Cdec news summer 16

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Educating for a fair and sustainable world

CDEC is a member of the Consortium of Development Education Centres

Learning without borders As for many people, both in the UK and outside, I listened to the news on the morning of June 24th with a maelstrom of emotions, including shock, devastation, sadness, loss, confus ion, alienation. The implications of the so-called ‘Brexit’ referendum have turned out to be far deeper and more compl ex than the media and politicians of both sides of the campaign seemed to realise. The terms of the campaigns were very narrow, focused mainly on discussion of economic implications of being a member of the EU, and characterised by fear; fear of ‘others’, of insecur ity, and of lack of sovereignty. And the result has precipitated a worrying legitimisation of previously hidden narrow-mindedness, racism and nationalist thinking, with reports of increased racial discrimination, and even incidents in primar y schools in Cumb ria. The inspiring vision of Europe as history’s most successful peace and solidarity project has been one that has been significant in its absence, and it feels all the more important that those of us involved in global learning in school s continue our work with enthusiasm and commitment. Regardless of the politics of the day, the reality of the future that our children will be part of is going to include increasing globalisation, cultural diversity, and environmental challenges. Far from being a scary reality, this is an exciting future, full of oppor tunities for connecting with people and places around the world, and making a real difference. It’s so important that children are given the oppor tunity to explor e sensitive and complex issues in a ‘safe’ space for dialogue, in which they can engage critically with the messages they hear in the media and elsewhere, and build hopefulness and resilience and a strong sense of global solidarity. In one of our INSET s in September, we explored ways in which the ‘British Values’ agenda can be a fantastic oppor tunity to explore these issues, and ways in which global learning methodologies such as P4C can help children to develo p critical thinking for global citizenship. We feel privileged to be working with teachers in Cumbria and across Europe who are Italian dedicated to providing the best global education oppor tunities possible for the children with exchange whom they work. We received a deluge of inspiring emails – from teachers and partners – on achers come te 24th June, summed up well by this one from a teacher: “We cannot at present know what all the ramifications of this decision will be, but I want to assure you that to Cumbria this will only make me more determined to see to it, as far as I possibly can, that the young people this autumn! with whom I work develop open minds and look to making connections with people all over the world, in a spirit of friendship and cooperation.” Keep up the good work! Katie Carr

World’s Largest Lesson 2016

Trivia Quiz

, then try this lovely little trivia Want to test your knowledge on things eco? quiz from Global Action Plan HQftl?utm_source=Global

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

Join other schools around the world from 18th September and ta ke part in the Wor ld’ s Largest Lesson to teach ch ildren about the Su stainable Global Goals (SDG ’s) and what they can do to help achieve them . Access some grea t resources, lesson plans and a shor t film from http://worldslarges tlesson.globalgoals .org/


Global Schools: Learning for the Future ry Curriculum Embedding Global Learning in the Prima What skills do we need for the future?

Why sign up?

Following the Brexit decision, the Global Citizenship skills that young people need to navigate their way to a just, peaceful and sustainable future have become even more important. Read on to find out how Cumbria is doing so far!

For you - Access to new, varied and exciting primary resources that provide flexible ways of integrating Global learning. You will gain confidence in the use of methodologies which are participatory and empowering. KS1, KS2 and Early Years will be covered.

We are now well into the second year of our successful international Global Schools project. Our first group of 10 talented lead teachers have been developing their skills within their own schools and have involved over 100 new teachers in global learning through cascade training. Two of them, Geoff from Longtown Primary and Carol from Kirkoswald will attend an International Seminar in Italy this September called ‘Educating for Global Citizenship’ where they will meet teachers from the 9 other European countries involved in the project. It will be a great opportunity to share practical teaching approaches and ways to develop global citizenship skills with children. Look out for updates from the conference on the new website

Still to come . . . Free training We have just enrolled the second cohort of 12 enthusiastic lead teachers. They have started their training to gain the Global Teachers Award and will be rolling out cascade training to another 80 teachers in Cumbria. They are looking for teachers (to start Spring 2017) who would like to develop skills and expertise in including Global Learning in their primary teaching.

- Free CPD opportunities through training and support - boost your personal skills and understanding. This opportunity could build on from a school involvement in Global Learning Project (GLP). For your school – - This is a great opportunity to strengthen your school ethos, develop a specialism and become recognised as a Global School. - Your school profile will be raised by taking part in larger Global Citizen events organised with lead teachers and CDEC. - Children’s learning will be enhanced by new approaches and creative ways of integrating global aspects in the curriculum – to become global citizens! If your school would like to receive some free twilight training to start you on the global learning road, then contact and I will put you in touch with your nearest school.


Cumbria – a beacon g! for Global leatathernPHin A summer

hlighted Global Schools was hig head Rheged this year where learning conference at rk and impressed by the wo teachers were inspired el mmitment at policy lev already done and the co al ming a beacon for Glob towards Cumbria beco ‘experts group,’ including Learning in England. An is SL and head teachers, members from LA, CA r. the fur s ss thi being formed to progre

In October, Cumbr ia will be hosting 10 Italian te achers for 5 days who will be bringing an Italian flavour to our lead schools and then in March 2017 our Cumbrian teachers will be visiting Italy. Exciting global learning ideas are presently being pla nned by both sets of teachers to introduce their schools and ch ildren to each other!

ss! ucation to find up Hot off the pre p://www.globalschools.ed resources ls international website htt oo useful teaching Go to the new Global Sch next 2 years, you will find the r ove ing ow Gr t. jec a look at a latest example to date news of the pro nslated into English! Take tra lly pfu hel also , ies ntr and ideas from 10 cou about hunger and pover ty. rs /KS1 introducing ideas Yea ly Ear for d lan Ire m fro arly-years.pdf.pdf du/food-hunger-rwanda-e s/e rce sou s/re file re/ cai tro es/

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

Growing our own Young Global Leaders Central to global citizenship education is the idea of supporting young people to have a voice, to learn about the ways in which they can directly impact on the world around them, and help to improve the lives of people and planet. Developing 'global leadership' as a mindset as well as a set of explicit life skills is central to CDEC's work in schools, and we've been putting it into practice this summer, with an inspirational group of children from across Furness. The prestigious 'Future Leaders Academy' in Barrow is the brainchild of local MP John Woodcock. The three week summer school, now in its third year, gives year 5 children from around 14 Furness schools a chance to explore what being a leader means, to try out their own leadership skills and to develop their confidence before going into year 6. With three weeks of fun packed challenges and activities, including orienteering and 'zorbing' (bubble football) children were given responsibility to research and run their own social action campaigns and to organise and run their own Celebration event for sponsors and parents at the end of the three week Academy. CDEC led the 'campaigners' half of the group, introducing children to ideas about global leadership qualities, exploring how we can lead our self, other people and the world as a whole. They ventured into their local environment to gather ideas for campaigns, and made inspiring visits to the University of Cumbria and Furness General Hospital during their research. The campaigns they designed and led were an awareness raising campaign, promoting active lifestyles, and a fund raising campaign supporting local homelessness charity, Furness Homeless Support Group. A small group visited CanDo Fm, tried their hand at local radio broadcasting and created their own campaign radio advert. Others took on the challenge of handing out fliers that they had created to members of the public in Tesco, Barrow. Many visibly grew in confidence as a result, saying 'I didn't think I could do it before we went to Tesco, but having tried it now I'm confident that I can'. If you want to find out how activities such as running campaigns, pupil-led research, and participatory teaching and learning approaches can help your children to develop as 'young global leaders', call us on 015394 31602.

Our Map Your Meal app is here!

n was successfully launched in After months of preparations the MYM app testing versio the Elephant Yard Shopping Centre. Kendal this summer with a day of fun and learning at to The app (free to download from app stores) helps us see the environmental and social impacts of the food we behind eat. Scanning a product barcode allows shoppers to see ed the brand and package, and hopefully supports more inform n, animal choices. If you are into the topic of ethical consumptio is a welfare, labour rights or climate change etc the MYM app perfect tool to support your work and make learning more many attractive, fun and relevant. It is also a great way of linking global of s notion the ng standi under global issues and interconnectedness and sustainability. s store The MYM team can be met on selected days in Booth use of the s blend which e in Kendal. You can also book a cours ct conta details more app. For modern technologies and ethical issues with the MYM, or visit our gabi@ inator coord t projec MYM our or facebook page to keep up to date with what’s happening.


s Hidden Stories – Shared Live to the Heritage ed to hear that our application Earlier this year we were delight 18 month project is called new was successful. The on rati mig on ject le and Copeland. pro a for d Lottery Fun es across South Lakeland, Allerda niti mu com h wit e plac s take and of Cumbria, 'Hidden Stories - Shared Lives' explore the cultural heritage map will ries Sto den Hid , ers nte by volu pe our identity. Coordinated by CDEC and led ing and going of people that sha com the bria Cum in on rati of mig gathering and sharing the story ration, including an audit of existing resources on historical mig into arch bria rese with ber tem Sep in orical movement of people in Cum Hidden Stories began s. The research will map the hist eum mus n bria Cum in held s migration related item sent day. ans and Vikings down to the pre through the ages, from the Rom nteers to research and uit and train adult oral history volu recr will ' ries Sto den 'Hid ber be brought together in After publically launching in Novem Allerdale and Copeland. These will es, Lak th Sou in ies stor on rati mig collect contemporary Cumbrian the ue oral history archive that will form the spring of 2017 to create a uniq ries Sto g exhibition. The Hidden backbone of an innovative travellin also spaces across the county. We will exhibition will visit libraries and civic for s urce reso in 2017, and create learning run free wor kshops for teacher s tity. iden and on and the themes of migrati schools based on the exhibition th ween CDEC, AWAZ Cumbria, Sou The project is a par tnership bet th land - A Secret Histor y and Sou Lakeland District Council, Cumber t grea a is ries Sto den tnership. Hid Lakes Equality and Diversity Par we ut who we are today and where abo re mo out opportunity to find ahead to volunteer, register an interest come from. Anyone who wants ary tion about historical or contempor of the launch or who has informa the project manager, migration in Cumbria can contact Paul Jenkins, at CDEC, paul@cdec

How well do you involve children in the decisions that affect their lives?

CPD Programme Highlights We have a full programme of CPD courses for the coming academic year details of which can be found on our website , and if you are involved in the Global Learning Programme you can access all our KS2/3 courses free of charge! Here are some of the new courses we have on offer this year. Global Maths, Global Literacy, Global Science – in each of these twilight sessions we explore ways in which to integrate global learning into the curriculum while inspiring young children to connect with the world around them. Each session can be booked individually, or why not attend all 3 at a discounted rate. Starting 11th October with Global Maths British Values, Migration and Global Learning – in this course, developed from whole school training, we will explore the concept of values and the ‘fundamental British values’, and look at the links between British values, identity and migration. 2nd Februar y 2017 Start Global! Global learning with young children - join us for this great new KS1/EYFS course. Discover practical activities and resources for engaging young children in learning about the world around them. 16th Februar y 2017

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

Registered Charity No 1156649

Youth- or child-led research is an important ingredient of global citizenship education, because it is underpinned by the assumption that young people can be effective agents of change, both in their own personal trajectories, but also through having positive impact on their (local and global) communities. Between February and June this year we ran our third youth-led research project for Inspiring Barrow, called ‘Furness Futures’. This was delivered by students from Furness College, and the online survey they designed looked at student attitudes to resilience and to learning both in and out of school. They researched which factor s might affect resilience or ‘stick-ability’ in learning. The survey questions they designed were checked over by a focus group of Furness Academy Students before being answered on-line by 225 pupils from years 7-11 at the Academy. The results show students have a strong and healthy interest in learning, both within and out of schoo l. There was a preference for learning deemed helpful ‘in real life’, reflected in marginally greater levels of resilience repor ted for learning out of school than school based learning. Interestingly the majority of respondents believe their learning resilience is not a fixed quality but something that can grow, and they cite positive teacher/peer feedback and family support as the main factor s impacting on resilience.


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