Cdec news winter17

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WINTeR 2017

Educating for a fair and sustainable world

CDEC is a member of the Consortium of Development Education Centres

Cumbria - a Beacon for Global Citizenship education Welcome to 2017! This is going to be a pivotal year for global citiz enship education in Cumbria, as we find ourselves in a position to make a real impact not just on the lives of the children we work with, but pot entially across the country, and eve n beyond. GCE has never been more important. Chi ldren see and hear things - on the new s, in conversation with other children, and between adults - and they need to be able to mak e sense of these things, and find a strength in solidar ity which means they are not draw n into narratives of fear, isolation, uncertainty, narrow-min dedness that seem to be accompa nying world events lately. Given that our county is far more homogeneous than much of the rest of the UK, most Cumbrian teachers might be surp rised to hear that Cumbria is see n, from outside, as being an area of great practice for global citiz enship education. We are working with the Development Education Research Centre in Lon don to explore what factors mea n that Cumbria has been consistently in the top 5 areas in England for schools engaging in the Global Learning Programme (GLP). My hunch is that there are a number of factors, including exc elle nt cluster working in the county, a culture of openness within schools that welcomes coll aboration with outside organisations, and a strong sense amongst teachers of how importa nt it is to broaden children's horizons and aspirations (and of cou rse the fact that CDEC has been working tirelessly to suppor t schools to promote and embed GC E since 1984!) This is the last yea r of the GLP, and the last chance for schools to benefit from funding that will enable you to dev elop your staff confidence and com global learning. 58% of eligible Cum petence in embedding bria schools have already been invo lved; if your school is one of the 42% you waiting for? Find out how to that hasn't, what are tap into these resources at http://gl (or contact CDEC). Work with us, and your neighbouring schools, to make Cumbria an international bea Citizenship Education! con for Global HSSL launch

Hidden Stories Shared Lives December saw our Workington launch of the Hidden Stories project where we were joined by Lord Dubs, who recounted his own experience of arriving in Britain from Nazi occupied Czechoslovakia in 1939, a 6 year old refugee on board the Kinder transport scheme, and spoke of the welcome he and others received. He expressed his appreciation for the aims of Hidden Stories saying "What I love is the project you're doing ... I think you've got something really important here."

The booklet produced for the launch "Cumbrians: Who are we?" has been well received and has attracted a number of people to enquire about HS and to volunteer.

HSSL Lord Dubs

So far we have recruited well over a dozen volunteers. The first group enjoyed an inspirational training day with Rib Davis from The Oral History Society early in January, and will complete their full training before the end of this month. With the guidance of CDEC's project officers they will begin to recruit interviewees ready to gather the stories and experiences of people who have migrated into Cumbria. A second set of volunteers will receive the specialist training soon. The recorded interviews will be summarised and carefully archived prior to the use of extracts on the project website, and as part of the exhibition. Copies of the recordings will also be deposited with Cumbria Archive Service for future researchers to consult.

Anyone who wants to help, or has a migration story to share, please contact us via the project website or call CDEC on 01539 431602.

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602


Fairtrade Wheelchair Football At the beginning of the academic year 2016/2017, James Rennie School purchase d some Fairtrade footballs. The pupils across the school were finding out how the Fairtrade foot balls are made and why it is important to buy them. This gave us an idea of propagating thes e Fairtrade footballs amongst other Fairt rade schools in Cumbria. As we are part of the Carlisle Schools Fairtrade Network, we decided to organise a football tournament and invite other networking schools to us. We also invited local pres s, CDEC, Carlisle Fairtrade and Carlisle United manager and footballers. To make it fair to ever ybody (as we had a mix of special and mainstream schools), we asked ever yone to sit in the wheelch air. The event in November was a huge succ ess! We had four other schools coming along including Lazonby CE School, Longtown Primary Scho ol, Stanwix Primary School and Newlaithe s Junior School. We started with a welcome from Kris Will Carlisle Fairtrade iams, the head teacher of James Rennie School. Anita Matwiejczyk, teacher and Fairtrade co-ordinator expl wheelchair football ained why we are meeting and then ever yone was learning how to sign ‘Fair trade Wheelchair Football’ using Mak aton as James Rennie School is a special school. We watched the video on how Bala balls are made and discuss the impo the Fairtrade rtance of supporting Fairtrade workers and talking about the benefits of being a factory. Then, we introduced Nat from Carl Fairtrade isle Wheelchair Society, who brought whe elchairs for us, draw the teams and start matches. There were no losers or winners ed the in our event! Nat had ten minutes with ever y team to practice the skills and the to use wheelchairs. The participants had ways no experience of using wheelchairs befo re, but they did brilliantly. At the end of the event, we had a huge surprise for ever yone. Keith Curle, the man ager of Carlisle United and some of his footballers, came to present the certificates. Then, there was a time to chat to footballers, take photographs and ask for autographs. Overall, it was a fun morning that ever yone enjoyed and most importantly, we supporte cause! Hopefully, more and more schools d a very important in Carlisle will purchase Fairtrade footballs for their schools!!! Anita Matwiejczk, James Rennie School from “Our kids have come back absolutely buzzing it!” nising the event. Thank you so much for orga Certificate presented at Newlaithes Junior School James Rennie School

News from the Global Schools project – a second wave of 11 teachers from 9 schools have taken on a lead role in the county for embedding Global Learning. They have received training for their Global Teachers Award and are ready to cascade their new skills and knowledge to other teachers in their own setting and in other schools nearby. These lead schools are: Jericho School Whitehaven, Ashfield Junior School Workington, Church Walk C of E School Ulverston, Silloth Primary, Seascale Primary, Brisbane Park Infant School, St Marks and St Mary’s Windermere, Great Corby Primary, Morland Area Primary. If any schools would like some free training in Global Learning and how to integrate it into their curriculum, contact and it may be possible to join in as a cascade school. CDEC has also been working hard to highlight the importance of Global Education at policy level and are encouraged that Cumbria is working towards Beacon status for Global Learning. The progress achieved through the Global Schools project and the national Global Learning Programme has put Cumbria at the top of the rankings for GL in England!

Participants with Carlisle Un ited manager and footballers

Adios! Auf Wiedersehen! 再见! Haere rā! Last term we said a sad goodbye to a valued member of our team. Paul Jenkins joined CDEC in 2013, to take the reins - temporarily - for our Global Literacy project. It was a maternity cover post, but he ended up staying three and a half years! He has supported hundreds of learners on their global education journey during that time, and I'm sure that if you were one of those learners you'll understand why he's so sorely missed at CDEC. We wish him well in his new life as Resident Teacher at the Tara Kadampa Meditation Centre in Derbyshire (!


il 2017 will se e some Cumbr fleeing the co ian communiti nflict in Syria. W es welcoming e are excited COWC to pl refugee families and honoured ay our part in to have been this resettlem delivering a FR invited by en t process. On EE twilight wo 14th March w rkshop for te ‘Preparing for e will be achers in the community co Car lisle area, hesion: refuge Through the en titled es, asylum-see workshop we king and migra hope to offer phenomenon tion’. some insights of human mig into the globa ration and re ways in which l fugees, as wel local school co l as exploring prac mmunities ca To book a plac tical n support its e, or for furthe new members r information Adrienne Gill, . please contact Carlisle One W the project co orld Centre ag ordinator, ill.cowc@goo

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

Fairtrade Fortnight Film Shows... We are excited to be hosting two community film screenings this Fairtrade Fortnight. The two documentaries, ‘The Dark Side of Chocolate’ and ‘Shady Chocolate’ are being shown, thanks to our Map Your Meal project, at Signal Films, Barrow in Furness on Saturday 4th March. The film showings will be followed by a live talk from film director Miki Mistrati, who will take us behind the scenes of cocoa production on the Ivory Coast, and Katie Carr CDEC Director who will talk about the impacts of ethical labelling and initiatives such as Fairtrade. FREE event, accompanied by free Fairtrade treats and refreshments! For further information visit

Cumbria Welcomes Italian Teachers! Ten Italian teachers visited Cumbria in October 2016 and were hosted by primary schools involved in the Global Schools Project. The visit was part of a European project which involves 10 different countries!! The aim for the teachers is to exchange ideas and practices about global and intercultural learning and for the pupils to learn about the lives of children and their communities in another country. The Cumbrian teachers are looking forward to visiting Italian partner schools next month.

“The children have had a great opportunity to make a friend from another country and they have loved it! ”

Popcorn anyone?

“Language is not a barrier to learning but a stimulus! ” ...and she learns how to make apple crumble!

Perfect pizzas with Eliana at St Mark’s, Natland.

1making soup Laura from Italy helps KS st Celebration. rve for Ghyllside School Ha

“We now have a link in another country and we fully intend to use it’’

Cumbrian and Italian teachers at CDEC , Ambleside. They look forward to meeting again in Italy March 2017 to build on their school links and learning for the future.

Fairtrade Fortnight 27th February to 12th March 2017 and schools around the county are preparing Fairtrade Fortnight 2017 is almost with us! Fairtrade campaigners g about the fact that many of the farmers and workers who to celebrate. This year’s theme is Take a Break. We’ll all be shoutin be connecting consumers with the challenges they face – all grow our food don’t earn enough to feed their families, and we'll through the medium of Fairtrade breaks! Rwandan Fairtrade coffee farmer, who will be speaking at many This year in Cumbria we shall be hosting a visit from Martha, a th in the west and to Penrith in the east. Most of her visits will functions, from Carlisle in the north, Millom in the south, Gosfor events Martha will be attending include a Fairtrade Wine be to schools, many of which have obtained Fairtrade status. Other k on 28th February; the and Cumbrian Cheeses evening at Theatre by the Lake in Keswic March, and on 10th 4th ay Saturd Fairtrade and Local Farmers’ Market in Egremont on busy! be will March Millom Fairtrade Group’s Birthday supper. She ia, she will be Because Martha is a French-speaker, everywhere she goes in Cumbr provided with interpretation. details of an event in There will be news items in the press, so watch out locally for more your area. Joe Human, Cumbria Fairtrade Network


Developing understanding and respect for other people and places! China. My name is Jackie Burley and I teach Reception,Year One and Year Two and coordinate a range of subjects, including Geography at Leven Valley C. of E. School in Backbarrow, Cumbria. I was fortunate in being able to attend the UCLan Confucius Institute China-UK cultural and educational exchange programme in November 2016. The visit proved to be extremely stimulating, informative and enjoyable. My professional development has been greatly enhanced by this experience and is already influencing my own teaching practise and adding a new cultural dimension to the curriculum in our school. It was a whistle stop tour jam packed with conferences, visits to several schools and the opportunity to visit some of the famous sights. In Qingdao, a five hour train journey from Beijing, I was partnered with two schools. Quindao Beishan Primary School which was their smallest primary school of 800 pupils, which seemed huge compared to my little rural school! I was also linked to Chun Yang International Kindergarten, a private nursery. State education doesn’t start until aged six but most children attend private nurseries. The setting, resources and equipment were impressive but it was eerily quiet on arrival as all the children were having a compulsory two hour nap whilst I enjoyed a Chinese tea ceremony. The Nursery Staff were interested to learn about ‘continuous’ provision and ongoing access to outdoor play as their approach involved all children in a class accessing an activity together.

I presented a power point of our school to the Chinese delegates, who were highly amused at the photograph of our whole school of 59 children. My images of us enjoying open water swimming in Coniston Lake were also met with surprise and I had to assure them it was not the lack of access to a heated indoor pool that led us to undertake this activity but a love of the outdoors! On return to Leven Valley the children were fascinated to find out what I’d seen and learnt so I organised a whole school topic on China. We were lucky in being able to borrow the CDEC China resource box, which formed the basis for this display and really stimulated interest and gave the children chance to see and handle artefacts for themselves. In January we held a ‘China week’ to celebrate a visit to the school from 4 Chinese teachers and their interpreter, who spent time teaching us about aspects of Chinese culture. The children also had great fun learning to count and write numbers in Chinese, tasting different Chinese teas, moon biscuits and fortune cookies, and using origami to make paper chickens for the Year of the Rooster! On the final day of ‘ China Week’ we invited friends and parents in and held a Chinese tea ceremony, displayed some of the work undertaken, Class One performed their Dragon Dance and the oldest children shared interactive presentations on China on tablets. A wonderful experience for myself and the pupils at school!

CPD Programme Highlights We have a full programme of CPD courses for the coming academic year details of which can be found on our website, and if you are involved in the Global Learning Programme you can access all our KS2/3 courses free of charge! Here are some of the courses we have on offer this term. Map Your Meal – this new course is a perfect mix of technology, geography and ethical issues this newly developed workshop is a unique opportunity to look at our food, increase young people’s awareness about global interdependencies, and the need for more sustainable food systems. 9th March 2017 British Values, Migration and Global Learning – in this course, developed from whole school training, we will explore the concept of values and the ‘fundamental British values’, and look at the links between British values, identity and migration. 23rd March 2017 Embedding Global Learning - teachers attending this course will have a better understanding of the key concepts of global learning, and – using tools such as the Development Education compass rose – be better able to identify opportunities to enhance their teaching by incorporating global learning into different subjects and topics. 28th March 2017 Show Ofsted the World - This popular course highlights the need to provide a stimulating curriculum which uses real life contexts to motivate learning. Discover what Ofsted are looking for, what evidence you need to collect and think about the impact of your current teaching and learning regarding SMSC. Take away innovative ways of delivery and consider ways of embedding SMSC and global learning as part of the school ethos. 27th April 2017

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

Registered Charity No 1156649


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