Cdec news spring 15 final

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Educating for a fair and sustainable world

CDEC is a member of the Consortium of Development Education Centres

‘Our Vision for a Better World’, Pupil Conference March 2015 Our EU funded Makutano Junction project came to a fitting conclus ion in March as children from three schools attended a special Mak uta no Junction conference in Barrow. Makutano Junction is a popular Eng lish language soap opera set in Ken ya that explores global issues through the familiar and engaging medium of soap opera. Over the past two yea rs Cumbrian primary schools hav e been trialling new KS2 resources linked to episodes of Makutano. 85 children from years 4-6 attende d the event at Forum 28 with teac hers and suppor t staff. The idea of the day was to celebrate and share lear ning on Makutano Junction so far and to challenge pupils to create the ir own ‘Vision for a Better World’ to sha re back at school. The day star ted with a lively sess ion of global bingo (based on cha racters from Makutano), and moved on to screening children's fantastic film wor k, created in response to wor Junction. Children were then aske king on Makutano d what they thought about Kenya before and after watching Makutan o, sor ting their answer s into 'myths' and 'facts'. They searched for stereotypes and investigated what stereotypes people from Mak utano would have of life here in the UK. After lunch they used a diamond ranking exercise to decide what Makutano's principle development priorities should be, and then pitched the ir ideas to the Makutano Chief in front of the gro up. This led into a 'Charter for a Better World' which children created collaborati vely to take back and share in sch ool. The day concluded with the screening of a specially commissioned confere nce film, made and edited on the day, of childre n's aspirations for a bright future.

ate m li C n O p -U e s Clo s and young n is inviting school

tio The Climate Coali ose-up on in the UK to get 'cl 18 5ed ag project. people ing in their excit film rt pa ke ta d an e' climat allenging passionate about ch If your children are r them to put fo ity an opportun is is th , ge an ch e climat across to and get a message on ts ha ing ink th their er this year. ill meet in Paris lat w ho w rs de lea world k/closeup/ :// tp ht at e or m t Find ou

Go Global...

umbria C r fo y it n u t r o p ...op ols! primary scho d profile project calle

high ited to join a new ping a range of We have been inv hich aims at develo w s' ol ho Sc y ar im rning into teaching 'Global Pr bedding global lea em r d fo s ial er at m you to get involve curriculum an opportunity for be t) ill or w pp e su er r Th ou . (with and learning lp develop and trial he to , in ps ga ou gr to t ts, en ec in developm s-curricular proj ing es and exciting cros rt in a practice-shar different approach d, and even take pa ar Aw rs he ac Te l ly! the Globa rs in Trento, Ita a group of teache reciprocal visit with d out more.

d like to fin Contact us if you'

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602


The World from our Doorstep Our special project for early years, The World from our Doorstep (WO D), is now entering its 3rd and last year. Funded by the EU, WOD aims young children’s awareness of global to build themes such as interconnectedness, fairness and sustainability. In the third year of WOD we are laun ching a rolling out phase of the project in the summer term, with specially devi wor kshops and classroom materials on sed offer. Materials will include a new Prac titio ner Handbook that brings together a comprehensive body of classroom reso urces trialled both in the UK and with EU partners. The wor kshops and mat will be available free to participating erials schools in Cumbria. If you are interest ed in participating or for more details plea contact: se

The International School Award and school improv ement, Thursday 4th June 2015 A mbleside (University of Cumbr ia Cam


The Global Learning Association will be running this popular one day course in Cumbria again this Global Learning Programme can use their e-credits June. The British Council International School Award is a to pay for this course). well known and respected accreditation that provides To book a place on the course please send an email to schools with a strategic framework for their international by Friday 22nd May. and global education work. This course aims to support schools that are applying for Foundation, Intermediate or Full ISA (including re-accreditation). We will look at what is required this term at for each level and help with ideas for activities that can A new project beginning a lead par tner We will be working with support other school priorities. The course will also cover CDEC is Map Your Meal. able users to artphone app that will en other schemes that can contribute to an International in Cyprus to develop a sm how 'fair' or School Award application including the UNICEF Rights pping basket to find out scan the items in their sho nts during Respecting School Award. t for a series of public eve 'green' they are. Look ou European Year of The course will be led by experienced facilitators who 2015 (to link in with the a photo exhibition are British Council Ambassadors, assessors for the main Development) including ere the ingredients funding programmes and have worked internationally to that will lift the lid on wh rtime treat come support schools of all types. The course is suitable for for your favourite summe Autumn to the senior managers, teachers and governors who have a from, a panel debate in al food loc r particular interest in developing internationalism in the explore how and why ou fairer, me co be school. Course fee: ÂŁ120. (Schools registered with the production industry can the of nch lau and there will be a public app in April 2016.

Map Your Meal!

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

Celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight in Cumbr ia We were delighted to welcome Mr Alvaro Pop to Cumbria during Fairtrade Fortnight this year. Alvaro is from Belize, and is Chair of the Toledo Cocoa Grower s Assocation, which was the first cocoa cooperative to begin to produce Fairtrade cocoa, and has been supplying high quality cocoa beans to Green and Blacks since 1994! Alvaro was warmly welcomed in 14 schools during his hectic tour of the County, and was invited as a key speaker at the Carlisle Fairtrade Schools Conference, the Crafty Food Fair (a celebration of local and fair produce, held at the Brockhole Visitors Centre), he was guest of honour at Millom Fairtrade Group's birthday celebrations, and even managed a visit to a local dairy farm. Phew, it was quite a week. CDEC would like to say thanks to all of the children and teacher s who hosted Alvaro during the visit. Teacher Phil Marshall, from St Pius school in Barrow, said

"It was a pleasure to welcome you both to our school. The children got so much learning out of the morning and I've planned follow up lessons based on the visit". And one of their Year 1 children sent a message to Alvaro "thank you for our learning about Fairtrade; thanks for visiting us."

News from the Office We have said sad goodbyes to two members of staff last term. Gina Mullarkey has left CDEC after an incredible 14 years, and Amy, who has been a member of the team since August 2013, supporting World from our Doorstep schools, has also left (although both of them will be popping up again, as we're delighted that they will still be delivering their excellent CPD for us from time to time). In June we are welcoming two new members of staff to CDEC. Debbie Watson joins us from Ennerdale and Kinniside School, and will be working on the new Global Schools project. Debbie is passionate about creating opportunities for children to participate in excellent global learning, and is a forest schools, eco-schools, and environmental expert. Gabi Lipska-Badoti is joining us all the way from Warsaw, to lead on the new Map Your Meal project. Gabi is a global learning specialist with expertise in developing new methodologies (including P4C), supporting schools in strategic development of global teaching and learning, and creating resources. We're delighted to welcome Debbie and Gabi to CDEC!

Left: Debbie Watson Right: Gabi Lipska-Badoti

Feeling frazzle d?... Christopher Shaw is offering W ellbeing training fo staff in Cumbria. r school He uses ‘mindful m ovement’ and meditation exercis es to ‘create calm’ and foster inner resilience. For more details ca ll 01229 663 839 or see his website: www.tai-c


“Lively, practical, engaging...” CPD training, September 2015

Thursday 3rd September 2015 - Global Teachers Award. Are you a budding global teacher? Then this nationally recognised course will provide a brilliant opportunity to take your global learning practice further. The course aims to support teachers in developing skills knowledge and practical approaches to incorporate global learning into the curriculum and to support informed, active citizenship amongst pupils. £160 (or e-credits)

“Thank you for making the twilight sessions so enjoyable.”

“I've thoroughly enjoyed today and I'm excited about our Global Learning adventure.”

Friday 4th September 2015 (plus 2 follow up twilight sessions) Philosophy for Children level 1 This course provides a comprehensive and practical introduction to the P4C methodology, over one day and two twilights, leading to a certificate of attendance. It focuses on the theory and practice of developing communities of enquiry, and provides the opportunity to have experience of P4C as a participant and be able to reflect on its process and effects. £275 (or e-credits)

Tailored training for your staff team This year, more and more schools have been coming to CDEC for excellent, tailored, high impact whole-school INSET.

" Thanks very much... I honestly haven't enjoyed a course as much for a long time. It was interesting throughout"

If you're looking for a session to introduce global learning across your school and inspire and excite your colleagues, our course "Embedding Global Learning" provides a great "Really good introduction to global learning, and starts by exploring session: practical and celebrating what you're already doing. Our full examples, good theory. day course 'Show Ofsted the World' gives a really Relaxed but pushed/ indepth look at how global learning can contribute to challenged as SMSC development (recently updated with a critical look appropriate" at 'British Values'). Or if you're wanting to refresh P4C, why not ask about our two hour sessions on P4C, that can focus on P4C in the outdoors, P4C with diverse learners, or Philosophy for Global Citizenship. If you can't find quite what you're looking for on our website: events-cpd/ whole-school-training/ get in touch and we'll see what we can do!

"Lots of brilliant resource ideas"

Lost at Sea

There are some great tea ching resource links and discussion ideas on recent tragic events in the Mediterran ean plus an excellent piece fro available, m Hans Rosling at Gapminder

Schools registered with the Global Learning Programme can use their e-credits to pay for any of our courses. If your school is interested in registering on the programme please visit

‘Why Boat Refugees Don’t Fly’.

Find out more at http://globaldimension.o item/20155 CDEC is a member of the Consortium of Development Education Centres

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

Registered Charity No 1156649


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