portfolio katrina abad syracuse arc.
katrina abad 201 572 5133 ksabad@syr.edu
Block 10
Villa + Villa
Rabbit + Hole
Lock + Lodge
Virtual Screens
Block 10 Mattydale, Syracuse Residential and Commercial In collaboration with Erin Doherty and Dhvani Doshi Spatial and programmatic changes were introduced into the site, a 300 by 400 foot suburban block. The typical arrangement of suburban American homes, and the back and front yard, are now redundant and creates leftover spaces. This project looks to these leftover semi-public spaces as the site for an urban intervention. During the study of the site, it was found that the middle of the block between the unfenced boundaries of people’s backyards were being used as informal community spaces. From this observation, an intervention at this site was made in the form of an elevated catwalk and a corresponding loggia on the ground. A diversity of programs and new built forms along this new artery emphasize the block’s instinct inwards. With minimal intrusion on the existing homes and new connections to the center of the block, space is repurposed.
conceptual figure ground
circulation paths
Villa + Villa Florence, Italy Education and Exhibition In collaboration with Bryan Cordova The Villa Rossa is a villa at the edge of the city of Florence. Once home to the Rossa family, for the past six decades it has been used by Syracuse University as a satellite campus. This project seeks to create new studio, exhibition, and library spaces in the Villa Rossa campus. A thorough typological study of villas throughout Italy was conducted. The result was the idea of the garden as an object that can be contained and celebrated by complimentary built forms. The Mediterranean pine at the center of the villa’s courtyard became the center of project. Currently enclosed and blocked off from the adjacent park and printmaking studios, two new axes were made that reinforced the connection between the two exterior green spaces. The resultant volumes were subtly adjusted to accomodate the space around these axes while maintaining the vertical hierarchal importance of the pine.
ground floor
first floor
Rabbit + Hole Southside Syracuse, New York Learning Center The South Side Learning Center in Syracuse is an important space for the local youth to gather, play, and learn new skills. A renovation of the current building based around the idea of a child’s playfulness results in a tectonic expression that flows around structural shear walls. The form of the building is based on the interaction between informal (fluid) and formal (rigid). Mechanical systems and vertical circulation are contained within the spaces between the shear walls, while spaces for sharing, learning and exhibiting are wrapped around the central atrium.
Lock + Lodge Erie Canal, Syracuse Hostel and Campground The Erie Canal is an important waterway that crosses through Syracuse. A study of the locks that allowed boats through the canal despite topographical changs inspired an attitude towards the site that focuses on the stepped section. Located on the side of a hill, this project proposes a hostel and campground that provides access to the historical Erie Canal below. Based off of the site’s topography, the lodge is oriented towards the river. The geometry of the plan is oriented towards framing views at pivotal moments and creating a series of axes that zigzag in a manner analogous to the elevation of the canal. The pathways created connect three programs, the hostel/lodge, camping grounds, and a canoe rental store at the water.
site water movement
Erie Canal + locks
Virtual Surfaces In the digital environment, two types of surfaces can exist simultaneously in the same space -- a texture map and a surface. Unlike the conditions of our physical reality, virtual or digital spaces allow for objects to intersectm overlap or occupy the same space seemingly without conflict. This project is interested in the moment when such objects in digital space collapse. When the software eliminates information, achieved through the erasure of colored pixels from the image, a “gap” is left. By introducing mirrors in these unknown parts of the image, viewers rather than being geared towards a certain, albeit individual but still static perception, will instead constantly reconsider how to “fill in” the mirrored parts of the image. As the photographer is an active participant in the creation of an image, so is the software the author and artist of the render.
texture - surface collapse
Intaglio Bagni di Lucca, Italy Spring 2019 Exhibited at Omaggio alla Donna in - ta - glio A general term for metal-plate printmaking techniques, including etching, drypoint, engraving, aquatint, and mezzotint. The word comes from the Italian intagliare, meaning “to incise” or “to carve.” In intaglio printing, the lines or areas that hold the ink are incised below the surface of the plate, and printing relies on the pressure of a press to force damp paper into these incised lines or areas, to pick up ink.
thank you ksabad@syr.edu 201 572 5133