H azzan Randall Levin
Dear Carl,
I want tooffer mysincerest gratitudefor all you doin the community.Asalongtimemember,and aleader in our congregation,you possessboth theinstitutional memoryand nuancedapproachthat issovital totheuniqueecosystem of synagoguelife.Youhaveaspecial abilitytobeof sober mindto handledifficult tasksandyet alsoquick with asmileor aword of encouragement when thesituation requires.Weareparticularly luckytohaveyou shepherdusthrough our buildingsaleandeventual relocation.Your passion for thecommunityand itsfuturehasnever waiveredand wearehonoredbyyour commitment.I am sogladthat you areour GalaHonoreethisyear.I wish you and Candice,andyour entirefamily,longlife,health andcontinuedblessings.
Dear JerryandBarbara,
Congratulationstoyou both on receivingthiswell-deservedhonor. Youhaveserved our congregation and theConservativeMovement in nearlyeverycapacityover themany yearsyou havebeen apart of theForest HillsJewish Center. From ritual,toeducation,the youth department,and editingthe"Message"-- your dedication andenthusiasm have impactedour synagogueandthelarger communityin innumerableways.Weareall indebtedtoyour commitment and hardwork. Youremain invaluableresourcesfor information,institutional memory,andinsight intoour ever evolvingcongregation.Most importantly,your unwaveringspiritsand presenceareacontinuedsourceof inspiration. AsaHazzan,I am alwayslifted upwhen I seeyou in thepews,andsograteful for the kindnessesyouhaveshown me(andI am suremanyothers) -- you aretrulyShomrei Emunah.Continuedblessingsand kavod toyou both.I am sopleasedtospendthis special eveningwithyou!
Rom i Narov
After threeyearsof treadinglightlyaroundCOVID,wearefinally gettingback toacelebration that includesdinner anddancing.The last timewecelebratedlikethiswasin March of 2020daysbefore wewent intolockdown.It feelsgreat tobecomingaliveagain!
Tonight wearecelebratingCarl Koerner,our honoree.Carl and his wifeCandicehavebeen membersof FHJCfor closeto40years. Their children,Elzabeth (Betsy),Michael andStephanie,were raised hereand theykeepcomingback with their own familiesto celebrateholidaysandspecial occasionswith us.A past president of theForest HillsJewish Center,Carl hasdedicated over twentyyearsof his?free?timeto findingawaytouseour valuablereal estateholdingstoensurethefutureviabilityof our community.Asweareinchingever socloselytorealizingthisgoal howappropriateisit to recognizeCarl for hiswork on our behalf.
Sothank youCarl for all you havedone! Wecouldnot get herewithout you!!!
Your contribution tothewell beingof theForest HillsJewish Center isimmeasurable!
Wealsohaveaspecial award tonight for Barbaraand JerryKlibanoff.I cannot imaginean FHJCwithout BarbaraandJerry.Asfar asI am concerned,theyhavealwaysbeen here.If you haveanyquestion about thehistoryof theFHJC,BarbaraandJerryhavetheanswer. Theycontinuetobean important part of our community.Theawardbestowedupon them istheShomrei Emunah Award.Theyareindeed keepersof thefaith! Wewish them manymoreyearsof healthyparticipation in our communityandarelookingforward to celebratingSmachot with them.Yeshar Koach toyou!
Thiseveningcouldnot havehappenedwithout thecommitment anddedication of our executivedirector DebbieGregor.Thank you alsotoAmyReichel,whosteppedin tohelp Debbiein theabsenceof LaurieWorthman.
Our thanksalsototheevent Chairs:Ellen Jacobs,TemmaKingsley,PaulineRaphael and AlyssaPollack.Andfor thefundraising,our thanksgotoIlanaAltman,JoeFox,Mark Raphael andHowardPollack.
Deborah Gregor
Except for Laurieand Rabbi Skolnik,thereisnooneat FHJCwith whom I havespent moretime,includingin person,on zoom,on callsandon email,than Carl.Workingwith Rabbi Skolnik has been ablessing- he,asyou all know,isabrilliant scholar and teacher andacompassionatehuman,and I am blessedtohave been abletolearn from him for themanyyearswehaveworked together.I am doublyblessedtoalsohavehadCarl asateacher.
When I seeadeadend,Carl discoversanarrowpassage;when my resourcesaredepleted,hefindsanewsourcetotap;when I want toscream,hetakesadeepbreath.Hiscounsel isalwayswiseandconsidered.His motivation isalwaysthegreater good.Hisdemeanor isalwaysmeasured,respectful and kind Hehaslimitlesspatienceandpersistent goodhumor Manyyearsago,Carl set himself agoal ?agoal for thebenefit of our community?andhehasnever wavered from itspursuit.Thegenerosityhehasshown bygivingliterallythousandsof hoursof histime in hisprofessional capacity,duringhiswork days,nightsand weekends,cannot be overstated.It givesmeenormouspleasuretonight topubliclyacknowledgeall hehasgiven andtostateunequivocallythat thefutureof FHJCwasdreamt byCarl,shepherded by Carl,andmademanifest byCarl.
Tonight ismadeeven morespecial with thepresentation of our KeepersoftheFaithaward toBarbaraandJerryKlibanoff.Shul hastrulybeen afocal point of BarbaraandJerry?s livessince1969,when theyjoined,and until today.TheForest HillsJewish Center has been blessedtocount them amongour most exemplarymembersandtheyhave participatedin andled practicallyeveryconceivableprogram,committeeandevent over theyears,alwayswith goodgrace,refinedtasteandwarm smiles.Over morethan half a century,theyhaveeach lavishedall their manytalents,abundant loveand prodigious energiesfor thebetterment of our shul and thebenefit of our members.
Our honoreestonight aretrulyveryspecial peoplebut in fact,FHJCisfortunatetohave manydedicatedanddevotedmemberswhostepuptimeand again when theyareneeded, bringingtheir uniquetalentsand gifts,andwhoholdFHJCdear in their hearts.Tonight?s event,asan example,wouldnot havehappened without theDinner Committee?Ellen Jacobs,TemmaKingsley,AlyssaPollack andPaulineRaphael;and it would not havebeen afinancial successwithout our journal team of IlanaAltman,JoeFox,Howard Pollack andMark Raphael.Andit wouldnot havebeen thejoyouscelebration it waswithout all of you whocametohonor our shul and our worthyhonorees. Thank you all.
Ilana Altm an, Joe Fox, Howard Pollack & M ark Raphael
Ellen Jacobs, Tem m a Kingsley, Alyssa Pollack & Pauline Raphael
It hasbeen asincerepleasureworkingwith manyof our friendsat theshul toinsurethe successof our Journal Campaign.Weall strovehardtoprovidefundsfor our shul and its manyworthyendeavors.
Our Journal thisyear will serveasatestament totheextraordinaryachievementsof our Honoreefor thisevening. Thisyear weareblessedtohonor Carl Seldin Koerner. Asyou all know,Carl?stirelesseffortson FHJC?sBuildingCommitteearelegendary,having startedon theinitial phasesof the?newbuildingproject?duringhisterm asPresident of FHJCin thelate?90?s. Thereafter Carl andhiscommitteeworked hardtoobtain azoning changefor thebuildingwhich provedtobeinstrumental for theeventual planned saleof our facility,which hasprovidedfor thefutureof our congregation.Carl isacurrent Board Member of FHJCwherehepreviouslyserved asPresident,Vice-President,Secretaryand Treasurer. Hispassion for our shul andhisdesireandcommitment toitscontinued vitalityandsurvival arewhat makeshim an outstandinghonoree.
Wearealsofortunatetohonor Barbaraand JerryKlibanoff with theShomrei Emunah Award- Keepersof theFaith. Both Barbaraand Jerryhavelongandwonderful recordsof servicetoour shul and itsmanycommittees If therewassomethingthat neededdoingin our synagogue,you can bet that BarbaraandJerrywereinvolved. Weareblessedtohave them aspart of our shul community.
Pleaseknow that wecould not haveachieved even a fraction of our successwithout the help of numerousindividualswho werealwaysavailablewith their advice, guidanceand diligent work.
Wewould liketothank in noparticular order: Our Center Arms,Deborah Gregor,Laurie Worthman, Karen Stein, Debra Weil, Rabbi Skolnik, Hazzan Levin, and our PresidentRomi Narov. An
Congratulationstoall theHonorees
Diversified Im ports and M ayhen International
M eir Toshav, President
Holly Gonzalez
Daniel Stern
Zur Fabian
Mazal tovtoall thehonorees, Carl Seldin Koerner
Mayyou continuetowork on behalf of the Forest HillsJewish Center andtheJewish Communityfor manyyearstocome.
From your goodfriends, Eva & L ouis Galper n
Barbaraand Jerry, Inseparablefor the40+ yearswe'veknown you. Committed to each other, your family, and to the Forest HillsJewish Center.
Mazel tov on your deserved recognition and so thrilled to besharing thisgalaevening with you.
Your loving friends, Candy and Car l
Dear BarbaraandJerry, Mazal tovtoatrulydeservingcouple for thishonor. Goforward in good health, Anita M iller
Our heartfelt wishesto Carl S.Koerner
For an honor well-deserved.
Thank youfor all you dofor the Forest HillsJewish Center.
Yeshar Koach!!!
Mazal TovtoBarbaraandJerryKlibanoff on receivingtheShomrei Emunah Award!
Rom i Narov,
H illa, Woody and Sam
Danielle, Jim , Grace and Sophie
M ichele, Jordan and Teddy
CongratulationstoCarl Koerner for your dedication anddevotion tothe Forest HillsJewish Center.
Mazel tovtoour friends
Barbaraand JerryKlibanoff.
Thank youfor your yearsof serviceto theForest HillsJewish Center.
Thisaward issowell deserved.
Lillian and Bill Regen
Wegratefullyacknowledge thesupport receivedfrom the Fundfor Jewish Education sponsoredby
Caroline and Joseph S. Gruss
Life M onum ent Funds, Inc. and UJA -Federation of NY
Carl,Barbaraand Jerry, Mazal Tovandmayyoucontinuetogo from strength tostrength.
Rom i N ar ov an d
T h e Soci ety of D i sti n gu i sh ed
Past Pr esi d en ts of FH JC
Ilana Altm an
Jack Gostl
Joe Fox
M ark Raphael
M eir Toshav
M atthew Beizer
Valerie Leibler
Carl Koerner
Jack Leibler
E. Tem m a Kingsley
H askell Klaristenfeld
Consistentlycalm,never losingfocus,alwaysready toprovideguidance- Carl you areagem!
BarbaraandJerry, individuallyandasateam, throughout thedecades,settingan exampleof devotion toour shul community.
Mazal Tov, Ilana and Bill Altm an
Mazel TovtoCarl Koerner!
Thank youfor your leadershipanddedication to FHJC.
Mazel TovtoBarbara& JerryKlibanoff!
You arecherishedhonorarymembersof our family.
Pesach andSukkot areenhanced byyour presence!
Judy, M att, Dina, M oshe, Jonah, David & Cara
whoweall respect and admire.
Sandy and Stewart Cahn
ToCarl Koerner, A highlycompetent attorney,acommunityleader, acaringperson and adevoted familyman
We thank youfor morethan four decadesof friendship.
Elaine and Charles Engelstein
Wehereat theHomeTeam loveCarl, andhavedeeplyvalued hiscountlessyears of friendshipandsupport!
I personallyam ever delighted toseehim andCandyat shows, andgivethem hugsover thehedges!
Lookingforwardtocelebratingwith y'all in honoringCarl,BarbaraandJerry!!
Always, Friends of Forest H ills Stadium
Ari Rosenblum
Mazal tovtoour outstandinghonoree, Carl Seldin Koerner
andthepassionateKeepersof theFaith, BarbaraandJerryKlibanoff
Mayyougofrom strength tostrength.
Gary and Rae Kerzner
Our heartfelt congratulationstothisyear'shonorees, Carl Koerner,Barbaraand JerryKlibanoff,
All our love,
H askell and Joanne Klaristenfeld
Helaine and Andrew Bass and Fam ily
Toby and Allan Silvera and Fam ily
Wearedelighted tosharethespotlight with thehonoree, our good friend
Carl S.Koerner
Wearethrilledtobehonored bytheshul welove.
Barbara and Jerry Klibanoff
Congratulationstoour dear friend Carl Koerner andhiswonderful family. The Knipe Fam ily
In honor of our dear friends, Laurieand Debbie.
Take M e to the Water
Glenn Pepper
Mazel tovand best wishestowell deserved honorees.
Becauseof each of you I am proudtosaythat weare
Membersof theForest HillsJewish Center
The Topal Fam ily
Cheryl and Steven Topal
Thank you Carl,Barbara,andJerry, for your manyyear sof service,commitment, and dedication toFHJC.
The Spodek/Turner Fam ily
Dear Carl Seldin Koerner:
With perseverance,and love you'vededicated years, Your grit and resilienceandblood,sweat,andtears...
Sotheman of theevening,wewill rock andmakenoise, Aswelaud andwecelebrate...it'stimetorejoice!
Sendinglotsof loveyour way!
Wearethrilled tosharein thecelebration with youand Candice!
ToMs.BarbaraandMr.Jerry: You'vebeen exceptional toFHJC, Asall of usknow, T'wasthesamewhen wemet you, A fewshort 35yearsago!
Sendingsomuch loveandjoytoamost deservingpair, Who'vealwaysshown their loveandcommitment and care. Can't wait torock on with both of you! xoxo
The Wankoffs
W XY architecture + urban design congratulateshonoree, Carl Seldin Koerner
andKeepersof theFaith Awardrecipients
The Sisterhood of Forest H ills Jewish Center 2022-23
Mazel Tovtoour esteemedhonoree,Carl Koerner,with our deepest gratitudefor your manyyearsof dedication toFHJC. You havemadethe impossibleseem probable,andthefuturebrighter for all of us.
Yasher Koach toour friends,fellowSisterhoodExecutiveBoard Member
Barbaraandher inseparablehusband JerryKlibanoff,our Shomrei Emunah. Youhavesharedyour loveof FHJC and havebeen abeacon of commitment toall of us.
TheSisterhoodofForest HillsJewishCenter
VicePresident,Torah Fund,ShirleyRossmanZucker
Board Members
BonnieDassa,DebbieBochner,AnneFrankel, BarbaraKlibanoff,HildaChusid
These m em bers of FH JC Sisterhood salute
Carl Seldin Koerner and Barbara and Jerry Klibanoff
Ellen Cahn
Elizabeth Caudle
Robyn Cimbol
Ellen Elowitz
Lari Frank
Teri Goffner
Marian Krasilovsky
Ruth LaurieLax
Sarah Markowitz
Romi Narov
Rosalind Okun
Gail Port
Fran Spiro
Lorain Wankoff
Randi Zwick-Marks
Mazal tovCarl!
All of your hardwork anddedication toour synagogueisappreciated!
Mazal tovBarbaraandJerryon awell deservedhonor!
Sharon and Philip Braginsky
Mazal tov,Carl,on your well deservedhonor!!
Mazal tovBarbaraandJerry-
Thank you for everythingyou havedonefor FHJC.
Nancy, Richard, Jacob and Abby Chase
CelebratingCarl,BarbaraandJerry, ExpressinggratitudetoIlana,Joe,Howard,Mark, Ellen,Temma,AlyssaandPauline.
I cherish your friendships, Robyn
CARL, for your enduring,informed envisioning,level-headed,leavened-with-humor, patient decades-longdedication toour FHJCcommunityanditsfuture;for thewaysour families' livescontinuetointermingle;and,if I may,alsofor your lendingyour talentsto theQueensPublicLibrary,another institution of great importance,
AndtoBARBARA andJERRY, for your longtimededication tothingsgoingswimminglyin shul,your attention todetailsandaesthetics,andthelong-agowelcominghand-me-down Purim costumecomponentsfor our kidsthat yourshad outgrown,
ENORMOUSGRATITUDE! from someof your manyadmiringshul friends, Naom i Danis, Sophie, Ezra and Talya Danis Oberfield
(AndthankstoCandice,TemmaandEllen.I knowGil Oberfieldwould haveloved being part of thefun team planningthedetailsof thiscelebration.)
ToCarl andBarbaraandJerry, Our deservingHonorees,Thank you for all you dofor our community.With best wishesfor goodhealth andcontinuedsuccess, Helaine and Joe Fox
Josh and Jill, Zoey, Sable and Ari Fox
Steph, Alex and M aya Branovan
CongratulationstoCarl,Barbara& Jerry:
Threemost deservinghonorees
Carol & Howard H ankin
Body CongratulationstotheHonorees H E2PD Jeffry Wengroff, President CongratulationstotheHonorees Carl Seldin Koerner & BarbaraandJerryKlibanoff Intercity Insurance Fitzgerald Ventura and Johanna Lazo 1983MarcusAvenue,Suite100,LakeSuccess,NewYork 718.279.7700
Congratulationson thiswell-deservedhonor. You havebeen a colleague,mentor,andfriendtomeandsomanyothersthrough theyearsandweall greatlyappreciateyour helpandsupport.
Alexandria Kane
CongratulationstotheForest HillsJewish Center andtothisevening's distinguishedhonoreesfor their exemplary leadership,commitment andservicetothecommunity.
Carl Seldin Koerner,Guest of Honor and Barbaraand JerryKlibanoff, Keepersof theFaith Award Recipients on theoccasion of theForest HillsJewish Center GalaDinner Dance.
M elinda Katz
QueensDistrict Attorney
Paidfor byKatzNYS
Mazal TovtoCarl for all of your dedicated yearstoFHJC,andto JerryandBarbaraKlibanoff for receivingtheKeepersof theFaith awardfor your contributionstoFHJCin somanyways, Laurie Lax and Eric Kober
Yasher Koach to Carl, BarbaraandJerryfor your tirelesseffortson behalf of thecongregation. Your tenacityisan examplethat invigoratesandinspiresusall. To120!
The Korb Fam ily
Mazel tovtoCarl,BarbaraandJerry on thesewell-deserved honors!
Best wishes, The Leem an Fam ily
In tributetoCarl Koerner for hismanyyearsof dedicated servicetotheFHJC.
Mazal tovtoour dear friends,BarbaraandJerryKlibanoff, whosewisdom andactsof lovingkindnesshavetouched theheartsof countlessmembersof theFHJCcommunity.
Valerie and Jack Leibler
Thebest waytodescribetonight'shonoreesistosaytheyare stalwart leadersof our communityfor moredecadesthan we'dlike toadmit.Mayyou all continuetomakeyour markson the Forest HillsJewish Center.
Thank you for your manyyearsof friendshipandservice.
Mazal tovfor thehonorsbestowedon you.
M ichael and Rita Lieberm an
Mazal tov,Carl,on thiswell-deservedhonor andthank you for all you dofor theFHJC.Mazal tov,BarbaraandJerry- you aretruly "keepersof thefaith."
With love, Jill and Jon M ohrer
Josh, Petra, Lily and H annah
Daniel and Ally
Carl, You areatreasuretothecommunity.
Thank you for your serviceandfriendship.
Randall and Yolanta Perkins
Mazal tovtoCarl,BarbaraandJerry
Wynn and Fred Resnick
Mazel Tovtoour dear friend Carl.
Thank youfor all thework andlovingeffort you put intotheshul.
CongratulationstoBarbaraandJerry- you inspireus.
Risa M atzner and Rob Sam uel
Rana and L. David Silver
In honor of Carl, Outstandingleader andtrustedfriend, andin tributetoBarbaraandJerry, for their unparalleledfaithfulness toour synagogue,andtreasured friendship. Robin and Gerry Skolnik
Love, Chip & Ivona Sm ith
In honor of myparents, Barbara& JerryKlibanoff, whokeepusstrongwith tradition,familyandfaith.Mazel Tov! With lotsof lovefrom your family, Julia & Eric
Grandchildren: Jessica, Josh, Am y & Jason
Great-Grandchildren: Garrett, Carson, Kaylee & Dahlia
??????? ??
CongratulationsMom andDad,GrandmaandGrandpa.
Weloveyou both verymuch. Love, Josh, Nettie, Sebastian, Justin, M arissa, and Bella
Mazel TovtoCarl Seldin Koerner
Sherry and Jeffrey Taxm an
Mazel Tovtoour VeryDeservingHonorees
Carl Seldin Koerner:
In 2000,you invited usall tobepart of the"Koerner challenge."
Weareproud tocontinueon with thechallenge!
Our trueKeepersof theFaith hereat FHJC.
Each Shabbat you arein your seatsin theSanctuaryandeach night you arefixtureson theZoom.You arearolemodel for usall.
Mayyou all continuetogofrom Strength toStrength.
and Debra Weil
Lavey, Alexa, Aaron and Tsvi
Congratulationstoall theHonorees
M iriam Weintraub
The Board of Directors and the M em bership of the West Side Tennis Club
Wish tojoin
TheForest HillsJewish Center
In recognizingthecontributionsof Carl Koerner. Carl isavaluedmember of theBoardof Governors andan avid tennisplayer.
Weextendour sincereCongratulationstoCarl.
Carl, Weareprivilegedtohaveyou asfriend andneighbor!
Wearegrateful beneficiariesof your steadfast commitment toensuringthewell-beingof theForest HillsJewish Center.
With sincereadmiration,wewish you Mazel Tov!
ToBarbaraandJerry,Wecannot imagineanyonemore deservingof theKeepersof theFaith award than you. Wishingeach of you peace,health andhappiness.
The W itlin Fam ily
Mazel TovtoCarl,our distinguishedhonoree. You haveworkedtirelesslyfor theFHJC anddeservethisrecognition.
BarbaraandJerry,thank you for being inspirational leadersof our community.
Judy and David Zipkowitz
Mazal tovandyasher koach toour honorees. All of your tirelessdedication totheneedsof our congregation areverymuch appreciatedbyeveryone.
Shirley and David Zucker
Our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are our Shining Stars
To Caleb Samuel Altman,Love Grandma and Grandpa (Ilana and Bill Altman)
To Jonah Shai Kook,Love from Savta and Saba Beizer (Judy and Matt Beizer)
To Erez Yahel Cimbol Mazo from Grandma (Robyn Cimbol)
To Zeke Theise Firestone,love Gamma Rae and Saba Gary (Rae and Gary Kerzner)
To Shaun Evan Ferremi,Sebastian Charles Klibanoff,Justin Aaron Klibanoff,Jessica Eve Stuhlmiller,Amy Gene Stuhlmiller,great-grandchildren Carson Joseph Branch,Kaylee Rose Kurpil,Dahlia Amara Budd,love Grandma Barbara and Grandpa Jerry
To James Diarmuid Griffin,Mairead Evelyn Griffin,Rosalyn Ethel Griffin,Sydney Rachel Koerner,Zachary Benjamin Koerner,Charlotte Sophia Wood,Myles Harry Wood,with love Bubbe and Grandpa (Candy and Carl Koerner)
To Emily Rachel Ferman,Adam Michael Ferman and Ian Joshua Ferman,love Grandma (Roz Okun)
To Max Isaac Raphael and Reese Leah Raphael,love Gramme and Nono (Pauline and Mark Raphael)
To Benjamin Shai Friedlander, from Grandma and Grandpa (Robin and Glenn Rothbort)
To Lucy Isenberg from Bubbe (Janice Rudman)
To Nessia Sevin Sloane Kushner,Taylor Kushner,Courtney Sevin,Eli Sevin,Alexander R. Sevin Sloane,Alexandra Sloane,Matthew Sevin,Nicholas Jacob Sevin Sloane, Margherita Sloane,Leigh Sevin Teicher and Max Teicher,and Jack M Kushner,Oliver Kushner,Perry Kushner,George Sloane,Scarlett Sevin,with love Granny (Audrey Sevin)
To Sienna Rose Covitt,Isla Lindsay Covitt,Matthew Ian Covitt,Love. Grandma and Grandpa (Lorain and Warren Wankoff)
CongratulationstotheHonorees Gary Salvit
Chateau Jewelry Corp and the Heart Store
71-35Austin St.,Forest Hills,NY
Mazal tovtothedeservinghonoree Carl Koerner
andtotherecipientsof theKeepersof theFaith Award, BarbaraandJerryKlibanoff. Thank you for all you dofor FHJC.
Bonnie and Keith Chernin
Carl,Jerry,andBarbara, Weareincrediblyluckytohaveyou among thosewhocaresodevotedlyfor theneedsof our community.
Thank you for all of thewaysyou support all of us.
With love, The Drazen Fam ily; Susie, Gila and Rob, Yonah, M egan, and Avi
Dave H ale/Steven Sgam m ato
Thank you toRabbi GerrySkolnik andtoRobin for beingan amazing dugmaandcommunitysupportersfor over four decades.Weloveyou guys!
Mazel tovtoBarbaraandJerry.Thanksfor alwaysbeingwelcoming!
Norm an, Shira, Ash, and Shoshana
Thank you,Forest HillsJewish Center for maintainingour valuesand for your outstandingadvocacy! Andcongratulationstotonight'shonorees!
Carl Koerner andBarbaraandJerryKlibanoff
From your friendsat Electronic H
The Eliaser Fam ily
Assem blym an Andrew Hevesi
CongratulationsCarl for your work at TheCenter aswell asTheClub. John Kocjan
Congratulationstoour friendsCarl,Barbara& Jerry. Mayyou continuefrom strength tostrength.
Tikva, Zahava, H anna, Dorothy M ahlab
M aspeth Federal Savings
Weareproud tosupport Forest HillsJewish Center
Maspeth ~ Rego Park ~ Ridgewood ~
Forest Hills ~ Fresh Meadows ~ New Hyde Park
Best wishesand congratulations to theForest HillsJewish Center
Wishing you awonderful gala
Congresswom an Gr ace M eng
Paidfor andauthorized byGraceFor NewYork
Mazel TovCarl on beinghonored byFHJC.Kol Hakavod.
Sorrywewereunabletobetheretocelebratewith you!!
Lotsof love, Vicki & David
The Shillet Fam ily
wishestohonor Carl Koerner andacknowledge all that hehasdonefor theForest HillsJewish Center.
Carl,Barbara& Jerry:
Thegreatest contribution anyof uscan makeistothefuture. Asmuch asthisrecognition isabout what you havegiven toall of us, it isverymuch about howyou havecontributedin somanywaysthat will forever shapethefutureof FHJCcommunity. Youhavelaidthefoundation for our shul'snext chapter andwithout you,it would not beaspromising.
With theutmost gratitudeandlove, Jonathan, Suzanne and Rachel Vick
Congratulations,Carl, on an honor well-deserved.
Joseph Zujkowski
Body Weareprivilegedthat all of our honoreesarealsoour richlyvaluedfriends With LoveandRespect, Debbie & Jeff Bochner Atlaz Com puter & Consulting Service* Support * Sales* Parts* OnsiteRepairs* PhoneSystems IPCamera* Computer Networks& Troubleshooting 244E.Merrick Rd.,Freeport,NY11520 5162391854www.atlaz.com email sales@atlaz.com Adam ~ Andre Withmybest wishesandcongratulationstothehonoree, Carl Koerner Avi Azoulay
With love,respect,appreciation andjoy,wecongratulateCarl on thisspecial occasion.Carl bringsintegrity,honestyand dedication tohisfamily,friendsandextended community.
M ike and Talia
Congratulationstothehonoreesfor their devoted serviceto Forest HillsJewish Center.
Carl and Elaine David
Fewpeopleanywherein Forest Hillshavecontributedasmuch tothe communityasCarl! Congratulationson thisextraordinarilywell-deserved recognition.
Bruce and Deborah Eaton
A hugeTodah toCarl Koerner for hisdecadesof tirelessandintensework. Andaheartfelt thank you toBarbaraandJerry.
In appreciation of,andgratitudefor all theeffort you andCandicehaveexpended over theyears. Jack and Regina
CongratulationsCarl on thismost deservedrecognition!
With admiration,respect andmuch love, Erica Gursen and M ichal Gursen
Sharon and David and Gabriel Ades
Trudy Em anuel and Joseph Grinblat
Toadear friend,awonderful humanitarian,andan unsungheroof life, Carl Koerner, From Norm an Gursen
CongratulationsCarl, BarbaraandJerry on well-deserved honors.
Carol and Norm an Guttm an
Congratulationson well-deservedhonorsfor your admirabledevotion for somanyyears.
ToCarl Koerner andBarbaraandJerryKlibanoff
Mazal tov, M ollie M andel and Dr. Joshua Lowy, and Galor Roth Kedar
CongratulationstoCarl Koerner andBarbaraandJerryKlibanoff
Stephen and Sarah M arkowitz
Congratulationstothehonorees, Am y Reichel
Congratulationstothehonorees. It isour pleasuretomakeyour event elegant anddelicious. Ira Zahler 7323348606 ira@IZEvents.com CongratulationstoCarl for hismanyyearsof dedicated serviceto theFHJCcommunity,Mazal TovtoBarbaraandJerryKlibanoff on thiswell-deserved honor.
Glenn Rothbort
Robin and
and Fam
CongratulationstotheForest HillsJewish Center on your Annual Journal Dinner Dance,Joseph P.Addabbo,Jr.,NewYork StateSenator District 15
Carl,Barbaraand Jerry,Congratulationson an awardwell-deserved. Mazal tov,NiraAvidor
Kol hakavodtoCarl,Barbara,andJerry.Wearehonored toknowyou and grateful for your servicetoour community.DorrieandHal Berkowitz
Mazal tovtoPast President Carl Koerner on beinghonored at thejournal Dinner Danceand toBarbaraandJerryKlibanoff,recipientsof theShomrei Emunah award.Kol Hakavodtoall!!! PaulineClements
Mazel tov,Carl! A well-deservedhonor! Roberta& Rick Feinstein
Carl,Jerry,Barbara,such amazinglydeservinghonorees! For all thework you'vedoneand continuetodofor FHJC,Kol hakavod! Mitchell and Lari Frank
Congratulationstothehonorees,Paul Gordon
Mazal tovBarbaraandJerry,twoverydeservinghonorees! EricaGursen
BarbaraandJerry,Mazal tovtoalovelycouple,goodfriends,from one old-timer toanother,Norman Gursen
Mazal tovtothehonorees- BarbaraandJerry,awell-deservedhonor for a veryspecial couple,Marian and MartyKrasilovsky
Mazal Tovandbest wishestoCarl andtoBarbaraandJerryon this well-earnedtribute,andmanythanksfor alwaysmakingusfeel sowarmly welcomedin theFHJCwhenever wevisited from Israel.Bea(Skolnik) and JerryKriger
CongratulationstoCarl Koerner on beinghonored thisyear,Monicaand EzraLagnado
Mazal tovtoBarbaraandJerryKlibanoff on beingtruepillarsof our synagogue.MonicaandEzraLagnado
Mazel TovtoCarl & CandyandBarbaraandJerry! Enjoythisspecial night! MartaandAbeLeinwand
CongratulationsCarl,Barbaraand Jerryon thewell-deservedhonor, Randi Zwick Marks,Michael MarksandEliana
Congratulationstothehonoreesfor your lifetimeof support anddedication toFHJC,LisaRich
CongratulationstoBarbaraandJerryon awell-deservedhonor,Juliet Vogel
Congratulationsand thank you toCarl,Barbara,and Jerryfrom Mindyand Mark Weinblatt
Congratulationstothehonorees,Bennett Weiner
Thank you andMazal TovtoCarl,BarbaraandJerryfor their dedication the FHJCandcommunity! MicheleandDoug
Body Friends
In Memoriam ?...Man islikeuntoa breath; hisdaysasa fleetingshadow. in themorningheflourishes, in theeveninghefadesandwithersaway.
O doThou teach ustonumber our days, that wemayattain a heart of wisdom...?
In memoryof our beloved Forest HillsJewish Center members whopassed awaythisyear.
Ruth Barnett
Marcia Belgorod
Andrea Novotny
Scott Sharinn
of the Forest HillsJewish Center remembers
Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser and KalliaBokser
?... I seek my father who raised mefrom thedust and gavemethebreath of life. As theplant turnstowardsthelight, so I turn seeking theinfinite....?
From thepoem ?I Seek My Father?
by Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser, z"l
In loving memory of (Step) M other Lena Gordon
Sister Edith Tigner
Aunts Ruth Fischman and M ildred Zoltan and Brother Edward Klibanoff
In loving memory of parents
Evelyn F. and Jommy Gordon
Regina and Charles Klibanoff
Barbara and Jerry Klibanoff
Cherished and adored, never to beforgotten, Walter Weintraub
In loving memory of Berthold and Toni Bear
M artin and Lisa Bear
Sam and Shirley Weintraub
Peter Betancourt
Josef Reifer
Miriam Weintraub
In loving memory
Abraham M izrachi