CDEC Newsletter September 2014

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summeR 2014

Educating for a fair and sustainable world

CDEC is a member of the Consortium of Development Education Centres

Inset on Global Learning at Dent Ce Primary school Leads to Innovative Curriculum Development Back in September 2013 CDEC led an inspirational (and fun) INS ET training day in Dent for the aims in mind: staff with three key 1. To raise awareness about Glo bal Learning and Global Citizenship with the staff in an engaging and 2. To develop a more informed non-threatening way; and holistic approach within the curriculum towards Global Learnin school to become active global citiz g and help pupils in ens – rather than pupils who wer e involved in one off charity fund 3. Use Global Learning as a cro raising events; ss curricular tool to develop per sonal and social development, and choice, helping them to find their to increase pupil voice with regard to global issues. The day was totally tailored to our needs, was hands on and practica l and was facilitated at just the right level to relax the staff as none of us felt like experts at the star t of the day. During the INSET day, time was give n for staff to examine our existing curr iculum map with a view to extendin g ideas and themes with a Global Lea rning twist. The day was just the catalyst we needed to develop a more creative curriculum which had Global Lea rning and citizenship at its heart and developed an enquiry base to lear ning across many subjects. One of the key differences for us was the eng agement shown by all the pupils whe n we learnt in this way. Audits on Glo bal Learning were carried out with the pupils to get a base line for their current understanding and learning and throughout the year literacy, art, dram a, geography, history, assemblies, music and even grammar homewo rk all picked up on global learning . In Februar y the pupils had a Global Learning day (led by CDEC) which was centred around equality and what it means to be fair. At the end of the day the pupils came up with several questions which they wanted to spend time more investiga ting. One was: What worries you about the futu re? This question was initially explore d through art with issues such as global warmin g, pollution, animal extinction and helping to protect the world. Year’s 5 and 6 then des igned and made sculptures using recy cling materials which represented their concerns for the world, whilst endangered anim als were researched in guided reading, protest songs written and performed in mus ic, animal patterns studied in art and explana tion texts written in literacy. Three pupils represented the school at a global learning conference called “Pupils Take Action” later on in the term where they mixed with pupils from all over Cumbria who shared how they were going to become better global citizens. On returning to scho ol the children made an action plan for the future called “Children Take Charge”, wro te an article in the school magazine, did a presen tation to the whole school , wrote to our monthly local area magazine and gave a pre sentation to the Governors so that funding could be delegated to this important area of learning. The journey has begun … the pupils are finding their voice and are lear ning how to use it wisely.

Nicky Edwards, Head, Dent CE Primary School

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602


Zogg receives warm Cumbrian welcome! The World from Our Doorstep proj ect is in full swing and Zogg, our frien dly alien character, has been warmly welcomed by all of the project schools and nurseries! Zog g has joined in with activities such as tree planting, stor y-telling, scavenger hunts and junk mod elling with 3-8 years old earthlings from schools in Barr ow and Carlisle. Holy Family Catholic Primary School devoted an entire week to lear ning with Zogg, creating toys from rubb ish, role plays on the theme of ‘cooperation’, and philo sophy sessions on a ‘One World’ them e. Teachers are finding that Zogg can be a catalyst for developing positive attitudes and values in the children. For example at Raughton Head CE School, they are takin g it in turns to take him home, showing real motivati on to look after him well and be a good host, and lear ning important lessons in social awareness and empathy . The project has inspired teachers to make changes too, with the team at Inglewood Infan t School working together to integrate global learning throughout their curr iculum. Kingmoor Infant School recently took the opportunity to book CDEC for a ‘Creative Classrooms’ day with a World from Our Doorstep theme. Children experienced a whole day of activities on the theme of learning about and looking after our hom e on Planet Earth, before coming together for a whole school rendition of the Zog g Song! The day can be booked by any school or nursery to help kick start your global learning with Early Years and Infants. Contact us on 015 394 31602 We are moving into an especially exciting phase of the project as schools start to link up with local food producers and craftspeople to bring to life project themes of fairness and sustainability from a local perspective. We have a wide range of folk getting ready to share their work with young children and their parents, from farmers and bakers to coppice wor kers, wood carvers and spinners. This will give us a local pers pective to build on in the autumn when we start to look at Fairtrade issues through the eyes of The a the travelling teddy bear!

“the children were fascinat ed by Zogg and wer e really intere sted to share everythi ng they knew about our local envi ronment with hi m. It also seemed to bring hom e to them how im portant it is to lo ok after our own planet rather th an allow it to beco me like Zargo t.”

a bit “We’re all ally; re like Zogg ks a he just loo ” bit funny

uld all “I think we sho r to try much harde h other get on with eac es us because it mak smile more”

Barrow Young Researchers Our Young Researchers project with 10 Young Researchers from 5 Barrow primary schools for Inspiring Barrow reached a successful culmination before Easter. The group learned about research, devised their own questionnaire and collected data about the impact of Inspiring Barrow from 274 people. They attended an exciting residential weekend at The Kepplewray Centre in Broughton to interpret the data and to compile their findings before presenting back to the Inspiring Barrow Steering Committee at the end of March.

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

Global Literacy for a Fairer World! ‘Pupils take Action’ conference

conclusion with a 'Pupils take Global Literacy project to a fitting r yea 3 our t ugh bro also term the spring ning 'Challenge and enquiry Pack' successfully trialled the award win ing Hav . rith Pen in nce fere con Action' attended the one day conference r 70 students from around Cumbria ove r, yea t last the ing dur ols scho in 30 a fairer world and celebrated wha actions they had taken for making red sha y the s. her teac ir the with would go next. they had learned and where they on to an excellent to make this event such a fitting culminati gy ener and time sted inve who yone download from the A big thank you to ever ' is available now from CDEC or as a free pack iry Enqu and e lleng 'Cha ing winn year's wor k. The award a shor t film made at the conference CDEC website, where you can also see elebration-conference-12th-march/

Go Global at Lakes school

The world is changing! The food we eat, new technology, changing weather patterns, the need for sustainable sources of energy to power our homes and lifestyles...all of these issues present unique challenges for future generations. CDEC has been working with the Lakes School to involve year 5 pupils from local primary schools in exploring the challenges of the future. More than 80 pupils from Year 5 arrived at the Lakes School on 22nd May, and took part in a range of short sessions looking at global issues, such as human rights, migration, Fairtrade, water, and the environment. Supported by a team of Young Global Leaders (current Year 7 students) they were then given the opportunity to give advice to Mr Cunningham, the Headteacher, on how they see Lakes School transforming to respond to future challenges.

al ing Globy n in w d r a w Buy the aChallenge & Enquir Literacy Publishers Award Silver 2014) free at download pack (GA 5394 31602 or php on 01 ry-pack. by contacting us hallenge--enqui /c om .c ite as ol racy.y http://global-lite

CDEC has been sp reading its wings! In April we were inv deliver part of a we ited to ek long training cour se on ‘New Particip Methods for Global atory Citizenship Educati on’, organised by O and held in Arezzo xfa m , Italy. The 11 parti cipants were a grou teachers and globa p of l educators represen ting eight different countries. CDEC’s European Director, Katie Carr, who delivered the said “It was a privileg course, e to be invited to wo rk with such enthus practitioners from iastic across Europe, to lea rn from them, and the opportunity to have share some of the great work we’re do with schools in Cu ing in mbria. Hopefully so m e of them will be introducing elemen ts of CDEC’s Glob al Literacy program and P4C, back in th me, eir own settings.”

Resources to support the new Geography curriculum We’ve been very busy this summer adding extra resources to our collection to support the new Geography curriculum. Look out for our fantastic new Brazil & the Amazon Rainforest, Peru and Central & South America boxes packed full of stimulating activities and resources to enhance your teaching in the classroom. If you’re a member of CDEC and would like to reserve these or any other boxes in our collection simply give us a call or email


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Lakes and Landscapes Resources

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! ! ! ! ! !! ! & & ! ! ! !! ! !! !

! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! s hlight !! Hig e m ! Program ! ! ! ! !

!manage ! ! ! ! ment ! ts in! the School ! !ul applican ! && successf & & payment for & ! !Partner ! ! ! ! !strand. The ! ship ! ! afternoo n session will be dedicated to ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! program ! ! Classro ! ting ! Connec oms !!Council ! me which ! British ! the ! support s school partner ships outside of Europe with a strong ! ! ! ! ! ! themes ! ! Citizens Global ! ! ! is! on hip ! emphas . Schools attending this !

! ! & &! ! & ! ! !! ! ! !

! &Global ! ! ! & ! ! & Teachers Award Level 1, & ! & ! !! ! ! & ! ! & ! ! !! ! ! ! Penrith && ! ! !! ! ! ! ! or ! ! ! ! ! Kendal ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! 9am – !4pm, 7th October ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! Literacy for a Fairer World! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Global ! ! ! !9.30am ! ! ! – !4pm, Penrith 21st October ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Broadening ! ! Global ! ! ! ! ! !! Horizons: Geography! & the


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! P4C tbc ! !Level 1, venue ! !day)! ! ! 5th January 2015 (full ! ! ! ! ! ! sessions) 5th, 12th & 19th! March (twilight ! !




! school. We will suggest exemplar projects throughout and the


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& & & & & & We offer a full and inspiring CPD programme as well as! ! ! ! training for! schools. twilight or full day!! INSET Please call us to talk through your needs or to make a! booking. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Cumbria Development Education ! ! ! ! ! Centre ! ! ! Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB Tel/Fax: 015394 31602 Registered Charity No 1156649 !

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Then why not book some training with CDEC? A number of our open courses are approved through the Global Learning Programme (just look for the GLP logo), plus we can offer these sessions and many more as whole school training.








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! organise, just! give us! a call to !discuss your needs. ! It’s easy to

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GLP School? Need to use your e-credits by December?



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For of courses and other ! ! a full !programme ! ! CDEC please visit our training available from website.


course will also include an input from Cumbria DEC. Our GLA facilitato rs are assessors for both programmes. Schools may opt ! ! for! either session at £60.00 per participant or attend for the ! ! ! day ! whole ! for £120.00. To pre-register please send an email to Ray Kirtley ( Please include the name of ! the school but we do not need to know the name of the teacher attending at this stage.




! ! ! ! ! Dimension, Whitehaven or Workington ! ! ! !November 1pm – 4pm, 18th ! ! !through! Show! Ofsted the ! ! World! SMSC global learning, Carlisle ! ! ! ! ! ! 3rd! December 9.30am & & – 4pm, &&

part of the course may already be working with a partner




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