part 1 comp 1 with title page

Page 1

Local Area:

Here is a map of an area in Rainham, Essex. This part of Rainham borders South Hornchurch. There is a train station on the C2C line, as well as a Rainham Village very close which has takeaway shops, cafes, a nail salon, an army shop and a jewellers. A little further on is a large Tesco Extra which is the main shopping area for those who live in Rainham. There is no other superstores nearby limiting choice for those who do not drive or cannot use public transport. It is mainly full of housing estates or just housing in general. There is very little character to the ae and nothing that makes the place overly attractive. There is one attraction, Rainham Hall, where events sometimes happen and there is a large garden that is open all year round.

Narrowed down ideas:

Focusing on a smaller area of Rainham, there is a main road passing the station, a pub, a pet store, and as the road goes on it leads to a roundabout which takes you to the Tesco Extra which is a key space in Rainham.

The area circled is a space I’m considering building on. It is quite large meaning I could fit a reasonable amount of infrastructure on the plot of land. A few years ago this space had a library and a nursery on. The nursery was very small and mainly outdoor however the library was pretty large. However the Library got demolished and a new library was built further down the road in its replacement. This land has been empty for a couple of years however construction is occurring currently, and it looks like a housing estate is being built. Although new homes would be good for the public there is still many available homes that are for sale in the area, so a new attraction would be good in replacement to a housing estate. It is quite a busy area with little green space. The area around this plot also takes part in London in Bloom however plants are in pots instead of in green space making it seem very city like more than green.


My space to build

The New And Old Rainham Library:

Here is the new and old Rainham library’s.

The old library is the top row of photos, where it is located on the front of a main road. Round the right hand side there is a small road leading to he car park where an outdoor play area is located for the nursery that is built in the library building. When Rainham library was moved the building was primarily used for the nursery however the whole building has been demolished and the library and playgroup is now in the new building shown below. It is much prettier and it also borders the train station giving it easier access for those out of Rainham. There is also a bus station by it too. The old library is now a construction site and there is no remains off this building making it almost an empty bit of land.

Design Brief:

I have chosen an area in Rainham that is currently a construction site. It will have a Farmers Market in replacement of the old library instead of the housing estate that is currently being built.

After doing some research of the area of Rainham, there is lack of green and fresh feeling places. Food only comes from a superstore, Tesco Extra, which isn’t particularly fresh and there is no green space and animals making the area seem very industrialised and city like. Therefore I have decided that a farmers Market would be a great idea. It is mainly full of homes and housing estates showing that there is a large population of people who will be looking for some fresh food and will be happy to see some wildlife and some green space. It borders a pub garden which is also quite aesthetically pretty and it will add some atmosphere to the space. The pub is well known in the area so people will pass the market and see a new area for them to explore increasing the sales the farmers market will have.

Necessities for Design:

• Indoors

• Undercover

• Toilets

• Accessible for disabled

It will have to be indoors or undercover as the weather isn’t particularly great in the UK, so the stalls would get ruined in the rain, and people will not willingly stand outside in bad conditions so then market would not sell many, if any, products. I would like there to be some orderly system too as it makes it easier for customers to walk around and it also gives all stalls an equal chance of meeting receiving clients. A one way system would mean that customers will enter and exit at different ends making sure clients walk past every single stall and shop.

• Flexibility of stalls.

• Near public transport

It will need to be easily accessible for disabled people and have toilets available for all to make it a comfortable and welcoming space for all visitors. It is also located near a train station and a bus stop meaning people will be able to travel to the market easily to get their fresh goods.

• One way system to avoid crowds

Farmers Market Mood Board

Borough Market

Here I have researched and explored the design of borough market. I have took these photos from google. It is very open planned with a cover and it sells fruit, vegetables, bread and other foods similar to a Farmers Market. This is in London near the Southbank. It is made up of lots of little stalls like the ones I have drawn, and I explored these by doing perspective and elevation drawings.

Borough market layout

My Borough Market Visit:

Main Inspirations from Borough Market:

There was 2 shops that particularly inspired me. The Gift Shop and Teds Veg. The Gift Shop had merchandise for Borough Market with its branding on bags, books and cooking gadgets. This will also work as additional advertising as people will recognise the market name on peoples accessories. Teds Veg inspired me due to the colours as well as the stores content. The vegetables have been placed in a way that the colours all contrast making them look bold and extremely fresh making it more appealing. It also sold organic juices which could be a selling point for my market.

Chelsea Market - New York City Visit

Here I have researched Chelsea Market which could inspire my farmers market. I visited Chelsea Market in New York and these are the images I took myself which may influence my designs. I have drawn some elevation and perspective drawings of the interior an exterior. My main focus is the interior as my market will be outside and open planned. It has some food shops including takeaways, bakery's and other fresh food. The market is decorated with fairy lights and simplistic designs and shapes so it is atrractive.

Ocna Sugatag Market

I am most inspired by this Farmers Market in Romania. It is very similar to my initial ideas due to it being under cover. The dome gives it an outdoor feel whilst being inside, which would be practical for the UK as the weather is not reliable and bad weather would not attract people to an outdoor space. This market seems to have very little organisation as it looks rather crowed and not too spacious which is not what I plan to have. I would like to have more movement and flow in my area which will be more pleasant for my clients.

Armani 5th Avenue Staircase Visit

I visited the Armani shop in 5th avenue to explore the famous staircase. The staircase keeps the movement and flow of the shop allowing customers to browse easily whilst enjoying the fascinating architecture. It entices people around the shop influencing them into buying the Armani products. It has inspired some ideas for a flowing farmers market as I want customers to be drawn to the market as well as walking around so they buy products that the stalls and shops are going to offer.

After researching the Ocna Sugatag market, I had inspiration from garden domes. That market is under one huge dome but considering my area is much smaller, each stall could be in a dome and each company would rent a dome to sell their products. Therefore I have researched the different designs of domes. My favourite is the one with the door as it could easily be transformed into a shop giving easy access to customers. I then started to develop my own dome shapes to inspire my building for my market.

Eden Project, Cornwall:

The Eden Project is in Cornwall and was designed by Nicholas Grimshaw. It is a building that has a selection of biomes under each plastic dome. The Eden Project has the worlds biggest indoor rainforest and it also has Mediterranean biomes with a range of plants. It focuses on the interaction of nature and how dependant plants are on each other which links with the idea of the nature in a farm. I want my farmers market to incorporate the nature the products come from to provide an experience for its customers.

Nicholas Grimshaw focuses on the materials used on the Eden Project building. He used plastic flexible hexagons after being inspired by soap bubbles allowing him to create this dome shape whilst it also being a secured sturdy structure

Camping and its Nature:

After looking at the Eden Project I started to consider the wildlife and nature. The wildlife is very minimal in my space but I want the fresh feeling of the outside to be prominent. I then started to think about campsites as that is where people sleep outside with nature itself. Although people are in tents, it still allows people to get a feel for the wildlife. Tents have a particular look and shape which I would like to explore. Id like to be able to incorporate the shape of a tent in my final model to give that outside look. I then started to explore how the tents features could be used in my models.

Geometric theme

Geometric shapes to inspire models.

I have chosen the theme of geometric. The geometric theme is what I feel is necessary to the buildings of my farmers market as it can look quite modern and new due to the shape shapes. I want my building to be quite bold so that it not only stands out, but attracts customers to the area. The surrounding buildings are quite run down and old so some new architecture would definitely be an eye opener to the space. I have found some geometric shapes and took photo of them to inspire me to create models. I then made a mind map of shapes and ideas these photos have caused me to have. I focused if the diamond shape and how I could form platforms and the directions of leaves and flow to create fences and walls. I even considered decorations such as ivy hanging.

Shapes in basic forms

Ideas for models:

I started gathering ideas from my previous brief diagram and drawings. I started thinking about having a multi floored building and how I could shape each platform. I used the hexagons and split them for the idea of triangular platforms. I looked at the plant and the direction of the leaves. The leaves all fall south and hang in a light relaxed way so I created relaxed looking supports for the platform as shown. I looked at the other shape create a fence for the platform above. Although it is not suitable for rainy days and extreme weather a roof top café would be quite interesting as Rainham does not have one of them. I liked the idea of this fence to be glass so it would be more of a wall as there would not be gaps, it would be a panel of glass.

Model idea 1:

I noticed with most tents it has a triangular/ cone shape so I have created this in my model. There would be stall along 2 floors and the top floor was going to be a roof café selling food that can be bought downstairs as a try before you buy idea. The triangular shape was also inspired from the hexagons with the platform as shown on the mind map on the last slide. The posts holding the platforms up are slightly curved inspired by the leaves and the diamond multidirectional fence was inspired from my mind map too.

The Hungerford Bridge Visit:

I went to London and walked along the Southbank and come across the Hungerford Bridge which has gave me some ideas to follow on from my model idea. In my model I have posts holding up the buildings platforms which has been represented by paper strips but I wanted it to be more aesthetically pleasing. The bridges posts inspired me to create a more complex support item for my models platforms. The lights above which come on at night also make the bridge quite attractive so I need to consider the lighting in my building as well.

My Model with Bridge Inspiration:

The Hungerford Bridge inspired me to add some pyramid style supports for each platform. I needed to have a support design of sorts to make the building stand safely and this is my outcome. It makes the building seem bolder which will draw customers towards it to see a market. However the building as a whole is very dramatic which will contrast to the relaxed environment I'm trying to create in the inside therefore I think I need to come up with a new design.

Model 2 Idea:

The black card makes the model difficult to see however I have drawn some perspective drawings to make my idea clearer. I have moved away from the pyramid idea to explore some other shapes. Here I have a canopy style buildings with a big wall for shade or protection from rain however it is not very aesthetically pleasing or overly practical so this design needs remaking however I do prefer the smaller scale building for a farmer market. It does fit within the geometric theme as it has defined shapes unlike my other model making it more successful.

Model idea 3:

After deciding a smaller designer was better suited I decided on making a few small buildings which will connect. I have small canopy/ buildings so it is suitable for all weather and I could add stairs to allow people to be on the roof for a roof café or terrace of some kind. It has a range of shapes which was inspired from the geometric theme.

Model 3 was my favourite design of all the models I made due to it being quite small scale fitting the concept of a farmers Market and quite convenient for weather situations. There is roofs to protect from rain. I will also raise the floor under the roof slightly to stop water from rain running inside. I have added a wall to the café and some stairs to the cafes rooftop. The entrance is simple but it does allow the client to go in all directions easily. The toilets are separated and easily accessible for customers comfort. The stalls have two sections as that is the main attraction to the site. I was going to have one section full of food and drink and the other section full of kitchen ware and other gadgets fitting to the area.

Model 3 Layout:

Turn model into buildings trees people

Dominion Theatre Lights

I went to the Dominion Theatre and I instantly became inspired by the lights above. The lamp shade looks like a blossoming flower which made me think about my fresh food farmers market.

I want to incorporate the theme of wildlife and nature subtly and this lamp shade gave me ideas for a stall. I like stalls with small canopy's over them as it easily distinguishes them from each other. Therefore I made a flower shaped roof for a stall. I would like to make the interior woodland themed. The shape of the roof also looks slightly like a toadstool so there could be many avenues taken from the Dominion Theatres lighting to inspire my stalls for my market.

Woodland Mood Board

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