Cdec news winter 15

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Educating for a fair and sustainable world

CDEC is a member of the Consortium of Development Education Centres

Travelling Teddy Bear to teach children about Fairtrade We are pleased to announce the arrival of our new big storybook ‘Thea Discovers Chocolate’! Aim ed at early years and key stage 1, the story follows Thea and her Gra ndma as they embark on an adventure to Central America to discover where chocolate comes from. The book has been made possible through funding from the European Union and the Big Lottery , and will be made available to schools through our 3 year project The World from our Doorstep, which aims to build young children ’s awareness of global themes such as interconnectedness, fairness and sustainability. Along with this beautifully illustrat ed new stor ybook, there are activity ideas free to download from the project website, picture and jigsaw packs, and a new range of Fair trade resource boxes. And helping to celebrate 20 years since Fair trade products first star ted arriving on our shelves, we are looking forward to welcoming a Fair trade Cocoa pro ducer to Cumbria during Fair trade For tnight 2015, who will be visiting project schools and local community groups, to share his stor y, and to find out what’s been hap pening to learn about and promote fairtrade in schools. Find out more about ‘Fair trade The a’ at .

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20 s of Fairtrade Fortnight the individual storie gar. on ing ss su d Fairtrade focu an a of tea, coffee, coco studies and a Fairtrade farmer s se ca new materials, Resources including ailable for Fairtrade Fortnight. av e 15 minute film ar from mpaign resources Order your free ca de.o http://shop.fairtra

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

Contact us on 015394 31602 to get your copy of ‘Thea Discovers Chocolate’.


Cumbria Teachers Getting Global with the Global Teachers Award! This course, validated by Liverpool Hop e University and endorsed by Oxfam and Think Global, aims to support teac developing skills, knowledge and prac hers in tical approaches to incorporate global lear ning into the curriculum and to supp informed, active global citizenship amo ort ngst pupils. In October, CDEC delivered the course as part of our open program and were joined by a group of budding me, global educators in the Parish Centre, Amb leside. The course is a brilliant opportu to take your global learning practice furth nity er; we considered ways to get colleague s on board with global learning, and participants came up with some great ideas, from an interactive exhibition in the staff room, to this fantastic poster (designed in only 15 minu tes!) Feedback from teachers on the day included: “I can’t believe how much thinking I’ve done a good way!” and “I have n’t looked at my watch once!” They have all complete d their post-course assignment of deliv erin ga global lesson, and will be receiving cert ificates of achievement (endorsed by Oxf am, Think Global and Liverpool Hope Univ ersity) in the New Year. We’ll be running this great course again on 17th March; places are limited so book soon! (Schools that are part of the national Global Learning Programme (GLP) can use their e-credits)

tes As the Fairtrade Mark celebra 20 years....did you know....? ●

There are over 30,000 goods available in 29 countries across the world

Globally the top four products are – bananas, cocoa, sugar and coffee

In 2013 Fairtrade sales in the UK generated £23 million of Fairtrade Premium for farmers and workers to invest in their communities

78% of the UK public recognise the Fairtrade Mark

UK’s favourite Fairtrade product 2014? Divine Milk Chocolate Toffee & Sea Salt bar!

The Z factor

Zogg, our alien frien d from the planet Zargot has produc his very own music ed video! The song is inspired by his trave around Earth to he ls lp young children lea rn about the wide world. It features a r rousing chorus sung by children from Kingmoor Nursery and Infant School in Carlisle, recorded during an activity da y with CDEC linked to the World from Our Doorstep Proj ect. Watch the film here: http://yo s Contact CDEC to buy a copy of Mee t Zogg the storybook and find out more about other resources and suppor t available.

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

Local and Fair Come along to Brockhole Visitor Centre on Sunday 1st March for a family friendly event to celebrate Fairtrade Fortn ight and welcome a visiting Ghanaian cocoa producer to Cumb ria! Visitors are welcome to join us between 11am and 4pm, where they can meet local food producers and craftspeople, meet Thea the teddy bear and follow her footsteps around the grounds and discover facts about Fairtrade, hear from a cocoa producer from Central America who will be visiting Cumbria to celebrate Fairtr ade Fortnight, and sample delights from near and far with a 'Local and Fair taster Buffet'!

Competition Primary Short Film om UK entries welcome fr uld your pupils enjoy taking par t in this

Wo Calling all primary schools! a film of not If so, they need to produce n? titio pe year's short film com ness and demonstrates Global aware more than 4 minutes which gives a message. There are two categories: h the whole class ries: for schools working wit ● Whole class ent ject together ping and completing the pro researching planning, develo o children wh make their ries: for smaller groups of ● Small group ent r-school club own film, or perhaps an afte -style awards 27th March and an Oscar The closing date is Friday n. ril or May, on the Isle of Ma evening will be held in Ap .org, or visit the iom wc @o info t: ase contac For fur ther information, ple website: www.oneworldce ntre, IoM Rosemary, One World Ce

Makutano Junction Makutano Junction has been warmly welcomed in Cumbria, where primary teachers are now using the teaching resources trialled in 2013-14 in class. Evidence that the Kenya soap opera and accompanying lesson plans are proving useful in class is coming in from teachers involved in phase 1 of the project. At Victoria Juniors, Workington, year 5 teacher and Global Learning coordinator Rebecca Lewis has been introducing each year group from year 3 upwards to Makutano Junction, so that by the time children reach year 6 they are ready to engage confidently with the deeper ideas and global issues that Makutano raises. Rebecca is also training classroom assistants to use the resources across KS2.

During the autumn term we have been busy recruiting new schools to take part, holding training workshops to introduce Makutano and the resources. Our short film made last term showing the resources in use - is proving popular with teacher s who are about to start using Makutano in class. Testing the resources in a Makutano workshop for teachers

Over in Holme St Cuthbert School near Maryport, KS2 teacher Kate Sharrock has successfully used the resources with her mixed age group of KS2 children. In feedback one child said 'I liked it how at first their accent was mad, like they were speaking gobbledygook, and then I realised they're all speaking English and that I can understand it'. Kate has since shared her experience of Makutano with colleagues from four other local schools.

Inspiring Barrow Our special project supporting young people as researchers entered its second year as we launched a fresh round of the Young Researchers project in October 2014. Young Researchers is part of the Inspiring Barrow programme, a Big Lottery funded project that inspires and raises aspirations for people in Barrow. This year's researchers want to explore just what their peers understand by aspiration, and whether they believe their aspirations are achievable. The year 6 researchers will be broadening their research base this year to include teachers and parents as well as peers. After exploring some basic elements of research (it is characterised by being 'systematic, sceptical and ethical') the group used a P4C enquiry to explore their own ideas and insights into aspiration, which will form the basis of their questionnaires and interviews. Stimulus for P4C enquiry into Aspiration which led to the question: Is your Aspiration different when you are young to when you are older?

We are really pleased to have been awarded funding from the EU for two new areas of work starting in Spring 2015 Beginning in Januar y Map Your Meal is a project which is aimed at the informal education sector, engaging young people in learning about interdependence and social justice in food production/consumption. Engaging in the informal education sector will be a new and exciting opportunity for us. While later in spring term Global Schools: embedding global learning in primary education will focus on developing cross-curricula materials and resources, delivering training for teachers in embedding global learning, and also delivering training for LA officers in global learning principles and approaches. We're particularly pleased that this work will be supported by Cumbria LA.


Free training to support your international school partnership Whether you are new to working in an international context or already involved in a school partnership you can benefit from our Connecting Classrooms courses, which are completely free! Sessions can be delivered as twilights and include: Introduction to International Learning Inter-cultural practice – taking it further Our Partnership journey Deeper Understanding of Global Citizenship

“Excellent delivery. Friendly tutors. Nice mix of activities& knowledgeable neither was too long or sho & discussion, rt.”

For further information about the Connecting Classrooms programme visit To book a session give us a call on 015394 31602

‘Introduction to Internation training 5th January, 2015 al Learning’ If you are looking for training tha t is 'informative with a good spe ed of delivery and plenty of time for reflection' the n talk to us about training opportu nities through CDEC. Whether it is whole school training or a collaboration across your sch ool's cluster partnership there is a training tha t suits your needs and budget.

Picture 1

'Good mixture of activities in a very relax ed atmosphere' 'Lots of useful tips, games and ideas to use.' 'Knew nothing about P4C but would now feel confident to introduce it to my class.' (Feedback from full day Introduction to P4C for whole staff at Westfield Primary and Nur sery, September 2014) Give us a call on 015394 31602

s CPD Programme Highlight Global Teachers Award level 1, venue tbc 9am - 4pm, 17th March Show Ofsted the World! SMSC through global learning, Carlisle 9.30am - 4pm, 19th March The World from our Doorstep, Kendal 9.30am - 4pm, 22nd April For a full programme of courses and other training available from CDEC please visit our website. We offer a full and inspiring CPD programme as well as twilight or full day INSET training for schools. Please call us to talk through your needs or to make a booking.

Cumbria Development Education Centre Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

Registered Charity No 1156649


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