be a voluntary collection taking place at the event for our local SES, so any loose change is appreciated! The Hills Community Carols would not be able to take place without the hard working group of volunteers who work tirelessly to bring the event to life. The committee comprises of; volunteers from the Golden Valley Keperra Lions Club, along with the Ferny Hills Amateur Fishing Club and Arana Hills Church of Christ. This organising committee also wishes to thank the Sponsors that have come onboard to date in order to support the event.
If you are looking for a bit of Christmas gift inspo, check out the fabulous Christmas Markets taking place in our region. There's a huge variety on offer and many are fundraising events so not only are you shopping local but supporting the local community too! So what are you waiting for? Push ahead of the Christmas rush and get the Chrissy shopping done n dusted!
Eatons Hill Community Kindergarten Christmas Market
7 Marylin Terrace, Eatons Hill | 6pm - 9pm
Support your local kindergarten by visiting their exceptional Christmas Markets. It’s the perfect opportunity to get all that Christmas shopping done and dusted early on. There will be Arts, Craft, Raffles and Food available.
Ferny Grove Railway Station | 6am - noon
Every Sunday from 6am till noon, experience all that the Ferny Grove Markets has to offer! From great coffee, to fresh take-away food, fruit, & veg, enjoy wandering the Ferny Grove Markets to discover hidden gems amongst the tables of second hand clothes, toys, and bric-a-brac.
St Paul's Anglican Church, 12 Mt Samson Road, Samford | 7am - noon
Shop for produce, find a bargain, enjoy brunch and indulge in truly great coffee– all in the delightful leafy grounds around the St Paul’s Anglican Church. Between 40 and 50 diverse stalls carry an amazing range of goods and services. The markets are famous for their welcoming atmosphere and their country charm
Albany Creek State School’s Twilight Markets
696 Albany Creek Road, Albany Creek | 4.45pm - 8.30pm
Albany Creek State School Twilight Markets are an annual community event. With over 40 stalls indoor and outdoor, food trucks, facepainting and live music, this free event is sure to interest every member of the family.
Carseldine Christmas Twilight Market
133 Dorville Road, Carseldine | 4pm - 9pm $2 Entry
Bring some Christmas cheer into your life at Brisbane’s beloved Christmas market, Carseldine Christmas Twilight Market! Enjoy gourmet eats and sweets and get those stockings packed with the goods from bespoke makers. Get ready to rock the night away with festive entertainment and live music
Mount Glorious Community Hall | 9am - 4pm
Held in the newly rebuilt Mt Glorious Community Hall and now in its fabulous sixth year, the two-day family-friendly event will include a quality craft market, barista-made coffee, food and live music. Artworks for sale will include a variety of media - oil, watercolour and acrylic paintings, sculpture, jewellery, ceramics, glasswork, pen-and-ink drawings, photography, fine furniture and woodwork and fibre-art.
Keperra Baptist Church Christmas Twilight Markets
Keperra Baptist Church, Samford Road, Keperra | 4.30pm - 8pm
Homemade crafts great for Christmas gifts. There will also be a sausage sizzle too, so come and have some fun! If you would like a table for your crafts, the cost is only $15. Call Lyn on 0411 336 460 or email somerville@bigpond.com
VEND Marketplace Christmas Markets
1768 Sandgate Road, Virginia | 4pm - 9pm
With over 130 stores inside and a pop up market outside with around 40 more stalls (each night will have different stall holders!), there will be something to please everyone. Plus there’s a café on site open for dinner, including some Christmas specials, a playground, jumping castle , FREE
facepainter, and a cocktail bar for the adults. The venue is dog friendly, and there will be a pop up professional photobooth caravan for Christmas family pictures! Also taking place on 10th December
Burnie Brae Christmas Markets
60 Kuran Street, Chermside 8am - 2pm
Jingle your way to Burnie Brae, where you’ll find artisan stalls selling locally designed goods. Explore fashion, art, craft, and homewares – there’s something for everyone on your list! Snack on café treats and sip freshly brewed coffee while looking for unique Christmas gifts and supporting your local community.
The Home Collective Christmas Twilight Markets
Wavell Heights Community Hall - 175 Edinburgh Castle Road, Wavell Heights | 5pm - 9pm
A market for the garden lover!
Old Petrie Town Moonlight Markets
901 Dayboro Road, Petrie | 5pm - 9pm
Old Petrie Town Markets are lighting up for this year’s Christmas Moonlight Markets. Every Friday in December artisan stalls will circle the village green and throughout the park. Street food vans for every taste and flavour, cafes, specialty shops, entertainment for the kids, live music are all on offer to entertain the whole family. Plus classic cars will be on display on the Main Street and whole lot more …Pop down every Friday in December 2nd, 9th and 16th from 5pm to 9 pm at 901 Dayboro Road, Petrie.
Nundah Christmas Markets
Station Street, Nundah 4pm - 10pm | $2 Entry
Get jingly with it at Brisbane’s best Christmas market, Nundah Christmas Twilight Market! Mix and a-mingle with gourmet eats and sweets and stuff those stockings with the curated range of bespoke makers.
There will also be a North Pole bespoke pop up bar with festive entertainment and live music. Plus; - Artisan Handmade Gifts, Gourmet Eats and Drinks, Snaps with Santa, DJ, Kids Activities and Entertainment.
Christmas on Main Markets
Station Road, Samford | 5pm - 8.30pm
Follow the red bows and twinkling lights of Main Street Samford to support local traders, cafes and restaurants and share some Christmas Cheer! You can enjoy Late Night Shopping, Christmas Specials, Music at Venues, Carols at and activities for the kids.
Jan Powers Farmers Markets
Blackwood Street, Mitchelton | 6am - noon
Acoustic musicians set the mood for a laidback Sunday morning as local providers and regional farmers offer an array of homegrown produce and handmade goodies to dedicated and loyal market shoppers. Fill your green bags with locally grown fruit and vegetables, quality meat and sustainable seafood, freshly baked bread and pastries, artisan deli lines and pantry items from spices to spelt flour. Fuel up with a coffee and a satisfying snack or a hearty meal and wind down with a sweet treat from the friendly food vendors.
Carols in the Park Christmas Markets
Wests Mitchelton Junior FC, Mitchelton | 4pm - 8pm
Brisbane Bunya Lions Club is delighted to present Carols in the Park on Saturday 10 December 2022 from 4.00pm - 8.00pm. This market (that takes place during the Carols event) support s our local artisans in jewellery, fashion, candles, toys, collectibles, art, plants, other quality items and children’s activities. Enquiries via email at brisbanebunya@lionsq3.org.au
Pine Rivers Park Christmas Twilight Markets
Pine Rivers Park, Strathpine | 4pm - 8pm
Get a head start on your Christmas gift shopping at our twilight markets! Take a stroll under festoon & festival lighting and enjoy local crafts, jewellery, handmade goodies, toys and more. Treat the family to a delicious meal from one of our food trucks available at the event. You will be spoilt for choice!
Bardon Christmas Markets
Cnr Baroona & Rainworth Rds, Paddington | 7am - noon
All welcome including fur babies. Handmade Christmas gifts, live music, delicious food, fresh produce and exceptional meat. A visit from Santa and fun activities promised!
Residents of Brisbane’s north have access to the technical expertise of Australia's leading medical imaging network, Lumus Imaging.
Previously known by several brands including Queensland Diagnostic Imaging, Lumus Imaging offers knowledge that matters, by people who care, across their network of more than 135 clinics nationwide.
Darren Schwedes, Lumus Imaging QLD State Manager reports that, ‘Locally, Lumus Imaging is committed to offering a wide range of diagnostic imaging services to patients in the north of Brisbane. Our caring staff have been looking after the local community for a number of years and we look forward to the opportunity to support and grow alongside this community, as it changes and transforms over the coming decades.’
‘Many local residents have visited our site at North West Private Hospital and we want to continue to support the community by ensuring we focus on a patient centred service, particularly in the area of women’s imaging,’ said James Lindner, Operations Manager.
At Lumus Imaging North West Private Hospital, the staff understand that some aspects of women’s imaging can be worrying for their patients, therefore the dedicated, caring staff are all highly trained to ensure privacy, dignity, and comfort. Lumus Imaging is proud to be focused on offering the best in patient-centred care for Australians across our sites in both metro and regional locations.
The North West Hospital site offers a comprehensive range of imaging services, free parking with a new multi storey carpark,
accessibility to appointments and an affordable service for the local community.
For more information or to book an appointment visit www. lumusimaging.com.au or call Lumus Imaging North West Private Hospital on (07) 3353 5011.
Join the Serenata Singers as they travel through time and place on a musical journey for their inaugural Gala Concert.
The concert, in partnership with Ashgrove/The Gap Lions Club and students from The Gap State High School, includes items especially prepared by Serenata Singers. Themes will span the globe in time and space. Some old favourites will also be performed along with modern pieces and solo acts by the accomplished musicians from The Gap SHS music program. The Gala Concert includes a supper and door prizes provided by Ashgrove/The Gap Lions Club. All proceeds go to the Lions Medical Research Foundation and Serenata Singers program to provide Community Concerts.
The concert will take place at The Gap Uniting Church Auditorium on Saturday 19 November 2022 at 3pm. Tickets are $25 for adults and $10 for students. To purchase a ticket call 0400 210 357 or email serenatasingersthegap@gmail. com. Tickets are also available on the door.
Marist180 Business Trainees will be hosting an evening of Paint and Sip to raise funds and awareness for the not-for-profit charity Stationery Aid on Saturday 19 November 2022 at the Kakowan Community Facility Bunya. The two local community organisations are coming together to help others in need.
Marist180 is a not-for-profit community services organisation that provides opportunities for long-term unemployed people to re-train and gain employment. The Marist180 Business Traineeship in partnership with Stationery Aid is proudly funded and supported by the Queensland Government through the Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative. The trainees undertake hands-on practical paid work in a community setting at James Drysdale Reserve, Bunya in the Pine Hills Football Club house and Stationery Aid warehouse.
Currently, the business trainees are working with Stationery Aid to manage donations of used and unused excess school stationery supplies in preparation for the coming school year in 2023. In addition to this, as part of skills development, the trainees are organising and hosting the Paint and Sip fundraiser to raise much needed funds for this local charity.
Stationery Aid is a Queensland based charity, run by volunteers in the Hills District, that collects, renews and distributes used and unused excess school stationery supplies and educational material for Queensland students in need. They do this by preparing yearly school booklists that are packed and distributed to disadvantaged students who would otherwise not start the school year with the required resources for learning. Stationery Aid helps disadvantaged children with environmentally sustainable school supplies. Used school stationery and books that may have gone to landfill are now serving a better purpose. All profits raised from this fundraising event will help Stationery Aid with operational costs to renew school stationery supplies and expand their capacity to support more children across south east Queensland. Donation spots on where you can drop your unwanted stationery that is in good working condition, can be found at www.stationeryaid.org
The event is being held on Saturday, 19 November 2002 at the Kakowan Community Facility, 2 Pine Hills Drive, Bunya. Tickets are $50 and includes $25 donation directly to Stationery Aid, all painting needs and a lucky door prize ticket. Marist180 has also sourced donations from local businesses For tickets, visit go to www.humanitix.com
12 week program for 15-19 year olds to re-engage into learning, further education, with employment opportunities.
BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills
Accredited qualification with elective options in retail, automotive, or hairdressing. Developing work readiness, digital literacy, time management, and planning with qualified trainers
• Job search and interview skills
• Life skills training
• Language, literacy, numeracy skills
• Workplace experience
Rolling Starts
12 week program for 15-24 year olds assisting in employment training opportunities.
FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways
Accredited qualification in career paths and personal skills to overcome workplace challenges, build confidence, and better career opportunities
Language, literacy, numeracy and digital skills
Group or individual support
Workplace experience
6 week one on one career coaching program for employment preparation. Learn skills and improve personal potential for job opportunities. Build confidence, knowledge and skills to improve employability.
Personalised training plan
Assistance to create a great resume
Practice job interviews and
Support with language, literacy, and numeracy
The property market is red hot at the moment. With this in mind, Echo News is delighted to bring the North West Brisbane Property Guide to our newspapers. Read on to discover tips and tricks to help sell your home, maximise return and get ready for market.
If you want to sell your house this year, there are plenty of jobs you can cross off your list to help you get ready for market and maximise your sale price. This checklist will help you take the first critical steps towards being prepared to sell your home.
The property market can be a fickle beast, so it’s important to have a good understanding of what’s happening in your area before you list your house for sale.
One of the easiest ways to get a handle on your local market is to observe the market for a minimum of six to eight weeks.
Once you’ve seen properties come on the market and hopefully selling in that period, it will give you an idea of what those properties are selling for and what you can afford to buy.
While browsing online will give you some good insight, you’ll also want to get out to physically inspect properties so you can see how your home compares with the stock available to buyers.
A pest and building inspection report will highlight any major issues with your property and give you the option to deal with these before you start your sales campaign.
Decluttering comes hand-in-hand with moving house, so if you’re thinking seriously about selling there’s no better prompt to get rid of unwanted belongings.
Great street appeal is key to selling your home. Those first impressions are lasting impressions. You might like to use the holiday break to wrangle an unruly garden into submission, repair fences or front gates or paint the front door.
You can also use the holidays to read through agent contracts, check in with your local council for any requirements like pool compliance or certificates, and to contact solicitors or conveyancers for quotes on preparing a sales contract.
The official cash rate lifted again in October to 2.60% for the sixth consecutive month. This is the highest the rate has been since July 2013 when it was 2.75%. The increase will impact any homeowner with a variable-rate or split home loan, or anyone considering taking out a new loan. But it isn’t only repayments that will be impacted. The increasing cash rate also impacts borrowing power. But what is borrowing power and how much does an increase in cash rate and its flow-on effect to interest rates impact it?
Borrowing power is the amount of money a lender is willing to let you borrow to purchase property. This is also sometimes referred to as your borrowing capacity. The way it is calculated varies depending on the lender, but in general it takes into consideration your income, assets, liabilities, credit health, debts, deposit amount and the value of the property.
Lenders are also expected to apply at least a three percentage points interest rate serviceability buffer (according to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority’s guidelines). This means the lender will add at least three percentage points to the current interest rate to calculate repayments and ensure you will be able to meet them, hedging against future rate rises.
How do rising interest rates impact borrowing power?
When interest rates rise, your borrowing power is likely to decrease. This is because the repayments will increase and if your income isn’t also increasing, your ability to service that loan will drop. Let’s have a look at how borrowing capacity can be impacted as interest rates rise.
In this example, Nancy earns $110,000 per year pre-tax with no dependents, debts or credit card and the average Australian annual expenses of $16,500. For a loan term of 30 years, her borrowing capacity would change depending on the interest rate as follows:
3.0% p.a. - $830,000, 3.5% p.a. - $784,000, 4.0% p.a.$741,000, 4.5% p.a. - $702,000, 5.0% p.a. - $666,000, 5.5% p.a. - $632,000, 6.0% p.a. - $602,000
As you can see, an increase of just half a percentage point makes a huge difference in Nancy’s borrowing power. If the lender passed on the RBA’s full increase in cash rate in its interest rates, which was by half a percentage point last month, and Nancy had been considering a loan at 4% p.a., the interest rate would have increased to 4.5% p.a. and her borrowing power would have dropped from $741,000 to $702,000decreasing her potential bid by $39,000.
Pre-approval is when a lender indicates they are satisfied you meet their criteria to borrow a specified amount. However, pre-approvals are conditional. If your circumstances change or interest rates increase, it could impact your pre-approval. The important thing to keep in mind is that increasing interest rates do not mean doom and gloom. We have a panel of over 60 lenders and can find the right one for your needs. There are still competitive deals available, and we can help optimise your borrowing power through a number of steps and matching you with the right lender. For more information or advice please contact Scott Palazzi from Loan Market on 0413 747 283
Want to fix up the home before selling but don’t want to break the bank? Or maybe you are looking to get into the ‘House Flipping’ game and maximise your return on investment.
Generally, there is a lot of money that can be made from buying undervalued properties, renovating them and then selling them on at a profit. However, overspending is just one of the things that can eat into your profit. Here are a few tips from founder of ‘Renovating for Profit’ renovating expert, Cherie Barber, on how to budget for a renovation project and maximise your return on investment.
Don’t spend any more than 10% of the current property value on an entire cosmetic renovation. This includes all labour, fixtures, materials and fittings – everything.
First, break down your budget room-by-room and then job-byjob. This makes it more manageable and you’ll be less likely to overspend this way.
When it comes to selling your house, first impressions are everything. Buyers are notoriously harsh judges and are often spoilt for choice. That’s why street appeal is so critical, and a quick exterior renovation can add considerable value to your home.
Rather than ripping out kitchens and bathrooms and starting fresh, working with what you’ve got. Affordable updates like a fresh coat of paint, new tapware, bench tops or vanities
can make a big difference in these spaces and can save you a fortune.
Fresh flooring will work wonders for a home and with so many affordable options on the market it really is a no-brainer when renovating. If you’re not lucky enough to find floorboards under the carpet you rip up, opt for a timber laminate flooring to save money and still get the desired finish.
Assuming you’re doing a full renovation of your bathroom and kitchen, a good rule of thumb is to allow around 20% of the total renovation budget for each. So, for a $500,000 home you should spend no more than $10,000 on each. When creating these plans and strategies don’t forget, cheap doesn’t necessarily mean poor quality. It just shows you’re clever about finding the very best deal at every single step of the renovations.
Always factor in a budget contingency of 5∞ to 10% for any unforeseen costs. Planning is essential with profit in mind. A clear and realistic outlook on the project you are committing to, pre-renovation, will help you cope better during the process of the renovation.
Information sourced from https://www.homestolove.com.au/amp/ cherie-barber-advice-on-renovating-for-profit-2709
Quick Tip: If you are renovating to make a small house look bigger, an inexpensive and beautiful way of achieving that goal is to use mirrors.
HAVE YOUR SAY – BRISBANE’S NEW BUS NETWORK Council wants to hear your feedback about proposed changes to the bus network. You can provide feedback online and view an interactive map of proposed changes by visiting Council’s website at www.brisbane. qld.gov.au and searching for ‘Brisbane’s New Bus Network’.
You can also provide feedback in person at community information sessions, those closest to Enoggera Ward are:
• Friday 4th Nov, 12pm - 2pm, The Community Place, Stafford
• Wednesday 9th Nov, 1:30 - 3:30pm, Chermside Library
By 2041, Brisbane's population will grow by almost 25% to more than 1.55 million people, and the greatest population growth will happen within 5km of the CBD. The Brisbane Metro will help to significantly ease bottlenecks in the existing network and prevent future problems as our city continues to grow.
A key proposed change for our local area affects route 345, which will no longer travel to Cultural Centre station, instead completing its service at Queen Street bus station. This route will also no longer service King George Square station, to enable metro services at this station. Passengers traveling to Cultural Centre station will be able to transfer to high-frequency busway services at Roma Street busway station or Queen Street bus station. More than half of journeys will be faster during peak times. If you have any questions, you can contact the project team on 1800 692 333 or email metro@brisbane.qld.gov.au.
Upgrades along Banks Street, Newmarket are improving safety for all pedestrians and motorists in our area. This busy road corridor is well used, and this new footpath opposite the school will make it much safer for students and our local community. If you have any questions about the works, please contact the project team on 1800 669 416 (during business hours), or email cityprojects@brisbane.qld.gov.au
I've supported Mitchie Day Club since they formed ten years ago, and it was a pleasure to join them recently to celebrate a decade in Enoggera Ward. This local non-profit social club for veterans and seniors meet every week for morning tea and lunch. I was proud to gift them a cake stand to acknowledge the fantastic work of the group, run entirely by volunteers who support and enrich our community.
It’s an exciting time for Aussie football fans at the moment, with the men’s World Cup kicking off later this month, and the women’s World Cup coming to our shores next year!
It was a momentous day for junior football players at Mitchelton Football Club when Socceroos stars and head coach Graham Arnold stopped by before they head off to the FIFA World Cup in Qatar later this month. Opportunities like this for young players are so important for our local community and it was a pleasure to be invited along to attend.
Be sure to tune in and get behind our Socceroos for their first game against reigning champions France on November 23!
My annual Everton Volunteer Awards event is coming up later this month at the Everton Park Bowls Club. It is a chance to recognise the outstanding contributions of volunteers in our local community and to express our sincere appreciation for the work they do.
If you have witnessed outstanding community service in our area, then please don’t hesitate to nominate the deserving recipient for an award. Nominations can be submitted via my website www.timmander.com.au
To keep up to date with what is happening in your local area visit my Facebook page TimManderMPEverton or visit my website www.timmander.com.au
If you would like to contact me, please phone my office on 3535 1100 or email everton@parliament.qld.gov.au
Would you like to brush up on your swimming skills and endurance? Would you like to have fun with like-minded people? Then come along to the Albany Creek Masters Swimming club. The club trains from 7.15 am to 8.30 am on Sunday mornings at Albany Creek Swimming Pool, with the assistance of an experienced coach. There really is something for all with everyone swimming at their own ability and having their own goals, whether it be beginner or advanced - plus the coach is kind and approachable! Details can be found at www.albanycreekmastersswimming.com.au
The Queensland Government has committed to a massive expansion of our state’s renewable energy generation grid. This is only possible because we have kept our electricity assets in public hands.
Between now and 2032 Queensland will need a considerable increase in energy generation to meet our state’s growing needs. In the next ten years the Queensland Government will add extra large-scale wind, solar and hydroelectric capacity to the network distributed across the state.
By 2032 70% of Queensland’s energy generated will be renewable.
Coupled with community battery rollouts, this means Queensland-made energy will be clean, cheap, and reliable.
Perhaps just as importantly, this energy transformation will be the largest jobs opportunity we will see in a generation. Entire industries in Queensland that are today only in their infancy, will in years to come, employ over a hundred thousand Queenslanders in new green hydrogen, clean energy generation, electricity storage, and transmission jobs.
With this $62 billion policy, we will power our state for decades to come – while growing local jobs and transforming our industries and our exports by decarbonising our Queensland-owned grid.
I have received a briefing from Queensland Rail and the Department of Transport and Main Roads regarding the timeline for the delivery of the multi-level carpark at the Ferny Grove Railway Station.
While we were hopeful the carpark portion of the development would be ready by the end of this year, I have been informed the construction has experienced a significant amount of adverse weather events and supply delays. This means the carpark will not be completed until sometime in the new year.
The Ferny Grove Market operator has been given an extended contract until the end of January and will operate unchanged until the multi-level carpark is completed. I have arranged a site visit for Colin (market convenor) and myself to inspect the carpark before the handover.
DV Safe Phone is a Queensland based charity that provides refurbished mobile phones to victims of domestic violence. My Electorate Office is an authorised Phone Drop Location for DV Safe Phone. For more information on how to prepare your old phone to donate, or to simply find out more go to: www.dvasafephone.org/donate.
Hello readers, I have mentioned in the past that we offer event bookings for anything you have organised, including corporate and birthday celebrations. You either supply food and drinks and we can BBQ for you, or you can bring your own prepared or catered food. We are not licensed but you can BYO. We will provide around 3 or 4 games of bocce under the guidance of our club members and you definitely will have a great time.
The Alfa and Fiat Car Clubs have been playing for a perpetual trophy at our club for over 20 years. I must tell you that Fiat have achieved 4 mentions on the cup, which includes this year when they played on October 12th. Well done to Fiat Car Club, they won 86 to 80 points and they were very close games. The bocce club had 4 members on hand, one on each bocce court to guide the players through each game and the photos tell the story.
Give me a call on 0403 257 325 or Bill on 0431 458 481 and we can guide you through the wonderful game of bocce.