Woodstock Guide 2009

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19 6 9 - 2 0 0 9

40 Years of Art, Music, Peace & Love

"...What we have in mind is breakfast in bed for 400,000." ‑Wavy Gravy

Dave Saxman

In an effort to be “green,” we are publishing this guide on acid free 25% post consumer waste, recycled FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified paper using agri-based inks. Printed by Lithography by Design, whose goal is to provide environmentally responsible printing practices.

The Festival Was Not Here................................... 2-3 Roots of the 1969 Woodstock Festival.................. 4-7 By the Time We Got to Woodstock.......................... 8 Quadricentennial................................................... 9 A Brief Look at Why the Artists Came................ 10-11 Second Saturdays............................................... 13.


Arts, Activities, Galleries & Museums................ 15-18 Dining & Food................................................ 19-20 Lodging: B&Bs............................................... 22-23 Cottages.......................................... 25-26 Motels, Inns & Camping........................... 27 Media, Music, Theatre & Film................................ 29 Mind, Body & Spas......................................... 30-31 Real Estate......................................................... 32 Services........................................................ 33-35 Shopping...................................................... 37-40


Publishers: Pat Horner & Larry Lawrence Graphic Design & Production: Katie Jellinghaus Writers: Julia Blelock Weston Blelock Carol Cadmus Pat Horner Barry Samuels

Cover Art: Issac Abrams 1968

Businesses advertising in this guide make our publication possible. We encourage you to support them. Copies of this Guide are available at many of the advertisers or see listed locations at WoodstockGuide.com 1


was a defining year for celebrating important changes to the culture of America. Many of us spent the turbulent 60’s fighting to end the war in Vietnam, marching to advance civil rights and advocating peace, love and harmony. We were, and many of us remain, interested in truth, creativity and a move back to nature. To put some perspective on the times, one could buy a substantial house for $16,000 and considered $10,000 to be a more than adequate yearly salary. Perhaps we are again returning to that simpler time. Michael Lang produced a successful Miami Pop Festival in 1968 before he moved to Woodstock to help celebrate the 60’s social movements. The 1969 Woodstock Music & Art Fair was inspired by the Woodstock Sound-Outs and the Miami Pop Festival.

The The Festival Festival Was Not Not Was Here Here

Pat Horner I recently asked Michael some questions regarding the concert: P.H. (Pat Horner), How did the ’69 Festival define you and Woodstock? M.L. It defined us as a generation who got involved politically and socially and that gave us a real voice. P.H. What lessons can 2009 learn from 1969? M.L. If you don’t learn from past mistakes you are doomed to repeat them. The 60’s were a time of social unrest, an unpopular and unjust war and economic hardships. Sound familiar? P.H. Personal Creativity abounds here. So what really is the Woodstock lifestyle? M.L. A natural, organic, and sustainable one.


Lois Woolley

P.H. The film TAKING WOODSTOCK shows some of the idealism and personal freedom of the time. Is it a correct version of what really happened? M.L. The film of course is fictionalized and other than some script notes, I was very briefly involved. I haven’t seen the final cut yet P.H. I know Woodstock has taken care of the art and music part, but how are we doing on the peace and love aspect? M.L. We are doing better now on peace and love, definitely moving ahead. I think that Obama’s election will usher in a new era of respect for one another. Michael Lang has a memoir being released by Harper Collins this spring, titled THE ROAD TO WOODSTOCK. See page 39 for details.


Craig McCord

Roots of the 1969 Woodstock Festival

© Elliott Landy/LandyVision.com

To kick off the 40th anniversary celebration of the 1969 Woodstock Festival, the Historical Society of Woodstock and the Woodstock Chamber of Commerce and Arts cosponsored a panel discussion on August 9, 2008 at the Colony Café in Woodstock. The purpose of the discussion was to explore the events leading up to the world-renowned 1969 Woodstock Music & Art Fair, which actually took place in Bethel, New York. The panelists were Michael Lang, Woodstock resident and legendary ’69 festival promoter; Jean Young, artist and co-author with Lang of Woodstock Festival Remembered; Bill West, active in local government during the sixties; Jeremy Wilber, former Town Supervisor and bartender during the sixties at the Sled Hill Café; and Paul McMahon, musician and Woodstock Mothership impresario. Geddy Sveikauskas, publisher of the Woodstock Times, served ably as moderator. The discussion was lively and audience participation was very enthusiastic. 4

The wide-ranging conversation covered such issues as how Michael Lang and his partners developed the concept of the festival, and ways in which their thinking was shaped by Woodstock’s legacy of art and music. Courtesy of Historical

Society of Woodstock

A Maverick Festival; Courtesy of Woodstock Library

The other panelists, the moderator, and the audience itself provided context for the ’69 festival with their own recollections of the Woodstock music scene—in the late sixties and before. The roots of the ’69 festival stretch all the way back to Woodstock’s early prominence in the arts and crafts movement, through its glassmaking companies (early 1800s) and the Byrdcliffe and Maverick art/music colonies (beginning in 1902). Hervey White, founder of Woodstock’s Maverick Colony, staged a fund-raiser music festival in 1916 that was so successful it was continued until 1931. During this time Woodstock became a magnet for artists, and increasingly, musicians. Then in the late 1960s, a series of Sound-Out music festivals were produced in Woodstock. Many of these were emceed by WBAI’s Bob Fass (Radio Unnameable), and featured such icons as Paul Butterfield, Tim Hardin, Richie Havens, Van Morrison, Happy and Artie Traum, the Blues Magoos and Don Preston. 5

In this excerpt from the August 2008 panel discussion, Geddy Sveikauskas references Woodstock’s ongoing history of music festivals:

Dion Ogust

Geddy Sveikauskas (GS): How did the festivals like the Maverick and the Sound-Outs inspire and guide your thinking? Michael Lang (ML): Well, I think greatly. The SoundOuts were kind of the spark for the Woodstock festival in that it got me thinking about doing the concert here. I’d done a series of concerts in Florida and then the festival [Miami Pop Festival of 1968]. The Sound-Outs just had a great feel, and it was in the country and it provided all the guidelines that I needed, and I was sort of thinking of a broader event but with the same kind of emotional impact. So it had a lot to do with our early thinking. GS: And how about the Maverick festivals? Did you know anything about them at the time? ML: I did. Jean and Jim [Young] sort of educated me to a lot of that history . . . The reason it became a music and art fair, frankly, was because of the background of this town and the Maverick festivals. 6

The August 2008 event also featured a music concert— reminiscent of the Sound-Out music festivals that had occurred regularly in Woodstock during the late sixties. Eighteen music acts participated, including headliners from the sixties such as Peter Walker, Larry Packer and Steve Knight, and more contemporary performers such as Naked, the Dharma Bums, Joey Eppard and Frankie and His Fingers. Weston Blelock and Julia Blelock

This material is based on a forthcoming book from WoodstockArts.com: Roots of the 1969 Woodstock Festival—The Backstory to “Woodstock.” Scheduled to be released in June, the book will include a full transcript of the two hour panel discussion and a photo essay of never-before-seen images of the events leading up to the ’69 Woodstock festival.

Book cover of June 2009 title from WoodstockArts.com.


By the Time We got to Woodstock By the time we got to Woodstock, the festival that is, we were coming down from the town of Woodstock, directed by a big handmade sign at the entrance of the village that showed the way to Bethel. So when we finally got there, parking in a field and walking miles to the concert site, there were, well not half a million, but a lot of people peacefully sitting in this great natural amphitheater. We immediately started getting high and eating all our food. That night as Joan Baez sang “Joe Hill,” we made our way to find a dry place to sleep. The feeling I got Vita being there was an overwhelming sense of community, familiarity, peacefulness and, of course, an altered sense of reality. Everyone was stoned and peaceful, enjoying the music and one another, and generally in a happy place. So how come it’s forty years later and smoking marijuana is still a crime? I know the economy would get a needed boost if marijuana were sold openly with a “cigarette tax.” The only caveat would be to limit the age a person who could purchase pot, just like alcohol consumption. I think a “real” change must include the decriminalization of marijuana, and its sale in storefronts and convenience stores all across this country. Barry Samuels, Owner, Golden Notebook


Quadricentennial: Henry Hudson Expedition in 1609 Ten years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, the great English navigator Henry Hudson set out in the Half Moon, a small ship built by the Dutch East India Company of Holland in 1609 in the vain hope of Nita Sacks finding a shorter route to the East. The cramped vessel and cold weather led to hardships and threats of mutiny before Hudson entered what is now the New York Harbor. Believing the waterway led to China, Hudson ventured up the river towards Albany. He explored “as pleasant a land as one can tread upon,” and made friends of the Natives who gave him tobacco and corn. On his return the English arrested him for sailing under the Dutch flag, yet in 1610, wealthy Londoners financed what would become his last voyage. Similar hardships and dangers this time finally led to mutiny. Hudson, his young son and several others were set adrift in icy waters and were never heard from again. Hudson’s expeditions were of inestimable value in extending geographical knowledge that greatly aided the early commercial and industrial development of New York. There is an abundance of historic and creative talent celebrating the Quadricentennial in and around Woodstock. The Jane Bloodgood-Abrams Hudson River School painters worked nearby and forever captured the beauty of the area and many artists continue the tradition. This summer and fall look for numerous exhibits, projects and activities to honor Henry Hudson and our river. For more information, visit www.ulstertourism.info Pat Horner We celebrate the 1969 launch of the Clearwater sloop by Pete Seeger, bringing attention and conscience to the pollution of the Hudson.


Woodstock: A Brief Look at Why the Artists Came When you hear the name “Woodstock,” the first thing that many people think of is the famous music festival. But did you know that it was originally billed as the Woodstock Music and Art Fair? Yes, a lot of the famous rock musicians lived and wrote here, but the town was an artists’ haven long before those musicians came, and had already built a reputation as a place that tolerates nonconformity. When Ralph Whitehead founded the Byrdcliffe artists’ colony here in 1903 with a school for painting and the decorative crafts, the Arts and Crafts Movement was in full swing. It was a backlash against the Industrial Revolution, and his colony attracted people who wanted the joy of creating things by hand. The idea was to make everyday useful things unique and beautiful. Intellect and writing and exchanging ideas were held as vital. But Ralph, wealthy and aloof, was a bit too authoritarian for some people’s tastes. Prime among them was Hervey White. Hervey broke away from Byrdcliffe and built the Maverick concert hall in the forest and a theater in a stone quarry, forming his own community in the process whose intent was more on revelry. Sexual freedom and women’s equality were part of it. With his bearded good looks and charisma, Hervey White–no hat, long hair, tight pants, and long red necktie–was the original hippie. (He was also 10

a novelist whose second novel, Quicksand, Theodore Dreiser called one of the six great novels of the world.) The Art Students League from New York City also had a school in town from about 1905 to 1920 and again from the ‘40s to the late ‘70s. The land itself was another reason artists settled here over the years. This rocky soil made land cheaper here than the rich farmlands the Dutch settled on the other side of the Hudson River. And the trees covering the mountains attract the moisture that sometimes gives the light that ethereal, otherworldly quality. The mountains drew artists here as much as the other way around.* With the creative spirit came a regard for people who think way outside the box. The wildest thinkers of their day felt right at home here, and today some say you’re not allowed to live in Woodstock unless you have a conspiracy theory. But being a bastion for freethinkers has also engendered positive action. Now that we have elected a president who represents all of the people, at a time when the Hudson Valley is burgeoning with new endeavors reflecting our ecological conscience, we can hold a sense of rejuvenation even when the economy is bleak. Great dancers and singers and actors have performed here and still do. Writers, composers, painters, poets, potters, sculptors, and performers; jewelry makers, woodworkers, filmmakers, people Heather Jachim who create with metal and fiber and any other conceivable medium live here. Byrdcliffe was founded with the ideal that art should be a part of daily life for everyone, not just the well-to-do. In a town where even the banks and real estate offices double as art galleries, you can feel the original vibe: the philosophy that of all the arts, that of living is the greatest. Carol Mickel Cadmus *For the full story, read Alf Evers’ Woodstock: History of an American Town. 11

Pat Horner

“...the New York Thruway’s closed. Isn’t that far out?” – Arlo Guthrie


Woodstock, the more than 100-year-old “Colony

of The Arts,” takes great delight in highlighting and promoting the unique talent that lives, displays and performs throughout the community year-round. The Woodstock Arts Consortium was founded to assist the vast local arts community, creating “Second Saturdays,” an event held May through December on the second Saturday of each month. Arts groups and businesses participate in the town-wide celebration to host gallery openings, classical and current musical programs, as well as vibrant theatrical performances. Festivities include walking tours of the historic hillside Byrdcliffe Arts and Crafts Colony and concerts at The Maverick, home to the oldest continuous summer chamber music festival in the United States.

Second Saturdays displaying our vast local arts community

For more info see WoodstockArtsConsortium.org.

Gay Leonhardt


Leah Moore

“I did not show up there with a road manager and a couple of guitars. I showed up with a change of clothes and a toothbrush.” – John Sebastian


Arts, Activities, Galleries and Museums

Art Upstairs 60 Main Street Phoenicia 688-2142 artsupstairs.com Monthly Non-Juried open shows.

Katiedidit Graphics Bearsville 679-4445 katiediditonline.com kjellinghaus@me.com Lily Ente Studio 153 Tinker Street Woodstock 679-6064 bernpaulet@aol.com Sculpture & works on paper by Lily Ente. By appointment only.

Bethel Woods. See ad pg. 41 Elena Zang Gallery 3671 Rte. 212 Shady (Woodstock) 679-5432 elenazang.com Contemporary Fine Art & Sculpture Garden.

Matagiri Gallery 1218 Wittenberg Road Mt. Tremper 679-8322 matagiri.org Paintings by Sam Spanier; by appt. only.

Galerie BMG 12 Tannery Brook Road Woodstock 679-0027 galeriebmg.com Contemporary Fine Art Photography.

Pat Horner Studio Willow 679-5495 pathorner@hvc.rr.com Mixed media, paintings and collage. Workshops and coaching available.

James Cox Gallery at Woodstock 4666 Rte. 212 Willow 679-7608 jamescoxgallery.com Fine art dealer for 30 years.

Photosensualis 15 Rock City Road Woodstock 679-5333 photosensualis.com Fine Art Photography Gallery Sensual Nudes - Sensual Nature Vintage Photography, Photography Books, Gifts.

Jan Young Woodstock 679-2591 jczant@yahoo.com Acrylic/Canvas/Abstract by App’t. Larry Lawrence. See ad pg 17. 15

1-800-DIAL UCO 1-800-342-5826 速 I Love NY logo is a registered trademark/service mark of the NYS Dept. of economic Development, used with permission.


Arts, Activities, Galleries & Museums

12 Tinker Street,

Woodstock, NY •


Shelley Parriott, The Art Studio at Woodstock Route 212 Bearsville 679-6390 shelleyparriott.com Abstract sculptural installations. Town Tinker Tube Rental PO Box 404 10 Bridge St. Phoenicia 688-5553 towntinker.com Whitewater Tubing Adventures! Ulster County Tourism. See ad pg. 16 Vita’s Galerie De La Vie Woodstock 679-2329 vitagalerie.com Paintings by Vita.

Christina Varga


Arts, Activities, Galleries & Museums

Woodstock Artists Association & Museum 28 Tinker St. Woodstock 679-2940 woodstockart.org Art gallery showing contemporary and historic work of area artists.

Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary 35 Van Wagner Rd Willow 679-5955 woodstocksanctuary.org A shelter for rescued farm animals. Woodstock Museum PO Box 73 Woodstock 246-0600 WoodstockMuseum.org Labor Day Wknd Free Film Fest.

Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild 34 Tinker St. Woodstock 679-2079 woodstockguild.org Byrdcliffe Arts Colony, Walking Tours Second Saturdays 1PM, June - Oct.

Woodstock School of Art PO Box 338 2470 Rte. 212 Woodstock 679-2388 woodstockschoolofart.org Fine art classes and exhibitions.

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.


Dining & Food



The Bear Café 295 Tinker St./Rt. 212 Woodstock 679-5555 bearcafe.com “Arguably the best restaurant in the region” (Gourmet Magazine) “just keeps getting better” (NY Times)


Ro u t e 2 1 2 Bearsville 2 miles west of Wo o d s t o c k

Chocolate Cheers 338-3368 chocolatecheers.com Custom chocolates for all occasions


Garden Cafe on the Green. See ad pg. 20

Cub Market 3203 Route 212 Bearsville 679-6569 Deli, organic & conventional groceries & produce. Imported & domestic beer.

Lisa Hinkley Personal/Private Chef Woodstock 679-0447 lisasuehinkley@hotmail.com

Sunflower Natural Food Market a complete natural foods market

“We support our local organic producers & growers” • Certified Organic produce • Organic milk, cheese, & eggs • Large selection of natural & organic products • Wide range of natural & organic herbs and spices • Vitamin/Supplement department • Homeopathic remedies • Body care

The food we eat is our greatest source of strength OPEN DAILY 9-9; SUNDAY 10-7 • 75 MILL HILL RD., WOODSTOCK, NY




Dining & Food

Joshua’s Restaurant Catering and Java Lounge 51 Tinker Street, Woodstock 679-5533 joshuascafe.com A culinary favorite for over 30 yrs. Sumptuous intimate dinners, breakfast / brunch and lunch Rated four stars. Oriole 9 17 Tinker Street Woodstock 679-5763 oriole9.com breakfast•lunch•dinner•lounge

Lily Ente

Sunflower Market 75 Mill Hill Road Woodstock 679-5361 A leader in natural foods & holistic health. Taco Juan’s 31 Tinker St. Woodstock 679-9673 HEALTHY MEXICAN FOOD & HOMEMADE ICE CREAM!!!


Sublime Dining

Rated 4 Stars 679-5533 Catering: (914)388-3469


Polly M. Law

“I’m a farmer – I don’t know how to speak to 20 people at one time let alone a crowd like this...” – Max Yasgur


Lodging: B & Bs Cottonwood Lane B&B 15 Cottonwood Lane Woodstock 684 5135 jansmth@aol.com Rent half a house stream+mt views antiques FP patio PB 125-200 nite. Enchanted Manor of Woodstock 679-9012 enchantedmanorinn.com Heated saltwater pool, outdoor hot tub, gym, massage, pvt. Jacuzzi tub, fireplace.

B&B’S B&B Glenford 657-2518 bandb@hvc.rr.com Overlooking the Ashokan Reservoir. PB CH7+ P $110/NIGHT.

Harmony House Bed & Breakfast 1659 Route 212 Saugerties 679-1277 harmonyhousebandb.com Elegant, Serene, Fabulous Breakfast.

Barclay Heights Bed & Breakfast Mountain view near the Hudson call 845-246-3788 OutstandingHospitality.com Chef-owned Luxury Eco-Victorian.


WOODSTOCK INN on the Millstream Cascading stream

Beautiful grounds

Easy walk to shops B&B ambience with privacy

800-420-4707 • 845-679-8211 www.woodstock-inn-ny.com 48 Tannery Brook Rd., Woodstock, NY


Nancy Summers

Onteora Mt. House PO Box 356 Boiceville 657-6233 Rooms, Weddings, Retreats PB, FP. Phoenicia Belle B&B 73 Main Street Phoenicia 688-7226 phoeniciabelle.com Newly renovated Vct. house $90-150. Pine Grove Lodge Bed & Breakfast 173 Stoll Rd. Saugerties 246 1337 pinegrovelodge.net Between Woodstock & Saugerties $125.

Village Green Bed & Breakfast Only B&B overlooking town square. 12 Tinker Street, Woodstock 679-0313 2 rooms PB, Queen Bed, cable T.V., WiFi, continental Breakfast. $135-165 VillageGreenBB.com

Twin Gables Guest House 73 Tinker St. Woodstock 679-9479 twingableswoodstockny.com PB, CH, $89 -165 V/MC/D 9 rms.

Woodstock Inn on the Millstream 48 Tannery Brook Rd. Woodstock 679-8211 or 800-420-4707 woodstock-inn-ny.com Beautiful grounds and gardens along the cascading Millstream. Easy walk to town. B&B ambience. 18 charming private rooms & studios. Gourmet continental breakfast. Your retreat in the heart of Woodstock. $129-$245 V/MC/AE. 23

Mercedes Cecilia

“No More Rain!

No More Rain!

No More Rain!

No More Rain!” – Woodstock Crowd


Lodging: Cottages

Wittenberg Stone Cottage Wittenberg Road Woodstock 914-393-6036 jannaritz.com Privé P FP CH PB 12+A $375p/n views pets children ok, all credit cards.

Kate’s Lazy Meadow Motel. See ad above. Phoenicia House 77 Lower High Street Phoenicia 688-7922 artsupstairs.com/phoeniciahouse.html 3-4 bedrooms, 2 baths, sleeps 11, short walk to town, $250 ntly 1000 wk


Our house. Your view.

The Waterfall House A vacation rental home 246-6666 waterfallrental.com On waterfall. 10 miles to Woodstock. vacation rental in woodstock www.waterfallrental.com

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.

Staats Fasoldt


Lodging: Cottages Phoenicia Black Bear Camp & RV Park

17 Bridge St., Phoenicia, NY 12464


www.phoeniciacampground.com phoeniciacampground@hvc.rr.com

The Woodbine Inn & Arts Center 144 Malden Avenue, Palenville 518-947-6787 thewoodbine.com Historic Inn– Whole Inn Rentals, Groups, Reunions, Weddings.

Meredith Rosier

Woodstock Inn on the Millstream 48 Tannery Brook Rd. Woodstock 679-8211 or 800-420-4707 woodstock-inn-ny.com Beautiful grounds and gardens along the cascading Millstream. B&B ambience. Easy walk to town. 18 charming private rooms & studios. Gourmet continental breakfast. Your retreat in the heart of Woodstock.$129-$245 V/MC/AE.

• 84 newly renovated rooms • Indoor heated pool/sauna • Johnny G’s Restaurant • Conveniently located on Rt. 32 at exit 20 off NYS thruway Visit www.hojo.com/hotel/01656 2764 Rt. 32, Saugerties N.Y. 12477




WOODSTOCK INN on the Millstream Cascading stream Beautiful grounds Easy walk to shops B&B ambience with privacy

800-420-4707 • 845-679-8211 www.woodstock-inn-ny.com 48 Tannery Brook Rd., Woodstock, NY

Motels, Inns & Camping Cobblestone Motel 80 Route 214, PO Box 570 Phoenicia 688-7871 cobblestonemotel.com Clean rooms, efficiencies, cottages! In-ground pool, playground, BBQ! See our display ad on pg. 26

Phoenicia Black Bear Camp & RV Pk. See ad pg. 26 Starlite Motel 8722 Route 28 Big Indian 254-4449 starlite-motel.com Efficiency suites PB CH P $75 to $125

Holiday Inn Kingston 503 Washington Ave. Kingston 338-0400 HolidayInnKingstonNY.com 212 smokefree Rms, Indoor Pool+ Sauna, Full Restaurant, WiFi, Pets OK.

Trail Motel Route 28 4091 Boiceville 657-2552 thetrailmotel.com Smoke Free. European Ambiance, by the Esopus Creek, DeBaun Fine Art Gallery-Tea Room, Romantic Garden, TV, AC, PB, Coffee $95-195

Howard Johnson Inn 2764 Rte 32 Saugerties 246-9511 hojo.com/hotel/01656 84 newly renovated rooms, indoor heated pool/sauna.

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.


Lynne Digby

“There’s always a little bit of heaven in a disaster area.”

– Wavy Gravy


Media, Music Theater & Film

Michael Esposito

Bearsville Theater 291 Tinker St. Woodstock 679-4406 bearsvilletheater.com Book your event at the Bearsville Theater—or come to one of ours!

The Colony Arts Center & Cafe 22 Rock City Road Woodstock 679-5342 ColonyCafe.com for schedule. Full bar/cafe. Music every weekend. Maverick Concerts PO Box 9 Woodstock 679-8217 maverickconcerts.org 94 years chamber music concerts Historic concert hall in the woods July 4 - Sept 6.

JoAnne Sullam

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.


Mind & Body & Spas Body Centered Therapies

Helping to recover in times of stress, injury & trauma Relax into your body, mind & spirit Cranial / Sacral Therapy, Brennan Healing Science Somatic Experiencing & Integrative Massage

Joy Lofstrand M Th

Wdstk: 679-8305 • NYC: 212-684-0538

Kia Abilay Energy & Intuitive Communicator rainbowheart.net 679-6911 Sessions: online & long distance Woodstock & Omega Institute Chakra Bears. See ad below.

Barbara Boris Yoga Mountain View Studio Woodstock 679-3728 BarbaraBorisYoga.com Only Lyengar Yoga. All levels. Body Centered Therapies Joy Lofstrand Woodstock 679-8305 NYC 212-684-0538 joylofstrand@gmail.com For Health & Wellness.

Mountain View Studio 20 Mountain View Ave. Woodstock 679-0901 kngfu2003@yahoo.com Ongoing classes at: mtnviewstudio.com Space available for special events.

Emerson Resort & Spa 5340 Route 28 Mount Tremper 877 688-2828 EmersonResort.com Adirondack-style rooms & luxury suites. 4-star Spa. Dining & shopping.

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.

Dan Gelfand

Kia Abilay Energy& Intuitive Communicator

Energy & Chakra Balancing Intuitive Guidance Healing Touch

Woodstock • Omega • Opal Moon, Croton NY www.rainbowheart.net • www.kiakreations.com 845-679-6911 kia@rainbowheart.net 30


The Moving Body®® Pilates/Gyrotonic ® 276 Tinker Street Woodstock 679-7715 themovingbody.com Fully Equipped Studio-Mat Classes.

Woodstock Iyengar


Barbara Boris Peace in the body, brings poise– to the mind.

Omega Institute for Holistic Studies 150 Lake Drive Rhinebeck 800-944-1001 eOmega.org Workshops and Wellness Vacations.


5 classes a week at Mtn. View Studio Woodstock

845 679-3728

www.Barbara BorisYoga.com

BBYogaWdstkGuide1.indd 1

3/16/09 6:33:50 PM

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.



Westwood Metes & Bounds Realty Ltd.

Real Estate Marcia Weiss, Lic. Assoc. R.E. Broker Westwood Metes & Bounds Realty, LTD 24 Mill Hill Road, Woodstock, NY 845-679-0006 x121 845-679-9202 marcia@woodfest.com woodstockcountryhomes.com Westwood Metes & Bounds Realty, LTD 24 Mill Hill Road Woodstock 679-0006 westwoodrealty.com #1 residential sales leader for 16 consecutive years. See our ad below.

24 Mill Hill Road Woodstock, N.Y. 12498

Marcia Weiss Lic. Associate R.E. Broker

The User

Friendly Real Estate Agent

Office: 845-679-0006 X121 Office #2: 845-679-9202 Marcia@woodfest.com www.woodstockcountryhomes.com Try a fresh approach to buying or selling real estate

westwoodrealty.com #1 in Ulster County! Residential sales leader for 16 consecutive years!*

Woodstock, NY • West Hurley, NY 845-679-0006 845-679-7321 *as per UC MLS Sold Residential statistics 1993-2008

Karen Whitman

Ronnie Jai


Services Adirondack/Pine Hill Trailways 499 Hurley Ave. Hurley 800-858-8555 trailwaysny.com Line bus service & charters. Blue Mountain Gardens 3906 Rt. 212 Lake Hill 679-1006 Fine Landscape design services. Visit our website bluemountaingardens.com Cadmus Editorial Services Carol Mickel Cadmus, ELS Woodstock 679-5048 twc5556795048@earthlink.net Writing * Editing * Proofreading

Evelynne Pouget

Extra Space Storage 2820 Rte. 32 Saugerties 246-1442 Extraspace.com Ask about our 12 month lease. Four Paws Veterinary Holistic Hospital 679-9445 fourpawsvet@hvc.rr.com

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.




Dan Burkholder

“You people have gotta be the strongest buncha people people I ever saw. Three days man! Three days...” – Stephen Stills Les Walker, Architect PO Box 678 Woodstock 679-4217 walkinwood@hvc.rr.com Specializing in residential design.

The School for Young Artists 31 Wittenberg Road, Bearsville 679-9541 SchoolforYoungArtists.org We offer great variety, an open studio, and a master teacher.

Lithography by Design. See ad below.


4 Lumen Lane Highland New York

to quality

845 691 9500 NYLBD@optonline.net

and excellence 34


Woodstock Aikido Lower Brydcliffe Barn on Upper Brydcliffe Rd. Woodstock 679-8153 woodstockaikido.com Adults’ and children’s classes; 7 days a week; visitors welcome.

McKenna Bros. General Contracting Shady 679-0627 mckbros@earthlink.net All phases of home construction and Maintenance. Solar Generation. See ad above.

Woodstock Day School PO Box 1 Woodstock 246-3744 woodstockdayschool.org Preschool to Grade 12.

Tri-County Planning 39 Market Street Poughkeepsie 471-8200 info@tricountyplanning.com Life, Health & Disability Benefits Ulster Savings Bank 62 Mill Hill Road, Woodstock (866) 440-0391 ulstersavings.com MORE THAN JUST BANKING.

Yale Epstein


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“Got to get back to the land and set my soul free.” - Joni Mitchell

Anique Taylor




Anatolia Tribal Rugs & Weaving 54G Tinker St. Woodstock 679-5311 AnatoliaRugs.com See our display ad below.

Hemp and Eco-Cotton Dance & Yogawear

Yoga Mats, Books, Videos Bronze & Stone Statuary

Catskill Art & Office Supply Ltd. 35 Mill Hill Road Woodstock 679-2251 catskillart.com Gifts, trail maps, framing & best selection of greeting cards.

Chant & Indian Classical Music www.pondi.biz • 845-679-2926 12 Tinker St (on the Green) Woostock NY 12498

H. Houst & Son Inc. 4 Mill Hill Rd. Woodstock 679-2115 hhoust.com hhoustinc@netscape.net True Value Hardware Store; * Just Ask Rental.

Crafts People 262 Spillway Rd. West Hurley 331-3859 craftspeople.us Representing 500 craftspeople. Dharmaware 54E Tinker St. Woodstock 679-4900 dharmaware.com Sacred Arts, Cloting & Incense.

Jarita’s Florist 17 Tinker St. Woodstock 679-6161 or 1-877-JARITAS jaritas.com Serving Woodstock since 1977.

The Golden Notebook 29 Tinker St. Woodstock 679-8000 goldennotebook.com thegoldennotebook@hvc.rr.com Best independent bookstore in the Hudson Valley.

Loominus Woodstock 18 Tinker Street Woodstock 679.6500 loominus.com Hand Woven for Men, Women, Baby and Home.

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.


Julie Last

“So the order of everything just went kaplooey...” – Joan Baez

Shelly Parriott


Shopping Michael Lang. See ad right. Mowers Saturday Flea Market Maple Lane Woodstock 679-6744 woodstockfleamarket@hvc.rr.com Open weekends May - Nov. See you there! Not Fade Away Trading Co. 42 Mill Hill Road Woodstock 679-8663 notfadeawaygraphics.com Woodstock Souvenirs & Rock -n- Roll.

Available from Golden Notebook

Overlook Mountain Bikes 93 Tinker St. Woodstock 679-2122 overlookmountainbikes.com Sales, service, rental. Closed Tues. Pegasus Comfort Footwear 10 Mill Hill Road Woodstock 679-2373 pegasusshoes.com Great shoes: sandals, clogs & boots.


Pinewoods Farm Wool Shop 71 Phillips Road Saugerties 246-2203 pinewdsfarmsop@aol.com Inspiring Yarn-Fiber-Books. Pondicherry Yoga Arts 12 Tinker St. Woodstock 679-2926 pondi.biz Yoga Accessories, Auroville Handicrafts, Jewelry. Pottery Mountain 94 Middleway Mt.Tremper 679-2614 / 914-388-2470 potterymountain.com Functional thrown porcelain pots w/ hand lettered words of wisdom.

Shopping Sweetheart Gallery Lila & Norman Bacon 8 Tannery Brook Rd. Woodstock 679-2622 SweetHeartGallery.com Fine American Art & Craft, Gifts. Timbuktu 2 Tannery Brook Rd. Woodstock 679-1169 timbuktuwoodstock.com Cool International Home Furnishings. WoodstockArts P.O. Box 1342 Woodstock 679-8111 woodstockarts.com Publishers of 40th anniversary books: Roots of the 1969 Woodstock Festival, Woodstock History and Hearsay and It Happened in Woodstock.

Wild & Sweet 17 Tinker St. Woodstock 679-1163 Unique, Beautiful, Wild & Sweet. Woodstock Wines & Liquors 33 Tinker St. Woodstock 679-2669 woodstockwineandliquors.com Specializing in Fine Wine & Spirits.

Bruce Ackerman


Bonni Diana



Crisis Counseling Highway Department Justice Court Police/ Fire / Emergency Town Clerk


Christian Science Reading Room Christ’s Lutheran Church Congregation Agudas Achim Congregation Ahavath Israel First Church of Christ Scientist Jehovah’s Witnesses KTD Buddhist Monastery Matagiri Sri Aurobindo Center Overlook United Methodist Church Shady United Methodist Church St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church St. John’s Roman Catholic Church Temple Emanuel Reform Synagogue Trinity Baptist Church Unitarian Fellowship Wesleyan Community Church Woodstock Dutch Reformed Church Woodstock Jewish Congregation Zen Arts Center Donshinji Monastery


Family Wittenberg Center for Alternative Resources Woodstock Access Television Woodstock Animal Hospital Woodstock Chamber of Commerce & Arts Woodstock Film Festival Woodstock Land Conservancy Woodstock Library Woodstock Museum Woodstock Times Youth Center & Skatepark


679-2485 679-2805 679-6345 679-2422 679-2113 679-9534 679-2336 331-1176 338-4409 679-9534 657-8824 679-5906 679-8322 679-6800 679-9775 679-8800 679-7696 338-4271 518-265-6238 331-2884 657-8444 679-6610 679-2218 688-2228 331-7080 679-9764 679-7777 679-8724 679-6234 679-4265 334-2418 679-2213 246-0600 334-8200 679-2015

ALL PHONE NUMBERS ARE IN 845 AREA unless otherwise specified

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