CDEC News Spring 2013

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Educating for a fair and sustainable world

CDEC is a member of the Consortium of Development Education Centres

ls! Opportunity for Cumbria Schoo Do you want to build your confidence to teach about global issues? Find new engaging contexts for literacy teaching and learning? Help build pupils’ confidence, self-esteem, and social/emotional skills? Get free teaching materials?

Then join ‘Pupils Take Action for a Fairer World!’

‘Pupils Take Action’ is the culm ination of a three year project, which has seen children and teacher s from Cumbria working with those in Poland, the Czech Republic and Ghana, to learn abo ut the global themes of food, trade, inequalities, and how to take action to reduce poverty. Our children are growin g up in an exciting but increasingly complex and global world, in which their lives are connected to people and plac es at the click of a button, or by the purchase of a chocolate bar. Children are entitled to learn about this world, and understand their role within it. We encourage children to stand up and notice, to ask critical questio ns, and to understand that they have the ability to mak e a difference. The competition ‘Pupils Take Actio n for a Fairer World!’ will challenge children to do just that – to identify an issue or an area which they think nee ds to be changed to make the world a fairer place. This cou ld be anything from challenging stereotypes to the imp act of Fair trade, from myths about poverty to raising awareness of food waste. Or it could be something closer to home, like suppor ting local food producers and craftspe ople, or the sustainability y cing Global Literac Session 1 – Introdu ckermouth Tuesday 4th June – Co e – Barrow Wednesday 12th Jun Penrith Tuesday 25th June –

of the natural environment. Wh at’s different and exciting about this project is that childre n will be enabled to see for themselves that their own sma ll contributions can actually make a difference. And by linking with children in other countries, they will be taki ng a place within a much wider community of people. Th is is your pupils’ opportunity to experience global citizenship in action! What’s involved? CDEC will be delivering FREE trai ning sessions for KS 2 teacher s to introduce the project themes, and to share classroom activities which will insp ire your pupils, and to learn par ticipatory approaches which will enable and empower them to take charge of their own projects. You will receive a free copy of our new ‘Global Literacy Challenge and Enquiry Pack’. And the competition will culminate in a final event in Janu ary/February 2014. CDEC will be able to contribute towards supply costs to attend these meetings.

tition Launch Session 2 – Compe er – Cockermouth Monday 23rd Septemb er – Barrow Tuesday 24th Septemb mber – Penrith Wednesday 25th Septe

OK NOW! O B so d e it m li re a Places

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602


- run by CDEC s ie it iv ct A m o ro ss la C Creative r 2013/14! service to schools – CDEC are launching their brand new ging and creative delivering hands-on, fun, relevant, enga room. From an learning, inside and outside of the class ation to a creative entertaining assembly about globalis of Cumbria, to a classroom session about the culture r choice, there are full day all about a Country of you from. We have many plenty of creative sessions to choose and budgets and we packages available to suit your needs run the sessions and will provide all equipment, resources, to do is join in with clear up after ourselves! All you have build on the children’s your children, enjoy the session and enthusiasm once we’ve gone! response to many Our sessions have been developed in their SMSC with Cumbrian schools performing well to explore their ed Ofst provision, but many being told by e that lie further thos as own cultures in more depth as well enship and Citiz C, afield. All of our sessions link to SMS learning, tive bora colla Global Learning agendas and use ire insp to gned desi and osity curi y - Why not tr creativity in Outside In! ilise ut at th ns io your children. these sess space you r o o d ut o r whateve urage shared have to enco tiation king skills, nego planning, thin y rk? Ideal for ke and team wo cial eas of the so work on all ar arning l aspects of le and emotiona getting dir ty! and great for

fo Brand New

our Global So, if you fancy a bit of inspiration from rent to engage your experts at CDEC, something a bit diffe eving deep and children, or maybe a few ideas for achi a look at what we meaningful Global Learning, then take uss your needs. have to offer and get in touch to disc e Classroom Let CDEC provide your Creativ dren the world. sessions and let us show your chil ral weeks, art We can help with your multicultu weeks, water weeks, and more! requirements. Please ring now to discuss your

Choose from . . .

The Culture of Cum bria What exactly is the cultur e of Cumbria? What do we thi nk of the place we live? Let’s ex plore the massively diverse nat ure of Cumbria and where our community fits in. From the mountains and lakes to the ports and people, these sessions look at the diversity on our doorstep.

irtrade han Fa t r e n h o t Fur uched s have to Lots of u t these wor k, bu e d a r ther. tr ir a F a step fu it e k ta sessions e ar ts, s that us n io s s e s engage in Fun ames to g , d n a s concepts craft ues and s lay. is p e d le a d ro n Fair tr a s n io s discus deeper

- These visible sonal n I , e l Visib explore per diver sity s session nd classroom hink we a y it we t ident h what her. A great it w g in ot star t ut each esteem, o b a know uilding self b ive way of in collaborat per to g d in g g in ee enga nd delv eally are! a g in n lear we r t who find ou

Having an Art week? Why not let us help you add a different dimension to it by getting us to run some ‘Global Art’ sessions? Creative, messy, fun and children learn a little but more about the meaning and relevance of pattern, colour, print and artwork in communities from around the world.

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602


ly - en entertainin g assembly gaging, active, Creative C indoor or o lassroom session utdoor sess 2 hour ion Class Cre ations - fu ll day sessio n Creative combo - a series of 4 sessions All material s, resources and equipm ent provide d!

Other Creative Classroom sessions include introductory studies into specific countries, perfect for studying contrasting localities, establishing a school link with another country or just wanting a different learning experience about other people and places; ‘Welcome to . . . India, Ghana, Tanzania, Laos, Caribbean’ - just some of the countries we can offer sessions about. Ask for more details.

r? rthe u f t ke i t ta not a lore o n is y p Wh Africa sions ex dispel ‘ s , r e s c u i fr a !’ O e ntry ent of A we hav u o c n s i t h con he myt nge the t ng halle e of tar ti som it and c ideal s g. t n in abou types. A al Learn o b e ster for Glo t poin

CPD at a glance . . . ‘Introduction to Forest Schools’ Our pop ular Forest Schools cour se is back for another year. If you’ ve missed out before make sure you book on this imag inative, hands-on session! 25th April or 4th June ‘Fair trade, Forests and Fells’ From the ‘Fair trade Frog game’ to giant Fair trade footprints and ‘Fruity orienteering’, this hands on session will give you plenty of food for thought! A great way of exciting curiosity in child ren about Fair trade and the environment. 30th April rning’ utdoor Lea ‘Global Teachers Award’ This cour se aims O g n li b a n to support al ‘E ce and festiv teachers in developing skills, knowledg e and practical - a conferen achers! approaches to incorporate global lear for te ning into the shop livering a work e curriculum and to support informed, de be ill w EC th active global CD organised by citizenship amongst pupils. 3rd May at two events door Learning ut Institute of O ‘Fair trade and Local’ A great way of gett ing ideas for Barrow 23rd May in teaching about local and Fair trade usin g the outdoor in Dent d 14th June classroom! Fun games and activities for n a rg children about or-learning.o Fair trade issues, respecting the environm www.outdo ent and exciting curiosity about the local and wider wor ld. 6th June ‘Philosophy for Children Level 1’ This two day cour se will give participants the basic qualification World from Our Doorstep in P4C – an approach to teaching and learning whic h helps teachers develop children’s thinking skills, improve project launch s self esteem and self confidence empowering young child ren to take control of their own learning. 6/7 June ‘Show Ofsted the World’ Ofsted want to see SMSC opportunities in ever y lesson and as part of your school ethos. This new cour se highlights the need to provide a stimulating curriculum which uses real life contexts to motivate learning. Find out what Ofts ed are looking for, what evidence you need to collect and think about the impact of your current teaching and learning regardin g SMSC. Take away innovative ways of delivery and consider ways of embedding SMS ard is a well known and C and International School Aw il unc Co tish Bri e Th Global Learning as part of the school h a strategic framework ethos. ion that provides schools wit itat red acc ted pec res 10th June ools can apply for global education work. Sch for their international and reditation when a e or Full ISA or for re-acc ‘Finding Our Voice’ This cour se provides Foundation, Intermediat a fresh approach to using Philosophy for previous ISA has expired. Children, introducing new stimuli and pany) is working with activities ation (a not for profit com oci Ass ng rni Lea bal Glo e Th ally aimed at which are adapted to engage different day training course specific pupils one a ge sta to C DE ria mb Cu gest ideas for in your classroom. 18th June. award at any level and to sug the n gai to ls oo sch g pin hel ed in an application. curriculum that can be includ the of out and in ies ivit act rnational School es can complement the Inte em sch ion itat red acc her Ot ing a Fairtrade include support for becom also l wil rse cou the so ard Aw l Award. We will also F Rights Respecting Schoo ICE UN the for and l oo Sch gramme for n on the new EU funding pro atio rm info st late the e vid pro ooms programme that Council Connecting Classr tish Bri the on and ls oo sch will be on Thursday ips fur ther afield. The course rsh tne par l oo sch rts po sup for fur ther tact Ray Kir tley (R.Kir tley@h con – rith Pen in e Jun h 20t m. details and an application for


Monday 17th June 2013, Rydal Hall 9am - 7pm

l The British Council Internationa School Award


Fairtrade Fortnight Fun! - Teabag Owl Armathwaite School

COWC FT sculpture competitio n

Car lisle Fair trade Group ran a Fair trad e Art Competition with local schools and youth organisations across Car lisle and beyond. The idea was to ‘go further’ for Fair trade using Fair trade packaging to create a piece of art wor k. This could be in the form of a painting, collage or structure. The art wor k was of a very high standard and it was clear that students had really wor ked hard on their projects. The creations went on display to the public in Tullie House for the duration of Fair trade Fortnight and were moved to the Civic Centre for Car lisle Mayor, Cllr. David Wilson to pick 3 winn ers, at a Fair trade Civic Reception. Congratulations to all involved and in particular to Irthington Village School, Richard Rose Mor ton Academ y and Jericho School who won cash prizes and Fair trade chocolate!

Jericho School, activities at a Fairtrade school – Lynn Yeo

Jericho School - ‘Rainbow’ Fairtrade This Fairtrade Fortnight the Keswick c! asti Cluster of schools was Fairtrade fant

Primary Schools got Braithwaite, Borrowdale and St Herbert’s CE ned to raise desig ities, activ of ty together to carry out a varie perate and get co-o mix, to s pupil awareness of Fairtrade, to allow fun! rade Fairt some to know each other and to have t the older pupils in Key Stage 1 visited Braithwaite School whils age groups started Key Stage 2 met at St Herbert’s School. Both then groups moved rade the afternoon with a shor t film about Fairt pendants, jigsaws, flag around a variety of activities; making Fairtrade fun with had ren and the Fairtrade logo, and the younger child ‘Messy Maps’! afternoon, learning Ever yone agreed it had been a worthwhile s from other schools. about Fairtrade whilst also working with pupil ter, St Joseph’s Meanwhile, another member of the clus Cockermouth, nd arou walk Catholic Primary School, had a the range of on data cting visiting seven shops in the town, colle , decorated visits the cising Fairtrade goods sold. As a way of publi ay in their displ to them for s pictures of feet were left in the shop nas and bana , olate choc ing windows! Sampling Fairtrade hot drink ed by enjoy ity activ —an noon chocolate was undertaken in the after of a d, roun playg the on ion, all. A final act of support was the creat foot red colou a of end one circle. Ever y child in the school held a circle of children which was then held by another child, eventually created. The was rade Fairt supporting, as well as, taking a step for however, ved, invol all by ss whole day was declared a great succe part! best the itely the tasting the hot chocolate was defin aite and St Joseph’s Braithwaite, Borrowdale, St Herbert’s, Bassenthw with CDEC and the School, Cockermouth, are all currently working ‘Fairtrade School Status’. Keswick and District Fairtrade group to achieve

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

We have had great support from CDEC as we’ve worked towards Fairtrade status and we were thrilled when we achieved it last May. We are of cour se continuing and are well on track to be successful again this year. We have held several events from Big Brew’s to Fashi on Shows. We had so much fun with our “Big Bake Off ”, the hall was standing room only! Parents baked cakes, using Fairtrade and local ingred ients. We had a huge cake stall. Sold teas and coffees. The school staff baked cakes and thoroughly enjoyed tasting and judging! We raised money to send to The Fairtrade Innov ation Fund. We run a very successful tuck shop - daily! We sell chocolate treats on Fairtrade Fridays! “A Fair Brew and a Read Through” – where paren ts come to school to read with their children and enjoy a Fairtrade cuppa! This links perfectly with “World Book Day” . We sent 2 sculptures made from Fairtrade packa ging to Tullie House Museum in Carlisle. These were judge d on Thursday 7th March at a Civic Reception hosted by the Mayor. The children were thrilled to accept third prize with their “Rainbow”!

d free n a o l n Dow rade lesso Fairt from our plans e: websit www .c

Fired up about Fairtrade?... let CDEC spark your ideas. Try our upcoming courses combining Fairtrade, local and the outdoors! 30th April and 6th June


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