DYSLEXIA AND WHAT IT IS Dyslexia is a very common brain condition, often linked with dyspraxia and is a l e a r n i n g d i f i c u lt y t h a t c a u s e s the person to struggle with both reading and spelling words. People with dyslexia also struggle to know what sound links to each individual l e t t e r o f t h e a l p h a b e t.
HOW IT AFFECTS PEOPLE T h i s t h e n c a u s e s d i f f i c u lt y w i t h r e a d i n g when they make errors that show no connection with the sounds of the l e t t e r s s o t h e y r e a d w o r d s a s c o m p l e t e ly d i f f e r e n t ly. T h e y c a n a l s o s t r u g g l e whenreading small sight words for e x a m p l e t h a t, a n a n d i n w h i c h m a k e s i t m o r e d i f f i c u lt t o r e a d e s p e c i a l ly i f there are unfamiliar words too. Other sy m p t o m s i n c l u d e d i f f i c u lt i e s w i t h remembering dates, times, numbers etc a n d t h e y ’ l l f i n d i t e x t r e m e ly d i f f i c u lt t o learn new languages.
WHAT THE CONDITION CAUSES Dyslexia is a very common brain condition, often linked with dyspraxia and is a learning dificulty that causes the person to struggle with both reading and spelling words. People suffering with Dyslexia have difficulties decoding words and struggle a great deal with certain aspects of learning despite the fact people with it are generally cl ever people only struggle with words and spelling.
MORE ABOUT THE CONDITION People with the condition are often said to have more right dominated brains meaning they’re very artistic and on artistic coursesx a high percentage of people are seen to be suffering with Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. People with the c o n d i t i o n a r e s l o w a t v e r b a l m e m o r y, v e r b a l processing speed and phonological awareness. Phonological awareness is the key skill in people being able to read and spell and educates people in knowing how words are made up out of smaller words and units of sounds which are known as phonemes. Verbal memory is the a b i l i t y o f r e m e m b e r i n g v e r b a l ly c o m m u n i c a t e d information over a short period of time for example a list of simple instructions. Verbal processing is recorded by the length of time it takes for someone to process and recongnise familiar verbal information. An example of this would be how long is takes for someone to process and recongnise numbers and letters if they were instructed to write either words spelled out down or a phone number that has b e e n r e a d o u t. A lt h o u g h i t h a s a h u g e e f f e c t on how a person learns, it has no direct link with a persons intelligence because people of either low or high level of intelligence can have dyslexia.
HOW DYSLEXIA IS DIAGNOSED How a person reads and spells has no direct link to that persons intelligence either and people with an average level of intelligence and m i l d d y s l e x i a a r e l i k e ly t o b e m o r e skilled when it comes to things like reading and writing than people with high intelligence and a severe c a s e o f dy s l e x i a . A lt h o u g h t h e majorty of cases are diagnosed, the U . K h a s r o u g h ly 4 - 8 % o f t h e s c h o o l population diagnosed with some degree of dyslexia. It is often not diagnosed because people just assume the person is slow instead of dyslexic or because it costs a fair amount to g e t t e s t e d f o r i t.
IMPROVING THE SYMPTOMS OF DYSLEXIA Where in the English language a lot of w o r d s a r e s p e lt w i t h c e r t a i n l e t t e r s b u t p r o n o u c e d c o m p l e t e ly d i f f i r e n t ly for example cough and dough it makes it harded for dyslexic people to understand. The exact cause of the condition is unknown , but it is said to be caused by genetic factors which are linked with the development of the brain. At the current moment in time, there are no cures for dyslexia, m e r e ly w a y s t o i m p r o v e i t a n d h e l p people with dyslexia read and write better. A great deal of aids have been designed in order to help people with dyslexia for example transpapernt coloured sheets to be placed over text in order for it to be read easier.
Symptoms of dyslexia are very noticeable and vary from person to person with some people having v e r y s e v e r e c a s e s o f i t. T h e m o s t noticeable symptom is the affects it can have on spoken language, written language and language comprehension. Once dyslexics come across new and unfamiliar words they often struggle to break it down into letter-sound segments which often causes them to get frustrated. Children suffering with dyslexia will often get given extra time in exams because they often need extra time for them to process language information.