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R.vv ň Thanks so much for considering me to photograph such a special celebration in your lives! I absolutely adore what I do and I hope it shows. I’m passionate about people, about laughter, about joy, and about love. Warm sunlight makes me giddy and I can’t pass up an excuse to travel. Colorado is my home but California will always hold a special place in my heart. If I could take my family and friends with me I’d spend the rest of my life soaking in fami the Italian countryside.
I can’t wait to learn more about you!
ê Katie
Enduring Delightful Reassuring Understanding Comforting Simple Classic Graceful Loving Witty Warm Adoring Gentle Patient Delicate Bright Humble Enveloping Consistent Intimate Legacy
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5 hours wedding coverage full resolution images online viewing/ordering gallery 50 miles of travel $2500
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8 hours wedding coverage assistant photographer engagement session full resolution images online viewing/ordering gallery 50 miles of travel $4600
Ǎv Ǎ ª¾. hourly coverage 550/hour (2 hr min) assistant photographer 350 travel beyond 50 miles
please inquire for quote
8x8 20-page handmade album
additional 8x8 page 15 10x10 20-page handmade album 780 additional 10x10 page p 20 12x12 20-page handmade album 885 additional 12x12 page 25 album cover photo 30 mini parent album 188
- take 10% off all additional products/services when added at time of wedding booking - all prices subject to sales tax
. H H. . ¾ þ ƅ ī Ǎ XÞ.ª² ªì 60 minutes outdoor location of your choice full resolution images online viewing/ordering gallery 25 miles of travel $600 location fees not included loc
È( Xª 60 minutes hotel room fee folio with three 5x7 prints full resoluation images online viewing/ordering gallery 25 miles of travel $900
Katie Hellinger Photography Denver, Colorado www.katiehellingerphoto.com hello@katiehellingerphoto.com