Cdec news summer 13

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SuMMER 2013

Educating for a fair and sustainable world

CDEC is a member of the Consortium of Development Education Centres

gs big lottery and Eu funding brin the World to our Doorstep! In June we successfully launche d our brand new global learning project for early years and infants, the World from our Do orstep! Fourteen practitioners from across Cumbria joined the CDEC team at Rydal Hall for an inspiring day exploring ways to inco rporate global learning into our day to day work with young children. The World from our Doorstep explores three main learning themes: the concep t of interconnectedness (local glob al links), sustainability, and fairness (through Fairtrade). It will do so using a range of stimulat (story books and topic boxes), ing learning resources approaches such as storytelling , outdoor/experiential learning, Follow the progress of the pro and enquiry. ject via our website www.worl, whe download free activity ideas to sup re you can also port Meet Zogg, our beautifully illustrated big storybook about an alien who comes from a plan et made entirely of other people' s discarded rubbish. This event also represented the culm ination of a year of work funded by a Big Lottery ‘Awards for All’ grant, which enabled us to work with a group of early years practiti oners in Barrow in order to lay the foundations for this project. We are ver y grateful to the Big Lottery Awards for All for funding the development of 10 new resourc e boxes (see below)... we think they ’re the new highlights of our loan collection! s


Our new range of resource boxes are designed to introduce young children to global learning. These boxes are aimed at supporting early years and infant practitioners in Cumbria to engage young children critically and creatively with the diverse world around them, both locally and globally.

g Appreciatin the World focussing on aspects of waste sustainability, cl and recy ing.


which enables ch ildren to develop an understanding of the concept of shared responsibility and th benefits of undert e aking activities together.

Same and Different

to deve lo feed ch p and ildren’s curiosit y ab the wor out near an ld, d far.

brings the concept of diversity alive through activities that develop empathy, understanding and respect.

The resource boxes include opportunities for play based, creative and thinking activities, both indoors and outdoors, and link to themes such as food, transport, homes, games around the world, people and places. They contain activity sheets, attractive supporting resources, artefacts, story books and other texts from around the world. Get in touch to find out about CDEC membership and borrowing from our classroom resources!

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

Explor the Woing rld

The boxes include:


ild supporting ch eness ar aw p lo to deve ncept about the co ugh ro of fairness th ning. ar le experiential


Cumbria Primary Curriculum Conference, 22nd October CDEC will be appearing again at the Primary Curriculum Conference, at the Castle Green Hotel in Kendal, on Tuesday 22nd October. Come and join us for our workshop entitled ‘Global Literacy - a real, relevant and engaging framework for literacy learning’, or find us on our exhibition stand. We’re really looking forward to seeing keynote speaker Robin Alexander. Book your place on the conference through SLA Online or directly with Traded Services, course code LIS07.

“A very good and inspiring introduction which makes me and hopefully my staff want to learn modere”.

All change at CDEC!

Last summer we said ‘goodbye’ who joined to Beki Cosh, Global Education Officer tivity are going to be CDEC in 2006. Her passion and crea has taken part in sorely missed at CDEC (any of you who te this!) but we one of her training cour ses will apprecia will be able to are pleased to say that Cumbria schools . her new role is continue to benefit from her support.. Programme. as Local Advisor for the Global Learning d CDEC as a Welcome to Paul Jenkins, who has joine will be who and er, new Global Education Offic acy Liter al Glob our supporting schools through is and ner, titio prac project. Paul is an expert P4C ugh thro ols scho a familiar face, known to Cumbria his previous wor k with Creative Partnerships. who joins We also welcome Amy Boud to CDEC, year s early g ortin supp be will us in September, and rld from and infants practitioners through our ‘Wo ced rien expe an is Amy our Doorstep’ project. titioner, prac ation educ l outdoor and environmenta also a is (She . tivity crea with heaps of energy and e for mad she film this talented musician! Check out s ction Refle our neighbours, Windermere

Paul Jenkins

Amy Boud

Introduction to Fairtra

vant le re l, a re a y c ra e it l l a glob for rk o w e m a fr g in g a g n e d an literacy learning CDEC’s project ‘global literacy’ is now in its third and final year.

MAkE A bECOM DIFFERENC E E A TR This yea uSTEE r saw W ... endy Rid Riches a le

y, M nd CDEC T Francesca Smith argaret r ustees retire as - we wo thank yo uld like to u to the sa m all for over the their sup y yea por t Mason M rs, and would lik e to welc innitt as a new tr ome We still ustee th have vac is year. ancies fo you’re in r Tr ustee ter s so strategic ested in influenc ing CDE if direction C’s in the fu contribu ture, and ting to r eal chan transitio ge in c n to future co wards a fair and hilden’s nta sustainab le E: office@ ct us! T: 01539 4 31602 .uk

We will be working with 30 schools across the county, supporting them with training and resources, which bring to life global learning and the global themes of food, poverty, and interdependence. We are delighted to announce our fantastic new Challenge & Enquiry Pack for teachers, which introduces 42 brand new classroom ideas, incorporating P4C, challenge and enquiry based learning, and participatory classroom techniques...each one is designed to contribute to literacy outcomes. The pack is available online at or contact us to find out about availability of hard copies.

** At the time of going to press, we still have a few free places on this project. Contact us to find out more! **

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

ground breaking national global learning Programme launched This September will see the off icial launch of the ground breaki ng national global learning Programme which offers schools the opportunit y to develop and enhance their teaching of globa l issues and international devel opment; enhance pupils’ critical thinking and aw areness of the world around the m; and provide a structure for delivering a creati ve global curriculum.

Armathwaite Community School and Hawkshead Primary School have been selected as GLP Exp ert Centres that will act as hubs for good practice to provide local, peer-led training and support for teachers. From September these Expert Centres will be recr uiting prim ary and secondar y Partner Schools to develop expertise in global learning which will also give them access to e-cr edits to spend on their CPD needs (including many of CDEC’s courses). Armathwaite Teacher, Jane Yates says, “We are delighted to be selected to lead the Global Learning Programme for the Nor th of Cumbria. There is an excellent

track record of Global Learning in Cum bria through international school linking, Fairtrade Scho ols and other development education projects and we look forward to working in collaboration with schools to further develop and share this expertise.” Schools all over England are signing up to this new Programme to be part of a national and local network of like-minded teachers. Register now by contacting your GLP Local Advisor Beki Cosh at rebecca.cosh or on 07715 044 086. More details abo ut GLP are available at k/glp

Thinking Together None of us is as smart as all of us - at least that’s the thinking behind CDEC’s Community Philosophy Programme in Ambleside Primary School. Funded through the National Lottery the programme aimed to build positive links within the community, to promote confidence to ask questions and develop understanding. The weekly after-school sessions, which ran from autumn to summer term this year, were attended by pupils from KS1 and KS2, as well as by parents, toddlers and staff. They provided a space for young (and older) people to meet, share insights and explore ideas that built on each other’s understanding. Mid way through the programme children visited the Evergreens Club in the Ambleside Parish Centre to meet with older community members and to take a look at how learning has changed over the years. The following week 24 members of the Evergreens were welcomed to school for a special lunch and guided tour, which was followed by a mixed age enquiry and WWII reminiscence session. Members of the Evergreens took up the invitation to join pupils in weekly after school enquiries, and built a strong relationship with the group. One parent told us how she appreciated the P4C group: “I have learned how much I love to share my children’s experience with them, and remembered what it feels like to explore these kinds of questions, because when I became a mum the practical things that I do for my family began to take over from what I think.’

“...extremely worthwhile and fulfilled my requirements”. Thinking of Linking

Contact us to discuss P4C in your school.


“excellent, clear, well organised”. Fairtrade, Forests & Fells!

January INSET - availability! Are you looking for ideas for the January INSET day? We offer a range of sessions for INSET days from ‘off the shelf’ packages based on our open courses to bespoke days based around individual school needs. Contact us now to discuss your requirements.

10 Reasons to become a CDE C Member... 1. Fantastic topic boxes about countries near and far, like India, Kenya, Ghana and many more 2. Amazing RE topic boxes on Islam, Hinduism, Christianity and lots more... 3. Display your CDEC membership certificate to show the world you care about the world! 4. Fabulous themed boxes from Toys Around the World to Water, Recycling and Sustainability... 5. The chance to win fab Fairtrade or exciting environment prizes in our termly draw 6. Discount on the cost of any CDEC twilight or full day courses

7. Keep ahead of the global game with our termly e-newsletter packed with info, free classroom resources etc 8. Over ONE THIRD of Cumbria primary schools are already members. Why aren’t you? 9. We will always try to arrange personal delivery of boxes by a member of the CDEC team (we often meet in car parks, or deliver direct to schools) and if we can’t we have an agreement with a local courier for discounted rates to get boxes to and from your setting 10. Unbeatable CDEC customer service!

Inspiring CPD from September! CDEC’s inspirational and high-qu ality CPD courses for teachers continue for the next acad emic year. Our CPD programme for 2013 - 14 has been revamped and as well as some of the old favourites such as Forest Schools Skills and Fairtrade we are offe ring some exciting new courses: ‘Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover’, ’Engaging Classrooms’ and ‘Rai sing Achievement through Dialogic Learning’… Our highlight for the year? Show Ofsted the World, a new cour se designed in collaboration with an ex-Ofsted inspecto r , highlights the

ant v e l e r “fun and hands “ver y to share good e and on experience c practi r what as well as ea also h Ofsted useful handouts y exactl t!” and relevant wan documentation” Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

need to provide a stimulating curriculu m which uses real life contexts to motivate learning. Join us on 27th January or 10th June to find out what Ofsted are looking for, what evidence you need to collect and think about the impact of your curr ent teaching and learning regarding SMSC. Alternatively, we can offer this, and man y of our other cour ses as twilight or full day INSET train ing (we still have availability for the 3rd January).

“good gu ida and a gr nce ea chance t t share pr o a and kno ctice wled of SMSC ge ”


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