Unforgetting nature, urban beekeeping

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Unforgetting nature Katla Mar铆ud贸ttir KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm. Spring 2013.

This is a project portfolio by Katla Maríudóttir, for the course Local Gathering and Caring Södermalm at the Critical Studies Architecture Studio at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. Spring 2013. Teachers: Katja Grillner, Sara Vall, Hélène Frichot

Contents: Unforgetting nature, project statement Research Boundaries and the physical mapping of the area History, identity, creation of meaning and other research topics The talking space: A Saturday in Rosenlundsparken The comic book On the friction between nature and urban, Urbanisation and its pressure zones Through the lense of fantasy The value of the “unused� space: Through five eyes of a small being But cities are not good places to raise bees, are they? The bees What about those bees? Extinction of experience CCD The queen, the workerbees and the drones Basic needs of an urban beehive The proposals Learning Caring Shifting values, redifining space

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Unforgetting nature Densification often produces a friction between nature and the urban context. This project asks how does city living as a dominant form of contemporary human settlement effect our standpoint towards nature and other lifeforms? This question becomes especially important when addressing apparently unused spaces and the risks associated with development. We need to ask, from whose point of view is an urban space perceived to be underused? This project looks at the site of an urban park, Rosenlundsparken, Sรถdermalm, Stockholm - a contested public space where a heated debate on building in the park is currently taking place. I want to address this site of concern through a different lens, through the five eyes of another being, the bee. Looking at this contested urban park context from the point of view of the bee, I propose that we can understand the site differently, and discover new value in the unused space, which is not so under-utilised after all. I offer some tools to commence the conversation between the two species, homo sapiens and the apis mellifera, on how to live together and respect each other. I propose that this living together and the securing of positive relations between humans and non-humans is what is essential to city-living today.

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Gateways or accesses into Rosenlundsparken.

Barriers or boundaries around Rosenlundsparken.

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Roselnlundsparken, a split park.

Intro: research

Boundaries and the physical mapping of the place In the first period the studio went collaboratively through the research phase. Though always through modes of dialogue and collaboration, we divided the tasks of the research. My task was to take a look at the physical boundaries that define the area of Rosenlundsparken. Looking critically on how the environment shapes the way people behave in public spaces and trying to find clues in the built or the physical revealed some things about the park. We discovered that even though the area is open and free for everyone to use, some areas are programmed for a certain function that restrict access to. Some places require some sort of “entrance ticket”, e.g. a grownup could feel out of place in the childrens playground without a child, and lingering in the fenced dog area could feel strange

without a dog. Some areas have these kind “invitation only” feeling. So many things also steer the wandering of the visitor, e.g. steering objects like fences and softer steering objects like tactile difference between a pavement and the bare rock. Looking at the boundaries of the extended park, revealed that even though the map suggests that the area is open, there is a difference between the eastern side and the western side when it comes to gateways. The easternmost part is actually a - cul-desac, with direct access only from one gateway, being surrounded by high buildings as well as natural obstacles, like rocks, steep hill and vegetation.

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apartmeht house



"andrum" "wild"

Zone 1 | Vattenpasset The easternmost part of Rosenlundsparken is the least used. Along the northern side a neat path with plants and sitting areas, winds along the apartmenthouse. It contrasts the rest of this zone, which seems less planned and has more obsticles that are of natural character, e.g. trees and bushes, steep hills and rocks. On a map the area seems to be open, but in fact it is a cul-de-sac area closed off with buildings, fences and trees. Users: (probably) inhabitants of the apartment house or the closer area.

"used needles"


"light" "nature"

"engage" "walk, commute"

Zone 2 | HotelHemmet gardens "play"


"sit" "children"

Rosenlundsparken, a split park

Closures, e.g. buildings, walls, fences, steep hills, dense trees/bushes

Accessibility, gateways into the park


The small “gardens” are fenced off recently to protect the property against external alcholics and drug users. According to footprints in the snow in numerous visits, these gardens are not much used at least in the winter time. According to staff at Hotelhemmet, they are though used on sunny days in the summertime. The garden is surrounded on all sides and the only way in is through a gate from the park side (not accessible from the building). Users: Only inhabitants.


Looking at a place as an still observer rather than a traveller often reveals otherwise hidden things. Looking critically on how our environment shapes the way we behave in public spaces revealed some things I had not noticed before. I discovered that even though the area is open and free for everyone to use, some areas are not intended for me, they are programmed for a certain function that I do not have the access to, even though the physical access is open for me. I feel like I should not be in those places, or that I need a reason to be there, a “ticket”. I would feel strange hanging around the childrens playground since I do not have children. Staying in the fenced dog area would also be strange without a dog. Some areas have these kind "invitation only" feeling. So many things shape my wandering, steering objects like fences and softer steering objects like tactile difference between a pavement and the bare rock.


Hotelhem, transitional housing

elderly nursing home Hotelhem, transitional housing


Zone 3 | tHe Hill and tHe flat plot below


elderly nursing home


The hill is in some places very steep and is partly covered with trees and bushes. A steep stairs climbs upwards and out of the park. The less steep parts of the hill are popular among kids to sledge, as well as for dogs and their owners to walk around. The hill has a natural character, seems unplanned. According to footsteps many parts of this zone seem not much used, most likely since it is so steep. Supposedly norcotics use some places there for injecting (the hospital gives needles). Users: Dogs and dogowners, children, teenagers.

Zone 4 | tHe presCHool

Hotelhem, transitional housing

The Kindergarten is on the boarder between the “wild side” and the busy walking street. It is fenced off and the garden stretches up the steep hill providing children with different terrain to play on/with. The building is planned to be demolished and the area used as a new building plot for apartment housing. Users: Stricly the children of the preschool, the people working there and parents.



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Zone 5 | beHind tHe roCks residential




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Zone 7 | tHe “planned” park



steep rock residential


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Very popular park, especially for children and parents. It has many playgrounds for different ages. The area is surrounded with 6-8 storey apartment buildings and on the S-E side a steep rock, but still there are many gateways into the park. Many trees - from bushes to high trees. Part of the area is split down to smaller segments with fences hinting the specific functions, e.g. swings. The playgrounds feel free for everyone to walk through, but it feels as one should not stay too long if one is without children. Users: children, parents, the elderly, passersby from the larger area.

Zone 8 | tHe beaCH


The poster about the physical attributes of the park as well as about the boundaries of the area.

Zone 6 | tHe “road” The walking path is very much used at all times of the days for walking and bicycling, in all seasons. The Statsbyggnadskontoret is now, according to the project leader, planning to “strengthen” it, by changing it into a car road or with some other means, causing a stir within various groups of inhabitants in the area. Users: Flaneurs, passersby of all age groups from the larger area.


Axonometric of the park, showing an overview of all the zones.

This playground is hidden behind the rock slit. According to the people we have talked to, this is much less used than the other plagrounds, mostly by the inhabitants of the closest house. The area is surrounded by trees and rocks, and feels like a pocket. Users: children, parents.

Stranden, multi-use


The beach is a ‘usable sculpture’ with sand, beach chairs and umbrellas. Trees shelter it from the street. It is supposedly popular in the summertime by a section of the neighbourhood. Users: Now in the wintertime people breafly sit down there. But in the summertime supposedly the cafe visitors use it in the daytime and youths/ teenagers in the evenings. It feels like it is open to everyone.

Panorama from the eastern part of the park, showing the view from the “hill”.

Categorized examples of boundaries in the park Boundaries: Closing to protect against danger Boundaries: Nature as closing elements Boundaries: Steering, eg fences Boundaries: Enclosing functions, open for ‘invited’ individuals or groups, otherwise closed Boundaries: Soft/tactile steering, steering without fences

Rough sketch of bounderies or functions

Panorama from the western part of the park, showing Linjalen and the closer connection between the residential buildings and the park, as well as the trees.

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through different modes of appropriation CONTESTED SPACE


Space is socially constructed. How does spatial meaning get constructed? How does the meaning establish itself? It is interesting to look at the cultural meaning of space not as if its a blank sheet were certain groups or subcultures manifest themselves, but rather as if all space are interconnected and interdependant. Within this global space different groups are creating meaning through the production of differences! Rosenlundsparken is a contested space! It`s an issue of who will have the the “power” of setting the agenda, who´s opinion matters the most, who will decide on the meaning of this space!. When the institutions of the State “gives” meaning it claims democratic connotations. It acts as the voice of the whole City, it is said to act upon the need of the “majority”. When citizens “gives” meaning to a place it is a true act of negotiation, an ongoing process that evolves over time.

Sometimes local residents acts through the programme. they used the programmes designated in the area. But sometimes they act through the “nonprogramme” modes. They explore new possibilities of the spaces. The modes of action change and an important asset here is time. The longer you have lived here, the easier it seems to try things outside the programmes. So modes change according to the need. The homeless have no entry, no mode - neither time or access to programmed areas.. Dogs and children are very important in this park. You need a dog or a child to really feel welcome to the bigger parts of the programmed areas. So people gets access through another person/being!


AN EXPERIMENT Let´s take a walk i the park! You can bring your camera and take photos. We can play a game of “följa John”. You lead and I follow. You take pictures of the park and I take pictures of you. Go wherever you want and stop whenever you want to. Okey? Okey.


Meaning obtained by the State and Capital

Recognizing and understanding ritual

Participating in ritual

The local residents, and especially the people in Kvarteret Linjalen, have through their history of resistance and cooperation, through their negotiation practices, created an symbolic space that is part of the feeling of “us” and identity.

Appropriating space

Creating meaning

Unprogramed areas

who sets the tone?



Meaning obtained by contested character of space

Not recognizing or understanding ritual

We have seen that there are many groups around the park whos voices are not heard in the debate. The people living in Hotellhem, elderly in nursing homes, students and homeless living in the underground garage. The local engagement are really strong but bound to certain groups. These groups are showing some fears that the debate put out in the open. There is the fear of gentrification which is perceived as possible scenario if the City planners hav “their way”. There is also the fear of the unknown drug addicts. people they dont meet to often but see from a distance when there is trubble with the police.

Acting on unsecure ground

Appropriating space

Creating meaning

“We”, “us”, according to people living in Kvarteret Linjalen

Unprogrammed areas

Feara of gentricifation, the other “them”.

Visual appropriation easy

“Them”. Unknown people eith trubble. Almost as outcasts.

Visual appropriation hard

The possible “us”. People that sometimes becomes part of collective identity, sometimes not.


identity building

identity according to people living in Kvarteret Linjalen

Programmed areas

Outside areas that seams to belong to inside activity, people.

Programed areas

The use of internet creates another imagined space, seemingly altering the importance of physical space. But while space as an concept seems to become more deterritorialize Rosenlundsparken is an example of how physical space is involved in creating meaning and identity.

Time is the most important concept here. The appropriation of space are connected to memory and history over a long period of time of nearly 50 years. “I haven´t lived here for such a long time”, one mman told me. “Just like ten years or so”!

use of modes

or Albins walk in the Park


The meaning of a space varies over time. People coming and going, groups emerging and disuniting all struggling to appropriate the space. The physical meaning of space, it´s potential to become and encompass the function desired - is only one apsect of it. Sometimes the loss of space creates an imagined alternative space with increadibly strong significance. An example is the Jewish and Palestinian Diaspora and the dream of Homeland.

The place of construction of “us”. b


Empowering experience. The construction of an “own” space has become physical reality with the construction of the park.


b c

Aquired meaning over time. Durabiltity of memory?

Memory My mother gave me a toolkit and toghether with my friends we used it to build our own tree house! It was so beautiful and we felt like kings up there! Then the janitor saw it at made us take it down..It was still nice though!



The day i moved in here I had forgotten my gloves and my hands were stiff from the cold. I remember looking out from the window and looking up at the birds in the sky. I was amazed that I could see the sky in the middle of the city!

Day care with children playing and eating and sleeping. The steep hill is a fine place to play in. And then there is the whole park.

We had really fun one summer when we shoot paintball against the strange cement tunnel that hides in the middle of the park. We used to sneek out eh equipment so that nobody could see what we were doing.

In the summer nights this is one of the few places were we can go and be by ourselves. Away from curious parents. Its a perfect place were we can kiss!

I taught my daughter to ski here! It was perfect training for her before we went to skiing vacation.

The dog owners are the people that uses the park most. They are a network of people across the neighbourhood. They have “gangs” according to the age of the dog and the kind. I was only 2,5 years old and had somehow gotten lost in the area. An elderly couple found me on this road and took me home.

The city want´s to build a road here!

Rosenlunds sjukhus. People come and go. How many of the are out in the park? The hospital turns it´s back against the park and there are not so many windows overlooking the park.

The hill is really nice for a walk with the dog! It´s like being out in nature and not many others go here.

I love sun bathing here in the summer! It´s a bitless crowded the the other side and you can get shade from the trees.

Transitional home. A nice mixe of students and drug addicts comin clean. A lot of community spirit but also the hardships of being outcast and trying to get in. Not so many of them out in the park. They are silent in the discussion. sometimes referred to as “them” by the people living in Kvarteret Linjalen. But some people think it is a good thing that they are living here.

Elderly people live in this nursing home. They are sensitive to changes and disturbing sound. The people working here are afraid that recent plannes to move the elderly to the next house will become too big a strain on some of them. They are not out in the park that much.

Places where he stopped for a longer time

Where he walked


We have picnics here every summer! We even had my sons birthday party here. it felt really nice. There are of course many oothers that does the same.

The memory of the parking lot that used to be here. Before the engaged locals demanded a park for their children to play in. The fear of accidents when children run across the street.

This is a childrens park! playgrounds and children areas all over. It is a safe place beacuse there are not much car traffic around here. Children of all ages play here.

T h e s u n c h a i s w o n t h e S i e n n a a w a r d . In the summer days there are people drinking coffe and sunbathing here. You can buy a coffe in the café across the street. In the evenings and nights there are a lot of youths here. it becomes their hangabout.

Bagel café. A symbol of gentrification. S t y l e d c a f é i n t e r i o r. Fu l l o f p e o p l e .

Creation of meaning, through different modes of appropriation.

Appropriation by a visitor, or Albin’s walk in the park.


“ Söder är den stadsdel i Stockholms innerstad där det finns minst parkyta per innevånare. Det är inte bra för stadsdelan att bli ännu mer förtätad, även om vi behöver fler bostäder. I natt har jag fyllt i enkäten, som det tals om på denna sida. Jag ser hur vi som barnfamilj har utnyttjat absolut hela parken genom alla år. Rebecka är 13 år nu och kommer gå på Unga Örnars verksamhet för ungdommar i Skånegläntan under hösten. Platsen har är ju kanppast för stor. Snarare för liten. “

På våren kan man plocka stora mängder späda nässlor i “vildmarken” och laga Nässelsoppa Med Hårdkokta Ägghalvor.......... “

I dag hittade jag en blomma nedanför trappan till Tideliusgatan som jag inte kände igen. Det var Rödmalvan (den andra malvan känner jag igen). Lite kul att det finns många olika slags växter i den otuktade delen av parken. “

“ Jag går varje dag med min son från Magnus Ladulåsgatan, där dagis ligger via Rosenlundsparken för lek för att sen hamna hemma på Grindsgatnan. Helt otänkbart att det ska bli en genväg för bil trafik enom vår park!! Hur svårt är det att ratta sin bil från Swedenborggsg. eller ladulås till ringvägen!!! Inte OK! Hopas innerligt att detta inte kommer att bli en del i stadspanen.

Glåmigt område? Knappast - det är såna här områden som behövs. Nämligen just för barn och ungdomar som tycker att den här typen av områden är spännande istället för ett av arkitekter och stadsplanerare sönderpillat och tillrättalagt och inrutat ställe. “


Helt sjukt. En klassiker, låt allt förfalla så blir det inga proteststormar när man asfalterar och bygger igen hela sk-ten. Blir så provocerad. Tänk av extremt välanvänt detta område skulle vara om det sköttes. Jag och min dotter tar turer ibland i “vildmarken”, och jag ser sån potential. En liten gångstig längs med kullarna bort till bakom Rosenlunds sjukhus tex. Underbar natur! Massor med blommande växter i somras. Men svårtillgängligt. Lite parkskötsel så skulle stockholmarna vallfärda, och hålla det för viktigt område. “

“ Ja det är viktigt att komma ihåg att man tänker riva ett föredöme bland förskolor på söder med egen trädgård, kuperad mark, fruktträd som skuggar mot solen, ingen trafik i närheten. Varför inte använda marken till att bygga fler förskoleplatser, som det är sån brist på, i en miljö som redan är anpassad efter barn. Parken skulle kunna rustas upp. “ “

Stryk alla planer på butiker och cafén. Det kommer inte fungera. Det här är ett område vi bor i och umgås i. Där våra barn i trygghet utan bilar kan leka och utvecklas! Området i och omkring parken är idag unikt för sin bilfrihet. Barn kan redan i tidig ålder gå själva mellan hemmagården och parken utan att riskera att bli överkörda. “

Jag har svarat nu, och jag skrev sanningsenligt om hur mycket jag uppskattar de olika parkdelarna, även den del som är lite mer vildvuxen. Jag och min dotter strövar runt där ibland och det är helt underbart att få ha ett vilt naturområde så nära inpå sig och kunna klättra runt bland små bergsknallar och säga hej till alla de olika växtarterna som finns där. Åhhh att det ska vara hotat! :( Skrev också om att just det bilfria är så viktigt, och en anledning till att jag så ofta promenerar på vägarna inuti området. För att slippa gå på Magnus Ladulåsgatan tex. “

“ Många av förskolorna har inte egna gårdar och använder den vildvuxna delen som lekplats. Små barn kan inte resa för att komma ut till en lekplats, och de kan inte vara inne hela dagarna. Vart ska förskolebarnen vara? “


“ En av anledingarna att den delen av parken för vissa kan uppfattas som mindre attraktiv är för att denär dåligt upplyst och eftersatt. Sly har ej rensats på vad jag bara kan gissa är flera år mm. Om ett område tillåts förfalla, skräpas ner osv får det är sämre status. Den statusen är lätt att höja genom att se efter området bättre. Inte bygga bort det. “ “ Jag tror det var 1984 (rätta mej om jag har fel) som vi i Linjalen

och andra runt omkring stoppade planerna på att riva förskolan och bygga i backen. Dagens planer med bilgata är orimlig. “


“ 1988 stoppades planerna på att riva förskolan och bygget i backen. Det enda som kom att byggas var Katarinagården på Tideliusgatan. “

“ Min dotter lärde sig åka skidor där förra vintern. Sätt lite ljus på fotbollsplanen så kommer tonåringarna o sparkar boll! “ “ Varför användes inte ett foto som visade den vackra trädgården i förskolan istället för husfasaden? Ni kunde även använt ett fotto på de vackra träden som är många meter höga eller på de barn som dagligen använder fotbollsplanen. “

Spelar lite fotboll på sommaren och jag brukar knata runt där med hunden. Skönt med ett område som inte är så “tuktat”, men nog går det att med enkla medel göra det lite atraktivare. “

“ För de boende i området är det inte alls en “ful” plats. Utan en

plats att gå med hund, åka pulka (om Bilvägen byggs är det slut med det), spela fotboll och promenera utan bilar. “


“ Underbart - precis så är det! Var själv ute på “hundrastning” vid ett-tiden, frid o ro och det luktade som om vi var på landet...... “

“ Slutligen skulle jag vilja be er att bevara så många träd ni bara kan. Vi ser ut över de fantastiska träden i Rosenlundsparken från vår lägenhet i Linjalen. I er planskiss är många av de träden borta helt i onödan. Såga inte ner vackra skuggande träd som attraherar fåglar och ger syre för att skapa stora gräsmattor. Stora gräsmattor utan skugga är poänglösa. “

Jag har just “inventerat” västra rosenlundsparkens trädbestånd. Mats Lindroth, som skrivit “Tantolunden:scener ur en park” berättade vad träden heter och jag antecknade. Från en snabb och inte fullständig koll så hittade vi; alm, ask, balsampoppel, björk, fläder äkta, fläder falsk, hagtorn, hassel, hägg, körsbär, lönn, måbär, olvon, listan kan säkert göras längre, men det viktiga jag såg under vår vandring i denna naturpark var att vi borde vara rädda om unika miljöer i stadsbebyggelse. Hus och vägar kan man bygga var som helst, men existerande natur kan bara existera där den är. “


Sent igår kväll var jag och handlade på den kvällsöppna mataffären på Folkungagatan. När jag gick därifrån med mina matkassar så var det minst sagt full fart i kvarteren med “mer kommersiellt och offentligt liv”. Människor stod och tjafsade med polisen utanför barer, bilar och motorcyklar gasade på som om de var på en racingbana,luften var tät av avgaser och “ljudbilden” var på en sådan hög nvå att man inte “hörde” vad man själv tänkte.......... Jag lyckades i alla fall komma ihåg att kolla både en o två gånger att bilisterna förstod att fotgängarna också hade grönt ljus innan jag korsade gatan - för man ska inte ta för givet att man lugnt kan kliva ut på övergångsstället när man har grönt.... När jag sedan vandrade genom Rosenlundsparken (vid 23.30 tiden, utan att känna mig rädd eller otrygg) så var luften frisk, jag kände doft från växter, hörde fåglar kvällskvittra och såg ungdomar antingen sittande i par och vänslas eller i grupper o “chilla”, “hänga” o prata. Min slutsats är att parken används precis som den är idag och faktiskt, kanske inte dygnet runt, men många timmar på dygnet av “olika typer av brukare”. Så vill jag att det ska fortsätta att vara. “

“ Efter en vecka i stugan sitter jag återigen på vår balkong och hajar till: de höga fina träden runt fotbollsplanen bakom dagiset är borta, 16 stubbar i gräset där det förr var en så fin dunge. Vet någon varför? Vad har hänt? “

“ Rosenlundsparken ska fungera som en del av Söders ”Gröna Lunga”. Idén propagerades en hel del för i samband med firandet av Söder 700 år (1988). Alla erbjöds då att köpa trädplantor som Parkförvaltningen sedan planterade i Rosenlundsparken och även annorstädes på Söder. De som själva finansierade ett eget träd fick även en namnbricka invid sitt träd. Tanken var att ju fler träd på Söder desto friskare luft produceras här. Fortfarande finns det kvar av de här träden i Rosenlundsparken. Däremot verkar det inte finnas kvar några politiker som idag kämpar för fler träd som kan producera friskare luft. Tvärt om vill man nu avverka allt fler träd för att få plats med hus och nya vägar så att fler bilar och bussar alltmer kan skita ner vår gemensamma luft. Fler bilar, bussar, hus och människor på en och samma platat yta kanske ger området en mer stadsmannamässig prägel och generar kortsiktigt mer pengar till politikerna men kostar mer än det smakar på längre sikt framförallt för oss som bor inom området i vår hälsa etc. Förresten hur många av oss inom området vill ha en mer stadsmannamässig prägel på området? “

“ Det där är mitt gamla dagis. Jag minns när jag var 2,5 år och

fick lust att gå hem över den här planerade bilvägen. Jag blev stoppad efter ca 20 meter av ett pensionärspar som råkade vara ute och promenera i parken mitt på dagen. Vilken tur att det var en gångväg och att det fanns äldre människor där som kunde hjälpa mig tillbaka. Det lär ju inte vara så många pensionärer som väljer en genväg för stressade taxibilar att spatsera på framför en lugn gångväg. “

“ Jag cyklade igenom parken igårkväll. Den del de ska bygga

bort gav mig känslan av att vara någon annanstans än mitt i stan. Det är inte ofta. Det susade i träden och raspandet från min gamla cykel var det enda som störde. Spelade in min cykeltur på telefonen. “

“ Att de tog bort den gata som tidigare fanns mellan Swqedenborgsgatan och Grindsgatan för att där istället lägga en park och parkväg verkar man nu ha glömt bort. “ “ Jag har svårt att förstå skälet till att dra en bilväg genom park-

en. Ska vi inte försöka minska innerstadbilism och låta de parker som finns vara kvar? Rosenlundsparken bildar ett fint sammanhängande stråk som är mkt uppskattat och använt av alla som bor på Tideliusgatan, Hallandsgatan, Magnus Ladulåsgatan och tvärgatorna frm till paren (Siargatan t ex) “

“ Att staden bygger igen varje gröna yta utan att det ifrågasätts

mot promenadvägen genom parken förbi dagiset Ask och Embla som en kälkbacke i gammal god stil. Lår barnen behålla sin park!! “

“ Ungarna åker pulka på vintern. “

kn a Te lig

Sluttningen ovanför förskolorna är en ovärderlig plats för pulkaåkning på vintrarna. Försök bevara den på något sätt. Om bilväg byggs kommer det att omöjliggöra pulkaåkning. “


“ På vintrarna fungerar slänten ner från husen vid Tideliusgatan



“ Det har åkts pulka och kälke där i decennier. Maken 78 är född i nödbostäderna som låg där på 30 talet. “


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20 = 1:


är en sorglig utveckling. Vi är dock många som ifrågasätter detta och som framförallt protesterar mot att lägga en bilväg rätt igenom en park. Det är inte “bara en gångväg” som du skriver. Det är en liten plätt av staden där bilar inte kör, och det finns få riktiga skäl att bygga en bilväg där. Där barn kan gå, man kan cykla och där en vacker förskola med prunkande trädgård ligger. “


“ Den stora gräsmattan där så många idag har picnic och solar skulle förstöras helt av en trafikerad bilväg intill.“ “ Visst behövs det fler bostäder men ju fler vi blir desto viktigare

är parkerna för människors hälsa. Den här parken används till rekreation av många människor och djur i alla åldrar. Skolorna använder den som gymnastik- och idrottplats. Vi kan inte andas asfalt. De senaste tre åren har det byggts i en takt jag jag aldrig sett maken till. Bygg bostäder på gärdet istället. “

“ De går hit i långa rader till parken. Skolklasser som har gymnastiklektioner i parken och barngrupper från dagis och fritids. “

Rosenlundsparken stories.




Söder 67

Parkplan and traffic seperation

”allmännyttan” has to make profit

Selling ”allmännyttan” is made easier

Start of discussion on selling parts of ”allmännyttan” in Sweden


Allmännyttan has to make profit as a regualr company.

Right ving parties political power in Stockholm


Constructor and developer.

stockholms hem As company and later also as developer.

Politicans Politiker (i stadsdelsnämden)

Users Park proposal

EXPLOTATION OFFICE Exploateringskontoret

CITY PLANNING OFFICE Stadsbyggnadskontoret


Holger Blom


stockholms hem


As landlord

Ögonmåttet is built, small one room apartments

Stiftelsen Hotellhem i Stockholm

LINJALEN Apartmentblock

Co-opt conversion try

When people move to Linjalen with their children they lack sufficient space for their children to play. They propose one change to the existing park and a new park plan instead of the park plan from Holger Blom and Parkförvaltningen. Their suggested change is to remove the car road and parking plot between the 1930s park

park users

Co-opt conversion try

Co-opt conversion try

A group of persons in Linjalen wants to convert the rental apratments to co-opts. No succes for them.

Housing block Linjalen is built

Okt 2008 The network “Rädda Linjalen” starts - their goal is to save Linjalen as rental apartments and stop the conversion.

A group of persons in Linjalen wants to convert the rental apratments to co-opts. No succes for them.

Users propose own park plan

engaged local citizens


The group working with the park proposal, where Topsy is an active member, meets Holger Blom and Parkförvaltningen. They bring a model which shows their proposal. For example the benches in a circle surrounded by trees and a stone wall are one of their suggestions. Another is the artificial hills in the park.

Protests against

Protests against

and the 1970s park to become. After some protests and actions together with the children, physically stopping the cars with their bodies, the car road and parking plot is removed. For Parkförvaltningen to accept the park plan from the citizens it takes the big political explosion Almstriden.

buildingplans in the western end of the park

buildingplans in the western end of the park

More children and parents

Nature park

Decision to make western end of park to a nature park and Verktummen is built. Car road removed, playground instead Middel part of park planted



Kindergarten built in the middle of the western end of park

Refurbishment of eastern side of park

Eastern end of park planted

Consultations with public (allmänheten) Special meetings with personal in Parkleken, Skånegläntans parent group and the organisation Södermalmsparkens vänner.

Sun lounger

May 2008 Inauguration of the chairs in the eastern end of the park.








Vattenpasset 1969



Protests against building housing in the park.

The detailplan shows plans for general purpose, for example school, in the western part of the park. On one side of this is the kindergarten Ask & Embla built 1977.




Protests against building housing in the park and a car road to the kindergarten.





Verktummen 1997

Controversies timeline of Rosenlundsparken.

History, identity, creation of meaning and other research topics The history of Rosenlundsparken, and the tension between the inhabitants and users of the area and those who take the decisions about the park (the government). We had conversations to both parties. The place has an interesting story about strong cooperation and resistance that has created a symbolic space that is part of the feeling of “us” and identity.1 We looked at the active digital discussion about the place that is ongoing on the Facebook site “Ingen bilväg genom Rosenlundsparken!” 2, 3 which is a Delibas D, Edqvist S, Kautsky M, & Maríudóttir K, (2013), Creation of meaning, through different modes of appropriation, Course: Local Gathering and Caring Södermalm, KTH Institute of Technology. 2 Ingen bilväg genom Rosenlundsparken! An open Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/ groups/370898396303830/?fref=ts (Retrieved January-May, 2013) 3 Delibas D, Edqvist S, Kautsky M, & Maríudóttir K, (2013), Rosenlundsparken stories, Course: Local Gathering and Caring Södermalm, KTH Institute of Technology.

platform to gather the protesters against the car road that is planned to be built through the park. We looked at how a place achieves its meaning and value. One of the group did an experiment on how a visitor that has no prior knowledge about the place, recognizes and understands how the space is programmed or unprogrammed and how he/she responds to those programs and appropriates the space.4 We also attempted to look at the place through the eyes of the inhabitants, and how they understand the place.5


4 Delibas D, Edqvist S, Kautsky M, & Maríudóttir K, (2013), Appropriation by a visitor, or Albins walk in the Park, Course: Local Gathering and Caring Södermalm, KTH Institute of Technology. 5 Delibas D, Edqvist S, Kautsky M, & Maríudóttir K, (2013), Creation of meaning, through different modes of appropriation, Course: Local Gathering and Caring Södermalm, KTH Institute of Technology.

// 14

Pictures from our questionnare, filled with information from our interviewees.

The talking space; a Saturday in Rosenlundsparken In connection to our mapping project on Rosenlundsparken, we had an event there on a cold Saturday in March. We carefully chose a central spot in the park, where the path, that extends from Swedenborgsgatan (the one that Stadsbyggnadskontoret plans to change to a car/bus road) crosses the path that stretches along the eastern part of the park, next to Linjalen. We set up a table with a rose-patterned table cloth, brought hot water for tea and coffee, as well as cookies. We set up signs that read “Vad tycker du om parken?” (“What do you think about the park?”) and had prepared and printed an A4 document that had a map of the area on one side and five questions to open up the conversation with our interviewees. We hoped to fish for some thoughts about the city plans regarding the new housing project, as well as about the debated bus-road, and for some personal stories from the area. We were prepared to be there from 11-14, but expected to leave around 13, since it was a cold day, and from experience of some of the group members, it is hard to get people to stop

and answer questions. But very much to our surprise people were already waiting for us when we arrived at 11:00. There were so many people that stopped by, that we did not manage to talk to everyone. And when we packed our things around 14:00 and left the park shivering, a few persons literally ran after us and stopped us to share their thoughts and opinions with us. Even though we had many good conversations in this event, and recorded some stories, histories, memories, opinions, complaints and critique. But our main conclusion has to be this surprising attendance and the immense interest in participating in our small event. There is obviously a strong need and a strong will among the inhabitants in the area to participate in the planning processes. But the platform to allow for public participation seems to be painfully missing.

15 //

Pictures from our comic book, “Om Rosenlundsparken, Ett seriealbum om staden och parken.�

// 16

Pictures from the exhibition at Coffice, where we exhibited our comic book.

The comic book In order to gather all the information that we collected and to “digest” that pile of information, we then made a comic book about the park. In that comic book we showed a stereotypical image of the actors and how they engage (or do not engage) in the discussion about spacemaking, how decisions are made and put into action.6

at KTH, who had also researched the area at Rosenlundsparken. The comic book can be read (only in Swedish) online: www.issuu.com/katla_mar/docs/ om_rosenlundsparken-comic_book.pdf

The comic book was exhibited at Coffice, along with material from the students at Sustainable Urban Planning and Design 6 Delibas D, Edqvist S, Kautsky M, & Maríudóttir K, (2013), Om Rosenlundsparken. Ett seriealbum om staden och parken, Course: Local Gathering and Caring Södermalm, KTH Institute of Technology. http://issuu.com/katla_mar/docs/om_ rosenlundsparken-comic_book.pdf (Retrieved JanuaryMay 2013).

17 //

// 18

On the friction between nature and urban

Urbanisation and its pressure zones Urbanisation is a global phenomena, and since Stockholm is the fastest growing capitals in Western-Europe7 it is surely feeling the pressure and a housing crisis has been apparent for some time now. How far should cities like Stockholm go with the densification, should all “unused” areas of cities be used for 7 Stockholm fastest growing capital by 2030, (2013, April 23). Sveriges Radio. http://sverigesradio.se/ sida/artikel.aspx?programid=2054&artikel=5513380 (Retrieved May 15th 2013).

building construction, including the “green areas”? Especially those areas that are close to the city centre, since a denser city is a more sustainable one.

19 //

Linjalen gateway.

// 20

Through the lense of fantasy I participated in a weeklong course that was part of the Vertical Workshop week at KTH under the guidance of David Garcia of MAP Architects. The workshop aimed at creating one single image per group via collage of existing and created images. The sites to be chosen were extreme environments, free of choice, where nature or culture are at a threshold; a breaking point. I used the opportunity to take a look at Rosenlundsparken that our studio

had previously been researching, but through an intuitive way through fantasy. I sought to show the tension between the pressure to build and the pressure to protect the green lungs of the city. At a time of lack building areas, should a city use its parks and green spaces under building construction or are they too valuable? This exercise then set the tone for my design project.

21 //

the square-root of the number of species thought to exist on Earth (i.e., three thousand out of an estimated nine million species), or about 0.18% of the 1.7 million species that have been formally described and named.� 8

Tree of life, a diagram by David M. Hillis, Derrick Zwickl, and Robin Gutell, University of Texas. “The species were chosen based on their availability, but we attempted to include most of the major groups, sampled very roughly in proportion to the number of known species in each group (although many groups remain over- or under-represented). The number of species represented is approximately

o id P Pro nta od per pis m ntilla s a 242 llat Pe mnpto eria niu ste ata MP Gy est odi scimarinu Cry ylo uca lora uol CC Pfi ca iata Am ctil sus och vac on pau rev No rkin jor ella hni Pe mnhar rac nas ma abb ina a 325 Gy rian Lot lora motula nas salma MP ila Ch inorea mo nas CCoph um RhSto odo mo nasnas eci cry a Rh odo momo ra dat amii Rh odopto ige cau parcar s MP RhCry min lus ma ona becicu par tica CC Ge dis toly alis s a Kom ilom nias orb a his giv a tan sim yte e Ch morite oeb a gin rep hyt utishnioph AmSo tam oeb a bos iop m glo on En tam oeb hni minrac chndeu ora rara coi lum En tam ella rac nas En har mo chl ni LotChloraino ed chlo dis pha yce sso Ped nam ed liumpol boi laetoriumieni Un nam steum ma trig rez Un tyosar oso ma rota Dic ma the ga lopori Phy pan oso oso maa mesce ani Try pan oso TryTrypanpan som ma var mnetti aviu Try ano oso mama ben ileri Tryp pan oso ma the yi li Try pan oso ma gra scuisi Try pan oso mu Try pan oso mama lew roti nis Try pan oso ma mic zi Try pan osooso ma cru gelipertilioai Try panpan oso ma a ran tan nse ves Try pan oso Try pes gole som Try panano osomama con iae Try sim nsi dum Tryp pan oso ma a eva iper Try pan ososom a equ cei Try panano som a bru icis Try ei som a ia cullti ani Tryp ano somhid ope roitm s ean Tryp ano Tryp ano crit onc s serpenriadnsis ii Tryp sto ia onas s ma ane lae oge Bla hid omona ona guy nto nter Crit pet sis Her tom omania tare mo Phy pethm ania um jor nenni Her hm pan ma azo ova rum e Leis ania amdon atasca elia oai Leis otry ania iculmu gas ess End hm Leis hmhmaniafascnas me uelp ia Leis sam reli Leis hid momonasnas s bor 183 is i Crit peto mo orm datu Her peto ma ygn Her petocauplas U67 aniftusc m do tryp Her o ano obo a can orua Bod Tryp nch gellonas ophrtan trich m Rhy asti Dim alom ma qua ovu ta Pet ane nea ova Per wki clisclis cilista Kha ocin grainfla is is agil Lep ocin Lep lena ita nasus mur Eug am Hex omoucle ae Trep ron arde roti alis Spi rdia mic stin alis den Gia rdia inte blia Gia rdia duo is Gia rdia lam atrix atrix Gia rdia murnec nec Gia rdia a mae Gia ema rphoule pula Nos imo ves nae siae Vair ema cera Nos ema apis oplu is Nos ema trich byc lis em i Nos ema bom aca hell icul Nos ema furn n n cun i zoo Nos ema zoo alis eus Nos ema alito stin bien onis Nos eph alito Enc eph inte onon salm ubergi eae Enc tata tozo Sep rocy tozocorn sch lis Ente rocy a tus hae Ente form icula mic a Vitta oret n mal i End eso ano han e uillarum Am ea step rinaang rae Glug geaea athe us hora ope ii Glu Glug stop onc loph us hag Plei raia a rican dop Vav gue ame acri rae ta Spra ea riaria algeluna uli lla Glug esva calis Visv esvapore stimis Visv cos pora aed orni phe Culi lyos dia calif ano Amb azar pora iascoticae ns us Edh lyos han gula aurereus Amb thelo ora Para nosp coa ussulfu is ilus Anto illus cocc s bov oph nse Bac hylo ccus Stap roco occus acid ane us Ente ptoc cillu tiaw ricumii Stre toba sma buty gest lactic ns Lac opla m ium cterdura Spir tridiucter roba atum 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anoc occu ium subte e m Meth anoc acter ium Meth anob acter a siciliaphilu ui Meth anob arcin acido mort Meth anosasma marisns Meth mopl rium rifica Ther bacte denit sa m s orus Halo ferax rever aureu liensiinosp Halo ansialon Coemdacty braziacum Spiro ansia ces ispora s Coem comypenn strina sporu Dipsa rina alaba ptero Linde ella ycestae tus us Kickx nsiom culise stella erang Marteium ces boom nus Smitt iomy es hiber alis Capn lomyc es s Furcu telloid s aspir tus boideicola Genis myce s minu Spiro myce s throm ra verm ns Spiro ioboluphthocastra Conidobioto sea tae Macr gwellneoaphidis Stron ora a culise ns e Pand hthor radicapterae Zoop thora ptyco ae Zoophopsis a aulica musc phora Eryni ophag ora schizo Entom ophth oracoronatus Entom ophth s s Entom iobolu nianu Conidr ramando osum Muco r muce osus racem Muco r racemstrum m Muco phala s ranaru mis Synceiobolupisifor phala Basid one polyce a Endog rella a rugos sa Mortieospor a spino biana Acaul ospor ra colum Acaul hospo ae orum Entrop s mosse geospe Glomu s cf Glomu s mossa otis Glomu s manih dices Glomu s intrara atum Glomu s etunic eum Glomu s claroid rme ida Glomu s versifo ra pelluc ea Glomu llospo a castangama Scutte lospor a hetero llosa Scutel lospor ra dipapi Scutel llospo Scutte ora albida rita marga ns Gigasp ora decipieea Gigasp ora gigant annii Gigasp ora gerdeme Gigasp spora sus Acaulo hon pyriform botryo antha Geosipdiscus m Aleuro m hirsutullum leucox m Stereu ystidie m Gloeocm annosu n annosu Stereu basidio bicolorm Hetero tum Laxitex m ramosu um Hericiu m erinace ursinus Hericiu llus omphalodes a Lentine llus Lentine rona pyxidat vulgare yi Clavico lpium berkele Aurisca zewia alutum Bondar stroma m nuda Scytinohora tinctoriu Peniop ontium ta Echinod compac s Russulas hispidu s Inonotu s igniariu Phellinuum biforme m m Trichapt um abietinuviolaceu Trichapttum fusco Trichap tum laricinum radula Trichap adulum s Basidior perenni a Coltricia ora paradox alutaria Schizop ontia stellatus Hyphod bolus m Sphaerom saccatu s Geastru stricta pistillari Ramaria delphus s s Clavaria s floccosu fusiformi a Gomphu olus Pseudocria polytrich um Auricula ria auricula gelatinos Auricula ydnum Pseudohsatanas eron Boletus us chrysent Xerocom a raveneliiinum Calostoma cinnabar Calostomrma citrinas horus Sclerode panuoide s gongylop Paxillus ricus Atta cephalote bond rmex bugn of Leucoaga symb Basid symb of Sericomy rmex rimos rmex Basid symb of Trachymy coll Basid symb of Cyphomy gma Basid symb of Apterosti Basid bombacina Athelia stipticus a Panellusphacorrhiz Typhula serotinus Panellus matsutake Tricholoma umbellifera Omphalinaostreatus Pleurotuscinereus Coprinus iodes Cortinarius procera Lepiota laeve lata Crucibulumrugosoannu Strophariagigantea Calvatia striatus Cyathus lateritia Lentinula muscaria Amanita s tubaeformis Cantharellu pavonia Dictyonema m commune Schizophyllu hepatica Fistulina tuberregium Pleurotus bisporus Agaricus macrocephala Tulostoma petasatus Pluteus s cartilagineus Termitomyce albuminosus Termitomyces purpurea Ceriporia adusta Bjerkandera Phlebia radiatate chrysosporium Phanerochaezeae s Rhizoctoniasphaerophoru Tretopileus sulphurellum Dentocorticium Fomes fomentarius Lentinus tigrinus australe Ganoderma Trametes suaveolens squamosus Polyporus sulphureus Laetiporus schweinitzii Phaeolus spathulata Sparassis Antrodia carbonica Daedalea quercina Fomitopsis pinicola unicolor Spongipellis Panus rudis Meripilus giganteus Albatrellus syringae sepiarium Gloeophyllum Hydnum repandum Multiclavula mucida Clavulina cristatasubcoronatum Botryobasidium isabellinum Botryobasidiumcucumeris Thanatephorus praticola Thanatephorus alpinus Heterotextus Calocera cornea Dacrymyces chrysospermus Dacrymyces stillatus Tsuchiaea wingfieldii Cryptococcus neoformans Filobasidiella neoformans Bullera dendrophila Trimorphomyces papilionaceus Bullera miyagiana Bullera globospora Tremella globospora Bullera pseudoalba Bullera penniseticola Bullera hannae Bullera alba Bullera unica Tremella moriformis Fellomyces distylii Kockovaella schimae Fellomyces ogasawarensis Kockovaella phaffii Kockovaella machilophila Kockovaella imperatae Kockovaella sacchari Kockovaella thailandica Fellomyces fuzhouensis Fellomyces penicillatus Fellomyces polyborus Fellomyces horovitziae Sterigmatosporidium polymorphum Fibulobasidium inconspicuum Sirobasidium magnum Bullera coprosmaensis Bullera oryzae Bullera derxii Bullera sinensis Bullera mrakii Bullera huiaensis

Bacteria Archaea

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Leci idia adspti jacoum Bun alos dea crus ersu bi odop Xan pora fusc tulat m horo thori sulp a oatra n hura RhizSph Leifidscro a eleg bicu ansta ocaraero ponphor ium tenelatum Squa us geog glob rum mari Stere Leca na raph osus ocau Clad lonnora lentigicum onia ramudispe era Pilop Clad rsa Pseu horu ia bellid losum deve s aggr iflora Pelti rnia acic egat gera Solo clad ulari a onia s Nephneop rina croc romaolyda eae Cyan Conooder Gya arcticctyla trem mellalecta um ulmi Plac a popuviridu DiploAnam Trap Trap opsis lorumla gelid schisylopselia elia invol Pertu tes ora placodioid uta a sariaocellpulch Sarc atus errimes inom Siph trach var a Cocc yces ula ythal al Aure cera lina obasodiniumcrust tites Doth aceu ideaidium barts s Phae Doth pullu chii hippo oscle idea phaelans Botry ra dema inscu os Botry osph lpta osph tioide Dend aeriaaeria s Myco Herp ryphi rhodiribis spha otrich opsis na Kirsc Herperella ia diffus atra hstei otrichmyco Mono niothelia ia pappa junip i dictys marit eri LophSpor West omiacasta ima iostom erdyk a lignicneae ella crena ola Cucu Pleos dispe tum Phae rbitar pora rsa osph ia berbe rudis LeptoOphiobolu aeria sphae s nodo ridis Cucu ria herpo rum Lepto rbitar micro trichu scopi s Leptosphae ia elong ca sphaeria macu ata Setos Pleos ria doliol lans um Pleos phae pora betae pora ria rostra AlternAltern herba aria aria rumta Clath Altern brassrapha rospo aria icicolani Altern ra altern Pyren Coch aria diplos ata pora Pyrenophoraliobolusbrassicae Kirsch Helicaophor tritici sativu repen s steini scus a tricho tis Cucu otheli kanal stoma rbidot a oanu Lepto hiselaterascuss Geom sphae pityop yces Bulga hila panno ria ria bicolo Geomrum var inquin r Micro yces asper ans glossupanno ula Ascoz rum onus Leotiam viride Theleb woolh lubrica olus Cyttar opensis Phylla iastercoreus darwin Neobu Blumectinia guttat ii Amylo ria gramin a carpulgaria premn Sclero s encep ophilais tinia Monili sclerohaloides nia tiorum Rhytis Monilifructicola nia laxa ma salicin Cudon Spath ia um Lulwo ulariaconfusa flavida Magna rthia fucico Ophioc Pseud eras porthe la ohalon leptosp grisea Ophios ectria orum Ophios toma falcata piceae Ophios Pesotutoma bicolor toma m fragran penicil Ophios latums Sporot Ophios hrix toma ulmi toma schenc Ophios stenoc kii Ophios Ophios tomatoma eras ainoae toma cuculla Leucos europh tum toma ioides Crypho Endoth persoonii Crypho nectria ia gyrosa nectria cubens Crypho havane is Crypho nectria Ascova nsis nectria radicali ginosp parasiti s Camaro ora stellipa ca Chaetops microsp la mium ora Sordari elatum Neuros a fimicola Podosp pora crassa Meliolaora anserin niesslea a Meliola Kionoch juddianna Kionochaeta a Kionoch aetaramifera spissa aeta Obolarin ivoriens Rosellin a dryophilis Xylaria ia necatrixa polymor Xylaria Hypoxyl carpophpha Verticillion fragiformila HypomyGlomere um dahliaee lla cingulata ces chrysosp Hypocre ermus Chaetop a lutea Nectria sina fulva Nectria aureofulv Mycoara ochroleu a ca chis inversa Spicellum Geosmit roseum hia lavendul Geosmith Hamilton aphis ia putterilliia Cordycep styraci ioideus symb Paecilom bisporus Fusariumyces tenuipes Gibberellmerismoides Fusariuma avenacea oxysporu Nectria haematoc m Fusarium occa Fusarium equiseti Gibberella cerealis Fusarium pulicaris Ceratocys culmorum Graphium tis fimbriata penicillioid Microascu es Halosarph s cirrosus Aniptodera eia retorquens chesapeak ensis Nais inornata Pseudalles Lignincola laevis cheria Pseudalles ellipsoidea Lomentosp cheria boydii ora prolificans Petriella Graphium setifera Graphium tectonae Helicogloea putredinis Helicobasid variabilis ium corticioides Helicobasidi Helicobasidi um mompa Rhodosporid um purpureum ium dacryoidum ErythrobasidRhodotorula lactosa ium hasegawian Rhodotorula um Aecidium minuta Nyssopsora epimedii Puccinia echinata suzutake Gymnoconia Physopella nitens ampelopsidis Uredinopsis intermedia Cronartium ribicola Peridermium Hyalopsoraharknessii Heterogastridiu polypodii m pycnidioideum Bensingtonia intermedia Leucosporidium Microbotryum scottii Zymoxenogloeaviolaceum eriophori Bensingtonia yamatoana Sporobolomyce Sporidiobolus s roseus Rhodosporidiumjohnsonii fluviale Rhodotorula mucilaginosa Rhodotorula Rhodotorulagraminis glutinis Rhodosporidium toruloides Mixia osmundae Bensingtonia ciliata Bensingtonia naganoensis Sporobolomyces xanthus Chionosphaera apobasidialis Kurtzmanomyces nectairei Bensingtonia Bensingtonia musae ingoldii Agaricostilbum Sterigmatomyceshyphaenes halophilus Mycogloea Bensingtoniamacrospora phylladus Bensingtonia yuccicola Bensingtonia subrosea Bensingtonia miscanthi Kondoa malvinella Sympodiomycopsis Camptobasidium paphiopedili hydrophilum Graphiola phoenicis Graphiola cylindrica Ustilago shiraiana Ustilago maydis Ustilago hordei Tilletiopsis pallescens Tilletiopsis washingtonensis Tilletiopsis albescens Tilletiopsis minor Tilletiopsis flava Tilletiopsis fulvescens Tilletiaria anomala Tilletia caries Phaffia rhodozyma Cystofilobasidium capitatum Leucosporidium lari marini Bullera grandispora Udeniomyces piricola Udeniomyces puniceus Udeniomyces megalosporus Mrakia frigida Mrakia psychrophilia Filobasidium floriforme Holtermannia corniformis Tremella foliacea Trichosporon japonicum Trichosporon cutaneum Bullera variabilis Bullera armeniaca Bullera crocea

Gelidium caulacantheum Pterocladia lucida Pterocladia capillacea Pterocladiella capillacea Pterocladiella melanoidea Ptilophora pinnatifida Ptilophora subcostata Gelidiella acerosa Grateloupia filicina Cryptonemia undulata Carpopeltis phyllophora Halymenia plana Sebdenia flabellata Lomentaria australis Lomentaria baileyana Gloioderma fruticulosa Champia affinis Cephalocystis furcellata Cephalocystis leucobotrys Erythrocolon podagricum Epymenia wilsonis Rhodymenia linearis Cordylecladia Plocamiocolaxerecta pulvinata Plocamium cartilagineum Plocamium angustum Gracilaria verrucosa Gracilaria pacifica Gracilaria tikvahiae Gracilaria cornea Gracilaria chilensis Melanthalia obtusata Curdiea flabellata Gracilaria lemaneiformis Gracilariophila oryzoides Schizymenia dubyi Mastocarpus stellatus Gigartina crassicaulis Schottera nicaeensis Gardneriella tuberifera Sarcodiotheca Sarcodiotheca gaudichaudii furcata Eucheuma denticulata Eucheuma isiforme Kappaphycus alvarezii Mychodea Areschougiacarnosa Endocladia congesta muricata Gleiopeltis furcata Phacelocarpus peperocarpos Nizymenia australis Sphaerococcus Farlowia mollis coronopifolius Dilsea carnosa Dasyphloea Callophyllis insignis rangiferina Bonnemaisonia hamifera Ceramium Ceramium macilentum rubrum Dasya baillouviana Phycodrys Rhodomelarubens Anotrichium confervoides Griffithsia furcellatum Crouania monilis attenuata Hildenbrandia Apophlaea rubra Dixoniella lyallii Rhodella grisea maculata Boldia erythrosiphon Erythrotrichi Porphyra a carnea Porphyra pseudolinearis Porphyra katadae Porphyra yezoensis Porphyra tenera Porphyra leucosticta Porphyra haitanensis dentata Bangia atropurpurea Porphyra Porphyra acanthophora Porphyra suborbicula ta Porphyra miniata Porphyra umbilicalis purpurea Stylonema Cosmariumalsidii Sphaerozo botrytis Cosmocla sma granulatum Gonatozygdium saxonicum Genicular on aculeatum Mesotaen ia spirotaeni a Mougeotiaium caldariorum Spirogyra scalaris Zygnemopgrevilleana Dioscorea sis circumcar bulbifera inata Tacca plantagin Calectasi ea Zea mays a intermed ia Oryza sativa Joinvillea Sparganiuascenden s Cyperus m eurycarpu m Glomeropalbostriat Anigoza itcairnia us penduliflo Eichhornnthos flavidus ra Elasis ia crassipe hirsuta s Tradesca Costus ntia ohiensis Marantabarbatus Calathea bicolor Zingiber loesener Canna gramineu i m Helicon indica Ravenaia indica Orchida la madaga scariens Phenakontha fimbriata is Strelitzi spermum Musa a nicolai guyanne acumina nse Calocho ta Colchicu rtus albus Veitchia m autumna Drymop sessilifo le Chama hloeus lia Trachyc edorea subdist seifrizii icha Cyanel arpus wagner Gladiol la capens ianus Isophysus buckervis Bowiea is tasman eldii Xantho volubili ica Aspara rrhoea s Ledebo gus quadra Chlorop uria falcatus ngulata socialis Allium hytum Euchar thunbe nepalense rgii Burma is grandif Aposta nnia disticha lora Gymno sia stylidio Calla siphon ides Vallisnpalustr suaveo is lens Sagitta eria americ Anana ria trifolia ana Scheu s comos Gymnochzeria us Corallo stachy palustr Aplectr rhiza s ancepsis Neotti um macula hyema ta Eburo a nidus Oncidi phyton avis le austina Oncidi um sphac e Cyprip um excavaelatum Acoru edium tum Lilium s calam calceo Illiciumformos us lus Schisa parvifl anum Austro ndra orum Nupha bailey chinen Nupha r japonia scandsis Nymp r shima ca ens Ambo haea dai Arabidrella tubero Sinap opsistrichop sa Cleom is alba thalianoda Penta e hasler a Reseddiplan Gyros a albadra iana brazz Tropa temon eana Morin eolum teppe majus ri Caricaga oleifer Floerk papay a Batis ea prosea papay Pilea mariti a Euon cadie ma rpinacoides Brexiaymus rei Parna madaalatus Lepur ssia gasca Albiz opeta fimbri rensis ata Trifoliu zia lon spath Pisum m julibrissin ulatum repen Glyci sativu s Abob ne max m Cora ra tenuif Luffa llocar Mara quinq pusolia uefidabainesii Coria h macro Datis ria arborcarpa Datis ca cann ea Bego ca glom abina Hilleb nia glabr erata Bego randi a a sand Bego nia meta Bego nia wiche Octomnia boisiallica Tetra elesoxylo na x Begonsis ba nia Cros mele suma sang Moru soso s nudifl trana u Celti s albama ora califo Cean s yunn rnicu Elae othus anen m Franc agnu sang sis Grey oa s umbeuineu sonc Zelko ia radlk hifoliallata s Fraga va oferi Spira ria serrata Phot ea ananassa Prun inia x vanh Ricin us frase outte Adria us pers ri i Chry na com ica Lican sobaglabrmunis lanusata Linumia tome Goss peren ntosaicaco Lueh ypium ne Bom ea Koeb bax seemhirsutum Mun erlin ceiba annii Turn tingia ia spino Dryp era calab sa Malp etes ulmif Mira ighia roxbolia ura Tetra bilis coccurgh Moll goni jalap igeraii Phyt ugo a expaa Spin olac verti nsa Plum acia ca cillat ame a Poly bago olera Coc gonu cearican Dros colo m auriculata a Eup era ba chin Citruhorb capeuvife ense ia pulc nsisra Koe s aura Acer lreut Dille rubrueriantiumherrima Gun nia m pani Mkilu nera alata cula Gua a man ta Cep iacufragr icata Euc halo m ans Ceraryph tus sanc follic tum Sloa tope ia lucid Bau nea talum ular a Cas era latifo gum is Betu uari rubio lia mife Alnu la na ides rum Den s papy equ Pho dropgluti riferaiseti folia Pho rade hthonosa Den rade ndro ra Arce drop ndro n clava Arce utho htho n calif ta Arce utho biumra sero ornicum dom tinum Visc utho bium vert inge Visc um bium pen icillif nsis Kort um albu Kor hals artic m oxyc den lorum edri s Gina thal ella ulatu Not lloa sella com m Noto othi arno lind plan Buc thixoxos ttian say ata leio Pyru kley i The laria a s sub phya dist aure llus Com sium pub Geo and imp eraicho us Eub cau editu phylla Exo rach lonra umb m Nes carp ion livid ellat Den tron os amb um a Dufr drot ia bidw Anti eno rophumb iguu San dap ya e ellulillii m Osy talu hne sph varia a Opi ris m viscaero ns Can lia lanc albu carp Ago sjer ame eolam oidea a Cha nan a ntac Ale mpe dra lept eata Lys pis reia macosta Den iana flav rocachy Ory drop exo ida man rpaa Trip ctan emo carp illan a Psit oda thus n i Stru taca nthu Gai than nthu s occbicolor Tup ade thus acu iden Am eia ndro s ang tifoli talis Dip yem anta n oers usti us Glo latia a rcticpun tedi foliu ctat i glab Eria bim s um Hel nthe etulfurcataruma Moq ixan Tap uini themuma dink Eng inan ella ra dreg lage Age lerin thus rub kirk ei i Dec lant a quin ra ii Lora aisn hus woo qua Liga Pht rianthu ina sandfor ngu s euroholl sibadioi lus Sch hiru run ricudes Sch oep cun Mis oep sa pyreifo pae gii s Sco ode fia are ifolilia us Stro rod ndrfia sch nar a Hei oca um reb ia Xim stermb Ola enia iaosia rpus brachyeri Min x con phil bor Pol quaaph am cinnippi neestac Pun yga rtiaylla eric a nen nsishyu m ana Cer ica la sis Tetr cidi gra pauguia Hal aca ciflonen My ora phy nat sis Pen riop gisrpa llum um ra Du tho hyll ereea tasmjapo Kal dle Sed anc ya rum um cta anicnicu sed exa Cra a m Sul ssuum hoevisc oidelbe rub daigida Sax liva sce la rotin Sax ifragntia ns ma rem s Ch Pel rysifra a orernie tum ont iana Heu tob ospga intemertenganran Boy a a oyk len grif sian Itea che Pte kini ra inia ium olia a Pae ros virg a intemic telli iow ran mo ens Pae oni teminic rme tha ide e a Liq dia Rib uidoni a sufon s Ped es ama lac frutrotu Ped aur bar tiflo icosndi Ort icuiculari eum styr ra a foliu Ort hoc lari s s Ca hoc acif Oro still arp s lanceo lua Oro ban ejaarpusus racem eria lata Oro Lat ban che min lute nth osa Ha hraban che mu iata us us che lud ltiflo CoHyo rve ea clan fas ovic ra Co nopban ya spe cicu Ep nop che ian des Bo ifag hol atrocio tina lata a sa Bo sch usholis is alp pur PhEhretiurre nia virg am ina pur ria kia iniaeric Cu olis a By scu ma ana ea cym suc ros Byb blis ta are cul sic na osa ChAe lis lini gro nar ent a Lin ionsch gig flor nov ium a Ipo aria ophyna ant a ii So mo nth ea vul ila MoLyc lan ea gar jamus rad Mit ntinopeum hed Va che ia rsic tub erais esii ica ns ero cea He Ph hlia lla car on Pa yllolwingi cap rep yop escsum Pa Pa naxnax noma ens ens hyl ulentu lac He nax jap jap is ea m Hy der qui onia lationi gin nqu Pitt cus cusca Lig dro a sen Cn ustosp cot helix g efo pis o y L

Tha Do liol lia He Oikopl umdem No Bra Ha rdm eur nat ocr tory nch loc Sty ani a ion atic a a Rh Ec Sqnch iostomynt ela mo dioicaalis hia us Se inobathin ual cep a rorplic mu orh us flor etzata s bas os edi LepPo tolo leninusaca anuidae i lyo iso donbus tigi coonthias s Fun ste alti nos kei dul Clu us Amus spa vel us oss thu is On Ictalurupea het ia cor Cy ero cal eus la hyn prins punhar clitu va chu us eng EchHio Alb Sa s carctatusus s iop don ula lmo kisu pio Me Op his alo vul trut tch Lat Elo galops hic pun soi pes ta hth ctif des SphPseime ps Sce ria haw atla us He lopeno ude cha aiie ntic rexer don my tero oru Alli lum nsi us don s puns scr nae s gat Ory or Tur Ga plaund cta ipta cto misdus llus tyrhula tus mig Ra lag sissip inotus ratogal s ttus us Mu norcun pie riuslus Ich Typ nsi Hypthy hlo Ho s mu vegicu s Gra ogeoph nec mo scu iculus Dis ndi ophis bantes sap lus s Ga Sca cog son is nannat ien ans s phi los ia ros stro Ne phr alte trat icus opu som yneXen s sus rna us Ele ant caropuholbropictusns uth Am ero Bufis tho olins lae oki bys dac o ens vis tom tyluHyl val ma Am Ple phiuSire a s a cinelicesse is My me cun tho ps ti xine Lamdon ma n intexica eat rea glu Pet trid rmenumus tino rom petr yon acty sa yzo a aephaloss lumdia End Ast Ept atla n ma ypte ee oxo rob atrentic rinu ra Stro Op rac Ant crin hag ngy Ophhiop hion edo ustus stoufis s locu loce n par Am ntroiom s constricserr rae ti ata Op phip tusyxa japo Stic hioc holi pur bre nicutum Lipo hop ano s squ pur virim s Psy ps am atu a chr Cuctrap us japo fug ata s eza Ast opo hen tesumaria ves nicuiens oso long tien s syk Ech Me Arb ma icau ion s inocBris om aciaows Ech ard sopa ven lixutonda inod iscuEnc ium sis trico la i ope cordlyrif sa Cass bisp abe atum Cen era tros EucFellaste sidu erfo rran tephidar r lus ratu s zela miti s SphPsa Dia anu is tribu aeremm dem s coro ndia s Stro loid ech a seto natu es e ngy Col Ech chin inus loce obo inus us granmili sum s ntro cen Oph tus trotuesculenulararis TemSal Trip ioph inte s atra tus is olis rme tus nopmac neustes Sto acu dius leuris sph mop Mes us aer grat leta Astr neu pilia hard oideilla ope stes Aste cten globwick s Alcy vari onid Por rias irreg olarulus ii ium ania amu ular is Plum gela rens is Sym atel pulv is Och illus BarBarents bion la tinosum etos repe ents tom Ped ia ia benpan ns a eryticell hilde ededora ina gard ni Cha Sibo Ridg hrog cern ae Dodetop glin eia ram ua ecateru um pisc mon s Glycceri vari fiord esa Nep eraa conope icum e Lan htys amechadatu rum s Pyg ice hom rican osp con berg a ScoPoly io chile Mag loplodora eleg ga ii Sab elon s armciliaans Harmella a mira igerta Cap othopav bilis itella e onin Aph Ner impa a Sath rodi eis cap Xiro odri Nerta limb itata r nog lus eisacul ata eata iton atte viren Lum Dero victo nua s bricu rien tus digit sis Hae BarbEise s rube Albo ata mop roniania llus glos Hiru fetid is Pho siph do sang web a ronis onia med uisu eri Pho ronisvanc hete icina ga ouve rocli lis Pho psam ronis rens ta mop is Ling arch Glot Lingula itecthila tidia ula anat a Neo Discpyra linguina Neo cran ina mida a Hem cran ia stria ta ithyr hutto ta TereNoto is ia anom ni bratesaria psitt ala nigri acea Laqu Meg lla sang Falla cans e eus erlia uine Macx neoc califo trunc Tere andr aled rnian ataa brata evia onen us lia Gyro Neo transcran sis Callo thyri thyri versium ria s s parv a Gwy incomawsonia Lioth nia nspi yrellaLioth caps cua yrella ula CanTere neoz Thec cellobratu elan uva idelli thyrilina retusica na s Sten Gryp blochhedl a Plati osar hus maneyi ina vitreu dia ii Eohe anomcrosn Lepid Lepid ozonmithy ioideieris Acan ochit ris thop onaa corea gray s Barb leura corru nica ii atia japongata vires ica Atrin Placo Chla a Arca cens pecte mys pecti noae Argo n mageislan nata pecte Argo llanicdica n irradi us pecte Cras Pecte ans sado n n gibbu s Chla ma maxi Mima mys giganmus Geuk chlam hastatea MytilMytilusensia ys variata us gallocalifodemi ssa Mytilu provirnianus Mytils trossncial Cras Nerit us ulusis eduli sostr a albic s ea illa Ostre Galeo avirginica Corcu mma eduli lum s Fragu cardistakii Fragum fragum sa Vastic Fulviam unedo ardiu Tridacm mutic Tridac naflavuma Tridac na gigas deras Tridacna maxim a Tridac Hippo na na croce a pus squam a Hippo porce osa Mactr llanus omerpus hippo is pus Tresupolynyma Spisu Tresu s capax la solidis nuttal Spisu ssima i SpisuMulin la solida Merce la ia latera naria subtru Scuto Arctic mercencatalis pus a islandnaria ventro ica Antali lineatu Mono s vulga s donta ris RapanBursa labio rana Thais a venos Reish clavig a Nassa era rius Pisaniaia bronn singui striatai Fascio larianjoren Littorin lignarisis BiompLittorin a littoreaa Baker halariaa obtusa ilymna glabra ta Fossa ea cuben ta Lymna ria trunca sis ea Radixauricu tula Lymna laria Stagn ea peregra icola stagna Anthos Lymna palust lis ris iphona ea glabra Siphon aria ria sirius Onchid algesir ae Laevicella celtica Limico laria aulis alte Balea kambe Pycno Helix biplica ul phyes aspersta Priapul Euperip kielens a us caudat is Echinis atoides leuckarus cus Thuliniaviridiss ti Macrob stephaimus Milnesi iotus niae hufelan um tardigra Poroce di phalus dum Argulu crotali Stenocy s nobilis Daphnipris major Bosmin a galeata a longiros Branch Daphni tris inecta a pulex Artemiapackard Stenop salina i Penaeuus hispidu Oedigna s aztecuss thus Panuliru inermis Nephrop s argus s norvegic ProcamAstacus us Raninoi barus astacus leonens des Pugettialouisianensisis Callinec quadride tes ns Philyrasapidus Palaemo Helice pisum tridens Ulophyse netes kadiaken ma oeresund sis Dendrog ense Loxothylaster asterinae acus Calantic texanus Ibla a villosa Verruca cumingi Chthama spengler Tetraclita lus fragilisi stalactifer Chelonib Balanus ia patulaa eburneus Lepas Paralepa anatifera Octolasms palinuri Trypetesa is lowei Berndtia lampas Callipallen purpurea e gen Limulus Pseudocepolyphemsp us Odiellus llus pearsei Eurypelm troguloides Liphistiusa californica Androcton bicoloripe Eusimonia us australiss wunderlich i Chortoglyp Acarus siro Gehypocht hus arcuatus honius Steganaca urticinus Nehypocht rus magnus Trhypochthhonius porosus Archegoze onius tectorum tes longisetosu Allonothrus s Euzetes russeolus Xenillus globulosus tegeocranus Nothrus sylvestris Lohmannia Hypochthon banksi Cosmolaelaius rufulus Megisthanus ps trifidus floridanus Argas persicus Argas lahorensis Otobius Ornithodoros megnini Ornithodoroscoriaceus moubata Carios puertoricensis Ixodes holocyclus Ixodes Ixodes simplexkopsteini simplex Ixodes cookei Ixodes pilosus Ixodes affinis Ixodes Ixodes ricinus Aponomma auritulus Aponomma concolor undatum Haemaphysalis Haemaphysalis leachi Haemaphysalis petrogalis humerosa Haemaphysalis leporispalustris Haemaphysalis Haemaphysalispunctata inermis Amblyomma Amblyomma maculatum Amblyomma americanum tuberculatum Amblyomma variegatum Aponomma latum Aponomma fimbriatum vikirri Amblyomma Amblyomma triguttatum triguttat Dermacentor marginatus Dermacentor andersoni Rhipicephalus pusillus Boophilus annulatus Rhipicephalus bursa Rhipicephalus zambeziensis Boophilus microplus Rhipicephalus sanguineus Hyalomma dromedarii Hyalomma rufipes Hyalomma lusitanicum Rhipicephalus appendiculatus Polydesmus coriaceus Cylindroiulus punctatus Clinopodes poseidonis Pseudohimantarium mediterraneum Scutigera coleoptrata Lithobius variegatus Craterostigmus tasmanianus Cryptops trisulcatus Scolopendra cingulata Theatops erythrocephala Podura aquatica Hypogastrura dolsana Crossodonthina koreana Lepidocyrtus paradoxus Lepisma saccharina Aeschna cyanea Mesoperlina pecircai Acheta domesticus Carausius morosus Batrachideidae gen sp Aonidiella aurantii Acyrthosiphon pisum Pealius kelloggii Trioza eugeniae Okanagana utahensis Philaenus spumarius Prokelisia marginata Spissistilus festinus Hackeriella veitchi Hemiowoodwardia wilsoni Lygus hesperus Raphigaster nebulosa Graphosoma lineatum Polistes dominulus Leptothorax acervorum Phaeostigma notata Clambus arnetti Meloe proscarabaeus Tenebrio molitor Dynastes granti Xanthopyga cacti Hydroscapha natans Copelatus chevrolati renovatus Suphis inflatus Oregus aereus Mecodema fulgidum Blethisa multipunctata aurata Elaphrus clairvillei Elaphrus californicus Systolosoma lateritium Trachypachus holmbergi Trachypachus gibbsii Notiophilus semiopacus Nebria hudsonica Leistus ferruginosus Opisthius richardsoni Cychrus italicus petersi catalinae ScaphinotusCarabus nemoralis Calosoma scrutator Pamborus guerinii Ceroglossus chilensis Psydrus piceus Omophron obliteratum Laccocenus ambiguus crassus Promecognathusolympica Gehringia pictulum Cymbionotum semelederi Cymbionotum striola Pachyteles Metrius contractus Cicindela sedecimpunctata Omus californicus hamatus Omoglymmius Clinidium calcaratum jennisoni Siagona europaea Siagona Carenum interruptum Scarites subterraneus atronitens Pasimachus aequinoctialis Pheropsophus Brachinus hirsutus armiger Brachinus aridus Morion brasiliensis Catapiesis sulciferus Cnemalobus n sp nr amplithora punctigera Loxandrus Cymindis Agonum extensicolle Amara apricaria Calybe laetula ruficauda Chlaenius cordicollis Discoderuss latipennis Tetragonoderu melanarius Pterostichus displosor Aptinus rufulus Pseudaptinuslecontei Galerita lecontei eydouxi Creobius relictum Broscosomarufithorax curtus Apotomus Amblytelus ax vulcans Mecyclothor picipennis Melisodera sphaericollis Dyschirius Clivina ferrea s falli Schizogeniuhilaris Batesiana tasmaniaeis Sloaneanaangusticoll Merizodus Zolus helmsi us planatus Diplochaet us laetulus Pericompslongicornis Patrobus californicus curtum Diplous Asaphidion carrianum levettei mexicanum Bembidion Bembidion us edwardsi pilicornis Amarotyp pilicornis foveata tus Loricera Loricera s mus complana s ovalipenni Antarctono MonolobuOliarces clara ysa carneaa Anisochr germanic Panorpa sylla erinaceia Archaeop mellonell Galleria la chobauti Mengenil melittae Stylopsvesparum Xenos vittatum Simulium smia rhampheis Amblabe es variipenn odi CulicoidDixella cornuta ra underwo s Eucoreth es albimanunis Anophel unctipen es psuedop hynchus nsis AnophelCulex tritaenior ambione chites Aedes punctor aegypti Toxorhyn us Aedes albopict i Aedesia shannon altissima Lutzomy oma ca vicina Nephrot Ornithoi capitata aster Ceratitis ila melanog s niger nii Drosoph Chrysop emerso ynus ladiella atus Blastoc es macrog acumin nis Allomyc myces commu nas joyonii Spizello Piromo limastix frontalis ae Neocallimastix Neocal um conferv ca ns Chytridi a californi Taphrin a macula Taphrin m tricolor carinii Caliciu us ocystis Pneum s japonic pombe romyce s cata compli saccha romyce saccha la irregularis Schizo Saitoel ta vitellina Schizo ta Neolec Neolec a letifera Taphrin nianari a robinso a wiesne ans Taphrin Taphrin a deform a bra Taphrin a populin Taphrina flavoru nis Taphrin a commu a ulmi TaphrinTaphrin a pruni Taphrin a nana Taphrinmirabilis na datae Taphrisubcorcarnea a a a pruni e Taphrin na virginic Taphrin lactuca i Taphri yces inouye Protom yces ermus Protompachyd sporus yces macro leata Protom ycessis uninuclipoferis Protom ascop mycesdrimyd da iana Dipod Walto Candida valdiv m teroru s Candi da chirop albidu hum Candi ascus chum Dipod es geotric ii geotri tomyc yces ida vaccin ares Galac icola i Endom Cand ida geoch bomb Cand erella ida bombla Starm Candida apico is ovens s Cand spand alis ida ranaefacien Cand a orient ica memb henkiida silvat Pichia IssatcCand insectalensis enens ida rsiana Cand ra naard custe alus Dekke era anom ala Dekk ces ra anom llensis s nomy bruxe llensi i Bretta Dekke era mogi ida errima Dekk ces bruxe ufii nomy Cand pulch tis owiaowia reuka Bretta agres a chnik ida pidat ii MetsMetschnik Cand bicus torres owia ida iosica chnik Candmelib niae ida lusita iyae Mets Candspora tsuchulonii ClaviCandidahaemnensis sis ida Candida oregoanenedia Candida akabinterm dia ida ermeulata Cand a Cand dointcaten pseu ida rugos tica ida ida Cand CandCand lipoly rans wia otole tiae Yarrotherm opunensis ces ces antill icaa suec fomy fomyces Phaf PhaffomyCandida nteric nica mese Phaf ida ida savoracea cylind nsisus Cand Cand ida ida chile ophilosa Cand Cand n tann muc ii ysole psisvar mrak rnus Pach Williornus satu ala satu psisia anom aea th psis WillioPich era carib ame y Willio pach Starmina var var rnica nsis thion ina ame thion s califo prate um era ame opsi s uvar igii i opsipora ludw Starm era Willi Willi walti Starm eniasodes es rans Hans myc myc otole eri ti haro verothermes kluyv enta Sacc Kluy s myc ferm ellii s cast ettii myce vero haromyce es barn uus Kluy Saccharo myc es exig rum sacc haro myc es cero Zygo Sacc haro mycspenafricanusii Sacc haro es es es rosin erae Sacc myc mycmyc lodd wii haro vero es yarro us Sacc Kluy haro myc es spor s Sacc vero myc poly doxunus Kluy vero eses parabaya e 2 Kluy myc e vero myc ces visiavisia us omy cere Kluy haro char ces cereorian is Sacc Sac omy ces past hensratas char omyceses delpglabntinu ffii SacSaccharomy dida pha ae char myc es flore es Sac vero Can ola myc myc es blatt Kluy vitic sa haro vero myc culo sacc Kluy vero taniacolli psoideis achs Zygo Kluy oelli riens kii KazCandida micr preto ruecosa ces ora delbglob kii omy lasp ora ora mra is s char Toru lasplasp ces lens i ToruToru omy svaa poru osac char tran unis azzi is Zyg osac yces ces serv ens ris i Zyg rom omy yces daira tellubaili s rom yces cha char cha rom ozymyces lentu ii Sac Sac Sac cha Arxi rom ces orus Sac ccha omy bisp roux lis osa char ycesyces mel da Zyg osac rom rom yces cau mii ii Zyg cchaccha rom sineerhansk osa osa ccha eya zha lactisus Zyg Zyg osa Holl es wick ii dob es Zyg myc es myc xiantuar ti vero mycvero es maraes entaris Kluy veroKluy myc es ferm sula ra Kluy vero mycnon cap lige r lige KluyKluyvero es psis fibufibu iae mycyco psis cornusta verorom yco cessali ang sisis omy is ia sten Kluy cha rom a Sac cha End iopsPich erga ens arin e Sac Will dida omo coip trom sak is Can aus dida ens sii dida awa krui hila Can dida Can tanz dida sop ansa Can dida Can lyxoctam bos a Can dida inse glae bos a oan is Candida dida glae sait iatil Can Canpseudo fluv ophilae dida hata dida Can dida iole she lignosaa Can palm Can ctos var dida e e varinse orus hata var gisp osis Can e elon psil erae sheshehata hata es para loddanathii dida tosa Can didashe myc dida didavisw mal nsis s Can dida dero Can Can dida linie can is dida dub albi ical e Can Lod Can Can ii dida dida trop soja sen i Can Can dida didahan telli nii Can Can es s casude mycyceyces osa ii ond aryo om om hia farin wii fabrs Deb ary ary Pic lierm a farlo ii var DebDeb a guil hrin ii han ond zym Tap senii var ens liermicar sis ii han ada es sen guil ent aen tob a Yam myc s han hia ferm yam xes phil ila aryoomyce Picdida fukudida oso oph i gluc chr fragsis Debary Can dida Can psy didaalen usa dida Can Deb nat rcitr inaees Can dida Can dida que reg oid chii Can lan bee tam Can dida hiae sis zey a Can sopa did san nen ra dida didCan e varralu memb sii e Can Can ariadida var da kris relia vii e ndi lau ata ola tam a san Can aria Ca did a schetic ila is oph tam dida san Can didda bolole mmlaris s Can dida Canndi da ltigengu ien hii Ca ndi mutria ifacdric sis Ca da Can ran ndi hia mb frie nen rica a Ca Pic me ndida bui hae ntic a da atla siaea did Ca ndi osp da den ndr uis Ca a atm ndi did ode ten a Can did Ca da nae da nemrum yri ndi a ndi dro Can Ca did Ca den cto but eria da aas Can dida da inse ndi da globatana CanCandi CaCandicon xicolatusldii me ia da linemskjobad ora ndi hia Ca Pic luss hol iza ospnthuses obo Pez nth oid tia Asccotheu acalanoxaezi ido a ra lep cos ia die me ia terf suc nar custa The que Bou eus feziza ziza ia are ias ula mis hlo Ter ra flex Pez PeTerfezzia a und iforspo na hyp a ebr Pac Ca izin cer cro ntanic s ide Rh ma mo trya a itra califorucoulenta i sne dno cinrom lale Hy DisGy iname esc tula osalis rhiz itra ven tryatis caunumica udo itrarom sub sia em ica dno PseGyromGy Hy Disciorula thuboh con ta ela nta che m carpa pa ella ule lis Fis giu Ver Verrch esc ma um a hie a can Mo ella ula bos tidicol ta glo rhy Leu rch a aci trac ca nia Mo Urn somcta lla pro tria ere a aus rco Sa Ple azi tompha sm ros De Mic scy rco Sa

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8 Hillis DM, Zwickl D, and Gutell R (2003) Tree of Life. University of Texas. Retrieved May 29, 2013 from http:// www.zo.utexas.edu/faculty/antisense/downloadfilestol.html

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Capreolia implexa Onikusa pristoides Griffithsia globulifera Gelidium vagum Gelidium americanum Gelidium serrulatum Gelidium sesquipedale Gelidium floridanum Gelidium latifolium Gelidium pusillum Thorea violacea Nothocladus nodosus Batrachospermum louisianae Batrachospermum virgato decaisn Batrachospermum macrosporum Psilosiphon scoparium Batrachospermum turfosum Batrachospermum helminthosum Batrachospermum gelatinosum Paralemanea catenata Lemanea fluviatilis Sirodotia huillensis Sirodotia suecica Tuomeya americana Batrachospermum boryanum oregonica Rhododraparnaldiapurpureum Rhodochorton Galaxaura marginata Nemalion helminthoides Camontagnea oxyclada floridula Rhodothamniella Halosaccion glandiforme Palmaria palmata Meiodiscus spetsbergensis Devaleraea ramentacea Rhodophysema elegans Audouinella tenue Audouinella hermannii Audouinella secundata Audouinella arcuata Audouinella amphiroae Audouinella daviesii Audouinella rhizoidea Audouinella caespitosa Audouinella endophytica dasyae Audouinella tetraspora Audouinella asparagopsis Audouinella proskaueri Audouinella pectinata Audouinella carriebowensis durum Rhodogorgon Sporolithon woelkerlingii Heydrichia parcum Clathromorphum compactum Clathromorphum caniculata ferox Mastophoropsis Leptophytum acervatum Leptophytumlenormandii Phymatolithon laevigatum Phymatolithon glaciale Lithothamnion tophiforme Lithothamnionerubescens Mesophyllum engelhartii Mesophyllum on patena Synarthrophytfragilissima Amphiroa aspergillum Lithothrixkotschyanum yendoi Lithophyllum Spongites n radiatum Metagoniolitho hon stelliferum hon chara Metagoniolit Metagoniolit roseum Haliptilon crassa Jania m sagittatum Cheilosporu Jania rubens elongata Corallina officinalis Corallinacalifornica m Bossiella tuberculosu oides Calliarthron cheilospori orbignianai Calliarthron Bossiella ia macmillani ia filicula Serraticard Arthrocard arum tis nostochine he gloeocystis Glaucocys a paradoxa Cyanoptyc Cyanophor oeba astronyxis Acantham oeba tubiashii Acantham oeba comandon oeba healyi i Acantham Acantham culbertson oeba Acantham oeba polyphaga Acantham oeba royreba Acanthamoeba rhysodes sis Acantham lugdunen ii oeba Acantham oeba castellanni Acanthamoeba stevenso hatchetti Acantham oeba pearcei Acantham oeba griffini Acantham oeba nsis Acanthampalestine oeba pustulosaa Acantham oeba lenticulat Acantham moebanas truncata Acantha a theta Goniomo Guillardi sulcata onas amylosas Proteom onas Plagiom mis rufescen s Hemisel mis virescen cens Hemisel mis brunnes eia x amphioxleidyi Hemisel psis Teleaula Mnemio cucumis Beroe cerebrum is Clathrinacalcarav ciliata Sycon Scyphadawsoni calyptus tia muelleri Rhabdo Ephyda la lacustris fragilisa Spongil us Eunapi japonic des Tetilla polypoificus es Axinella Suberit na prolifera Microcio fibrexilis ulus Mycale convolv ffeni lophus vanhoe ora Cratero Atollalia cystoph me ra Tripedadium hydrifor cornige Polypo opsisngium hians Selagin littoralis Gymna Hydra pusilla ana Coryne ria gustavi tus Virgula us fimbria mum gracilli Leioptil ium aura crassa rigida Alcyon Euplex ella sa Bellon granulo ae orgia axinelllata Calicoganthus thes Parazo Antipa gensis galapa aurea ca aea thes Antipa Tubastris japoni Epiact ia minuta sulcata samm onia midori Rhizop ne Anem leura kuroga Anthop ensis leura Anthoparis mutsu lucia nella rens Flosm Halipla lax adhae xa mata Trichop ula parado lis ostomlla squam plicati Gnath orniss derme ionus Lepido Brach ina acutic us grandi formis Philodrhynch molini ingenss Medio us formis emydi s Molini rhynch cantho s pseud s crassutus Macra ynchuynchu thecacoli hinorhhinorh oides bulbo s NeoecNeoec rhynchnchus raceu ectusri Lepto horhyhus cylind consp Pomprhync chus a enhyd ni Plagio orhyn osom s altma gadi e Centr Coryn orphuchus Polymorhynophiocoma ni Echin lura morgatus Rhopa odes unctaicus Chord is us albop us aquat GordiGordi nella spiral ris muris atus TrichiTrichu elongrivesi dorus ema olus LongiXiphins arenic cens chulu is nigres ivusus MylonMerm primit dorus derm ones Tricho pachy anemediuss orus richod orusintermionali richodmus merid brevisre Parat lus vulga Paratatolai lus s Prism Enop Enop nemas caecu i Ponto nchu s meyl rus antho lloideproce s laimenema lirelluum Parac Diplo halusturgid m Dapto ocep ma leatunis Terat hosto binucrocyo tis Gnat maneop immi yi hostoma i Gnathosto Dirofilariaia mala justin Brugilius icana Gnat ptaem ia amer atus ens Brum Cruz ilus tunic reliquezae roche m icumes Hete ylacium fortal erothylaciu m pelaginqui ia Hysteroth ylaciu aris pelag m Hyst eroth gasc ia essu na depr Hyst Iherin Goez um s leoni yonises caec scariproc ricoidrum Porro Toxa aris isascris lumb s equosuum Bayl Asca scari ris fuga Para Ascatrans latum aris papil canis isasc multi cara lleroi Bayl cum Toxo caba iens nova decip aea racae Terra va us aven Cont rrano a pallid aria dote lenchoder aren ae Pseu ApheGlob ne s oryztata idogy alobu ia punc sae Melo CephZeld ocaps rattis carpoide orali eri ma ngyl lethitieri erneStro s sterc oidegaster lherihalicti Stein ngyl hus Stro Diplo ioncpiculum arum palm ivus Prist rediv ides ncos aris Adutorhabditis us gylo grellstrontis vulg ans eleg sae Tera Panadera abdi tis Pelo norh abdi tis brigg horaea Cae norh abdi eriop sis Cae norh s bact s trach ilien Cae bditi amubrasostertagis a battu s rorha Syng us ngyl rtagi irus ortulis Hete ostro Oste atod contsimi ei Nipp Nem chuschus plac ila i monmon chus ioph HaeHae mon s myr s blum a Hae bditi bditiis typicaxei Rha Rhaiodit lla rtitum Pell bditetripa atus Rha a min atilis nem acu aqu ns Cruz tus tus micaestram Plec rynx Plec rmn pha hype majulitus nthobea onema opo istus era Aca Rob Stilbus cosms oneovig ara Lax Laxu ora vivip aes mod sis s dian Des oropichu topiariurus mad ostr s sitife ops rum Chro Eubostrichu s para leuc ario tubare Eub ichu mumaqu mumlinea ca ostr osto balti ala Eub Stenleucopsrosto mum Macosto hora eph chii yroc mum atus Micrcentrop sph on broc osto tritri na Geo hora ozo s lis tigritralis Sten ana trop san cero cen Thy udo ocena aus kore lata Pse Discopla a tacu s Geo plantiten gatu laris e Not rivu rina a Notomul s elon ra oide a cyp ulat oceertinArchilo a aoc ma stomhex lissi ilis Plan Nem Ura eria a mol grac ilis um grac num sing nini a alia tum i Rei Ulia stom udo stomfing cula annm Pse ndro a drio termucutum ai Cyli stomqua klos role ndro um um och m vitta ijim ta Cyli stomstom m omu ros culatum udo udo omuiost tice cutistria tum Vor ma m Pse Pse iost tum Plag Plag asto omu um cinc ona mi um Plic iost toma perschirone gor ris cali sala ns Plag giosstom labea or Pla eso otyl nell ctylusa arde mintidis hrom Enc Udo oda rem tyle oba isa Bot liac a Gyrmurrayttoco rhin affin Lep lus ylecoe urn uus udo icot e Pse locephaCal otyl ocotyle exig rpii i tyoc Gyr s s scogad us m halu Trog Dic layi cep halu thriuerinace ma tti e teo cep iura i Pro hrio Abolotiaides a spra Bot Gril mo stomtaen ifica om ri ystopoly m e pacros mb PolNeo thriu otyl pagsco latadi ticu nar e abo roc a hex mic agin niaden gur iola i udo Neo Biv Kuh ra tyle ser ntervisi ta ma pho Pse a pur ium e lido oco xap Dic ctanZeu tom tylematob dal ni atosltico spin nso Ple Lob Mu a hae a maonicumum i som a i somisto soma japcophor rrin vive ron ki istoSch isto a cali his cap Sch Schistosom on orc ma is busatic Sch horisth sto opsa hep icumicata icop Op ino ciolciol drit ant lae gig Cal Ech Fas Fas dena ta blep umm iumciol ras pha oel bice aticcatu ns roc Fas aceglo hepbac sce llis Tetrma ma mo um Dic um cile s uli sitre otretom graimu eatlim la Na ophnos ides ron trilin ulla ra Zal m ana ina pha cho He aliu opl atalis nig alp tea Ste hyn Bip Ect gocyce ia lac latari sor PhaPol nob s ngu wa e Pro Creelopsitria nok ens a oco hia ma kew a nan na s ndr ost us m lan nta gui De Artiop em aliu rop a mo pin roaea tyd Bip Mic ppi ra ychrran rica Pla Ne Cuia poldite ibeonica ges me ia jap lata nea a i Du ia gesia ngu ges Duges tria gui rulearfi Du Du tia san cae sch ina is posana na a tigr ta hio opl pla lan ia ensula ra Art tral eno rop ard kyutac rub itis Gir ryu ten lla Aus Ca Mic abd ia ica illum me gesia subato orh lapand tumm Duges Par antum enl pic neu us gig Du ha tom gro um bru eat issis orp nosildia omum cul ens fen ila om ecy Ch osttom bianaikaicof oph is a cyn rus enschr plic ilom tme nosape luta ros mminn pul ns i Sim Ph ecyAn nvo luta psa sce hev la Pos erm dom Co nvo ra tva lutaa vire isc cuo sis i Co ittiferus nvo lem yva ten ard m Pae Co ombek pol syl eilh sag atugotoi ast ape ssa s Sym An han thia nta aria ma nul Ap pos iofo gon sto a gra ellaa cra gan le ntalum us ii tino Atr plo Prosom padgitt a ele ras orie Ha Ac olo Pa Sa gitt a phanosvskalis Sa asc yem tice car alestin um Ph Dica acu us kow ntic oss s inte yemogl ssu na a atla Dic lan glo Cio om Ba cco Pyros Sa




oliu Lomnid ticu oru yle x An ium m m sib s Lon gel atiu offi chujap tho oni rpio CoSy ice ica m Es rokmp ra acutrite cin anx cum ide Ere cal ia hor ma tilo rna ale ion s mo lon cot icarpoack ba tium g ii syn ia one s e coq ast alb pec uim er us tina ben ta sis


Plants sa ulo ram la us iusx a anu erin n dubple nos es mp ogo sim ugi oid Ca elia ea lan ulm ca oni Lob gop Tra uss lia miajap a ota Ro rze a ptic elli zap idaia a Be com Eu cubrrya ara pal ifol ede Au ns Ga nilkatie aln ta anarom nea pic ericand gui a Ma ea ImpClethra rola am a san flor Py rax pordes a unipurpur ra lata iflo icu na Sty rosrco rop a PteSa not eni em pan iniaca is Mo rac raccos virgoni umnar Sar rillaplo ros jap col isii lla phy ica Cy spy llia ata vat lewcro Sym Dio mequieriasyl husma min Ca a che acu Fou ssa elp nge Ny ilad oge eca es PhHydrassa toth ida osaalis nse flor em Ny mp s rac cinsine aralioid ns Ca rnu s offi n Co rnu s ron dropervire lis ei Co rnu entden Co rac sem nho a nta Tet cho a swi lute ide TroBuxusbia bo occ ia erb na ylla Sa lum us eximimb xicaaph Ne tan ra um me a Pla enteco one a hex foli ta Dic lati a rna Hyp em oni

is nat ens Arg unt elliaqui a bite Sta lbobia bal liata esiichineata Ho diza trifo farg Ake uila nea etia cun dra nsis Lar oxa yan Boq cais nch ra ade nsis De ofra toda polcaff canane s ma Sin gentele ora ums tais dou issi Sar Eup osp ermulu sarsimplic m es Tin nispunc ulus a atu oid Me rhiz liapalm nsis Ran unc ade lictr m Ran tho trifo can tha atu Xan ptis ium um tis um pelt ca Co ucid m iace m Gla raslophyllyllu esti Hyd oph dom elsam cor ersu Cau dina exc dem ns ia mu dum Pod idus sce Nan ght perhyllum flor ore Kni cos as albi us arb Pla atop Cer safr nthmum teri tica ata Sas ycayos win ma min Cal ys aro acu ryi um Hed ys lia hen atan nse osa Drim Drim gno a hay ade ent na Ma um ezia Sar rum can tom anduus is Asa rum chia fern Asa tolo s cern ens atus Aris toris s chin s spic ata Lac ruru ens na Sau rurunthunia cord rica serp Sau ora ia m Chl ttuy sura ame neu Hou erom kad he ana terra Pep er ancafric er sub nse Pip sop is Pro nora rub m aice Hyd inus hytu jam ens Cyt brop umcayenn sa cras hii llii Om bali Scy osis ea keit zipe osaea um Hel yna ia fung Cor fles thes hypoga cine Raf zan horaa coc Rhi nop orffi iana Bala gsd riumlich sis Lan omo wal uen Cyn us s luch ttii i Pin ellio iana rpa klini Pinu us mar oca is Pin a lasi olep frans Pice s lept trobosustu folia yllus es Abie x oph noid Lari aros axis s taxi omo Lag asit pity s hyp talis Par mno adu s trich cos us Pru llocl adu elat Phy llocl rpus ua Phy oca rpus i tus spic a Pod oca nag con gon dii Pod eia falca a tetra eral s Nag eia thae ss fitzg ra oide Nag ego chry

tus Sax oca obo totadacrydi ricainum Micr ostr rpus Micr oca rpus imbress Pod ryca rpuscup ris Dac ryca um stamna ylla Dac rydi robucolu roph amii Dac this a hete ingh Aga cari lsasis ides Arau caria cunn erio Arau caria exceeen tom is rpa Arau cariaborn ens Arau this cryp roca a des Aga ania s chin mac osan s Taiw peru us form rren oboi Juni ress us decu tostr na Cup cedr us glyp nica onia Calo cedr oia japo wils a Calo sequ ria s osan Meta tometaxufera Cryphalo nuci form ta Cep ya xusei icilla Torre ntota mair vert Ame s itys arnica Taxu dop sinic Scia edra califo tilis litica Eph edra saxa yphi Eph edra antiss Eph edra uren oldii m Eph tum leyb floru Gne tum nodi anum bilis Gne tum afric mira

Gne tum chia ila sis Gne witspum Wel ia taitungen a ria Zam s bilob luna entale Cyca go moccid lleri Gink ychiu mue Botr hnumis erula a Blec olep scab incis Hyp ia ris linum Paes opte aqui rctica Histi idium a anta ta nsis Pter soni hirsuchine ris llioides Dick hitis oria lineadava Loncntos eris Odo nopt schiaianum Dicra enbo radd nicum s Vandntum japo nidu momea Adia dium m iifolia Lygo eniu cinna latum Aspl unda ris lygod petio Osm opte sum m Angi oglos nudu ensis Ophi tum ris tannstum Psilo sipte robu ale Tme setum hyem ata m ns Equi setum nata inund Equi inia lla tristachyu Salv podie m ula Lyco podiu lucid lia maria Lyco rzia taxifo Hupe rzia m phleg lii Hupepodiu la voge osa Lyco ginel la umbr nii Sela ginelengelman m Sela es durieui idatu cusp tre Isoet es Isoet gnum palus s Spha gnum os natan tre Spha ocarp ns rupes um Ricci a fluitasma conicerica Ricci ocha alum spha Plagi ceph hemirata Cono ulia quad Rebo sia romanica orpha polym Preis gia elli Buce hantia phylla donn us Marc helicorpos texangynum Riella eroca rpusandro um Spha eroca m Spha omniu m turgid Aulac omniu m hians a Aulac nchiu Eurhy ia acuta metric Blind ia hygrontha ineum Ward phylla m stram Ulota trichu Ortho a ruralis ta lius Tortul trunca taxifo rium eri Pottia ens scopa Fissidnum um gardn llum Dicra omitri affinenophy Ptych mnium hyme Plagiomnium m m Cyrto hornustygiu es Mnium dium Cincli crudaria bryoid ata Pohlia hhofe ria elong Mielic hhofe eri carpum Mielic boland macro Pohlia tomum sa me Leptos a uliginopyrifor es Meesi ryum mnioid Leptoblodon luteum ta um Tetrap num pulchrum Splachia lingula um Taylor ymeni gigante Brach bryum um Rhodo donian Bryum alpinumiticium m Bryum caesp julaceu Bryum bryum eum carpa Anomo argent es Bryum pta rhapdo longip ca Encalyrittonia Bryob ria aquati etica Scoule lis antipyr lineare Fontinaontium Orthod ia stricta ascens Bartramgia ciliata purpur

Hedwi carpus Rhaco otis fontanarmis gratiae Philon ia pomifo vallis Bartrambryum undulatum um Pyrrho hecium rutabul ta Plagiot thecium cuspida Brachy onella siforme ens Callierg cupres sus splend Hypnummium us squarroe Hyloco adelph pyriform Rhytidi mitrium etrica Physco hygrom patens Funaria mitrella alis Physco sibiricaautumn Timmia niella leiantha Jameso annia ne Jungermeia arguta commu tum Calypoghum Polytric angusta m m Atrichumhum formosu Polytric undulatu Atrichums pellucida Tetraphi a rupestris oides Andreae lepidozi Takakia a rothii Andreae ros agrestis Anthoce ros laevis a Anthoce epiphyll ii Pellia a nemorea brongart es Scapani gyna Symphyoila adiantoidla Plagiochlea tomentel ylla Trichoco lea heteroph Lophoco ronia pusilla sis Fossomb ronia brasilien Fossomba furcata Metzgeritrium hookeri Haplomi pinguis nii Riccardia horneman Chara curtissii Chara hispida Chara foetida Chara vulgaris s Chara conniven Chara muelleri Chara australis macropogon mnium Chara Lamprotha mnium papulosum Lamprotha mnus barbatus Lychnotha obtusa Nitellopsis preissii Chara axillaris Nitella porteri Tolypellaflexilis Nitella te scutata Coleochae te orbicularis Coleochae ium flaccidumus Klebsormid s atmophytic Chlorokybuma longiseta Raphidone cus aerius atus Bracteacoc cus grandis Bracteacoccus medionucle

m ra lii uet neu m gui la hal m icu a triqsan ricu anum nin sa m nut ans xic imu tyrrhen cho cap niu lla mic toi me Ca tero odi sie rum min m imo dyi niu He mnripp ent rum bro trum odi mik s a um Gy Sc rocrocentcen ars ium opi cid llat Pro Pro oro aph din don sci oce ans

Bracteacoc us minor Bracteacocc us giganteus Bracteacocc zofingiensis Chlorella mus stipitatus Ankistrodesus ovalternuscapitatus Scenedesm us producto Scenedesm us obliquus Scenedesmus rubescens Scenedesm s vacuolatus Scenedesmu oocystiformis Scotiellopsis terrestris Scotiellopsismultistriata Coelastrella s pupukensis Scenedesmus costato granulatus Scenedesmu abundans Scenedesmuss communis Scenedesmu aquatica Neochloris vigenis Neochloris hindakii Characium reticulatum Hydrodictyonduplex Pediastrumaeria echinozygotum Tetracystis Chlorococcum hypnosporum Chlorococcum s moewusii Chlamydomona pitschmannii Chlamydomonas noctigama Chlamydomonas Carteria radiosa Carteria crucifera Polytoma oviforme monadina Chlamydomonas fimbriata Chlamydomonas rapa Chlamydomonas asymmetrica Chlamydomonas Hormotila blennista Gloeococcus maximus baca Chlamydomonas zebra Chlamydomonas Chloromonas oogama debaryana Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Chlamydomonas Volvox carteri Paulschulzia pseudovolvox Polytomella parva Hafniomonas reticulata Chloromonas serbinowi nivalis Chlamydomonas Chloromonas rosae Chloromonas clathrata Chlamydomonas macrostellata Chlamydomonas mutabilis Chlamydomonas bipapillata Chlamydomonas radiata minuta Chlorococcopsis Botryococcus braunii Ascochloris multinucleata Protosiphon botryoides Spongiochloris spongiosa Gongrosira papuasica Characium saccatum Characium vacuolatum Chloromonas perforata Chlorococcum oleofaciens Pleurastrum insigne Haematococcus zimbabwiensis Polytoma ellipticum Polytoma anomale Polytoma mirum Polytoma obtusum Polytoma uvella Polytoma difficile Chlamydomonas pulsatilla Chlamydomonas humicola Chlamydomonas dysosmos Dunaliella parva Dunaliella salina Asteromonas gracilis Spermatozopsis similis Muriella aurantica Chaetophora incrassata Stigeoclonium helveticum Fritschiella tuberosa Hormotilopsis tetravacuolaris Planophila terrestris Hormotilopsis gelatinosa Chaetopeltis orbicularis Oedogonium cardiacum Oedocladium carolinianum Oedogonium angustistomum Bulbochaete hiloensis Pleurastrum paucicellulare Parietochloris pseudoalveolaris Characium perforatum Pleurastrum erumpens Pleurastrum terrestre Chlorella sorokiniana Chlorella lobophora Chlorella vulgaris Muriella terrestris Chlorella kessleri Chlorella minutissima Nanochlorum eucaryotum Prototheca wickerhamii Chlorella protothecoides Prototheca zopfii Chlorella ellipsoidea Chlorella mirabilis Stichococcus bacillaris Choricystis minor Chlorella saccharophila Chlorella luteoviridis Dictyochloropsis reticulata Trebouxia jamesii Trebouxia arboricola Trebouxia asymmetrica Trebouxia usneae Trebouxia impressa Myrmecia biatorellae Friedmannia israeliensis Myrmecia astigmatica Trebouxia magna Chlorella homosphaera Microthamnion kuetzingianum Leptosira obovata Siphonocladus Ernodesmis tropicus Cladophora verticillata Cladophora prolifera Microdictyoncoelothrix Cladophora boergesenii Cladophora liebetruthii Cladophoracatenata socialis Valonia utricularis Chamaedoris Cladophoropsispeniculum membranacea Cladophora pellucida Cladophoropsis Cladophora zollingerii Cladophora pellucidoidea Cladophora vagabunda Cladophora sericea Cladophora albida Acetabularia rupestris Acetabularia dentata Acetabularia major Acicularia acetabulum Polyphysa schenkii Polyphysa peniculus parvula Neomeris Cymopoliadumentosa Chlorocladuvan bosseae Batophora s australasicu Batophora occidentalis s Bornetella oerstedii nitida Pseudoneoc Gloeotilopsi hloris marina Protoderma s planctonica Pseudendo sarcinoidea clonium Ulothrix basiliense Myrmeciazonata Tetraselmisbisecta Tetraselmis convolutae Scherffelia striata Oltmannsiedubia Pseudosco llopsis Nephrose urfieldia viridis marina Mantonielllmis olivacea Coccoid a squamata Stein Achlya green alga bisexualis Lagenidium Phytophth giganteum Developayora megasper Hyphochy ella elegans ma Cymatos trium catenoide Papilioce ira belgica s Thalassio llulus elegans Thalassio sira eccentric a Skeletone sira rotula Skeletonema costatum Lauderia ma pseudoco Porosira borealis statum Chaetoc glacialis Chaetoc eros didymus Eucamperos rostratus Odontell ia antarctic Ditylum a sinensis a Streptothbrightwe lli Lithodes eca thamesis Pseudo mium undulatu Pseudo nitzschia m Bacillar nitzschia pungens Nitzschia paxillife multiseri es Cylindroia apiculatr a Asterion theca closteriu Rhapho ellopsis glaciliam Thalass neis belgicae Fragilari ionema Actinoc a striatulanitzschioides Coscinoyclus Corethr discuscurvatulus radiatus Rhizosoon criophilu Melosir lenia m setigera Aulacosa varians Aulacos eira Stepha eira ambigua distans Giraudynopyxis Saccor opsis broschi stellifera i Desma hiza polysch Chorda restia Sporoc tomentligulataides osa Costar hnus comos Hizikia ia costata us Myagro fusiform Sargas psis myagro is Sargas sum ides Sargas sum macrocarpum confus Cocco sum horner um Cystos phora i Fucus eira langsd hakoda orfii Fucus distich Pelveti gardne us tensis ri Ectoca a babing tonii Scytos rpus Botryd iphon siliculo Triboneium loment sus aria Hetero ma stoloniferum aequa Botryd thrix debilis le Vauch iopsis Vacuo eria interce Hetero laria bursata dens Chatto sigmavirescens Sarcin nella akash Aureo ochrys subsalsaiwo Coccomona is marin s lagune a Pelag id pelago Pelag omon phytensis Aureo ococc as calceo Coccococcu us subvir lata s anoph idis Tesse id strame ageffe Mallo llaria nopile rens Mallo mona volvoc ina Synurmona s rasilis s papillo Synur a peters Synur a glabra enii sa Synur a sphag Synur a spino nicola Malloma mammsa Mallo onas illosa Mallo mona cauda Synu mona s matvi ta s akrok enkoa Mallo ra uvella Mallo mona omos e Mallo mona s annul Mallo mona s striataata Chrys mona s adam Ochro onephs splen as dens Parap mona ele palus Oikom hysoms danic Hibbe onas onas a tris Chrom rdia muta vestit Parap ulinamagn bilis a a Nann hysom chrom Nann ochlo onas ophila Nann ochlo ropsis foram Aped ochlo ropsis granu inifera Pterid inella ropsi ocula lata Pseu omon radia s salinata Rhizo dope as ns Ciliop chromdinel danic a Dicty hrys ulinala elast Thrau ocha infus cf ica Laby stoch spec ionummarin a Ulken rinthu ytriumulum Laby ia profuloides kinne Sylua rinthu nda halio i Cafe nia loide tidis Blas teria mono s minu Protetocys roenb mast ta ergeniga Loxo romo tis Loxo des nashominis sis Blep des magn lacer Eufo haris striat us tae Clim llicul ma us Spiro acos ina ame Tetra stom tomuuhlig rican um Tetra hyme um m i Tetra hyme na amb viren Tetra hyme na nann iguums Tetra hyme na hype eyi Tetra hyme na pigm rangu Tetra hym na patul entos laris a Tetra hymeena capri a Tetra hyme na hege corni Tetra hym na austr wisc s Tetra hyme ena therm alis hi Tetra hyme na mala ophil Tetra hyme na bore ccen a Tetra hym na cana alis sis Tetra hym ena pyrifo dens Glau hym ena tropi rmis is Colp com ena corlis calis Oph idium a emp si chat idoky Ichthryog toni rea Opis yophlenacampylu Vort thon thiriucate m Vort icella ecta s nula mult Para icell micr henn ifiliis Uron meca conv osto eguy Coh ema ium allar ma i Pse nilem mari 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iod din ium sim i coh Gy roceod iod iniuium cor nii Lep mn entiniu iniu m me culplex Gy Gy mn ido odi rumm m micpilo and oru sum rina m vis rod odi din niu pan iniu niu ium m fus cum roadria e m m viri cumamens ticu imp cat de is m udi ena cum tum


The value of the “unused” space: Through the five eyes of a small being Trying to look at places and projects from a new angle or from a new perspective can be very fruitful in design projects. In our research the group ran into the concept of “unused space” a couple of times, as one of the descriptions about parts of the extended Rosenlundsparken, the Western end in particular. What does it mean when a space is unused? Who or what has the right to claim the space without regards to other things? Aren’t we but a single one of the 3-100 million species?9

seven recognised species. Honey bees represent only a small fraction of the approximately 20,000 known species of bees10. I particularly looked at the Apis family: the honeybee. We, homo sapiens, have been drawn to the sweet taste of honey for thousands of years and at some point we domesticated honeybees. In a wall painting in Egypt from around 2422 BCE workers are depicted blowing smoke into hives as they are removing honeycombs. So apiculture or beekeeping is not exactly a new trend.

I chose another species to look at the area, the honey bee. Honey bees, or the Apis family are a genus within contains a total of 44 subspecies within 9 Mora C, Tittensor DP, Adl S, Simpson AGB, Worm B (2011) How Many Species Are There on Earth and in the Ocean? PLoS Biol 9(8): e1001127. doi:10.1371/journal. pbio.1001127. (Retrieved May 12, 2013). (Quote: “Globally, our best approximation to the total number of species is based on the opinion of taxonomic experts, whose estimates range between 3 and 100 million species”.)

10 Honey bee. (2013, May 12). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index. php?title=Honey_bee&oldid=555201312 (Retrieved May 12, 2013).

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CCD / Co


In some are lands, Gree to 50% of h

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And why sh tag on this tween 50-1 agricultural "If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, man would have only four years to live" - Einstein

Wines, Michael (28 March 2013). "Mystery Malady Kills More Bees, Heightening Worry on Farms". New York Times. Retrieved 31 March 2013. Krupke, Christian H.; et al. (3 January 2012). "Multiple Routes of Pesticide Exposure for Honey Bees Living Near Agricultural Fields". In Smagghe, Guy. PLOS One 7 ( McDonald-Gibson, Charlotte (4/29/2013). "'Victory for bees' as European Union bans neonicotinoid pesticides blamed for destroying bee population". The Indep http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/episodes/silence-of-the-bees/impact-of-ccd-on-us-agriculture/37/

Bees are healthier in cities than in the countryside.

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But the cities are not a good place to raise bees, are they? Surprisingly, the industry has discovered that bees kept in urban areas are healthier and produce better honey. In rural areas, bees are victims of the disappearance of wild flowers, caused by excessive monoculture and the misuse of pesticides.11, 12 11 Krupke, CH. (2012, January 3). Multiple Routes of Pesticide Exposure for Honey Bees Living Near Agricultural Fields (Abstract). In Smagghe, Guy. PLOS One 7 (1): e29268. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.002926 (Retrieved May 5, 2013). 12 McDonald-Gibson, C (2013, April 29). “’Victory for bees’ as European Union bans neonicotinoid pesticides blamed for destroying bee population”. The Independent. http://www.independent.co.uk/ environment/nature/victory-for-bees-as-european-unionbans-neonicotinoid-pesticides-blamed-for-destroyingbee-population-8595408.html (Retrieved May 5, 2013).

More and more beekeepers are moving their hives to city gardens and parks. Fewer pesticides and a greater biodiversity are helping bee colonies to thrive there.13 And actually there are many urban beehives in Stockholm.

13 Tanguy M (2010, June 23). Can cities save our bees? The alarming decline in the number of bees is well known, but their salvation could come from an unlikely area. The Guardian. http://www.guardian. co.uk/commentisfree/2010/jun/23/can-cities-savebees (Retrieved May 12, 2013).

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the bees 27 //

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Worker bee


What about those bees? We people have known about the sweet taste of honey for thousands ofyears and at some point we domesticated honeybees. In a wall painting in Egypt from around 2422 BCE workers are depicted blowing smoke into hives as they are removing honeycombs. So apiculture or beekeeping is not exactly a new trend. There are around 20.000 types of wild bees. Some species are solitary (e.g. mason bees) and some live in small colonies, (e.g., bumblebees). In beekeeping the social species of honey bees that produce honey in large amounts has been domesticated. In Europe and America the Western honey bee (Apis mellifera) is the most popular among beekeepers - and that species has several sub-species or regional varieties, such as the Italian bee (Apis mellifera ligustica), European dark bee (Apis mellifera mellifera), and the Carniolan honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica). In the tropics, other species of social bee are managed for honey production, including Apis cerana.14 14 Beekeeping. (2013, May 15). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index. php?title=Beekeeping&oldid=555216656. (Retrieved May 15, 2013).

Honey bees produce create honey from flower nectar and also create the hexagon shaped honeycomb-wax to store both the honey and the cells where new members of the colony are raised. The honey is produced and stored for the colony to survive the winter months, since the queen continues laying worker bee eggs during that time, and the colony therefore does not hibernate like bumblebees do, where only the queen waits off the winter. Honey bees pollinate about 100 flowering food crops including apples, nuts, broccoli, avocados, soybeans, asparagus, celery, squash and cucumbers, citrus fruit, peaches, kiwi, cherries, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, cantaloupe, melons, as well as animal-feed crops, such as the clover that’s fed to dairy cows. One third of our food is pollinated by bees.15, 16

15 Beekeeping. (2013, May 15). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index. php?title=Beekeeping&oldid=555216656 (Retrieved May 15, 2013). 16 Silence of the Bees. Impact of CCD on US Agriculture. Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). http:// www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/episodes/silence-of-thebees/impact-of-ccd-on-us-agriculture/37/ (Retrieved May 11, 2013).

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"If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, man would have only four years to live" - Einstein

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Extinction of experience “Biodiversity loss is a matter of great concern among conservation scientists, but the wherewithal to reverse this trend is generally lacking. One reason is that nearly half of the world’s people live in urban areas and are increasingly disconnected from nature. If there is to be broad-based public support for biodiversity conservation, the places where people live and work should be designed so as to provide opportunities for meaningful interactions with the natural world. Doing so has the potential not only to engender support for protecting native species, but also to enhance human well-being. Accomplishing these goals will necessitate conservation scientists forging new collaborations with design professionals, health practitioners and social scientists, as well as encouraging the participation of the general public.”17 Urban beekeeping a central area as popular as Rosenlundsparken could help fight ignorance about the other lifeforms, at least the one of bees, and therefore help fight extinction of experience.

17 Miller JR (2005). Biodiversity conservation and the extinction of experience.(Abstract). Trends Ecol Evol. 2005 Aug;20(8):430-4. Epub 2005 Jun 13. Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management and Department of Landscape Architecture, Iowa State University. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pubmed/16701413 (Retrieved May 15, 2013).

CCD There has been a dramatic decline in numbers of feral bees for decades, but now the last decade there has been a dramatic reduction of the colonies maintained by beekeepers as well, with up to 30-70% colony deaths in the United States.18 CCD is probably compounded by a combination of factors, but many researches point to use of neonicotinoid pesticides in agriculture to be one of the primary causes. Those pesticide chemicals seem to be persistent in irrigation channels and in soil. Should we people care? To simplify things, there has been put a price tag on the importance of these hard working pollinators possible - the EU have stated that the bees contribute over €22 billion annually to European agriculture.19 And if Einstein was true when he stated: “If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, man would have only four years to live”20 - we have to address this problem of CCD, since honey bees and even other bee species seem to be disappearing fast. 18 Bee. (2013, May 12). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bee (Retrieved May 12, 2013). 19 Jolly D (2013, April 29). Europe Bans Pesticides Thought Harmful to Bees, The New York Times. http:// www.nytimes.com/2013/04/30/business/global/30ihteubees30.html?_r=0 (Retrieved May 5, 2013). 20 Siegle L (2011). How can I help save our bees? The British bee is still in decline, but home hives may not be the answer. The Guardian. http://www.guardian.co.uk/ environment/2011/jul/03/lucy-siegle-british-bee-hive (Retrieved May 19, 2013).

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The queen Queen ♀ Only one per hive. Lives for 2-7 years. The queen is made from a regular worker bee egg, but fed on royal jelly and is raised in a larger brooding cell. When the virgin queen is fully developed, she will emerge from her cell and either fight her sisters to death or leave with a part of the population of the hive, a phenomenon called ‘swarming’. Then the virgin bee and her new colony set out to find a spot for a new hive. The virgin queen then starts her mating period. She flies out to mate with the 12-15 drones and stores around 6 million sperm from multiple drones in her spermatheca. She will selectively release sperm for the remaining 2–7 years of her life.

Swarming: When conditions are favorable for swarming, the queen will start laying eggs in queen cells. Overcrowding and congestion in the nest are factors which predispose colonies to swarm. The presence of an old queen and a mild winter also contribute to the development of the swarming impulse. A honey bee swarm has neither young nor food stores and will not exhibit defensive behavior unless unduly provoked.21 22

21 Queen bee. (2013, May 8). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index. php?title=Queen_bee&oldid=554064398 (Retrieved May 8, 2013), 22 Ellis M (2013). Honey Bee Swarms. Some useful information about an amazing phenomenon. Department of Entomology, University of NebraskaLincoln. http://entomology.unl.edu/beekpg/beeswarm. shtml (Retrieved May 8, 2013).

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The worker bee Worker bee ♀ 50.000-60.000 per hive Worker bees are hatched from fertilized eggs that the queen puts in a brooding cell. The queen controls how many eggs she fertilizes. The workers build, defend and maintain the hive, make and store honey, feed and take care of the larvae and the queen.

The tasks of the worker bee: • Honey sealing • Drone feeding • Attending the queen • Honeycomb building • Pollen packing • Propolizing • Carrying dead bees out of the hive • Fanning, ventilating and cooling • Water carrying • Foraging, scout bees (days 22–42) 23

23 Bee. (2013, May 1). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved May 8th, 2013, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index. php?title=Bee&oldid=553034875.

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The drones Drone ♂ 200-1.000 Lives for 90 days The drones sole function is to mate with virgin queens. The mating happens in air, usually 10-40 m above ground. The queen mates with 12-15 drones. They do not take care of themselves, but are fed by the worker bees.24

24 Bee. (2013, May 1). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved May 8th, 2013, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index. php?title=Bee&oldid=553034875.

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1 kg honey


1 x hypothetical honeybee


2.000.000 nectar producing flowers

One honey bee produces one or two teaspoons of honey in its lifetime. To produce one kg of honey a bee would have to visit around 2 million One honey bee produces one or two teaspoons of honey in flowers and fly a distance that equals flying 4,4 its lifetime. To produce one kg of honey a bee would have to times around the world! (Reference: http://www. visit around 2 million flowers and fly a distance that equals honeycouncil.ca/chc_poundofhoney.php)

flying 4,4 times around the world!

Reference: http://www.honeycouncil.ca/chc_poundofhoney.php


Area covered by a foraging bee.

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176.000 km 4,4 times around the world

< 400 m



The basic physical needs of a beehive setting.

~32 m

Recommended beehive density in an urban setting.

Urban setting: <4 beehives per every 1.000m2

Basic needs of an urban beehive A beehive does not need so many things. It needs a sunny spot, since the bees are coldbooded and need the warmth of the sun. It needs a water source preferably within 400 m from the hive, and for urban beehives it is important to provide it from the start, since the bees will remember the position of it and keep to that one, even though the beekeeper might try to change it. Also, that will decrease the risk of thirsty bees seeking water from drinks and children playpools etc. The hive also needs shelter from winds. For an urban setting it is recommended to place up to four beehives for every 1.000m2.

Bees will usually forage within 2 km of the beehive, but if needed, they will go up to 8 km for food if needed. 25

25 Traynor J (2002). How Far Do Bees Fly? One Mile, Two, Seven? And Why? Beesource. Retrieved May 2nd, 2013, from http://www.beesource.com/point-of-view/ joe-traynor/how-far-do-bees-fly-one-mile-two-seven-andwhy/

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Redefining values


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In our research phase of the project, we have come to understand Rosenlundsparken to be split into two parts. Roughly speaking, the popular one and the one with a natural character. Instead of making the project be about how to make the natural part popular, this project is about using the absence of homo sapiens in this particular place, namely for bees, as a way of giving back to other lifeforms

in the city, and undo a tiny fraction of what we have done to harm them. This collaborative living calls for three parts, and I have split the project into those three parts, “Learning”, “Caring” and the third one is “Redefining values”.

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Learning Understanding and knowledgeability is a crucial part of the project. The learning part of the project is situated in the popular part of the park, close to a much used walking path (that might or might not turn into a bus-road), so it is highly visual. It is comprised of a few play sculptures, and I have designed those three; an interactive screen, bench to tempt tired legs and a sound sculpture. In the interactive hexagon the curious can find information about the bees. A touchscreen and speakers that are built into a prefabricated unit made from yellow tinted concrete, it is polished and waxed to achieve a smooth matte surface. The intention

is that the learners may understand themselves being but a part of the Rosenlundsparken’s ecosystem. The benches are made of the same yellow tinted concrete prefabricated unit, polished and waxed. The seating part is made from wooden planks, polished and lacquered. The play-/sound sculpture has a hollow sound that magnifies the rain, hinting one should stay inside, like the bees do on rainy days. The frame is made from welded metal, and hammered thin brass plates are brazed onto the frame.

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Learning_ Interactive screen for outdoor use_ Scale 1:10_ // 46


CCD / Colony Collapse Disorder

“If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, man would have only four years to live” - Einstein Honeybees are in trouble. In some areas of the world (e.g. North America, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Ireland) up to 50% of honeybee colonies abruptly die or disappear. CCD is probably compounded by a combination of factors, but many researches point to

use of neonicotinoid pesticides in agriculture to be one of the primary causes. Those pesticide chemicals seem to be persistant in irrigation channels and soil. In April 2013 the European Union announced plans to restrict the use of certain pesticides to stop bee populations from declining further and by the end of the month passed legislation which banned the use of several neonicotinoids for the following two years.

Should we care? To simplify things, there has been put a price tag on this impending crisis. The loss is projected have somewhere between 50- SEK (8-15 billion US dollars) effect on America’s agricultural economy. § Wines, Michael (28 March 2013).

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Learning_ Benches_ Scale 1:10_ Benches intended for outdoor use. Yellow tinted concrete prefabricated unit, polished and waxed. Seating part is made from wooden planks, Learning_ polished and lacquered. Benches_ // 48 Scale 1:10_

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Learning_ Playsculpture_ // 50 Scale 1:10_

Redefining/appropriating space The last part is situated in the natural part of the park, the less popular one. There beehives will be put up, e.g. in collaboration with Bee Urban or similar companies that have the know how for taking care of larger scales of bee populations. In this area a total maximum of 20 beehives can be put up, preferably fewer. Also, it would help planting nectar bearing flowers in order to sustain the increased number of inhabitants in the area.

Learning_ Playsculpture_ Scale 1:10_ Playsculpture. The frame is made from welded metal, and hammered thin brass plates are brazed51 onto// the

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Caring Yellow tinted concrete prefabricated unit, polished and waxed. These units are spread around the park, positioned where the sun shines, and preferably in or close to flower beds with nectar bearing flowers. These units act as waypoints leading the way between the two different parts of Rosenlundsparken. The empty shelves are filled with branches, tree stubs, bricks and wooden planks that holes have been drilled

into, for the solitary bees and insects to settle in. They need to be maintained and taken care of, e.g. in collaboration with children of grade school or the kindergarten, to generate a mutual understanding between those lifeforms of different scales.

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Caring_ Solitary bee and insect home_ Scale 1:10_ // 54

Caring_ Solitary bee and insect home_ Scale 1:10_ Yellow tinted concrete prefabricated unit, polished and waxed. These units are spread around the park, positioned where the sun shines, and preferably in or close to flower beds with nectar bearing flowers. These units act as wayposts leading the way between the two different parts of Rosenlundsparken. The empty shelfs are filled with branches , treestubs, bricks and wooden planks that holes have been drilled into, for the solitary bees and insects to settle in. They need to bee maintained and taken care of, preferably in collaboration with children, so generate a mutual understanding between those lifeforms of different scales.

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Shifting values, redifining space The last part is situated in the natural part of the park, the less popular one. There beehives will be put up, e.g. in collaboration with Bee Urban or similar companies that have the know how for taking care of larger scales of bee populations. In this area a total maximum of 20 beehives can be put up, preferably fewer. Also, it would help planting nectar bearing flowers in order to sustain the increased number of inhabitants in the area.

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