CDEC News Winter 2014

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WInTER 2014

Educating for a fair and sustainable world

CDEC is a member of the Consortium of Development Education Centres

m! lu u ic rr cu ew n e th d an ... 14 20 e Welcom Elsewhere in this newsletter you can read about the work which is happening in Cumbria schools as part of the groundbreaking Global Learning Programme - Eng land. At CDEC, we’re hugely excited to be delivering services and support to schools as part of this initiative, because it represe nts a strong message from the Department for International Development. For the first time, nationally, the Gover nment is advocating that learning about the wider world, how we’re connected to other people and places, learning about social justice and inclusive sustainability, are all cru cial for our children if they are to successfully address the cha llenges of the future. Not only that, they are ‘putting their mo ney where their mouth is’, and funding this learning for up to 50% of schools. However, the same cannot be . said for the Department for y satisfied r e Education. Let me reassure you that V “ this isn’t in just another article condemning the new curriculum, decrying the Best CPD senseless narrowing of this country ’s take on ‘education’, expressing out 2013!” ark backward step that has been take rage at the n in the ‘traditional’ approach to teac hing Hist icarage P ory, and lamenting the fact that what teachers know is goo Teacher at V endal d practice in involving children in thei r own l, learning and making it real and relevant to their own lives Schoo K seems to be sidelined! Amongst Cumbrian teachers and school leaders, there is a spectrum of opinions on the new curriculum, from “Well, teachers will just carr y on doing what they’re doin g and ignore it. There’s likely to be anyway” to “People don’t realise it, a new government soon but this curriculum is a huge opportu nity for schools to redefine what they ’re doing.” CDEC has recently worked with the Local Authority to deliver train ing for Geography teachers, and for in which you can use global learning NQTs, around ways as a vehicle to underpin and brin g to life other curriculum learning a number of topic and cross-curri . We have developed culum planning tools to help use global learning as a basis for reviewi curriculum, and meeting the new ng and reviving your 2014 requirements. Call us to find out about CPD we can tailor to meet your own scho ols’ needs in making a new curriculu progressive, challenging, creative, and m that’s inspiring, will suppor t your pupils to face the challenges of the future.

Challenge & Enquiry Pack This exciting new teaching resource, recently entered for the Geographical Association Publisher’s Award is aimed at supporting teachers to introduce and teach about development issues in the classroom, and in particular to link with literacy and citizenship. It’s crammed full of lesson plans to keep you and your pupils engaged in a lifetimes worth of active global citizenship!

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

Katie Carr, Director “This pack is easy to use, contains excellent active learning ideas, and I’m pleased to see that the Available to buy directly literacy curriculum links from CDEC or via our are really meaningful, not at Amazon page all tenuous. I can use this.” AO (Welcome feedback from a Cumbria Headteacher!)


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Ghana comes to Cumbria

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take part! in the final ss Cumbria signed up last September to Over 30 participating schools from acro which is ! funded by for a Fairer Wor ld' project. The project, acy Liter bal 'Glo year 3 C's CDE of e phas g the excellent ols to explore global learning issues usin the European Union, is supporting scho own !action for a their take ils pup the first 2 year s, helping in d lope deve Pack iry Enqu and e Challeng ! ! fairer wor ld. nd, the Pola from ! ect !is wor king directly with partners ! 'Global Literacy for a Fairer Wor ld' proj The ome welc to hted delig were we and ! ols, scho to Cumbria ! Czech republic and Ghana in addition n teachers, Agn! es ! Cumbria in October. Our two Ghanaia to visit a on na Gha colleagues from warmth, ! ! their and Ebenezer, touched ever yone with ing. ! learn al glob for m usias enth ible ress openness and irrep ! ! ! ty, Agnes and Ebenezer talked with stop week of school visits across the coun nona ing Dur e. They shared ! ! their culture through ! stor y, song and danc Cumbrian children and teachers, sharing ence in 1957, and talked about ! ry since achieving independ ! their proud social and economic histo ! and teaching days ! day Ghana. Class sizes reaching over 80 their experience as teachers in present d a sense of rline unde ! visit est, but above all their ! that start by 7am captured ever yone!'s inter : ! shared humanity that connects ever yone ! ! o Cumbria, 'irrespective of our colour. ! Radi on ed view inter ! when said s Agne le' 'We are all one peop ! mon; we are not different !in any way.' ! There are so many things we have in com ! ! s, (such as 'what do ! led question As! well as giving time to answering child Ebenezer were keen and es Agn na?') Gha in fairy h ! toot you do about the ! ! re and traditions before to learn something about Cumbrian cultu k. mutually enriching wee ! ! rting for home at the end of a busy and depa ld' ! acy for a Fairer Wor ! a special impetus to start the 'Global Liter The Ghanaian visit gave fairer a for n ! find their voice and take their own actio project, which is supporting children to ! e shar ! bration event in Mar!ch where pupils will wor ld. The project culminates with a cele ! ons' they have been inspired to take. ! creative outputs from the different 'acti !

The Global Learning Programme in Cumbria



The Global Learning Programme has now been officially launched across England and the 2 Expert Centres representing Cumbria, Hawkshead Primary and Armathwaite Primary, have had a fantastic response in creating clusters of schools who are committed to global learning. Each Expert Centre has just a few Partner School places left so if you want to get involved, get in touch! If you can’t commit right now then why not enquire about being an Expert Centre or Partner School in the next phases of this exciting 5 year programme? The GLP will support you to create a school curriculum that can link together and provide a coherent and engaging context that satisfies core, national and local curriculum needs and links together many related initiatives and awards – a curriculum that is motivating, meaningful and measurable. Many of the schools involved are seeing the GLP as the vehicle for making changes to their curriculum, using it to help achieve other initiatives and award schemes, and using the audit, action plan and frameworks provided to drive their school ethos and make positive change in their school.

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602


The GLP has worked with the Subject Associations for English, Maths, Science, ! History, Geography, Citizenship and R.E, to produce a ! that links each subject to Global curriculum framework Learning and the revised National Curriculum. So why not take the Global Learning Programme as an opportunity for meaningful curriculum making? Get involved, work with like-minded people, have access to excellent global learning resources, get free training, receive £500 e-credits to spend on your school, and be part of the biggest national programme of its kind. For more details please visit or contact the Local Advisor for the north west, Rebecca Cosh - or on 07715 044 086.

Access CDEC c

ourses for free Why not use your ! e-credits for some training with CDEC A number of our ? cour ses are accred ited through the G (visit http://globa LP glp/calendar) or if you want som ething specific let us know so that we can tailor a cour se to suit your needs.

The Aliens are taking over! Please don’t be alarmed! We’re talking about the new and beaut ifully crafted Zogg toys that have taken over the CDEC office and are slowly making their way into the World from Our Do orstep resource boxes. Take a loo Facebook page to see some k at our pic Kindergarten children meeting Zo tures, where you can also read about gg through our partners in Polan d.The boxes and their accompanying activity guides have proved really popular with those on the project and will be availab le to borrow by CDEC members around September this year.

And we’re really excited to introduce a new character to CDEC – Fair trad e Thea, a teddy bear who will take children on an adventure to Belize to discover where Fair trade chocolate com es from! Our new big stor ybook is part of the World from our Doorste p project, and has been written by Jean ette Milbourn, an aspiring writer currently studying for an MA in creative writing at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. As with our stor ybook Meet Zogg there will is well t be resources to help bring the stor y c je o r p to life, and Fair trade e “Th Thea, designed and created locally by Sarah Preston (who made to meet the d e our wonderful Zogg soft toys). Look n n a l p out for the book and resources in the autumn term. e young h t f o s d e ne

“Lovely balance of info, discussion, and practical tasks”

illiant r b h t i w n e childr n al inspiratio resources”

rovoking” p t h g u o th nd “ Very clear a y engaging” r e v d n a n fu “All

embership? m EC CD ur yo of t os m e th g in ak Are you m There are many excellent reasons to become a member of CDEC and one of these is being able to borrow resource boxes from our extensive collection. Each box is packed full of stimulating resources, artefacts and activities to support and complement classroom work. Take a trip into the traditional cultures of countries such as Ghana, Kenya or India, sample a wonderful variety of ‘Toys and Games Around the World’ or experience a taster of world religions through a selection of amazing artefacts!

ber? Not a mem Join today! n o Contact us 02 6 015394 31

All our boxes can support delivery of a global dimension in the classroom across a wide range of subject areas, and are designed to help pupils develop s an understanding of the world ellent. I wa hole c x “E around us. base the w to e l b a So why not make the most of your ddhism topic of Bu sources membership and contact us to borrow re a box or two next term? around the


A comprehensive list of boxes available can be found at

‘The World


n their Han Roose School, ds’ Barrow in Furn ess 4pm - 6pm, 11 th February A great session to help you ge t to grips with our topic boxe using s effectively an d to find out mor about our fant e astic range of resources for Contact us no loan. w to reserve yo ur place.


The International School Award and school improvement The Global Learning Association (a not for profit company) is wor king with Cumbria DEC to stag e a one day training cour se specifically aimed at helping scho ols to gain the award at any level and to suggest idea s for activities in and out of the curriculum that can be inclu ded in an application. The cour se will be on Friday 20th June 2014 (9.30 – 3.30 PM) in Penrith. The British Council Inte rnational School Award is a well known and respected accreditation that provides schools with a strategic fram ework for their international and global education wor k. Schools can apply for Foundation, Intermediate or Full ISA or for re-accreditation when a previous ISA has expired. Other accreditation schemes can com plement the International School Award so the cour se will also include support for becoming a Fair trade Scho ol and for the UNICEF Rights Respecting School Awa rd. We will also provide the latest information on Eras mus + (the new EU

Newlaithes Junior recently bought some ethically sourced Fairtrade footballs through Carlisle World Shop which have proved very popular and a great way to promote Fairtrade. Please contact Jo at Carlisle World Shop on 01228 550385 should your school be interested in doing the same.

CPD highlights... The World in their Hands, Barrow in Furness 4.00pm - 6.00pm, 11th February Introduction to P4C, Kendal 4.00pm - 6.00pm, 26th February Finding out about Forest Schools, Keswick 4.00pm - 6.00pm, 27th March Finding Our Voice, Workington 9.30am - 3.30pm, 26th March For a full programme of courses and other training available from CDEC please visit our website. We offer a full and inspiring CPD programme as well as twilight or full day INSET training for schools. Please call us to talk through your requirements.

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

funding programme for schools) and on the British Council Connecting Classrooms programme that supports school partnerships further afield. The cour se fee is £120 (including lunch and support material s) but schools which are registered with the Global Learning Programme (England) can use their e-credits to pay for this cour se. Please contact Ray Kirtley (R.Kirtley@h for details of the cour se and an application form and CDEC ( for information on the Global Learning programme.

Take your learning outside!

An introduction to the John Muir Award for teachers, Brockhole, the Lake District Visitor Centre, 7th February and 7th March. For more details visit learning/johnmuiraward/trainingday or email


Nicky Ed tion prize wards fr draw! om Den wins a h t CE Sch ost of glo ool bal learn If you ha ing resou ve been rces. o n a cour yet comp se and n leted you o t r then plea se do so online evaluation at https:/ /w com/s/ ww.surveym onkey. CDECe va b e en t er ed for th luation you w e n ex t d will be b raw whic ill eginning h of April.

e Schools d a r t ir a F e Th anging undation h c is d r a w A rtrade Fo year the Fai e

Early this ed Fairtrad ing an updat ch n u la hools e b ill w ed to give sc s on gn si e d d ar cu Schools Aw exibility, a fo ort, more fl p p to su re r o e m tt e o b d d, crucially, to ievements. an – g in n ar le ach ung people’s celebrate yo ils: ools/ Further deta .o e d a r t ir www.fa qs.aspx _award_fa faqs/new


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