Created by Katie Allen
“The Universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition.” CARL SAGAN
SA Final Portfolio
S A Final Portfolio
Katie M. Allen 0505 SW Dakota Street Portland OR, 97239 Set in “Bariol”, “Never Let Go” "Adobe Caslon Pro" & “FFF Tusj”
First Edition Designed by Katie Allen Printed in the USA by Col-Tab Inc.
Mom, Dad, Liz, Sarah and Mike, I love you. Without your love and support I could never have realized my dreams.
"Do not pity the dead Harry, pity the living, and above all, those who live without love." — Albus Dumbledore
S A Final Portfolio
s Contents
Introduction Philosophy Coursework • Editing • Copyright & Law Project Management • Close is Fine Design Work • Design & Production • Ooligan Classics • Children's Literature • Publishing Software Freelance Work • Resume • Sweet Pickles Website • Invoice Sample Thank You & Dedication
10-11 12-13 14-21 22-27 28-45
A Final Portfolio
Introduction v When
you graduate from college with that shiny new bachelors degree in hand you really do feel invincible. Yeah, you’ve got some student loans you have to pay back, but you feel like you’ve got the world at your fingertips. Free to do whatever you like! And then, most likely after you’ve squeezed every last ounce of tequila from your summer break, reality sets in. You can't find a job or maybe what you got your initial degree in isn't something that interests you anymore. Or maybe, like me, you feel like you're just not done learning.
A friend of mine from high school mentioned one day on Facebook that she was having a really great time working on her masters at a graduate program in Portland. Having spent most of my days off watching Tombstone or Freaks & Geeks I decided I’d better get on with it and ask her what the program entailed. If she loved it so much maybe I could love it too? She explained to me that she was getting her MA in writing and book publishing at Ooligan Press through PSU. It was a two year program and uniquely 100% student operated. Editors, designers, marketers, managers; all students and they were graduating with high job rates too. It caught my attention. I thought that I had left college behind, why would I want to go back to school? The more I thought about it the more I realized I wasn't done learning. I hadn't gotten everything I needed out of my undergraduate studies and that I wanted to publish books for a living. Those two years passed quickly, quicker than I thought they would, and I'm now a month away from getting my MA. Ooligan really helped me to determine what I value in professional relationships and by creating this portfolio I've been able to reflect on what traits I bring to the table. I am more aware of myself as an employee, as a designer, as an editor, and as a leader. I feel prepared for the future, and to show you I've compiled this portfolio of my finest work. Enjoy!
A Final Portfolio
My Philosophy
Philosophy v As a publishing professional you have to have a set of values, or in my case a
philosophy, that you hold yourself to. For me it states what I expect from myself and what I hope to achieve with my future clients and authors. They are what I find to be most important when working with manuscripts of any kind. • •
I try to always be honest with my authors. If you can’t be honest with yourself then you certainly can’t be honest with other people and that hurts everyone in the end. Trust yourself and your instincts. If something seems off then something is probably off. Don't discount what your gut it saying. If you aren't able to trust yourself or your gut then you’ll only be lying to your author and that only damages your credibility and your confidence. Want to take what someone has put to paper and help them to craft it into the best that it can be. Something that they can be proud of and feel good about. It’s difficult to share your work with others, I know it’s very difficult for me, and to trust one person with that work is scary. I want to instill within them a sense of trust and openness so that we can work together. Keeping an objective mind and using clear statements is something I strive for and I hope that by using what I've learned I can in turn help a writer live up to their potential.
In the end I just want to publish stories that are worth sharing because they deserve to be read. Everyone works differently and you have to be able to shift yourself just a little in each direction in order to reach each author on their level. Sometimes it can be a little trying, but after you've discussed and the manuscript is finished you'll both appreciate each other and the hard work you've done to create such a beautiful piece. Patience, honesty, trust, and confidence.
Katie M. Allen
Advanced Editing Copyright & Law
Coursework v In the following section you'll find a sampling of my finest work in each of
the mentioned courses listed to the left. I chose one assignment from each course, mostly final projects, because I felt that they did an excellent job showing where I align myself in the publishing industry and also that I'm very detail oriented. For Advanced Editing you'll find a Developmental Edit letter addressed to Ernest Cline. I read Ready Player One over the term and found that even though it had been published there were still some global issues that needed fixing. These obviously will never be corrected since it's already a published book, but it was interesting to do because it shows that even published works aren't 100% polished by the print date. For Copyright & Law I've given panels for each of the screens on my Comic Book Copyright website that I created for our final. The purpose of the website is to educated comic book illustrators and writers on copyright laws and what they can do to protect themselves as creative individuals. It covers basic copyright law, a sample legal case, and a list of people in the industry that are doing it right while making a good amount of money.
Katie M. Allen
Advanced Editing
Developmental Edit Letter for Ernest Cline Dear Ernest, I want to start by telling you how much I enjoyed Ready Player One. The title alone invites readers to pick it up off the shelf because it harkens to their childhood, to a more fun, carefree time and that’s always tempting and enjoyable. Your characters are lovable, flawed, and relatable, all important traits in heroes people want to root for. Your manuscript is substantial enough that we’ll have a lot to work with, but found a couple of global issues we’ll have to tackle right away so that we can tie up loose ends throughout the story. The potential for your book is great and I’m sincerely looking forward to getting to work on this manuscript. As you go through all of my feedback, notice I have categorized all issues under two main sections: plot pacing and character development. I’ve gone through and paired them with references to the plot and characters and any subcategories I discuss have been explained in-depth within each section. I hope this feedback is of some help to you, as I believe this story is definitely worth telling and something people should have the pleasure of reading as I have. To summarize the manuscript I want to start with what is at the heart of the story. What is real is the most important. Those you love are worth fighting for, not technology or things we use to distract ourselves from the problems of the world. Wade, a teenager from Oklahoma, uses these distractions on a daily basis to get away from the living hell he deals with. Abusive relationships at home, living in a poor community, going to a school he gets bullied at, it all just sucks. Everyday, and nearly every free moment he has, is spent on a free online virtual reality community called the OASIS. The OASIS is a combination of hundreds of Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Games and online communities, perfect for those who want to escape. It's here that Wade makes his real friends and feels at home and not worthless. As a group they all wish to be the winner of the game every OASIS member wants to win: find James Halliday's easter egg within the
OASIS. There's a scoreboard, cash prize, and bragging rights to go with it and Wade is the first one to discover the first of the three different clues to get to the final challenge. This first discovery sets a chain reaction into motion and each of his friends follows suit. Working together they're trying to essentially keep a governmental organization from winning the prize so that the OASIS can continue to be free and open for everyone to use. Wanting to use that winning status and prize for good (and not for profit) puts Wade and his friends at the top of the leader board for most of the novel and by the end of it they're all fighting for their lives, including Wade's true love, Artemis. Wade learns to take responsibility for his actions and discovers that the people and world you love are worth fighting for, are worth the risk, and by taking that risk they save the world. This hook you’ve created on the first page is wonderful. You've got the reader on edge by and it's really effective , “ Everyone my age remembers where they were and what they were doing when they first heard about the contest. I was sitting in my hideout watching cartoons when the news bulletin broke in on my video feed, announcing that James Halliday had died during the night.” You’ve used mystery here to snag your reader and that’s one of the two most successful ways of doing it. It grabs your reader right away and they immediately want to know more about how the world has deteriorated and why Wade is in a hideout. While this is great, it feels as though you got lost within the exposition with chapters one through three. This is where I want to mention that the other effective hook is action. Slow description is nice at the beginning of a story so that the reader understands what’s happening, but you’ve got about 30 pages too much. While this may seem like a lot to chew on, it’ll actually be a pretty easy fix. This is a common issue among writers and can be resolved by weaving your exposition, which you don’t want to lose, within the plot. The action won’t be hindered by description if it’s done effectively and the reader will receive information while experiencing the intensity of the situation at hand. While this first few chapters do need some reworking, chapter 23 (pg. 226) is a really great example-chapter to take a peek at if you need inspiration. It also showcases your ability to tie in action with exposition and that should be encouraging! A few other authors that you can pull inspiration from in the same vein as your genre are J.K. Rowling, J.R.R Tolkien, and Juliet Mariller. Each of these authors is working with a very expansive setting that requires a lot of world and character building, but they always keep their reader involved by placing that foundation within the action of the plot. Harry is always on the run trying to find horcruxes and constantly in danger when Rowling is describing Harry's home life as a child or Voldemort's history at Hogwarts. The latter two things wouldn't normally be exciting by themselves, but when you tie it in with Harry's quest it
Katie M. Allen
creates a moment of rest within an intense chapter which is both refreshing and attention grabbing. You have just as much action going on your manuscript and it's exciting, but be careful of taking two or more pages describing something you only see once. In a world as expansive as the one Wade lives in you really need to put the emphasis on what’s important. The Stacks that Wade lives in are a perfect example. You describe it enough so that we understand what it is, but not enough that we’re falling asleep. Excellent job. This is what should be happening throughout the novel at least up until the climax. It's alright when stories start with mostly exposition and description of the world that the characters are living in, but when it’s being described slowly for pages at a time you lose the reader's attention very quickly. I think it would do some real good to start the manuscript a few chapters in, closer to when Wade enters the tomb, and go from there. Not only would that open to action, but you would be able to weave the slower, necessary exposition about Wade's school, his friends, and the OASIS within the action that is occurring. These scenes with action are so well written and draw the reader in with such ease that these pieces of exposition could be used better within the main plot line of the story. I also wanted to discuss Wade’s master plan at the end of the novel. It’s crazy, impossible, high risk, and honestly not worth it, but he does it anyway. Why? Everything up to this point in terms of Wade’s development as a character is inconsistent with the way he plans this attack. I feel as though this might be alright if we still had access to Wade’s thoughts, as we have throughout the novel, but here we are cut off from them. There is obviously not an easy fix to this issue and it means you’ll have to go back through and either create a base for Wade’s personality that the reader can believe in and follow without a problem or decide whether Wade’s thoughts will be obvious to us. If the reader has been able to get access to Wade’s thoughts the entire novel and suddenly can’t they’re going to doubt Wade (and possibly you as the author), especially because Wade doesn’t know if those codes are going to work at the end of the novel. The reader needs to be convinced and trust that Wade knows what he’s doing. The reader needs to know and be reassured that immersion in 80s culture, the OASIS, and knowledge of both inspires Wade to be a better person, a stronger person, and I think allowing us access to his thoughts in that last chapter is a great start to fixing that. Character growth is tied in with this development of Wade and what he ultimately takes away at the end of the novel, and what the reader takes away, is that by rejoining the real world he gets the girl (Artemis) and regains his life back. Is that what you want at the heart of your story? I think it's a good message for our culture today because we are so attached to technology and things that aren't really realistic. We do lose sight of what is important sometimes and that is a powerful message, but start thinking about
what you want Wade to say to your audience. Just that bottom line? Or something more? The heart of the story is important to readers because they're using books just as Wade uses the OASIS, to escape from real life, and if the story doesn't resound with them then they aren't going to connect with your characters or want to read more of your writing. A strong, believable, open to good change character is vital and Wade has all those qualities, you just need to make it more accessible and obvious to your audience. Your reader is smart, but they do need a little guidance sometimes, especially when learning about new, intriguing, worth-rooting-for characters they've never met before. I just want to say again how wonderful a writer you are. This story is one that many readers are going to be able to relate to and I believe that it is an important one to tell, especially with the way the world is right now. Global warming, overpopulation, and our very present energy crisis are all problems we need to discuss and your depiction of the world, not so far off if I might add, is hauntingly accurate. These characters deal with the cards they’ve been dealt and you handle it with an experiential eye and wonderful craft. The description of characters and video game scenarios made me feel as though I were within that world, within the OASIS, and that was a really wonderful feeling. My suggestions of character development and plot pacing will really help your reader to make an even stronger connection with these complex characters you write about. This is certainly not to say that your characters aren’t relatable as-is, but it would definitely help the reader to see a bigger picture and have a better understanding of why these characters are the way they are. This manuscript is already off to a really good start and you have a lot to work with. I believe in this book and it should be published because there really isn’t anything out there like it and the audience that likes this genre will buy it off the shelves like hot cakes. Why? Because it has references to video games they love and worlds that they can only dream of accessing. There are books about MMORPGs (massive multiplayer online role-playing game), but nothing of this scale. It addresses many issues now that we as a nation are faced with and it shows what the future could potentially be if we don’t take action. Well done. I sincerely hope my comments and feedback help you now and with future endeavors, and I hope that you bring this manuscript to its fullest potential so that others can enjoy it as much as I have. Best of luck to you, Ernest. Sincerely, Kathryn M. Allen
Katie M. Allen
Copyright & Law
Educational Website on Comic Book Copyright
Page One: Copyright Know How
Project Management
Page Two: Legal Case Example
Page Three: Comic Book Copyright Successes
Katie M. Allen
Close Is Fine by Eliot Trechiel
Project Management
Project Management v When I
first started at Ooligan I heard the title, "Project Manager" getting thrown around a lot. Often it was followed by phrases like, " I don't know, the metadata is still processing", "we needed a venue like yesterday!", and, "they need me to stay on one more term." All things that sounded beyond me and quite frankly sounded like too much for me to handle so I didn't bother looking into it. That is until I was in editing my second term.
I was asked to be on the Close is Fine typecoding team because I knew how to write HTML, CSS, and other nerdy code type things. I needed the hours and the work would be easy, so I got to work on the story, "Good Potato Soil." I didn't even typecode it all the way through because I was too busy reading it for the story. It struck a chord in me and made me think of how I was in my early years of college. One of my good friends from high school hadn't applied with the rest of us because to him, working at Roth's, smoking pot and playing video games was better. He continues to do that to this day, but he's so smart! He could be doing anything he wanted. I felt like maybe Dude was that way. I hated that my friend had squandered what he had and I hung onto the story as if it helped me to deal with it. By the next term the story was still fresh in my mind and at one of our executive meetings I heard Close is Fine needed a manager. Remembering all the jargon I heard my first term I paled at the prospect, but after some encouragement from my peers I applied. It was the best thing I could have done for myself. Not only did I have invaluable conversation with Eliot, the author, but I got experiences from the position that I would never have been able to have outside of the press. You have to prove you can be a Project Manager at a company, but here I was doing relatively well at it. I loved every minute of it and to show how much I valued the experience I included my reflection letter that I turned in after CIF was published.
Katie M. Allen
Post Launch & Publication Closing Essay
Fall term was my third term on with Close is Fine. My first term was over the summer and I'll start my summary off with what we accomplished then. Irene and Marc first introduced me to Close is Fine when I applied for Spring term project manager. The way things were going with transitioning managers made it so that I didn't start until two weeks before Spring Term's end, but I liked it because it made it an easy, stress free transition. I had two weeks to acquaint myself with the project, it's managers, and it's position in the publishing process. Having read Close is Fine only once before when we acquired it, I decided to read it again for a couple of reasons. One, I wanted to refresh my memory of the stories and characters. Two, I was going to be filming the book trailer for the novel so I needed to be able to clip out the pieces that would be most effective. Lastly, I wanted to really make sure that I knew which specific audiences we were targeting and which marketing strategies would work for those audiences and rereading the novel definitely helped me to determine that. The first thing I went to work on was sending a design brief to the Design group so that they could get started on designing our bookmarks and other swag we needed for the book launch, Wordstock, and other events. This went fairly smoothly and Brandon Freels created a really nice, clean design for the bookmarks that matched the tone and cover of Close is Fine. This was around the same time that I started to brainstorm the trailer manuscript with filmmaker, and close friend of mine, Jared Richard. We worked for about five weeks on the script for the trailer and there were a lot of things we needed to take into consideration while writing. The location was going to be a huge part of it because a book trailer is visual and without the right setting it would fall apart very quickly. This was why we chose Good Potato Soil for the trailer. Jared and I knew of the perfect spot for filming and knew of two people would could ask to be in the trailer and fulfill the roles of Dude and man. Mike Beymer and Nick Steffl. When Editing sent us the script back we found that most everything had been written exactly how we had envisioned and the Editing group gave us great feedback.
Project Management
Katie M. Allen
Once Jared and I had gone over the script one more time we decided it was time to start filming. A trip to Goodwill got us everything we needed, and Mike was able to provide us with a camera and the location. This really showed me that connections and networking is a very important part of any industry involved in marketing and selling product. It was around this same time that Jon Stark introduced us to his project Start to Finish. This was perfect timing because I was able to write my entries about all of the exciting stuff we were doing with the trailer and Close is Fine. By actually sitting down and writing what I was accomplishing I realized just how intricate and important each process of a book is. It also made me realize that I was doing a lot in a small amount of time. After finishing the trailer Jared and I spent about twelve hours editing and finalizing the film for the trailer. Many of the hiccups had to do with choices involving editing together of the clips, font preferences, and music. We didn't necessarily agree on everything and I felt as Project Manager I needed to be the voice of the book and really put my foot down on what was best for it and for Eliot. In the end everything turned out great and Jared and I worked together well by putting aside our preconceived notions of what's "good" or "bad" as far as film movement and design. The experience I got doing this trailer is pretty invaluable because I don't see myself doing anything else film related for a while. If and when I do get a job in the industry this will serve me well though because it's just one more notch of experience I can put on my resume. By this time I was well into Fall term and classes were underway. It was also that much closer to the launch date. Marketing worked very hard to get the venue we did, the Doug Fir, and it was a perfect fit for Eliot and his book. Emily is a great networker and researcher when it comes to finding venues for launches, readings, and places to plug our books and I feel very lucky to have been able to work with her. Each week that passed we heard back from more people about interest in our book in their award contest, more people interested in reading with Eliot, and more good reviews were coming out in papers and online. When the launch finally rolled around everything was moving so quickly and everything went so well that it was over before I knew it. We had a great turn out at the launch and Eliot did a spectacular job reading. Jared and Mike were very interested to meet Eliot, after working on the book trailer, and I think it was a rewarding experience for them to chat. Everyone there at the launch was just so genuinely excited for and proud of Eliot and I count myself as one of them. We sold all but two of the copies we brought to the launch and as far as I know after we got kicked out of Doug Fir at eight people continued to hang out and chat. After the launch I felt really good about future opportunities for the book and all of the different readings we were scheduling for Eliot. Many local authors were express-
Project Management
ing interest in reading with him and that shows how supportive this area is for new authors. I let Marketing get to work on scheduling the events and I went to work on a P&L for the book. It took some time making sure everything was as it should be on the form, and the math really wasn't that fun to work with, but after a few hours I finally felt comfortable with what I had come up with. We are going to keep this on file under the PM site for future PM's to look at both as a record and example for future titles. As this term comes to an end and I look back on what we accomplished I feel really good about Ooligan and the way it runs it's press. Being a Project Manager was intimidating, but I'm really glad I decided to do it because it allowed me to discover what I'm passionate about in the field and let me see just how rewarding this profession really is. The experience gained in this position too is invaluable and I'm going to take this knowledge I've gained and hopefully apply it at future jobs. This week I am doing my final duty as Project Manager and meeting with Sales, Marketing, and Abbey about our sell through plan for Close is Fine so that it's needs are attended to after the Project Mangers have left, just as it is with each book after launch. I feel confident that Eliot is going to continue to do well and I have my fingers crossed we'll hear back from awards we applied for.
Katie M. Allen
Ooligan Classics Design & Production Children's Literature Publishing Software
Design Work
Design Work v This is the largest section in my portfolio because it's my favorite thing to do.
I could spend hours laying out a document in InDesign or messing with images in Photoshop. It brings out this side of me that I didn't know I had. I knew I was a creative person, that was obvious in my writing, but I didn't know that I had such a visual eye for design. It started with Remember the Alamo. We were designing covers for our Classics project in Design & Production and I chose the novel Remember the Alamo, a culturally rich love story. The first cover featured here was the second one I had designed, but wasn't sold on until we voted on it in class. Against three others my cover was chosen. The second sample is my final from the Design & Productions class. My final paper was on middle grade and YA cover analysis and I had to somehow translate it into design. I struggled at first, but realized I wanted to focus around notes because that was how I remembered myself at that age. Always writing notes and sending postcards to people. Each cover I discussed was featured on the front of a postcard and my colophon got folded into origami hearts. The third sample is a cover I designed in Children's Literature for the book The Itchy Little Musk Ox. I created a full dummy of the book, but only created full samples for the cover and first page. Although the sampe interior page is still cute. Lastly another final project sample, but this one is from Publishing Software. I minored in french for my undergraduate degree and had always wanted to travel there so I created an interactive PDF for people travelling to France. It served to show them the basics of the country and how to get around while there.
A Final Portfolio
Ooligan Classics
"Remember the Alamo" When
i first read the manuscript for Remember the Alamo I thought it was going to be able cowboys and Indians shooting each other up in a battle to the death, but I was pleasantly surprised. In place of fighting I found a culturally rich love story with relatable characters and passion. I wanted to design my cover around that passion and after a couple of tries I got what I wanted.
The warm reds, oranges, and yellows are a perfect contrast to the stark whites and blacks. This makes it stand out on the shelf and also stays true to the story. I used rose petals for the background because of the connection between roses, love, and passion, but also for the Spanish culture. All of these elements paired with the very soft floral brushes I used in Photoshop pull it together with a quote from Amelia at the bottom. It was hard at first trying to model my cover around the Ooligan Classics template, but in the end I really liked the way it gave the images and text structure. It'll be immediately recognized as part of the Ooligan Classics series because of those elements and the newly designed hook logo. I'm most proud of this cover because it's going to be my first published work and I really did believe in the story behind it.
Remember Remember the the Alamo Alamo
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Design Work
barr barr
Remember Remember the the Alamo Alamo ooligan ooliganclassics classics “Human feeling is is notnot “Humanrelations relationsare arebuilt builtononfeeling, feeling,not notononreason reasonororknowledge. knowledge.And And feeling ananexact about it.”it.” exactscience; science;like likeallallspiritual spiritualqualities, qualities,it ithas hasthethevagueness vaguenessofofgreatness greatness about
Amelia AmeliaE. E.Barr Barr
“Antonia was not without experience. There was in New York a gay, handsome youth, to whom her thoughts lovingly turned. She had promised to trust him, and to wait for him, and neither silence nor distance had weakened her faith or her affection. Don Luis had also made her understand how hard it was to leave Isabel, just when he had hoped to woo and win her. He had asked her to watch over his beloved, and to say a word in his favor when all others would be condemning him.”
Remember the Alamo
Ooligan Classics
A Final Portfolio
“H an
Fiction | $9.95
KL “Antonia was not without experience. There was in New York a gay, handsome youth, to whom her thoughts lovingly turned. She had promised to trust him, and to wait for him, and neither silence nor distance had weakened her faith or her affection. Don Luis had also made her understand how hard it was to leave Isabel, just when he had hoped to woo and win her. He had asked her to watch over his beloved, and to say a word in his favor when all others would be condemning him.”
Remember the Alamo
Ooligan Classics
Design Work
ooligan classics
Remember the Alamo
Fiction | $9.95
“Antonia was not without experience. There was in New York a gay, handsome youth, to whom her thoughts lovingly turned. She had promised to trust him, and to wait for him, and neither silence nor distance had weakened her faith or her affection. Don Luis had also made her understand how hard it was to leave Isabel, just when he had hoped to woo and win her. He had asked her to watch over his beloved, and to say a word in his favor when all others would be condemning him.”
Remember the Alamo
Ooligan Classics
Amelia E. Barr
Remember the Alamo
ooligan classics
Fiction | $9.95
Katie M. Allen
he gathering at Don Valasco’s was constantly repeated in various degrees of splendor among the loyal Mexicans of the city. They were as fully convinced of the justice of their cause as the Americans were. “They had graciously permitted Americans to make homes in their country; now they wanted not only to build heretic churches and sell heretic bibles, but also to govern Texas after their own fashion.” From a Mexican point of view, the American settlers were a godless, atheistical, quarrelsome set of ingrates. For eaten bread is soon forgotten, and Mexicans disliked to remember that their own independence had been won by the aid of the very men they were now trying to force into subjection. The two parties were already in array in every house in the city. The Señora at variance with her daughters, their Irish cook quarrelling with their Mexican servants, only represented a state of things nearly universal. And after the failure of the Mexicans at Gonzales to disarm the Americans, the animosity constantly increased. In every church, the priests—more bitter, fierce and revengeful than either the civil or military power—urged on the people an exterminating war. A black flag waved from the Missions, and fired every heart with an unrelent-
A Final Portfolio
ing vengeance and hatred. To slay a heretic was a free pass through the dolorous pains of purgatory. For the priesthood foresaw that the triumph of the American element meant the triumph of freedom of conscience, and the abolition of their own despotism. To them the struggle was one involving all the privileges of their order; and they urged on the fight with passionate denunciations of the foe, and with magnificent promises of spiritual favors and blessings. In the fortress, the plaza, the houses, the churches, the streets, their fiery words kept society in a ferment. But through all this turmoil the small duties of life went on. Soldiers were parading the streets, and keeping watch on the flat roofs of the houses; men were solemnly swearing allegiance to Santa Anna, or flying by night to the camp of the Americans—life and death were held at a pin’s fee—but eating and dressing, dancing and flirting were pursued with an eagerness typical of pleasure caught in the passing. And every hour these elements gathered intensity. The always restless populace of San Antonio was at a feverish point of impatience. They wanted the war at their own doors. They wanted the quarrel fought out on their own streets. Business took a secondary place. Men fingered weapons and dreamed of blood, until the temper of the town was as boisterous and vehement as the temper of the amphitheatre when impatiently waiting for the bulls and the matadores. Nor was it possible for Antonia to lock the door upon this pervading spirit. After Doctor Worth’s flight, it became necessary for her to assume control over the household. She had promised him to do so, and she was resolved, in spite of all opposition, to follow out his instructions. But it was by no means an easy task. Fray Ignatius had both the Señora and Rachela completely under his subjection. Molly, the Irish cook, was already dissatisfied. The doctor had saved her life and given her a good home and generous wages, and while the doctor was happy and prosperous, Molly was accordingly grateful. But a few words from the priest set affairs in a far pleasanter light to her. She was a true Catholic; the Saints sent the heretic doctor to help. It was therefore the Saints to whom gratitude was due. Had she not earned her good wage? And would not Don Angel Sandoval give her a still larger sum? And would not Don Angel Sandoval give her a still larger sum? Or even the Brothers at the Mission of San Jose? Molly listened to these words with a complacent pleasure. She reflected that it would be much more agreeable to her to be where she could entirely forget that she had ever been hungry and friendless, and lying at death’s door.
A Final Portfolio
Children's Literature
"The Itchy Little Musk Ox" For these illustrations I wanted to channel Eric Carle a little bit, at least with
the little musk ox, because I wanted kids to be able to see what a musk ox is, but also to be able to use their imaginations with the environment. The ox is pretty concrete and very defined, but the grass and the mountains are a little more fluid. The text is also meant to draw readers in because it looks like kid writing.
Cover Sample
Design Work
First Page Sample
Sample Interior Page
Katie M. Allen
Close is Fine Bookmarks
Before I became project manager for Close is Fine I worked in the design group.
Around that time they were designing bookmarks, buttons, broadsides, and tote bags as collateral for the launch. Each of us was responsible for at least one layout for each of the collateral items and I felt of the four, my bookmarks were my strongest design. As a bonus for those who were following us online and in Portland we offered Eliot's short story, Novitiate Falls, as a free e-book download. That needed to obvious to the reader as soon as they picked up the bookmark so I made sure I put the title on the front and all pertinent download information on the back. The faded background on the back allows for more prominent text and I made sure to highlight the download code so that it caught their eye right away. The launch was a really successful and at the end of it we handed out a lot of bookmarks. I think bookmarks and the free e-book download, whether it be a short story, sample poem, or excerpt, is something Ooligan should continue to do. As e-books continue to develop people will only want more of them and the idea of a free book on your Kindle or Nook is exciting. It increases exposure to our press by reaching people all over the world instead of just the Pacific Northwest. Besides, who doesn't like free?
Design Work
Bookmark Front
Bookmark Back
Katie M. Allen
Production & Design Postcards & YA Literature Colophon Note
Colophon While I was designing this project I knew that I wanted it to really be different from anything else I'd seen so far. I knew a lot of people were producing chapbooks, but I wanted mine to be interesting. I write to my friends in other states and countries a lot and I thought it would be awesome to send them some of my publishing projects. That's when I thought of postcards. I actually printed three sets of them so that I can send them to some of my friends. I chose french for the title of the postcards and also for the dividing text between the two different sides because I've always loved the language and it's always fun when your postcard says "Carte Postale" across the top. I also chose to have each book cover have it's own postcard because that way they could really stand out. The typefaces I chose were playful, like my imaginary press title, "Heartfelt Press" and everything is lowercase to give it a casual feel. Overall I'm very pleased with the way that everything turned out and I love the typeface I chose for my signature "Dawning of a New Day."
Design Work
Postcard Front
Postcard Back
Katie M. Allen
Postcard Covers The following book covers were all top selling YA novels that I chose from the past five years. This is not to say they were all published within the past five years, a few of them have actually withstood time and continued to sell tens of years after their publication date. There were a few reasons why I picked postcards for my design project base. One, they represent print and communication in it's purest form: the written form. t's something that's been lost over the years because of texting and emailing, but I remember very distinctly writing notes and postcards and letters to all of my friends in elementary and middle school. It was always a big deal when you got a postcard from your friend while they were in Disneyland over the summer and I wanted that to connect with these books that younger people are reading currently. The colophon that I turned in with my
A Final Portfolio
Covers Continued postcards was typed on square pieces of paper which were then folded into hearts, something my friends and I did before throwing our notes back and forth to each other during 6th grade language arts. The second reason I chose postcards was because it showed very clearly that visual covers are important to YA readers. Each cover featured has bright vibrant colors and illustrations for middle grade books, faces of the main characters for both middle grade and YA, and very stark, eye-catching symbols for most YA readers. Overall I found that by playing to what each target audience wanted (either illustrations, faces of their heroes, or symbols) the book was immediately more attractive. The one thing I discovered that was interesting was that the books featured were almost all a part of a series.
A Final Portfolio
Publication Software
French Travel Interactive PDF Hotel Information and Prices
Design Work
Navigation Panel for PDF
French Cuisine and Where To Eat
A Final Portfolio
Current Resume Sample Invoice Sweet Pickles Designs Website
Freelance Work
Freelance Work v About halfway through my time at Ooligan I noticed some of my fellow students were doing freelance work on the side. This seemed like a potential money maker for me because many of my friends were often talking about needing business cards designed or cover letters, final papers, and resumes edited. I was already doing the work, why not charge for it? Upon hearing from Krys Roth that an online service called Wix had excellent templates for personal websites I decided I'd give it a try. I uploaded all of my work samples into the portfolio section, put together a resume, and set up an email account then waited for business. It came slowly, but surely. My first project was business cards for my friend Beth. I finished them in about an hour and she sent me a check the next day. Then it was birthday invitations for my cousin's baby's 3rd birthday. Those were also finished within a couple of hours and she also sent me a check the next day. After a while it seemed like many people I knew didn't mind paying me for what I liked doing and I've made some really great examples for my portfolio out of it. Included here is a copy of my updated resume. I put it together in InDesign so that I could make an impression right off the bat with online applications. Following that is a sample invoice that I send to each of my customers so that the services I provide and costs of said services are clear. Finally, closing this section is a website I just finished coding in CSS for a local cat collar business, Sweet Pickles Designs. This is the largest project I've done and I'm really pleased with it. In turn they have seen a spike in business and said they'll be back if they ever need anything else.
Katie M. Allen
Kathryn Marie Allen
0505 SW Dakota Street Portland Oregon, 97239 503.779.7544
Forward-Thinking Designer · Social Media Guru · Extroverted Leader
Experience FREELANCE DESIGNER, PERHAPSICLE DESIGNS September 2011 - Present I work to meet design needs at a professional level for companies or individuals. I provide services in website design, social media strategy, CSS and HTML coding, photo enhancement, illustrations, business cards, assistance in brand strategy, logo & brand development, and document design for books, pamphlets, newsletters, and email campaigns. MARKETING ASSISTANT MANAGER, OOLIGAN PRESS January 2013 - Present I am currently working on implementing a new process to improve overall sales for Ooligan Press. Our marketing focus will shift to our backlist and provide the challenge of making profit from already launched titles. We will also be planning the book launch for our newest novel, Up Nights, and continue to develop our online social media project Start to Finish. PROJECT MANAGER, OOLIGAN PRESS May 2012 - Present Worked one-on-one with the author, Eliot Treichel, on final developments in preparation for his manuscript’s Fall publication. I also worked closely with our marketing, design, video, and editing departments on Close is Fine’s book launch which took place at the Doug Fir Lounge on October 29th, 2012. IN-HOUSE DESIGNER, OOLIGAN PRESS March 2012 - September 2012 Designed the book cover for Remember the Alamo, one of the novels for Ooligan Classics. It will be published in 2014. I also designed bookmarks for Close is Fine, web banners for Ooligan’s website, and contest posters for our Facebook page.
Master of Arts Writing & Book Publishing Portland State University Portland, Oregon March 2013 Bachelor of Arts English Literature & Writing Western Oregon University Monmouth, Oregon June 2010
Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Microsoft Excel Microsoft Powerpoint Publisher Social Media Platforms
Skills Set
Social Media Savvy Excellent Interpersonal Skills Organization Responsibility Discipline Teamwork Vision
You can find my porfolio online here. References are available upon request.
Freelance Work
Sample Invoice
Sweet Pickle's Designs Website
heartfelt designs DATE: 1.18.13 CLIENT: Sweet Pickles Designs JOB NUMBER: 0003 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Web Design & CSS Coding for Sweet Pickles website on Big Cartel.
this is your invoice Please send payment to the address listed below. if you have any questions about this invoice, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you!
ITEM Web Design Web Design
DESCRIPTION 1 Concept CSS Coding
QTY 4 pages 4 pages
PRICE (included) $150.00
Katie Allen
SW Dakota Street thank 0505 Portland, OR 97239 you! 503.779.7544
AMOUNT $150.00
$150.00 $150.00 $150.00
A Final Portfolio
Web Design & CSS Coding Sweet Pickles Designs Website
For this website Project that I worked on with local cat collar business, Sweet
Pickles' Designs, I wanted to focus on a few things. The first was their site traffic. When I first opened the website I noticed that there weren't any social media links of any kind. I googled them on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest and found they had an account with each service. That's four different platforms alone to gain more customers from! I changed that right away and made sure that each icon was represented on the home page and then made it so that you could like them on Facebook throughout the entire website. The second thing I wanted to make sure got finished was their business logo. They already had colors and a font picked out, but they needed it in banner form so that it could be featured on the website. By centering the font and adding stripes behind it I created a sort of shop awning above the menu throughout the site. It's big enough for people to read at quick glance, but easy on the eyes with it's soft colors. The third thing I wanted to do for them was make sure that their contact information was easily accessible and personalized. I had the owner create an image of Oregon with Portland on it so that if people from other states happened to look they would see where Portland is, but also so fellow Oregonians would know they're supporting local business. Lastly I wanted their brand to be defined. I wanted them to be able to tell people that they were local, supported local businesses by buying materials in the area, and also that each collar and bowtie is handmade. That's quite a feat making each product by hand! It's an important trait they have and they needed to capitalize on it. By the end of my work they had a functional website with social media cross traffic, a proper brand, and way to identify themselves as local. So adorable!
Freelance Work
A Final Portfolio
love you, thank you Throughout this two year journey I've been on I've met so many wonderful new people and I just wanted to make sure they know how thankful I am for everything they've done and been for me.
Mom & Dad: What can I say? Thank you doesn't seem to cover what I want to say to you guys. Thank you for instilling within me a love and a passion for books, reading, and knowledge. For not getting mad at me when I'd come home way past midnight in high school. For helping me believe I can do anything I put my mind to. For slipping me extra money when my bank account looked sadder than a soggy cookie. For loving me. For everything. I love you. Lizzie & Sarah: You two are my inspiration! Liz, all of your hard work should be an example for anyone who says they can't be what they want to be. You're proof that if you want it badly enough, it can be yours. Thank you for being supportive and for putting up with me "borrowing" your clothes when you weren't home. Sarah you are a definition for confidence. Honestly, I don't think there's anything you're unsure of or at least anything that you can't overcome. Thank you for listening to me talk late at night about boy problems and for drinking that giant vase of eggnog. I love you both so much and couldn't ask for a better couple of best friends. Mike: Honey, you are the scratch to my sniff, the corona to my lime, the Ron Weasley to my Hermione Granger. Thank you for being my rock while I've been in school and for putting up with me complaining about Starbucks every damn day. I promise, soon I'll have a big kid job making big kid bucks and we'll get a big kid house to match. We have so much stuff to do and see and accomplish and I can't wait to do it with you. I couldn't ask for a better man in my life. Brandon, Laura, and Olivia: You three are life savers. I don't know what I would have done without you. Brandon, thank you for not letting me get away with stuff and for telling me to, "just do it and get it over with!" Most especially thank you for all the nights spent drinking wine and talking about what we want to do
when we finish school and move to Seattle. Here's to a townhouse together! Laura, my love, you are like the older sister I never had. Thank you for putting my life in perspective when I need, for always offering a hug, and for listening to me blubber on the phone when life got too stressful for me to handle alone. Olivia, darling dearest, here's to tea in the mornings, drinking (pretty much anywhere) before class, to freaking bomb pizza at Hot Lips, and being there for me when I have a million bazillion questions about life. I love you three and I don't know what I'm going to do without you after this. Pact right now, meet at least once every two months when we finally all move away. Okay? Okay. Siri, Sarah, Maddie & Derrick: If anyone here deserves a medal for putting up with all of my complaining (and for being the resulting collateral damage of me working, going to school, and dealing with life) it's you four. You guys are some of the most wonderful people I've had the pleasure of knowing and Starbucks is very, VERY, lucky to have you. I wish for Siri to travel and go back to school for what she wants to do. I wish for Sarah to not stress out over wedding stuff (and if that's too much to ask) for her and Andrew to live happily ever after. I wish for Maddie to get the hell out of PSU and get on with what she needs to do! Which probably includes some adorable kittens and a boy named Cory. I wish for Derrick to get his big break and the job of his dreams and for him and Kelsey to have drinks every night under their pergola. Jared, Andrew, Brian, JZ, CZ, Amanda, Cassie, Michelle, David, Andrew, Katie, Danae, Kristi, and Wayvid Dennigman: Seriously you guys? How lucky am I? You are family to me, every last one of you, and you're the best thing to happen to me since I've met Mike. There's nothing that I can't come to you guys with and your always treating me like I've been around since the beginning. Boys, you're like the brothers I've never had (that I've always wanted) and you let me be gross if I want to. Thank you for helping me with guy stuff when I don't understand. Ladies, oh my lord. Some of our conversations have been the best I've ever had. You understand me for me and are there for me at the drop of a hat. I've added some sisters to the best friend category. Here's to more camping trips, more drinking, more weddings, more running around on sand dunes at midnight, more punching giant Hersey's bars, more hugs, more laughter, and more memories: just live your life! I LOVE YOU ALL!
A Final Portfolio
About S the Author Katie Allen
Meet Katie Allen
is a Portland native, born here in 1987. Her love of stories started at a young age when her parents read to her every night before bed. Books quickly became a welcome gift on Christmas and birthdays, and when her two younger sisters came along they would take turns reading to one another. It became very apparent to Katie that reading and books were important and that one should treat them as such.
Each night before bedtime Katie would pull out one of the many books that were stowed away under her pillow and read until the hall light was switched off (and even then she had a flashlight to read by if the story was good enough). Her first all night reading experience happened when J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter entered her life. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was too good
P.S. About the Author to put down and when she was finished time had crept well into the wee hours of the morning. That made for a very sleepy day of 6th grade. The Harry Potter series inspired Katie to write on her own and she soon found that she too had stories to tell. Creating her own characters in the Potter universe and writing about them interacting with Harry, Ron, and Hermione was only the beginning. Soon came stories about princesses fighting dragons (because surely princes can't have all the fun!), aliens invading Earth, and superheroes with curly hair and plant manipulation.
Grad school has helped Katie to see that while writing is still a passion of hers, she finds more joy in helping others bring their ideas to fruition. She enjoys designing and document layout best, but the intimacy and trust involved between author and editor is also something she enjoys very much. With an outgoing personality and soft spot for anything mushy she thinks she would be a perfect fit for children's books or middle grade readers. Somewhat uncertain about what the future holds, Katie hopes to move to Seattle with her boyfriend Mike after she graduates in March and land a nice design job at a local press there. Hopefully a puppy will work it's way into this plan of hers, fingers crossed.
reading, r o f s k n a th Allen Katie M. 55
About the Author S
This trend of course continued on into high school, college, and graduate school. While she still holds Harry, Ron, and Hermione very dear to her heart she writes independently of them now. Most of her writing includes stream-of-consciousness pieces and short stories, but occasionally ideas come to her on the bus or during class and if she has a moment she'll jot them down.
A Final Portfolio
“You must stay dr unk on writing so reality cannot de RAY BR ADBURY stroy
“W ho w swer t ants to beco o e ver me a w yt r t o pi n down, hing. … It’s iter? A nd w hy ? B t o bu i t c her i s he s t r ec a ld h ea somet the oddities up, to create ming reaso use it’s the h i n g, ann for l , , t t o o let n be a to iv EN I D BAGN make a grea othing go d stonished a ing. To note t ow n t h OLD , t flowe e drai nothing, to r out o n , to m f life, e ven i a ke f it’s a cactus .” r water and
imming unde “All good writing is sw holding your breath.” F. SCOTT FITZGERALD
“I write to give mys elf streng that I am th. I writ not. I writ e to be th e to explo JOSS WH e ch re all the EDON things I’m aracters afraid of. ”
“If you want your children to be intellige nt, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” ALBERT EINSTEIN
Katie Allen · Ooligan Press · Final Portfolio Portland State University Class of 2013 PNW · Unique, Innovative, Diverse
Non Fiction | $9.95