Animaltalk net about animal communication

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About Animal Communication Articles with pointers to improve your communication with animals

Click the title to find: More: Animal Communication Adventures Watch Penelope in a webinar answering questions about animal communication and doing live consultations:

ANIMAL COMMUNICAT ION: T he Telepathic Connection Penelope Smith In this age of ecological emergency, more people are seeing the need to recognize their connection with all living beings. Communication between humans and animals has taken on a deeper meaning and urgency. We can learn so much f rom the animals about how to live in harmony and balance on the Earth. For animal lovers, direct telepathic communication boosts the understanding, joy and richness possible in relationships with their animal companions and all of lif e. When we look at the roots of the word "telepathy," we f ind that it means "f eeling across a distance." Telepathic communication involves the direct transmission of f eelings, intentions, thoughts, mental images, emotions, impressions, sensations, and pure knowing. Animals obviously communicate through physical action and their own complex languages. T hey also communicate telepathically, both among each other and to humans. People receive the messages to the degree they are listening, can tune in, or are perceptive to them. photo by Carole Devereux Children are born with the ability to communicate telepathically with their own and other species. Humans in this society are generally socialized to use verbal language as the accepted and "higher" mode of communication and discouraged f rom getting human or other species' thoughts and f eelings directly. We are also conditioned to believe that animals are generally inf erior to humans in their ability to think, f eel, and make non-instinctual choices, so we learn to separate ourselves f rom mutual and equal communication with them. T he word ANIMAL comes f rom the Latin, ANIMA, which means lif e principle, breath, air, soul, living being. Recognition of the spiritual essence of animals and respecting them as f ellow intelligent beings is vital to f acilitate interspecies telepathic exchange. Animals are able to communicate with humans who are open to the telepathic connection. T hey get your intentions, emotions, images, or thoughts behind the words, even if the words themselves aren't totally understood. I have communicated with animals all my lif e. Since 1971, I have successf ully used with animals the

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