Woodstock Travel Guide 2013

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WOOdstOck Y O R K







“Mountain Orchard” by George Bellows

“Woodstock is a group of idealists…we do not vastly differ from the denizens of the city. We are selected from the city—that is all. Self-selected and of course, well selected.” —Hervey White, in the 1st issue of Plowshare

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ARTICLES: 100 Years of Art & Literature................................. 2-5 The Shock of the Modern........................................6-9 The Woodstock Library....................................... 10-11 An Afternoon Stroll on Tinker Street................ 12-13 Looking for the Real Woodstock........................ 14-15

LISTINGS: Arts, Activities, Galleries & Museums...............16-20 Dining & Food......................................................22-23 Lodging: B&Bs.....................................................25-26 Cottages..................................................... 27 Motels, Inns & Campgrounds.................. 28 Media, Music, Theater & Film............................30-31 Mind, Body, Spirit & Spas...................................33-35 Real Estate................................................................. 36 Services.................................................................38-41 Shopping..............................................................43-47

CONTRIBUTORS: Publishers: Pat Horner & Larry Lawrence Graphic Design & Production: Katie Jellinghaus Writers: Pat Horner, Karen St. Pierre, Barry Samuels, Sharon Rousseau, and Sean O’Connor Copy Editor: Carol Cadmus Sales Representatives: Karen St. Pierre, Z. Willy Neumann

COVER ART: “Spring” by Carol Zaloom. Left: “Mountain Orchard” by George Bellows, courtesy of D. Wigmore Fine Art, Inc. Businesses advertising in the Guide make our publication possible. We encourage you to support them. Copies of the Guide are available at many of the advertisers or see listed locations at WoodstockGuide.com. 1

100 Years Of ART & LITERATURE “Repose” by Alexander Archipenko

Alexander Archipenko, “Repose,” 1911, bronze (cast 7/8), 13-1/2 x 14-1/2 x 7-7/8 in. © 2012 Estate of Alexander Archipenko/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; image courtesy of the Archipenko Foundation. Opposite: “Rocks” by Bolton Brown courtesy of Christina Gardner.


While women suffragettes were marching down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC for the right to vote and Grand Central Terminal had just opened, two other important events took place a century ago that would change lives. The 1913 show at the 69th Regiment Armory was organized by a small group of American artists in New York City to introduce avant-garde European work to a public that both applauded and criticized it. Perhaps the single most important art event in the history of American art, the exhibit brought new ways of seeing, introducing abstract art, Cubism, Fauvism, Futurism, all -isms. For artists of the time, it was a revelation. Complacency was shattered and a modern era had begun.

Many Armory Show exhibitors had ties to Woodstock and/or became “Woodstock” artists

“Rocks” by Bolton Brown

Many Armory Show exhibitors had ties to Woodstock and/or became “Woodstock” artists. Alexander Archipenko, George Bellows, Bolton Brown, Myra Musselman Carr, Andrew Dasburg, Robert Henri, Grace Mott Johnson, Gaston Lachaise and Jules Pascin were among those who exhibited in this sensational show on Lexington Avenue and 26th Street. An editorial in The New York Times the day after the show closed reported, 3

“It should be borne in mind that this movement is… to disrupt and degrade, if not to destroy, not only art, but literature and society, too.” Others thought it the most thrilling event of the time and a great force for the development of humans, setting fire to the spirit. Woodstock had been established 10 years earlier as an Arts and Crafts artists’ colony when Byrdcliffe (now the oldest running art colony in the United States) was formed by Ralph Radcliffe Whitehead, Hervey White and Bolton Brown. The Art Students League of New York summered in Woodstock and Hervey White started another artists’ colony, the Maverick, in 1905, which today celebrates 98 years of chamber music concerts in the woods. In 1913 Ralph Whitehead called a group together to form the Woodstock Club and that became the library. His 10-year-old art colony had begun to disperse and writer Walter Weyl with his wife Bertha Poole had left Byrdcliffe to build their own house nearby. They, along with Carl Lindin and his wife, Louise Starr, and Dr. Mortimer Downer with his wife, Lillian, agreed to select charter members from the community for a first meeting. Artists and villagers turned out in great numbers and they collected $40.

In 1913 Ralph Whitehead called a group together to form the Woodstock Club & that became the library


During the summer season, many residents had been taking in “paying guests” who had traveled several hours from New York City by ferry, train and/or open bus drawn by a pair of horses on the long, sooty ride. Henry Ford had made his first assembly-line car in 1913, but owning a car was a luxury few could afford. The Story of a Small Town Library by Frances Rogers with an introduction by Alf Evers describes in detail the history of the development of the Woodstock Library. This year, the library will be building a much-needed annex, creating an environment for the community across Library Lane, on Tannery Brook. Curl up in a comfortable chair, read Hervey White, Alf Evers or Charlotte Perkins Gilman (who was a frequent visitor at Byrdcliffe) and be transported to 1913 life in Woodstock. — Pat Horner Pat Horner Reidunn Fraas


The ShOck Of the MOdern: Woodstock Artists & the 1913 Armory Show

“Seated Figure” by Alexander Archipenko

Alexander Archipenko, “Seated Figure,” 1913, lithograph printed in black, 11-1/4 x 8-7/8 in. © 2012 Estate of Alexander Archipenko/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; image courtesy of the Archipenko Foundation. Opposite: Andrew Dasburg courtesy of Woodstock Artists Association & Museum, gift of Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Dasburg.



Andrew Dasburg

One hundred years ago, the thriving Woodstock Colony of the Arts was perfectly aligned to influence and be influenced by the most impactful art event of the 20th century—the 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art, better known as the Armory Show. The nowinfamous exhibition, created by a small cadre of artists with revolution on their minds, displayed over 1300 works of avant-garde European and American art including paintings by Woodstock artists George Bellows and Andrew Dasburg and sculptures by Alexander Archipenko. To say that the American public was shocked by the radical, incomprehensible work of Marcel Duchamp, Henri Matisse and Constantin Brancusi would be an understatement. The critics were universally appalled. With its monochromatic palette, Matisse’s “Red Studio” seemed freakishly incomplete to conventional eyes. And Duchamp’s Cubist tour de force, “Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2,” was derided by an especially perturbed critic as “an explosion in a shingle factory.” Audience and cultural arbiters alike rained disdain upon the radical show, citing its “eccentricities, whimsicalities, distortions… and madness.” Yet the 1913 Armory Show was far more than a bold spectacle of aesthetic culture shock. It stood at the vanguard of a truly revolutionary impulse, favoring the individual artist as the sole arbiter of meaning, artists that no longer gave sway to the staid and stultified academicians that held a stranglehold on artistic taste and value. One of the instigators of the Armory Show—Woodstock artist George Bellows—was instrumental in establishing

new opportunities for artists to exhibit unconventional, innovative work. When the Armory Show organizers sent out their open invitation for American artists to exhibit, they flew in the face of conventional standards, seeking out “nonprofessional as well as professional artists to exhibit the result of any selfexpression in any medium.” The result was an unprecedented exhibition blending and contrasting the works of both traditional and Modern artists. This recognition—that all styles of art could exist and thrive side by side—has informed the art colonists of Woodstock since its inception. The more traditional forces of the Byrdcliffe Colony have been shaped and influenced by the progressive exploits of the Maverick and vice versa, forging the dynamic art scene that characterizes Woodstock to this very day. The aesthetic impact of the Armory Show, most particularly the influence of PostImpressionism, Cubism and Fauvism, would be felt and seen in Woodstock studios and galleries for decades to come. The stylistic impulses of Woodstockers George Bellows, the realist master of the Ashcan Style, and early Cubist experimenter Andrew Dasburg, took flight in the wake of the Armory Show. The bold color, steamlined forms and loose brushwork of the European Modernists found their way onto their canvases and into their classrooms. In the decade to follow, Post-Impressionist painter Konrad Cramer would join sculptor William Hunt Diederich in advancing a streamlined Modernism in

... the Abstractionist “Rock City Rebels,” Dasburg, Cramer & Henry Lee McFee, kept the new spirit of the Armory Show alive

Christopher Engel


their work. And the rise of the Abstractionist “Rock City Rebels,” Dasburg, Cramer and Henry Lee McFee, kept the new spirit of the Armory Show alive in their enthusiastic experimentation with Analytic and Synthetic Cubism. Karen St. Pierre

The Armory Show drew an unprecedented 75,000 patrons in New York and launched the age of Modern Art in America. A true American creation, the show itself was nothing less than an extravaganza of vision and idealism on the part of a small band of revolutionaries. Utilizing a symbol of the American Revolution, a Pre-Modern pine tree, on their promotional flyers and as part of the decor of the cavernous exhibition hall, the Armory Show was fully intended and fully succeeded in establishing a “New Spirit,” a progressive art movement which flew in the face of a reactionary past. Throughout the 20th and into the 21st century, the Woodstock Art Colony has grown and now thrives in homage to the open-minded, undeterred forces of cultural and political change that the 1913 Armory Show embodied. Its descendants are the creative spirits and cutting-edge makers who are the lifeblood of our village and home. From the world-changing 1969 Woodstock Festival, to the multitude of galleries, studios, theatres, festivals and cultural events that define Woodstock, the New Spirit of the 1913 Armory Show lives on! — Karen St. Pierre 9


100 Years of Books & Democracy

Thomas Whigham

This year Woodstock is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the beginning of its library. In 1913, Ralph Whitehead, Walter Weyl and Dr. Mortimer Downer formed the Woodstock Club to establish a fund for a nurse (made necessary after the flu epidemic) and to create a library. Walter Weyl was a political philosopher who co-founded The New Republic Magazine. He was a protégé of John Mitchell of the United Mine Workers of America and follower of the Populist Robert La Follette. He opposed the robber barons in his book The New Democracy, asserting that the “engine of taxation [which was newly enacted] . . . will be used to accomplish great social ends among which will be the more equal distribution of wealth and income.” He expressed the hope that Progressivism would spark the evolution of Democracy to Socialism. It is no wonder that Paul Krugman, New York Times economist, recently called Weyl his intellectual great-grandfather. Weyl met Bertha Poole (labor organizer/socialite), whom Whitehead brought to Byrdcliffe from Hull House in Chicago. They settled on a farm in Woodstock and began transforming this community into a unique place where ideas are as important as food and water, which led to their work to establish a library. By 1917, 20 volumes were taken out in a day. In 1919 on his death, Weyl bequeathed to the Woodstock Club money to purchase a permanent home for the library, which was completed in 1927. The land and building that it is occupying today was later deeded from the club to the library in 1934. In the librarian’s office a brass plaque hangs to attest to his generosity. 10

Mrs. Walter Weyl continued to be at the library and helped make it an egalitarian enterprise, offering residents access to books they could not afford. In the 1940s the first addition to the building was completed and in 1955 the “Book Barn” was erected. In the 1980s further renovations created the space we see today. In this centenary year the library will be moving to the next phase with its acquisition of the former laundromat across the street. This will

The land & building that it is occupying today was later deeded from the club to the library in 1934 Library Fair shoppers by Andre Ruellan circa 1938

be a building for the 21st-century mind with adequate space for programs and forums, access to technology with classes and a mobile computing lab and more. Walter Weyl’s forward thinking in forming the Woodstock Club helped nurture the “democratic” spirit of Woodstock. His railing against the “plutocrats” of the early 20th century echoes in the acts of the Occupy Wall Street movement today and its opposition to the wealthiest 1% in America. We have a special heritage in Woodstock, and on this 100th anniversary year we stand with our intellectual ancestors to exclaim proudly our belief in access to knowledge and information. Come join us in the task. — Barry Samuels Trustee, Library Board 11

An AfternOOn StrOll On Tinker Street In the shadow of Overlook Mountain, Woodstock’s Tinker Street is lined with shops, restaurants and galleries designed to delight both locals and visitors in one of the oldest active artists’ colonies in the country. The natural beauty of the region—and the rich history Teresa Brun Ancel

and thriving community of artists, writers, musicians and craftspeople living and working together—all meet on Tinker Street. Within just a few blocks, the Woodstock story of art and literature unfolds. Begin by browsing in The Golden Notebook, the indie bookstore that helps sponsor the annual Woodstock Writers Festival and that features the work of many local writers. Then cross the street to visit the Woodstock Artists Association & Museum’s four galleries of contemporary and historical art. Stroll down Tinker Street to the Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild, one of the most vital contemporary art galleries

Within just a few blocks, the Woodstock story of art & literature unfolds


Gay Leonhardt

Sharon Rousseau

in the region. Next explore the Center for Photography at Woodstock, a gallery and school offering lectures by photographers who are nationally and internationally published and exhibited. Across Tinker Street, the Woodstock Library offers an extensive and beautiful collection of fine art books—and frequent book sales. Check local papers for the many readings, lectures and concerts at all of these venues. Then settle into one of Tinker Street’s restaurants. Enjoy a local chef’s creations while perusing the Guide’s listings to discover more unique galleries and shops on this fascinating small-town Main Street. Woodstock celebrates the arts every day. An afternoon stroll on Tinker Street offers glimpses into this vibrant community’s renowned past and current relevance as a center for the arts. Explore and enjoy the town that has informed artists’ and writers’ passion to create for over a century. — Sharon Rousseau

David Ekroth


LOOking fOr tHe ReAl WOOdstOck David Ekroth

Now, I know one should not judge a book by its cover alone, and likewise a town by its store signs. That said, there are few villages you will drive through and see an array of signs to match Woodstock, New York’s: Freestyle Realty, The White Gryphon, Euphoria Yoga, Not Fade Away, Inner Space, Talisman, Timbuktu, Pondicherry, ‘Calm’ this way, Dharmaware, Evolve, Illuminated Baby, Changes, Flowing Spirit, Peace, Love & Cupcakes, Woofstock and a “head shop” with lifelike statues of the Blues Brothers sitting on its porch, just to mention a few of them. Additionally, there are plenty of village greens in the world where you will be entertained by street performers, but not many that have weekly drum circles packed with participants and instruments. Looking deeper then, you could walk past the giant guitar sculpture in front of the Landau Grill sign, which for some reason is translated underneath in Tibetan, and stop in at the Bread Alone Bakery/coffee shop and mingle with some of the residents. The problem with that approach is it doesn’t take long sitting among their customers to feel like you’re in a secret neighborhood of Manhattan, with several copies of The New York Times scattered about, and self-absorbed people ordering such drinks as a completely dry soy cappuccino, or a lactose14

I decided to view the Town of Woodstock’s website, which is subtitled: “Colony of the Arts”

I would like to humbly suggest placement of an additional historical sign stating: NORMALS C 1751 AD – 1971 AD. Built and populated nearby shelters in this area year-round. — Sean O’Connor 15 7

Sean O’Connor

free latte, or a peppermint mocha macchiato with an extra shot, along with a Nantucket lemon poppy seed pound cake. Placing that distraction aside, I decided to view the Town of Woodstock’s website, which is subtitled: “Colony of the Arts.” Its homepage is covered with five paragraphs elaborating on why Woodstock is the Colony of the Arts. One of the historically important milestones mentioned in this introduction is the establishment of the famed Byrdcliffe Arts Colony in 1902. Speaking of Byrdcliffe, the first Byrdcliffe Festival was held the weekend of July 13th through July 15th, 2012. A few examples of what you could have seen there are: a play, Hedgerow Specimen, starring a talking snail; a film starring wild man Tracy Morgan; and a writers’ workshop titled “Memoir A-Go-Go.” Looking further into the town website you’ll see the writer states that not everyone who lives in Woodstock, New York is an artist. Though after reading it I was not convinced that any regular people actually still live there. So next I took a drive into the hills outside the village center, where at the corner of Rock City Road and California Quarry Road I found a sign: INDIANS C 2000 BC – 1750 AD. Used the nearby rock shelters as autumn hunting bases where they prepared game and clothing.

ARTS, ACTIVITIES, GALLERIES & MUSEUMS Elena Zang Gallery 3671 Route 212 Shady (Woodstock) 679-5432 elenazang.com Contemporary Fine Art, Ceramics & Sculpture Garden.

Bethel Woods See ad page 49.

Evolve Design Gallery 86-88 Mill Hill Road 679-9979 EvolveDesignGallery.com Kitchen, Baths, Fine Art Hanndcrafted Furniture, Decor.

Ben Caswell

Bearsville Graphics Art Gallery 68 Tinker Street Woodstock 684-5476 bearsvillegraphics.com Fine Prints, Paintings & Notecards.

Fay Wood / Clove Church Studio 209 Fish Creek Road Saugerties 246-7504 faywoodstudio.com Offering fine sculpture, painting & drawing. Workshops now available. FiberFlame Studio 1776 Route 212 Saugerties 679-6132 fiberflamestudio.com A walk-in art studio for all ages. See ad page 17.

Center for Photography at Woodstock 59 Tinker Street Woodstock 679-9957 cpw.org Exhibits, classes, lectures & more. See ad this page.

Fletcher Gallery 40 Mill Hill Road Woodstock 679-4411 fletchergallery.com Specalizing in early 20th C. art. EXHIBITIONS WORKSHOPS LECTURES ARTIST RESIDENCIES




www.cpw.org | (845) 679-9957 HOURS: WED - SUN, 12PM - 5PM

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ARTS, ACTIVITIES, GALLERIES & MUSEUMS James Cox Gallery at Woodstock 4666 Route 212 Willow 679-7608 jamescoxgallery.com Dealers, advisors, appraisers. Lily Ente Studio 153 Tinker Street (rear of building) Woodstock 917-952-7514 LilyEnte.com Sculpture & prints by Lily Ente. Sculpture by Paulette Esrig. pauletteesrig.com

Matagiri Gallery 1218 Wittenberg Road Mt. Tremper 679-8322 matagiri.org Paintings by Sam Spanier; by appt. only.

Lotus Fine Art & Design See ad this page.

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.

Larry Lawrence


ARTS, ACTIVITIES, GALLERIES & MUSEUMS Mount Tremper Arts 647 South Plank Road Mt. Tremper 688-9893 MountTremperarts.org International contemporary art. Opus 40 50 Fite Road Saugerties 246-3400 opus40.org 6-1/2 acres of Harvey Fite’s amazing bluestone wonder; available for weddings.

Pat Horner Studio Willow, NY 679-5495 pathorner@hvc.rr.com woodstockworkshops.com Mixed media, paintings & collage. Workshops & coaching available. Photosensualis 15 Rock City Road Woodstock 679-7995 photosensualis.com Photography–Nature & the Nude. Saugerties Artists Studio Tour See ad this page. Shelley Parriott, The Art Studio at Woodstock 679-6390 ColorFieldSculpture.com Abstract Sculptural Installations.

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.


Amy McGuire

ARTS, ACTIVITIES, GALLERIES & MUSEUMS Town Tinker Tube Rental PO Box 404, 10 Bridge Street Phoenicia 688-5553 towntinker.com Whitewater tubing adventures! See ad page 18.

28 Tinker Street, Woodstock, NY 12498 www.woodstockart.org • 845-679-2940

Konrad Cramer

The Home Address for Art in Woodstock

Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild 34 Tinker Street Woodstock 679-2079 byrdcliffe.org Byrdcliffe art colony tours, exhibitions & performances. See ad page 20.

Woodstock Artists Association & Museum 28 Tinker Street Woodstock 679-2940 woodstockart.org Gallery & museum of regional art. See ad this page.

Nancy Campbell


Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary 35 Van Wagner Road Willow 679-5955 woodstocksanctuary.org A shelter for rescued farm animals. See ad page 18. Woodstock Framing Gallery 31 Mill Hill Road Woodstock 679-6003 WFGgallery.com Fine art & custom framing.

Woodstock School of Art PO Box 338, 2470 Route 212 Woodstock 679-2388 woodstockschoolofart.org Fine art classes & exhibitions. See ad this page.

Woodstock Museum 13 Charles Bach Road Saugerties 246-0600 WoodstockMuseum.org Festival(s) & town history. See ad this page. All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.

Reidunn Fraas


THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX woodstockschoolofart.org


Margaret de Soleil

“I always tell people that I became a writer not because I went to school but because my mother took me to the library. I wanted to become a writer so I could see my name in the card catalog.” — Sandra Cisneros


DINING & FOOD Cafe Mezzaluna 626 Route 212 Saugerties 246-5306 www.cafemezzaluna.com Your bistro Latino! Four Corners Country Inn 1564 Wittenberg Road Mount Tremper 688-3054 fourcornerscountryinn.com Country inn charm & fine dining. Giovanni’s Pizza Grill Corner: Tinker Street & Rock City Road. 347-218-3692 Gluten free choices. 100% vegan. www.Giovannispizzagrill.com

Garden Cafe on the Village Green Woodstock 679-3600 woodstockgardencafe.com Organic, fresh, local whole foods. Organic wine & beer.

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.

845-679-5361 woodstock, n.y. www.sunflowernatural.com

join rewards program & save!


DINING & FOOD Sunfrost Farms See ad this page. Taco Juan’s 31 Tinker Street Woodstock 679-9673 Healthy mexican food & homemade ice cream!!! Woodstock Winery See ad this page. Lynne Digby

Mountain Gate Indian Restaurant 4 Deming Street Woodstock 679-5100 Fine Indian cusine: voted best in the Hudson Valley, Hudson Valley Mag. Peace, Love & Cupcakes 24F Tinker Street Woodstock 247-3687 woodstockcupcakes.com Best Cupcakes Food Network Winner. See ad page 22. Sunflower Market 75 Mill Hill Road Woodstock 679-5361 sunflowernatural.com Premier organic grocer for over 33 years! See ad page 22. Katie Jellinghaus


Marilynn Rowley

“There is something so perfect about the mountains and the lake and the trees.... sometimes I want to tear it all to pieces.” — Georgia O’Keeffe


Lodging: B&Bs B&B’S B&B Glenford 657-2518 bandb@hvc.rr.com Overlooking the Ashokan Reservoir. PB CH7+ P $110/night. Barclay Heights B&B Mountain view near the Hudson. 532-5565 OutstandingHospitality.com Chef-owned luxury eco-Victorian. Enchanted Manor of Woodstock 679-9012 enchantedmanorinn.com Heated saltwater pool, outdoor hot tub, massage, pvt. Jacuzzi tub, fireplace. See ad this page.

Four Corners Country Inn 1564 Wittenberg Road Mount Tremper, NY 12657 688-3054 fourcornerscountryinn.com Country inn charm & fine dining. A B&B at Woodstock Farm Animal Sancutary 39 Van Wagner Road Willow 679-5955 Next to the Farm Animal Sanctuary. Veggie breakfast, mountain views. See ad page 18. Paul Feasel


Harmony House Bed & Breakfast 1659 Route 212 Saugerties 679-1277 harmonyhousebandb.com Elegant, serene. Fabulous breakfast.

Lodging: B&Bs

The Maple Tree See ad this page.

Phoenicia Belle B&B 73 Main Street Phoenicia 688-7226 phoeniciabelle.com $90-150 Barbara Bravo

Morning Glory B&B 141 Tinker Street Woodstock 679-3208 morninggloryinwoodstock.com A beautiful B&B in the village. Onteora Mountain House PO Box 356 Boiceville 657-6233 www.onteora.com Rooms, weddings, retreats, PB, FP. See ad this page. All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.

Village Green Bed & Breakfast See ad this page. The Woodbine Inn Palenville 518-947-6787 thewoodbine.com Whole inn rentals; B&B; groups, reunions, weddings. Woodstock Inn on the Millstream 48 Tannery Brook Road Woodstock 1-800-420-4707 woodstock-inn-ny.com 18 rooms, gardens & stream. $137-$375 See ad page 25. 26


Alan McKnight

Woodstock Inn on the Millstream 1-800-420-4707 woodstock-inn-ny.com Private & sunny. Walk to town. Decks overlook stream. Complete kitchen. See ad this page.



Getaway-on-the-Falls 5 Waterfall Way Woodstock 679-2568 or 389-3978 getawayonthefalls.com Charming, affordable streamside lodging. Kate’s Lazy Meadow Motel See ad page 28. Villas in Woodstock See ad this page.

IN THE HEART OF THE VILLAGE Two-bedrooms, two baths & two lovely outdoor decks overlooking Tannery Brook. Complete kitchen, living room and yoga loft. Enclosed lawn. One-minute walk to bus. Available for daily, weekly or monthly rentals. Includes access to nearby private swimming stream.

1 - 8 0 0 - 4 2 0 - 4 7 0 7 • w w w. w o o d s t o c k - i n n - n y. c o m 27

Motels, Inns & Campgrounds Catskill Rose Lodging & Dining 5355 Route 212 Mt. Tremper 688-7100 catskillrose.com Delicious food made in-house plus NEW modern cozy rooms. Garden Plaza Hotel 503 Washington Ave. Kingston 338-0400 hikingston.com Pool, sauna, whirlpool.

Fay Wood

Howard Johnson Inn 2764 Route 32 Saugerties 246-9511 hojo.com/hotel/01656 Indoor heated pool/free Wi-Fi. Phoenicia Black Bear Camp & RV 17 Bridge Street, P.O. Box 546 Phoenicia 688-7405 PhoeneciaCampground.com Woodstock Inn on the Millstream 48 Tannery Brook Road Woodstock 800-420-4707 woodstock-inn-ny.com Great gardens along lovely stream. Walk to town. Includes b’fast. $137-$375 See ad this page.

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.


Bonnie Diana

“…that perfect tranquility of life, which is nowhere to be found but in retreat, a faithful friend, and a good library…” — Aphra Behn


Media, Music, Theater & Film

Rennie Cantine

Drum Boogie Festival See ad this page. Maverick Concerts 120 Maverick Road Woodstock 679-8217 maverickconcerts.org 98 years of chamber music concerts. Historic concert hall in the woods. June 30 - Sept 8. See ad this page. Phoenicia International Festival of the Voice See ad page 31.

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.



Marilyn Masters

132 tinker st 845 679 6608 www.upstatefilms.org


rt 9 in village 866 film nut www.upstatefilms.org

Upstate Films See ad this page.

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.

Woodstock Comedy Festival See ad page 30.

Woodstock Guitar Festival Hosted by Rennie Cantine Woodstock 853-5115 woodstockguitarfestival.us August 12 thru 20. Rock on . . .

Woodstock Playhouse 103 Mill Hill Road Woodstock 679-6900 woodstockplayhouse.org Music, theatre, dance, film & art. See ad this page.


Kim Kauffman Williams and Russ Rita Schwab

“Art seems to me to be above all a state of the soul.” — Marc Chagall

32 32

Mind, Body, Spirit & SPAS Flowing Spirit Healing 33 Mill Hill Road Woodstock 679-8989 flowingspirit.com Physical/emotional/spiritual. See ad this page. Helen Pappas, Herbal Skinlife Spa 684-5044 SkinLife@hvc.rr.com Herbal products & services for a younger & healthier you. 28 West Gym See ad this page. Cherri Voss Salon & Spa 1633 Glasco Turnpike Woodstock 679-2138 cherivosssalon.com All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.

Marcie Woodruff


Mind, Body, spirit & Spas Katherine Rosko Acupuncture at The Moving Body 276 Tinker Street Woodstock 917 539 2306 katherinerosko.com Kia Abilay 679-6911 Energy & intuitive sessions. AKASHIC record readings. rainbowheart.net

wood stock



6 Deming Street 679-8700 woodstockyogacenter.com Frank D’Astolfo

Menla Mountain Retreat See ad this page. Omega Institute for Holistic Studies 150 Lake Drive Rhinebeck 800-944-1001 eOmega.org Workshops & wellness vacations.


Mind, Body, spirit & Spas Psychic Readings by Rose See ad this page.

AWARDS 6 YEARS "Best of Hudson Valley"

River Rock Health Spa 62 Ricks Road Woodstock 679-7800 riverrock.biz Best of Hudson Valley, 2007 – 2011. See ad this page. Stone Flower Mountain Health 1310 Route 28 West Hurley 679-4872 stoneflowermountainacupuncturehealth.com Acupuncture, herbs, NAET- allergies.

WOODSTOCK NY (845) 679-7800 Merideth Rosier

Village Apothecary See ad this page.

traditional & natural remedies 31 Market St., Saugerties, NY P: 845-247-0010 F: 845-247-0064 Email: rph@saugertiesrx.com 79 Tinker St., Woodstock, NY P: 845-679-0790 F: 845-679-0795 Email: rph@mywoodstockrx.com

Woodstock Yoga 6 Deming Street Woodstock 679-3728 WoodstockYogaCenter.com Formerly Bliss Yoga. Offering: Iyengar, Vinyasa, Yin, basics, restorative. See ad page 34.

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.


Real Estate Taft Street Realty, Inc. Office: 687-9292 Mobile: 380-3394 taftstreetrealty.com Ulster County MLS search.

Westwood Metes & Bounds Realty, Ltd. 24 Mill Hill Road Woodstock 679-0006 westwoodrealty.com Also @ 275 Rte 375, West Hurley #1 residential sales leader for 20 consecutive years. See ad this page.

Top Performing in Ulster County

Jamie Barthel

Residential sales for 20 19 consecutive years!*

Woodstock, NY • West Hurley, NY 845-679-0006 845-679-7321 *as per UC MLS Sold

U.C. Residential Transaction Sides 1993-2011

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated. Karen Whitman


Kate McGloughlin

“The artist is the person who makes life more interesting or beautiful, more understandable or mysterious, or probably, in the best sense, more wonderful.” — George Bellows


Services Llyn Towner

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Ulster County is home to the most-famous small town in the world - Woodstock! Visit your playground today and discover: Places to Stay - Resorts, Lodges and Campgrounds Things to Do - Skiing, Skating, Rock Climbing, Apple Picking, Wine Tasting and more All this, less than 90 minutes from NYC!

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Adirondack/Pine Hill Trailways 499 Hurley Ave. Hurley 800-858-8555 trailwaysny.com Line bus service & charters. See ad this page. Cadmus Editorial Services Carol Cadmus, ELS carol.cadmus@gmail.com 750-0604

supplement experts

(845) 679-0790 mywoodstockrx.com

David Ekroth, Architect Willow, NY 679-5495 dekroth@hvc.rr.com Residential & commercial work. Regional, energy-efficient design.

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated. Clara Steinzor


SERVICES Dr. Bruce Jay Milner

845 • 679 • 4000



w w w . t r a n s c e n d d e n t a l . n e t Katiedidit Graphics 679-4445 katiediditonline.com Web, logos & print design. See ad page 41.

Kingston Ulster Storage 1151 Flatbush Road Kingston 336-4180 hbull@besicorp.com Storage.

See US in Woodstock and enjoy All phone numbers are local artwork on in the display! 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.

62 Mill Hill Road • (845) 679-8434 www.ulstersavings.com Member FDIC

Les Walker, Architect PO Box 678 Woodstock 679-4217 walkinwood@hvc.rr.com Specializing in residential design. Larry Lawrence

Rondout Savings Bank See ad page 41. Transcend Dental See ad this page. Ulster County Tourism See ad page 38. Ulster Savings Bank 62 Mill Hill Road, Woodstock (866) 440-0391 ulstersavings.com More than just banking. See ad this page.



Ronnye Jai

Woodstock Aikido Upper Byrdcliffe Road Woodstock 679-8153 woodstockaikido.com 7 days a week; visitors welcome. Woodstock Apothecary See ad page 39. Woodstock Public Library 5 Library Lane Woodstock 679-2213 woodstock.org “WIFI“ “Knowledge, enjoyment, community.” See ad this page.

Woodstock Public Library:

Be Part Of The Next 100 Years… 5 Library Lane Woodstock, NY 12498 845.679.2213 www.woodstock.org

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.

Web sites, logos, brochures, & all print advertising

katiediditonline.com 41

katiedidit Commercial Design

Bobby Blitzer

“You study, you learn, but you guard the original naiveté. It has to be within you, as desire for drink is within the drunkard or love is within the lover.” — Henri Matisse

42 35

SHOPPING Castaways See ad this page.

Castaways...in the woods the ultimate thrift shop

Catskill Art & Office Supply Woodstock 679-2251 Gifts, trail maps, greeting cards, copies, custom printing, blueprints, custom picture framing, cool vibes. Childhood Memories Antiques 74 Tinker Street Woodstock 917-903-3153 childhoodmemories@gmail.com Toys, jewelry, art, furniture, memorabilia.

clothing, antiques & household 36 Mill Hill Woodstock 845-679-3459

Lora Shelly

Clouds Gallery See ad this page. Crafts People 262 Spillway Road West Hurley 331-3859 craftspeople.us Representing 500 craftspeople. See ad page 45.


Shopping Friends of the Library See ad page 47. The Golden Notebook See ad this page. Heart of Woodstock 3 Mill Hill Road Woodstock 679-6009 heartofwoodstock.com Fun & unique eco-friendly gifts.

BOOKS FOR ALL SINCE 1978 29 Tinker Street, Woodstock, NY BOOKS FOR ALL SINCE 1978 Daily 11am-6pm 29 Open Tinker Street, Woodstock, NY Open Daily 11am-6pm 845-679-8000 845-679-8000 www.goldennotebook.com www.goldennotebook.com Jarita’s Florist 17 Tinker Street Woodstock 679-6161 or 1-877-JARITAS jaritas.com Serving Woodstock since 1977.


Lily’s See ad page 45.

Leah Rubenstein

H. Houst & Son Inc. 4 Mill Hill Road Woodstock 679-2115 hhoust.com True Value Hardware; Just Ask Rental. See ad page 43.

Loominus Woodstock 18 Tinker Street Woodstock 679-6500 loominus.com Handwoven wearables, gifts, USA made.

Vintage Consignments Always Buying • Ebay Sales Gold • Silver • Paintings Antiques 32 Mill Hill Rd. Woodstock NY James Morrison Jimpicks@mac.com 518-209-7792

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.


SHOPPING Modern Mythology See ad page 47. Mowers Sat/Sun Flea Market Maple Lane Woodstock 679-6744 woodstockfleamarket@hvc.rr.com Weekends May–Nov • Google us! Mt. Tremper Art & Antiques 5340 Route 28 Mt. Tremper 688-5966 velsani.com Precolombian to mid-20th century.

Pondicherry Yoga Arts 12 Tinker Street Woodstock 679-2926 pondi.biz Yoga accessories, Auroville handicrafts, jewelry. See ad page 47. Kathleen McGuiness

Namse Bangdzo Bookstore 335 Meads Mountain Road Woodstock 679-5906, ext.1000 NamseBangdzo.com Selling Tibetan Buddhist books, art & practice materials. See ad pg 46. Overlook Mountain Bikes 93 Tinker Street Woodstock 679-2122 overlookmountainbikes.com Sales, service, rental. Closed Tues. Pegasus Comfort Footwear 10 Mill Hill Road Woodstock 679-2373 pegasusshoes.com Awesome footwear.



Diane Christi

Reader’s Quarry 97 Tinker Street Woodstock 679-5227 Woodland Valley Books 74 Main Street, Phoenicia 688-0011 dansofaer@yahoo.com Used books, art, poetry, bio, literature, more. Re-Source Gallery See ad page 44. Talisman of Woodstock 5 Rock City Road Woodstock 679-0787 Art objects, jewelry, unique gifts.

Timbuktu 2 Tannery Brook Road Woodstock 679-1169 timbuktuwoodstock.com Exotic world decor.

Tibetan Arts & Crafts See ad page 47.

Jean Young



FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY David Morris Cunningham

Treasure Chest 5 Waterfall Way Woodstock 679-2568 getawayonthefalls.com Vintage collectibles, thrift shop.


SATURDAY BOOK SALES 10-3 May 11 & 25, June 8 & 29, July 13 July 27 Library Fair (82nd annual Library Fair, 10-5) Aug. 10 & 24 Sept. 7 & 28 (half price sale) Oct. 12 (bag sale), Oct. 26 (giveaway) Holiday Sale Dec. 7, 10-1 THURSDAY SALES 4-7 PM

Woodstock Earth 5 Tannery Brook Road May 16, June 20, July 18, Aug. 15 Woodstock 679-2527 Sept. 5 (budget vote) & Sept. 19 woodstockearth.com 845-679-2213 info@woodstockearth.com Artist co-op: Now Age counterculture. Woodstock General Supply 33 Tinker Street Woodstock 684-7062 woodstockgeneralsupply.com Outdoor clothing boutique. Woofstock 7 Elwyn Lane Woodstock 679-9663 Pet food & supplies. All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.

Welcome to

Village Green

Bed & Breakfast 845-679-0313


Elin Menzies

“I go into my library, and all history unrolls before me. I breathe the morning air of the world while the scent of Eden’s roses yet lingered in it, while it vibrated only to the world’s first brood of nightingales, and to the laugh of Eve. I see the pyramids building; I hear the shoutings of the armies of Alexander.” — Alexander Smith


Woodstock Happened Here! Bethel, NY

See the Site. viSit the muSeum.

You may be in Woodstock but the 1969 festival happened just 43 miles southwest in Bethel, NY. Discover the legacy of the decade that defined a generation through music, authentic period artifacts, film, and interactive displays. VisiT Our WeBsiTe fOr infOrmaTiOn On special exhiBiTs, and speaker, film & cOncerT series.

BethelWoodsCenter.org Bethel Woods Box Office • Ticketmaster 1.800.745.3000 Bethel Woods is a not-for-profit cultural center located at the site of the 1969 Woodstock festival • Bethel, NY



Crisis Counseling Highway Department Justice Court Police / Fire / Emergency Town Offices


Christian Science Reading Room Christ’s Lutheran Church Congregation Agudas Achim Congregation Ahavath Israel First Church of Christ Scientists Jehovah’s Witnesses KTD Buddhist Monastery Living Word Chapel Matagiri Sri Aurobindo Center Overlook United Methodist Church Shady United Methodist Church St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church St. John’s Roman Catholic Church Temple Emanuel Reform Synagogue Trinity Baptist Church Unitarian Fellowship Wesleyan Community Church Woodstock Dutch Reformed Church Woodstock Jewish Congregation Zen Arts Center Donshinji Monastery


Family Woodstock Access Television Woodstock Artists Association & Museum Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild Woodstock Chamber of Commerce & Arts Woodstock Film Festival Woodstock Land Conservancy Woodstock Library Woodstock Museum Woodstock Times Youth Center & Skatepark

679-2485 679-2805 679-6345 679-2422 679-2113 679-9534 679-2336 331-1176 338-4409 679-9534 657-8824 679-5906 338-9305 679-8322 679-6800 679-9775 679-8800 679-7696 338-4271 518-265-6238 331-2884 657-8444 679-6610 679-2218 688-2228 331-7080 679-7777 679-2940 679-2079 679-6234 679-4265 334-2418 679-2213 246-0600 334-8200 679-2015

ALL PHONE NUMBERS ARE IN 845 AREA CODE unless otherwise specified.

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