Community Conversation
December 12, 2013
Honey Burg, Assistant Vice President and Branch Manager at U.S. Bank in Mankato was able to allocate considerable time and resources to invite the community to come together to explore the possibilities and identify the opportunities to impact affordable housing in our region. #
Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, the City of Mankato, and the USDA Rural Development staff joined in the conversation. What happened next is laid out for you in this document; a “harvest” that summarizes what happens when we work together better…
Community Conversation! Exploring possibilities and creating innovating opportunities for affordable housing in the Mankato area On Thursday, December 12th over 20 professionals from economic development, housing development, nonprofit, state and federal agencies came together. We explored what possibilities exist for our region to create innovative opportunities to meet the current housing challenges we are facing. When we face complex challenges like this, it provides us the perfect opportunity to come together to identify local opportunities and solutions. ! • Mankato is the fastest growing MSA in the nation, we’ve experienced 10% growth in 20 years! • We currently have .07% vacancy rate, meaning that this is the total amount of rental units that are currently unoccupied or not rented out at this time !
! !
• 38% of households pay 30% or more of their income on housing in Blue Earth County
Hosted and Harvested by Sowelu Institute
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Community Conversation !
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“Change begins from deep inside a system, when a few people notice something they will no longer tolerate, or respond to a dream of what’s possible.” -Margaret Wheatley
December 12, 2013
What is it you bring? What do you hope to achieve? I’ve brought my cape
my superhero powers
living and working here
its because I care
its a safe place for youth
to call home
to light the path back - a bridge
a symbol of hope
a happy home
no matter who you are
what can we do
in these challenging times
when every heart needs a home
its what we build
its real simple
when we work as community
to support growth
of what works well
connecting and
understanding whats available
putting the pieces together
consensus and direction
moving forward in
collective action
working outside the walls
balancing justice and strength
no matter where I’m at
I’m connected deeply
creating doorways
I’m seeing changes
I’m looking for understanding
of what I can do and
what we can do when we
all come together…
in community
we turn to one another
we discover how to work
better together
I bring my plans to the table
its when great minds
come together
we can see much better
I bring ideas and resources to the table
to help bridge the gap
bringing the pieces together
let’s make an impact here
I’ll support you
let’s see what else is here
what an WE do?
Give people a chance
to experience a normal life
in creating
not only more housing but
more homes
We gathered in circle and began with a check-in, stating our intentions, who we are, what we do and what we hope to contribute and take from our time together… ! We started to build a social network.
Hosted and Harvested by Sowelu Institute
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Community Conversation
December 12, 2013
World Cafe! We gathered at tables in groups of 4 to explore questions that matter. We did three rounds exploring one question per round, below were the questions we explored and a summary of what happened in the conversations.
! What is working well in the affordable housing market in our region?! • What we have is working, people who want to help are passionate and serving the needs and when people are connected to support they succeed • Community networking - conversations are happening, action is moving towards better understanding, smarter planning and implementation - we are acknowledging the need for affordable housing • Bringing us together helps us build our understanding as a network, this benefits the community
What are the barriers to the affordable housing market working better than it does now? ! • There is a lack of resources for affordable housing and a lack of income for those seeking
affordable housing - wages do not support the housing costs • We need more specialized housing options (mental health, disability, single, etc.) and more creative housing options - when people want to buy there is bad credit or background checks that prohibit their access to resources, criteria and regulations are too tight • There is a lack of awareness and understanding of the service providers as a whole - still a lot of silo-ing of services, lack of shared information, and shared communication. There is no central intake or database or coalition to collectively work on these efforts
What are the possibilities and opportunities that we can explore together today to create the affordable housing that is needed in our region?! • Leverage GMG’s relationships with employers to increase private sector capital for investing
in more creative and affordable housing options (mixed-use, multi-family, workforce housing) • We need more units of all types, and need to get better clarity of what is needed for affordable housing options (large family, single person, multi-family, using tax-credits, workforce employer supported housing) • We need better shared communication, information, data, to help support the network of service providers and professionals so that we can bridge and integrate our efforts to better support the community
Hosted and Harvested by Sowelu Institute
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Community Conversation
December 12, 2013
OPEN SPACE TECHNOLOGY We opened up the marketplace, calling questions we wanted to explore with others and trusting the process. We honored the 4 principles of Open Space, the Law of 2 feet, and recognized the roles of the butterflies and bumblebees. The process worked and we got to work exploring the questions that mattered most. ! • What steps should a builder take?! • What type of planning is needed for regional solutions?! • How important is one central, neutral intake?! • What is the Chain Gang?! • How do we determine the specific demographics of households needing affordable housing?! • Who’s going to take the lead?! • We know the need, let’s build some buildings! • How invested is the community?!! • Community Health Workers! On the next page, you’ll see summaries of the conversations that were explored. You’ll notice themes from the World Cafe that spilled into the conversations we continued to explore together throughout our afternoon of Open Space. Many of these conversations helped surface new ideas, strategies and partnership to move forward with. We discovered opportunities to work together better as a community. This is a new way of doing community and regional planning. Hosted and Harvested by Sowelu Institute
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Community Conversation
December 12, 2013
How important is one central intake process?! • By having one place for people to go, it helps capture the need and increase opportunities for support from the state level! • It isn’t a perfect system, people are interested in helping with this and we have to keep in mind all the needs of doing this! • Changes with HUD are increasing the need for a central intake, which in turn requires us to work together better
What is the Chain Gang?! • Was something the service providers and private industry leaders did in the past! • It works like a community response team, sharing information and communications as a network ! • It doesn’t require a new 501c3, it is an opportunity to connect folks on a monthly basis and think about what we can do to create community impact
How can we determine demographics of households needing affordable housing?!
Who is taking the lead?!
• When this group met, they were not aware of the Housing Study that the City had put together capturing this kind of data! • It was a great learning opportunity that highlighted the need to improve communications and share information among the city and the service providers so that no one has to reinvent the wheel
• The importance of sharing common goals and concerns as a system! • The need for a lead organization to help bring together diverse service providers, funders, developers, and employers to figure out priorities and narrow focus to what has the best chances to work well in the community
Let’s build some buildings! • The group identified the opportunity for employer assisted housing developments! • Learned from each other on how units get built ! • Recognized the need to get employers educated and invested in affordable housing
How invested is the community?!! • The group explored how invested local businesses are and there is a need to reach out! • Identified the need to remove hurdles like rental licenses and get unoccupied homes rented out! • Rental assistance and shelters are needed
Community Health Workers! • This group came up with new ideas, how CHW could be a central model, a hub! • Needs for agency to be neutral! • Explored the social enterprise model for what this could look like Hosted and Harvested by Sowelu Institute
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Community Conversation
December 12, 2013
List of Participants Name, Organization 1 Rachel Johnston, The Reach (LSS) 2 Beth Moshier, The Reach (LSS) 3 Chuck Phillips, USDA Rural Development 4 Julie Hawker, Lloyd Mgmt and Tapestry Project 5 Anne Ganey, South Central College 6 Faith Solano, Homecrafters, Inc. 7 Patti Ziegler, City of Mankato EDA 8 Sarah Kruse, Open Door Health Center 9 Lisa Wojcik, Open Door Health Center 10 Andrew Pietsch, BEC Human Services 11 Carrol Meyers-Dobler, Partners for Afford. Housing 12 Margaret Kaplan, MN Housing Finance Agency 13 Rick Goodman, SW MN Housing Partnership 14 Honey Burg, U.S. Bank 15 Sandra Newbauer, Ombudsman - State of MN 16 Julie Scmillen, Habitat for Humanity 17 Kelly Simmons, Visiting Angels 18 Nicole Griensewic, Region 9 19 Keith Luebke, MSU 20 Kris Wuller, Manpower 21 Mohamad Alsadig, Entrepreneur Doorway Proj. 22 George Komaridis, Psychologist Your hosts for the gathering: Katie Boone, Sowelu Institute Dave Ellis, Dave Ellis Consulting
Hosted and Harvested 
 by Sowelu Institute
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