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Notorious Traffic Junction Soon To Be Upgraded
Works are soon to commence on upgrading one of the Hills District’s most notoriously dangerous intersections.
As many locals can atest, the intersection of Plucks, Caesar and Hutton Roads can be extremely dangerous at times so this upgrade will come as a relief to many. The road safety project was developed in response to a significant number of serious crashes at this intersection and is being funded through the Federal Governments Black Spot Program.
With Moreton Bay Regional Council having completed the planning and design of the Plucks Road, Caesar Road and Hutton Road intersection upgrade, construction is now set to start in the upcoming months. The upgrade aims to provide greater traffic capacity, and an all-round safer intersection for all road users including cyclists and pedestrians. Works will include:
• Signalisation of the intersection
• Dedicated pedestrian crossing facilities at the intersection
• Designated on road cyclist facilities through the intersection
• Extending the existing road turn lane on Plucks Road with a raised centre island.
A works notification will be provided before construction commences advising of exact dates. For more information visit www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/Services/Projects/Roads/ Arana-Hills-Intersection-Upgrade