Samford Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) is delighted to welcome two horses to their family brought over from the former McIntyre Centre at Pinjarra Hills.
Hercules and Peppy are currently settling into their new lives at the Samford Showgrounds’ RDA centre before they are progressively integrated into the program.
The McIntyre Centre closed last month after almost 60 years of operation. Fortunately, Samford RDA was able to purchase two of the horses to add to their eight-strong herd. The newcomers will help make up the numbers after several Samford RDA horses retired from the program in recent months.
Hercules the Clydesdale and Peppy the Quarter Horse are experienced in working with adults and children with a wide range of disabilities. Horses with the right temperament and who are proven to be safe and reliable are difficult to find; and potential RDA horses are trialed for their suitability. However Hercules and Peppy are ‘tried and true’ RDA horses, allowing them to be easily introduced to the program.
Samford RDA operates four days a week thanks to dedicated volunteers who care for the herd, maintain the centre’s covered arena and paddocks, and support riders in lessons. With the closure of the McIntyre Centre, Samford RDA is experiencing increasing demand for its services, especially for children – so volunteers are always welcome!
President Rebecca Clemmey said Hercules and Peppy were adjusting well to their new surroundings.
‘Both horses are taking an interest in everything around them, including their new paddock mates,’ she said. ‘They already have many admirers, with participants keen to meet them and
make them feel welcome.’
Donations towards the purchase of these two valuable animals, and costs associated with bringing them into the program, can be made via Samford RDA’s secure donation link: www. givenow.com.au/samfordridingforthedisabled
Both Hercules and Peppy are available for sponsorship. Annual sponsorships from businesses, community groups and individuals help meet the cost of the RDA horses’ feed, care and veterinary services as well as offering various sponsor benefits. For sponsorship enquiries, contact sponsorship@ samfordrda.com.au
Your Region. Your Paper
The Hills Echo is a FREE monthly publication delivering 14,500 copies per month of what matters to The Hills District and Surrounds. Our paper is 100% locally owned and operated, which means we don’t just talk about being local, WE ARE LOCAL; we live it everyday.
Distribution is carried out via direct letterbox delivery to homes and businesses in the suburbs of; Ferny Hills, Everton Hills, Arana Hills, Ferny Grove, Samford Village, Keperra and Upper Kedron. Copies can also be picked up from a variety of magazine stands within the above suburbs.
Copyright: The Hills Echo is produced by Echo Media Group Pty Ltd (The Publisher). All rights are reserved and the contents are copyright and may not be reproduced without permission from The Publisher. All care is taken by The Publisher, however responsibility is not accepted for errors or omissions and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of The Publisher.
COVID-19: At the time of going to press (26th September 2023), information contained within this issue is correct. As the situation with the COVID health crisis is ever changing, we urge you to contact organisers of any events listed within our publication if you are doubtful about times and dates. For more information, email admin@echo-news. com.au
Serves 6 | Prep time: 15 mins | Cook time: 60 mins
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 onion, diced
2 chives, sliced
2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
2 celery stalks, diced
¾ cup split peas
1 capsicum, diced
1 sweet potato, peeled and diced
¼ cup coriander, chopped (optional)
1 teaspoon black pepper, ground
300ml vegetable stock, reduced salt
300ml water
400ml can coconut milk, reduced fat
5 cobs of corn, sliced into 4 pieces
14,500 copies monthly
Advertising Rates
400g can corn kernels, drained
1 carrot, diced
1 cup pumpkin, peeled and diced
1 habanero chilli, whole (optional)
Rates above are on a per month basis and include GST Casual Rate = One Off Advert, Regular Rate = 6months
Distribution Method: Direct letterbox delivery around the North West suburbs of Brisbane. Copies also available for pick up from local magazine stands.
Distribution areas: Ferny Hills, Everton Hills, Arana Hills, Ferny Grove, Keperra, Samford and Upper Kedron
Contact us at admin@echo-news.com.au or visit www.echo-news.com.au/advertising
HEAT olive oil in a large saucepan or soup pot over medium heat. SAUTÉ onion, chives, garlic, and celery until soft and translucent. ADD split peas, capsicum, sweet potato, coriander, black pepper, vegetable stock and water and stir to combine. BRING to the boil then reduce to simmer for 30 minutes or until the split peas are soft. BLEND the soup mixture with a stick mixer. ADD coconut milk, cobs of corn, corn kernels, carrots, pumpkin, and whole habanero chilli (optional). Simmer for another 20 minutes on low heat.
REMOVE the habanero chilli before serving.
This recipe is brought to you by the Queensland Country Women’s Association’s (QCWA) Country Kitchens program. To find out more about the program visit https:// qcwacountrykitchens.com.au
Around 20 years ago, a custom built coffee cart was created for the school community at Patricks Road State School. An ingenious design, the cart was constructed by a school family and it has since become an integral part of the school fabric, operated by volunteers from the Chaplaincy Committee. However, this much-loved coffee cart doesn’t simply offer its patrons a morning coffee fix - it offers so much more. From creating a welcoming environment for school families, friends, and staff to fostering a sense of belonging for students to nurturing connections and friendships, this cart’s ability to give is endless.
However, upon COVID landing on the door step of Patricks Road State School, the Coffee Cart was put firmly out of action for a year or two. In 2022, the P&C made it a priority to reestablish the community engagement they knew the Coffee Cart provided.
So the beginning of 2023 saw the transfer of ownership of the cart and coffee machine to the P&C, making the Coffee Shop the newest business unit operated by their P&C Association. All profits made at Coffee on Pats are reinvested back into the school through P&C approved projects.
Coffee on Pats offers school parents and community members another opportunity to be involved in their childrens’ school by volunteering their time to operate the shop. Furthermore, volunteer opportunities are open to the children, offering them gained experience in customer service by taking orders, handling payments, putting the finishing touches on the drinks (for example dusting the chocolate powder over the
cappuccinos and placing the marshmallows on top of the hot chocolates) and delivering the orders to customers.
If you have a local business and would like to sponsor the new Coffee on Pats, please contact Cathy Preddy on 3872 1844 or email operations.manager@prss.com.au
Coffee on Pats is located in the ‘Community Hub’ area of Patricks Road State School and is open on Tuesdays 8.15am – 9.30am, and Thursdays & Fridays 7.15am – 9.30am.
1st October31st October 2023
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For the ninth year running, Bridgestone has been named the Most Trusted Tyre Brand in Australia
With the rising popularity of local men’s sheds—allmale community groups that foster interconnectedness and skill development—has come the addition of women’s sheds. One of which is the ever-growing
Formerly known as Brighton Women’s Shed, Bramble Bays’ group was originally founded in 2021. With the help of other local women, Eloise O’Toole decided it was time to action her desires for a safe space for ladies to build confidence in DIY, foster independence, and gain skills with hand and power tools. ‘Getting on the tools’ is traditionally a male environment, especially in earlier times, but this doesn’t mean women can’t learn these crucial skills.
Initially, around 100 women expressed interest in the notfor-profit organization, which set up base at Redcliffe City Clay Target Club. However, in June 2023, they were forced to uproot, and ended up switching locations to an unused shed at the PM Aged Care premises at Bald Hills. The ladies have remained here for 3 months now, with approximately 50 paid members (and still counting). Being a part of the PM Aged Care community now, they always contribute time and assistance with their projects, which residents deeply appreciate.
After joining Bramble Bay Women’s Shed, members are ‘inducted’ and are shown by an experienced woodworker how to safely operate larger power tools like the drop saw and band saw. New members are then encouraged to come along to open shed days with their own project to work on, so they can utilize the space and tools available.
In the past, workshops have been held for learning and creating
projects under instruction, like small timber items, resin, leather craft, and furniture restoration. Moving forward, the shed hopes to offer more DIY open days, along with more instruction workshops. They are also recently participated in the upcoming local Bracken Ridge Backyard Bonanza, where they met new members, raised money for the shed and sold small timber projects members had made. Here at Bramble Bay Women’s Shed, lasting friendships are formed—as is a sense of purpose and achievement for completing projects, and the positive mindset that stems from being involved. Memberships open to women over 18-yearsold, with an annual membership fee and small fees payable per visit. More information on this ambitious community group can be found on Facebook @Bramble Bay Women’s Shed. Hope to see you ladies get amongst it!
In 2015, keeping fit and participating in triathlons were a priority for Highvale local Conor te Kloot who would soon embark on an extraordinary journey. Little did he know, a relentless adversary, Rheumatoid Arthritis would turn the course of his life on its head.
Fast forward to 2023, and Conor is not just surviving but thriving, ready to tackle the Noosa triathlon once more. He is using his journey to raise awareness and funds for Arthritis Queensland.
The story begins in 2015, when the passionate triathlete was forced to put his athletic pursuits on hold as the responsibilities of parenthood took center stage. But what unfolded was more than a mere change in priorities. An unexplainable decline in health began to cast its shadow, initially manifesting as morning foot pain. However, this discomfort gradually infiltrated his ankles, knees, hands, elbows, and shoulders. Sleepless nights became the norm, leaving him perpetually fatigued and resulting in significant weight loss. Christmas of 2015 stands out as a particularly challenging period, but little did he know, it was only the beginning of a grueling 12 to 18-month ordeal.
In the midst of this daunting physical and mental struggle, a diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis finally shed light on the situation. It marked the commencement of an arduous journey marked by medications, medical consultations, surgeries, and, most importantly, a radical shift in diet and lifestyle.
Fast forward to October 2022, and Conor found himself back at the starting line of the Noosa triathlon. Tears welled up, a poignant mix of gratitude and determination. The race that lay ahead, he realized, would pale in comparison to the obstacles he had already conquered, with the unwavering support from his wife Liz, who had been there at every step. Importantly, this triumphant return also underscored the broader reality of Rheumatoid Arthritis, a condition that affects 1 in 7 Australians, regardless of age or gender.
But this remarkable journey is far from over. In 2023, Conor and Liz are gearing up for another Noosa triathlon, the largest Olympic distance triathlon in the world. His mission extends beyond personal achievement; Conor is determined to raise funds and awareness for Arthritis Queensland, an organization on a mission to assist countless individuals grappling with arthritis. Conor knows firsthand the transformative power of exercise and fitness in rebuilding not only a broken body but also a shattered spirit. With the right tools and support, exemplified by Arthritis Queensland, they demonstrate that anything is possible.
As Conor embarks on this journey once more, he extends an earnest invitation to all to join them in helping Arthritis Queensland. Every donation, no matter how modest, is deeply appreciated, as it contributes to a cause larger than any single individual.
Any donation big or small is greatly appreciated.
Reviewing your goals for 2023? Looking for a group of inspiring, motivating and energetic individuals? Come join the Run With Rob running group at Eatons Hill, Ferny Hills or Warner. We guarantee it will be life changing and just the motivation you need to kick start 2023.
Suitable for ALL ability levels. Our no cost sessions will change your life.
Ghosts, ghouls, witches and warlocks - you are invited to the Blackwood Street Halloween Festival on Sunday October 31st in Mitchelton!
The community festival is one of the most popular (and definitely the spookiest) event to take place on the northside of Brisbane, with over 5000 children and adults expected to participate this year.
The Rotary Club of Mitchelton will again coordinate the event in conjunction with the Brisbane City Council, who is the major sponsor.
Blackwood Street between Samford Road and Grovely Terrace, will be closed to vehicles between 3pm and 6pm on Sunday October 30th and the street will be transformed into a veritable playground of free entertainment.
There will be something for all of the family, including children’s games, entertainers, live music, market stalls, face painting, jumping castles and a spooky Mummy Wrapping Competition! There will also be awards for the Scariest Costume and Best Costume, get your thinking cap on now to imagine what costume you might create and wear.
So, venture if you dare and ‘Trick-or-Treat’ your way through the local businesses and market stalls at the Blackwood Street Halloween Festival.
For more information visit the Facebook event page www. facebook.com/blackwoodst/events
Prepare to embark on a networking event like no other!
Join us for an evening that not only promotes business growth but also serves as a vital fundraiser to combat hunger in our community. "Grow Your Business Networking" is an event with a difference, brought to you by The Mini Farm Project, an initiative dedicated to creating a network of charitable farms aimed at providing free, year-round sustenance to families in need.
This extraordinary event has garnered the enthusiastic support from the Echo News team and we invite you to be part of this meaningful occasion, where networking meets philanthropy.
Event Highlights:
• Connect and network with like-minded professionals.
• Enjoy a delightful array of beverages available at the bar.
• Contribute to a worthy cause while expanding your business horizons.
In the year 2022, an alarming 21% of Australian households, amounting to over 2 million families, grappled with severe food insecurity. Rising living costs and climate-related supply issues have exacerbated the situation, forcing many families to skip meals or endure days without proper sustenance.
Compounding this issue, charities find themselves overwhelmed by the surging demand for fresh produce, hot meals, and food hampers, all while grappling with skyrocketing food prices. In response to this crisis, The Mini Farm Project has taken up the
mission of feeding Australians, one plate at a time. Currently, we proudly operate two active farms and are diligently working on our third. Our dedication to alleviating hunger and food insecurity remains unwavering, and we invite you to join us in this noble endeavor.
For more information about The Mini Farm Project and to stay updated on our progress, visit the website at www.mfp.org.au.
Tickets to the event can be secured via scanning the QR Code on the advert adjacent to this page.
Together, let's make a difference and grow our businesses while nurturing our community.
The Brisbane North Cake Decorators Club AGM was a huge success with the committee welcoming one of their newer members to the position of treasurer. The ladies from the Samford CWA chaired the meeting and judged the items that were brought along. It was a great experience for the members to have their favourite fruit cake recipes judged and some valuable tips went gained.
The branch display at the annual cake show didn’t win the popular vote but the team certainly had fun creating an airport scene. Robyn was again successful in the category she entered. Congratulations Robyn. The ideas are already flowing for next year for members.
Brisbane Noth Cake Decorators meet at the Arana Hills Community Centre, 291 Dawson Parade, Arana Hills at 1.00pm. Their aim is to encourage the love of cake decorating in all its aspects and they love to share knowledge with everyone.
The next meeting will be on Saturday 21st October. This meeting will be a workshop learning to make frangipanis. Heather will be guiding the ladies in this process, and they will undoubtedly have some wonderful flowers at the end of the day.
The club love to see new members and can be contacted via their Facebook page, Brisbane North Cake Decorators Association QCDA or via email brisbanenorthcakedecorators@gmail. com
The Arana Hills Library has a host of exciting activities planned in the upcoming month. To secure your event, visit www.mbrc.qld.gov.au/libraries/events. For more information, call the library on 3883 5790 or pay them a visit at 63 Cobbity Crescent, Arana Hills. For more free school holiday activities go to mbrc.qld.gov.au/libraries. School holiday bookings open 3pm - 31 August 23.
1001 Hearts Sewing Circles (drop in) - Thurs. 12th Oct., 2pm - 4pm
Drop in and hand-stitch a pocket heart to be given away in a random act of kindness to support Queensland Mental Health Week. 1000 Hearts is an Australian initiative promoting kindness. For adults. Basic sewing skills required. Free. No bookings required. This event is facilitated by our friendly library staff.
Seated yoga: Fri. 13th Oct. 1pm - 2pm
Enjoy the benefits of movement this Seniors Month. Experience the rewards for mind and body in this special seated yoga session for beginners. For seniors. Free. Bookings required. This event is also available at other venues at different dates and times.
Llamas in the library (drop in, all ages): Sat. 28th Oct. 10am - noon
Love a long-necked llama? Drop in to pat one of these South American cuties. Ottaba Llamas can answer all your curious questions about these affectionate and intelligent animals, each with their own character and personality. Due to their gentle, social nature they have been used as pack animals in South America for hundreds of years. All ages. Free. No bookings required.
Story Dogs. Every Monday, 3.30pm - 4.30pm
When children read to a dog, the outcomes are amazing! With their calm and loving nature dogs provide a magical environment that helps children relax, improve their literacy skills, and confidence. Book your child for a 15-minute, individual session on Mondays 3:30 PM3:45 PM, 3:45 PM - 4:00 PM, 4:00 PM - 4:15 PM, 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM. Excluding public holidays. Board Game Club - 1st Saturday of the month, 10.30am -11.30am
Grab your friends for some friendly competition with our board games and card games. Drop in. All ages welcome. Free. Facilitated by our friendly library staff.
Device Advice: Get help using social media, library apps, your smartphone, tablet or iPad. Visit your library anytime for a quick fix.
Volunteers feel happy, live longer, gain selfconfidence and enjoy the company of like minded friends.
An exhibition that celebrates the people, places and sounds of Australian pub rock and its enduring impact on our nation’s identity, is now open at Pine Rivers Heritage Museum.
Aptly named ‘Pub Rock’, this exhibition celebrates the music scene defining 1970’s and 1980’s Australia.
Drawn from the National Portrait Gallery’s collection and enriched with works by leading Australian music photographers including Tony Mott and Wendy McDougall, Pub Rock tells the story of this era through staged portraits and publicity shots alongside images captured during unguarded moments and the grungy energy of live performances.
Locals and visitors are urged to take advantage of this spectacular free exhibition open until November 19 at Pine Rivers Heritage Museum. Entry to the museum is free. The Museum is open Wednesdays to Sundays, 10am-3pm. This exhibition has been developed by the National Collecting Institutions Touring and Outreach Program an Australian Government program aiming to improve access to the national collections for all Australians.
Currently the Arana VIEW Club sponsors fourteen Smith Family Learning for Life students and is actively involved in fundraising activities to raise donations for The Smith Family.
Each month, the club have a lucky door prize and raffles. Fund raising takes shape in the form of Bunnings BBQ’s, Grow and Bake tables, cent auctions, and there is also a book club. Furthermore, members enjoy outings each month where great friendships are made.
At the last meeting, there was a fashion parade from U&I Clothing which was a lot of fun with members of the club modeling.
At the October meeting the guest speaker will be Phil Adams who will give a talk about a History of Brisbane Gardens. November will be the cent auction and our guest speaker will be Janet Marshall, a female aviator.
The Arana VIEW Club meets at the Arana Leagues Club, 247 Dawson Parade, Keperra. Luncheon meeting’s take place on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 10.30am. Cost of luncheon with tea and coffee is $30. Phone Carol on 3355 5349 by Thursday noon the week BEFORE the meeting. The club is always open to new members, so please get in touch with them today and come and see what its all about.
An update from the Arana VIEW Club GET
Tobi, a promising talent from the Albany Creek Swim Club, made waves on the international stage at the recent World Deaf Swimming Championships held in Buenos Aires. The young swimmer returned home with a pair of impressive Bronze medals, etching his name into the annals of global swimming excellence. Tobi's remarkable achievements included clinching Bronze in two demanding relay events – the 4 x 100m Medley Relay and the 4 x 200m Freestyle Relay. In addition to these team accomplishments, he displayed exceptional prowess in individual competitions. Tobi secured a place in the Top 20 in the fiercely contested 50m, 100m, and 200m Breaststroke events, as well as the challenging 200m Freestyle race. What makes Tobi's feat even more remarkable is the fact that the World Deaf Swimming Championships do not have age groups or divisions; every event is an open-age category. At just 14 years old, Tobi was among the youngest swimmers to grace the Championships, demonstrating extraordinary talent and determination.
Tobi's journey at the World Deaf Swimming Championships reached a fitting crescendo with a personal best time for the Breaststroke leg, highlighting his dedication to continuous improvement and excellence.
For Tobi, this international meet was not just about medals; it was a profound learning experience filled with camaraderie and unforgettable memories. His mentor and Head Coach, Brendan, played a pivotal role in guiding and supporting the Australian Seals team, which consisted of six swimmers ranging from 14 to 20 years old. Together, they represented Australia with honor and determination, ultimately securing a commendable 9th place in the points score list. The journey to Buenos Aires was an extraordinary adventure
for both Tobi and Brendan, a testament to their dedication and passion for the sport. The Albany Creek Swim Club extends its heartfelt pride and admiration for these two exceptional individuals. Tobi's achievements at his first international competition and the invaluable experiences gained serve as a source of inspiration for aspiring swimmers and a testament to the talent nurtured at the Albany Creek Swim Club. As Tobi's star continues to rise, the swimming world eagerly anticipates his future endeavors and accomplishments on the global stage.
An update from the Samford Museum
Spring & Summer are times when the outdoors invites us to go hiking in national parks. The D’Aguilar Range behind Samford Valley contains walking tracks in the various forests.
These ranges were the source of valuable timber species for building Brisbane for decades. ‘Brisbane’s Back Door The story of the D’Aguilar Range’ by Helen Horton published in 1988 tells us of the occupation, development, primary production, tourist attractiveness and more of the range in story and pictures. She has captured local knowledge and photos. An extract tells us how a small area of private land became National Park.
Mrs Savage purchased 110 acres of land (at Mt Nebo) and built Cosmos Lodge house. The property took in an area on the other side of the road. On its prospective sale, there was a possibility of it being cut into small blocks. This dismayed Mrs Savage and her friend Mrs Ray of the Post Office. They invited a distant relative who was in charge of the national parks section of Forestry at the time on a tour through the area. He was enthralled with its vegetation and beautiful tall palms. A few months later it was declared a national park. Closer to home, Bunyaville Conservation Park, and part of today’s Samford Conservation Park, were gazetted as Timber Reserves in 1874. Bunyaville for railway purposes; a source of timber for railway sleepers, bridge girders etc. The name Jinker Track was formally named in 1983 by Pine Rivers Shire Council. Timber jinkers were used within the reserve. Samford was a Forest Reserve. Today both Bunya and Samford
Conservation Parks have trails for outdoor activities and picnic areas. Source – Toponymy a list of place names by Melva A Welch pub by PRSC 1991.
Samford Museum welcomes visitors on a Sunday and Wednesday from 10am to 4pm. A small admission applies. Research enquiries are always welcome. Call 3289 2743 or email info@samfordmuseum.com.au or via our facebook page and website.
One of the exceptional things about folk music and dance is the opportunity they present to perform in remarkable places. We are lucky enough to have talented young people in our community, continuing a dynamic tradition of music and dance. Recently, local dance teacher Rosie and Roland, lead musician of Phillip’s Dog, were invited to lead a Scottish dance (ceilidh) at Parliament House. As guest artists with Ishka Celtic Rock, the team presented an evening filled with lively jigs, vigorous reels and spirited strathspeys.
If you are interested in folk music and dance, Roland and Rosie are active participants of a group that hold regular Community Folk Dances. The group dances regularly in Arana Hills and Samford, and the dances are part of Moreton Bay Regional Council’s Healthy & Active Program. Their vision is to connect people through folk dancing and sustain a vibrant community where everyone is welcome. Anglo/ Celtic/Bush dances with a historical twist are featured, which are light-hearted, lively social dances with awesome acoustic music by Phillip’s Dog and friends. All dances are taught and called, with an emphasis on fun and participation, rather than fancy footwork. No partner, costume or experience required. Folk musicians are encouraged to join in.
Tickets $4 at the door or online at https://phillips-dog. weeblysite.com/s/shop
Upcoming dances (7.30pm - 9.30pm): 27th Oct. - 24th Nov: The Hills District Community Centre, 291 Dawson Parade, Arana Hills. 7.30pm - 9.30pm. 13th Oct, 10th Nov. & 8th Dec. at The Farmers’ Hall, 30 Main Street, Samford
When it comes to home improvement projects, whether big or small, the choice of hiring a tradesman is pivotal.
While there may be many options available, there’s a compelling case for considering local tradesmen for your next project. In our Top Tradies showcase, we celebrate just a few of our local tradesmen, and discover fascinating back stories that many of them have.
If you needed further reason to use our experienced and reliable local tradesmen, check out our article below.
1. Accessibility and Quick Response
Local tradesmen are just a stone‘s throw away. This proximity means they can quickly respond to your needs. Whether you have an urgent repair, a last-minute change in plans, or simply want to discuss project details in person, local tradesmen are often readily available to assist. This accessibility can save you time and reduce project delays.
2. Knowledge of Local Regulations
Every region may have unique building codes and regulations. Local tradesmen are well-versed in these rules, ensuring that your project complies with local laws. This can help you avoid costly fines or delays due to non-compliance.
3. Reputation in the Community
Local tradesmen build their reputations within the community. They are more likely to take pride in their work because they know their customers are also their neighbors. This sense of accountability often results in higher quality workmanship and better customer service.
4. Supporting the Local Economy
Hiring local tradesmen contributes to the economic growth of your community. It keeps money circulating locally, benefiting not only the tradesmen themselves but also the local businesses they support. This, in turn, helps maintain and improve the overall quality of life in your area.
5. Personalized Service
Local tradesmen often offer a more personalized service. They take the time to understand your specific needs and preferences, tailoring their work to suit your requirements. This level of attention can lead to a more satisfying and customized project outcome.
In summary, opting for local tradesmen offers a host of advantages, from their accessibility and knowledge of local regulations to their strong community ties and personalized service. When you choose to support local tradesmen, you not only benefit from their expertise but also contribute to the growth and prosperity of your own neighborhood. So, the next time you have a home improvement project, consider giving your local tradesmen a call.
Plumbaround was started in 2015 by owners Warwick and Peita Royal. Over the past 8.5 years they have serviced Brisbane and the greater area with everything from the standard plumbing, taps and toilets all the way to commercial maintenance and construction installs. With a team of 16 staff, they pride themselves on quality workmanship, trusted advice and a strong team culture. This gives them the ability to deliver a professional service and plumbing solutions for a variety of issues.
Plumbaround is a community minded company who has dedicated time and sponsorships to multiple charities and community initiatives in the local areas surrounding Chermside and Albany Creek.
With the motto ‘Your Plumbing, Our Privilege’ this family owned local business has grown and kept staff employed throughout the past 8.5 years. Opportunities have recently seen the business take on projects interstate. The staff now having the option of travel and working away has been a great addition to the company’s offerings.
Warwick was announced as a Queensland Plumbing Ambassador this year on World Plumbing Day 2023. This sees Warwick involved in with trade expos and talking about the possibilities in plumbing and where the plumbing trade can take you in the future.
Plumbaround has a strong learning culture within the company and aim to upskill staff where they can. Their many apprentices benefit from this culture. Warwick and Peita believe in supporting apprentices as they are the future tradespeople of tomorrow. Young people deserve a good support network around them and that’s what the company aims to do.
A passion for plumbing is what drives the Plumbaround owners to deliver their services each day. A core belief underlies movements with in the company, that all humans deserve a sanitary life and access to clean drinking water. For all plumbing, drainage and gasfitting needs, contact the Plumbaround team today.
P: 07 3038 1038
M: 0410 371 220
Over the course of the last ten years, Adam Farrelly served in the aged care sector in operations and maintenance management. However, the seismic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic prompted a paradigm shift, not just for Adam but for many dedicated professionals within the field. The relentless challenges and the stark reality of understaffing within the sector led to a pivotal moment of reflection and transformation.
Adam had been deeply intertwined with aged care, a sector that had increasingly become reliant on large corporations, often at the expense of personalized care and reliability. The challenges posed by understaffing and overworked employees had become a pressing concern.
In 2021, against the backdrop of his own battles with mental health, he founded Lefties Carpet Cleaning, a venture that was necessary for a sense of purpose. That year witnessed a dramatic transformation as Adam revamped his business model, invested in cutting-edge equipment, and cultivated a resilient mindset to take on the challenge.
However, Adam's vision for Lefties extended far beyond the world of carpet cleaning. It encompassed a broader commitment to addressing the void left by unreliable and understaffed contractors in the community. Lefties was designed to offer not just impeccable cleaning services but also a promise of unwavering reliability and personal attention, attributes that had become increasingly scarce in an era dominated by large corporations.
Lefties is delivering exceptional carpet and upholstery cleaning services for both residential and commercial spaces. Yet, its ultimate mission was to fill the void left by unreliable, impersonal contractors, especially in sectors like aged care, where personal care and attention are paramount.
Adam is determined to defy the odds and provide a level of reliability and service that has become increasingly rare in a world dominated by large corporations and understaffed operations. Lefties stands as a symbol of that commitment, offering not just clean carpets but also trust and peace of mind in an era where they are in short supply.
P: 0412 220 012
E: hello@leftyscarpetcleaning.com.au www.leftiescarpetcleaning.com.au
Kim and Chris Allen, the co-founders of CRA Construction, have developed their brainchild from the ground up into a flourishing one-stop-plastering shop for builders. Once just a two-man team, CRA Construction now has 21 pairs of helping hands strong.
The husband-and-wife team established CRA in 2018. Five years down the track, their dynamic crew of employees— Brisbane’s best ‘master plasterers’—take pride in their job honouring the company values of being reliable, professional, having strong integrity and providing clear communication.
Using CRA as their vehicle for change, Kim and Chris are on a mission to improve the plastering industry. Through offering local plasterers full-time positions with all the perks and benefits, they hope to reduce the number of sole-trader plasterers not understanding the implications of running their own business. What’s more, CRA have established a reputation in Brisbane for being to go to plastering company for high-end custom / architectural homes in inner-city Brisbane. Recently, CRA introduced Venetian Plaster to their vast array of product offerings, which is not only timeless, durable, low-maintenance, and fire-resistant, but also a healthier choice. This high-quality style of plaster absorbs carbon dioxide, allows walls to breathe in Queensland’s humidity, and prevents mould and bacteria growth. CRA’s new office in Geebung now serves as a showroom for their wide selection of Venetian plaster. CRA loves seeing new homes come to life with the addition of sophisticated, high-end plastering. From metal framing to interior wall/ceiling linings, decorative cornices to venetian plaster, every inch of your residential build or extension will be covered efficiently.
CRA’s goal is to be the company that plasterers want to work for and who builders are proud to have involved in their projects. They work with builders quoting from tender stage right through to the project’s completion.
Get in touch with the smiling faces behind this powerhouse business today.
P: 0413 831 758
E: info@craconstruction.com.au
An update from The Hills Players Inc
The Hill Player’s upcoming production ‘Four Old Broads’ by Leslie Kimbell is proving to be a barrel of laughs for Directors Margie Reid and Val Morgan as well as their cast. Needless to say it will be a sure fire hit with the audiences too.
This funny play will be staged on Friday 27th & Saturday 28th October and Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th November at 7.30 pm at St Matthews Church Hall, Church Rd, Mitchelton.
Retired burlesque queen, Beatrice Shelton desperately needs a vacation from the Magnolia Place Assisted Living complex
where she resides. Together with her best friend, Eaddy Mae Clayton, and newest resident, Imogene Fletcher, Beatrice is hoping to go on a sassy seniors cruise and not another trip up to Helen, Georgia to see that ‘precious little German Village’ for the umpteenth time. They also hope to avoid including Maude Jenkins, who is obsessed with her favourite soap opera and planning her own funeral. Suddenly Imogene is losing her memory and Sam Smith, a retired Elvis impersonator is trying to add Imogene to his list of conquests.
A mystery unfolds with laughter as the gals try to outsmart the evil Nurse Pat and figure out why so many residents have been moved to ‘the dark side’.
Bookings can be made by phoning Margie on 3351 4496 or 3355 7319.
An update from Growl Theatre
Growl Theatre are excited to announce their latest production Georgianna & Kitty: Christmas at Pemberley by Lauren Gunderson & Margot Melcon.
Directed by Julie Bray, this play is set to entertain the crowds and be a night to remember. This is the third and final play in the Christmas at Pemberley trilogy, this is a holiday tale filled with music, ambition, sisterhood, and forgiveness. This production imagines what the witty and vibrant Bennet sisters’ world might be like two years after the end of Pride and Prejudice.
Georgiana Darcy is the only, and much beloved, sister of Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy. She is an accomplished pianist but wary of romance. Kitty Bennet is the second-youngest of the five Bennet sisters. She is a bright-eyed optimist and a perfect best friend.
These two younger women are ready for their own adventures in life and love, starting with the arrival of an admirer, and a secret correspondent. Meddlesome families and outmoded expectations won’t stop these determined friends from forging their own way.
Growl Theatre, Windsor School of Arts, 381 Lutwyche Road, Windsor
On stage: 10 November - 26
November 2023 . Evening shows 7:30pm, Matinee shows 2pm
Tickets: Book online at https:// growltheatre.org.au/buytickets/
To celebrate International Day of the Girl Child on 11th October, Days for Girls Australia are hosting a walk at the beautiful New Farm Park, 1042 Brunswick St, New Farm.
The event, set to take place on Saturday 7th October from 9am to noon, will be launched by Lady Mayoress,Nina Schrinner with the option for walkers to take part in a 5km or 2km walk. The walk will also raise funds to support local teams with purchasing resources and distributing kits.
Days for Girls Australia is a not-for-profit organisation that provides menstrual health solutions for women and girls in developing countries. Volunteers sew menstrual components and prepare kits for distribution. Walkers are encouraged to dress up in as much orange as you can with prizes for the "BEST DRESSED" orange outfit. Remember to bring the whole family as there will be special treats for kids. Eventgoers will also have the opportunity to view the Days for Girls display and learn more about the organisation and the impact they wish to achieve. If you can’t make the walk? That's ok! Why not sponsor a kit? A donation of $25 will restore days of school, work, health and dignity to a girl for 3-5 years.
The Salvation Army Stafford are delighted to host their first ever Twilight Market on Friday 10th of November from 4:30pm - 8:30pm.
Come along and experience craft, food trucks, shop sales, designer clothing and more!! There will also be he music and entertainment to entertain market-goers.
In addition to this the Salvation Army Family Store will be open with 50% off store-wide as well as a separate Salvos Designer apparel tent showcasing the wide variety of highend clothing and accessories which will be available to the public at bargain prices.
If you are a local small artisan business and would like to hold your own stall, please get in contact with the team as there are limited spaces available. Email ssfs4053@ salvationarmy.org.au
Grovely State School takes pride in nurturing their students and ensuring they start their day off right. That‘s why they have introduced the Breakfast Club, a wonderful initiative aimed at providing our students with a nutritious breakfast to fuel their day of learning.
Every morning, dedicated teams consisting of staff, students, members of the Parents and Citizens Association, and volunteers from YWAM come together to serve a wholesome breakfast of toast and fresh fruit. This daily gathering not only ensures students are well-prepared for their classes but also fosters a sense of community within the school.
The Breakfast Club serves as a unique opportunity for both
staff and students to come together before the start of the school day, enjoying breakfast and engaging in friendly conversations. It’s a heartwarming way to kick off the day and build stronger connections among the school community.
program possible. Additionally, they extend their appreciation to the Golden Valley Keperra Lions Club for their generous offer to host a special monthly sausage sizzle breakfast for the school community.
If you are interested in supporting the Breakfast Club in any capacity, whether through volunteering or donations, the school would be delighted to hear from you. Please feel free to give them a call on 3354 6333 or email admin@grovelyss. eq.edu.au . Your involvement can make a meaningful difference in the lives of their students and the strength of the school community. Breakfast
Grovely State School would like to express their sincere gratitude to Woolworths Brookside for their continuous support and to Coles Arana Hills for their generous donations, which play a significant role in making this
Your local spring health and wellbeing guide!
If you’ve been on social media, someone has likely told you your diet is wrong, or that you need their diet product. The explosion of unqualified wellness influencers has created even confusion than ever.
Let’s bust some diet myths with Accredited Practising Dietitian Rosie Atkinson of The Bee’s Knees Nutrition.
Myth 1: Carbs are bad
Despite the hype about superfoods and supplements, the basics of a balanced diet haven’t changed.
“Carbohydrates are an essential part of a balanced diet. Celebrity diets and social media influencers might tell you carbs are the enemy, but carbs are actually your body’s preferred energy source,’ Rosie says.
“When you look at a balanced plate of food, you should see half vegies, a quarter carbs and a quarter protein (plus a small amount of healthy fats).
“As a dietitian, I won’t tell you that this food is good and this one is bad. There are no bad foods. Every food has a place in a balanced diet or as I always say – all food fits!”
Myth 2: Organic food is better
While organic farming does have environmental benefits, the nutritional quality of organic food isn’t significantly different than non-organic, especially when cost is a factor.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics reported in 2022 that ninety-four per cent of Australians aren’t eating enough fruit and vegetables.
“For those on a budget, only buying organic fruit and veggies can be detrimental if it means they can only buy a small amount. In terms of achieving good health, it’s far more beneficial to purchase lots of fruit and vegetables that fit within your budget. Australian grown produce is extremely nutritious and farming practices here are very different to overseas where a lot of the research about the benefits of organic food comes from” Rosie says.
Detox diets are incredibly popular, but Rosie says they don’t actually do what they claim.
“Your liver and kidneys are designed to filter out the things your body doesn’t need, and they’re going to do that whether you’re on a detox diet of not,” Rosie says.
“Many detox products are just expensive diuretics and laxatives so you’re just paying a lot of money to pee and poop. These products can cause dehydration and diarrhoea and lead to an electrolyte imbalance which can be dangerous.”
A dietitian will work with you to achieve your personal goal, whether that’s weight loss, fuelling an active lifestyle, or managing a chronic condition.
“Many of my clients are looking to develop a healthier relationship with food,” Rosie says. “That may include a tailored meal plan if they want one, but I’m certainly not trying to put people on a diet.
“The benefit of seeing a dietitian is that we are university qualified and highly regulated, so we aren’t trying to sell you diet products, we’re teaching you how to make the right choices for you.”
To make an appointment for personal nutrition advice that’s right for you, visit www.thebeeskneesnutrition. com
Loving yourself is the greatest revolution.
•References to ADHD appear in medical textbooks dating back to 1775
•There are over 100,000 scientific journal articles that provide insight into ADHD
•Around 1 in every 20 Australians is affected by ADHD
Yet, this common mental health condition is widely misunderstood.
Attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) starts during child development and frequently persists into adulthood. It runs in families and there are two subtypes and a combined presentation.
If you have the inattentive subtype, it will manifest as limited attention span, careless errors, distractibility, and forgetfulness. You struggle to sustain attention, lose focus, and easily get side-tracked. You have trouble organizing tasks and prioritizing activities, and although you start several projects, many go unfinished. You tend to procrastinate on tasks that are taxing. Time management is a challenge. You often misplace things, and your mind wanders off when others are speaking. Things that do interest you, you can hyperfocus on them to the exclusion of all else. But for most things you may quietly stare out of the window or be distracted by social media while your work goes unfinished. In your personal interactions, this 'spacey' or 'daydreamy' behavior may have been mischaracterized as laziness or apathy or irresponsibility, leading to frequent arguments, anger outbursts and trouble coping with stress.
If you have the hyperactive-impulsive subtype you may feel
restless a lot of the time, fidgeting and squirming more than others. You may talk non-stop and be loud and boisterous. You may butt into other people’s conversations and finish other’s sentences. You may be impatient and find boredom intolerable. For many adults the hyperactive symptoms do settle with age.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, hyperactive children are often seen to be disruptive in class and easily draw the attention of teachers. However, the inattentive subtype is far less likely to be recognized by parents, teachers, and medical professionals. Without a diagnosis, necessary treatment is not provided leading to anger, frustration, apathy, and shame in many walks of life, casting a shadow that can last a lifetime. However, it is never too late to get help. If any of the symptoms listed above continually disrupt your life, talk to your General Practitioner about whether you might have ADHD. Request a referral to a Psychiatrist for an Adult ADHD assessment. There are evidence based effective pharmacological and psychological treatments available which may help you realize your true potential.
Local medical clinic, Keperra Medical Centre is delighted to welcome Associate Professor Dr Manaan Kar Ray to the fold. Dr Manaan is a visiting Consultant Psychiatrist and is trained in Adult Psychiatry in Oxford. He has extensive knowledge and experience within this sector and was the Director for Mental Health Services in Cambridge, UK for a decade before moving to Brisbane.
For more information, or to schedule an appointment, call Keperra Medical Practice on 3355 4082.
Queensland's breathtaking landscapes and abundant sunshine make it a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. However, amidst the splendor lies a potential health threat that requires our attention: Skin Cancer.
As a state with one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, it's imperative that we prioritize prevention and early detection to safeguard our skin and well-being.
The Sun-Smart Approach: Prevention is Paramount
The age-old campaign Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek, Slide remains so relevant today. Slip on protective clothing, slop on sunscreen with a high SPF, slap on a wide-brimmed hat, seek shade during peak hours, and slide on sunglasses to shield your eyes.
Know Your Skin: Familiarize yourself with your skin's nor mal appearance. Regularly check your skin for any new or changing spots, moles, or lesions.
SCAN Your Skin: Utilize the SCAN method - Sore, Changing, Abnormal, New - to recognize potential signs of skin cancer. Any sore that doesn't heal, changing moles, abnormal growths, or new spots (especially if you are over 40yrs ) should be assessed by a healthcare professional.
Professional Skin Checks: Annual skin checks by a doctor trained in Skin Cancer Medicine are a proactive step in detecting skin cancer. Experts can identify subtle changes that might not be apparent to the untrained eye.
Promote Self-Care: Encourage family and friends to prioritize skin health. Empower each other to perform selfexaminations and share any concerns for timely intervention.
Queensland's sunny climate is a gift, but it comes with a responsibility to protect our skin from its potential harm. By embracing sun-smart strategies, encouraging early detection practices, and fostering a culture of skin health awareness, we can collectively reduce the impact of skin cancer in our beloved state. Remember, prevention and early detection are not just steps – they are lifesaving habits that ensure our well-being for years to come.
If you are looking for a local expert in this field, give Keperra Medical Centre a call on 3355 4082. The team is delighted to welcome Skin Cancer expert Dr Taz Zamani to their family. Dr Zamani graduated medicine from the University of Queensland and is a fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). Since graduating, he has obtained additional training in skin cancer medicine and is now a dedicated Skin Cancer Doctor and a member of the Skin Cancer College of Australasia (SCCA). Dr. Zamani is experienced in detection of skin cancers and offers both surgical and non-surgical treatment of skin lesions and cosmetic mole removals. He visits Keperra Medical Centre twice weekly and appointments are available without a referral.
Medicare records show there were over a million treatments for squamous and basal cell carcinoma skin cancers in 2018 –that’s more than 100 skin cancer treatments every hour. For more info, visit www.sunsmart.com.au
You can run a 5k but running up a couple of flights of stairs tires you out? You can squat heavy and lunge with weights, yet walking up a couple of flights of steps makes it feel like a whole other workout?
Here’s a workout that can actually challenge your body, endurance and actual strength and stamina.
Climbing stairs is one of the best exercises when it comes to pure FAT BURN, strengthening the lower body, toning the butt, thighs, calves, losing inches from those love handles and belly and building great abs. Along with these benefits is the immense good it does for your lungs and cardio vascular system. You can burn more calories walking/ running up steps in 30 minutes than a 1 hour run or walk, plus it challenges your body.
Start off with a couple of flights, walk and run slowly. As you get better, run and then skip 2 steps at a time and run or walk.
Plus, we have found the perfect local steps to get stair climbing on - the Nulty Way Stairs! Located opposite the Arana Hills Library on Cobbity Crescent, these stairs at are somewhat of an institution, with many locals using the staircase nestled amongst the eucalypts, as part of their exercise routines or to get to and from Cobbity Crescent and Plucks Road.
After 37 years of service, the 75 metres of staircase has received a much needed face lift to bring it up to speed with modern infrastructure standards.
So what are you waiting for? Get stair climbing today!
Experience the rewards for mind and body in this special seated yoga session for beginners. For seniors. Free. This event is also available at other venues at different dates and times. Call the library on 3883 5790 to book.
Life can be a challenging journey, and sometimes, we all need a helping hand to navigate its twists and turns. Here are some examples of how counselling can make a real difference in your life:
1. Manage Stress: Life can often throw stressful situations our way, and through counselling you can learn effective techniques to manage stress. These tools can empower you to reduce the toll that stress takes on your physical and mental health.
2. Reduce Emotional Distress: When you're grappling with intense emotions, counselling offers an opportunity for you to express and process these feelings. Through this supportive process, emotional distress can gradually give way to a sense of relief and calm.
3. Navigate Life Transitions: Major life changes can be overwhelming and isolating. Whether it's marriage, divorce, death, loss, or a career shift, counselling is there to offer guidance and unwavering support as you journey through these transitions.
4. Develop Coping Strategies: In counselling, you can gain practical coping strategies to confront life's challenges head-on. These strategies will equip you to handle whatever life throws your way.
5. Enhance Self-Awareness: A skilled counsellor can help you delve deeper into your values and beliefs, allowing you to understand how they influence your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. This self-awareness is a powerful catalyst
for personal growth, self-confidence and positive change.
6. Strengthen Relationships: Counselling is a space where you can hone your communication skills and find guidance in navigating conflicts and obstacles within your relationships, be it with family, friends, work colleagues or romantic partners.
Donna Gonsalves is a PACFA registered Certified Practicing Counsellor and founder of Doves Counselling based in The Gap. Doves Counselling offers counselling support to people of all ages.
Donna is offering a FREE 20-minute phone consultation to help you decide if she is the right fit for you. Online telehealth sessions are also available, making it convenient for you to get the support you deserve.
Donna is here to support you on your path to emotional well-being. You deserve to lead a happier, healthier life, and this could be the first step towards that brighter future.
Give Donna a call on 0491 186 379 or visit www. dovescounselling.com.au
Weight training, often associated with bulging biceps and sculpted physiques, has long been perceived as a predominantly male domain. However, the world of fitness is rapidly evolving, and women are now breaking stereotypes by embracing the barbells and dumbbells. Read about some of the benefits below.
One of the most obvious benefits of weight training is increased strength and muscle tone. Contrary to the myth that lifting weights will make women bulky, it actually helps define and sculpt the body. Weight training promotes lean muscle growth, making you look and feel more toned.
Weight training is a potent tool for enhancing metabolism. Muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat tissue, which means that as you build lean muscle through weight training, your body becomes more efficient at burning calories.
Bone Health
Osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weak and brittle bones, is a significant concern for women as they age. Weight training is an effective way to increase bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. It puts stress on the bones, stimulating them to become denser and stronger.
Enhanced Functional Fitness
Weight training isn't just about aesthetics; it's also about functional fitness. It helps improve daily activities such as lifting groceries, carrying children, or even climbing stairs. As
women build strength through weight training, they become more capable and resilient in their daily lives.
Stress Reduction
Exercise, including weight training, releases endorphins, the body's natural mood elevators. Engaging in regular weight training sessions can help alleviate stress and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Better Posture
Strengthening the muscles that support the spine and shoulders through weight training can significantly improve posture. As women develop a strong core and back muscles, they are less likely to slouch or experience back pain, leading to a more graceful and confident presence.
So, if you've been hesitant to pick up those weights, now is the perfect time to embrace the transformative power of iron.
Health is important at any age, but it’s especially important for older adults. As we age, our bodies become more susceptible to disease, our energy levels and cognitive abilities decline, and our risk of chronic conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease, increases.
Fortunately, healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle can counter many of the negative e ects of aging. Eating a balanced diet and being physically active can help reduce the chance of developing chronic diseases, improve mood and quality of life, and help maintain strength, physical function, and cognitive abilities.
Eating nutritious meals is essential for good health, but preparing meals can be di cult, especially for older adults with
limited mobility or time. Gourmet Meals is here to help! Our meals are made with health in mind, using the best quality ingredients and no preservatives; and because they are portion-controlled, they make it easier for you to stay within your calorie and nutrition budget. This not only helps in managing your weight but also in maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle. With Gourmet Meals, you can enjoy a variety of delicious and nutritious meals, without having to worry about meal preparation or shopping for ingredients. Simply remove your Gourmet Meal from the freezer, heat, and enjoy! Furthermore, the convenience of having these meals delivered to your door makes it easier than ever for you to eat right and right on time!
New Customers use the code word INTRO and receive a FREE MEAL
✔ Gluten Free
✔ Wholesome and nutritious
✔ Convenient ready-made frozen meals
✔ Australian owned and operated
✔ Tastes like home cooking
✔ Home delivered or available in stores
Minimum order $55 (excl delivery of $8.50) applies, one per customer
Escape the urban hustle and immerse yourself in a perfect day trip to the charming enclave of Samford. Being just a short drive over the range (for most of us!), Samford beckons us with its lush landscapes, historic charm, and an array of delightful activities for visitors of all ages. Whether you're craving a leisurely stroll through scenic parks, are eager to explore local arts and crafts, or are savoring a taste of farm-fresh cuisine, Samford has something special in store for everyone. Here are just a few things to do in and around this picturesque village...and the best bit, it won't cost the earth!
treasure trove of handcrafted wonders, lovingly brought to life by talented local artists. From cozy knitted hats to exquisitely detailed miniature doll clothes and hand-painted silks, the gallery showcases an eclectic array of handmade treasures. The dedicated team at the Samford Arts and Crafts Association Inc. takes pride in maintaining The Slab Hut. Beyond curating.
Wander through the forest beside bubbling streams to end up at the serene rock pools of Cedar Creek – one of the best swimming holes near Brisbane. The rockpools are situated just a 10 minute drive past Samford. This place is popular with locals and families for good reason, and if you’re lucky, you may be able to spot a platypus in the water.
Step back into Samford’s early days with a visit to Samford Museum, open Wednesdays and Sundays. It details the region’s past from settlement to war time and beyond, with machinery, model schools and more to illuminate its story. Haven’t had enough? Take on the Samford Valley Heritage Trail, which stops at 13 historic sites along the way.
Samford has recently unveiled its own exciting addition - a brand-new pump track nestled between the John Scott Park playground area and the Samford Museum. Crafted with a younger generation of riders in mind, the pump track is composed of smooth asphalt and forms a loop, boasting multiple alternate paths that crisscross the track. These intricate pathways create a challenge for riders eager to test their skills. The track is thoughtfully designed with banked turns, also known as berms, and a series of undulating rollers. These features are tailored to cater to even the youngest BMX enthusiasts and scooter riders, ensuring an enjoyable experience for riders of all levels.
Visitors to Samford are in for a delightful treat as they step into The Slab Hut Art and Craft Gallery, nestled within the walls of a historic building. This hidden gem, overseen by the not-for-profit Samford Art and Craft Association Inc., offers a captivating display of unique arts and crafts that truly embodies the essence of creativity. Beyond the hut’s rustic exterior lies a
For a small country town, Samford more than carries its weight in cafes – so come hungry. Whether it’s nourishing organic bites, a hearty pie or excellent brews, Samford has it all. We found excellent espresso at Buzzstop, so be sure not to miss this little gem of a coffee shop out. They also have a promo on for all our readers (check it out on the next page!). Furthermore, The Little Tree Brew and Bakehouse host fabulous live music events, more information is on page 37.
Discover north Brisbane’s railway history by cycling the tracks of the old Ferny Grove Line that once continued onto Dayboro, cutting through Camp Mountain to Samford.
After a derailing disaster led to the train line closing, the area was turned into the Samford Valley Rail Trail which today runs 8.3 kilometres, starting from the Ferny Grove Railway Station. Cycle your way through Samford Forest, part of the ‘Mountains to Mangroves’ bushland corridor protecting wildlife, before coming out to rolling farmland around the base of Camp Mountain. Also through this section you will come across a memorial cairn marking the site of the 1946 railway disaster. Take a scenic drive
Head for the hills to take in views you can’t help but stop and stare at. Wind your way through Mount Nebo and Mount Glorious: Jolly’s Lookout Point will make your feel just that, but you can continue on further to Westridge Outlook, Western Window, and Wivenhoe Outlook. Don’t forget to pack a picnic, and if you want to stretch your legs there are plenty of trails well worth the walk here.
So, if you are looking for something to do with the family, that will keep everyone entertained, have a think about visiting Samford this weekend. Whilst you are there, check out some of the fabulous businesses Samford has to offer over the page.
Brookies Rural Traders, a renowned family-owned enterprise catering to the needs of the local community by offering an array of products and services, proudly announces its recent acquisition of Gleam O’Dawn, a distinguished produce store located in Samford, Queensland. This strategic acquisition reinforces Brookies Rural Traders‘ unwavering commitment to supporting acreage owners while expanding its footprint in the region.
Gleam O’ Dawn has been a trusted supplier of rural essentials and produce in Samford for an impressive four decades. Known for its steadfast dedication to customer satisfaction and a diverse range of products, the store has earned a permanent spot in the hearts of acreage owners, local farmers, and agricultural businesses alike. The acquisition by Brookies Rural Traders marks an exciting new chapter for Gleam O’Dawn, promising sustained growth and an enriched product portfolio for its loyal customer base.
Alan and Louise Sivkoff, the retiring proprietors, enthusiastically welcome the change in ownership, expressing their belief that it will bring exciting new opportunities for both customers and the store itself.
Damien Effeney, CEO of Brookies Rural Traders, expressed his delight, stating, ‘We are thrilled to welcome Gleam O’ Dawn into the Brookies Rural Traders family, ensuring the continuation of Alan and Louise’s legacy. As a locally-rooted, family-owned establishment, we understand the paramount importance of our customers and remain passionate about fulfilling the requirements of acreage owners and those who utilize their land for business or leisure. We pledge to provide quality products and exceptional service to the region’s
customers. We are excited about the prospects this acquisition unveils and our ability to extend our outreach while steadfastly supporting local landowners.’
Under the new ownership, Gleam O’ Dawn will continue its operations with its current team of dedicated employees,
benefiting from the vast resources and industry expertise of Brookies
Rural Traders. Customers can anticipate a seamless transition, along with an expanded product selection and access to Brookies Rural Traders’ extensive network of suppliers. Damien Effeney reassured customers, stating, ‘We want to assure all of Gleam O’ Dawn’s valued customers that the acquisition by Brookies
Rural Traders will only reinforce our commitment to delivering top-quality products for your animals and property.’
Brookies Rural Traders has been a trusted ally to local acreage owners in the Brookfield community and its surrounding areas for over half a century. The acquisition of Gleam O’ Dawn underscores its unswerving dedication to supporting acreage owners and local farmers.
For more details about Brookies Rural Traders, please visit www.brookiesruraltraders.com.au
Nestled in the heart of Samford Valley, there's a place where the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingles with the laughter of locals. This is Buzz Stop Espresso Bar, the latest gem in Samford's thriving cafe scene. But this isn't just any cafe; it's a place where the love for coffee and community converge.
Some might remember this vibrant spot as "Drop Out Espresso," but a recent change in ownership brought a new name and a fresh perspective. Why the name change, you ask? Well, firstly, the "Drop Out" name, though quirky, didn't quite capture the essence of this place. And secondly, "Buzz Stop Espresso" has a history here; it's one of the original cafes in Samford Valley, etching its name in the hearts of the community. And we’re still located opposite the Samford Pub in Main Street.
When it comes to coffee, Buzz Stop Espresso Bar takes it seriously. We proudly serve Piazza D'oro coffee, Mezzo blend. It's more than just a cup of coffee; it's a journey of flavours and aromas that awaken your senses. With each sip, you'll taste the dedication and craftsmanship that goes into every brew.
But Buzz Stop Espresso Bar is not just about coffee; it's also a place for food enthusiasts. Our menu is thoughtfully designed to cater to the breakfast and brunch connoisseur in you. From classic favourites to innovative creations, there's something to tantalize every palate. We now also open for lunch and on weekends you need to get in early, so you don’t miss our classic Rib Fillet Steak Sandwich, which has sold out each day since being introduced.
If you're looking for something legendary, you can't miss our famous brekky wrap. It's become the stuff of local legend, a culinary masterpiece that combines flavours and textures into a handheld delight. But don't just take our word for it; come and savour it yourself.
At Buzz Stop Espresso Bar, we make a bold claim - we serve the best coffee and food in Samford Valley. And we're ready to back it up. We believe that when people give us a chance, they'll soon realize what sets us apart. It's not just about the ingredients; it's about the love and care we infuse into every dish and every cup.
The new owners of Buzz Stop Espresso Bar are not just business owners; they're long-time locals who've called Samford Valley home for over 20 years. This cafe is not just a venture; it's a passion project. We're not just here to run a business; we're here to build connections and create memorable experiences for our community.
When you step into Buzz Stop Espresso Bar, you'll be greeted by friendly faces that you might already know. That's because all our staff are locals, too. They know the pulse of the community, and they're here to make your visit not just enjoyable but unforgettable.
In a world that's often in a hurry, Buzz Stop Espresso Bar is a
place where time slows down. It's where conversations flow as smoothly as the coffee, where every dish tells a story, and where every visit feels like coming home.
So, whether you're a long-time local or a curious visitor, we invite you to experience the magic of Buzz Stop Espresso Bar. It's not just a cafe; it's a destination where coffee is an art, food is a passion, and community is at the heart of it all.
Join us in this journey of flavours, stories, and connections. We can't wait to welcome you to Buzz Stop Espresso Bar, where every moment is brewed to perfection. You can find us at 4/37 Main Street, Samford. Call 3289 5555 for enquiries.
Deep within the records of the Queensland State Archives lies a historical tale of Samford, a place where a thriving community now stands.
These archives reveal that a lease for the land we now know as Samford dates back to 1855. However, it wasn't until 1865 that the government began offering portions of this leased land for sale and selection.
The early Samford landscape was characterized by dense forest land and challenging accessibility, nestled amidst steep ranges surrounding the river valley. Despite these obstacles, smaller land holdings led to closer settlements, capitalizing on the ample water supply provided by the numerous creeks that flowed into the South Pine River. For the early settlers, their livelihoods depended on various ventures, including timber, dairying, banana cultivation, small crops, and fruit farming.
In 1872, Samford Provisional School was established through the efforts of local farmers. Just six years later, in 1878, the government constructed a two-room state school. Nearby, a cemetery reserve, overseen by local residents as trustees, has been in use since 1877.
The years 1914-1918 witnessed the impact of World War I on the local community, as many young men from Samford joined the armed forces. Some returning soldiers were granted holdings at the Highlands, later named Highvale. However, the soldier settlement farms proved too small to sustain a living for many, leading some to depart.
Before the arrival of the railway line in 1918, farmers transported their cream three times a week to a collection point
SAMFORDfor delivery to the Kingston Butter Factory via the Enoggera railway station.
The relocation of the hotel, small shop, and Post Office closer to the railway station in 1918 marked the beginning of the evolution of Samford Village. In the years 1926-1927, Samford Railway Station became the largest consigner of bananas in Queensland. Tragedy struck the banana industry in the early 1930s when the "bunchy-top" virus necessitated a government order for the destruction of all plantations.
In 1937, electricity arrived in Samford, coinciding with the adoption of milking machines by dairy farmers who began expanding their herds. Timber remained a significant industry, providing employment opportunities for locals.
World War II, spanning from 1939 to 1945, once again saw local men answering the call to serve. However, due to farming's essential role, many were compelled to remain on their properties. Post-World War II, Samford continued to grow and adapt. The reconstruction of the road over the range brought about significant changes. The increasing popularity of motor transport led to the closure of the railway from Ferny Grove to Dayboro in 1955. In the 1960s, the sale of farmland for housing development began, transforming the landscape. Today, there are no dairy farms producing milk in the Samford district, with the last farm closing in 2001. Samford's journey from dense forests to a thriving community is a testament to its resilience, adaptability, and enduring spirit.
Thank you to Samford Museum for the imagery and information. For more details visit www.samfordmuseum.com.au
Picabeen Community Centre is taking a significant step to address the critical needs of the community, particularly among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) families.
With an increasing number of refugees and migrants hailing from regions like Iran, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, and more choosing to settle in the local area, the centre recognizes the paramount importance of extending meaningful support. This initiative involves the launch of Citizenship Test Preparation Classes at the Picabeen Community Centre, aligning seamlessly with their core values and fostering engagement with individuals and families from refugee and migrant backgrounds. What makes this effort truly distinctive is that Picabeen stands as the sole provider of such services in North/Northwest Brisbane, thus serving as a crucial bridge to connect with CALD families in the broader region and its surrounding suburbs.
These much-needed classes are already in session, providing an invaluable opportunity for CALD community members to prepare for their citizenship tests. Conveniently held every Tuesday from 2pm - 4pm at the Picabeen Community Centre, the best part is that these classes come entirely free of charge. This initiative underscores Picabeen’s unwavering commitment to inclusivity and its continuous support for the diverse community it serves.
Picabeen Community Centre is localted at 22 Hoben Street, Mitchelton. Call 3354 2555 for more information.
Local Seniors! You are cordially invited to a special FREE luncheon on Thursday, October 19th, at the Arana Leagues Club as the community comes together to celebrate Seniors Month and Get Online Week.
The Hills and District Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce that they have received a generous grant from Be Connect, allowing them to organize this fantastic event. Event details are below;
Date: October 19, 2023
Time: 11:40am to 2pm
Venue: Arana Leagues Club
Guest Speakers:
• Dianne Frey from Be Connect
• Jo Dickson, addressing the topic of Scams
• Dick Bennett, representing Brisbane Seniors On Line
Given the limited number of available seats, attendees are encouraged to secure your spot online asap. Please visit www. hillschamber.org.au, navigate to the ‘events’ section, and follow the prompts to make your reservation.
Additionally, the talented Jocelyn Slater will have her popular craft table set up outside the function room starting at 11:45am. If you wish to make any purchases at the craft table, please bring cash for your convenience.
For any inquiries or further assistance, please feel free to reach out to John at 0448 186 115 or Carolyn at 0448 328 914 The Hills Chamber of Commerce look forward to seeing you there!
I am proud to announce that I will once again be hosting the Everton Volunteer Awards this year and nominations will be opening on Wednesday 27 September!
The awards event is an opportunity to recognise the outstanding contributions of volunteers in our local community and to express our sincere thanks for the work they do. It’s also an opportunity for you to make sure your volunteers realise how much you appreciate them.
If you belong to an Everton Electorate Community Group whether it’s sporting, school, kindy, or recreational – keep an eye out for my eNewsletter with details for nominations, visit my website or contact my office for more details.
Over the past few weeks, I have been honoured to be invited to a number of our local sporting clubs’ End Of Season awards presentations.
I enjoyed presenting awards to some outstanding young players and hearing the achievements of their Clubs. Among them were Everton Park Junior Roosters, Everton Wolves, Ascot Arana Hockey, and Pine Hills Netball. Congratulations to all players, volunteers and families involved in such a great season for 2023!
The Hills Echo delivers 14,500 copies per month of what matters to The Hills District and surrounds. Our paper is 100% locally owned and operated, which means we don’t just talk about being local, WE ARE LOCAL; we live it everyday.
On the 12th of September 2023, Wantima Country Club started its Water Harvesting Dam Project. I was invited, together with Cr Cath Tonks to ‘break ground’ on the project which has been a long time coming and the members are extremely happy that it has finally started.
This Eco-friendly project will hold 46 mega litres and will provide a natural environment for the local aquatic and bird population.
I’m looking forward to seeing the completed project!
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On Saturday October 14, Australians will be asked to participate in a crucial vote that could potentially shape the future of the nation. We all want to help Indigenous Australians in disadvantaged communities. However, this Voice is not the answer. The Prime Minister has taken a decision to deliberately withhold information which is why even one in three Labor voters is saying they will vote no.
It would enshrine a Voice in the Constitution, with few limits to its scope and few details. This Voice is legally risky, with unknown consequences. And it would permanently divide our country.
Constitutional recognition can be achieved without tying it to a risky, unknown and permanent Voice.
2024 Dickson Community Awards
Nominations are now open for my annual Dickson Community Awards which will be presented on Australia Day, Friday 26 January 2024. These awards celebrate the achievements, talents and drive of ordinary people, businesses and organisations who have made extraordinary contributions in what has been another challenging year.
If you know of an individual, business and/or organisation
who’ve gone above and beyond throughout this year, please visit my website at www.peterdutton.com.au and nominate them for an award. Nominations for the 2024 Dickson Community Awards close 5pm Friday 17 November 2023.
I am looking forward to catching up with and thanking members of our community on Australia Day.
The Australian Men’s Shed Association recently celebrated 30 years of the Sheds.
The Sheds provide a place for men to meet, learn, work and collaborate on meaningful projects. They are a place where friendships have been formed, ideas shared, support given, and jokes had over ‘smoko’.
I’ve been proud to support our Men’s Sheds for many years and we’re lucky to have six Shed’s in several locations throughout our community.
I’m running my annual Christmas card competition again this year for students in Prep to Year Three who attend local schools with the theme being ‘My Australian Christmas.’ I look forward to seeing all the creative entries.
For regular updates on what’s happening in Dickson, you can sign up to my eNewsletter at www.peterdutton.com.au, or head over and like my Facebook page.
If there is anything I can do to help or any local issues you’d like to raise, please send me an email at peter.dutton.mp@ aph.gov.au or call my office in Strathpine on 3205 9977
If your community organisation is looking to increase numbers, or you have a story to share, drop us a line at The Hills Echo, admin@echo-news.com.au
After floods, pandemics, labour shortages and supply chain issues, Queensland Rail (QR) have announced the Ferny Grove station Transit Oriented Development (TOD) 905 car multilevel carpark will open for public use in October. Parking is free for Queensland Rail patrons.
I am very pleased this is the case as I have been pushing QR and the developer hard to get the inspections done and get on with the construction again so the public can use the carpark.
Stage two will include further underground works, the major retail outlet and The Fernery. The opening of the new carpark and the progress to stage two of the development will mean traffic operations on the site will need to change significantly.
I appreciate this will cause a number of motorists, cyclists and pedestrians, inconvenience and I know everyone involved with the construction appreciates your patience while stage two is completed.
Motorists will have to enter the new carpark from Samford Road at the Ferny Way intersection. There will be one-way egress from the commuter carpark to Arbor Street and limited commuter parking available from Archdale Road to the old finger carpark.
Pedestrians and bike riders can still access Ferny Grove station via Archdale Road, Conavalla Street and Ferny Way.
Bus patrons
If you catch a bus to or from the station, bus stop C and D (formerly bus stop A) will be relocating to Conavalla Street near the new kiss ’n’ ride and taxi rank area. Temporary bus stop B will remain in the tavern carpark area.
Some local redirections will be in place at times. Please refer to the map below for the changed traffic conditions, and alternative bus stop, taxi rank, and kiss ‘n’ ride locations.
Drop in to one of my regular coffee-catch ups and have a chat about the things which matter to you. My shout!
• 7 October 8:00am, Mitch and Antler, 62 Suez St, Mitchelton.
Brookside Shopping Centre, 9th - 15th October 2023
All items are for sale and there will be a raffle box!
Kedron Arts Group (KAG) consists of local artists and crafts people. KAG donates a % of all sales to nominated local charities, such as Karuna Hospice, Drought Angels, A Brave Life and Qld Rural Fire Brigade. For more details email kedronartsgroup@gmail.com
An update from the Mitchelton and Districts Garden Club Autumn, Winter and Spring have provided us with an abundance of wonderful vegetables. Our harvest has included cabbages, beans, snow peas, baby spinach, silverbeet, kale, carrots, leeks, lettuce and our strawberry garden has been producing some very nice fruit. Our broad beans are flowering nicely and attracting the bees and we look forward to picking some broad beans in the next few weeks.
However, with the warmer months approaching, our planting will slow down and our gardens will have a well-earned rest. We have quite a few tomato plants which will be producing some fruit soon. As our plants die back they will be chopped and placed in our compost bays to break down and create some fantastic compost for our gardens next Autumn.
We have a wonderful group of members who turn up every Sunday to carry out the chores as well as having the added bonus of social interaction.
The Hills Organic Garden is a great place for ‘green thumbs’ and lovers of organic vegetables to come and enjoy the company of like minded people as well as being able to grow, harvest and eat healthy vegetables.
Our garden is a community venture where volunteers work together to grow a chemical-free harvest which they can all share.
We are a friendly group of garden enthusiasts, so why not come along on a Sunday afternoon between 2pm - 4pm and have a chat. You will find us at 416 Bunya Road, Bunya next to the Off Leash Dog Park. Membership Fees per year are $20 for adults, $30 for a family and $10 for Juniors.
Visit www.hog.org.au, search The Hills Organic Garden on Facebook or phone 0415 856 532 for information. We look forward to meeting you.
The October meeting of the Ferny Grove Garden Club will be on Friday, 27th October, at 1 pm. The club meets in St Matthew’s Church Hall, Church Road, Mitchelton. At the October meeting the group are looking forward to a talk from David Calder who will speak about the art of Bonsai. Bonsai trees are fascinating and their main purpose is said to be for contemplation by the viewer. They are a rewarding and ingenious occupation for the grower but do not produce food or medicine. We look forward to learning how to achieve a beautiful plant.
For more information please telephone Elizabeth 07 3851 0568.
Momentous news met our members at the last Annual General Meeting when a most highly respected and active club member of over 50 years announced her resignation as President.
Pat Killoran ended her 11-year tenure as Club President with the announcement that she had decided to step down. Newly elected President, Trish Parkinson, echoed the sentiments of all members when she lauded Pat’s outstanding commitment
to the club, which has seen it live on as a hub of learning and camaraderie to the present day.
Pat joined the Mitchelton & Districts Garden Club in the 1970’s. She was the Annual Winner of the club’s Bench Competition for seven consecutive years between 1992 and 1998. Thereafter, Pat declined to accept award points to encourage other members to participate in showing on the bench. This club owes a great deal to Pat Killoran for the inspiring way she led through periods of dwindling membership. As an expression of the sincere affection and respect our members hold for Pat, a senior club member wrote this parting poem, read at the August 2023 meeting:
We hope you have a happy future And all your wishes come true. We hope your health keeps good as time passes And there’s pleasure in all you do. You’ve kept this club afloat under your care. If there was trouble your diplomacy was there. We wish you a long and happy future Filled with peace and love. From those who care. Our next meeting at The Enoggera Memorial Hall (entrance via Trundle St) will be on Thursday 2 November at 9:30am for a 10:00am start. Entry is $3.00 and morning tea is provided. Visitors are most welcome. Feel free to contact us via email at mitcheltongc@gmail.com or find us on Facebook @mitcheltongardenclub.
Stafford Gardening Club Meeting: The next meeting of the Stafford Garden Club is on Thursday, 19th October at the OES Hall cnr Kitchener Rd and Bohland St Kedron. The club meets at 9.30am for Morning Tea, to buy from the plant stall and to admire the exhibits on the bench. Visitors and new members are welcome. Email staffordgardenclub@ gmail.com for more details
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THE ECHO NEWS “Local Listings” Trades and Services Directory is the local go-to place for residents to find a local trade or service. This directory is inserted into all 3 of our community magazines - The Hills Echo, The Everton Echo and The Eatons Echo. Collectively, we print 43,500 copies/month that are distributed via direct letterbox distribution and magazine stand placement to the suburbs across north west Brisbane that are highlighted on the map below. There are also 3 advertisement sizes to choose from- single, double and triple.
PRICING: Inc GST & Colour
• Single: $150/month (59mm Wide x 37.5mm High)
• Double: $210/month (59mm Wide x 75mm High)
• Triple: $340/month (59mm Wide x121mm High)