Portfolio- Creative Networks

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Portfolio Katie Veal N0508770

Fashion Communication& Promotion (Level 1) FASH10106: Creative Networks- Half Year 2


Pages 1, 2, 3: New York Booklet Pages 4, 5, 6: Visual Analysis Essay Pages 7-14: Fragrance Project: Group Presentations Pages 15-18: Fragrance Project: Brand Launch and Promotion- Individual Page 19: Reflective journal link, Pinterest Link, Issuu link.

New York Booklet

This task was designed so that we got used to using a new software from Adobe, Indesign. It was briefed as a trend report and we put all of our New York findings into this booklet to present what we had found out on the trip. It also gave us chance to experience the different layouts within Indesign. The booklet was printed in an A5 layout.

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Visual Analysis Essay

Indesign was the software which was used to design this essay layout. The brief was to critically evaluate a brand fragrance advert found in a magazine in 1000 words. The purpose of this brief was to develop my writing with a detailed analysis of fragrance magazine advertising. I chose Miss Dior as my advert.

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Fragrance Project: Group Presentations

PowerPoint was used to present this task. In a group of four, we had to produce a ten minute presentation around the creation of our new fragrance brand. We had to research the market and identify opportunities for a new fragrance brand and participate in the various stages that go towards the creation of a brand- from initial research through to launch and to an annual marketing plan. The purpose of this task was to help develop our understanding of brands and how they are researched, conceived, developed and promoted.

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Slide 1.

Slide 4. Page 8.

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Slide 6.

Slide 1. Slide 8.

Slide 10. Page 9.

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Slide 9.

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Slide 13.

Slide 16. Page 10.

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Slide 15.

Slide 18.

Slide 19.

Slide 22. Page 11.

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Slide 26.

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Slide 29.

Slide 30- Photo Shoot- Campaign 1

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Slide 31- Photo Shoot- Campaign 2

Slide 34- Photo Shoot Page 13.

Slide 32- Photo Shoot- Individual Campaigns

Slide 35- Photo Shoot

Slide 33- Photo Shoot

Slide 36- Photo Shoot

This is apart of our Consumer Pen Portrait, we showed this illustration in the presentation.

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Fragrance Project: Brand Launch and Promotion- Individual

This is an individual report which is created in Indesign. It is a 3000 word report on a strategic proposal for the initial launch and first year’s promotional activity for your brand.

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Reflective Journal Blog Link: http://a-fashionblog-like-no-other.blogspot.co.uk/

Pinterest Link: http://gb.pinterest.com/katievealkv/

Issuu Publishing Page Link: www.issuu.com/katieveal

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