Viva Voce

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Why hashtag?


Initially showing typical imagery resembling a real magazine.

Progressing onto more truthful, brave imagery to break the conventional style of a magazine.

1) Fake adverts

Example of adverts

2) Four Editorial Pages Entitled: Airbrushed Culture Male’s are affected too Battle of the sexes A place to turn


An example editorial page

oday’s digitalised society enabled the formation of an ‘airbrushed culture’. The airbrushing tool, usually achieved with the use of Photoshop, has allowed the fascination with attaining ‘perfection’ to dominate imagery. On average we see five thousand Photoshoped images a week. It is argued that airbrushing sometimes is used to get the colour balance to reflect a more real representation, therefore not always being used in an extreme fashion, which is acceptable. Photo-manipulation of body image’s, however, represents an untruthful world of photography. It is evident that this airbrushed culture has an affect on society. Body dissatisfaction in the UK is high, particularly among young people, and what

is reiterated by society is the aversion of this ‘unobtainable image the media has created’. Routine objectification and sexualisation of images in the media and other cultural institutions can lead to anxiety, shame, self-disgust, undermined confidence and discomfort with one’s own body. Therefore it is important to raise awareness that these images are not the ‘real’ and in fact an illusory creation not to be an idealistic figure. With the help of campaigns today it highlights what society would rather see and educates a positive attitude, along with offering support to those in need. Principally what is attractive to one person is not necessarily attractive to another, beauty is in the eye of the beholder; thus see what you want to see, not what you are 9

3) Product Page

4) Negative Truth

negative is produced when using a manual camera that takes film, rather than the digital cameras that are vastly used today. A raw negative is the most truthful and purest form of imagery. It captures and records the real. It is the image before any manipulation and airbrushing. Negatives cannot lie, but photographs can. Therefore this 10-paged photographic article was created to present the beauty of an untouched image formed by negatives. The originality of photographs can be lost in translation and it is important to remember, when looking at a re-touched photograph, what the original image would have looked like. You should see what you want to see, not what you are being told to see.

Example of the style of pages

5) Six Inspirational Quotes

“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” Kahlil Gibran


An example quote page


My magazine is aimed at adolescents to young adults, to raise awareness of the affects of self image for both males and females, and to discuss current issues facing society today. I have promoted the two campaigns, Body Gossip and CALM, to highlight the support networks available if any of the issues have affected the reader.

How? Research:

Test Print: Test Print from Blurb

Test Print from




Delivery Time

9 days

6 days

Printing Quality

A few unwanted marks inside.


Paper Quality

Glossy and of good quality, but thinner pages inside means some imagery can be seen through the pages.

Glossy, with slight less shine than the Blurb cover, but very high quality and thicker pages inside.


Good quality, but doesn’t match the colour on screen with some images.

Great quality, sharp colours and matches the on screen colour.

£11.99 (For a 24 page Magazine)

£7.77 (For a 32 page Magazine)


Thumbnail Plans:

1) Topic is current and of interest. 2) Allows me to promote helpful campaigns. 3) I can experiment with photography. 4) Involves improving my skills in InDesign.

Initially I am interested in working in a magazine publishers such as IPC Media, Dennis or Haymarket.

Timetabled Plan:

Test Print:

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