Recommendations Figure 5.1 - Implementation Recommendations
1. Complete Streets
2. Improved safety
3.Enhanced bike infrastructure
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In order to increase cycling equity for all, and in particular for women, San Diego must invest in bicycle infrastructure changes. These recommendations coincide with some of what SANDAG’s Riding into 2050 Regional Bicycle Plan suggests. Ideally, our communities should implement complete streets initiatives to allow access for all levels of user mobility. These tactics will increase comfortability, convenience and safety for cyclists during their trips. They will prioritize people and community over vehicles. Second, we recommend that Class I multi-use paths, Class II buffered bike lanes, and Class IV separated bike lanes be implemented on roads where space can be reallocated. It is important that San Diego invest in a robust Regional Bike Network with bicycle infrastructure that can help to keep riders separate from vehicular traffic. Lastly, we recommend bicycle infrastructure amenities such as clear signage of cycling circulation, high volume bicycle parking, and painted lanes in high traffic conflict areas to reduce circulation confusion.