Cdec news spring16

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Educating for a fair and sustainable world

CDEC is a member of the Consortium of Development Education Centres

You can show Ofsted the world! In Ofsted’s December update, we were delighted to spot recognition of the value of Global Learning expl icitly for the first time. We know that many of you already deliver great global learning as a way of embedding mea ningful SMSC provision, broadening your children's hori zons, and providing opportunities for children to learn abou t the world around them and their place in it. So the fact that this has filtered through to Ofsted is very enco uraging. (It’s also refreshing to see that inspectors won’t be asking for evidence of global learning, but that it's an oppo rtunity for you to share what you’re doing!)

Show Ofsted the World! Monday 16th May 2016 global Discover ways to embed SMSC and le whi s, learning as par t of the school etho r you meeting the many requirements of de next Ofsted inspection. Updated to inclu ish current Ofsted requirements, and Brit Values. Join us for this popular one day course, email or call 015394 31602

38% of eligible Cumbria Schools are, or have been , involved in GLP over the past three years . . . but there are still opportunit ies for signing up in the next two terms (the programme’s aim was to engage 50% of schools in England). Whether your school is just beginning its global learn ing journey, or you’d like to deepen the impact of global learning across the school community, CDEC has a wide range of resources and support.

Three ways you can develop global learning to enric h your provision: 1.

Sign up as a CDEC member and borrow our ‘Glob al Literacy Pupil Audit’ resource box, a series of partic ipatory classroom activities designed to explore and evide nce changes in children's attitudes towards global issues such as poverty, interdependence and globalisation 2. Join the Global Learning Programme and work with local schools in partnership to embed global learning (you’ll also receive £500 ecredits to spend on CDEC's CPD courses) 3. Attend our full day training ‘Show Ofsted the World!’ on Monday 16th May, and discover ways in which you can embed global learning throughout your teaching and learning, curriculum, and ethos.

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602


Call for New Lead Teachers! Global Schools: Learning for the Future Embedding Global Learning in the Primary Curriculum We are now approaching the second year of the successful international Global Schools project and have 10 enthusiastic and dedicated lead teachers set to cascade learning to approximately 100(!) other teachers in Cumbria. Great progress has also been made at policy level towards Cumbria becoming a beacon for Global Education in England. In addition, new advice to inspectors (Dec 2015), shows that Ofsted will be looking out for evidence of global learning being incorporated into all aspects of schools. We are now looking for a second phase of 10 lead teachers who already incorporate some Global teaching in the classroom and are keen to develop their experience and skills further. Why become a lead teacher? 1. Access to new, varied and exciting primary resources that provide flexible ways of integrating Global learning. You will gain confidence in the use of methodologies which are participatory and empowering. KS1, KS2 and Early Years will be covered. 2. Free CPD opportunities through training and support - boost your personal skills and understanding. This opportunity could build on from a school involvement in Global learning Project (GLP) and help develop areas of specialism in Global learning that you are interested in eg Global outdoors, P4C, values education, developing pupil voice etc. 3. You will gain the nationally recognised Global Teacher’s Award Level 1, validated by Liverpool Hope University – recognition of the commitment and skill you have as a global teacher. 4. The opportunity to make links with Italian schools. 9 other European countries are involved and we are linked with Italy. You could take the opportunity to meet Italian teachers visiting Cumbria in 2016 and make links with schools and teachers through personal contact. This is a great opportunity to strengthen your school ethos, develop a specialism and become recognised as an excellent Global School. Contact for more information.

a close we’ve had a As the European Year for Development 2015 draws to project. It was really great year of celebrating it through our Map Your Meal ria with our activities exciting to reach out to so many people around Cumb s at Rheged and in including our photo exhibition and our information stand late!). Our touring Ulverston (where folk enjoyed our yummy MYM choco beck (soon moving photo exhibition is currently at the Lakes School, Trout , and in March we will be at the to Kendal, then the University of Cumbria, Ambleside) ! there us to Kendal Food Festival, so do come and say ‘hello’ the free MYM Smartphone App, The project continues as does our work on developing le in supermarkets tested by our with an ever growing data base of food products availab the App in June and think it will be international team of researchers. We hope to launch l, especially when talking a great tool, not only in your everyday life but also at schoo e and sustainability. chang e climat rights, l about issues of food, trade, fairness, anima in our summer newsletter! More information about the App and where to find it

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

A world from our doorstep - from ideas to actions (and resources)

How do we help younger children engage with development issues? Is it possible for children aged 3 to 8 to understand ideas such as interconnectedness, sustainability and global fairness? Three years ago CDEC’s ‘World from Our Doorstep’ (WOD) project set out to explore answers to these questions through a programme of collaboration and support with infant teachers and pre-school practitioners (and a host of local producers and craftspeople). Over three amazing years, hours of collaboration and training with teachers, and a great deal of creativity, WOD has produced an extraordinary set of new resources that embed a global dimension in KS1/EYFS. The Practitioner Handbook is a practical set of over 30 lesson plans for infant teachers, compiled with our European project partners. Based on the themes of inter-connectedness, fairness and sustainability the Practitioner Handbook is a step by step guide for anyone who wants to incorporate challenging and stimulating global learning into their day to day work with young children. Three beautifully illustrated big story books have been produced alongside the Practitioner Handbook: Thea Discovers Chocolate (fairness), Meet Zogg! (Interconnectedness) and Lily's Local Picnic (sustainability), each with their own loan box available through CDEC. The Practitioner Handbook and big story books are an invaluable addition to any school’s teaching resources. For your copy contact us on 015394 31602. Practical and engaging twilight training sessions that introduce all these resources are a great way to bring them to life. For more information and booking details contact us on 015394 31602


CPD Programme Highlights P4C level 1 Foundation course

Show Ofsted the World!

16th May 2016, venue tbc

This course provides a comprehensive and practical introduction to the P4C methodology, over two days, leading to a certificate of attendance. It focuses on the theory and practice of developing communities of enquiry, and provides the opportunity to have experience of P4C as a participant and be able to reflect on its process and effects. Summer term, North Lakes area

Global Outdoor Classroom

Global Teachers Award

This course explores the opportunities to provide a stimulating curriculum which uses real life contexts to motivate learning and aims to provide ways for teacher s to embed SMSC and global learning as part of the school ethos, while meeting the many requirements of your next Ofsted inspection. Updated to include current Ofsted requirements, and British Values.

Teachers who participate in this course will be better able to use the outdoor space at their school as a powerful medium for global learning, increasing their pupils’ engagement and ability to identify interconnections between global concepts such as social justice, sustainable development and human rights. Summer term, venue tbc

This course, validated by Liverpool Hope University and endorsed by Oxfam and Think Global, aims to support teacher s in developing skills, knowledge and practical approaches to incorporate global learning into the curriculum and to support informed, active global citizenship amongst pupils. Autumn term, venue tbc

e give us a call For a full programme of training available from us pleas or visit our website,

are d OUTREACH Cumbria Cockermouth School an to ll wa ne rtnership with Sto continuing to work in Pa , ria mb r’ events around Cu provide ‘Train the Traine how d secondary schools on training both primary an bic ho biphobic and transp to tackle homophobic, ll schools. See the Stonewa language and bullying in ok bo to w ho on sessions and website for information ere erm ind at Lakes School W – upcoming training is primary schools, and in on Friday 4th March for ry 9th March for seconda Penrith on Wednesday oo ch m@cockermouths schools. Contact richards for details.

Free KS3 & 4 Climate Change resources! Downloadab le from ww w.globalsch these cross curricular re sources on change can cl imate be u integrated to sed as stand-alone top ics, or gether as par t of a drop day or half te down rm theme. T hey cover th of Human R emes ights, Social and Environ impacts of cl m e ntal imat footprints an e change, our ecologica l d critical lite racy in interp conflicting in reting formation o n climate ch ange.

Planning for September INSET days? have a range for your staff team in September we ing train iring insp e som for ing look If you’re , and embedding methodologies to curriculum planning of sessions on offer; from teaching orate your team. invig and we have something to inspire global learning through your school, king. discuss your needs and make a boo Give us a call on 015394 31602 to

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

Registered Charity No 1156649


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