Woodstock Travel Guide

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Lynn Digby

Still, up the private drives and shaded lanes of this town, across the streams and valleys, borne on the breezes or the winds, beaten into the very earth of this place is the urge to express, to create. Somehow, to be a part of Woodstock bestows a heritage of courage to stand apart and be oneself. (Jean Lasher Gaede) In an effort to be “green,� we are publishing this Guide on acid free, responsibly harvested, post consumer waste (or reclaimed) fiber using agri-based inks. Printed by Lithography by Design, whose goal is to provide environmentally responsible printing practices.


ARTICLES: Working for the Muses............................................ 2-3 Versions of Artistry.................................................4-5 You Yearned It.......................................................... 6-7 My Name Is Erica And I Am A Culture................. 8-10 Thirst For Fun........................................................... 12

LISTINGS: Arts, Activities, Galleries & Museums............... 17-20 Dining & Food......................................................22-23 Lodging: B&Bs.....................................................25-26 Cottages....................................................... 28 Motels & Inns.............................................. 29 Media, Music, Theater & Film............................30-31 Mind, Body, Health & Spas.................................33-37 Real Estate................................................................. 39 Services................................................................ 40-42 Shopping............................................................. 44-49

CONTRIBUTORS: Publishers: Pat Horner & Larry Lawrence Graphic Design & Production: Katie Jellinghaus Writers: Pat Horner, Sharon Rousseau, Claire Brightwater, Erica Manfred and Barry Samuels.

COVER ART: Painting by Lucinda Knaus Sculpture of 8 foot guitar made from wood & chains by Rennie Cantine. Businesses advertising in this Guide make our publication possible. We encourage you to support them. Copies of this Guide are available at many of the advertisers or see listed locations at WoodstockGuide.com 1



Lora Shelley

One hundred miles north of New York City lies Woodstock, one of the most famous small towns in America, famous for a concert that didn’t happen there, and also famous for an idea based on a set of values that began in the early 20th Century. It’s a town that embraces a way of life beyond ‘hippie’, celebrating nature, going back to the land and simplicity, and is famous for incubating artists and stirring creativity for more than a century. It’s a town where it’s cool to draw, paint, play music, write poetry, and forge a path to uniqueness. This is where many live their dreams and where light shines on creative ideas. Founded by Native Americans and later Dutch, English and German settlers, farming and tanning were the main occupations. Merging land and spirit with diversity today, Woodstock is a town where many residents and visitors alike maintain a constant love affair with life. Many actors, artists, writers and musicians keep open minds, refine their sense of truthfulness, no matter how difficult. When meeting an artist, Woodstockers typically ask, “What kind of art do you do?” instead of “How do you make a living?” This art Mecca began in 1902 when Byrdcliffe, the oldest U.S. continuous art colony, was founded by Ralph Whitehead, Hervey White and Bolton Brown. Hervey left a few years later to start his own colony a few miles away. The Maverick concerts began there in 1915 and have become the oldest continuous summer chamber music series in the U.S. The Woodstock Artists Association, formed in 1921, with its museum and vital events and exhibition program today is the home for arts in the Village of Woodstock.

By the time Bob Dylan came in 1963 Woodstock was already famous as an art colony. In 1969, plans for the Woodstock Festival of Music and Art grew so large that the location was moved to Max Yasgur’s farm in Bethel, 40 miles away. The Woodstock Generation was born. Known internationally as a cultural haven, this is a town where music and words play a key role. Theater brings Broadway talent to the newly owned and renovated Woodstock Playhouse and the Woodstock Fringe. Opera is performed locally by The Phoenicia Festival of the Voice. While working for the muses or themselves, many creative souls share their art with the community. Galleries, museums, craft stores and businesses celebrate Second Saturdays from May through December and the free summer concerts on the Village Green and Shakespeare productions in the Comeau park attract hundreds.

“This is where many live their dreams and where light shines on creative ideas.”

Carol Davis

We celebrate and appreciate the extraordinary. Many of us are delighted to be a tourist town and welcome you as an old friend would - part of our community. Enjoy the unique shops, restaurants, galleries, museums and glorious scenery while you encompass the pleasures of Woodstock. We encourage you to make memories with the muses.

– Pat Horner


VERSIONS OF ARTISTRY A long-time Woodstock resident recently asked if I’d heard a local fable that begins, “If you ever spend a night in Woodstock, you’re bound to return.” While the specific fable was new to me, and I laughed at the whispered tone we were using to discuss the story, the premise was something I’d witnessed many times. Woodstock captures the imagination quickly and then continues to inspire---luring artists and collectors, lovers of natural beauty, independent thinkers and writers, musicians and dreamers. The community of Woodstock then nourishes them with readings, concerts, exhibits, classes, and spiritual retreats providing a haven for experimentation, contemplation and shared experience. Woodstock values the earth and the conservation of natural resources, and residents seek to protect our natural world. From the beginnings of The Byrdcliffe and Maverick Colonies and the early Arts Students League summer sessions to today’s Byrdcliffe Guild, Woodstock Artists’ Association & Museum, and Center for Photography at Woodstock, the importance of artists working together and exhibiting work has remained a priority of this small town’s commerce and spirit. Jewelers, potters, and furniture makers create useful objects that are also individual works of art. In Woodstock, you can hike Overlook Mountain, join a haiku poetry group or enjoy Meredith Rosier


Marilynn Rowley

theater at the newly renovated Woodstock Playhouse. Both the Woodstock Film Festival and Woodstock Writer’s Festival bring international talent to the center of town. Shop owners, innkeepers, restaurateurs and chefs offer locals and visitors small business versions of artistry and unique experience. Vacationers can dine in sequins or sweats, visit rustic inns or relax with spa treatments. We have a vital indie bookstore and movie theater within walking distance to town. Maybe all of this combines to fuel the fable. Returning to a lovely natural setting offering a passion for history, culture and beauty, whether for a weekend or for a lifetime, seems perfectly Woodstock.

“Woodstock captures the imagination quickly and then continues to inspire”

Enjoy your visit! We know we’ll see you again.

– Sharon Rousseau 5

You Yearned It A Zen Advice Column

Living life is an art. Art has form - even if it is free form. When we tap into the Creative Mind, we must transcend the self/ego in order to link up with the Collective Creative Mind, and the Universal Unified Field. The great Director of Photography, Haskell Wexler Eric Angeloch


Carol Struve

once said “I still believe that there’s form to art and that means there has to be organization, discipline, responsibility, authority, technical knowledge and professionalism”. This is what we need in our life daily to make our life work. Everything we do is an art. Use your will and your inner power to put your life in order. Our lives are a creation in process, and every day we creatively take action by the choices we make as to the out come of our lives. Each stroke, each word, each movement is truly an action of creativity. If you can master the art of your life, life becomes a process of making choices that can be designed to make life beautiful. It takes a master crafter to carve out one’s own life. The journey for both our inner and outer world takes so much energy it is absolutely phenomenal. If our life was similar to that of a light bulb,

Lynn Towner

we would be burning steadily for approximately 75-85 years or longer. Now that’s a lot of energy. That is why more and more people are looking into the “footprint” they make on this Planet and the impact on the earth whilst living their life. Just think about the footprint we make on our own “inner” planet by the choices we make. Remember, Every Action Has A Reaction. I keep a small framed quote, by the Sage Patanjali on my desk that was given to me by my daughter Kiva several years ago. It reads “When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds; your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents come alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be“. These words have now become part of my daily existence. Before l begin my crafting, l contact an energy within myself that I have learned to tap into. It is an energy of inner power, yet, it is also an energy of Fear and Trust at the very same time. It is an energy of discipline and also free form. When we create, we are in a state of grace. About fifteen years ago, I read an article in a yoga magazine about the artist, Henri Matisse. Matisse was once asked if he believed in God, and he said, “Only when l paint”. That sits on my desk as well. Love and Light,

Claire Brightwater, the Turquoise Lady 7

My Name is Erica and I am a Culture Vulture When I moved to upstate New York from New York City in 1991, one of the hardest adjustments I had to make was to boredom. There simply wasn’t much to do. There was very little theatre, movies were mostly action blockbusters at the multiplex, and the type of music we liked—folk—had disappeared along with the Woodstock generation. My husband and I initially lived in Catskill, 30 miles north of Woodstock and we would scour the listings for a concert, play or event that sounded interesting in the corridor from Albany to Kingston. There wasn’t much south of Albany. Fast forward to 2001. We moved to Woodstock, and by that time new venues were popping up all over the place. We saw some great folk music at the Colony and Kleinert, movies at Tinker St. Cinema and Upstate Films and plays in several venues around town. Unfortunately the husband

I am thrilled to report that no one has to go to Albany or New York City anymore for “kulcha.”

Barbara Tepper Levy



Christopher Engel

Gay Leonhardt

left shortly after we moved and as the listings exploded with fascinating events, I languished in front of the TV on Saturday nights, reluctant to take myself out alone. Finally I got pro-active and started the Woodstock Culture Vultures Meetup group. Meetup.com is an online site where you can post just about anything you’re interested in and find other like-minded folks in your area. Well it turned out that there are lots of folks like myself, mostly singles, who want to take advantage of what this area offers. I am thrilled to report that no one has to go to Albany or New York City anymore for “kulcha.”. Not only is there lots of it in and around Woodstock, but, unlike in New York City, tickets are usually cheap, you don’t have to wait in line for hours—and there’s free parking. We Woodstock Culture Vultures have almost too much to choose from these days. Just a few venues that either weren’t around or I didn’t know about when I moved here: UPAC in Kingston, which regularly features dance recitals, musicians, singers, and even stand-up comics; the Bearsville Theatre where some top rock bands perform; PAW (Performing Arts of Woodstock) which produces Off-Broadway-caliber shows; the Woodstock Colony which hosts quirky music from folk, to jazz to blues; the Woodstock Film Festival

AND the Woodstock Writers Festival bring the cinema and publishing worlds to our doorstep; the Woodstock Playhouse reopened and is now showing professionally produced musical revivals; Woodstock Fringe shows offbeat original plays and one-man and one-woman shows that you can’t see anywhere else; Rosendale Theatre is now the home of Actors and Writers who sponsor regular readings and performances of exciting short plays performed by Equity actors. We even have exotic ethnic food now, another lack when I moved here. Our first Culture Vulture meetup was at Mezzaluna, a Puerto Rican bistro in Saugerties. Harriet Livathinos

Our area has become a center for the visual arts as well. Some of the art galleries in Woodstock include Fletcher Gallery, Woodstock Framing Gallery, BMG Gallery, Woodstock Artists Assoc. & Museum, Kleinert, Center of Photography and Bearsville Graphics. On Second Saturday nights of the month they hold openings and you can wander from one to the other. To tell you the truth it’s a tad overwhelming. Now that I have so many places to go and so many people to go with, sometimes I want to just stay home and veg in front of the TV again. Be careful what you wish for……

– Erica Manfred 10

Remember always that you have not only the right to be an individual; you have an obligation to be one. You cannot make any useful contribution in life unless you do this. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

Marlyn DeWitt


Thirst for Fun

Marcie Woodruff

WOODSTOCK is a festival town. Indeed this summer the Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild is having a “festival of festivals”, highlighting on one weekend, the many & varied festivals we have throughout the year. Coming from the traditions of the late Maverick Festivals & from the 1969 Woodstock Music Festival, this idea of festival defines us...of a “fete” for art & music, for mind & body, offering to our visitors a grand party, sharing a time of joy & creativity together. It is the time for our town to celebrate this “feast” in many different ways ...film, fiction, poetry, music, dance, theater, or art. It is a time for revelry, with performances & special events to present to the world a showcase for that spirit which Woodstock embodies. It is a “fiesta” ...our community expressing its special quality through celebration. It is our way to have a “festivity” that we can enjoy as well as present. From many months of preparing, securing the talent, scheduling the events, it all looks simple at its fruition. But its toil is suffused with joy, and a sense that our town is at the center of the universe, at least for a weekend. So I invite you all to come to Woodstock with a thirst for fun, for an opportunity to revel in something unique, to be part of the spirit of the town, to find new things in a beautiful natural setting to feast on ideas, as well as good food & drink, to dance, to sing, to paint, to film, to photograph, to write, to play an instrument. It is all waiting for you here.

– Barry Samuels 12

Teresa Ancel

“Woodstock came to symbolize our solidarity...the connection to one another felt by all of us...we showed the best of ourselves...the time was right...the spirit was right, and we were right. What resulted was a celebration...when joy became big news...It was a strange, sometimes magical trip...Woodstock was an opportunity, a moment, a home...” (Michael Lang from The Road to Woodstock) 1 133

It is by no means certain that our individual personality is the single inhabitant of these our corporeal frames... We all do things both awake and asleep which surprise us. Perhaps we have cotenants in this house we live in. (Oliver Wendell Holmes) Reidunn Fraas Z. Willy Neuman


Young Mi Kim

A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament ‌ Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known. (Oscar Wilde)


Kathleen McGuiness

Certain defects are necessary for the existence of individuality. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)


David Morris Cunningham


Bearsville Graphics Art Gallery 68 Tinker Street Woodstock 684-5476 bearsvillegraphics.com Prints, Paintings, Mosaics & Cards. 
 Center for Photography at Woodstock 59 Tinker St. Woodstock 679-9957 cpw.org Exhibits,classes, lectures & more. See ad this page. 
 Elena Zang Gallery 3671 Rte. 212 Shady (Woodstock) 679-5432 elenazang.com Contemporary Fine Art, ceramics & Sculpture Garden.

BYRDCLIFFE Kleinert/James Center for the Arts The Byrdcliffe Shop The Byrdcliffe Theater and Barn Byrdcliffe Art Colony Byrdcliffe Artist in Residence Program 34 Tinker St., Woodstock 845.679.2079 www.byrdcliffe.org


Fletcher Gallery 40 Mill Hill Road Woodstock 679-4411 fletchergallery.com Specalizing in early 20th C. Art. 
 Galerie BMG 12 Tannery Brook Road Woodstock 679-0027 galeriebmg.com Contemporary Fine Art Photography. James Cox Gallery at Woodstock 4666 Rte. 212 Willow 679-7608 jamescoxgallery.com Fine art dealer for 30 years.

ARTS, ACTIVITIES, GALLERIES & MUSEUMS Lily Ente Studio 153 Tinker St. Rear Woodstock 917-952-7514 LilyEnte.com Sculpture & Prints by Lily Ente Sculpture by Paulette Esrig

Mount Tremper Arts 647 South Plank Road Mt. Tremper 688-9893 MountTremperarts.org International Contemporary Art.

The Home Address for Art in Woodstock.

28 Tinker Street, Woodstock, NY 12498 www.woodstockart.org • 845-679-2940

Philip Guston. WAAM Permanent Collection.

Opus 40 50 Fite Rd. Saugerties 246-3400 opus40.org 6 1/2 acres of Harvey Fite’s amazing bluestone wonder; available for weddings.

Matagiri Gallery 1218 Wittenberg Road Mt. Tremper 679-8322 matagiri.org Paintings by Sam Spanier; by appt. only.

Larry Lawrence


Billy A Sanctuary For Over 200 Rescued Farm Animals Visit Weekends Only Apr-Oct • 35 Van Wagner Rd, Willow WoodstockSanctuary.org or 845.679.5955

Shelley Parriott, The Art Studio at Woodstock 679-6390 ColorFieldSculpture.com Abstract sculptural installations.

Woodstock Artists Association & Museum 28 Tinker St. Woodstock 679-2940 woodstockart.org Gallery & Museum of Regional Art. See ad page 18. 
 Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild 34 Tinker St. Woodstock 679-2079 Byrdcliffe.org Byrdcliffe Art Colony Tours, Exhibitions and performances. See ad page 17.

Town Tinker Tube Rental PO Box 404 / 10 Bridge St. Phoenicia 688-5553 towntinker.com See ad this page. Whitewater Tubing Adventures!

Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary 35 Van Wagner Rd Willow 679-5955 woodstocksanctuary.org A shelter for rescued farm animals. See ad this page. 19

Lea Moore

Pat Horner Studio Willow, NY 679-5495 pathorner@hvc.rr.com woodstockworkshops.com Mixed media, paintings & collage. Workshops & coaching available. See ad page 20.

ARTS, ACTIVITIES, GALLERIES & MUSEUMS Woodstock Workshops Coaching for Artists & Creative Careers Pat Horner Karen St.Pierre


• woodstockworkshops.com

Woodstock Framing Gallery 31 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock 679-6003 WFGgallery.com Fine art and custom framing.

Woodstock Museum 13 Charles Bach Road Saugerties 246-0600 WoodstockMuseum.org Open for tours weekends, also by appt. See ad this page.

woodstock school of

Woodstock School of Art PO Box 338 2470 Rte. 212 Woodstock 679-2388 woodstockschoolofart.org Fine art classes and exhibitions. See ad this page. All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.



Pat Horner

I’m for the individual as opposed to the corporation. The way it is the individual is the underdog, and with all the things a corporation has going for them the individual comes out banged on her head. The artist is nothing. It’s really tragic. (Marilyn Monroe) 21

DINING & FOOD Patricia Seminara

Cub Market 3203 Route 212 Bearsville 679-6569 Deli, organic & conventional groceries & produce. Imported & domestic beer. 
 Garden Cafe on the Village Green Woodstock 679-3600 woodstockgardencafe.com Organic Wine & Beer. Mountain Gate Indian Restaurant 4 Deming St. Woodstock 679-5100 Fine Indian cusine: voted best in the Hudson Valley, Hudson Valley Mag.


Ruth’s Country Kitchen 138 Tinker Street Woodstock 679-6349 countrykitchen.me American/Continental Lunch & Dinner. 
 Sunflower Market 75 Mill Hill Road Woodstock 679-5361 sunflowernatural.com Premier Organic Grocer for over 33 years! See ad page 22. 
 Sunfrost Farms See ad this page

Taco Juan’s 31 Tinker St. Woodstock 679-9673 HEALTHY MEXICAN FOOD & HOMEMADE ICE CREAM!!! Samantha Margalit

Only an individual can imagine, invent, or create. The whole audience of art is an audience of individuals. (Ben Shahn) 23

The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. (Friedrich Nietzsche) Lynn Bianchi


Lodging: B&Bs Barclay Heights B&B Mountain view near the Hudson call 845-246-3788 OutstandingHospitality.com Chef-owned Luxury Eco-Victorian. 
 Enchanted Manor of Woodstock 679-9012 enchantedmanorinn.com Heated saltwater pool, outdoor hot tub, massage, pvt. Jacuzzi tub, fireplace. See ad this page.

B&B’S B&B Glenford 657-2518 bandb@hvc.rr.com Overlooking the Ashokan Reservoir. PB CH7+ P $110/NIGHT.

The Guest House at Woodstock Sanctuary See ad this page.

Frank D’Astolfo

Harmony House Bed & Breakfast 1659 Route 212 Saugerties 679-1277 harmonyhousebandb.com Elegant, Serene, Fabulous Breakfast. 
 Morning Glory B&B 141 Tinker St. Woodstock 679-3208 morninggloryinwoodstock.com A Beautiful B&B in Town of Woodstock.

Room with a Moo View Located right next to the Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary, with over 200 rescued residents. Spectacular mountain views. Delicious vegan breakfast, free wifi, and all proceeds benefit the animals.


Guesthouse Woodstock Sanctuary



GuesthouseWoodstock.com or call 845-679-5955 for more information.

39 Van Wagner Rd, Willow

Lodging: B&Bs

Phoenicia Belle B&B 73 Main Street Phoenicia 688-7226 phoeniciabelle.com $90-150. 
 The Maple Tree 12 Old Forge Rd @ Tinker St. Woodstock 679-6342 TheMapleTreeBandB.com 2 suites in an 1802 Colonial 
 Village Green Bed & Breakfast See ad this page.

Onteora Mt. House PO Box 356 Boiceville 657-6233 www.onteora.com Rooms, Weddings, Retreats PB, FP. See ad this page.

Woodstock Inn on the Millstream See ad this page.


Mighty Xee

Nothing that God ever made is the same thing to more than one person. That is natural. There is no single face in nature, because every eye that looks upon it, sees it from its own angle. So every man’s spice-box seasons his own food. (Zora Neale Hurston)



Kate’s Lazy Meadow Motel See ad this page. Villas In Woodstock 917 596 8533 villasinwoodstock.com Beautiful Vacation Rentals! Hot Tub/FP. See ad this page. Paul Feasel

Aspects Gallery Inn & Spa 18 Maple Lane Woodstock 679-2469 AspectsGallery.com A sensual retreat in the heart of Woodstock. 
 Getaway-on-the-Falls 5 Waterfall Way Woodstock 679-2568 or 389-3978 getawayonthefalls.com Affordable streamside lodging.


Motels & Inns Grace Wapner

Catskill Rose Lodging & Dining 5355 Rte. 212 Mt. Tremper 688-7100 catskillrose.com Delicious food made in-house plus NEW modern cozy rooms. 
 Holiday Inn Kingston 503 Washington Ave. Kingston 338-0400 hikingston.com Pool, Sauna, Whirlpool. 
 Howard Johnson Inn 2764 Rte 32 Saugerties 246-9511 hojo.com/hotel/01656 Indoor heated pool/Free Wi-Fi. 
 The Woodbine Inn Palenville 518-947-6787 thewoodbine.com Whole Inn rentals; B&B; Groups, reunions, weddings.

Woodstock Inn on the Millstream 48 Tannery Brook Rd-Woodstock 1-800-420-4707 woodstock-inn-ny.com Beautiful Grounds & Gardens along the cascading Millstream. Easy walk to town. $137-$265 V/MC/AE. See ad page 26.

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated. Barbara Rosen


Media, Music, Theater & Film

Bearsville Theater See ad page 31. Laura Gurton

Maverick Concerts 120 Maverick Road Woodstock 679-8217 maverickconcerts.org 97 years chamber music concerts. Historic concert hall in the woods June 30 - Sept 16. See ad page 31. 
 Phoenicia Festival of the Voice See ad this page. Upstate Films 132 Tinker St, Woodstock 679-6608 6415 Montgomery St, Rhinebeck 876-2515 http://www.upstatefilms.org Year round Cinema - international & independent films.

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.


Katie Jellinghaus

Woodstock Guitar Festival Hosted by Rennie Cantine Woodstock 853-5115 woodstockguitarfestival.us August 12 Thru 20. Rock On . . . 
 Woodstock Playhouse 103 Mill Hill Road Woodstock 679-6900 woodstockplayhouse.org See ad page 30.

Tiziano Magni


Kim Kauffman Rita Schwab

“No two visions are alike. Those who reach the heights have all toiled up the steep mountains by a different route. To each has been revealed a different panorama.� (Albert Pinkham Ryder) 32

Mind, Body, HEALTH & SPAS Benedictine Hospital/Health Alliance of the Hudson Valley 105 Mary’s Ave. Kingston 338-2500 www.hahv.org info@hahv.org See ad page 35.

Discover a New You Herbal Skinlife Products & Services by Helen Pappas

Skin Rejuvenation Face & Body Healing Arts Body, Mind & Spirit SkinLife@hvc.rr.com

(845)684-5044 All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.


Cherri Voss Salon & Spa 1633 Glasco Turnpike Woodstock, NY 12498 679-2138 See ad this page. 
 Flowing Spirit Healing 33 Mill Hill Road Woodstock 679-8989 flowingspirit.com Physical/Emotional/Spiritual. See ad page 36. 
 Kingston Hospital/Health Alliance of the Hudson Valley 396 Broadway Kingston 331-3131 www.hahv.org info@hahv.org See ad page 35. 
 Herbal Skin Life See ad this page.

Bernard Gerson

Nobody can be exactly like me. Even I have trouble doing it. (Tallulah Bankhead) 34



HealthAlliance of the Hudson Valley® is Benedictine, Kingston, Margaretville Hospitals, Mountainside Residential Care Center and Woodland Pond at New Paltz combined. Our mission is to provide the highest quality health care services to all people in our communities through the distinct missions of its affiliated members. Benedictine Hospital Kingston Hospital Margaretville Hospital Mountainside Residential Care Center Woodland Pond at New Paltz

(845) 338-2500 (845) 331-3131 (845) 586-2631 (845) 586-1800 (845) 883-9800

Benedictine Hospital • Kingston Hospital • Margaretville Hospital Mountainside Residential Care Center • Woodland Pond at New Paltz

www.hahv.org 35

Mind, Body, spirit & Spas Joy Lofstrand Body Centered Therapies Woodstock 679-8305 NYC 212-684-0538 joylofstrand@gmail.com For Health & Wellness. See ad this page.

wood stock


Kia Abilay 845-679-6911 Energy & Intuitive Sessions. Interfaith Minister rainbowheart.net



6 Deming Street 679-8700 woodstockyogacenter.com

BODY CENTERED THERAPIES Helping to recover in times of stress, injury or illness Relax, Replenish & Heal

• Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy RCST® • Brennan Energy Healing • Integrative Massage JOY LOFSTRAND LMT, RCST®, BSSW, 845 679-8305/Woodstock 212 684-0538/NYC

30 yrs. in practice joylofstrand@gmail.com joylofstrand.com

Northern Dutchess Hospital 6511 Springbrook Avenue. Rhinebeck 845-876-3001 health-quest.org/ndh See ad page 37. Staats Fasoldt

Healing, Channeling, Mediation For inner/outer harmony & physical healing FlowingSpirit.com 845.679.8989 33 Mill Hill Rd.

KTD Monestary Retreat See ad page 37. Menla Mountain Retreat. See ad page 34. 36

KARMA TRIYANA DHARMACHAKRA Monastery retreat center in a serene, traditional Tibetan Buddhist setting

Enjoy delicious vegetarian meals and rooms with woodland mountain views. Private interviews with lamas and Rinpoches Free Meditation Instruction Weds. 7:00-8:00 PM, Sat. 2:00-3:00 PM 335 Meads Mt. Rd, Woodstock, NY • (845) 679-5906, ex: 3 • www.kagyu.org

River Rock Health Spa 62 Ricks Road Woodstock 679-7800 riverrock.biz Best of Hudson Valley 2007 - 2011. See ad this page. Stone Flower Mountain Health 1310 Route 28 West Hurley 845-679-4872 stoneflowermountainacupuncturehealth.com *Acupuncture *Herbs *NAET * *Allergies

Woodstock Yoga 6 Deming Street Woodstock 679-3728 WoodstockYogaCenter.com Formerly Bliss Yoga. Offering: Iyengar, Vinyasa, Yin, Basics, Restorative. See ad page 36.


TripAdvisor.com #1 Attraction

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.


6511 Springbrook Avenue Rhinebeck, NY 12572 845-876-3001 www.health-quest.org/ndh


Gertrude Abramson

Nature never repeats herself and the possibilities of one human soul will never be found in another. (Elizabeth Cady Stanton)


Real Estate Taft Street Realty, Inc. office: 687.9292 mobile: 380.3394 taftstreetrealty.com An Ulster County State of Mind! See ad this page.

Faye Storms Associate Broker-Ruth Gale Realty

Tel: 845-688-7290 or 688-5610 Cell: 845-532-4601 Web site: ruthgalerealty.com

Faye Storms See ad this page. Marcia Weiss, Lic. Assoc. Broker Westwood Metes & Bounds Realty Cell: 845-750-0710 www.marcia.westwoodrealty.com

Westwood Metes & Bounds Realty, Ltd. 24 Mill Hill Road Woodstock 679-0006 westwoodrealty.com also @ 275 Rte 375, West Hurley #1 residential sales leader for 19 consecutive years. See ad this page.

Top Performing in Ulster County Residential sales for 19 consecutive years!*

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.

Woodstock, NY • West Hurley, NY 845-679-0006 845-679-7321 *as per UC MLS Sold

U.C. Residential Transaction Sides 1993-2011

Lynne Friedman



Adirondack/Pine Hill Trailways 499 Hurley Ave. Hurley 800-858-8555 trailwaysny.com Line bus service & charters. See ad this page. 
 David Ekroth, Architect Willow, NY 679-5495 dekroth@hvc.rr.com Residential & commercial work. Regional, energy-efficient design.

Good Business Management Rebecca K. Schenker, JD, MBA Woodstock 679-2038 BusinessCheckup@aol.com Business Plans & Forensic Budgets 
 Jerry Wapner Attorney at Law 45 Mill Hill Road Woodstock NY 679-7207 See ad this page. Alan McNight


SERVICES Nancy & Lenny Kislin

Katiedidit Graphics katiediditonline.com 845-679-4445 Bruchures, Corporate Identity & Web Design See ad this page.


Kingston Ulster Storage 1151 Flatbush Road Kingston 336-4180 hbull@besicorp.com Storage. 
 Les Walker, Architect PO Box 678 Woodstock 679-4217 walkinwood@hvc.rr.com Specializing in residential design.

Logos, brochures, all print advertising & web design

katiediditonline.com Lithography by Design. See ad this page. Rondout Savings Bank See ad page 42.

Clara Steinzor



The School for Young Artists 31 Wittenberg Road, Bearsville 679-9541 SchoolforYoungArtists.org We offer great variety, an open studio, and a master teacher. Ulster Savings Bank 62 Mill Hill Road, Woodstock (866) 440-0391 ulstersavings.com MORE THAN JUST BANKING. See ad this page.

supplement experts

(845) 679-0790 mywoodstockrx.com

Alex Kveton

Woodstock Aikido Upper Byrdcliffe Rd. Woodstock 679-8153 woodstockaikido.com 7 days a week; visitors welcome. 
 Woodstock Apothecary See ad this page. Woodstock Public Library Knowledge, enjoyment, community 5 Library Lane Woodstock 679-2213 woodstock.org *WIFI*

See US in Woodstock and enjoy local artwork on display!

62 Mill Hill Road • (845) 679-8434 www.ulstersavings.com Member FDIC


Evelyn Pouget

“Poets, prose writers, playwrights, painters, potters, political pundits, photographers, portraitists, piano players, pilgrims of every artistic stripe march like an army of P’s into the shops in mid-winter, leaving their breath on the inside of the windows.” – Janine Pommy Vega 43


EMPTY SPACES handmade furniture

62 Tinker St. Woodstock, NY • 845.684.7074 www.emptyspaceswoodworking.com Crafts People 262 Spillway Rd. West Hurley 331-3859 craftspeople.us Representing 500 craftspeople. See ad page 47. 
 Dvash See ad this page.

60 Main See ad this page. Castaways See ad page 45. Catskill Art & Office Supply 35 Mill Hill Rd Woodstock 679-2251 catskillart.com Gifts, trail maps, framing, cards.

Empty Spaces See ad this page.


A Community Store

17 Tinker Street (next to Oriole 9) Woodstock NY 12498 845.417.1209


Mary Anne Erickson


Shopping The Freewheel Pottery 7 Tinker St. Woodstock 679-7478 phillipbresler@yahoo.com Local Handcrafted Pottery, Gifts & Jewelry. 
 The Golden Notebook See ad this page.

Castaways...in the woods the ultimate thrift shop

clothing, antiques & household 36 Mill Hill Woodstock 845-679-3459


Holiday Haus & Woodstock Emporium 21 Mill Hill Road Woodstock 679-9627 woodstocktshirts.com T-Shirts, Gifts, Xmas year round. 
 Jarita’s Florist 17 Tinker St. Woodstock 679-6161 or 1-877-JARITAS jaritas.com Serving Woodstock since 1977.

Vintage Consignments Always Buying • Ebay Sales Gold • Silver • Paintings Antiques 32 Mill Hill Rd. Woodstock NY James Morrison Jimpicks@mac.com 518-209-7792

H. Houst & Son Inc. 4 Mill Hill Rd. Woodstock 679-2115 hhoust.com True Value Hardware * Just Ask Rental. See ad this page. 
 Hawthorn Gallery 34 Elwyn Lane Woodstock 679-2226/679-2711 Antiques, art, home furnishings and gifts. Creative and sacred spaces.

BOOKS FOR ALL SINCE 1978 29 Tinker Street, Woodstock, NY BOOKS FOR ALL SINCE 1978 Daily 11am-6pm 29 Open Tinker Street, Woodstock, NY Open Daily 11am-6pm 845-679-8000 845-679-8000 www.goldennotebook.com www.goldennotebook.com

All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.



Welcome to

Village Green

Bed & Breakfast 845-679-0313

Lilly’s 24 Tinker Street Woodstock 679-6470 A Unique, Beautiful & Fun Place to Shop. See ad page 48. 
 Loominus Woodstock 18 Tinker Street Woodstock 679.6500 loominus.com Hand Woven for Men & Women.

Franz Heigemeir

Modern Mythology See ad this page. Mowers Sat/Sun Flea Market Maple Lane Woodstock 845 679-6744 woodstockfleamarket@hvc.rr.com Weekends May–Nov • Google us! 

Mt. Tremper Art & Antiques 5340 Route 28 Mt. Tremper 688-5966 velsani.com Pre-Columbian to Mid-20th Century. 
 Namse Bangdzo Bookstore 335 Meads Mt. Rd. Woodstock 679-5906, ext.1000 NamseBangdzo.com Selling Tibetan Buddhist books, art & practice materials. See ad page 48. Not Fade Away Trading Co. 42 Mill Hill Road Woodstock 679-8663 notfadeawaygraphics.com Woodstock Souvenirs and Rock -n- Roll See ad page 47. 
 Overlook Mountain Bikes 93 Tinker St. Woodstock 679-2122 overlookmountainbikes.com Sales, service, rental. Closed Tues. 
 Pegasus Comfort Footwear 10 Mill Hill Road Woodstock 679-2373 pegasusshoes.com Awesome Footwear.

SHOPPING Pondicherry Yoga Arts 12 Tinker St. Woodstock 679-2926 pondi.biz Yoga Accessories, Auroville Handicrafts, Jewelry. Stained Glass See ad page 46. Re-Source Gallery See ad page 45.

Shellie David Jewelry 54i Tinker Street (Behind Tinker St. in the Mews) Woodstock 679-4388 shelliedavidjewelry.com Open Artist’s Studio + Gallery + Gems. See ad page 48.

Talisman of Woodstock 5 Rock City Road Woodstock 679-0787 Art Objects, Jewelry, unique Gifts. 
 Tibetan Arts & Crafts See ad this page.



Timbuktu 2 Tannery Brook Rd. Woodstock 679-1169 timbuktuwoodstock.com Exotic World Decor.

Woodland Valley Books 74 Main St. Phoenicia 688-0011 dansofaer@yahoo.com Used Bookstore, Poetry, Bio, Lit, More. 
 Woodstock General Supply 33 Tinker St. Woodstock 684 - 7062 Outdoor Clothing Boutique Woofstock 7 Elwyn Lane 679-9663 Woodstock NY 12498

Turquoise Lady 39A Tinker St. (Turquoise Alley) Woodstock 646-644-5047 clairebrightwater.com A Moment of Beauty See ad page 49.

Shellie David

Treasure Chest 5 Waterfall Way Woodstock 679-2568 getawayonthefalls.com Vintage Collectibles, Thrift Shop. 
 All phone numbers are in the 845 area code unless otherwise indicated.




Crisis Counseling 679-2485 Highway Department 679-2805 Justice Court 679-6345 Police/ Fire / Emergency 679-2422 Town Offices 679-2113


Christian Science Reading Room 679-9534 Christ’s Lutheran Church 679-2336 Congregation Agudas Achim 331-1176 Congregation Ahavath Israel 338-4409 First Church of Christ Scientist 679-9534 Jehovah’s Witnesses 657-8824 KTD Buddhist Monastery 679-5906 Living Word Chapel 338-9305 Matagiri Sri Aurobindo Center 679-8322 Overlook United Methodist Church 679-6800 Shady United Methodist Church 679-9775 St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church 679-8800 St. John’s Roman Catholic Church 679-7696 Temple Emanuel Reform Synagogue 338-4271 Trinity Baptist Church 518-265-6238 Unitarian Fellowship 331-2884 Wesleyan Community Church 657-8444 Woodstock Dutch Reformed Church 679-6610 Woodstock Jewish Congregation 679-2218 Zen Arts Center Donshinji Monastery 688-2228


Family 331-7080 Woodstock Access Television 679-7777 Woodstock Artist Association & Museum 679-2940 Woodstock Byrcliffe Guild 679-2079 Woodstock Chamber of Commerce & Arts 679-6234 Woodstock Film Festival 679-4265 Woodstock Land Conservancy 334-2418 Woodstock Library 679-2213 Woodstock Museum 246-0600 Woodstock Times 334-8200 Youth Center & Skatepark 679-2015

ALL PHONE NUMBERS ARE IN 845 AREA CODE unless otherwise specified.

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