CDEC News Autumn 17

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Educating for a fair and sustainable world

CDEC is a member of the Consortium of Development Education Centres

Global leaders in the making! Over 80 Year 5 children from 14 schools in the Barrow area met for a three-w eek summer school as part of the prestigious Furness Future Leaders Academy. Now in its fourth year, it was originally the brainchild of John Woodcock MP, and offers children a chance to explore what being a leader means, to try out their own leadership skills and develop confidence before moving into Year 6. The ideas of supporting young people to have a voice, to learn about the ways in which they can directly impact on the world around them, and help to improve the lives of people and planet are key ingredients of Global Citizenship Education. CDEC has been involved from the beginning, supporting the young ‘campaigners’. The inspirational young people involved this year were given responsibility to research and run their own social action campaigns and to organise and run their own celebration event for sponsors and parents at the end of the three-week Academy. To find ideas for their campaigns, the youngsters shared issues that they thought were important to the world, explored the local environm ent and had visits from local businesses such as Oxleys. The global campaigners voted for an awareness raising project on the importance of bees; take a look at the fantastic ‘Happy Bees Please!’ website which they created. They also made a flyer (and visited a local printers to see it professionally printed) , then handed these out in Tesco to engage with shoppers about their cause. Meanwh ile, the local campaigners set up a fundraising campaign to support Barrow Foodbank and, with the help of BBC Radio Cumbria, made a radio advert for the Foodbank which was played on the Breakfast show the next day. Many grew in confidence through the three weeks. "At first it was quite nerve-wracking because there was only one other person from my school in this group. But I’ve made some brilliant new friends and will keep in touch with them ... I’ve learnt that being a good leader doesn’t mean bossing other people, it means how to lead others and be a good follower.’

Celebration od Bank Song at Final Campaigners’ own Fo

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

Handing out Happy Bees Please! Leaflets at Te sco

d out If you want to fin as ch su how activities , ns ig running campa , and pupil-led research hing and ac te participatory es can learning approach to n re ild help your ch obal gl g un develop as 'yo on us ll ca se leaders', plea 2. 015394 3160


Hidden Stories Shared Lives: October launch for Kendal exhibition! The Hidden Stories Shared Lives project, which aims to celebr ate the stories of migration to Cumbria, is culminating in an exciting exhibition at Kendal Library in November and a second in the north of the county around the New Year! The valuable interviews volunteers have recorded, detailing the experiences and memories of people who have chosen to make Cumbria their home, has resulted in a selection of intimate stories of journey s, life choices, home and belonging. These stories will be shared with schools and communities in Cumbria via the exhibition, training sessions and the project website . Artist Jane Dudman has taken the stories to create the exhibition and learning resources; she is also working with a group of interviewees to create an everyda y portrait of their lives in Cumbria to enrich the stories and the public respons e to them. So in October, we are launching the exhibition in the south of the county at the Quaker Tapestr y in Kendal with interviewees and volunteers celebrating the project’ s successes, after which from 16th November it will be on show to the public at Kendal Library for three weeks – so please do pop along! A northern launch and exhibition will follow around the new year, so keep your eyes out for the dates and location. Resource boxes containing stories, personal collections and sets of interact ive activities and artefacts will be available to CDEC member schools from October, togethe r with twilight CPD training sessions designed to explore and trial the resources – please get in touch with Claire to book your resource box and training session!

perspective Ming-Yin Chen’s experiences and cted during colle ies stor y are just one of the man ibition exh the ugh thro told the project and

GLP extended until summer 2018 We are delighted to let you know that the GLP England, Wales and Scotland programmes have been extended so that the GLP in all four nations will end in Summer 2018. The CPD booking deadline is 29 March 2018, and schools must have attended CPD up to and including 1 June 2018. This gives existing GLP schools more opportunity to make the most of training, resources and support, while new schools can still join to benefit from these areas as well as access funding.

l Nature o o h c S l a c o L ive up chools can rece S s t n a r G ent and rth of equipm to £500 wo ning! For more sit 2 hours of trai ow to apply, vi h d an n io at inform nts/ k/naturegra .u g r .o tl .l w w w

Cumbrian wins Global Educator of the Year! ud Katie, our Director, was very pro e judg a be to to have been invited for this year's Global Educator of the Year Awards, hosted by Think Global ... and very glad indeed that Cumbria’s Jane Yates, aka The Philosopher's Backpack, won the award! r Well done Jane, great to see you ed. gnis inspiring work reco

Lengthorn Jane with last year’s winner Elly

Congratu la Well done tions! to Mayfield School in W h retaining th itehaven for eir Fair Achiever A w Arnside Na ard, and to ti for achievin onal School g Schools Aw the Fair trade ards this ye ar!

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

ary Schools! Calling all Second offer membership

we also Did you know that ar y schools and their and CPD for second bal to embark upon a glo teachers who want d it fin ies e know secondar learning journey? W rning lea l engage with globa more challenging to th but by working wi than primar y schools nt for providing excelle CDEC, well known n help s, we believe you ca training and resource e. thus the school, thriv your students , and u 015394 31602 if yo Please contact us on u yo lp he n ca how we would like to know staff training. of n isio through prov

Children and teachers make an impact at Go Global conference Over the summer we once again held our Go Global Conference at The Lakes School, near Windermere, for teachers and children. The action-packed day also saw the culmination of workshops CDEC had led at primary schools, as the children and teachers came along with their final project exhibition. Here we have the evaluation from one St Cuthbert’s pupil and an insight into how Grasmere Primary School got involved as election fever took hold!

Election Fever at Grasmere Primary School comes to the Go Global Conference In spring 2017 we found ourselves in the middle of a snap election. What better time to remember our own part in community-led processes that might, one day, make a difference in the world! We wanted to help the children think more about what it means to ‘be political’, and to help them think for themselves about what matters most to our community (and to our world). So as part of the Go Global project we had a really useful introduction to leadership, led by Debbie from CDEC, which got the children thinking about how they interact with each other and what teamwork can look like. Then, they drafted some first ideas: What should I do, to make a difference, and how can I persuade others in my community to join me? And then, the Prime Minister called a General Election! So our plan was hatched. The children spent time individually considering the issues they felt were most important, that should sit at the forefront of the General Election campaigns. They presented these to each other in class, and built alliances. Their political parties were born: Refugee Futures; Fairtrade Futures; Living Longer Party; Health Not Hunger; and Safe Cyber Party. The following few weeks were spent researching their issues, developing a manifesto, learning the skills of persuasive campaigning, and learning to make a video. The children drafted, wrote, redrafted, presented, rehearsed and finally, with help from Janine of Gorgeous Media, filmed their election broadcasts. To watch the broadcasts head to At the Go Global Conference, held towards the end of our project, the children were proud to show their broadcasts to the other schools attending, and whilst they worked in small teams with children from other local schools on practical project ideas, us teachers also had the luxury of time to share good practice on teaching for global awareness within the constraints of the new curriculum. In school, the children completed their project with a live hustings, facing questions from children and teachers in other classes across the school, from parents and members of the community who attended, and from their colleagues in rival political parties. Their ability to consider and respond to a high level of questions was impressive and, following this event, a final vote was held. The results: no overall majority; a hung parliament! Eleanor Knowles, KS2 teacher Grasmere Primary School


Pupils get active through Think Global, Act Local As part of the Global Schools project, we’ve worked with teachers to encourage schools and pupils to consider global issues and how they can make a difference locally. Here are some examples! Morland Area Primary School – Lynn Dobinson Our pupils worked on an awareness raising campaign on water use locally and globally which culminated in a fundraising day for WaterAid with lots of watery activities in the rain! See this link to the YouTube video they produced – it includes lots of water facts and advice about how you can save water at home! Church Walk Primary School Ulverston – Jane Newby Church Walk had a water theme as well. The school did a lot of planning with different groups, creating and taking responsibility for different activities. They coordinated their ideas by using a river timeline, linked in children’s rights and made personal pledges for action. Their action is culminating in a water day too! The photos show some of the planning, and one of the many water themed games and quizzes the children invented. Kirkoswald Primary School – Carol Lewthwaite Willow – locally and globally Dave Corrie, a willow expert, came into school to show the children how to weave willow borders for our raised beds to keep the bunnies away from our vegetables. The first group (Year 5 and 6) measured, cut and spaced the upright withies around the beds ready for younger children to weave horizontal withies through this structure. Dave also taught some small groups of children to weave circular obelisks for vegetables to grow up, using a bicycle wheel as a starting point. Every child in school was involved with hands-on construction at some point during the three-day period. We then did some follow-up work in the classroom: we wrote our own instruction manual ‘How to weave with willow’. And also prepared factsheets including ‘Top 10 facts about willow’. This involved research into its main uses like pain relief (salicylic acid) and flood/erosion prevention. The school is having another follow-up session in September and we hope to perhaps have a school event.

CPD Programme Highlights Here is a snapshot of our full programme of CPD courses for the coming academic year, full details of which can be found on our website. If you are involved in the Global Learning Programme, you can access all our KS2/3 courses free of charge. Give us a call on 015394 31602 to book your place! Global Maths – Use real and relevant examples to enrich your maths teaching and help children learn about global issues at the same time. If you are a busy teacher wanting to teach children real maths skills for their future world and to help them critically analyse and question statistics, then this course is a must. 14 November 2017 Global Science – In this course we look at practical ways to integrate the global dimension into science activities focussed around topics such as food, water, energy, sustainable use of resources, sustainable ecosystems, climate change and health and disease. 16 January 2018 Teaching Controversial Issues – Young people frequently face making decisions and forming opinions about issues on which there are many different views and that evoke complicated emotions. This course will explore what controversial issues are, why they should be taught, will include classroom strategies, existing guidance and practical teaching activities. 6th February 2018 Global Literacy – Add inspiration, relevance and a world view into your English teaching! In this course, we look at practical ways to enrich the English Primary curriculum so that learners develop empathy, respect for diversity and imagination and to recognise their place in local, national and global communities 6 March 2018

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

Registered Charity No 1156649


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