The Eatons Echo - Dec 22

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Est 2021 Ph: 0466 607 045 E: echonewsbrisbane Call us for a FREE Measure & Quote: 07 3881 1700 EVERYDAY COMPETITIVE PRICING Our regular pricing is the competitors ‘SALE’ prices No matter what type of shutter, blind or awning you require for your home or business, we have the right solution to suit your needs at a very competitive price. Albany Creek | Eatons Hill | Cashmere | Warner Est. 2021 DECEMBER 2022 Supporting Our Local Community for Over 30 Years! Property Connections MAHACA PARK’S MAKER MAHACA PARK’S MAKER Rosemary is just one of the hardworking volunteers who keep Albany Creek’s Mahaca Park in tip top condition. Read more on page 7.
Albany Creek | Eatons Hill | Meet the Team 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local community Jason Chandler Business Owner Property Connections Albany Creek | Eatons Hill | Cashmere | Warner Our office will close on Friday 23 December 2022 at 11:30am and will re-open on Tuesday 3 January 2023 at 8:30am Scan to see our up to date listings We look forward to being of service to you in 2023.

The Beloved Daisy Lovegrove

Each year, Vision Australia hosts a charitable event known as Carols by Candlelight which fundraises for the thousands of children who live with compromised vision. One of this year’s most treasured ambassadors is Eatons Hill resident Daisy Lovegrove, who has quite a story to tell.

At just a few days old, Daisy made it clear to the world that she might require some extra special care. Her parents, Louisa and Michael, immediately grew both curious and proactive, which led them to commence their search for an explanation. Originally, Daisy was diagnosed with having a lazy eye. But the Lovegrove family knew there was more to it. Her parents’ first discovery turned out to be an early misdiagnosis of strabismus, a condition in which one’s eyes do not align. However, eventually, professionals drew the conclusion that Daisy suffered from Optic Nerve Hypoplasia. Reality soon hit: since Daisy’s optic nerves would never fully develop, she would never gain full vision. A normal life was out of the question for Louisa and Michael’s daughter.

Daisy also lived with nystagmus—a cause of involuntary eye movement—which stemmed her medical condition from ‘zero to crazy’, as described by her mother. Being new to the parenting scene and ultimately unprepared for this turn of events, Louisa and Michael found themselves thrown in the deep end of a problem two pairs of hands could not deal with alone. So, they turned to Vision Australia for assistance. Now three and a half years-old, Daisy has retained 50% vision in her right eye, and around 30-50% in her left. Louisa and Michael’s current concerns surround Daisy’s ability to adjust to school life in the future. However, with Vision Australia

onboard, the Lovegrove’s have been lucky enough to have access to occupational therapy with a lady named Courtney, who is dedicated to offering tips and tricks to help Daisy on a daily basis, alongside assistance in getting Daisy to reach her developmental milestones. The young trooper is now able to distinguish colours, gain independent eye movement, and establish a keener perception of depth.

Looking toward the future, Louisa and Michael can confidently say they believe Daisy will conquer anything she puts her mind to. Including singing along to her favourite Christmas songs at Carols by Candlelight this 23rd-24th December in Melbourne, Victoria. The event will be recorded and broadcasted to local television stations.

December 2022 - Page 3
Eatons Echo,
CAFE FUNCTIONS CATERING 07 3264 5321 1/10 Dawn Road, Albany Creek Fonzie Abbott Coffee All Day Breakfast and Lunch Fully Licenced
Daisy Lovegrove

The Eatons Echo is a FREE monthly publication delivering 14,500 copies per month of what matters to the Eatons Hill and surrounding areas. Our paper is 100% locally owned and operated, which means we don’t just talk about being local, WE ARE LOCAL; we live it everyday.

Distribution is carried out via direct letterbox delivery to homes and businesses in the suburbs of; Albany Creek, Eatons Hill, Warner and Cashmere. Copies can also be picked up from a variety of magazine stands within the above suburbs.

Copyright: The Eatons Echo is produced by Echo Media Group Pty Ltd (The Publisher). All rights are reserved and the contents are copyright and may not be reproduced without permission from The Publisher. All care is taken by The Publisher, however responsibility is not accepted for errors or omissions and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of The Publisher.

COVID-19: At the time of going to press (29th November 2022), information contained within this issue is correct. As the situation with the COVID health crisis is ever changing, we urge you to contact organisers of any events listed within our publication if you are doubtful about times and dates. For more information, visit or email

Recipe of the month

Seasonal Fruit Parfait

Serves: 2 | Prep time: 15 mins | Cook time: 15 mins Ingredients

250g mascarpone cheese 250g raspberries, frozen 1 cup kiwifruit, fresh berries, mango or any other fruit in in season, roughly chopped 2 tablespoons roasted granola Method

CHILL 2 parfait glasses in the refrigerator.

COOK frozen raspberries in a small saucepan on a gentle simmer for around 15 minutes or until very tender. Puree with a stick blender.

TRANSFER the raspberry puree into a small clean bowl and refrigerate until cool.

LAYER fruit, mascarpone and raspberry sauce in chilled glasses up to desired height, keeping each layer as distinct as possible.

TOP each glass with a sprinkle of granola.

SERVE immediately with long spoons or chill until ready to serve.

Recipe courtesy of Barbara McMillian, Dirranbandi branch

This recipe is brought to you by The Queensland Country Women’s Association’s (QCWA) Country Kitchens program. The program Empowering women through education and health is a priority for the Queensland Country Women’s Association (QCWA). The QCWA Country Kitchens program, funded by the Queensland Government through Health and Wellbeing Queensland, supports Queenslanders to adopt healthier lifestyles.

To find out more about the program visit https:// au/.

December 2022, The Eatons Echo

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Distribution Method: Direct letterbox delivery around the North West suburbs of Brisbane. Copies also available for pick up from local magazine stands. Distribution areas: Warner, Albany Creek, Eatons Hill, Bridgeman Downs and parts of Cashmere COLOUR BLACK & WHITE Advert Size Casual Rate Regular Rate Casual Rate Regular Rate 1/8th Page $125 $110 $90 $77 1/4 Page $230 $195 $150 $115 1/2 Page $390 $330 $290 $230 Full Page $650 $610 $510 $410 Trades & Services $100 $85 $85 $70 ADVERTISE WITH US! 14,500 copies monthly Rates above are on a per month basis and include GST Casual Rate = One Off Advert, Regular Rate = 6months Advertising Rates Contact us at or scan QR code to book your advert online


Eight year old Cooper Chapman is on a mission to earn his own money, along with doing his little bit for the planet through his initiative, 'Cooper's Cans'. A few years ago, Cooper asked his parents if he could start recycling cans and bottles to save for a trip to Adelaide. Cooper wanted to visit his best friend Flynn, as Flynn’s family had relocated for duties in the Australian Army.

This impressive young man printed flyers and delivered them to his neighbour’s letterboxes, along with displaying flyers in his local IGA.

Cooper successfully reached his goal and made the visit to Adelaide. Cooper has continued his work and on a weekly basis collects cans and bottles before and after school. His next goal is to save money for another trip to Adelaide, as well as golf equipment and lessons.

If you are not already collecting recyclable containers, please consider Cooper’s Cans as he would LOVE to take them off your hands. Cooper can collect them from your mailbox every fortnight on recycling bin day, plus he can even supply you with reusable bags.

For more information visit his dedicated Facebook page ‘Cooper's Cans’ at

The Outdoor Theatre Community is bringing FREE local ‘pop up’ theatre to the community. Their first production is a modern-day take on a Shakespeare classic, at Dragonfly Park, Warner on December 10th, and 11th. Performances will also occur on December 17th and 18th, with a wet weather back up of Friday, December 16th. For more information visit outdoortheatrecommunity

2022 - Page 5 FREE Outdoor
Set For
The Eatons Echo, December
Consider Cooper’s Cans! Cooper Chapman with just some of the recyclables he has collected
Jonathan Wein Sales Consultant Simone Dombrowski Office Manager Sophie Benett Business Systems Operator Casey Connolly Senior Asset Manager Albany Creek | Eatons Hill | Cashmere | Warner | 5/25 Ferguson St, Albany Creek | 3264 9000 Meet the Team 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local community Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Melinda Chandler 0400 957 999 Casey Connolly 0400 957 799 Leah Tronc 0498 789 799 Aimee Jonsson-Harlacz Vicki Harper Simone Dombrowski Office Manager Sophie Benett Business Systems Operator Kynan Hunt Sales Consultant Albany Creek | 5/25 Ferguson Meet the 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local Jason Chandler Business Owner Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Melinda Chandler Business Owner Jonathan Wein Sales Consultant Sophie Benett Business Systems Operator Casey Connolly Senior Asset Manager Leah Tronc Asset Manager Albany Creek | Eatons Hill | Cashmere | Warner 5/25 Ferguson St, Albany Creek 3264 9000 Meet the Team 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local community Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Property Connections Are You 100% Happy With Your Current Property Manager? Professional Property Management Over 35 Years Experience Experience the Difference Today! 3264 9000 | 699 Albany Creek Rd, Albany Creek Jonathan Wein Sales Consultant Simone Dombrowski Office Manager Sophie Benett Business Systems Operator Casey Connolly Senior Asset Manager Allbany Creek | Eatons Hill | Cashmere | W Warner | 5/25 Ferguson St, Albany Creek | 3264 9000 Meet the Team 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local community Jason Chandler Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Melinda Chandler 0400 957 999 Casey Connolly 0400 957 799 Leah Tronc 0498 789 799 Aimee Jonsson-Harlacz Vicki Harper Simone Dombrowski Office Manager Business Systems Operator Kynan Hunt Sales Consultant Albany Creek | 5/25 Ferguson Meet the 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local Jason Chandler Business Owner Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Melinda Chandler Business Owner Jonathan Wein Sales Consultant Sophie Benett Business Systems Operator Casey Connolly Senior Asset Manager Leah Tronc Asset Manager Allbany Creek | Eatons Hill | Cashmere | Warner | 5/25 Ferguson St, Albany Creek 3264 9000 Meet the Team 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local community Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Property Connections Are You 100% Happy With Your Current Property Manager? Professional Property Management Over 35 Years Experience Experience the Difference Today! 3264 9000 | 699 Albany Creek Rd, Albany Creek Jonathan Wein Sales Consultant Dombrowski Office Manager Sophie Benett Business Systems Operator Kynan Hunt Consultant Casey Connolly Senior Asset Manager Albany Creek | Eatons Hill | Cashmere | W Warner | 5/25 Ferguson St, Albany Creek | 3264 9000 Meet the Team 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local community Chandler Business Owner Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Chandler 957 999 Casey Connolly 0400 957 799 Leah Tronc 0498 789 799 Aimee Jonsson-Harlacz Vicki Harper Jonathan Sales Simone Dombrowski Office Manager Sophie Benett Business Systems Operator Kynan Hunt Sales Consultant Albany Creek | Eatonns | 5/25 Ferguson St, Meet the Team 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local community Jason Chandler Business Owner Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Melinda Chandler Business Owner Jonathan Wein Sales Consultant Casey Connolly Senior Asset Manager Leah Tronc Asset Manager l lbany Creek | Eatons Hill | Cashmere | Warner | 5/25 Ferguson St, Albany Creek | 3264 9000 Meet the Team 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local community Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Property Connections Are You 100% Happy With Your Current Property Manager? Professional Property Management Over 35 Years Experience Experience the Difference Today! 3264 9000 | 699 Albany Creek Rd, Albany Creek Jonathan Wein Sales Consultant Simone Dombrowski Office Manager Sophie Benett Business Systems Operator Kynan Hunt Sales Consultant Casey Connolly Senior Asset Manager Albany Creek | Eatons Hill | Cashmere | W Warner | 5/25 Ferguson St, Creek | 3264 9000 Meet the Team 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local community Jason Chandler Business Owner Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Melinda Chandler 0400 957 999 Casey Connolly 0400 957 799 Leah Tronc 0498 789 799 Aimee Jonsson-Harlacz Vicki Harper Simone Dombrowski Office Manager Sophie Benett Business Systems Operator Kynan Hunt Sales Consultant Albany Creek | 5/25 Ferguson Meet the 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local Jason Chandler Business Owner Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Melinda Chandler Business Owner Jonathan Wein Sales Consultant Sophie Benett Business Systems Operator Casey Connolly Senior Asset Manager Leah Tronc Asset Manager Allbany Creek | Eatons Hill | Cashmere | | 5/25 Ferguson St, Albany Creek | 3264 9000 Meet the Team 30+ Years Experience Supporting our local community Wayne Cornell Sales Consultant Property Connections Are You 100% Happy With Your Current Property Manager? Professional Property Management Over 35 Years Experience Experience the Difference Today! 3264 9000 | 699 Albany Creek Rd, Albany Creek Leah Tronc

The Makings of Mahaca Park

Nestled on the corner of Keong Road and Albany Creek Road is a vibrant utopia of native Australian plants, exotic beauties, bearded dragons, curlews… and some pesky bush turkeys. Mahaca Park is the name, and providing our community with a glorious floral spectacle is the aim.

Strolling through the scene alongside Rosemary, the garden’s primary keeper, I was taken aback by the sheer beauty of Mahaca, and how purposeful each plant placement was. Riding off the back of the landscaping industry, Rosemary’s brain has been wired to utilise angles, slopes, variety of colour, shapes, and sizes, as well as her topiary skills, to ensure the park fits together like a puzzle piece. I couldn’t help but feel like I was stepping into the Lorax’s Forest, with the kaleidoscope of flora and fauna surrounding me!

Running a length of 700m, Mahaca Park has been a longstanding stretch of green for as long as the community can remember. It wasn’t until 7 years ago, in January of 2015,

that Rosemary’s gardening club collaborated with the local council to develop a memorial garden for beloved estate agent Peter Campbell. Peter was very active in community associations and was a generous patron to the gardening club. With the native plants donated to her by the council, as well as her own exotic cuttings, Rosemary sculpted Mahaca into the wonderland it is today. She has enjoyed the helping hands of two council-workers and two like-minded friends from her pottery group! Unfortunately, Rosemary has dealt with some damage to her creation—and not just the bush turkey digging around! Stolen plants and disregard for

her hard yakka has been a repetitive occurrence, however Rosemary is determined to fight for what she loves. Having spent her life travelling the world with her husband, Rosemary has a great appreciation for community, and bringing people together. Being able to use her passion for gardening as a vehicle for change is just an added bonus!

‘So many people come through here each week and thank me for what I’ve done,’ Rosemary explained. ‘It’s great to put a smile on people’s faces.’

Comfortably wedged between a childcare centre and a household full of young kids, Mahaca Park not only makes for a scenic walk, but also for a kid-friendly haven. There are little gnomes, fairies and shoe-sized doors hiding at the base of certain trees—curtesy of the children—and some painted cans peeking out of some hedges. Rosemary always encourages youngsters to get involved, and finds enjoyment in sharing her love of nature with the emerging generation. She also has sworn to avoid usage of weed killer on her plants, in order for the children to get their hands dirty safely.

So, with the established success of Mahaca Park, what’s next on the horizon, do you wonder? Rosemary plans on beginning another passion project: painting a mural on a wall beside her

garden. More exciting, however, is her goal to transform yet another local reserve into a wildlife paradise.

Good luck to Rosemary and her helpers; we as a community appreciate everything you are doing to bring us joy!

Park 7 years ago before volunteers gave it a little bit of TLC
Just one section of Mahaca Park as it is today Volunteer Maxine tending to Mahaca Park Mahaca
Page 8 - December 2022, The Eatons Echo Funerals with Faith An Outreach of the Catholic Church • All Areas • Burials • Repatriations • All Parishes • Cremations • Pre Arrangements Phone: 07 3293 0555 • Funeral Bonds Email: Caring for all denominations and faiths 24 hours a day 7 days a week

past several years have seen the mountain bike

trails inBunyavilleandSamfordconservationparkmaintained,improved and expanded.

This could not have been achieved without the hard work of an army of volunteers. The Northside Trail Care Alliance (NTCA) as part of the North Brisbane MTB Club are proud to have achieved 20 years of volunteer collaboration with Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS), something that is very special in the trail care space.

To celebrate the NTCA are recognizing a number of key individuals from the past, as well as the present, who have contributed to the creation and growth of our volunteer organisation. Enter two such volunteers, Matthew Dunn and Craig Meinicke, who are the current NTCAtrailcare coordinators for Bunyaville ConservationParkandSamfordConservationParkrespectively.Bothareexperts

in environmentally sustainable trail maintenance and creation, and have dedicated long hours both on the tools and in the office with an eye to provide continued access and maintenance for our local trails.

Last month North Brisbane MTB Club and NTCA, in collaboration with QPWS, are proud to have completed the refurbishment of Trail #2 - Jurassic in Bunyaville Conservation Park.The project was implemented using a Queensland Government Community Sustainability Action grant along with North Brisbane MTB Club volunteers. QPWS

Principal Ranger for Greater Brisbane Andrew Hoffman as well as QPWS Project Ranger Ian Witheyman where on hand to cut the tape and help formally recognise Matthew and Craig for their contributions to trailcare, providing a few words whilst each was presented with an NTCA jersey.

The Eatons Echo, December 2022 - Page 9 Let’s work together to create window coverings for your space, a reflection of your individual style and day to day needs. •Roller Blinds •Curtains •Shutters •Roman Blinds •Panel Glides •Verishades •Venetians & Verticals •Outdoor Solutions •Cushions & Bench Seats Ph: 0413 842 009 Contact Natalee for friendly personal service & to discuss your options. BLINDS, CURTAINS & SHUTTERS New website coming soon! aestheticblinds Aesthetic.Blinds.Brisbane Trail Care Champs These
(L-R) QPWS Principal Ranger for Greater Brisbane Andrew Hoffman, NTCA volunteer Craig Meinicke, QPWS Project Ranger Ian Witheyman and NTCA volunteer Matthew Dunn opening the newly refurbished Trail #2
NTCA volunteer Lochlan Dunn

When Santa Claus Came To Town

For the 6th year in a row, local Christmas fanatic and spreader of seasonal joy David Williams arranged the much-anticipated Eatons Hill Santa event on Friday 2nd December. Each year it gets bigger and bigger, with more hearts coming together to celebrate and more businesses offering theirsupport and this year was a stand out.

With COVID-19 restrictions now at an all time low, after two years of hit and miss, the event was the biggest it’s been since pre-virus times.

The foundation of Eatons Hill Santa was built upon the backs of local emergency services, including QPS, QLD Ambulance, SES, QFES and Military Police, which together comprise the parade of vehicles hitting the streets. The set routes are posted on the Eatons Hill Santa Facebook page.

As in previous years, this year saw one of the vehicles rigged up as Santa's sleigh and Santa was again on the procession this year. Much to the children’s delight, lollies were handed out and they were offered seats in the vehicles. Cheer was spread to each and every family. Kids smiled and adults cheered; as David Williams tells, ‘We now look forward to the event each year.’

Being the Eatons Hill Santa Coordinator, David plays a crucial role amongst a dedicated event team in getting the parade moving each year. He credits the local emergency services, volunteers, and local businesses for their ongoing assistance and involvement.

‘Having been involved in local and abroad community events for over 25 years, as a local it is important to give back to the community,’ David explained. ‘We create memorable moments and bring people together. The event sees neighbours and friends gathering together along the routes.’

So, if you missed this wonderful community this year. Be sure to look up ‘Eatons Hill Santa’ on Facebook and do not miss the 2023 event!

Don't Forget Your Lions Cake This Christmas!

Can you believe it is only a few weeks until Christmas! I think you will all agree, that it is just not Christmas, without a delicious Lions Christmas Cake or Pudding. So where can you find one of our terrific cakes you may ask? Well, you will find the Albany Creek Lions out and about selling these decadent treats on the listed dates and locations below.


Bunnings Brendale, Cnr Old North Rd &, Kremzow Rd, Brendale

Thursday 8th December, 10th & 11th December, 17th & 18th December

Coles Albany Creek, Albany Creek Rd, Albany Creek

8th, 9th and 10th December

Prices have gone up slightly this year, however you still get an exceptional product.


1.5kg Cake $19.00

1.0kg Cake $15.00

900gm Pudding $15.00 Mini 80gm $2.00 each

Page 10 - December 2022, The Eatons Echo BUSINESS | COMMERCIAL | PERSONAL Full service mobile mechanics come to your home, site or workplace at a time that suits you. Courtesy vehicle available! • Cars, Vans, 4WD’s •Major, Minor & Logbook servicing •General Repairs & Maintenance •Warranty on Parts & Workmanship 3351 3116 CALL WORKSHOP: 2/1147 Southpine Rd, Arana Hills
Service personnel preparing the sleigh for the parade

Coffee Queen of Eatons Hill Retires

15 years ago, local superstar Alfina Raciti opened Alfina’s Cake and Coffee Shop in Eatons Hill with the sole purpose of bringing together our community. Her mission in mind was to establish a safe and relaxing haven where locals could make new friends, have a ‘good old natter’, and unwind. Now, Alfina will be taking a very well deserved break as she closed her doors for the last time on Saturday 20th November. She reminisces on all the good that has come from this decade and a half of community service. From all the laughs she’s shared with strangers, to hearing (and overhearing!) stories from many different walks of life, to being deemed a “huge saviour for many” due to her affectionate, caring nature and inclusivity for all. Alfina tells, ‘I wanted to create an environment where people would come in, sit down, relax, chat, and enjoy a coffee, as if they were sitting in my lounge room.’

It is for all these reasons, as well as her outstanding dedication to Eatons Hill and its surrounding community, that Alfina has become a recipient of a WOW! Award. Proud as punch with her achievement, Alfina is able to walk away with a grin on her face and her chin held high. Her parting words to her community are: ‘Take the time to smile at people—especially our retired community members. You may be the only person they see all day and your smile could make a world of difference. Please look after our aging population.’

Alfina will always be a beloved member of our local community, as she has definitely been a beacon of comforting light for many individuals. From the mum’s who just come

along for a lounge and a coffee, to the retirees who may just be searching for a gentle interaction with a smiling stranger like Alfina, to the groups of mates who come in for a chinwag— there was always room for everyone under Alfina’s wings. So, a big thank you to Alfina for all her community commitment and support over the years, and congratulations on her much-deserved WOW! Award nomination.

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The Eatons Echo, Local Coffee Queen Alfina Raciti

Chatterbox Celebrating The Rights Of Children

During Children’s Week last month Chatterbox Albany Creek Centre was lucky enough to receive a grant from Children’s Rights Queensland to promote how the centre upholds the rights and dignity of children.

With the grant, the educators and children wrote and illustrated a book about the children’s right to play, to feel safe and happy, to eat nutritious food, be physical and active and share their culture. They were very excited to see the end result of some of their drawings being published in a ‘real’ book.

Festive Season Comes Early To VIEW

The Brendale Evening View Club members celebrated the festive season early this year at their Christmas Party hosted at the Hornets Aspley Football Club, it was also the last meeting for 2022.

The theme for the night was everything Christmas. The ladies came with smiles on their faces and wore lots of red and green with a splash of bling. They finished their festive look with a favourite funny Christmas hat.

As the ladies filed through the door our Hostess Denise, was there to meet and greet. Denise then sent the Ladies on to the raffle table. Once the usual formalities were completed and the members were signed in and seated, it was then time to start the festivities. The room was a buzz with the ladies laughing, having fun and catching up with many stories.

During the dinner meal, the spirit of the coming Christmas season was kept alive by our guest entertainers, Jim and Cliff. Jim and Cliff encouraged the ladies to sing and clap along to many well-known Christmas Carols and music from the Sixties. At some stage of the corralling, some members joined in for a dance or two. It was great sight to see.

As the night progressed it was time for our Event Coordinators, Gerry and Judy to start the raffle. There were so many hampers to be won. Again, the ladies happily and generously donated many varied items to be included in the hampers. Once all the raffles were claimed it was then time for the lucky door prizes. I don’t think anyone came away empty handed.

With all the fun of the night, the ladies of Brendale VIEW (Voice, Interest and Education of Women) Club never lost sight of why they had come together throughout the year and many years before, to raise funds for the Smith Family’s Learning for Life Program. Members are proud of their efforts over the years, as they have supported eight children through the Smith Family’s Learning for Life Program.

This program helps to educate and provide necessities for

school to Australia children, so that they may reach their full potential.

It is so rewarding to know as a VIEW Club member that we can make a difference and at the same time we have had the opportunity to be entertained and educated by many interesting guest speakers. This year we have enjoyed many social outings and chats at our monthly ‘Saturday Coffee and Chat’ morning teas.

We would welcome you to come along to our next dinner meeting which will be on the 17th January 2023, at the Aspley Hornets Football Club, 50 Graham Rd, Carseldine at 6.30pm for a 7pm start.

For more information contact, Shayne on 0409 991 428.

Page 12 - December 2022, The Eatons Echo
ALBANY FOREST DRIVE (Corner of Narrabeen Road) Chatterboxearlylearning • Family owned & operated boutique group of 4 centres operating since 1990 • Ages 6 weeks - Kindergarten • Rated ‘Exceeding the National Quality Standards’ in all 7 areas • Meals and nappies provides • Music, Visual Arts & Spanish curriculum included Contact us today on 07 3325 5143 E: w: Enrol Now! The Chatterbox Early Learning Centre‘s ‘Celebrating the Rights of Children book
An update from the Brendale Evening VIEW Club
The Eatons Echo, December 2022 - Page 13 WE’RE EXPANDING! OUR SERVICES • General Musculoskeletal • Sports Injuries • Pre & Post Op • Women’s Health • Dry needling • NDIS • Workcover/DVA/CTP • High Performance Screening • Pilates • Podiatry Follow us on Facebook & Instagram for all the exciting updates of our new clinic North West Physiotherapy Eatons Hill will remain conveniently located on the Lower Ground level of Eatons Hill Village, 640 South Pine Road, Brendale (Woolworths Shopping Centre) Ph - 3333 1646 Preferred provider for BUPA, Medibank and NIB

If you are 12 years of age or under, colour in the picture above. Fill out your details and mail to:Echo Media Group, PO Box 243. Arana Hills 4054 or email to

Christmas Colouring In Competition! 0449 944 406 170 Patricks Road, Ferny Hills Open TuesSun 4pm8pm Catering Services Available Farm Fresh Woodfired Pizzas S op n s o r e d b WIN FREE PIZZA!!! K I D S Extra copies available for download
2022Page 14
FarmShack1 thefarmshackfernyhills
from The Eatons Echo, December
Terms and Conditions: We will select 1 winner from each age category:0-2yrs, 3-4yrs, 5-6yrs, 7-8yrs, 9-12yrs . Each winner will receive a voucher for 2 free pizzas at The Farm Shack. One entry per person. Entries close noon, 29th December. Winners judged on 29th December Name:.........................................Age.................. Phone or Email:

What's On at the Albany Creek Library!

To book your event, visit, choose your event, make your booking and print your ticket. For more information, contact the library on 5433 2638.

Fold Christmas Decorations: Wednesday 14th December, 10.30am - 11.30am

Make a Christmas candle decoration using recycled books for sustainable festive cheer.Free. Bookings required.

Festive Notes: Kangagang Christmas Show: Thursday 15th December, 5.30pm - 6.30pm

Enjoy family-friendly Aussie festive tunes with the Kangagang Show. Multi award-winning team Carolyn Simpson and Darren Munro educate children through song and dance about our unique Australian animals and the Aussie way of life. Free. Bookings Required.

Make A Fairy Christmas Bauble: Friday 16th December, 2pm - 3pm

Use yarn and felt to make a cute and colourful Christmas fairy to add to your tree. Free. Bookings required.

Scavenger Hunt : Tuesday 20th December, 2pm - 3pm

Be a nature explorer and find hidden objects. Collect all 12 hidden objects to win a prize! Ages 3-8. Free. Bookings required..

Blue Bots fairy tale adventures: Wednesday 28th December, 2pm - 2.30pm & 2.30pm - 3pm

Take a Bluebot robot on an adventure through a fairy tale village. Ages 4-8. Free Bookings required.

Craft Group: 2nd & 4th Monday of the month, 10am - Noon

Feeling crafty? Do you enjoy making and creating, are you a needlepointer, beading artist or a scrapbooker? Join other crafters and share your tips and tricks, solve your craft problems and chat while indulging in your craft activity. BYO project, supplies, and sense of fun. Sessions are held on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month. Excluding public holidays. Free. No bookings required*. Suitable for adults only.

Lego Engineers Club: 1st & 3rd Friday of the month, 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Develop design thinking and engineering skills as you build and create with LEGO ® bricks. Meet other brick fans and complete challenges, group builds and more! Ideal for ages 4-12. Registration required.

Tinker Tank: 2nd Friday of the month, 3.30pm - 4pm

Get curious! Explore science, technology, engineering, art and maths through hands-on discovery after school. Ideal for primary school kids. No bookings required.

Next Chapter Book Club: 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month, 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Libraries Next Chapter Book Clubs will provide a great opportunity for people with developmental disabilities to read and learn, make new friends, and enjoy a fun community. Our book clubs, led by friendly library staff, will meet in libraries across Moreton Bay. To join our community of readers, phone or email any of our libraries.

The Eatons Echo, December 2022 -

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Mention Code NTHBRIS22 when booking!
Page 16 - December 2022, The Eatons Echo Your local plumbing, drainage & gas fitting specialists ✔ Hydro Jet Rodder ✔ Drain Cleaner Machine ✔ Camera Location ✔ Residential Maintenance ✔ Insurance works Specialising in drainage clearance & rectifications QBCC Licence # 15055223 07 3038 1038 or 0410 371 220 plumbaroundptyltd ✔ Commercial Maintenance ✔ Hot Water Systems ✔ Pre-Purchase Plumbing Inspections ✔ Water Efficiency Inspections ✔ Gas fitting Services ✔ Sewer Rectifications ✔ Stormwater Rectifications ✔ Updating Tapware & Toilets ✔ Finding those pesky water leaks OUR SERVICES INCLUDE

Cop Recreates Camp Mountain Train Crash

Former detective-turned-writer, Jack Roney, has brought to life Queensland’s worst rail disaster, which happened on our doorstep at Camp Mountain. It was Labour Day – May 5th, 1947 – and the C17 class steam locomotive no. 824 left Brisbane from Central Station at 8:59am. The six carriages bustled with 215 men, women and children on board.

It was one of three trains headed to Closeburn so that workers from the Department of Customs and Excise could let their hair down at the family picnic day. Families were keen for a day of cricket, picnicking and dance in the wake of World War II having ended 19 months earlier. But one hour into the trip, at a bend on the Samford Range, the lead carriage derailed and crashed with tragic consequences. Sixteen souls never made it home; another 38 people were injured. Sadly, the dead included three children, the train’s fireman, and the train driver who made it to hospital but died the following day. Most of the dead and injured were travelling in the first two carriages.

An inquest deemed speed was to blame. The train driver was rostered on a course he’d never driven before and was exceeding the speed limit, most likely caused by applying brakes too late in the descent down the range.

The Camp Mountain train crash stands to this day as Queensland’s worst rail disaster.

Ferny Grove’s Jack Roney first heard about the crash while researching places to go bike riding with his family.

‘I discovered the Samford Cycle Link,’ Jack said. ‘And soon found that the track cuts through hilly bushland over Camp Mountain where there is a plaque in memory of those who lost their lives in the crash.’

The train line has since been pulled up and has been consumed by housing estates and almost eradicated from history. ‘It became apparent that this significant historical event seems to have been lost over time, and that most locals have never heard of the crash,’ Jack said. ‘I wondered what it would be like to go back in time to that very day. I had also read about a rare blood moon and I tied the two themes together to create a historical story spanning over three generations with a twist of time travel.’

He’s referring to what is the author’s second novel, The Ghost Train and the Scarlet Moon, published by Hawkeye Publishing. The book explores the bonds of friendship. The divergence of detective work and writing is not lost on

Jack. ‘Being a detective is centred around supporting victims of crime and building evidence against the offenders so they can face justice. It is a mix of personal contact with people during times of crisis, long hours, managing caseloads and juggling multiple investigations at any one time. At the heart of it, it is fundamentally about helping people. Writing, on the other hand, is a personal pursuit where I can escape from the chaos of the real world. Writing has been a form of therapy for me, a coping mechanism.’


Discount for our

Readers: If you’d like to buy Jack’s book, The Ghost Train and the Scarlet Moon, we’ve secured this 10% discount code from exclusively for our readers. Enter discount code ECHO10 at the checkout.

December 2022 - Page 17
The Eatons Echo,
Personalised ceremonies for life's big moments Carol-Elizabeth Celebrant Weddings Elopements Commitment Ceremonies Renewal of Vows Baby Naming Taking bookings for 2023! Contact Carol on or call 0416 263 458
Page 18 - December 2022, The
Eatons Echo

A Glittering Gold for Masters Hockey Stars

We were delighted to receive an email here at Echo News HQ from Storm earlier this month, with news that both incredible ladies had a hugely successful time at The Australian Championships in Cairns last month. Raina’s team (Qld Over 55’s) and Storm’s team (Qld Over 60’s) both won gold medals at the championships. What a truly incredible effort and it just goes to show that age is no barrier when it comes to hockey! Furthermore, after playing the tournament Raina has been selected to play in the Australian Over 55’s team, at the Masters Trans-Tasman Tournament in April/May next year. What an amazing achievement!

Both ladies play for the Northern Suburbs Hockey Club in their Masters age group, affectionately known as ‘Netscreamers’. Training for the Monday Night Masters competition takes place on the artificial court and on Saturdays at Downey Park. The club welcomes new members with open arms. If you are looking to get fit, or just make some new friends and ‘have a go’, visit their website at

On a final note, the ladies have begun searching for sponsors that support sportswomen. At this stage they have not been successful in finding a sports grants or sponsorship that might help ease the expenses for these active women to participate. Raina and Storm hope to find an organisation or government entity that see the value of supporting mature sportswomen, as an example for young women that in sport, age is no barrier.

To get in touch with the ladies regarding potential sponsorship opportunities, or to get involved in the sport please contact

Change your bin size

Did you know residents in the Moreton Bay Regional Council region can request a larger or smaller bin than those currently at your property?

An alteration fee of $58 applies only when increasing the size of your general waste bin or reducing the size of your recyclables bin. No fee is applicable when reducing the size of a general waste bin or increasing the size of a recycling bin. To order visit and create an ‘Online Services’ account. Go to ‘Enquiries’ then lodge a 'Waste - Request for Service' enquiry.

•Group Coaching

Albany Hills State School

All Saints Parish Primary school

Albany Creek State School

Aspley East State School St Dympnas Catholic Primary School Queen of Apostles Catholic School Good Shepherd Christian School

Phone: 3264 2011

Located at

Albany Hills State School, Keong Road, Albany Creek

The Eatons Echo, December 2022

Page 19
story in
September edition about Albany Creek locals, Raina McCarthy and Storm Schouw? They have both been hitting Brisbane hockey fields like cyclones for near 50 years!
Storm (Qld 60 team) and Raina (Qld 55 team) with their Australian Championship Gold medals
Page 20 - December 2022,
The Eatons Echo

Over the Hills (and still going!)

update from the Hills Chamber of Commerce Senior Committee News

Are you interested in art? The Over the Hills Art Group gathers each Friday meets each Friday at the PCYC from 10am to 12pm. Teacher Julie is ready on hand to assist with our efforts and everyone is welcomed. Maybe you would like to assist with the Gardening Group at the library, or does a Reading Group sound more like you? If you would like to join in, you don’t have to be a Senior for these activities. Contact John 0448 186 115

Want to know more about Technology? We are conducting a Technology Program in the Arana Leagues Club Boardroom, on the second Wednesday of the month, commencing 14th December. Cost $15, from 10.30am to 12.30pm. To book, Go to the Technology Session on the Events page of the Hills Chamber Website and follow the prompts. Contact Judith 0431 159 921

Seniors Christmas Lunch - Celebrate With Us!

Our annual Seniors lunch will be taking place at the Arana Leagues Club on Thursday 15th December from 11.30am - 2pm. A delicious roast with vegetables and Dessert will beserved along with tea and coffee. Cost is $25. Book for the event via, click on Events and go to Senior’s Christmas Lunch. Then click on Get Ticket with the number you wish to purchase. Follow the prompts. A Welcome is extended to All Seniors for this event. Contact Carolyn on 0448 328 914 or John 0448 186 115 for more details.

Lunch With Our Local Ladies

An update from The Mitchelton Branch of the Older Women’s Network Qld

The Mitchelton Branch of the Older Women's Network Qld Inc (OWNQ) meets formally and informally throughout the month and you are welcome to join us for any or all of our get togethers. We always welcome new members!

We get together each week and December is a time to celebrate. The dates are:

• Tues 6th Dec. Techno Coffee, Kakawan 10am

• Sat 10 Dec. Lunch Leagues Club 12pm

• Tues. 13 Dec. Cafe Lagarto, Samford Valley 10am

• Sat 17 Dec. Coffee Birds & Bees, Everton Hills 10am

• Tues 20 Dec. Techno Coffee Leagues Club 10am

The aim of our group is to provide information to women relating to a healthy outlook on ageing and to meet in a friendly, social atmosphere. OWNQ Mitchelton is part of a state-wide organisation with groups in 3 states of Australia, as well as a National Branch. There are also Older Women’s Networks in the UK and the USA among other countries. We are a part of a great organisation. For more information about Mitchelton OWNQ ring Judith on 0431 159 921.

If your community organisation is looking to increase numbers, or you have a story to share, drop us a line at Echo News,

The Eatons Echo, December 2022 -

Page 21

N O R T H W E S T B R I S B A N E' S


The property market is red hot at the moment. With this in mind, Echo News is delighted to bring the North West Brisbane Property Guide to our newspapers. Read on to discover tips and tricks to help sell your home, maximise return and get ready for market.

Renovating For A Return

Want to fix up the home before selling but don’t want to break the bank? Or maybe you are looking to get into the ‘House Flipping’ game and maximise your return on investment.

Generally, there is a lot of money that can be made from buying undervalued properties, renovating them and then selling them on at a profit. However, overspending is just one of the things that can eat into your profit. Here are a few tips from founder of ‘Renovating for Profit’ renovating expert, Cherie Barber, on how to budget for a renovation project and maximise your return on investment.

SPEND WISELY: Don’t spend any more than 10% of the current property value on an entire cosmetic renovation. This includes all labour, fixtures, materials and fittings – everything.

FIRST IMPRESSIONS COUNT: When it comes to selling your house, first impressions are everything. Buyers are harsh judges and are often spoilt for choice. That’s why street appeal is so critical, and a quick exterior renovation can add considerable value to your home.

AFFORDABLE UPDATES: Rather than ripping out kitchens and bathrooms and starting fresh, working with what you’ve got. Affordable updates like a fresh coat of paint, new tapware, bench tops or vanities can make a big difference.

BUDGET FLOORING IDEAS: Fresh flooring will work wonders for a home and with so many affordable options on the market it really is a no-brainer when renovating. If you’re not lucky enough to find floorboards under the carpet you rip up, opt for a timber laminate flooring to save money and still get the desired finish.

REMEMBER THE 20% RULE: Assuming you’re doing a full renovation of your bathroom and kitchen, a good rule of thumb is to allow around 20% of the total renovation budget for each.

HAVE A CONTINGENCY PLAN: Always factor in a budget contingency of 5∞ to 10% for any unforeseen costs. Information sourced from amp/cherie-barber-advice-on-renovating-for-profit-2709

Page 22 - The Eatons Echo, December 2022
The Eatons Echo, December 2022 - Page 23 Property Guide
Page 24 - December 2022, The Eatons Echo Property Guide Dream Financing hosts a team of highly experienced mortgage brokers have more than 30 years’ industry experience and an extensive list of lender contacts to help you secure the best loan available to suit your needs. Services Offered: • Refinancing • Home Loans • First Home Buyers • Investment Loans • Business Loans • Equipment Finance • Car/Boat/Camper FInance • Self Managed Super Funds Accountancy services: Compliance, Business Advisory, BAS, Succession Planning & Self Managed Super Funds Call Brenton on 07 3519 7680 Unit 32 302 South Pine Rd, Brendale 260+ FIVE STAR GOOGLE REVIEWS N th Brisbane’s most usted finance p ts dreamfinancing

Six Tips To Save Money As The Cash Rate Rises Again

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) again increased the cash rate for the seventh month in a row in November. The cash rate increased from 2.6% to 2.85%.

Australians are feeling the pinch as interest rates rise across the board. Whether paying off a mortgage or saving to purchase property, the cost to service a loan is increasing. This combined with high inflation, growing cost of living and relatively stagnant wage growth has made it an important time to double down on saving money where possible.

While you may not be able to avoid increasing interest rates if you are on a variable interest rate or an expiring fixed rate loan, there are a number of ways you could still save money. Six tips to save in an interest-rate-rise environment Some ways you could save money while interest rates continue to rise include:

1. Refinance: Speak with a broker to see if you can reprice or refinance your loan to a lower rate or for lower fees.

2. Consider your package: Your broker can also check if your home loan package suits your needs. Switching to something more basic if you are not using all the features could save you in fees. Or if you would make use of additional features that could save you money, such as an offset account, your broker can run the calculations for you to determine if it is worth switching.

3. Change the term: You could consider extending the term of your loan to lower repayments. Keep in mind this means you

will be paying more over the life of the loan, but is an option if you are experiencing cash flow problems now.

4. Check your budget: By making note of all your expenses, you could identify areas where spending could be reduced. This could include memberships, subscriptions or luxury purchases.

5. Offset account/redraw facility: If you have an offset or redraw facility, now is a very good time to make use of them. By putting money into your offset or additional repayments on your loan, you will save on interest which becomes even more money as interest rates rise.

6. Extra repayments: If your loan allows for it, consider making extra repayments now, which can save you money in the long run as interest rates continue to rise.

If you are looking for ways to save on your home loan, speak to Scott Palazzi from Loan Market for a free, no-obligation home loan health check. Scott can also discuss your options and right strategy to achieve your goals. Give him a call on 0413 747 283.

Quick ways to make your garden look great

Sprucing up your garden can add major value to your home, but you don't have to spend a fortune! Here are some tips to give your garden a cheap and cheerful face-lift

• Lay artificial grass.

• Add some storage.

• Keep things neat with pots.

• Edge the lawn.

• Treat yourself to new furniture.

• Screen off unsightly areas.

• Install automatic sprinklers.

December 2022 - Page 25 Property Guide
The Eatons Echo,

Everton News from your State Member for Everton TIM MANDER

I am proud to once again have hosted the Everton Volunteer Awards, a fantastic community event which recognises the efforts and contributions of our hardworking volunteers across many different organisations. The ceremony was attended by over 100 people who showed their appreciation for the tireless volunteers, ranging from 14 to 88 years old! Events like these truly make me proud to represent Everton, and it was a great pleasure to be able to present the deserving award winners with a small token of my appreciation on behalf of the local community.

A special shoutout to Sarah Dixon who took home the Volunteer of the Year Award for her tireless work and dedication for almost a decade to Albany Creek Excelsior Football Club.

To keep up to date with what is happening in your local area visit my Facebook page TimManderMPEverton or visit my website

If you would like to contact me, please phone my office on 3535 1100 or email

A Caketastic 2022 Wrap Up

Another successful year of activities is almost over. Looking back over the last 12 months, I think we all feel that we have thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, as well as learnt some new ideas and techniques in cake decorating. We finished this year with a Christmas Break up dinner at the Kedron Wavell Services Club. Now to complete all those Christmas Cakes. We held a successful stall at the Keperra Baptist Church Twilight Markets, where our small decorated Christmas cakes were well received. Our small cupcakes for the clients of Mitchelton Meals on Wheels are being finished and this year we are aiming to make 200 or more of these. We having been doing this for over 30 years and enjoy being able to support this great service to the community. Our meetings commence again in January, on the 3rd Saturday of the month and are held at the Arana Hills Community Centre on Dawson Parade, commencing at 1pm. We love to see new members come along and discover our craft. Check out our Facebook page by searching Brisbane North Cake Decorators Association QCDA, for more information. We wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and look forward to another great year of Cake decorating in 2023.

2022, The Eatons Echo

Page 26 -
Volunteer of the Year Sarah Dixon Young Volunteer of the Year Carla Wilson An update from the Brisbane North Decorators Club Members Donna and Kaye preparing cakes for the market stalls

Dickson News

Merry Christmas

On behalf of my family, staff and I, I would like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I am looking forward to seeing many of you at end of year functions, school graduations and other events in coming weeks.

I have been proud to represent you in Canberra this year and I am looking forward to working together to continue delivering for our community in 2023. Please enjoy your holidays and stay safe on the roads.

Christmas Card Competition

Thank you to all the students who entered my annual Christmas Card Competition. This year’s theme was ‘My favourite Christmas memory.’

Congratulations to the 2023 winners:

Prep - Mia from Ferny Hills State School; Year 1 – Amelia from Kallangur State School; Year 2 – Marlise from Mount Samson State School; and Year 3 – Teyah from Dayboro State School.

I have enjoyed meeting winners and hosting pizza parties for them and their classmates. Please keep an eye out for your Christmas card in the mail.

School Leavers

Congratulations to all students who graduated this year - I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours.

A Brave Life

Congratulations to Melissa Redsell for receiving the 2023 Qld Australia’s Local Hero Award. Melissa does incredible work in our community to support young mothers’ dealing with challenges such as domestic violence, poverty, trauma, relationship or family breakdown, unplanned pregnancy and homelessness.

For more information on Melissa and A Brave Life, visit:

Backing local small businesses and jobs

Just recently, I attended the Brendale Business Connect end of Year Christmas breakfast, where I spoke about the importance of small businesses to our local economy.

If you would like me to visit your business in 2023, please get in touch with my office via email – contact details are below. 2023 Dickson Community Awards

Thank you to everyone who took the time to nominate a local resident, business and/or organisation for the 2023 Dickson Community Awards. The awards will be announced and presented on Australia Day, Thursday 26 January 2023.

I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to acknowledge all recipients who have made outstanding contributions to the communities in which they live, work, volunteer and study. .

Contact Me

Please get in touch with me at or 3205 9977. Stop by one of my mobile office caravan visits, or drop in to my office in Strathpine to let me know what your priorities are for our community.

The Eatons Echo, December 2022 - Page 27 3/199 Gympie Road, Strathpine QLD 4500 07 3205 9977 PeterDuttonMP Peter DUTTON MP Federal Member for Dickson Working hard. Getting results. Authorised P. Dutton, Liberal National Party of Queensland, 3/199 Gympie Road, Strathpine QLD 4500.
Peter Peter Dutton MP with students from Mt Samson State School
Page 28 - December 22, The Eatons Echo * BATHROOMS • Potholes • Trenches • Footpaths • Trip hazards • Crackfilling • Ramps Small Work Specialists! All residential & commercial work Family owned and operated locally Over 30 years experience Contact Deb or Ash 3869 1659 or • Speed bumps • Water diverters • Small overlays • Driveway crossovers • Carpark & Driveway repairs ASPHALT REPAIRS Licensed builder with over 30 years trade experience CALL TODAY TO START YOUR STRESS-FREE BATHROOM RENOVATION Free Quotes | Repair Specialists | Any sized job Email: Phone: 07 3289 1797 Specialising in Bathrooms, Insurance Repairs, Renovations Extensions, Granny Flats, New Builds QBCC Licence #15096669 | QMBA #67351 BUILDER Free Quotes | Repair Specialists | Any sized job Email: Phone: 07 3289 1797 Specialising in Bathrooms, Insurance Repairs, Renovations Extensions, Granny Flats, New Builds QBCC Licence #15096669 QMBA #67351 SAVE UP TO $1,500 OFF YOUR COMPLETE BATHROOM RENOVATION SPECIAL 0421 011 214 | 1300 161 655 SERVICE & TRADE DIRECTORY Your Local Professional Carpentry & Handyman Services Call Matt on 0405 442 769 • Residential and Commercial • Renovations & Home Improvements • Carpentry • Decks, Fences, Tiling, Painting & more • Welding & Steel fabrication • Prompt, Reliable and Affordable QBCC Licence No. 15154452 CARPENTRY/HANDYMAN CARAVAN SALES WE BUY, SELL AND CONSIGN
REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENT’S IN AND OUTSIDE YOUR HOME TILING / PAINTING / WOOD WALLS / DOORS /AND MORE AFFORDABLE • RELIABLE Ph: 0417 703 540 ABN: 99 893 061 466 MICHAEL’S HOME HANDYMAN SERVICE’S A PROUD LOCAL FOR 30YRS WITH 40YRS EXPERIENCE The Eatons Echo, December 2022 - Page 29 The deadline for the January edition of the Eatons Echo is the 19th December. To place your advertisement contact admin@ Rates from only $70/month! SERVICE & TRADE DIRECTORY Your Local • Air Conditioning - Supply & Installation • Residential & Commercial Maintenance • Switchboard Upgrade • Appliance Installation • Smoke Alarms & Safety Certificate • Lighting Design & Solutions • Extensions and Renovations • Data & NBN Connections ELECTRICIAN Choyce Electrical specialises in high quality, value for money electrical services: Air Con & Fans Safety Switches LED Lighting LOOKING FOR A LOCAL ELECTRICIAN? Smoke Alarms Switchboards Power, phone, data and TV points Call for a FREE Quote 0448 860 666 DOMESTIC | COMMERCIAL | INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN Licence No. #72254 ARC AU36888 GARDEN SERVICES FULLY INSURED, ABN, FREE QUOTE ANDREW 0404 830 890 • HEDGING • MOWING • SMALL TREES • LIGHT CHAINSAW WORK • GARDEN BED MULCHING PRE SALE TIDY UPS/ MAKEOVERS GARDENS AND LAWNS Mobile locksmith service providing lock installation, repairs,changes & key-alike convenience PREMIER LOCKSMITHS Arrive on time & quality work provided! Call Darren 3861 0872 Security Licence number 3535622, ABN 90581178679 v Deadlocks v Deadlatches v Security screen locks v Sliding glass door locks v Garage door locks and more LOCKSMITH HANDYMAN
Page 30 - December 2022, The Eatons Echo SERVICE & TRADE DIRECTORY Your Local Your old fashioned local house painter with over 30 years experience. All work is done by Peter and comes with a 100% guarantee. QBCC: 44340 Call Peter for your free quote 0422 102 037 GUARANTEED TOKEEP APPOINTMENTS Peter Wright THE PAINTER Premium quality paints used | Locally owned & operated Peter-Wright-The-Painter PAINTER Licenced Plumber and Drainer Since 1988 QBCC Licence #1096084 IF YOU’VE TRIED THE REST NOW TRY THE BEST PLUMBER ADVERTISE IN OUR DIRECTORY! Rates from only $70 per month! Email $110 THINK LOCAL. SHOP LOCAL! PEST CONTROL Call now for a FREE QUOTE to get rid of the following pests: • Cockroaches • Termites • Ants • Mosquitoes • Silverfish • Rodents • Spiders • Wasps/Bees 0408 380 867 JIM’S PEST CONTROL • Animal Management PLUMBING 3063 2253 Hi, I‘m Local in Your Area Blocked Drain Expert 4 Senior Discounts 4 Upfront Pricing 4 Fast Plumber 4 Water Jet & CCTV Plumbing Emergencies 24/7 Same Day Trades (QLD) Pty Ltd. QBCC 15269246 $0 Call out Conditions Apply*
The Eatons Echo, December 2022 - Page 31 WHEN YOU BUY FROM A SMALL BUSINESS, SOMEONE ACTUALLY DOES A LITTLE HAPPY DANCE PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE Your Local Treelopper Specialists No obligation free quotes. Large or small jobs welcome Call 1300 885 755 or 0416 154 304 • Tree Removalists • Tree Surgery • Storm Damage Prevention • Pruning and Shaping • We mulch for you • Stump Grinding • 20 years experience • Professional Friendly Service TREE SERVICES QUALITY AGED FOREST MULCH AVAILABLEFrom only $10/m³! SERVICE & TRADE DIRECTORY Your Local • Business Cards • Brochures • Presentation • Plans & Posters • Banners • A-Frames • Ink & Toner • Stationery Call 3707 6800 22 Nepean Avenue, Arana Hills PRINTING & SIGNAGE YOUR LOCAL PRINT & SIGN SPECIALIST Need Help With YOUR POOL? POOL MAINTENANCE 4 Prompt Service 4 Flexible Options 4 No lock in contracts 4 Local Pool Experts 4 25+ Years experience Call Eric 0447 755 850 0401 210 038 CONTACT ANTHONY ON Offering a wide range of services including: • Soft-washing • Pre-sale Detailing • House wash • Residential & Commercial • High pressure surface cleaning • Mould, mildew & lichen removal • Plaster repairs including expansion joins A & C Property Detailing PROPERTY DETAILING • Small tree and shrubs • Handyman repairs • House wash PLUMBING 0439 468 013 CONTACT TOM ABN: 90149699385 • QBCC: 1296982 ALL PLUMBING & GAS SERVICES SERVICING BRISBANE & SURROUNDING AREAS PENSIONERS & SENIORS DISCOUNTS
Page 32 - December 2022, The Eatons Echo HYBRID FLOORING $28 PER SQM* | LAMINATE FLOORING $18 PER SQM** (incl GST, supply only, installation available at additional cost. *For 6mm plank with 0.5mm wear layer. **For 8mm plank AC4 class) New showroom/warehouse address is 8/38 Terrence Road Brendale. GRAND OPENING DAY IS TO BE ANNOUNCED SOON!

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