‘The Bird is the Word’ is an illustrated fanzine featuring work from a variety of artists; photographers and illustrators. The work all revolves around the theme of birds. If you’re a bit of a bird brained art lover then you’re bound to enjoy giving this book a look!
Becca Corney - www.becillustration.com
Becca Paterson -www.beccapaterson.com
Emily Gilbert- www.emilygilbertillustration.com
Katie Maçon- www.katiemacon.com
Verity Hesketh - www.verityhesketh.co.uk
Leanne Coleman-www.leannecoleman.com
Lizzy Cunliffe-Jones - www.lizzycunliffejones.com
Jonny Clapham - www.jonnyclapham.co.uk
Louis Vinet - www.louisvinet.com
Robin Mackenzie - www. robinmackenzie.co.uk & Tea Kisuke- TBA